{ occur + the po-{ goy in 1907, ; wen, one can | £205 id. ove wad be wHth_the assurance item of $2,708.50 for debenture | the rh BOMBS Shi | pd fut, a, ther DL BE oat hia ok | py sq meeminee vo ale po Pollet] auwicighes. The . change in the high school ac from office now, but the associa. | Coo% more ] F i 2 # i FE if ¥ ie HT gb § i | | { i Soy sin Fiiiz [the allegation is that the polls were in © 1903, and | 631 i athing | Eoin guy Se of "slimy 'hinck manned ve officials. These | without reference to debt his ohi d | substance. The chemist of the labor. had the all the wloction | rangement and domestic science, Ard. | so Tamsin tad him that he kept look- | atory touched this substance, tasted | would have been im- | ing the wants of this year together... aga ther were out of sight, | it and then burst into laughter. Some i Possible for the liberals to do any | public sohoole, ordinary diene ope eh Summoned 1, | friend ay Ciovaki bad sot. Him 8 oy ' +r ' | discuss his conduct, a it was de | erat pape heie.comnivance. The | debt and. intervet, $2,703.80, and do. | Sea's him by clubbing 1}; ee liberal 'papers 'intimate that the ras: | mestic science, $000; high school, or: | to death Hm fashion. - "ni Ma 'Can't Vote. cality was perpetrated in the interest divary, 89,416, and debt and interest, | Hin life was saved by the appear. | {hicago-Record Horaid. of the getion i i i i ih be if 3 He 7 | il F i H Fe f i f i i "they do ter whenever sated or to finely adjusted to over friction of the hearing." Pfis or ¥ i thi] i | HHS I 7 ie F Wl The Whig el F i i : : \ [ vest meeting. The study of them will : ih i If ik fe | : Idsf; i ek sii £3 i 5 iis : i Five years later the Fi igs i $1.967--and, the total is M258010, 'aid the 'incroase~in the public swhool expenditure in fifieen years was IS per cent. The increase in the instituee in civie expenses between 1802 and 1803 was 95 per cent.; be tween 1802 and 1907, fifteen years, it was 250 per cent; ween 1902 and 1907, it_was 68) per cent: and be tween 1906 and 1907, the last two years, it was 374 per cent. These fig- ures are respectiully submitted for the consideration of the board at ite explain why an alderman proposed to raise the rate, if the board raised its demands, and send the facts to the people. , EDITORIAL NOTES. Will the lords oppose home rule for Ireland ? Probably. The majority will oppose anything which emmnates from a liberal government. Mr. Whitoey says he has his back to the: wall on the power question. That's no place for a man who is go- ing to make electric encrgy as cheap as air, -- The Hamilton Times wonders why Kingston is not booming. What is the matter ? Dutch as well spoken in the Transvual parliament. Why not} 1 French is recognized in Canada why should Duteh not be re- cognized in South Africa ? dumping ground of diseased people and degenerates. But it is cheaper to examine them in landing than to hunt ra ii ---- attractive | Home rule for Irelond is in wight. people of taste are glad to live. : were This is the opinion of men not enamoured of the proposal form. erly. Local government on a limited imperial commons. i 'ontroller Hocken, of Toronto, at the Orange Grand L a ortain Belleville appointment, Mr, Whitey: 'would be called to account. rt. Hocken left the impression that no" one 'elbe would do so he would Peas powerful indictment i 3 done 30 'the combined rate would have -- 3 Lin the inter- | challenged attention, liberals. The weakness of | been 4.54 in 1602; 8.88 in 109m, 5.70 | Pieces. gestions made by Robinson in a it* asks. Hush. Don't Chamber of + [break the spell. The committee on ing fruit. | industries hes a hen on. : tantric Fin id as Euglish will be |in X, the work that had been done in Detroit, Buffalo, = 3 Syracuse, Denver, Oa lulu, ene. : arouse Pablic en Cannda" should * not surely be the | plans that wi increase the park sys- tem, which is good as far as it goes. ing devised, and it is certain that in Consequence of Mr. Robinson's 'address them up and deport them afterwards. this city will blossom out ae one of plan will be acceptable. to the present | tuning, , will be in the city again for a alloy od CSC TRS ments in Ni and Picton his Jotrons, © meeting in | at this' Brockville, intimated that in time for | ford or order at U x ? Sette ich it is estimated the intro. | Ho was driving home from Eperie domestic' sci will cot with oor orn