a Pound of Freaktuste Th a i ii i i £ i i £ 5 ki. [ ; : : The request of the employees of the water s, for an Increase in wages, up, but no action was The matter of settling the dispute over saver, recent. ly, and . to She state t of the superin t, kas not ee ant , was left in the of city wolicitor. of rates came up, and it was decided to have the superinten- dent submit a statement eom- or the standing at the members whether yesterday afternoon. About forty su- perintendents and others' prominent! in hospital work were Foi fh nization will Be along ose. in existence The ob d 5 i fF Henn file and 35s =E harsh Feat: 0 Hel § mires any is 'is one nful of diseases. ing a cure, loss of time , suffering will be caused if the right remedy is overlooked. The remedy that & oan always | he de pendal upon to eq and to cure in a short time, 3s Dr. Hall's Rheumatic Cure. It cures, all rheuma- and neuralgia affections. It has been so long weed and so thoroughly tested that no doubt whatever re- mains of its value. Take no alleged substitute, there isn't anv. Price, 800 ten days' treatment, at Wade's Drug Store. 5 A ---------- To-Night, "Are You A Mason." . of all f comedies, The funniest all farce mntlint, soon at The Grand to-night, tells the | of a gay young hus tory . who, to cover up his gay be TEER * | Cape Viacent, yes y of duty. The jury believes that" fil io ti Hs i kh 53 i u 2 : I: 4 i Ii i iz ot I ir Fi 5 FEF < it i ¢ i sF i ir 3 3 noon, and re- turned agnin in the afternoon. No trouble was experienced from the ice, and the 'trip was a most pleasant one Has Proven Satisfactory. The steel steamer for the Lake of Bays Navigation company, built at the Kingston foundry, during the past winter, has proven satisinetory. stéamer is over 125 feet long, and has the distinction of being the first steel built boat ever "constructed at King- ston. proprietors of the local foundry are likely to contract for a number of steel hulls during the com- ing season. Building Many Launches. Boat builders in the vicinity of the city are having a busy season this ing in meeting the demands for ne launches. In the past few years the motor boat has succeeded to the § larity formerly the right of the sail ing yacht, and from present indications will be a large num: ber of these pleasare craft in the city this year. The different types of boats in vogue are all owned by citizens, from the long narrow boat with pow- erful cylinders, built alone' for speed, to the wide and comfortable yacht, whose sole use is for pleasure. Last season some fifty yachts of all de- scriptions owned in the city, and this season numbed is expected to be doubled. FOR CREATING DISTURBANCE. Young Man Was Arrested By the Police. Michael Devine, of Division street, a young man, with fiery red hair, was accused before istrate Farrell, this a Toa? Magis drunk' abd dis "I don't think that T was disorder: ly," said the prisonet, when arraign- od. Constable Thomas Mullinger, who mode the arrest, stated that the pris- oner had been creating a disturbance at the Iroquois Hotel. He had search- ed the prisoner, afd had found a pair of steel knuckles. These were produced . Constable Mullinger said that several complaints had been made about Devine creating a disturbance on Ontario street. Con. Millan, proprietor of the Iro- quois Hotel, gave evidence. He told of Devine being in his hotel. There was a disturbance in one of the rooms, and he had found the prisoner there with three Englishmen, whose names he did not know. One of the Englishmen claimed that Devine had pulled a gun on him. The police found no revolver in the ion of soner. inn nel vot the case be ad- journed for a day. "What for?" asked the magistrate. "TI want 10 pet vite and a law- "was v. we have An here now." said the court, with a smile, looking at Mayor Mowat and Charles R. Web- ster. who were present, awaiting the rial of another case. magistrate consented to an ad- journment for a day, when the Eng lishmen wha figured in the case, will he called to give evidence. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. Reply To Criticiem. Kingston, April 1.