Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Apr 1907, p. 8

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te Range in the Newest "Most Fashionable Ma- 18... 3 New Dress Materials test Mens in Stripes and Checks, at 50c., 75¢., 90c., $1, $1.25, $1.50 yard. THRE New Voiles In Black and Colors. The Crisp, fim finish, splendid values, at B0o., 8c, 0c. $1, $1.25, $1.50 yard. New Broadcloths Thoroughly Sponged and Shrunk, in Venetian and Chiffon finish, Black and all Colors, 00c., $1, $1.10, $1.85, $1.35, $1.50, $1.78 yard, ipo Ti i r lebe SE pie an F § 1 § F aE Be i IE i i £ i f E § H fF 5 2 i gE i 1 : i = Ht § : fF Ef gf H ¥ i ite 4 £ g g i FH ot § gE is not if y- members of the On- 1 Association os ever in the forty- I session in the University .. The present Inmentable of rural shools was attri Thomas' E, lly ns here 5 | SHE ) g a : idomtity, but Wack too well-known here, whee To had been a prominent figure for several years, and was identified Mich, where sove. now live on a farm own. W od by the Rollers, WHITE WOMEN AVENGED. African Natives Flo Whites. ogra. By Johannesburg, April ' 2 Grogan, president of the Colonists' Association, assitted by two other Europeans, publicly flogged three na- tives before the courthouse. The affair was witnessed by practi cally all the pon-official white popula: tion. A resident magistrate and a policeman were present, and made a formal protest, but no attempt was made to interfere with Captain Grog- an and his assistants. The flogging wins the outcome of lack of poliee protection, which has led to many white women being in- sulted by natives. Often the natives have gone unpunished, and miblic re sentment culminated in today's ex- traordinary scene. Captain AWAIT EARTHQUAKES With Some Anxiety Says Prof. Belar, of London. looden, April 2-Profl, Belar, the weim Obkervatory, announecs that the ral unrest of the earth has been grow: ing d the last three dave amd ¢onnects the fact with the presence of large sun spots. He says that if the disturbances of the equilibriom of the earth are to result in the average compromise, 'we must await the earthquakes now due with some anxiety, In the supreme court rand vs, Dussualt, uppenl jae ith costs. t vs. , appeal dismissed with costs. These are two Quebec cases. Turoer . Lumber Co. vs. Play: fair (Ontario), appeal dismissed with costa. : ve. McGillivray (One tario), motion to quath dismissed' with costs. Ship Wandriag ve, Hat: field (New Brumawick), appeal dis mised, local admiralty judge upheld. had, Cha '0. ve. Paguette we), appeal dismissed with costs. seldom grows Judes ithe feet of a man who keeps on the sidewalk of in the middle of the street. ' An expert optician examines your ayes, when vou get glasses at Chown's 4d Mate, rd a . Cunningham, piano tuner, from ' Ply ) at. MoAuley's a Te Ssoler F bates at Gibson's RAI Com nS " Wade's Furniture Polish. Big bot ; 18c.; at Wade's Drag Store, iv if i 3 | i 1 this season's camp |» ireetor of the Alubach | 77. Ps fitting glasses, the resuls of ect test, at Chown's frog nore, . tug Emmetson, of MT. company will go into dry dock to- morrow, for repairs, There was a very small turnout of at tuday's market. No in prices was On Mondny jee of coal in Sy- racuse of most in use, was 40 to 86 per ton. ¢ Local militia authorities state that i ar ter the young men gamblers of that town. They are cleaning out the "joints" and fining the frequenters as well. Isn't it time Kingston's auth- orities followed in the wake of Gana- noque ? Don't be fooled by oriental fancy pames. Campbell's Varnish Stain is the original and only satisfactory colored varnish on the market. No mystery about i. Just the best varnish and suitable colors. Nothing equals it for floors, fumiture and woodwork. W. A. Mitchell sells it. PERSONAL MENTION. Movements of The Peopls--What They Are Saying And Doing. Warden Platt contloues quite ill. Mrs. John Duff is very much better, W. Bampfield, King street, is on the wick list. > Miss Mary Hague, Barrie street, is visiting friends in Gananoque. Bert, Keyes, Hamilton, is visiting his parents, oii Princess street. Mes. A. Pratt, Chavenville, N.Y. is the guest of W. Carroll, Alfred street. D. Donnelly, Midland, spent the holidays with his family, on Union street. J. L. Wiliams, spending Easter at his home, returned yesterday to Ut. tawa. ! A. Johnston, Queen strect, has been spending the Easter holidays with his parents, at Corawall. i Owoar Day, Montreal, steward on the new R. & O. steamer King, is in the city on business, John Cousins, University