d Monday L SIZES ench Kid Gloves $1.50 Pair. - on these. c ibbons ections ever brought to our low price make this vk Cashmere NGS full sizes and considered t 18c. Pair ssc. Loo 12M ard To re just received a bi Dongola Kid, Blucher Shoes, larly .worth. . We will clear the ing prices, Th se 5 2§ to 7, 81.50 "11 to 2, $1.25 6 to 10, $1.00 d Trunks cheap, and noe Store ISIS AA mons and tion. The basis of its principles and be- lief is that the vast majority of the women of Great Britain do not want the franchise, and that the leaders of suffragists repres:nt but them- selves and a very unimportant section of the feminine community. The anti- suffragists hold that sphere is the home, and and knitting and other household dut- ies are more congenial and more pro- per than association with the ballot- the box. Among the women who are promin- : ent in this new movement are Geor-| Hyde Park street, who is acting as giana Countess of i Countess of Iichester, Countess of De- | men's suffrage movement. It may safe- sart, Viscountess Downe, Lady Rose|ly be said that no political proposal Wéigall, Ladv Dorothy Nevill. Lady | of recent Haversham, Lady Annette de Trafford, | spread an 'antagonism among women the Hon. T.adv du Cane, Lady Buch-| as that to confer votes on women. anan Riddell, Lady Duff, Lady Magnus and others 'almost equally distinguish- | ally christened yet," Miss Taylor yes: ed The enthusiasm all try in favor of the most extraordinary. Only a fortnight ago the women who shriek for suf- frage were continually before the pub- | Later on we may organize the extra- lic gaze, and the voices of the women | ordinary volume of opinion our ap- who do not want the vote were drown- | peal has brought to light into an as- | support and encouragement. vate. 1 cannot understa EN CLAIM sharp conflict imprison- eral feeling of woman's proper that sewing Cupless: Ilchester Guilford, Mary | honorary secretary to the anti-wo- ears has aroused so wide- "The movement has not been offici- terday. "It is almost too large a over the coun- | question to be hampered by a name new movement is | either' of an association or a society. "It practically means the union of all the womanly women of England. ed. The position is fast. becoming re- | sociation, but there is time enough for The versed. that. writes : "It is a pity that women | is so well represented in parlinment. | enfranchise a man. Some of 'the most important shops | ('We wish to point ont that the re- | should wish to be the rank and file of | Women have an enormous sphere bee | This means that any woman in London have writtem for forms of [sult of our appeal has been marvel- | the army instead of being content to | fore them ip guardinnships, ete. Let [payer sball have a vote, and that =» protest against the granting of votes | ous, for the following reasons," con- | officer to women, which their employes wish | tinued Miss to sien. The protest has heen signed | membered that the bv the entire feminine staffs of some | been circulated of the hospitals, from the 'matron to | night; the youngest wardmaid. Thousands tel Tavlor: 'It must be re- protest has only | Lady during the last fort- that no Miss . BE. K™* Taylor, of| Miss Taylor Tins received LET THE SEC ALONE] _ er NEED NO VOTE, Thousands Greet With Enthus- iasm a Formidable Movement in Antagonism to That Which Seeks Woman's Suffrage. London, March 22.--Great and what promises. to be a widespread movement of the women in England against the granting of the electoral franchise to their sex has been started hee, and is SRE fo pote wi t of woman suffragists. The action of the latter, i. ly their invasion of the House of Com- the subsequent ment of many of the leaders for riot, has caused a pretty something akin to le, at all events, disapprobation--and the result is the inception of this counter-agita- ph Er number of letters and telegrams of aggrieved because they have not "1 have signed the protest," writes ber of my friends are doing likewise. | of influence, "Hf they wish any great meetings have been | We should be the laughing stock of { and feasible question brought before | confer a vote on all