--(To the Edit or) : Intelligent people should never take offence at the honest dishatge e can be justh "awkward mistake" char, to those who have acknowl being governed by a few pre Junipstucus convicts. If stall or kennel ng prisoners, locked in their cells, which is not denied, is a superior sys- tem, it shoukl be regretted that, af ter the experience of over half a cen: tury, it required the. intelligence of criminals to discover the fact and en- lighten those in charge of them. What "Was alleged" had no place in the jury's report. They gave honor where onpr was due, including fhe peniten- tiary. ay Juan St ordinary intelligence "The Arabs have the neat teeth in [should know that the paramount ob- Jot of incardaration is to give cor the world and (hes tor. Rowever, if | rection, not pleasure. Therefore, those Americ gee aud bors, wll ool vm bn arn, a the brush the country wi ha coarse reference made to what they To grow fat is to grow old before t endure at table, should so vour time. % their dignity, as to shield t ves from the stinging weight of their own lash. While we consider the m of i excluding jurors only amusing, we do t that those concerned will tell the public exactly - the "stir" will be' on their side. -- Ex-President Cleveland has invented ¥ apt expression, had been enlarged, and the wharf pro- id acquired by the elub improved. treasurer reported a twenty-one years of age, and the rest non t. The following officers and commit- tees were appointed or the ensuing year : Commodore--John M. Campbell. Vice-Commodore--W. B, Dalton, Jr, Rear-Commodoré~Prof. I. E. Mar tin. Exeeutive--The past commodores, and W. C. Kent, G. Y. Chown, C. Bermingham, E. Dobbs, F. Strachan. Secretary-Treaurer -- C. 8. Kirk- patrick, Measurer--H. Cunningham. Regatta Committee--Janmes Conway, H. Waddell, Lieut.-Col. Strange, H. P. Smith, Prof. A. K. Kirkpatrick, J. H. Macnee, Lieut. Col. Young, Mr. Dunn. Amusement Stange, W. B, Skinner, F. H. Mac- vee, K. Tandy, W, Harty, Jr. The question of member. ship. fee Jieosival { aver an how's dis- cussion. It was mo s E. Burns and seconded by Prof. Martin urn fee for senior members be ten dollars a year, and for under twen- ty-one years. ol age five dollars. H. W. Richardson moved an amendment, seconded by G. Y. Chown that the fee for senior and junior members be seven dollars. It wax realized that' the executive must have more money at its disposal to meet the meeds of the club. The proposers of the amendment feared the loss of many members by raising the fee to ten dollars. There were Many who paid their yearly fee of five dollars who searcely ever visit- ed the club house. They might not care to contribute ten dollars, and thus the club might realize no more money by the increase, while it would lose membership. The amendment pro- posers and Mayor Mowat thought it better to make a gradual raise. The latter pointed out that when the club more to ih the way of am- asements, it Yaise the fee to ten dollars. He was opposed to rais- ing the fee to junior members. The increase to ten dollars was urged by Mr. Burns, Prof. Martin and Lieut.- Col. Strange. The vote in favor of the latter increase was carried by a good majority. Lieut.-Col. Strange brought up the question of building an eighteen rat- er sailing yacht by a syndicate to compete with a similar craft being built by the Watertown, N.Y. Yacht Club, for the purpose of coming over to try and "lick" the Canadians. The cost would be $1,000. He "had promises for about $350 of the am- ount, and asked that other members of the club contribute. To carry out 'the scheme he wanted the club's co- operation. It was decided to subscribe fifty dollars to the fund, and recom- mend that individual members enter into the project. After the races, the vacht would be sold, affff the proceeds divided among the contributors. The building of such a vacht would in- crease the enthusiasm in racing. W. B. Skinner asked that the club arrange some accommodation for the members who owned motor boats. Commodore, Gildersleeve stated that at present this could not be dome. When the boat yard lease had expired it would be possible. The yacht club association had been unable to devise any scheme so far, but would be glad to hear suggestions. A