Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Apr 1907, p. 7

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Refreshing naris able Walters" at, mildly stimulating the the habitual beverage of rheumatism, or excessive we by a bar of pure, fresh, dirt-removing , containing not a single atom of ulterants, 3 ng colored goods they will not flannels will not shrink, as no ubbing is necessary. > hands and clothes. enting~~in use for jo years. ome illustrated Catalogue of Premiums, J Pure Soap wrappers. s five Richards Pure Soap wrappers n Richards Pure Soap advertisements r will send you a beautiful souvenir. PURE SOAP GO., Limited STOCK, ONTARIO AD. OUT-IT IS VALUABLE. wering: this advertisement. m4 oll a ers by practical ied--not only Wy Ld re meats, vegetables, ntreal. = . INGSTON [PEMBROKE RAILWAY InN CONNECT. TE THE TRAINS LEAVE KINGSTON : , 12.30 p.m. Exvress--For Ottawa Mon tredl, Quebec, St. John, N.B., Halifax, Boston, Toronto, Chi A Denver. Reo. trew, Sault Ste. Mane, uth, Paul, Winnd; tle, Portland , Vancouver, Seat and Francisco. . 5.00 p.m.--Local fs lor Sharbot Lake. connecting with C.P.R. Bast and West. 7.45 a.m,, Mixed--For Renfrew and ln termediate points - Passengers Pom boro', 5.13 wm. ; leaving Kingtton at 12.30 erase in Ottawa at 5 p.m. ter Toronto, 7.830 p.m. : Boston, 7.30 a.m ¥. CONWAY, Gen, Pass. Agent, Bay of Quime Railway New short line for Tweed, Napanee, 'save City Hall Dwpot CONWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry., Kingston: eee tee PUBLICATIONS ISSUED BY INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY DREECRIBING THE Fishing Keep Boating Posted Keep Boat eg Posted | Hunting oF Quebec and the Mari- . time Provinces Are now with the printers. You have your mame on the list for copies by Writin~ to MONTREAL TICKET OFFIGE 141 St. James Street Or General Passenger Department, Moncton, N.B. GRAND TRUNK &% Branch Local Time Table Traine will leave and arrive at City Depot, Foot of Johnson street. GOING WEST can free Sa Ly Lve. City Arr. Cit Ko, Mall ... 12485 am: l15am * 3 Express .. 226a.m. 305am 11 Local .. .. 9.15am. 947am * 1 Intern'l Ltd 12.16 noon 12,49 p.m * 7Mai .. ..319pm. 3.51pm " 15Local .. .. 7.03 p.m. 7.38 p.m GOING EAST Lve. City Arr. City Wo. SBMail .. ..148am 22am " QFast Exp. 22am. 3.05am " 14 Local .. ..8.16am. 847 am " 6 Mail ... ..12.16 noon 12.49 p.m * 4Fast Exp. 1.00pm. 1.29pm * 12 Local ... ... 7.03pm. 738pm Nos. 1,3 8 4, 5 and 8 run daily. Al other trains dally excopt Sunday. Train Nos. 2 and § carry Pullmas Sleeper to and from Ottawa Direct route to Toronto, Peterboro, Hamilton, London, Detroit, Chicago, Bay Montreal. Ottawa, Quebec, Portland, Halifax, Boston and New Y J. P. HANLEY Agent, Corer Johasox and Ontario streets. ALLAN "wi" LINE MAIL SUMMER SAILINGS MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL, Fri, May 3, May 31st," June 28 Virginian, Fri.,, May 10. June 7, July 5. Tunisian, Fri. May 17, June 14, July 13. Victorian, Fri., May 24, June 21, July 19, RATES OF PASSAGE. lonian, 1st., Cabin, Victorian and Virginian, $50 and upwards. Tunisian, 70 and according to steamer and accommoda- upwards. lonian, $65 and up. . 2nd., Cabin, $42.50, $45 and $47.50, on 8rd., Class, $27.50 and $28.75. Victorian and Virginian are Triple Screw steamers, of 12.000 tons, pro pelled by Turbine engines. _ For sailings and rates of Allen Line services to Glasgow, Londonderry, Lon- don and Havre, (France), with full ticulars, apnly to J. P. GILDER- SLEEVE, Clarence St., J. P. HANLEY, QUEBEC S. S. COMPANY BERMUDA Reached in 48 hours from New York by the new Twin Screw Steawship * Ber- mudian,"" 5,500 tons, or Steamship Trinidad 2,600 tons. Sailing 1st, 6th, 11th, 15th, 28rd. and 24th April, NEW YORK TO WEST INDIES. S. 8. "Trinidad." April for St Thomas, St. Croix, St. Kitts. Antigua, Guadeloupe, Dominica, Martingque, St. Lucia and Barbados BARBADOS AND DEMERARA DIRECT. S 8, "Parima," 27th April. For beauty of scenery and perfection of climate these trips are unsurpassed. For illustrated pamphlets giving rates of passugé