Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Apr 1907, p. 8

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Furnished By J, 0. Hutton, 18 are {kj ment of education and not by local arten directors, and that steps be tal to establish kindergartens in every urban school in the province, Mombors of the larming department of the Ontario Educational association waited upon Hon. Dr. Pyne, this morn. to urge that as the proposed abo lition of the model schools in aecord- ance with the new normal schools pro- gramme, will deprive many model school "wasters of their occugation, some provision should he made for them asked also that madel Market Street. school tonchers with ten years suc & | Toroute, April am. 1 pn. 2 s aa | cessful expérience as masters, holding h) 4.60 425 | the degree of arte, and any with Jess J " 1.00 1 be than ten Joarw experience who pass Campheli's VY: ? Green Mashun '45 | the examination for the degree of give your old the ii oa ah hacholor pf peagogy or 'some equival- apd host eautifal 55 53 fant be granted public school inspee- Niiver by ' I ) 1% tore certificates, liver Queen ' "3 A bulletin wan issued this morning 1.53 1.28 away 1.78 1.71 [from the Oeneral Hospital that the Twin City V5 Yeondition of Won. J. W. St, John, LAST SALES, showed no improvement. . AL 81 ia Joshua Garrett's seat as a member ¢ 15.75 [of the London city council waa ealim- . . 13%) ed by George W, Armstrong 'on the JM Shoulder braces, Be. Neo all colors. New | otir special dip-hip corsets, G5c. York Tieess Reform, z © Strictly high clases candy. MeCon- key's and Huyler's nre sold only at Gibson's Redd Cross drug store. 'Phone ! Prince Leopold Charles Fdward, of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, wephew of King Edward, has arrived at Van- oeuver. Northwood, Ont. clair. to have horn visited hy an oarthguake on Tusslay. J Vegetable oyster at Carnovsk NEW SPRING ~ STYLES : Exclusive Novelties Direct From Paris and New York man ing from s Meauit of » Vp terworth, England, Dr. I through a scratch New Spring Suits § Extremely large variety, in Plain and Fancy Effects, New | Juntper Effects and rv by "$10, $12.50, $15, $18, $20, » a Viv ab iat edad New Coats New Skirts New Blouses ' The Color of Our BLACK GOODS is Absolutely Perfect in Every Way. Black Japanese Silks 50¢., 60c., 75c., 86c., $1, $1.25 yard, Black Taffeta Silks 50c., 80c., 75¢., 8B¢., 00c., $1, $1.10 yard. Black Voiles 80e., 60c., 78¢., 90c., §1, $1.25, $1.50, $1.76, 82 per yard. 'Black Broadcloths Venetian and Chiffor. Styles thoroughly sponged and shrunk, 90c., $1, $1.10, $1.25, $1.35, $1.50, $1.75 to $2.50 yard, it Fancy All Black Wool and . Silk Dresses §10, $12.50, $15, $18 each. All Black Muslins . (Perfect Color), in Plain, 'Spot, Stripes, Checks and Open. "work Styles, 25¢., 30c¢., 35c¢., .y 80c., 60c., 75¢., $1 yard. Long Gloves In Silk Lisle, Suede Lace and Kid, Black, White and Greys §0c., §0c., 78e,, B0c., $1, $1 26 to $2.50 pair. 20 Per Gent. Discount Sale On Carpet Squares, Curtains of Ail . Kinds and Curtain Muslins, ~ R. WALDRON NE J tooking for him. ground that Garrett having gone to the Old Country before the nomina- f, and was pot present to fill the necessary statutory qualification. Gar- rett, however. had filed this before he left. Fudge Macheth, of London dis missed a motion to have it declared that Garrett was not entitled to the. seat. The case thereupon «was carried through the kigh court "to-dav, Chief Justice Faleonbridge upheld the deei- sion of Judge Macbeth, The course of the resnondent in making the declara- tion beforehand was one, however, the judge said should not be enconraged, and therefore refused costs. -------------------- LAURIER'S REPLY To Hon. Mr. Emmerson's Letter of Resignation. Ottawa, April 3.-Sir Wiltrid Laur ior's reply to the letter of Hon. Mr. Emmerson is as follows : "Ottawa, April 1, 1907.