vote of thanks was tendered the retiring commodore and others offie- ers for the faithful and valuable ser- vice they had rendered during the past year which had been mst strenu- ons and most successful in the club's history. Where Is The Cup ? The cup representing the trophy for competition in the City Hockey League's senior series has not been given up by the Wanderers, who won in 1905-6: This year's winners, the *Kingsten's Famous Fur Store Sure Siga Of Spring Is the Soft Hat. And really it would take a whole newspaper to tell of the style and beauty that charac- terize the new SOFT HATS we are now showing ia all the popular sl and shapes from 50k. to $5.00. See our window display. Committee-- Licut=€diz] i over at once. Rh ranged h t is said th the present champion of the city 'defend his right to the name several times this spring. The Inst arranged game is for a purse of $0. * At the YMCA. building last even- ing, a , 10 be known as the city of Kingston Baseball Laague was formed. The meeting was well attended, and from the tone of it, it is quite evident that baseball will boom in Kingston this season. There will be three series, junior, in- termediate and senior. Officers were elected as follows: Hon. president, Mayor Mowat; Hon. vice idents, Ald. Angrove, John Rout- y, John McDermott; president, Mr. Burton, Y.M.C.A. physical instructor; vice-presidents, F. M. Stockdale, A. Stokes; secretary-treasurer, A. Hough- ton. The age limit for players was fixed at sixteen years for jumiors, and twenty years for intermediates. Another meeting will be held on Tuesday evening next, when a schedule will be drawn up. All teams must be entered before that meeting. e en- trance fees were fixed as follows : Jun- ior, $1: intermediate, $1.50; senior, $2. Messrs. Angrove and Routley have each donated cups for competition. CONTRACTS AWARDED Queen's the Erection of Biological Building. These contracts have been awarded for the erection; of the biological building in connection with Queen's Medical College : Masonry. William McCartney; carpentering, Hunter & Harold: plumbing, Elliott Bros; painting, A. McMahon; electric wiring and fixtures, . James Halliday. The total contracts awarded amounted to $35,756. The medical faculty expects to complete the building $50,000 granted by the On- overnment. The building will be of stort limestone, as the masonry figures were found quite sa- tisfactory. All concerned are ploased that the &tructure will be stone and in keeping with the rest of the build- ings on the university grounds. Dean Connell states that the corner stone will be laid on the morning of Convocation day, April 24th. ---------- WHAT TO WEAR. A Book For Young Men Who Want Good Form. "Should I wear a Tuxedo suit when ladies are to be present?" the young man asked. The new book, "Dress and Address," published by the Semi- Ready company, of Montreal, and given away free by every semi-ready tailoring store, has several pases of fashions for' men and a tabulated chart on the ethics of men's dress. The H. D. Bibby Co. have a few cop- ies of the book left. For Get A New Back. You need not have backache and should not. Any distress in the back should have prompt attention. Smith's White Liniment will make your back feel as new. It penetrates deeply into the muscles and relieves all inflammation and ¢on- gestion. Cures lumbago, rheumatism, neuralgia or pain or soreness of any kind. Only 25c, at Wade's Drug Store. Harold The Slow. Samuel Small, the reconverted evan- gelist, said in Atlanta the other day : "I believe in religion of the old-fash- tioned kind. New-fangled creeds and bizarre faiths repel me. There is safe- ty in the old rut after all. "Thus I know a cemetery where all the inscriptions, being conventional, remain intact. But one, a bizarre in- scription, has been tampered with and made ridiculous. "The tomb has on it at the top: 'Helen Vance, wife of Harold Vance. 1864. I await vou." Then, beneath, is carved, 'Harold Vance. 