four wolves gos two- condition wwing to the of the police, who had been in- t was ing, and of Horvath wag arrested. -------- At Pleasant Valley. Pleasant Valley, March 2. -- Thomas Wattam is yd sawing wood. The saw is run by a gasoline ine. Charles Fraser, who resided -- 8. Sigsworth's farm during the past two years, has gone to reside near Mur. vale: 8. Sigsworth taking possession on the Ist of March. C. Sigeworth is to erect "a harn. Mrs. , Sr, is seriously ill. J Hughes, Sr., has been in poor health for some time past. Visitors: Mr, andl Mrs. William Ashley and Miss Violet, Petworth, at John Hughes Mr. and Mrs. J. A: Hughes and . Randolph, Odessa, at J. Hughes'; T. and Mrs, B. Tison, of Glendower, re recent visitors at E. Hughes. Nre. D. Y ns and Muster Ean), of Mountain Grove, visited her sister, Mrs. E. Hughes hero and other rela. dives at Petworth and Camden East. Mrs. G. Barr, Harrowsmith , Visited friends at Oso Station, Zealand and Bolton N Willi Rory Svdenham, 1a the guest. of he ro I ------------ Rochester To Beautify. Rochester, N.Y., March 23.~The sug- Charles Mulford for. the his . ties i He also spoke of the Colorado Columbus , and Hono- Measures are being taken timent, and form tions of the city are be municipalities Specialist in treatment and who require his cart and overhauled it, the road being in ting of the house to leave as well, d special waggon from the mami cipal laboratory was gent for the in thing, ce u tance from the endangered house. With every precaution the da parcel was conveyed to the where it wag Ma's a graduate of college, and Teud 'most everything ; She can Salk in can paint and she can sing-- "Jeaut ful ? She's like a picture ! she talks she makes Of the sweetest kind of loesn't smoke or drink ; you think d : Ob, I can't begiy to tell you all the Poens she ogm quote ; knows more than half the lawyers do, but ma can't vote. She When my pa is writing letters ma must always linger amear To assist to Piling and to C. ir, If be needs advice her judgment, he ad- mits, is always best ; Every day she gives him pointers, most- ly wat his own west She ps track of legislation, and is taxed on bonds and stocks, But she never 8%ts a 'look-in at the Sacred ballot-box. Ma' is wiser than our coachman, for he's not ua graduate, And I doubt if he could tell is governing the State ; He has never studied granunar, ant I'n doesn't know Whether Caesar lived a thousand or two thousand years ago ; He could never tell us how to keep the ship of state mfloat, For he doesn't know there's thing--but ma can't vote. Once when Mr, Jones was calling, they ®Ot up a short debate That was on the tariff question : he sup- posed he bad it straight. ;But before they" finished: threw up his hands and said That he'd not réad much about it, nor what he'd read : He's too badly rushed to study how to better human lives, Still he looms up like a giant when election time arrives, Mrs. Gookins does our washing, for she has to oS along, ng care her six chiMren, although her husband's big and strony : wets a job he only holds it till he draws his y. Then he' shends hi cash for whiskey or else gambles it away : I suppose his brain's no bigger than the brain of any Koat, : And he'd trade his ballot for a drink-- ma can't vote! You who such a talking, he Lord Mayor Soldier And Sailor. London, March 23.--'You would hardly think. to look at me, that [ am colonel of the regiment." said the. lord mavor at he djateiyiSioa, at the' Guildhall on Saturday, of the prizes to the First City of Londen Roya! Garrison Artillery. of which he is honorary enlanel. * Fe je also admiral of the Port of London. Now Method Of Suicide. London, Merch 23.--William Pring, a village blacksmith, of Newton Pop- nleford. East Deven, removed the barrel from a mueazle-loading gun, ves terday, loaded it, and placed one end on the smithy and the other in his mouth. Then he blow the bellows wun- til the charge cxploded and earrisd his head away. Hats ! Hats ! Hats ! The new styles at Campbell Bros.' ¢ 'High-class candy Shh class 0 ev's Ly and warned. all. the other occupants while a strong foros crowd at a safe dis- ous vaste around near the municipal laboratory 'ag placed in water. When unpacked it 'was found to he a tin pound | fa]| she's French and German, she Nhen music, and she ¥ b ° ° b * © t p v 4 > bd @ < 5 4 ° > $ 5 & » g N ® ti & to ! $ with $ . Bart m oun $ nightly, \ ° wr HIRT DEPARTMENT $ papers. 