female Yatepayers | which comes by held, no literature has been distribut- | Europe if the parliament, there are always members | and occupiers on the same terms oe of women who do not|ed and there has been practically no | were passed." wont the vote have sent letters and | organization." "The y 0 a large.jmen with large KINGSTON, ONTARIO, S. ES ES FFRA: , OF ARISTOCRATIC ENGLISH ANTI-SU A GROUP Russell women who do notzwant it, | would be the case {are in a vast majority." not idle, promise to vote for their bill, | mensure has been introduced in House of Commis by Mr. | This proposes that 8 | marriage shall he a ew ady, Dutt Gordon. Ddwager Countess . of Desart| should be the case. Landed property it from superior heights.' them develop these before thinking of | married woman, who is a joint the franchise. "Women do not realize their power Hamilton Gordon, "anf a num- | Che also be entitled to vote, Woman's Sufirage Bill V of Darlinment who ore ready ta do | on the other sox, but to extend 80." franchise to females. we is a mistaken idea that wo- properties should be "1 feel very strongly," writes Lady ---------- rs e-------- me---------- GISTS = Reynolds, *the injustice of [ forcing the vote upon thousands if the Woman's | Suffrage Bill wero passed, My truest. are Mr. Stuart, | sympathy goes cut to the cause, I have good reason to believe that we, i the women who do not want the vote, Meanwhile the women suffragists are and have just scored a Vie | tory in securing from the premier a | the neither sex nor b disqualification nd why this | from the franchise if a woman pos- sesses the same qualification as would | been pier or ratepayer with her husband, The bill alse proposes not only te elasticity, The object of the promoters. of the | the * Not . <Not exact], cite well. t's the ou are easily tired, a : of these the blood is out of order, upon you and may easily to more serious trou system, and weaken »! h. What you need and thus give strength, nd this speedily and surely medicine makes new, rich makes, weak, easily tired spring try Dr. Williarns' Pi you will never at it. cine has' cured part of the world '| apd one for others it pan OM. + Cy Pa pink pills. offgrec; A . "ys od at other § 4 dormant bill has been to avoid creating a new lass of nchise. . 3 The names on the back of the bill, which Hon. Goeffrey Howard, Hard Davies, | six boxes for $2.50, P. Snowden and Cameron Corbett, y The committee responsible for the circulation of the protest against presented to the prime minister before chose | Catdanso second reading of the Wognan's which | Suffrage bill. been the uh. pont urchased . on okinson. Hen Beats Dr, Tanner. veyed to America, -------------------- In Death Not Divided. Homa | 4, honion oh rok Whi the or Shephers, the lan8lord: the Thres Horse Shoes Inn, Chuprian- London, March 23.--Mr. Dilworth lost a hen five or six weeks at Mouls ton Sea's End, near Spal 16 has found in a hovel behind bags, where it was hemmed in. It was rate- | still alive, although, judging from ite |glade, near Warminstet, appearance, it x = Aster, | oceu= | long period. ing, sha them both ense and graceful fighre Hollister's . "Ten or Rocky Mountain Tea, 1 the | tablets, ' Women older; its Li SLLL000000080000008460000600 4 Da] Er EE a ere ST \ Shri iti dirs fund ad wae CIIIIIIIIIIIII FIFI IIIRR III PEIN ISIS IV ISRO tsi he -- Extensive and Exclusive Showing of the Latest Ideas in READY-TO-WEAR GARMENTS At Prices Which Arc Within the Reach of the Most Economical. A Pleasure to Show Our Goods. New Spring Co Suits Over 200 distinct varieties in the very latest models. per Suits, Broadcloth Suits, Silk Suits, plain and fancy $10 to $27.50. : HOW ABOUT A PAIR OF GLOVES FOR EASTER ? Our stocks are complete. The qualities are right, the prices are moderate. Long Gloves--In silk, lisle and kid, in black, white and colors, 40c. to Kid Gloves--Two dome fasteners, in every conceivable style, $1, 81.25, When Buying Dress Goods Every Lady Desires Something Which is Decidedly Different to What Others Are Showing : . Dress Materials are in dress lengths and no two ate alike. Over ei ow Prices, $4.50, $5. $5.50, 