YEAR 74. NO. 79, = : A ------ -- pesteses DAILY MEMORANDA. . 2 The : Our vir Tay my New Hats. Great Furni- ture Sale Wilh Continue for 10 Days Longer Special price in Li Room Furniture. 4 Bed Lounges and Sofa Bed, Baby Carriages and Go-Carts. aquid Veneer the best polish ma he 6 doors above Opera House, T.J. REID ring Suitings| § French Suitings in Fancy Parlor, Dining i ; 230 cess street. A § "Phone 577 Ambulance EE ¥ CROSSE & BLACKWELL'S 8 JAMS Strawberry Raspberry ; Blackberry 4 Gooseberry Peach Cherry Pineapple Red Currant Jelly. In One Pound Glass Pots. --ALL NEW GOODS-- JAS. REDDEN & CO. ~ Monuments Foreign * and Domestic Granite and Marble, Large stock to choose from at lowest possible prices. James Mullen Opp. Y.M.C.A. 372 Princess St. "REMOVED THE UNIQUE GROCERY. Having made a change in location for my Business, I wish to thank my many customers for their patromage in the 1 past, and hope to see you as usual at the New Stand, with as many new ones that will give me their trade. You will find my stock to be the hest quality and prices right. Orders promptly delivered. C. H. Pickering, Grocer, Cor. Pine and Patrick St. Removed to Cor. University Ave. and Princess Sts. Phone 530. WE WILL BOND YOU! to 50 yard. ING SUITS e designers, The materials ill please the most partic- ) cost. 75, 16.75, 18.50. \g Coats 95 8.75, 10.00 Now uy, your choice can 7 en's ts : in a great variety of 4.75, 5.50. i, oF wid opy of r April ds to the value of 2.50 Are you required guarantee Bonds ? give Accident and Surety hy 1t so. the Empire Company offers facilitiesy, any other Company or plan for meeting For. full and our une Xcelled your requirements. com- plete information, see MR. CHAMBERLAIN, 57 Brock St. ap Empire Accident & Surety Co GASOLINE LAUNCHES ARE ALL THE GO. 1i you have no engine: you have' to row. ls there anything , more exhilerat- ing than a sail in a fast motor boat on a hot sununer day, and do you hnow we are building them in this city of any size avd style you want ? Come" down to DAVIS' DRY DOCK see us. Don't to a foreign w bo rle send country your money before ex- If they Aud away aminipg our bbatg and engines. suit you, give us an order. For every variety of Real Estate Bargains and Insurance, go to SWIFT'S REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY. a A... -- he, rere KINGSTON ARD CAPR VINCENT UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE, STEAM- ers will leave Kingston at 1.30 p.m daily, except Sundav. TAKE NOTICE i Between Season's we sell' small profits. Tha like. Try us for the fun. Becond-Hand Store, 898 Princess St. -------- mpress oloes NEW STYLES FOR 1907 wer in height, lower heels, 'BEAUTIFY YOUR FLOORS Campbell's Varpish 'Stain will give your old floor the highest BB aod most beautifll finish akes old furniture look just like new and wives new | and lustre to anything made ol { wood. Anyone can apply it. orter vamps, and many ¢ i i You will be surprised to see her changes to distinguish how you can hi ten up your @ oki furniture, make it look ¥ em from other makes. like new goods from the store. Campbell's Varnish Stain moves all scratches and, other marks of age and Wear, and gives new lile and lustrotod every thing made of wood. * SOLD ONLY. AT 3 Mitchell's Hardware, Empress Shoes are made hot Canada and every pair is aranteed. \ hoe Store SIAC SIIIcN _ Concert, City Hall, 8 p.m. Fire and Light Committee, 4 p.m., Friday. Humane Society, Whig office, 4 p.m, Friday. Vaudeville and Moving Pictures, Grand Qpera House, 8 p.m. This day in history :--First conference of Colonies in London, 1887 ; Dublin castle' burned, 1708 ; Oliver Goldsmith died, 1774. 1 like those Hats That are natty and fine, Sg from George Mills & Co. 1 always buy mide. ---- WHIG TELEPHONES. 243--Business Office. )--kditorikl Rooms. 292--J obbing~ Department. Fverything that's printable. TOILET SETS We are at present showing some odd quaint shapes, in Old English Designs. Also a large variety of pretty colored sets, from. $1.48 UP. Robertson Bros. Fron Trapper learn MCKAY Furs McKAY'S SPECIAL $50 FUR-LINED COATS FOR Ladies and Gentlemen JOHN McKAY'S FUR HOUSE KINGSTON UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE LADIES' MUSICAL CLUB LE GRAND REED Kelly Cole and Company City Hall, Wednesday, April 10th A Joint Recital, by such Artists as Mme. Le Grand Reed and Kelly Ccle, two great singers. Lovers of music can be assured that this will be the greatest treat of the season Plan opens at Uglow"s, Weduesday, April 8rd. Tickets 1. 