1889. Here "At the base of the inscription some one has written : " 'He took his time." Excels In Promptness. Under date of April 2nd, 1907, W, J. Fair received the following letter : Dear. Sir, have pleasure acknowl edging receipt of the Fidelity and Casualty company's check, in full set- tlement of my claim for accident re- ceived on Grand Trunk, March 5th last. Your company excels in making prompt settlements, as the check was sent me by return mail on receipt of claim papers.--Yours truly, CHARLES iE WiLAAS, 4 T 'Prentice Boys' Dance. . The 'Prentice Boys gave their an- nual dance at the City Hall last even- ing. The affair which was most en- joyable, drew a | crowd, and all a good time. The floor was in excellent condition for dancing, anf the music furnished by Crosby anc (O'Connor's orchestra was good. Dang- ing was kept up until 'an early hour this morning Costly Holy Vessels. A set of holy vessels, silver gilt and jewelled, presented by the Inte Miss Catharine Lockridge, to All Saints' parish. Tamworth, was copseprmted and used for the first time at the Easter day service of the holy com- munion. "Bought Coal Business. PETERS STAD 0. ddr F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo EXPLAINED BY ONE OF THEIR Most Other Trades Have received Increased Waiges--Why Should the Carpenters' Request Not Be Acteded To? Kingston, April 2.--~(To the Editor): 1 should be pledsed if you would allow me space to correct the false reports that have already been spread broade- cast by the man of the street which is so prevalent at strike and election times. : The carpenters and joiners of King: ston have come out for a fair and le gitimate wage and hour. We ask what is fair to any conscientious pub- lie--the eight-hour day at a minimum rate of $2.50 for the eight-hours, owx vious wage being $2.50 for nine rs. The masons have obtained the cight hours with 43¢. per hour; their laborers $2 for the same amount; the painters have an advance of 26c. per day, and there has been no ing. Why should there be with carpen- ters, the poorest paid anic in Kingston considering the fools he has to furnish? After considering the great loss of time during winter months the wage ir very small indeed, end | am sure a generous public can sympathize with us in our st Py Many blind awd bigoted individuals are greatly against unionism, but they little know the great benefit it is to all concerned. A good honest union man is the man the master seelis. If he is true to his own fellow-workmen he can- not fail to give his master every sa- tisfaction. Umionism has a tendency 10 educate men morally and physical ly. They aim al a higher standard, better work and sounder primciples, The man who joins the union just for its benefits or to suit a master, is just the man who the masters should shun. Such have no standing and are not worthy to be placed anywhere, but we have such men in Kingston drawn up miserable, whom tHeir very looks be- tray, and would work for anvthing to keep a job if the master would stoop so low as to reach them. But the men of Kingston can be proud they have a good lot of bosses. With. out exception they are most comsider- ate and a , most favorable terms with the men. Outsiders do not need to promulgate falsehoods, as there is neither turmoil or strife, and we trust that the Salvation Army will keep their men in the backgropnd until such times as a settlement may be made which will not be long.--Yours in union, ALFRED COWARD, delegate of the Carpenters and Joiners of King ston, The Lightning Sightseer. Mayor McClellan, of New York, talked at a dinner party about the way that some Ameficans rush through their sightseeing during their summer abroad. "I have been told," he said. "that an American ance drove in a hensem | up to the British museum, leaped out, kicked aside the pigeons that were feeding in the court, and said to the uniformed official at the door : " 'Have you still t the Elgin marbles 8" 8 " 'Yes, sir. Of course, sir.' " 'Good. And the Assyrian winged bulls ¥ " "They're still here, sir.' * 'What about those 6,000-year-old human remains on the second floor-- they're not sold yet, are they? *" 'No, indeed, sir. Won't you step in and spe them ¥' " 'No thanks. I'll just take them as per catalogue. You see, I've got Westminster, St. Paul, the house of parliament and the South Kensington to do this morning, and I must get a train for