and all information, apply to A E. OUTERBRIDGE & CO. Agents, Quebec Steamship Co., 29 Broadway, New York: A. AHERN, Sec'y., Quebec, Canaila, or to Ticket ~ Agents, J. P. HANLEY, and J.P. GILDERSLEEVE, Kingston. TIME TABLE STEAMER WOLFE ISLANDER Leave Wolfe Island: . a 3 AM. 1.0 1.00 1.0 300 1.00 100 3.00 1.00 E E 2.00 200 4.30 2.90 5 1.15 Time Table subject to change Without notice. Boat calls at Garden Island going to and frou. Kingston. E. BRICELAND, Manager. sens meantime -------------------------- FARM LABORERS AND DOMESTICS. Art Eos Tog kd Pn me y ¥. KNAPP, King COUNTESS LOSES TITLE AND WEALTH. : Romantic Deathbed Marriage of Count to Actress Set Aside package brings them to you usb, crisp, inviting. By Court. . Practically every grocer in Canada Berlin, April 2.-A thbed rom- ass MOONEY'S. Yours will get ance enacted four yearss came to a tragic conclusion for the heroine in the law court at Breslau this evening. One day in the spring of 1903 Count Chamare, a German nobleman, was motoring with his friend, Fraulein Wanda Blaustein, an actress, when he sustained mortal injuries by an acei- dent. Fraulein Blaustein escaped with a "slight shock, awd Count Chamare: insisted on marrying her as he lay on his deathbed. He then made a will making her sole heiress of his immense fortune. He died almost immediately afterward, with the Countess Chamare's'hands clasped in his' own. Count Chamare's relatives claimed that the marriage was void and the will invalid, and brought an action to prove their contentions. The high court gave judgment in favor of the voung countess, but the dead counts relatives appealed against this deci: sion. The court of appeals has now given judgment against the countess by de- claring the marriage invalid and the will null and void. The woman. who has been regarded as countess for four years, must now resume her maiden name and give up the large NERVOUS ni WEAK re ame and give up them if you ask. Int & 3 Ib. pkgs. PERFECTION Ln ER 50> a TAS BHR STRATFORD C BL She will be obliged to resume the stage as a profession. News From Philipsville. Philivsville, April 1.--Dennis Dow- ney, of the C.P.R., Brockville, "is W | COULD NeT AT NIGHT | spending Easter with his mother and To the theumnds of poeple afl over this sister here. Hilyard Lackeberry gos land whe are tessing en sleepless pillows | to Lakefield to take charge of a fur- night after night, or whe pace thebedreom | niture and undertaking establishment Soor with merves snbinged, and to whees | in that place. Miss Winifrid Halladay eyes sloop will not come, , leaves today for Toronto to attend 3 the Conservatory of Music. Mr. and MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE | Mrs. W. B. Philps. has returned from PILLS I Toronto, where they spent a week hy : faughter, Mrs. William offer the of sound, refveshing with their daug for hisming i Laishley. The sfrup makers have not had very much success so far mmking They restore the equilibriam of the do- syrup. Unless the sap runs better ranged nerve centres, and bring back the | than it has very few orders will be shattered nervous system te perfect condi- | filled. Rev. J. J. White, Hamilton, tien. preached a very instructive sermon in church. Easter Sunday. Mos, Wa bp Out, | in Jgptist is speeding Easter week writes; "I take grea pleasure ia recom: | i}, jo: friends in Lends. Mrs. Louis mending Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. | j hnson has been visiting Mrs. MN. I was troubled at times with my heart, felt | Alguire the past three weeks Jacoh weak and nervous and could net sleep at | Dorman, Soperton, spent Saturday night. I have taken several bouss of the | and Sunday iii Jus ate and datgl i : ters here. . Halladav and wife pills and am erfully improved. | attended the funeral of his niece at I have recommended them to others and | I k. Many of the { Morton last week. Many of the they have found them just what they | farmers are very busy drawing their - lumber from the mill. Mrs. Elewnor The price of Milburn's Heart and Nerve (Farman has returned from. Elgin, oma Foto Shear | Tithe it i tt, ag 4h Gouters or wil to mailed rh fn | visiting at her parents, Jr. and Mrs. recsiph-of price by Milka R. M. Stevens. Mrs. Hellenor Bresoe Limited, Toronte, Ond. . lis spending Faster week with her brother and his family, Alired Wil -- liams, Notes From Bongard's. Bongard's, April 1.