50c., 75¢., Kingston Realty Co. Room 36, Merchants' Bank Build- ing, Winnipeg, Man. W.H Smythe S.S. Franklin We are selling Winnipeg City Properties, Manitoba & Western Farm Lands and British Columbia Fruit Lands. Write now for prices, terms and locations. mr y AUCTION SALE ~ ~ ~~ < OF REAL ESTATE THOSE TWO LARGE ATTACHED stone shop-bulldings the wharf and warehouse in rear fronting on the Easterly side of Ontario street, be- tween Princess and Queen and adjoming the Xorth Boundary of the N. C. Polson Medicinal Works IAM MURRAY, AUCTIONEER, THURSDAY, the 18th April ne p.-m., at his Auction Room street, Kingston Terms and Conditions at time bf Sale. For further information apply to, . LL. WHITING wof will be sold by WILL ON TENDERS WILL RECEIVED hy the Water Works ( anittee, up to 12 o'clock noon, MONDAY, April Sth for the elake Pump at the Water 1907. Works Pup House, BE T. HEWITT, Supinterdent. Kingston, Ont., April 3rd, 1907, rete eet ree Auction Sale ON SATURDAY : ONE WELL-BRED Fox Celding, 15 hands inches high with silver guane and tail, 3 years old and a beautiful gaited and quiet colt Salé at eleven o'clock sharp W. A. MURRAY Auctioneer Card of Thanks MR. W. GARRETT AND DAUGHTER wish to express their thanks to their pny friends for their Kindness in their bereavement. ee -------------------------------------- Woman Will Plead Insanity. Washington, il "4.-- Mrs, Aunie M. no Ae former and killed ; Fthur NOW ENDED 4 BOURASSA'S MOTIO REGARDING THE {CHARACT- ERS OF MEMBERS ------ Was Opposed By Five Conserva- tives Besides the Liberals--It Got Bowled Out--Sir Wilfrid Laurier Off For England, From Our Own Correspondent. Ottawa, April 1.--With the disposal of Mr. Bournssa's motion, yesterday, calling upon George W. Fowler to either withdraw his statements affect ing certain ministers and members of the house, or to prove them, it may be concluded that the exciting history of the session is ended. The speaker said that the motion covered the same ground as the one put by Mr. Bourassa already and, therefore, he would have to rule it out of order. He was willing, how- ever, to hear the views of the house an the point of order. Mr. Bourassa said that he did not dispute the speaker's ruling. Indeed it was no doubt correct, although he thought he would able to show that his motion was raising another phase of the question. When he mov- &l previously it was for a committee, but now # was for retraction or proof, otherwise the member would stand censured. No decision had been reached in the first instance, and this adjournment of the previous discussion. The quotations which Mr. Bourassa be was an took from Mr. Fowler's speech were two, one referring to 'women, wine and graft," and the other stating that he had certain information and data sgninst certain members of the house, Mr. Bourassa said that in view of what had already been said upon the subject in the press he thought it would be inadvisable by a technicality to shut out discussion on the matter. Mr. Borden said that while he was not prepared to dispute the ruling, still he considered it unwise to stop the discussign by a technicality, The resolution thok 4 somewhat peculiar form since it pronounced censure up- on a member of the house Mr. Fowler said that he wanted to sav a few words upon the point * of order as he wags interested. When Mr ht it up previously he was entirely it of order. The dis cussion took place and everyone was heard. He brings it up a second time. Mr. Bourassa had treated him with scant courtesy. He never gave him any notice? of what the motion was to be, although he sent him a note yesterday, asking him for it. = Mr. Bourassa never gave him a copy and he heard the motion when it was read Bourassa bro in the house for the first time. I'he point which Mr. Fowler took was that the words complained of should be taken down t the time, and if not they could ot he discuss afterwards. This was the rule of the house. The quotations given by Mr. Bourassa for hi§ speech were dis connected from the contex Dr. Sproule supported the view of the leader of the opposition Sir Wilfrid Laurier said that it was ed his duty to support the chair unless such a riling was grossly wrong. There was a good. deal to be said, not as to the technical