Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Apr 1907, p. 7

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DILY INCREASED id is ACCEPTED IVILIZED WORLD of an IDEAL and mildly stimulating the So habitual beverage of nmatism, or excessive 1g Time CLOSET send us your t First of May. Birch treet. : $ INDING TIC", ECTION. Razor than ua "CARBO § days' trial o purchase. ors don't have DUBLES. Broadway, N.Y. PRINCESS STREBT. ware Tubs lace. The E. B. Eddy EED against factory ) see that the name ¢ Ie EDDY"S MATCHES. 0. 35 ken down and only cost you ) ded to. ROS . et ISSIR SALE PIFIIIVIIPIPIVIIIIIIISII IP IIIs Ios % - x j ve intend begianing iin on the floors we je exjense of mov- AID TRAVELLING, EE GL CRCILER EMBROKE RAILWAY ) IN CONNECTION WITH THE -- TRAINS LEAVE KINGSTON : 12.30 For Oftawa Mon teal. Quobee, St. John, N.B., Halifax, foto, Torpto CHEN, SESE rew, Sault i Winnipeg, Vancouver, Seattle, and § Francisco. ; 5.00 p.m.--Local for Sharbot Lake connecting with C.P.R East and West. 7 45 a.m. Mixed--For Rentrow and lo 10:0 aint hointe p.m. arrive in Ottawa at 5 p.m. bore', 5.12 w.m. Toronto, 7.50 om: Montreal, 7.15 p.m. ; Boston, 7 7.80 a.m Si. John, 11.55 a.m. F. CONWAY, oc Sens Pass. Agents Bay of Quinte Railway New short lime for Tweed, Nupanee Ueseranto, and all focal points. Trains eave City Hall Depot atépm F DONWAY, Agent B. Q Ry., Kingston -- ere -- © PUBLICATIONS ISSUED BY; INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY DESCRIBING THE "| Fishin Keep Boating Keep Posted | Banting | Posted oF © 'Quebec and the Mari- time Provinces Are now with the printers. You can Phave your name on the list for free copies by Writin~ to MONTREAL TICKET OFFICE 141 St. James Street Or General Passenger Department, Moncton, N.B. PVussvuauts leaving Kingtton at S320 [ROONEY S| * PERFECTION iL --- JE 8 When "sweets" lose their sweetness-- and *"substantials," their charm--thereare always MOONEY'S PERFECTION CREAM SODAS to coax back the appetite. WEAK HEART SYSTEM WASRUNDOWN JES - ETRE Low Rates West One way second-class tickets will be sold March 1st to April 30th, at the fallowing fares, from Kingston. Butte, Mont., Helena, Mont., Colorado Springs, Col.,...... Denver, Col., Utah Pueblo, Cel, Din, Yigh. ; Utah,. Nslson, B.C., Robson, B.C. Trail, B. C.,.............. Rossland, B. C., Spokane, Wash, .......cooiiee ian Yancouver. 'B. C., Yictoria, B. C. Seattle. Wash., Portland, Oregan, Tacoma Wash..,.... Westminster, BC............ $46.00 Mexico City, Mex. . . . . $48.75 Los Angeles, Cal., + Sanfrazcis. co, . . « « WATS Special low rates to many other wints. Por full particulars, apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Corner Johoson and Ontario street) streets ALLAN "eX LINE SUMMER SAILINGS MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL. lonien, Fri, May 8. May 31st, June 28 Virginian, Fri.,, May 10. June 7, July 5 May 17, June 14, July 132. May 24, June 21, July 19 Tunisian, Fri. Victorian, Fri RATES OF PASSAGE. 1st., Cabin, Victorian and Virginian, $50 and upwards. Tunisian, $70 and according to steamer and accommoda- upwards. Ionian, $65 and up. 2nd., Cabin, $42.50, $45 and $47.50, tion Hrd., Class, $27.50 and $28.75. Victorian and Virginian are Triple Screw steamers, of 12,000 tons, pro pelled by Turbine engines. For sailings and rates of Allen Line services to Glasgow, Londonderry, Lon don and Havre, (France), with full par- apoly "to J. 'P. GILDER- ticular SLEE E, Clarence St., J. P. HANLEY GRAND | * eaceai Station UNIO Nl NEW YORK oly. HOTEL $12 Dy end 2nd spare Institution Business College 'Moderate Rates, Ts N. STOCKDALR, Principal. 'Phone, 880. Frontenac KINGSTON ONTARIO Day and Evening Classes QUEBEC S. S. COMPANY BERMUDA the ne mudian,' Trinidad 11th, 15th d and 24th April. NEW YORK TO WEST INDIES. S.8. "Trinidad," 27th April, for St Thomas, St. Croix, St. Kitts, Antigua, Guadeloupe, Dominica, Martinque, St. Lucia and Barbados. BARBADOS AND DEMERARA - DIRECT. S.8. 