Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Mar 1907, p. 11

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"Table Wo alters » restant, mildly stimulating the ch. be the habitual beverage of yout, rheumatism, or excessive otch F the Scotch DWARD VIL. 0TGH + Kings, good for tilled on the estate ike of Argyle by Distillers, Arqyleshire. dle, any vn home for our sutiful." heapest, is wall- Healthful and Deuuiful with decoration of your home. d paint dealers everywhere-- for 50 cents, CET. PARIS. ONT HOLESOME OR NOUR- ET THAN DDED HEAT SCUIT. Try TRISCUIT for n. arton, or 2 for 25¢. od Liver Oil rd merit for the lungs, chest, throat more quickly and more easily than rom coughs ever after, = SHERBROOKE, P.Q. iiss FELL LLL00008000000008 ORANGES Best value in the City. Only 25 Ceats per dozen drincess Street LOPE L 00000000000 x After you have tantalized your "appetite with a promise of Mooney's Perfection [i Cream Sodas don't disappoint it. There never was anything so tempting, that came out of a biscuit box, as these dainty, crisp squares of cracker goodness. 02 _ * THE DAILY wate. SATURDAY. MARCH ws THE SPORT REVIEW A BIG ARTFICIAL RINK FOR TORONTO. Alf. Smith May Stay With Kenora--The Canada Cup Prospects--General Notes on Sports. Cornwall will have a strong team in the N.L.U. this year. The Canadian Lacrosse "Xssoviation has decided to give field captains an- other try. President Darroch of the O.H.A. left vesterday, for Calgary, where he will make his home. Two Peterbore men have ieased Dey's Ottawa arena, for the summer, and will conduct a roller skatinr rink there, Farrell; -the St. Louis shortstop, who was purchased * by Toronto, has come to terms, and is ready to re port. He writes from Hot Springs ac ¢epting the Toronto contract, and says that he is in superh condition. The wovement to abolish the two- '| year clause in the N.L.U., constitution MADE IN CANADA BY A CANADIAN COMPANY. Ths bess si PRICES TO SUIT EVERYBODY. TERMS TO SUIT ANYBODY. ALWAYS LOOK FOR THE NAME he lewelbiarré oyna Ll THE WILLIAMS MS MANUFACTURING CC. LmiTED, oowpany orrices: MONTREAL, P. Q. TORONTO, LONDON, HAMILTON, OTTAWA, ST. JOHN, N. B. AGENTS WANTED ENERYWHERE. M. W. SIMPKINS, A GENT, NEWBURGH. THE 20 GEXTORY TRERTJUENT, The source of all POW, , dwoyer The Fountain of Youtf, rie. Jules Xohr. 'The result of 50 ig of scientific research, Lost manhood brought back after years of weakness and despair, Nature's Secret restored by combining three yn rarest chemical reagents in the world. s ig no experimert. 'tis proved by itsiusg in the 2, spital of Bere. Ters of fhousafids of weak and hopeless cases cured by 30 days treatment. This is a fact! =~ Prove it yourse! ifby a fest. A 5 days treatment with ful particulars se nt absolutely free: All packages are carefully sealed in a plain wepper with no mark. . A full 30 days tréatment (780 doses) with guaranteed: cure or refund of money, for $4.00 Send for sworn Canadian testimonials received within the last {welve months, ® De. KC MR MEDICINE €O.. P.O. Drawer Li 2341. MONT REAL HSIGIIICIIICIIIIICIICIIIIIICN HII SHISIIGIIGEHOIIOIK Rubbers Rubbers. : Rubbers; We sell the famous "Canadian" rubbers, known Ethe world over for looks and wear--if you want Ethe Best rubber buy the ' "Canadian" fren' rubbers Bsc, got $1.00 and $1. 00. Women's rubbers, 6oc, 70c, 75¢ and 8oc. Boy's rubbers, sizes I to 5, 75¢. Boy's fibbers, sizes 11, 12 and 13, 6:¢. Girl's rubbers, sizes 11 to 2, 50 and 6oc. Children's rubbers, sizes 5 to 10%, 40C Little Boy's. rubbers, sizes 5:10: 10% 40 and 2 BOC: to Abernethy's SHOE STORE FEHIN PASHA, Degeribed as 'the very spléndid rastal" of Constantinople into exile in Asia Minor by the Sultan of - Turkey He has been a favorite with the Sultan, for years and it is seid that he was the cuu of the many vexatious disputes betw Turkey wl foreigm powers will be opvosed by the Tecumseh Clnb, but will receive the hearty en dorsation of the Torontos at the an nual meeting of the N.L.U. Here's a St. Lonie howler dead from over-training for the tournament now in progress in that city owling must be o"literated if it produces fatalities, wll Je the conclusion of the authori ties whose mission it is to '"'reform" sport. » Ottawgy Citizen : If the Ottawa hoe key team had gone West after the Stanly cun there would not be any quibbling. They would go on the ice play the game if Kenora signed