meaning of the rule, but as to the ultimate effect of it. The speaker has maintained what he holds to be the. traditions of the house. These rules were not the re sult of a momentary impulse, but a We can never err in The mesaber for at has cases to show how this [he rule long experience. applying these rules Labelle, if he wants to clear the mosphere, can be that parliaments is of the house from the mother of that the conduct of a member cannot be impugned except upon cause and until a man rises and that he can prove such and such a thing. Otherwise there no beea- sion for a general innuisition. The course taken by the speaker was, therefore. the correct one. It was open for Mr. Bourassa to demmnd an investigation dnd he hoped the house would depart from the sound traditions which bad ¢ome from England and according to which thera should be no ingnisition into any man's 'conduct or standing exeept on specific charges If, unfortunately, there are members of the house whose conduct ought to be investigated it must be the painful duty to investi- ate under the rules laid down by the house. I'm sure that from experience not 'very far back the. house will be equal to the occasion every time. The speaker declared the motion out of order. Mr. Bourassa appealed against ruling of the chair, which was tained by 10M for to 37 against, Messrs. Lancaster, Col. Hughes, Bro- der, Wright (Muskoka). and Crockett done has come suys not tha sus. voted for the chair. Mr. Fowler did not vate Today Sir Wilirid Laurier, aceom- penied by Lady Laurier. IL. P. Pro detir and Sir Frederick Borden, leave for St. John, N.B., where they will board the Empress of Britain. They will attendl the colonial conference in London. My. Fielding and Mr. Pater son will remain until the session ends. ri ts Scotts' London. "Hie hat that's worn by royalty, sold Kingsta at Brag'. Re re URSDAY, AP 8B ALCOHOL. ------ Apel, ~onsiderable con. troversy 18 ready waging around the "expression of Opinion," published in the Lancet, comberning alcohol and al- coholic beverages Its publication is apparently meaBt as a counterblast to the agitation inst. even the medi- cinal use of , which from time to time recently has cropped up with considerable prominence, 'The state ment runs: "In wiew of the statements frequently made as to patent medi cal 'opinion egamding alcohol, and al coholic be we, the undersigned, think it desi to issue the follow- ing short statement on the subject, a statement whicly, we believe represents the opinions of leading clinical teach- great majority of ers as well an the wedical practi 'Recognizing cohol the reg t in prescribing al- ts of the indivic dual must be the governing rule, we are convinced of correctness of the opinion 50 long and generally held that, in disease, Biechol is a rapid and trustworthy tive, In many cases it may truly be described as life-pre- serving, owing 10 its power to sustain cardige nervous nergy, while proteet- ing wastiog ni ous tissue, As an article of St we hold that the univer sal belief of civilised mankind that the moderate use olic beverages is for adults w beneficial as amply justified, We the evils arising from the excessive use of alcoholic bev. erages, but it is obvious that there is nothing, however beneficial. which does not by excess or -- " hospitals Statistics of for 1905 show that the quantities of stim- ulants used i the year were: Brandy, 334 & whiskey, * 64} gallons; gin, 2) ghllons; port, 228) gallons; sherry, 89% gallons, ate PHOTOGRAPHY OF BREATH. Important Discovery Made By a Wiesbaden Doctor. & Berlin, April 8. =Photography of the breath is the lated science. This wag explained at the ghhual meeting of the Rontgen Ray ice, at which cinematographie' res of the breath of sick and Y persons were thrown upon a Sereen. The inventor of the method is Pr. Koehler, of Wies- iden. His action. «shows acouta tl sympatheti ion of the lungs and heare in pe with inspira- tion and expiration. It is expected that the discovery will play an im- portant role in. the diagnosis of tuber- culosis and similar respiratory diseas es, . WAS ASSASSINATED. of Police, of Havana, Dead. Havana, April 4.