3 \d & $ TO-NIGHT 3 \ * ' * + $ f ® SATURDAY $ ¢ - 40 dozen Handsome New Spring Shirts that have never 3 been out of the original boxes until this morning. . & All New Patterns, Nobby and' Dainty, all-sises. 4 Te riticioms 10 | $ We bave sorted them into three lots. x . 9 No. 1--4 dosen White Full Dress Shirts, sold regularly at J kind 2 3 #1 aud $1.25. Sises, 14, 16, 164, 17, 173. is theatre." @ " TT cea tht in thi cam ihe om | 3 Sale Price 39c. i ror adopted an attitude not only : { ile to the newspaper press, but | & sho diametrically fon or tat™ | € No. 3-15 domen Colored Shirts, Stiff Bosom, all sizes ysold § vailing public opin in intellectual h t 5c. and $1. sircles in Berlin. 3 "peany n . ---------- & ® > wamsem |§ Sale Price 49c. "3 Ex i ale ¥ri Pole Badly Scared 'By Can of 3 Caviare. ° No. 3--About 25 dozen New Soft /Front Shirts, regular Paris, March 23.--Barly, this morn- 9 8 Beauties, all sizes sold regularly at $1, $1.25 and ing, prefect police received ao : $1.50. ! ; iid : etter hom M. Potowski, ixegtor of | & ° the Polish mission , bering him © P 69 to ont maton rng bm | Sale Price 69c. machine which had been sent to the | A : mission by post. M. Potowski added | ® that he had received many threaten- 3 o aa, $ The H. D. Bibby Co Five minutes "after the first letter * e . ° y . came another imploring the to] & 3: be quick, and two more followed in ® } : rapid succession. M. Potowski said P00000000000000000000¢ that immediately after receiving the * infernal machine had left his flat ---- -- - | Two Acqua Santa, ineer, began to pieces. the party, who by his own pice, and slipped chasm below, dashed to pieces. on Friday. A shooting rabbits the ground, loaded . gun; narrow escape. London, March lication of the bamms tween William Parl the Church of St. Reading, yesterda service. It is that the husband e slid too far, slope, was unable to stoj over a precipice an HURLED OVER CLIFFS. Climbers of Mountain Italy Lose Lives. Rome, March 23.---A party of excur- sionists was, to-day, ascending Monte Santangelo, near Foggia, when, near Kermont, ap iding on the snow. po i Signor getting on into the where he, too, Rabbit Fires A Gua. Cardifi, Mhrch 23.--An extraprdin- | ary incident occurred close to the vil- lage of Milton, near Newport Pagnell, commercial while driving along the road stopped to speak to two gentlemen who were alongside the hedge. One of the gentlemen laid his gun on while he placed a ferret in a bole. A rabbit bolting at this moment ran over the triggers of the which it released with its feot, the traveller having a Woman Forbids The Banns. w T 23.~During the pub- wie can make a shoe that looks like of marriage be- ker, widower, aged sixty-five, and Mary Moore, widow in Mary the Virgin, at in the |¥ congregation rose to forbid 'the banns and the vicar requested her to state jecti in the vestry after the understood her belief Ys & Woman of the bride is stil alive was the cause of her action. -------- A Family Of Policemen. himself. He was dashed Signor Dovidio, another member of rushed to save his companion, was himself carried away impetus over the preci yawning was traveller Very in w of oN was Getting say about it. shoes-ashamed-of-their-name to well at ACCUSED OF SLANDER. Judge Withdrew the Case From Jury. Belleville, Ont., March 23.~-At the ge sizes Mabel Bonter, a young lady of Trenton, accused Mrs. Chatles Richard- son, of the same place, of slander, al- leging that the defendant circulated a story that she intended to elope with the defendant's husband. The latter is head bookkeeper for the Gmour company at. Trenton, and the plaintiff employed there as stenographer. Miss Bonter and mr, Richardson had occasion to to Trenton station to meet a Mins Pr ardson arrived on the scene, cused Miss Boater of eloping with her husband. Not long after Miss Bonter ior, when Mrs. Kin. and po vas dismimsed from her employment, and as a result the suit was brought, he plaintiff alleging that her dismis. sal was due to Mrs, Richardson's ac- tion. were heard drew the case from missed it with costs, Aiter the plaintifi's witnesses Justice McMahon with. the jury and dis. ---------- TRICKS OF THE TRADE. ------ After Customers Who Can Be Caught By Bargains. "Make me some cheap shoes, good lookers, that I can sell for bargains in February or March." This ig a usual rder given to the shoe manufacturer shoe--and that's the best one can The dealer uses 'thesa ous as a shoe that's heen through a re. The man who knows how to con- serve his earned income buys the shoe pon which is stamped the seal of certainty, and he likes to see the lad- ies, too, buy the real Slater Shoe. They are made and marked by the London, March 23.