'Parima," 27th April. For beauty of scenery and perfection of climute these trips are unsurpassed. For illustrated . pamphlets giving 'rates of passage and all infacuation, apply to A EE. OU SRDSIDag & C + Agents Quetee Steamshi 20° Broadway. Quetwes New York: A. RHERK, Sec'y., Canada, or to Ticket J. P. HANLEY, and J.P. GIL TBRSLERY B, Kingston. TIME TABLE STEAMER WOLFE ISLANDER Leavas Wolfe Island :-- MON. 7.30--9.15 a.m. 1.00--3.00 p.m i UES, 7.809.153 a.m. 1.00--3.00 p.m WED 7.830--9.15 am. 1.00-3.00 p.m THUHRS., Breaky's Hay 6.30% 30 a.m. 1.00-2.30 p.m FRI 780-915 am. 1.00-3.00 pim. SAT 8.00-9.15 am. 1.00-3.00 p.m SUN. 900-1000 am. 12.30-8.00 p.m. Leave Kingston:- Mon 2.30--11.80 a.m. 2004.30 p.m Tues. 8.30--11.30 a.m. 2.00430 p.m Wet 2.301130 a.m. 2.004 30 p.m Thurs. 8.830-11.830 a.m. 2.00-7.00 pm Fri 8.80---11.30 a.m. 2.00430 pm Sat 8.30--11.30 a.m. 2.0)--1 30 ym Sun 6.301180 am. 1.1 30 p.m Time Table sub eet. to change Without notice Boat calls at Garde Island going to and from Kingston. EB. BRICELAND, Manager. Reached in 48 hours from New York T Screw Steamship 'Ber- ) tons, or - Steamship 0 toms. Sailing 1st, '6th, : > P. WALSH @® Then Money I When You Buy COAL From You get genuine Scranton, as he handles nothing else. 26408490800000566 00004 Are You A A Farmer? THE FRONTENAC President--Sir Richard Cartwright loaned on City and Farm Pro perties. Municipal and County tures Mortgages purchased Deposits received aod interest allowed. POPDOOOD SOI Poe ePsd you shall know, that have everything from a anchor in the farmers' line. A dairy cream separator beats Cobalt stocks as a money maker, and ome of of Rubber Tired Junabouts makes for old and young. of Harness, all styles and prices have cone of the hest 200 acre the country, eight miles to an ife easy We have also a line 7 farm in from the city good cheese factory, school, post office and church oniy a few hundred from house. Can be bought on terms. : % Apply T. E. HUGHES 6r D. J easy NEWS OF NEIGHBORS |* WHAT WHIG G CORRESPOND- ENTS TELL US The Tidings From Various Points In Eastern Ontario -- What People Are Doing And What They Are Saying. Little Girl Better. Chafiey's Locks, April 2-Little Mary Summons 3s on the gain, alter a serious illness with pneumonta. Mr. and Mrs. Bartley and family have re- turned from Butler, Pa. Some of the materials for the new buildings are | being placed on the ground. - Heury Fleming is spending holidays under the parental roof. isses Ruth and Etta Howard are visting at Elgin. Miss' M. E. Fleming is spending a few. days with Brockville friends. John Jordan is very ill. Mrs. F. G. Little john is so much improved in health that she is able to be out again, Ka Hill Notes. Ida Hill, April 1.--The sawing ma- chine lias completed operations in this vicinity. John Jackson and son are doing a rushing business with their saw mill. William Shannon sold a fine team of draught horses to W. Stoness for® the west. Our cheese fac tory commenced operations, with Robert Gibson, Morven, as maker. F. Campbell has moved his traction en- gine to the hill, preparatory to stone crushing. Robert Shannon purchased a thoroughbred Holstein cow at Na- panee. Benjumin Kells is erecting a new hog pen and remodelling "his olbouse. Visitors: Miss Ethel Simp- son, Cainville, N.Y., at R. Holder's; Miss E. Halferty at W. Woods". Wilton Wafts. Wilton, April 3.--Mrs. R. Storms has returned from Mississippi, after spend- ing a couple of months with her son, M. G. Storms. W. B. Storms, Mont real, spent a fow days, this week, with his mother, Mrs. R. Storms. Mrs. C. W. Bulloch and two children, Lyn, are visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Neilson. G. A. Bateman, Kings- ton, s spending a few days in wil ton, on business. Mids Ethel Baker, Harrowsmith, has been visiting her aunt, Miss Annie Forsyth. Mrs. What tam has been quite ill for a few days, but is somewhat better. S. H. Perry is in Kingston ge sneral hospital, pend- ing an operation for appe bucifeitia Mary Hodge met with a painful a dent, last week, jamming her 1 badly The hour for service in the Presbyterian church has been changed to 7.30 p.m., during the spring and summer months. New People In Strathcona. Strathcona, April 2.