the Manitoba and International Tengue stars Alfred Smith of the Ottawa hockey tesm, and considersd hy many the pre- mier plaver of Canada, may not re- turn to the capital. Tt is learned that he has received inducements to remain in Kenora and wear the red thistle of the Stanley cup holders next year. The Brandon hockey team is pretty néarly a Stanley eup proposition in itali. The team hes been drawn from all over the dominion. Leader, Hall and Ross heing practically the only residents of the Wheat City team Gonl-tender Quinn . is from Winnipes, Leader, orieinally from Quebec, and Ross from Montres), Doe Smith, from Montreal. Joe Hall from Brandon, and Sopviss from Smith's Falls Wort on the bvilding of the finest amphitheatre and the first artificial ice rink in Canada will be begun at once hy the Mutual Street Rink managr- ment of Toronto. The new Arena will heya an artificial ice nlant: the frst of ita kind in Canada, The ice surfnce will be 205 _ by 90 ieet, exactly the asme size as that of the Montreal Aren The buildine itself will he 353 feet by 190 pnd will seat 10.000. When the ies surface 3,000 more pedple ean be seated. ie not in use School Children Boycotted. London, March 23.--A "éurious dead- lock has arisen between the education authorities of Durham county and the borough of Gateshead. Recently Gatass- head took a census of the county chil- dren attending its schools, and _ de- manded payment for some four to five hundred coming from Darham. This demand has been refused by the coun ty. and vesterday the Gateshead Edu cation Committee approved of a eir- eular to send the parents of the chil- dren living over the borough bound. ary, informing them that their child ren will not he admitted to the Gates- head sthools after the end of next month Sign Of Failing Kidneys. When vou have backache, dull head- ache, Inssitude, especially when aec- companied. by urinary disorders, look out for your kidneys Any loss of activity of the kidneys means immediate poisoning of the sy- stem. Take the latest and best, reme-. dy, Peck's Kidney & Liver Pills. They give prompt and thorough results. In boxes, 25¢. For sale only at Wade's Drug Store. Money back if mot satis- factory. : A Rochester, N.Y., despatch says: Although is exteedingly doubtlul that any other United States city will build for the honor a Setaoding the Canada cup trophy, Chicago, Detroit and Toledo have an eve an the cup HH Torcnto wins back the trophy the Royal Canadian Yacht Club will be challenved 'at once by probably all three of these United States clubs It's virtues have been established for many years, and thousands of people have been made happy by taking Hol- lister's Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 ornta. Tea. or Tablets. Mahood's drug etore. Crews. a town made hy the London and. North-Western, railway, bas now 43,000 people. V 7 & cos Bet ime You ve SHILOH Sema Frontenac Business College KINGSTON ONTARIO Day and Evening Classes Moderate Rates, ™ n, Sagn who has been sent foc g Call at GARDINER'S REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE. We have offers to make which it will be worth your while' to consider. Come in at once. $3,800 Double Brick House, Barrie Sti, Y-rooms each, $3.000 Double Brick TTouse, Princess St., T-rooms each 82 000 Brick Howe single lot adjoining, : ooms $3,300 bow Stone apt Brick, of Princess St. $4,300 Double Hrick Ave., 1ll-rooms « North each Fast of University $3,000 Brick, University Ave. 10-rooms onc 2,7 House and Barn, Alfred +» $rooms 0) Brick Hou Farl St. B-reoms $4,000 Corner Ste re $3,200 Brick House, and 2 Dwellings Jobnson St, 10 rooms 85.000 Brick House, University Ave., 10 rooms. $4 000 Brick House, Harn, and quarter acre lot, 10-rooms $3,600 Brick Hous William St 10- ods $2,900 Brick House and Barn, Alfred St. S-rooms $2,800 Brick He $3,000 Stone H $1.800 Dwelling Arch street, Clergy street Barn and Garden, Nelson street $1,600 Stone and Brick House, wtheot $1,400 Frame House and two lots Montreal street $2 600 Brick House and Barn, Bagot St $1,500 Brick House and Bare, Princess Nelson street $900 Frame House erine street $000 Rough-Cast H £1,400 Sumner Re: amd Barn, St; Cath: Nelson street eo on Bay of Quinte, Barn, Orchard (6 Kinds apples) 54 acres of land VACANT LOTS im City, $200, $400 $300, $600, 8650, $700, THO, according to locality. P.S. <Any Property on List for$ cash and