----Jose E. Avla, ex chief of 'police of Guines, Havana province, was assassinated at Guines yesterday. The crime, apparently was political, as the victim left the gov- ernment forces the Guines dur ing the August revolution, thereby in curring so much enmity that he went to Mexico, from which country he had Ex-Chief Guines, near just returned. The assassin, who was a member of the late rebel army es caped. On Way To Shanghai. Toronto, April 4 nounces the safe arrival in Tokio Japan, of Rev. Drs. Carman and Suth erland, who sailed from Vancouver, on March 19th, making what is consider ed .a fast trip across the ocean. They leave immediately for Shanghai, Chi na, they will remain till the end of April, visiting missions and at tending to the work of the Methodist A cablegram an where church generally. Then they will re turn to Japan, where they will be busy till the end of May looking into the details connected with the con summation of the Methodist churches in that country, which takes place at the general conference which meets at the end of May. -- Revolutionists Murder. Republic of Salva dor, April 4. According to reports circulated here from Honduras, when the invading - Nicaraguan and Hon- duras revolutionary armies reached the capital of Honduras they plundered the place and murdered a number of people. The children of Gen. Terifilo, Carcamo, it is said, were hanged by the invaders. ee Clergyman Who Never Washed. London, April 3.--~The Rev. J. How ard told the Ongar Board of Guardians yesterday, during a discussion coh cerning the dirty condition of a pau per, that he once knew a clergyman who never washed, He lived to he ninety years old, and enjoyed excel- lent health, ? ---- Capture Murderer, Elmira, N.Y., April 4.--James Fer- ry, the Italian who killed Katherine Stird, near Watkins, Monday after noon, because she would not marry him, was captured last night in Beav- er Dam, and was landed in the Wat kins jail, San Salvador, ------------ Canadian Mail Robbed. London, April 4.--On the arrival of the fast mail train from' Ardercossan, Scotland, it was disovered that the mail van had been tampered with and one registered parcel from Canada for Ireland had been stolen, LN Ministers, lawyers. teachers and oth- ers whose occupation Be but little exercise, should use Carter's Little Liver Pills for torpid liver and bilious- nesm, Ope a dose. Try them. for RIL 4, 1907. OLD LARD ULTIMATELY LINK TRANS-SIBERIAN AND C. P'R. RAILWAYS. Former Governors of Colonies Must Not Engage in Commerce in Territories Where They Formerly Administered. London, April 4.-A St, Petersburg despatch says the cabinet had reject ed the proposal for the construction of the Hehring Straits railway tun- nel, by means of which it was ulti- to link up the Trans mately hoped the Canadian Pacific Siberian and railways, A circular issued by the secretary of state for the colonies, the Earl of Elgin, advising all former governors of colonies to refrain from engaging in commercial enterprises in the terri: tories which they formerly adminis tered, has resulted in establishing the fact that there had been an increasing | tendency of late on the part of retir- od governors of the smaller colonies to take a prominent part in the man. agement of mpanies which have ob- tained profitable concessions in such domains. A number of questions on the subject were asked in the house of commons during the past session, some of the inguirers intimating the ex-governors had used their political pull to secure concessions, ---- Are Quieting Down. London, April 4.--The Times corres: powdent, at Bucharest, wires that tranquility has been restored in most ol the revolted districts. Disturbances however are reported from the Jalo- mak district, hitherto quiet, and from the Oltenic districts. Reparts from Moldavia have arrived in the Meh- diniritzi department, where the de- stitution A feet id lage of Operishoru has barded. " bom Camping In The Snow. Bitlis, Armenia, April 4.--The earth- quake, last Saturday, did much dam- age. A large humber of homeless peo- ple are camping in the snow. Horrors Exceed Accounts, London, April 4.--Rabbi Moses Gas- ter states that his private advices in- dicate that the horrors of the Rou- manian insurrection far exceed the accounts given in the despatches. In a letter ho has just received, a person who witnessed a conflict between the peasants and the troops in one of the Wallachian townships, writes that the roads were covered with the corpses of peasants shot down by the soldiers hy means of artillery as well as wit rifles. a---- WHY THE GIRLS STRUCK. They Wanted a Chance to. Catch Beaux. ®artiord, Coon., April 3.