-The Easter holidays passed quietly here. Charles Thompson, Point Am, and M. Kehoe, Murlbank, spent Easter"with their families here. Several families have come to reside in Strathcona; i the cement works are gone, the place still lives. Mr. Fenley keeps the paper mill running, employing quite a number of hands. The People's store is rushing trade these days. The - hay that was to be shipped from this station has rone, but hauling has left the roads fo ling into the village in a terrible condition. Mr. Finley has been con- fined to the hous illness. Mr. Storing's child is low and under the doctor's care. lones suffered an attack of asthma. Stephen Weese is seriously ill. Miss Dunlap spent Easter in Desoronto. Harry Fox is visiting a few days at Point Ann. John Cooper, brother of Roland Cooper, with Mrs. Cooper. is here visiting his brother and = other man. Many years ago he went west to Kansas, then to Arizona, from that into Colorado, where he prospered in the cattle business. His home is near Gunison, Col. E. JJ. Rook entertained a number of his friends one evening recently. All enjoyed themselves very much. Lansdowne Personals. Lansdowne, April 3.--Misses Clara and Sadie Moore, spent the holidays with their aunt, Mrs. J. T. Jackson, Brockville. Robert Moxley spent Eas ter with his family in Kingston. John Mitchell, of Ottawa, who visited his mother, Mrs. William Mitchell of Mit chellville, returned home on Monday Miss Wade, of Brockville, spent the holidays with Lansdowne friends. Mrs 0. L. Potter and daughter, Rachael who spent the past winter here, have returned to their home at Echo Lodge Miss Hickson of Carleton Place, was the guest of Mrs. Thomas Leech. Miss Jean Deane made a visit to Kingston on Monday. Jacob Her- bison spent Tuesday in Brockville "Mac" Tennant of Mallorytown, made Lansdowne a brief visit on Monday Master Carmen Beaupre, of Kingston, visit Lansdowne friends last week. Robert MeCullogh went up w King ston for a few dave. Mrs. G. Red- mond went to Brockville on Noady, Mr. and Mrs. Jofin Stoop, of Brock ville, made a flying visit here. Mrs. Empey, who has been the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Leech for the winter, has returned to her home in Carleton Place. Mrg Albert Weart, of Gananoque, is the guest of her uncle, William McConnell. Miss Mary Byford is visiting her cousm at Westport. Mrs. Byron Leverette and family, spent the holidays ° with friends in Athens cand Frankville. Mrs. H. C. ET --------------ETE---- QUARTER sizes DAILY BRITISH WIG, THURSDAY, APRIL 4. --, and daughter, Myria, t in Frankville. Misses and en Dixon, Brockville, were of their aunt, Mrs. 8. ¢C pi ¥: ni Tues auay » = HE SAW A "A SPECIRE| Ti Mr. and Mrs. B.C Lombardy Locals, Lombardy, April 3 Que, is holidaying "with his Shanks and Nora Ryn this week of Miss ale. Frank "Dermads of Carthage, N.Y, ars. spendling a few days at their home ing this week for Brandon, Man., Jean il visit for some time with her niece, Mrs. William Taggart. her parents, Mr. and Mrs the Bank of Ottawa staff was up for Easter from Winchester O'Meara is home from school at Ath. ens for the holidays y homestead, Poonahmalee. A. J. Ward, of Brantiord, & days here with his brother Richard, who leaves this week | Neville's parents, Mr. Louise Klygne is in dan, teacher at Wagarville, for vacation. Mr Covell entertained a large party Loughboro Council. t of special auditors, show- they be bat rd ca ch , Trousdale Nie ols, » 'crushed, at 8 n that the agreement made with him re crushing stone, is cancelled, failed to sign contract. ed, Ruttan-Trousdale, i y instructed to draw amount due township