avenue, has returned home from Toronto, whero he spent Easter with friends. J. Shaw, of the Bank of Ottawa y, the Kidd's father, School Rartie t street, J. G. Elliott, managing editor of the Whig, left, to-day, for Toronto ant Western Ontario points, where he will spend the week. Mrs. returned to nepector Kidd, a with his father, Ed. win Charles, Divisi Richardson's fi north of Frontenac, an engine. James Henderson, for some foreman of the Imperial Steam Laun- dry; severs his t laundry, on Saturday, and will re move to Prantiord, where he has re company. Norval Hodgson, formerly book: keeper for Elliott Bros, leaves to- morrow, for Winnipeg, to a i igs in a offers of the C.P.R. a ise Alice J, t, supeciatendent of t Nurses' - School of Kingston general hospi doumeil of the } dian Society, of Traiving Schools for and. Mrs. Stewart onto, has returned from spending the time connection with the ceived a position with a brick-making ii lg Lefily {EH H bole 1 fi ile i 5 : 8 £ i i >i oH FH tinee the audience small, about hall the seating capacity of the 'theatre being occupied. Mlle. Rose Symra said that the archbishop's injunction bad fallen beavier on her than the rest 'of the players, owing to the oceasion being first appearance om a Canadian stage. "1 was very much surprised," she went on. "At first 1 thouglt it was the result of some mi o between the t and the ec clesigstical authorities, 1 never dreams ed that the clergy bere imputed so much influence to dramatic artists ard their work. In France we are con sidered quite inoffensive and the church would never think of molesting us in this way. I have given lesson: in tholie families in Paris and am on ex- cellent terms with several members of the clergy there. It is the first {ime that I have ever met with, such a re ception. | war always under the im- areasion That iis broad expanse of itory st for. freedom, especially. freedom of ideas, but I can in frankly that 1 have been a little appointed," -------- COBALT STOCKS. Furnished By J. 0. Hutton, 18 Market Street. dis- Elliott, of " . in the high school Prine | Foreman P, Meid of the lower fire | Toromot APril 3nd. 15m. of the collego, and the | station gave his new team a trial on |Abitibi ilipthoddnodor LED school degurtment to the | Brook street this mamning. The team |CoMuges ~ 478 4320 by the tion or cugiound puived the dust, and Prove se | Gry Mews = RE UH schools to the standard of the en- I erongauidat of the liver, with con Biotest 1835 1375 t ; tion, whereby teachers | gtipation, injures the p in- | Beterson Lai 8 34 of loss knowledge be- | duces Pimples," sallow RN Remove Sitver Leaf 16 18 Eh fo Squeere out the matures and |the cause by using Carter's Little Liv. | C.F. oo 177 17s more mon. er Pills, Ones THI ORY ris niin 2 00 ------------------ : LAST SALES. FLYING ROLLER APOSTLES | (ci that the peice of urappion popes | Lostar hdr Are Su b . has advanced to such a point when Shiver oul 34 pposed to Have Gone to | qh, weighs it with some Trothewey r Ja , England, groceries, loses money on the pe- | iPissiug + 2 Wiadeor, Ont., April 2-44 is be | por. Po" | Groen "Heahan " lieve! here that Mason, "Mother | The Junior Woman's Auxiliary pre- Old Resident Dead Eleanor," of the Rollers' com- | sented a pew to St, 's cathe: of. Kin : SR munity, and D. L. okay, her soo. | drabithis yoar. This, and the one giv- Another ton . old Susiskmite retary, have gone England. 1t is | en last 'year, will be marked by the |Possed to rest. Hrs. Jaabeta Shar known they held tickets Hon [Wineheter the of the | Man, wife of the late Jacob Sharman, treal when (hey Jeft here by NCPR auxiliary. . ) boat builder of this eity, formerly of train on Sunday night. On leaving | Gananoque authorities are hot al- Baxricficld, where they liad resided for over twenty-five years, passed to rest April 1st, aged sevenly years and three months. She was born . in County Tyrone, Ireland, January lst, 838. She was a staunch member of Queen Street Methodist church, She was a "ory patient sufferer for years, and very sclf-saerjficing and thought- ful for others. She was a kind and loving mother and all who knew 'her were fond of her. In her early child hood her parents, Thomas and Mar. garet Menary and family came to this comtry and settled in. Kingston. She was maied to Jacob Sharmen in Kingston; he preceded her - to the heavenly home twenty years ago, shortly after moving to the city. Two sisters swrvive, Mary. Pooley, Buffalo, N.Y., Margaret Thurston, St. Cath- arines, also a brother, George