some for 1-8 or less cash down Parties having Money to Loan on First. Class Land Security call and | can place from $200 to $50,000 for you John K.Gardiner, 161 Wellington St., Kingstqn, Ont. HAE. Depariment of Militia & Defence Petawawa Camp Buildings NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. SEALED TENDERS, MARKED ON the envelope "Tender for coustruction of Buildings, Petawawa Camp Grounds,' and addressed to the Secretary of the Militia Council, Headquarters, Ottawa, will be received until noon, the 8rd April pext, for the construction of 18 small wooden tuildipgs aly Petawawa Camp Grounds. : Plans and specifications may be seen and full information obtained at the offices of the Officer Commanding Fast. ern Ontarig, Kineston, Lieut.-Colonel H. J: Mackie, Pembroke, . Out., and the Director of Engineer Services, Head- quarters, Ottawa. Tenders must be made on the form wu mupplied by the Department, and accompani by an atcepledd cheque on » Canadian chartered bank for 10 per cont of the amount of the tender, pay- able to the order of the Honourable the Minister of Militia and Defefice. "Fhe Department dors uot i itself to accept the lowest or any Ir. EUGENE FISET, Colonel, Deputy Minister of Militia. snd Defence, Department of Militia aod Defence, Ottawa, March 13, 1907. § Alien Ousted By Aliens, London, March 23. --Aarosi Siman, a Russian Jew, ia an alien suffering ruptcy court yesterday, he caused much laughter by stating that be was compelled to leave Cable street. whére he formerly traded, owing ad jibe in- flux of aliens. a ------------ The poor, une of time it to spend it counting the minutes, from the alien invasion. At the bank.' SEIGNORIAL SYSTEM A MONOGRAPH BY W.B. ~~ MUNRO, M. A, A Graduate of Quesas 'of 1006-- 'He Writes a Valuable Treatise on a Study in French Galonial Policy. . "The fol editorial in. the To- ronto Globe, March 20th, refers to W. B. Munro, MA, a te « of Queen's University in.) Me. Mun: ro took the degrees of of MA. and LY. herd, (ning the medal : history and e wan i Ho" ana - ence. his way to an asm nt {alent of government in Harvard University. His monograph, which is lateny number of 'Harvard for pubstitle the designiat tion; "4 Study in French Colonial Policy," and the most cursory perusal of ite cons teats will prove to any reader that the book is much more than an ae count of the 'seignorial system: Mr. Munro himsell suggests the idea that he owes to Parkman's sketah of Cana- dian foudalism = the inspira prompted this extended "windy," and no Canadian who has ever felt a like inspiration will withhold . his tribute of appreciation of the way. dn which the author has performed what. was evidently bis labor of Jove. No ade (Wate pecuniary remunerstion for such work can be expected. "Any attempt in this connection to give a detailed account of Mr. Mun: ro's line of treatment would be found impracticable, It must suffice to say that having set up 'the European background' against which to exhibit his sketch of this side of French co- lonial life, he proceeds step by step to explain the nature of the early and liter seignorial grants, the social and economical relations between the seig- nior: and the censitaire, and the pro- cess of disintegration through wi th the: system passed until the the Canadian parliament of the act of 1854, hy wh eh the privileges of the signiors were abolishes) and the priv ilega of acquiring a feo simple title to their lands was conferred on the cehsi taires, Mr. Munro notes the fact, too often disregarded by publicists but well known to close observers of the institutional Jife of the provinee of Quebec, that 'comparatively few of them took advantage of this provi ston,' and that 'to the present day they or ther descendants continue to pay their 'rente constitude' with more or less punctuality. In other words, the signorial system csnnot be core rectly described as 'abolished' so long ar a large proportion of the holders of land prefer the statue of tenants to that of fredholders, "While the Canadian student, acade. mic or' other, owes and acknowledges a debt of gratitude to those who un- der foreign auspices devotd themselves to the laborious work of discovering and collating the facts of early Cana. dian history, he may be pardoned for an expression of regret that so little has been hitherto accomplished in the same direction under the auspices of our Canadian universitice. I the ex. ample set by Mr. Munro should stimu. late some one or more young men of like spirit to devote themselves to tne work of research with equal intelli: nes and persistence, prabably he will be inclined to regard that as not the least important. of the resilts traceable to the preparation of his ad- mirable treatise." DIES OF BROKEN HEART. Wife of Conviet Forgivos Him on Deathbed. Paris, March 23.