from Waterloo and Syd- enham road, now in hands of county , that the council furnish suffi side of Bridge strect Ruttan-Trousdale, Lecleck be returned son Amey, Moses Spafford, Rory, John Buck, 3 a Rows, Geurgs Wood, ford, iran fe Thomas Yo'don Schuzer Slock, R. Harris relatives: he was a Western Ontario' erry Buek, W. H. Raymond, Jeremiah Babeock, Wil cil adjourned to meet at , for court of revision Kingston Council that township add a similar ¢ be it relewd that same be done. recve and { on to build a new i 7, and grade hill loading into Glen Kirkpatrick: bo ap near Mr. MeAdoo's, with power to act, reeve examine road complained of hy with power to act. C as pathmaster for appointed pathmas- James Smith for y, that Councillor Reid fix vert near Mclntosh's gate, Glenburnie Carried. Moved, b that the resve have a bridge repaired that the clerk , and also Moved, Reid-Gordon, notify trustees of 8.8. No. a member of the school hoard for the Portsmouth public school, Albert Graham changed to Pn kt gle Tied wh Spooner Gordon, that J. 5 to fixing culvert on Me Rowls forty foot road. i > , that Thomas Haw key be granted $5 for the benefit James Fisher, a pauper: Cal ed, Spooner Gordon, that William n Britt be apbointed pathmagtes } in the place of of $10, for the support of . of James Fisher, STRANGE APPARITION: AP- PEARS TO BRIDEGROOM. He Recognizes It as His Mother-- She Had Opposed His Marriage--Bride"s Mother Hears Spectre Talk. London, April 2-The freaks of a so-called spectre- are alarming a ham: let some forty miles from Cardiff, says the London Mail. The ghost has been paying unwelcome attentions to a well-known. inhabitant of the hamlet who was recently married. The trouble commenced by his find. ing himself lying on his bedroom floor beside his bed one morning. Naturally he put this down to nightmare, The morning after, however, on awaking, he found himseli at the other end of the room, and he then became some: what uneasy. His wile on beth occa- sions had slept peacefully. The third night, however, both kept awake, and their vigil was rewarded by a sight of their mysterious visit: or, who appeared shortly after the teaditional hour of midnight. A teust- worthy correspondent . ascerthined from the victim that the spirit took the form of his own mother, who is still alive and well. He says that his mother opposed his marriage with the lady of his choice very strongly, and he "thinks that the nocturnal visits are acts of revenge, In order to drive forth the unwel- come intruder, the victim persuaded several of his male friends to remain in his house one night, but although the ghost appeared as usual, to the voung man, his wife, and his mother in-law, the other watchers were quite unable to discern the strange presence. The young man's mother-in-law de clares that on one occasion she ap: proached the spectre, who said, quite distinctly, "Well, what do you want?" She also also says that she tempor arily lost the power of the right side of her body at the meeting. The victim declares that the spirit hae several times accompanied him ! part of the way to the village, where he is engaged as a collier. His com rades are greatly pertarbed by the frequent appearance of the speotre, and believe firmly in the victim s ver- acity. The vicar of the parish and sev eral others have visited the house and tried in vain to elucidate the mys tery TOWNSHIP COUNCILS. | ---------- | Meetings of the Storrington and Kingston Bodies. The Storrington council met at Sun bury on March 25th. Members all pre- sent, Communications were read from the Sawyer-Massey Co, re crusher. By-law No. 413 given first readine Moved, Ritchie-Sleoth, and resolved, that by-law No. 415, for appointing township officers be filled in and given second and third reading and passed; that Mr. Beckwith be appointed as township engineer aot five dollars per day and expenses, Moved, Sleeth-Barr, and resolved, that these accounts