-My Dear Emmerson 1 have come to the con- clusion that the course which you take is, under existing circumstances, in the io interest. You owe it to yoursell, to your colleagues and friends, to clear your character of the charges lovellod against it. You could well ignore mere insinuations, but direct and specific charges you do well to face ax soon as uttered, I will place your resignation in the hands of his excellency. ' Let me assure you that 1, as well as your colleagues, appreciate the ef- forte, labor and seal with which you struggled to advance the public wel- fare in a most arduous department, lieve me, my dogr Emmerson, Yours very sinceroly, (Signed) WILFRID LAURIER." etre. A BOMB IN THE CHURCH. HMI which is about twenty-five miles south of Calgary, and are doing well. The Pool Championship. The pool game for the city cham- pionship, booked for April 16th, hae caused considerable comunent and the holder of the championship has matched to play two other of which is with an outsider, purse will be a hundred dollars. been i", One The RULED OUT OF ORDER. LE Ottawa, April 3.--Mr. Bourassa's celebrated mo- tion om the morals of the cabinet was ruled out of order by the speaker this morning. A vote was de- aiillad a 104 voted to 0! ruling and 37 against, . The Roads Dusty. The watering carte wet nesded on the streets + . The mud has all dried into dust, which i¥ very thick on many of the roads, The streets should have been gordped last week. The board of works needs to wake up and show the people that it is not entirely useless, HEXXEFLEXERRSE | EEXEREEEEXEE ¥ Strike To Be Settled. The boss en ters and darpenters had a CO, last nigh and though no final agreement was reach- ed, a prominent member of the union told the Whig,to-day, that a settle ment favorable to the carpenters would likely be arrived at to-day, and that the men expected to start back to work tomorrow morning. Fire At Outer Station. About two o'clock, yesterday after noon, fire broke out in the oil house at the G.T.R. diamond, where the K. & P, crosses. The fire was caused by n spark from an engine, which set the grasa on fire. It crept on till it reached the house where the oil for the switch lamps was. The loss will be about $200, Entertainment At Rockwood. Through the kidness of the cadets of the Royal Military College, the pa- tints at Rockwood hospital were given a rare treat, last night, whon the final, full dress rehearsal, for their minstrel. show took place at that institution. The many friends of the cadets, who are fortunate enough to have invitations for the emtertain- ment-on Thursday night, at the R.M. C., have in store for them a fine even- ing's amusement. Anarchists at Work in the City of | Genoa. Jeceived the following despatch from | vich was San Siro, here, Yesterday, sothe one x3: i i threw a bomh in the main door. It x pa Blectiie, Light exploded and caused a tremendous # plunged almost the entire Panic, but no one was injured. | city into darkness, and re- After the commotion Father Passi- # sulted in the injurin of vich resumed his sermon, first SAVING 3% five firemen, and Fim ng a a To Deum in Thanksgiving for their » loss estimated at $2,500, escape. y NE ir Piged Investigation by the police showed ¥ 000. One fireman will die. that the bomb was filled with nails " & and iron wire, and led to the arrest of the authors of the plot, who are two wellknown anarchists, Eetore Campanini and Giovanni Belloni. A search of their lodgings revealed quan. tition of matedipl for the. manufae- ture of bombs, et ---- The People Are Fleeing. Porda Il Gada, Teland of St. Michaels, Azore Iddands, April. 