---Mr. Lucas aml family, Belleville, have moved in their | new home recently purchased from Capt. Stanton. Mrs. W. L. Minaker visited Mrs. Thomas Bongard last week. Miss Mabel Arthur is spending the Easter holidays at her home in Consecon. Messrs. J. Bradley and { Thomas Bongard are busily engaged making maple syrup. Levi Pierce, of | Hamilton, was over Easter at - his For all kinds of Family Baking home here. spending the holi Canadien Aousrwives ff | are -------- Lyndhurst Items. Landhurst, April 1.---D. W. Green's cheese factory has opened with a good supply of milk, and Mr. Leader as chevsemaker. E. McReady and Mr. Stringer are opeming up a hardware \store here. Mrs. George Roddick is vnder the doctor's care. C. E. Me Cutcheon i home from Queen's. spend Easter holidays with _ his Miss Alma Graham and Miss have arrived from BEAVER |n Paterson days here. Mr. and Mrs. F. Dodge | were unexpectedly called to Milford, | owing to the sudden death of Nr. . Dodge's brother. Capt. Stanton and has no equal. It is the only sisters have moved = Waupoos. Mr. . 0 Archibald Kerr were at J. flour blended especially for | | Bhat ations D. Bongard"s on Sunday. Mrs. George ousehold and this McDonald has returned to Toronto h se anc! blend- | | 57" "Mra. J. WH. Harrison and ING Ontario Full Wheas enables the FE. Harrison and family were guests at . D. T. McCornock's, Easter Sunday. housewife to get the best results, Ti abate Saver The bet cofts no more than the next bef. Your grocer should have if for you. Dealers, write f n or gions pice ye T. H. Taylor Co, Limited, Chatham, 34 ing his mother Ama Harvey Farmer? tawn, where they have heen attending " college. Then----------you shall know, that we oe have everything from a needle to an anchor in the farmers' line. A duiry It takes an 'inquest to show what's cream separator beats Cobalt stocks as a money maker, and one of our nice Rubber Tired Runabouts makes life easy for old and young. We have also a line of Harness, all styles and prices. We have one of the hest 200 acre farm in the country, eight miles . from the city. good cheese factory, school, post office and church only a few hundred yanis in a man "You Will Suffer all Your Life." from house. Can be bought on easy -- terms 1 ™ v Rr Apply T. E. HUGHES or D. J. HAY SAID ALL THE DOCTORS Hall a dosen of the best physicians told Mr, Baker that he had Chronic New Bngland Chinese | (oid Mr, Beker tat be bel Chrous Restaurant 331 BingStrest | oof 45 be Heed On Co No had in a paper of 'a man who Rheumatism just like him--who had Open from 10.30 a.m. to 3.00 a.m. been told by doctors that his case was oll round | hopeless--and who had been completely he het Ir" Masia of al Kinds | cured by GIN PILLS. on shortest notice; English and Chinese | The two cases were so much slike Diabes a specially. "Phone. 885. that Mr. Baker decided he would invest soc in a box of GIN PILLS and give them a trial. - It was the best investment he ever Ladies" Tailoring Fiaest of Workmanship, Up-to- | ade. Before ihe first box was taken, Date Styles, and Good Fit Guar | je felt better all over, so he got ant another. He took that and bought & third, getting better all the time. Hinesville, May 8, 1906, 1 have been greatly benefitted by your Gin Pills. and 3 who Lave used them in this neighborhood speak very highly of them. ood. 236 University Ave. One of ay neighbors, Mr. who suffered Wm. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. EA hg Jide T . N Ca . C H feceivingthe slightest Deut, wasentirely sured two boxes Gia Pilla is ng - triages, Lutters, Tlarness their virtues from the routon. oo ete., for sa I. Bama. Yours truly, We don't even ask you to buy Gim Write us, mentioning this paper, and we will gladly send you a free sample of these wonderful Kiduev Piils that cure Drug Co, PAINT! If you intend reliable The Winnipeg, Man. Sold DAILY BRITISH Misses V. MeCarnock and 4 Pills--but to try them at our expemise. | . SPORTING NOTES. T0 RESUME STAGE] otry 2 wus Sporting Topics. The National «Lacrosse Union ed T. Carlind ident and F. Thompson dent. The will open on June lst. i The semi-finals for the English foot ball cup were played recently, 'with | the result that Everton and Sheffield are left in to contest the final next month. [ It has virtually been decided that the proposed international rowing elect: | Ww. season regatta in commection with the Olym- pic games of 1908 in Loudon, shall be rowed at \ | Miss Birdi Kern, of St. Louis, {again won the National bowling | champiouship in the individunl class (with a score of 34% Mrs. "Hill, of Cleveland, scored 453. Toronto Globe : It was a wise and practical action on the part of the oldest and wot important of the {association football bodies when the | Western Football Association decided last Friday to affiliate with the Cana: {dian Amatour Athletic Union, and the course of the W.F.A. will no doubt be j produetive of great reciprocal beme- is. | General indignation is expressed in { Dundas over action of the Western | Football Association in taking the senior western championship from Dundas and handing it over to Sea forth. No complaint had ever been ited with the W.F A and the Dundas lelub had po knowledge of any action to .be taken at Good Fridny's meet ing, and they were not allowed to say anvthing in defence. Sy Montreal baseball team are Toractising at Hamplon, Va., with Manager Kittredge in charge. He has | the following squad with him Con- nor, Newton, . Dubois, Herbst, Stan ley. Romer, Simmons, Jovee, Maddi- gan, Phelan and Small. Hartman is studying law aml will not he able to report for a week or two. The Birds {have heen booked to play a number of exhibition games. L . Street Suit. street suits made in se The plainer vere tailored style are really much smarter for every-day street wear than are the fancy costumes, amd mannish little suits in checked, strip. od, invisible plaid and plain surface model, the lines of which are apt to be becoming to most figures. cont is semi-fitted, and entirely with out trimming. The skirt is side plaited, the plaits being quite close together and stitched down ten inches or so below the waist line. Lombardy Locals. Lombardy, March 30.--~George Fields, employed for the past few months as sawer in Crate & Co's mill, left last week for his home in Owen Sound Before kaviag | ombardy Mr. Fields was the recipint of a handsome meer schaum pipe from his fellow-employees Farmers here have begun sugaranak ing, but Clinton Williams has returned to North | Bay after spending the winter here Mise Williams has rested her farm to Ernest Chisamore, of Smith's Falls, Misses Lily Taylor, Lucy Cauley and Vina Cauley, teachers, are home for the Easter vacation. Miss Poppelwell, of the village school; is spending the holidays at her home near Perth, and Miss Prescott, of 8.8. Net. 5, has gone for the week to her home in Montag ney. Henry Taylor will take "- ecasion shortly of the farm he recently girchas d fiom Richard Bass. The isses Ruth Meek, Louise Mock and Luella Dufficld are home from Smith's Falls high schoo! for Easter. Fernleigh Doings. | Fernloigh, March 29. ~The Free Meth. | odist minister, 'Mr. Cunningham, | preached an eloquent sermon to a large congregation, on Sunday even ling. Sugarmaking is the order of the day. Very warm weather for this time of the year. Seow nearly all gone. Spring ix come again, with the song of birds 10 make us think of summer. 