be paid : J. Smith, $5, for wood for hall; E. Ames, 35, for ropairs on Dog Lake bridge; 8. Anglin, $4.68 for lum- ber. Muved, Bruce-Barr, and resolved, that the auditors' report be adopted, that 100 copies of report be printed; also that auditors receive their salar jes. Moved, Slecth-Barr, and resolved that A. Ritchie examine the bridge across the creek, near Anglin's house; also that W. Bruce examine the cul vert near (. Smith's and repair, if necessary. Moved Ritehie-Sleeth, and resolved, that Mr. Shannbn examine culverts on the Brewer's Mills road, also one on the Battersea road near Sunbury and repair if necessary. Mos ed, Ritohie-Sleeth and resolved, that the treasurer accept from the collector 21.49 in full, as pereentaPe on over due taxes for 1906, Moved, Ritchie Barr, and resolved that E. F. Dennee be paid $2 for postage. Moved, Bruce Rleeth, and resolved that Henry Mac " sw'e name be substituted for F. N Campbell in the agreement for the township's stone crushing. Counneil ad journed to last: Monday in May, as court of revision. Be Disease Proof. Don't catch cold, don't ecateh or in cur any disease. Yow ean't if your blood is right. Life and the vital cle ments that fight disease and weakness are in the blood, Strength and effec tive resisting power can be had by use of Wade's Iron Tonic Pills. They arc a great nerve strengthener and blood maker, In boxes, 25¢., at Wade's Drug Store. Money back if not satisfactory. : On The Verge. 8. E. Kiser in Ohicago Reeord-Herald. Here upon the verse we stand, Looking where the future bes What about the things you planned All ihe brave things and the grand ? Can you, as the old year dies, View the past without a pang ? Ere the bells bogin to clang Take one backward look apd then Bravely face ahead again Face ahead and stretch ow tand To the hrother halting there, Or the sister in despair ! Still the arching skies exparid, Still our land's a christian land, And the future opens fair On the splendid verge we stand ae-------- Even a plumber gets warriml about his finances when he owns an auto- mobile Ks is take out. 23 - DR.J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNI (THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE). by the profession te LILI LEE CHLORODYNESS CHLORODYN CALORODYNE CHLORODYN EEE Always ask for "DR. J. COLLIS PROWNE'S CHLORODYNE," and compounds or imitations. The genuine bears the words COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE" on the Stamp of each bottle, i Sold in bottles. . Prices in England, 1s. 13d.. 2s 9., 4s. 6d. (Overwhelming Medical Testimony scoompanies sah ttle Sole Maslactarers =), T. DAVENPOIT, Limitad, LONDON Whelesale Agents, LYMAN BROS. & 0... Limes, C---------------------------------- -- and STR tn oo ERR Till, °F hi fia Its Millions of Consumers Say So Their increasing re-order 8 say sSo-- Blue Ribbo Tea is not only the best Tea IN CANADA, TEA. Delicate, delicious, invigorating, resting, Black, green, mixed --35c. to $1 a Ib--All ¢ BRITISH - AME but also the best Massey Harris Bicycles Perfect Bicycles Imperial™ Second Hand Bicycles | Is: now open to .the A sublic. W. TELFER A. E. HEROD ORDERED FOOTWEAR | ow is the time those pairs are wanted. Our anti-' squeak is used on all work. 286 PRINCESS 8T., and everything for the bicycle at the busy Sport- ing Goods House. Angrove Bros. 88 'and 90 Princess St. Ladies' Tailoring 1 have much pleasure in Announcing to the Ladies of Kingston that I bave wocursd the premises, 201 Princess St. and bave opened Ladies' Tailoring Establishment. 3 Fit and workmanship guaranteed. Kindly call ahd woe me. Will your own cloth. Prices moderate. A. METZ Graduate of YarAndo Cutting School, Regent St., Lo N Schaal, Regent 3t. andon, Bag Wm. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. & New Gurelages Cutters, Haroess. ~ EASTER FOR THE LA ) If you fhtend pain Sei 20 atti' onLy AT

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