3. Vio lent shocks prevailed throughout this island during the night. The worst disturbance occurred at. Villa Fean- ease, wher . the panie stricken people fled to the outskirts of the town, The wealthier inhabitants are leaving Villa Francase, the ancient capital of St. Michaels, which was twice previously destroyed by voleanie eruptions Hamilton Man Missing. Hamilton, April * 3. Henry (VKoolo Webb, a wephew of the Dean of Salis. bury, has been missing from his home dince carly yesterday morning, and it is feared he may have met with foul play. He left home shout six o'clock, yesterday morning, to go to his work at the steel plant, and has not heen seen or heard of since, Ammania power, in 10c. packages, is sold at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. The Black Wand Society are suspect ed of murdering Angelia Pellerito, a young Malian woman. of Brooklyn. Strongest ready-made corset, "Dress Reform Special," ice $1.90. Sold only nt New York "Reform. Prokesman Fyvie, Winnipeg. killed hy a C.P.R. train. Hos got caught in a frog. The infant child of a miner named Lavois was burned to death in a was foot shack near Cobalt. 5) days. 3 J. M. Kitchen died at his home in . Brantford, (his morning! aged fifty March and April are severe months years. on the complexion, Oatmeal Creams Hureline Snow for tan and sunburn, Sold store. - New York, April 3.--The Herald has I Genoa : While the Jesuit Father Passi- | Preaching in the Church of '& The police are], } makes it soft as velvet. Sold only at at Gibson's Red Cross drug [( . no other. » » ¥* CITY IN DARKNESS, San Francisco, April 3.-- The destruction of the electric light and power house of the San Francisco ¥ 4 * EFEREEXEXEXF EVERY HII Settlers' Low Rates West. The Chicago & Northwestern rail- way will sell low one-way second-class settlers' tickets, daily from March lst to April 30th, to many points west. Rate, Toronto to San Francisco and Los Angeles, $43.70; to Vancouver and Sisto B.C., Portland, Ore, and Seattle, Wash, $11.95. Correspondin, ly low rates from all points in Cas: ada. Ie full particulars and folders write B. H, Bennett, general agent, 2 East King street, Toronto, Ont. -------- Y.M.C.A. Indoor Hockey. The 'indoor hockey games at the Y. M. C. A resulted as follows: Busi- ness Boys, Nemos, 8: auts, 0; Reavers, 7. Crescents, 0. Sehool Boys, Ramblers, 6; Eagles, 0; Victorias, 1; Thistles, 0. In the schdol boys' series the Victorias are in the lead, having won four games and lost none. The standing of the teams follows : SCHOOL BOYS, $e Won. Lost. Victorias ..... 4 0 3 1 3 2 ii} 3 0 1 Fon. Lost i 1 3 1 3 1 2 2 The senior members of the Y.M.C. A will have a run to-night, weather permitting. The commitiee in charge has drawn ap the rules for ¢ parlor eroquet tournament, at the Y.M.C.A., and the members will commence play in a few iihson's Red Cross drag store. Take AY," APRIL 3 RDERS CHILDREN] THE YOUNG FARMER ALSO {ing was well attended. William Pillar SHOT HIMSELF Dr. Drummond, . Author of «. "Habitant" Stricken With Paralysis--Ban on Theatre Re- moved. "ar 5 Montreal, April 3.--William Simpson, right (0 enter upon ae this a oe i of Huison Heights, Suey property without | o'clock morning, about 8. brought to the Notre Dame hosp ve [the rw ra Srstont + 10 the corner of Queen and hry to-day suffering from a self-in- by commitice | 4 ind A chimney in the houss | gicted bullet wounds, and if he recov- iogaltur Solty. th by Mes. Mary nll was | org will have to face the serious charge] ible municipios 1 Chiect ia to | afive. The bluse was extinguished with | 55" nein he merous) enable manieipalities to dequire land little damage, ot i musdered . oung ati x i S ; occurred yesterday fore A deputation from the k A Are Doing Well In West. ~ A Or I hominy tat dsbastaint o Dntaria uation wali Word has been seceived in the city of Si , about three miles outside tion, this a » mh asked Aha from Edward Beaupre E. the village of Hudson Heights. Sim the ami no " Kin + Speiicer , two fopmer Kingseonians, | son shot his two-months old chil ; kin bn d d the -- went to the west. They are run- | and then turned the gun on another by ving an hotel at Okotoks, Alberta, two years old. Both of them