-What chanee has a girl to eatch a fellow if sho has to work nights ? None, said fifty girls of the United States stamp- ing envelope factory yesterday morn- ing, nod walked out. They congre- sated in the hull, saying : "Why, the very idea, who ever heard of such a thing ?"" and the management finally came to terme with them and pro- mised to arrange working hours in the fulure so that entertaining young men will not_be interfered with, . Eight of the girls were the primary cause of all the trouble, In the rash of business recently, thoy were called on to work nights, Last week it was Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. It might have been all right if it had been Monday, Tuesday or Wed Ys but all three together, hand r y wae too much. Thursday night, the eight said "No," emphatically, and went home to put on their best and receive. Friday, the same, and Satur day, by all the laws of lovers devo- ted to a fryst. When the eight came to work this morning they were told they were discharged, The fifty arowe to the oceasion. Superintendent Claus tried in vain to persuade them to stay. "Only on the(one condition that the sight be taken back 1" said the fifty, "Why, the very idea of expecting such a thing | Fellows can't get acquaint od and propose if they can't see us longer than to call and take va home from the factory. What chance have we of getting a sweetheart when we can't go out with them?' The argument was a new one to the superintendent,' but it was sound enough to cause him to capitualte, Fined For Typewritidg. Geneva, April 3.---A Bale purpalist has béen fined 20, with the altebnn- tive of four hours' imprisonment, for disturbing the peace after tem o'clock at night hy working a typewriter to the annoyance of his neighborw. Literary Chimney Sweep. London, April 3.--A man who is secking election fo tha Wandaworth Board of Guardians in one of the Btreatham wards is described as "a "chimney sweep and author." "14 shows good economy" to buy a strength Tarine moth proof "Kanda polish" bes no agiiol spe ft nr Yara from moths Il sioes, are soldat. Gibson's Red. THAW DECLARED SANE 5 Toronte, Ont., By the Lunacy Commission This Shai y on Afternoon, P New York, April 4.-When Justice Fitagerald called the Thaw jury into court, to-day, at 11.30 am., the com- mission in lunacy appointed to inguire into the present condition of the de fendant had not been able to agree upon a verdict. The jury was excused until 2 p.m., when Justice Fiisgerald said he hoped he would have some thing before him. 4 Later, it was maid that the two lay. men had submitted a majority report that Thaw is sane and the physician, & minority one, that he is insane, At 2,15 pm., the commission report was received, declaring Thaw sane, BRITISH DIPLOMACY Is Not Indifferent to Canada Says Bryce. Toronto, April 4.--~At a banquet of the Canadian Club, last night, Right Hon, James Bryce, British ambassa- dor at Washington, said : "1 will ask you to suspend your judgment upon all these questions in which it is al that British diplo- macy has not done its best for you, In these matters you have only heard one wide of the case, and I feel it is my duty to my country and to the governmont which T represent to tell you this, that | believe vou are en. tirely mistaken if you think that 'Bei tish diplomney is indifferent to Can: ada, or has not done the best it could for Canada. Having said that, let me say for the future, as I can prove for the past, that there is in every me tion of the British Reovle the warmest ae. April 4.--(10 sleet of rain more To sult your taste, amd _ your means, 100, is sn easy matter, it You choose your spring Costume from our reve of stylish models, In the moderately priced Costumes, equally ss ja the most contly, there is a touch of per fection that baffles criticiem, syuapaiiy for Canada, and every de- tia Susie thew ; gever sire that all we can do shall be done eople made ; and a Steacy to secure justice for Canada in every herent' thoi LY oathisig respect. And 1 may venture to say, for myself, that I do not think any- one will come here--certainly I would not---as ambassador, if I were not per: sunded that this is the feeling of the British people, and that it is the duty of an ambassador, and it will be my duty and a duty of paramount import ance," Mr. Bryce was lustily cheered again dnd again by the 400 members > the club present, rr ---------- MEPUSED A LANDING, Passengers From St, Johan Turned Back at Digby, N.S, St, John, N.B., April 4.