86, 87, $7.50, $8, $9, $10, $11.50. Fancy Grey Suitings and Dress Materials, in various checks, stripes, 60c., 75c., $1 yard. Sheets Plaide--White with black, navy 60c., T5c., 81 yard. ete. and red Broadcloths--The dependable qualities, thorqughly sponged and shrunk, : ; 81.10, $1.25, $1.35, 81.50, $1.75 yard." I ers samples of High-Claee Table Napkins. Worth from $15°to $50 per dozen. No two alike. Special at 50c. each, $6 dozen, a Si Eton Suits; Jum- materials, prices chécks, 40c., 50c., Coats ps The variety of styles comprises every well known design and can now be ; A obtained in any desired size, FashionablgCoats--In long and short lengths, light grounds, with fancy checks and stripes, Also mang original ideas in Black Coats, Prices, $7.50, $9, 810, $12.50, $13.75, $14.50, 815. $2.50 pair, $1.50 pair, Ee \. New Spot Musling, in all white, white with black, all biack, black with white, 124c., 15¢., 20c., 25e., 30¢., 5c, #0¢,, Ble. yard, \ New Persian Lawns and Organdies, 20c., 26¢., 30c., 35¢., 40c., 50c. New Allovers, in Embroideries and Nets, 50c., 60c., 75¢., 90¢.; 81, 81.25 yard, New Faney Musling, latest Now York styles, 200, 6c. 30c., 85c. yard. New Lace and Chiffon Scarfs _ Handsome range in various styles, , 90c., 81, £1.25, 81.50, 82, $2.50. y ew Veilings, in black and colors. 0c. The reliable qualities, at 4 Children's Springweight 75 N AS 4ASSALASEAENEELLELA040000 ; eee SA. si Special values in Black Silks, Pea u de. Soie, at 70e., 90c., 81, $1.35, HO LADIES' CASHMERE STOCKINGS $1, 3 pairg for 81, 2 pairs for 81. A 5 Cashmere Y » Hose, plein and ribbed, 6 styles, in avery wige, 25c., 30c., 35¢., 40¢,, 45e., 60c. SKIRTS--New Ideas in: Voiles--87.50 up to $15 each. Panamas--84,50 to 20.75, Broadeothe--84 to $10. ' : a Fahey and Plain Lustres--$2.50 to $7.50, Many individual Skirts in White and White with Black Checks and ; : Stripes, at $4.50, 85, $5.50, $6, $7, $7.60, 8%. "A Perfect Fitting Corset Is absolutely essential to comfort. The styles wo offer arc suited to -all figures and are guaranteed to give comfort and satisfaction, 70¢., $1, $1.25 $1.50, $1.95, $2.50 pair. rod 'WHITE SHIRT WAISTS Every desired style of Waist can be found in our immense stocks--Short Sleeves, Three-quarter Sleoves, Long Sleeves, in muslin, lawn, lustre, embroidered, mull, silk and allover nets. Ra Prices, T5c., 81, $1.25, 81.50, 82, up to 85 each, ° Fancy Silks for Shirt Waists and Suits Novelties in checks and stripes, 50c., 76c., 90c., $1 vard. . A Japanese Black Silk (washable), 50c,, 75c., 00c, 81, $1.95. Bec the guaranteed Black Taffeta, at 88c., 90c., $I. i pairs for Voiles, Marquisaties; Panamas, Eohennes, Chevon, B theas, Broadeloths, Wool many other stglos, dp to 8 that door life of winter has left its mark develop ble. Don't yourself with' purgative medicines in the hope that you can put your bleed right. Purgatives gallop through the instead of gi medicine that will make new, rich, blood; build up the weakened you new health a thé one medicine to llama' Pink Pills. Eveny doss ofthis and H men and women feel bright, act Sling strong, If you need a med ousards in every oplily do V,an, Dycks For America. J g Rot fo, March 28.--Sewen pictures hy woman's suffrage state that it will-be | Var, Dyck larming part of the Mae ¢ lla Volta's ¢ fon at Gemoa, are reported to * hakinll of organ, and to have been no food during "thie [of fea to her parts you rs nd inesix or woven Gymnastics/alone can never give that The pearl , oyster © t op of pearls ih | Wh to srodute The mortgage on Rusdan farm lands: amomnt to 27x. por. SSL Ty won SLLLALALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLALLRALLALLLALALLPALLLLALL00000040LLR0E0LRELEALLAMLLREESELLLLANINSRERIRN SS is a in blood: which ic me this ns Pills and This medi- what it} . . oe, tye ul ¥'c Bale People in Cahadar is" Brook Hil, * Ont. ¥iy compaties loot the of, in Conada are frau dulent: imitatic n'y intended to deceive, I your dealer ioe not keep the ine Dr, Willi gy' Pink Pills for Propls. send he Brockville, Ont., and i i y { the introducer, ie Lr, inms' Madicine Co, wi in_adsfitinn a vee {ig tha [mail the Sills to vou at Ae. a on "acre,