1. Lyons is opening up a new supply of groeeries and dry goods in this place. A fishing party 10 Long Lake. Miss Allison, at M. Duvied', F, SN. Keller is all smiles; a litte girl has come to stay. Mrs. P. Kellar, at her son's. Stuart Martin, who was sick, is able to be out again. W, Samicell has moved to this Alfred Lyons has gone to William McKinons, at M. Dapies'. King Edward's Sitting-Room. London M. A. P. uisite eighteenth-century furniture re is an oriental red carpet, the curtains are the same tone mural decbrations comprise a some white dado, with soft 1 frieze. The writing-rqom, where his and pure York Springs Water. {| majesty attends to His business af | airs. is like ua eify magnate's private office. care for conspicuous by their absence. . Nor Ja: he favor the roll-top desk. He The king, however, does not writes. at a flat table with drawers | down each wide. His chair is up- | holstered in morocco leather, with | armrests. He uses an ordinary steel by all dealers--s0c. a box; or 6 pen, and is never ¥ without cigaret for §2.50--or sent on recip of | Pe tia while dictating ta og tary. TUESDAY, APRIL 2, materinls will be much worn this spring by the bestadressed women The illustration shows a favorite | report a poor run of sap.- vicinity, rdoch The king's 'sitting-room contains ex: and The | pure. Made of purest herbs > revolving chairs, which are EE ---- --_-- RESCUE T00 LAT urEgmre Five Men Go Astray in Fog and Have Terrible All-Night Ex- Belfast, April 2.-A mountain tra gedy, involving the death of three men, was reported from County An- trim, yesterday. Five men, named Connolly, Keilty, White, Millar and Smith, started on Wadaesday on a shooting expedition on the mountain range which over looks the beautiful Vale of Glenariff, Two or three hours later they lost themselves in a dense fog. They wan- dered ail y about and endeavored to find one of the beaten tracks; but without success. At hunger brought on ex- treme fatigue. The. men, alone and Jost in the mountains, had scarcely the stragth to walk, and the bitterly cold wind rtially paralyzed their limbs. Darkness came on, and the men were still ignorant of their where abouts. After a while Connolly said he could go no further, aml he fell to the ground exhausted. His four compa: ons, although almost as weak as he, picked him up and, by an offort which taxed their remaining strength to the utmost, carried him over boulders and through gullies until they themselves were on the point of collapsing. Then they put him down, placed him under shelter in a sitting position, wrapped him in their groatcoats amd, having thus done all they could for bis comfort, left him and went away to look for assistance. Millar and Smith went in one direc tion and Keilty and White in another The firsb-named reached the residence of Conway Dobbs, at Parkm vesterday morning. They were last stage of exhaustion, and as they entered the house they sank helpless Iv on a conch, Restoratives were applied, and when they had regained sufficient strength they related their terrible experience A search party was at once or kanized, and with Millar and Smith acting a guides, they all tramped 10 the spot where Comnolly had heen left. He was sitting there still wrap Ped in his compapions' coats, but dead. He had been/frozen to death Later in the afternoon the dead bodies of Keilty and White were found in the bed of a frozen moun tain streum. The men had evidently stumbled there, and had been weak to rise. too Royalties' Pleasures. Queens Alexandra's chicf delight, at any time, is, says a writer in the By stander, to do her own shopping, and it was always the greatest treat she could give her daughters. To go into a shop, especially when they imagin- ed themselves unpecognizéd, and to buy and choose at their own sweet will, was like heaven to them. When the princess royal married the Duke of File, she, too, enjoyed, I remem- ber, a perfect orgy of shopping. By some piece of inadvertence, 1 once found myself soon, aftes her marriage, in the Edgware road, near the Marble Arch, on a Sunday morning. There | saw her royal highness. She was peer ing into every shop window which had not the shutters up, and was ap parently enjoying herself hugely. It i quaint ta find that membars of the royal family should take this huge delight to being unnoticed. ------ Household Hints. Gasoline will clean kitchen paint and wall