--~The Domin- SEE OUR NEW "Stra suit we've price, $15. ever offered at jon Wildntic railway steamer Yar VERY SPECIAL VALUES, in mouth, whicn left here for Digby, Latien Tweed Shirts, natey wei N.8., yesterday morning, with about forty passengers, returned, last night, with them, They state that at Digby models to choose from, garilient a credit to the wearer, all new and low priced, $1.25 to board of health officials said if they ww. landed they would be put in quaran- VERY PRETTY MODRLS, in 3 Black Sicilian and Panama tine, so all returned, Cloths, . in stock, It is said, hawever, the mails were maternity adjusted for gotten ashore, but no freight was small charge. Prices run from $3.50 to $6.50. Come TO-MORROW and see our display. Ladies' Home Joursal on Sale. STEACY'S landed. There have been #Hme cases of smallpox in the lumber camps, some twenty miles from St, John, and a few days ago a lumberman who had had the disease and still showed signs of it was found on the Yarmouth at Dighy, having eluded the examining doctor here, He was returned to St. John and placed in the Isolation hos- pital and the steamer fumigated. This was her first trip since. It was said by officials of the Tine that the Digby authorities announce they will not fet any passengers from St. John land unless satisfactory evidence of sue: cosvfil vaccination is given. -------------- MEETING OF THE KINGS. , -- | McMASTE Likely to Improve Understanding | or, J As to Morocco. Puneral Madrid, April 4,--~The preparations \ dence, No. 3 St., Saturday 3 1 afternoon. for King Alfonso's journey to Certe- | pERRIGAN.--At Brewer's Mills, on gena, April 6th, to meet King Ed- April 1st, 1907, Timothy Berrigan, ward, have been completed, Govern: y aged MevanLyux oats. 0.30 t P took , at ment circles here regard the meeting wernt PE ae arth. of the two kings as likely to improve o'clock, to St. the understanding Betwopn Great fieit- g . ain, Spain, France and Portugal rela- ROBE RE iD tive to Morocco, 'Phone §77, 227 Princess St Brazil May Buy German Arms. EE Cologne, Germany, April 2.--Four Brazilian army Wh representing ARA the miglntey of war, have arrived here. After. visiting the Krupp works |} FRIDAY D at Essen they are going to Berlin, It TO- NIGHT SATURDAY is surmised they may buy arms, Bargain Matibes, Saturday, st 2.90, JOHN DONAGHY Presents Tor A FiltyMie March. |The |oydon Amusement Co Ottawa, April 4. During the sum In High Class Vaudeville, mer drill sehson, the 43rd Regiment ALL NEW MOVING PICTURES will undertake a fifty-mile march, They will entenin for Prescott, May The Latest Tiustrated Songs. 2§j--HOURS OF FUN---2{. 22nd, and walk from there to Ottawa. Just Elected ; Drops Dead. |Speciad 10-18-26 AF Seats now on Sale, Denvee, April 4.-- During a celebra- ree este Administrator's Notice to Creditors ~~ tion 'in honor of his victory at the polls, James A, Gilmour, mayor-elect NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN PUR< ghant to R.S.0. Cap. 129 that sll pers ~In Ki on April 2md, ane Bird, to Cuthbert Eby, by Canon Starr. DIED. At Napanee, Wednesday, April P07, Robert Boyes, wu EBY~BIRD. 1907, J BOYES -- 8rd, ' on, on April 4th, ter, aged twenty= oars. private, from her fathers' resis Quebec of Caribou, dropped dead from apo- plexy, yesterday. » Selwyn Postmaster Dead. Peterboro, April 4,--James Bell, for 'the past twenty-five years postmaster " at Selwyn, died, yesterday. He was at the 11th seventy-six vears of age, and leaves a he anid. Of reo the widow and family of five children. x Me der Moth Bags. y claima wad. of the se Keep moths from furs by using Bell's d by Shan © After ministration will assets of the itled 0, doin whe Ci 1 Fibre Moth Bags, The cheapest and best bag on the market, No odor. Al sizes, at Wade's Drug Store. -------------------------- tog LL mentioned date, said ands prises to distribute. a rs only of ich had notice Hear Mr. Tandy at the city hall to- ull then ministeatrix will night. He is in excellent voice, and tinble | dur the a #0 dist: wi splendid selections. d, of any " will render, some pled td hate. ar- |B wiose claint she 8 rived to-day, ¥2, $2.25 and $2.50. Bib- | F bys. ' corsets for 5c 500. Taps | sr York Dress R