were girls. Mrs, Simpson was present at the time of the tragedy, but beyond threatening her and pointing the re volver at her he did no injury. She ram at once to the! home of Simpson's father near by for assistance, and when he reached the seme of the tra- gedy it was found that Simpson had turned the pistol on himself. The cause of the tragedy is shrouded in as Simpson had nevir shown mystery ay insanity, . Word was received here to-day from Cobalt that Dr. Drummond, the now ed author of the "Habitant," and ot- her French-Canadian dialect poems, is lying dangerously ill there as the re sult of a stroke of paralysis. Archbishop 'Bruchesi, to-day, remov- el the ban prohibiting the faithful from attending the Theatre Des Now veautes. The objectionable play = has been withdrawn and an apology offer ed to his grace, thus terminating the incident, INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters on Their Rounds. Fresh garden and flower seeds Gibson's Red Cross drug store. 50c. Tape Girdle corsets for 35c.; ex- tra strong. New York Dress Reform. William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received at McAuley's. "Phone 778. The strong west wind of the last twenty-four hpurs, has tended to cause the ice to float back into the harbor. The annual Easter offering from the congregation of St. Marys cathedral on Sunday last amounted to $1,700. The regular meeting of the hoard of trade was held, last night, but only business of a routine nature was dis- posed of. See our extra fine ings, 25¢.; all sizes. Reform, H. Cunningham, piano tumer, from Chickering's. Orders at McAuley's book store. 'Phone 778. Only 'routine business was transact. od by the Portsmouth council, last evening. The village health board al- so had a meeting, Stockings from 10e. up for children, two pairs ladies' stockings, 25c. New York Dress Reform. Burdock Blood Bitters blood sold drug store, Rents in Kingston are soaring high this spring. Any kind of a house suitable for n family of five or six cannot be had now less than from $15 to $20 per month. at cashmere stock- New York Dress J for impure at Gibson's Red Cross PERSONAL MENTION. 5 Movements 'of the People--What They Are Saying And Doing. Charles Livingston and wife left to- day, for Montreal. David MeQuaide and wife spent Eas- ter with James McQuaide, Wilmur. George W. Johnston, Buffalo, N.Y, has been spending a | few days in this city, George W. Parker, of Syracuse, N.Y., has returned from a visit with friends in Kingston. Hecbert Thompson, of Montreal, who has been spending the Faster holidays here, returned home to day "Chaucer" Elliott left to-day for Oswego, to assume contrel of his new purchase, the baseball team of that place. br. F. W. Gordon has returned to Toronto, after spending the Easter holidays with his parents, on Alfred Street. James Eeves, Jr., Brookville, who has been visiting his parents on Ord- Dance street, returned to-day, to Brockville, Montreal Gamtte : John Hewton, of Kingston, was, yesterday, introduced on "Change at the Board of Trade by C. B. Esdale, EE a -- Off For Winnipeg. Norval Hodgson, book-keeper for Fl- liott RBros., for the past "four years, left to-day for Winnipeg. The employ- ces gathered at the store last night, and presented him with a gentleman's companion, in a handsome leather travelling bag, and an address which spoke of the favorable impression Mr. Hodgson had made while in the em- ployment of Elliott Bros. Though tak- en by surprise Mr. Hodgson lied in a few well chosen words, that he would always remember the duys spent in the store with them. Mr, Hodgson had many friends at the 'station to see him off, The address was read by Thomas Bromley, and the presentation made by John Graham. Glenvale Gleanings. Glenvale, April 2.