paper beautifully, and will remove every particle of grease from both, without hurting either. After , greasing pans for cinnamon rolls, or muffins, also dust with flour, and they will come out with a crisp crust, and never stick to pan. Piece of camphor gum put in with silver not in use prevents it from tar nishing. A little butter edge of a eream pitcher prevents cream dropping To drive ants from the pantry, lay pieces of campbor on the shelves, and they will disappear. Punctuality for housekeepers means five minutes before the appointed tim. The barrenness of the market or gar den is no excuse for flavorless food When mint, for instance is plentiful a few cents will buy a bunch of fresh green leaves. Put them in a glass pre serving jar, fill up with good vinegar The mint market may then rise or fall' without cutting short your sup- ply. rubbed on the tip the Bankers In Penitentiary. Toronto Star At present there are three Ontario bankers, who not long ago arose to find themselves famous or otherwise They are now MW Kingston penitenti ary, and a fourth will shortly arrive Their names are Charles McGill, E. 8 Banwell, and Hillhouse Brown. The fourth one to go there is John F. Duncan, former manager of a nk at Ayr, . -------- London has 925.088 houses, but, with all these the suffragists have picked out the House of Commons as the one they want to enter. Your digestion ' will be all the better, your blood all the cleaner, for a frequent glass of York Sarsaparilla. A beverage and a medicine, pungent, rich, aromatic and York Springs »Sarsaparilla , is better--yet costs no more. The @ineral Springs Limited, Toronty SALS | For all disorders of stomach and liver, Bileans sound, safe and sure remedy. They strengthen the Juactions in Nature's own way, being from Nature's own herbal extracts. Women over find them a boon. Finest household remedy. All druggivs and stores, 80%. a box, or from Bilean Co., Toronto. 6 FOR ILIOUSNESS. - hn % Only lasts a few days longer, as we intend beginning building operations. What goods remain oa the floors we are closing out at less than cost to save expense of mov= * JAMES REID "Phone 147. 9 ve 26¢ That Cough which ordinary remedies have net reached, JF will quickly yield to GAY'S SYRUP OF Rep Spruce um Tt cures those heavy, deepaeated coughs--takes away the soreness--heals the throat--strengihens the lungs, None the less effoctive because it is pleasant to take. Just try one bottle and see how quickly you get rid of that cough. At your druggists. 38c. SHOR NIE EN SRLAE Iw Be port accorded by here, I have decided to JE in Kingston. I am now open- * ing up the best selected stock & of 3 wa Imported Suitings I have ever shown. valuss combined with frst. WAGCONER'S aK Call and inspect the tooke, 2 pr -- _ wo Ano USED EVERYWHERE. uckles Belt B LIMITED AND Everything in the newest J and prettiest designs. EPPS S Kinnear & d'Estebre, ] Jewelers & Opticians A delicious drlak and a sustain} 100 Princess Street. food. Fragrant, nutritious economical. This excellent maintains the system in robust - Royal Insarance Co OF ENGLAND. Business In Force ..$109,000,000 Assets au we 44.900 .000 Profits Paid (1905) 8,226,000 This Strong British Company has SROURITY unequalled 1 LIFE Company in the orm. any We Invite Your Investigation. W. J. B. White, Agent, Kingston health, it to resist winter's extreme cold. , and Sold by Grocers and Storekeepers a drand Tb Tian Wood's ones and ov igaraina the whols Ea = $1 per box, six for Dns will eh of fe 2% ome © Toronto, Opposite Grand A ur : on HOTEL [nsboizs free on receipt of 2-cent T.McAuiey HAS REMOVED TO President--8tr Richard Car.~ oe Money lonned on City and Farm Pro~ ¢ . portion, Municipal a County _ Debens ' ures. Mor purchased. ' received and in sliowed. Between Corbett's Hardware Store and Taylor & Hamil. ton's, directly opposite An- grove's, When You Buy. COAL rn dims, COME AND SEE US "Phone No. 738, NewYork Chinese Restaurant '83 Princess Street Rigoey & Hickey, Jas. NoPariand

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