--Mme. Gallay, wile of the defuulting Paris bank clerk, who fled to South America in the yacht Catarina, died last night in a Paris hospital. Mme. Gallay, who was twenty-seven years of age, leaves two children, She was prostrated at the news of her husband's disgrace, and practically died of a broken heart The wretched Gallay is now a convict in the French penal settlement of Cayenne. Feeling her end approaching, the dy- ing woman summoned to her bedside Ker two children, and counseled them to forgivegtheir father, as she forgave him. ' DESTROYRD IN FIRE, Mistaken ' For Children, Causes Excitement. Paris, March 23.--An amusing scene wan witnessed, thisy afternoon, at a fire at Vincennes. A factory in the Rue Monereuil caught fire, and it was noticed that what appeared to be a large number of children were being thrown out of the windows. The police arrived with fire ladders, and a rumor spread that a large number of children had been burned to death, It was quickly discovered, however, that the place of Tire was a doll fac tory, and the "children" were merely large dolls. Over 2,000 dolla w were de stroyed, but no one was hurt, his Fact ct ---- RABBITS LEARN TO CLIMB. Wire-Net Fence Likely to Prove Useless. Melbourne, March 23.--A new char acteristic of the rabbit is alarming the Australian farmer. A land owner at Albury announces that he has actu. ally seen rabbits elimbing over "rab- bit-prool" wirenst fencing. The ani mals were making their escape from ground: inundated heavy rains and Laceording tothe sealed the wire on the posts))and so nity surmounted the inel ds of miles of wi _ may prove useless if ra learned to climb. Seventy-Seven . London, March(23.--By the death Seambles- net fenc- ta have the lengtheni poring of ; CATTLE RASING tia This Bank offer special faites to Stock Grasinwbdd Fosters 3 Money advanced for purchasing, feeding and finishing cattle. : Savings Bank Department in Connection with all: Branches. 9 v 8 » F * Bonds and Stocks Bought and Sold on Commission Both Listed and Unlisted. Information upon Request Members ; Toronto Stock Exchange Mémbers of STOCKS, B INVESTMENT SECURITIES Dealt in on All Exchanges WANTED A live agent"or broker to represent us in every city and town in Canada. LAW & COMPANY, Traders Bank BéiMding, Toronto. Cobalt Investments. Fred Stes " ah Big Sale of Furniture We intend rebuilding and require the room to make alterations. EVERYTHING AT CLOSE 'OUT PRICES James Reid - A POLITICAL TRIBULATION. That Came to An oid Type Stump Speaker. Saturday Night. Politicians all recall Sith very kind- ly feslings the late J, Jardine, who was for several years nation ocom- missioner to South Africa, and who died from the effects of the climate a year or so ago, Mr. Jardine was a stump speaker of the old-fashioned pe, with a voice more mellow and 44 nderous even than that of Hon, oa 1806 Mr. Jar- "the liberal can- didate in a New od afio constituency to address a series of pwetings throughout his riding, "At the first mustingy' anid said » Jardine, "up op a little fellow aske me how 1 have the face to nd for votes for a human cannibal, William Ravan, dine was engaged ah ile an honor lo wieman re The Millon 1a and declared that my candi. date had knocked down a man in a barroom row had chewed his ear. 1 tried evasion, but they laughed at me. At overy the same paign Spring the jon, and | simply had 3 je t Jichio the audience, KT do much "After tl votes were_counted it was found that the te; had been de- feated, and he wouldn't even pay my expenses. aime 1 had phat auly_all the ha- ation av actly decnption 10 secure the laos of a condemned Samnibal, but 1 didn't even got paid A The total weight of British colnase in circulation averages about 4 tons. "I asked indignantly what he meent Armours Solid Extract of B (rorren m canaca) has only the original, rich, beefy flavor 7 prime roast beef. Use £.ARMOUE'S because it gos

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