--The party and dance held in the hall on Friday even is spending a few days in Toronto. George Clm¥ is moving to the Me- Gowan farm. Mr. Cramer intends to open his cheese factory April Sth. Rriden Leonard is visiting at H. Coampsall's. Mrs. Alice Binnington, Havelock, is renewing acquaintances here. George Pillar is confined to the house, suffering from a kick from his horse on Saturday. 'A number of Young people from Elginburg attended church on Sunday evening. Richard Ellerbeek is all smiles; it's a boy. Miss Lizzie Ellerbeck returned from visiting friends at Kepler. The chil: dren observed "All Fools' Day" in the usual manner. Miss Jda B. Clark GOODS The Latest In Spring Suitings Many Novelties in English and French Suitings in Fancy Checks and Stripes, ; New English Tweed Suitings, Fancy Tweeds for Skirts, Chiffon Broadcloth. - Sedan Cloths, Venetian Suitings, Serges, Mohairs. Voiles, Marquisette Cloths. 49c. to $1.50 yard. WOMEN'S SPRING SUITS From one of the most-up=to-date designers, The materials as well as the finish and style will please the mest partic- ular woman. Just a hint as to cost. 12.50, 13.75, 14.50, 15.75, 16:29: 18.50. New Spring Coats That-will cost you 6.50. 6.75, 7.50, 7.95, 8.75, 10.00 Choose Now Even if not prepared to buy, your choice can be placed aside until required. / Children's Coats Smart Coats for little children in a great variety of new designs. at "FREE i 22 To-morrow and Wednesday a copy of ~ Delineator for April with every purchase of Dress Goods to the value of 2.50 or over. Aly her ile 2.99, 3.50, 4.25, 4.75, 5.50. | ye YEAR 74. NO. Rertesessesresss: $ Our ah Great Furnl- ture Sale wih Continue for 10 Days Longer ; Special price Room Parlor, in Furniture. = Bed Lounges and Sof Baby Carriages and Go-Ca Taqui Veneer . the best made. 6 doors TJ RE OBT. J. RY g1.J street 1 § Phone 577 Ambulas 3 BRR EEE | CROSSE & BLACKW : JAMS 13 Strawberry * Raspberry Blackberry Gooseberry Peach Cherry Pineapple Red Currant Jelly. In One Pound Glass F --ALL NEW GOOD: JAS. REDDEN & ~ Monume Foreign * and Domestic Gi Marble, Large stock to choos lowest possible prices. James Mulle Opp. YM.C.A. 372 Pri 3 REMOVED 3 THE UNIQUE GRO Having made a change in my ait I wish to thank customers = for their patrona past, and hope to ie You the New Stand, with as » that will give me their trade. find my stock to be the hest prices right. Orders promptly C. H. Pickering, C Cor. Pine and Patric Removed to Cor. Univer and Princess Sts. Phone WE WILL B YOU! give Are you required to Bonds ? 1f so, the Empire Accident Company offers facilities, une any other Company or plan For full plete information, see our MR. CHAMBERLAIN, 57 | your requirements. i i Empire Accident & Si GASOLINE LAUR ARE ALL THE 1f you have no engine. you row. ls there anything , mor ing than a sail in a fast mo a hot sununer day, and do we are building them in this size avd style you want ? Co DAVIS' DRY And see us. Don't send 3 away to a foreign country aninipg our bbatg and engin suit you, give us an order NEW STYLES ~ FOR 1907 Lower in height, lower heels, shorter vamps, and many other changes to distinguish them from other makes. Empress Shoes are made in Canada and every pair is guaranteed. ' visited friends in Watertown recently, Ckett Shoe Store 7 For every variety of Rea Bargains and Insurance SWIFT'S REAL ESTAT INSURANCE AGENCY. HTP TRRE Sa "KINGSTON ARD CAPE UNTIL FURTHER NOTIC) ers will leave Kingston a daily, except § v. TAKE NOTIC) ' tween Season's we sell' By small profits. Thiat is like. Try us for the fun Becond-Hand Store, 898 Pris BEAUTIFY Y FLOORS Campbell's Varpish 'St give your old floor th avd most beautifll finis) ol furpiture look just [and wives new | and ® anything mgde of {wood can apply it. You will be surprised how you can Srfighten oki furniture, mak like new goods from the Campbell's Varnish S moves all scratches ar marks of age and Ww gives new life and lustre? thing made of wood. ¥ SQLD ONLY. AT 3 Mitchell's Hard 85 and 87 Prin

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