--A family of po- | Slater Shoe company, F. G. Lockett licomen attended the assizes at Majd. Kingston : stone, yesterday. All the members Rc -- belonged to the Kent county con stabulary, perintendent and his three Fowle, of Fowle, sous, tor_Fowle, of Wren' A Fowle, of Wren's Cross. Smoking -------------- In Court. Liverpool, March 23.--At the Bea- contree Licensing Andrew Johnson, "I see there is : smoke. UW she course, the wit do so." A goo present, including tices, at once lit cigarettes. Sessions. yesterday, the chairman, said: one lady present. If she does not object, 1 think you Mul + you may. nesses must not 1 many of those several of the jus- pipes, 'cigars or ---------- Hope For The Metric Bill. Lowdon, March 23. Over 400 M: P's weights and measures, of the metric which will come on for second reading in the bh carried by a large ouse., The second reading will probably be majority. The Trusts and Guarantee company, Limited, 14+ King to, was appointed will of J Catario, who died estate amounting Get your wiring Electri for Eastér, Me s. Sold only N. 3 . tric company, 345 We. ;ompl killed. wi street west, Toron- trustee under the in McMullen, of Brockville, recently, leaving an to t, $70,000. done hy the Halk. King St. wiremen only. Tele- . Re th de and they represented every | SOLACE FOR LOSS OF BEAUTY. grade in. the force. They were: Sy. of Crapbrook, | Awards Detective Inspec- s Cross: Sergt. shford, and Constable $1,200 to, Pretty Girl Bitten By Dog. Geneva, March 23.--A pretty girl of Venteen, was recently attacked in e streets of Davos by a butcher's og, which bit her severelv in the face, wi hy lected _ six. to recipient to a The br girl, through her father, ought an action for dammges against the owner of the dog, and the local court awarded her $800 upon the butcher appealed. , where- he case was tried, 'vesterday, by 1 the federal tribunel, and the J increased the dame ing that the girl for the "diminution "of her beauty." ges to $1,200, hold- this sum To Select A Rhodes Soholar. Albany, N.Y,, March 23.--Six of the eight candidates : for the Rhodes scholarship have pass- hate promised to vote in fuvor of the od bill for the adoption of New York stats the examination, aud it rests now th the committee to make a award the selection of one from the so- The * scholarship amounts 831.500 a year, and entitles the course in Oxford Uni- versity. The committee meets in this city, to-day, to make the decision. The committes is composed of : * Presi. dent Raymond, of Union: President Rees, of Rochester; the Rev. Pavid M. Hearn, of Manhattan, and Howard J. Rogers, assistant state commissioner of education. Lemmon & Sons have a full stock o° Alabasting | and Jellat all d | water Others act on the cure constipation, . Other ingredients liver and kidneys in urities from the | thers reach the 1 tone up the nervou supply vital energy, ing the nervousnes: and melancholy, to ny women are subjec The full effect of caments in the table! the entire female sysi ed life and vigor. Improvement is first week. 50c. at dealers or b Robinson & Co., Coat To Orientals HE IS OPP Comi Canadian Rai Windsor, Ont., Ma: Smith, the member fr, umbia and labor fea last night, on the "Pp of Labor and Capital Windsor and Scientifi Referring to thespropo oriental people to C, upon railways in the did not hesitate to ex sition. He said the Bri was : practically feeding se own people in the who would be glad ¢ earn a living in Cana help is thus needed "in ket we should bring | peopl: of our own hb whom we cannot assim Parker A Ravin, Atlantic City, * N..J. James Parker, who att the life of _ President striking the arm of 7 latter fired tHe fatal sh sident, is in jail } maniac. Parker was by the police and asylum. to ar gs t will The launching weight tanka was 16,250 tons. ed she went down: the w of S00 fect in fifty seco) The number of Britis} falling off at the rate thousand a year. Sulphur and molasses cone, 15¢, at Rest's Fe Here's a style and ch: which anly the best wo Better. Sele suit the requ soriment is