Oxford in time to rum over the colleges before starting for Strat ford for the night. So long, sir.' " Mexican Millionaires. Some Mexicans make other American millionaires look like three punched dimes. Pedro Alvarado wants to pay Mexican national debt out of his poc- ket change, and to spend twenty mil- lions or so on an army to wipe out the Yaris; there is Patricio Milmo, with 80 much money that he does not know what it means, and now comes Senora Creel, wife of the new Mexican ambassador to the United States with a little fortune of three hundred mil- lion dollars in her own right, while her husband, Senor Enrique 1, has ovér fity millions. The source of most of these great fortunes is mining pro- perty and real estate, To Cure A Cold In One Dax. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- lets. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25¢c. The most subtle essence, dr what ever vou like td [call it, is silence. Even mention the word and you break it. : No other remedy on earth. is so good for children as Hollister's Rocky Moun- tain Tea. Makes them eat, sleep and grow. Bright eyes, rosy cheeks. 33c. Tea or Tablets. Mahood's drug store. The highest inhabited place in the world is the Buddhist monastery of Tlane, in Thibet, which is situated ab- out 17,000 feet above sea level. Do not forget the comcort at the First Congregational church, Friday evening. Excellent programme by fore- ign ang local talent. we! Nevér take affront when you are asked to take a back seat. _ There is some sense in the bee sing- ing "Home, Sweet Home." i $100 REWARD, $100. e readers of this paper will be pleas ed to learn that there is at lenst" one dreaded disease tirat science has been able to cure in all its staves, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only Jositive cure now. known te the megical raternity. Catarrh beiny a constitution- al disease, requires a comstitutional brbper- 3 Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken int 'Stting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, there by destroying the foundation of the dis ease. and giving the patient streagth by building up the constitution and assist Ing nature in doiny its work. pro- ors have so much faith indts cura- tive powers that jheyv offer Ong mdred Dollars for any case that it Ss to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Buy it by name.. your dealer sells it. NOW IS THE TIME Your Furs Repaired or Made Over ste YW ria W. F. GOURDIER EXCLUSIVE FURRIER; 78-80 Brock St. Phone 700 P.S.--WeStore and Insure Furs. * Ibe Birthstone for April is the Diamond. During a whole Lifetime no other gift carries quite the same pleasure as a Diamond Ring. Being indestructible it grow less in stock of Diamonds First Grade consists of Stones. \ SMITH BROS, depend. Sold in three a of strength--No. 1, $1; No. & for Social case §8 pod box: Sold all ai or sent Coox Meowme Ca., pe es { New Lace Curtains Of course you'll need a pair or Why not buy now, before and while more. the big rush begins the stock is at its best. We show the 'finest range of Lace Curtains prices ranging from 25c. to $7 a in the city at pair, prices between. with .a great number' of Besides the Lace Curtains keep Curtain Muslins, Madras Muslins, and the Daint- iest Brass Curtain Poles, at 15¢. and 19c. complete. we Scrims, Stair Oilcloths, 12{c. a yard. "lp. Reversible Floor Mats, 99c. Tapestry and Brussels Floor Rugs, $4.95 and up. If you want the newest in House Furnishing (and who is the Lady that does not), then come direct to this store, you'll be de- lighted with the display. » Sold hy all Drupwists, 75¢. Tete Hails Fampy Zils. for: constipss NEWMAN & SHAN Members of Toronto Stock Exchange - FH. sTOC INVEST Dealt i 1897 ' @ All the Late: found here-- W Shoes with medi heavy Soles. The "Invict and quality. We Boys. Men's 'Invi : Women's "] Boys' "Invic Try a pair 0 ments; You w Shoes." Aberne SISIIIIICIII ~ } Autom of all our 190 Toronto Showro MARCI] before shipm . THE DOMINIK SINGLE FARE ) R. R. RATES , he ll hs Smnm-------------- LACE 800 Pairs Lac OFF regular price ai © $1.50 for $1. $2.00 for $1. 1.000 yards Full. Point D'esps 17¢., 20c:, and 25 THE JAM