Menary, Kingston: She leaves a fam. ily of eight children. Two. sons, | Thomas N., Jacob M,, of this city: six daughters, Elimbeth .J., Windsor, Ont.;' Mrs. Isabella Hegadorn. of this oity; Mrs. May A. Utter, Seattle, Wash.: Mrs. Maud Kerr, Newhoro, Ont.; Mrs. Rhoda C. Massie, New Rochelle, N.Y.; Miss Ada M. Shar- man, New Rochelle, N.Y. now at home; also tem grandchildren. Le Grand Reed. ny The appearance bere at the City Hall, on Wednesday evening, April 10th, of Mme, Le Grand Reed, the telebrated - soprano. Kelly Cole, of New York, who has a world-wide re putation as being one of the finest tenors on this continent, also Mrs, Ethel Cole, a celebrated New York pianist, will undoubtedly be the finest musical treat of the season. Plan at Uglow's to-morrow, Will Meet To-Night. The first practice of the special choir for the svangelistioc services to be con- ducted in the city shortly, by the Mo Master band, will be held in Cooke's church to-night, and a good attend ance is. desired. Besides the choirs of the different churches an invitation is extended to all church workers to join the choir, Big Fun Show. High class vaudeville, all new movy- ing pictures and the latest illustrated songs, presented by the Leadon Amusement company, will be at' The Grand for three nights this week, com- Peter Cameron, an old yee of | mencing on Thurslay, April 4th, and Richardson Bros, It, today, for {giving a bargain matinee, Saturday. Case Was Dismissed. The adjourned liquor case, in which a local ler was charged with sells ing to an unlicensed house, came be: fore Magistrate Farrell this morning, and after the taking of evidence was dismissed. Marsh Fire Of Wolfe Island. The marsh fire which started on posi- Wolfe Island, Sunday, burned all day Monday, and was still smouldering torday. No damage sulted from thé blaze. Bananas And Oranges. Idosen, at Camovsky's, The Latest In Spring Suitings Many Novelties in English and French Suitings in Fancy Checks and Stripes, New English Tweed Suitings ." Faocy Tweeds for Skirts, +. Chiffon Broadcloths. Sedan Cloths, Venetian Suitings, Serges, Mohairs: Voiles, Marquisette Cloths. 49c. to $1.50 yard. WOMEN'S SPRING SUITS Froi one of the most up-to-date designers, The materials as well as the finish and style will please the most partic- ular woman. _ Just a hint as to cost. 12.50, 13.75, 14.50, 15.75, 16.75, 18 30. New Spring Coats That-will cost you 8.50. 6.75,7.50, 7.95, 8.75, 10.00 , Choose Now 3 Even if not. prepared to buy, your choice can be placed aside uatil required. . Children's | Coats Smart Coats for Tittle children in a great variety of new designs, at 2.99, 3.50, 4.25, 4.75, 5.50. ~ FREE ir 2 @ To-morrow and Wednesday a copy of Delineator for April with every purchase of Dress Goods to the value of 250 or over. to property ve. All this week, Jc, 18e., Me. per: ~ Shoes NEW STYLES FOR 1907 Lower in height, lower heels, shorter vamps;, and many other changes to distinguish them from other makes. Empress Shoes are made in Canada and every pair is Shoe Stdre § YEAR 74. 1 Pearsa S---- illi -- On your way dow when you come in on call in and see what are offering in all Mil OUR DRESS Need no comment, sales we are having speaVs for itself. While Fancy Win Paradise, Aigrettes Plumes, and Flowers beauty mre among ou To buy from us m both profitable and a Pearsall"s M 228 Princess 8 CROSSE & BLA JAM Strawberry. Raspberry Blackberry Gooseberry Peach Cherry Pineapple Red Currant J In One Pound Gla --ALL NEW G JAS. REDDE! Kingston Re: Room 38, Merchants' ing, Winnipeg W.H. Smythe We are sel Winnipeg City | Manitoba & Wester: and British Colu Lands Write now for pri locations. Monun Foreign and Domest Marble, Large stock to lowest possible prices. James M Opp. Y.M.C.A. 37% REMOV THE UNIQUE Having made a change my Business, I wish to customers for their Pp. past, amd hope to see 3 the New Stand, with as that will give me their find my stock to be the prices right. Orders pry C. H. Pickerin Cor. Pine and FP Removed to Cor. U and Princess Sts. F WE WILL YOU Are you required to Bonds ? It so, the Fumpire Ac Company offers facilitie any other Company or your requirements. ¥ plete information, see « MR. CHAMBERLAIN py Empire Acoident GASOLINE L ARE ALL It you have no engir row. Is there anythin than a sail in a i a hot summer day, an we are building them | sine and style you wai DAVIS' DF Avid see us. Don't away to a foreign ¢ amining our boats an suit you, give us an © KINGSTON AND { ni yum in daily. except Sundav.

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