Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Apr 1907, p. 8

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Re nghish Navy trimmed with fine. or style. To fit ages 8 to ; tos Ic wd V. ITHE 5 P.M.EDITIO COMMERCIAL MATTERS. What is Going On In the Business World--The Markets. The reorganisation of the J. L Company, Toronto, is completed, YOU new capital having been the firm, rity locomotives and 100.000 tons of : Amorsdans railway neterial mre to be King $100, Put into shipped from Baltimore to Dalmy, Man- churia, mak ap what is believed to be the greatost {pent of raliway 1oaler ial to A single order in the history of this country, and the brst shipment of the sort to Manchuria. The Canadian Pacific reflway will pay ott over 86,000,000 in haltyearly divi- dend, Of this smount the myment of 38 per cent. om the CoRMnon stock will total 85.630. 400, while an extra pay went of 0 MH. of one per cont. cut of the profits of laud sales will 'otal Souls The Si idend on the referred of total $THT OST. Ontario Sugde company, Berlin, ., on Tuesday completed the deal for the sale of over 300,000 pounds of sugar to lotal speculators, and the entire output of aver "1.000,000 pounds this son has been sol. Hepresentatives of Be' company have Leen sent out to the beet growers In this viciwily to secure acreage for the new seasow, which will be limited to 4.000 acres. will -------- H. Cunningham, piano tuner, ir Chika Orders at Meuloy's\ book store, "Phone New coat shirts, $1, Bibby's. he ha oo : The discerning custonier liker our. goods, because there's good 'WE APPRECIATE THAT And: voulda't Bow if otherwise, when quality is the 1 of our upisibgg ! course faultless style is always count: § Sectine i at ite best in appropriate things in § $1.95, ¥1.30, 81.75. 3Be., Ble. "Be. in Fine Imported Scotol erler, §30, $22, 803, $35. Tweeds and English § won| Hamilton, Grimsby & St. Catharines was prsre] by the sailvay iH carried. The municipal committee of the le- gislature, this morning, a clause the assessment act by which reser- ved oil and mineral rights will be sub- ject to taxation. The clause was op- uted by Mr. Wilson, representing the . Bowe farmers in En g 000. , the should taxes on 83, 000, This view previ. athe An action for in which the adi, Pacific company is defen dant, if being argued in single court this afternoon. W. W. Carter, mill bis property without permission, and He master at Barrie awarded $3,148, led and th /h Bhs cd appenle and the case WORK OF A MURDERER. -- Man Terribly Mangled By An In- fernal Machine. Schenectady, N.Y., April 4.-By the explovion of an infernal machine, be- lieved to have been sent to him by o rival in love, Samuel Miller, of 431 Liberty street, was terribly mangled, wrapped the package and that is all he remembers. The small wooden box which contained the dynamite was fll- with copper nails, and a doen of these weve blown into the young men's body. Willer was to have been mar vied in June. He expected ta leave, last night, for New York, to buy gifts for his prospective bride. , GRAFT IN COLONIES. Former Governors Said to Have Dickered With Capitalists. Fendon, Apel 8<The ciroular is sued by the secretary of state for the colonies, the Earl of Elgin, advising all former governors of colonies to re frain from engaging in commercial en- terprises in the territories which they formerly administered, han resulted in ecétablishing the fact that there had been an increasing tendency of late vears on the part of retired gover: nbrs of the smaller colonies to taken prominent part in the nmnasement of companion which have obtained pro- fitable concessions in such domains. A numbersof questions on the sub- jeot were asked in the House of Com- mons during the past session. some of them istimating that former gov- ernors had used their political pull to secure ponceasions. WANT NEW PROVINCE Formed of New Ontario--A Meet- ing Held. Fort Francis, Ont.. April 4A vag moeting of both political parties was held, last evening. to initinte a move ment in. New Ontario for secession from the old province and forming a new province embracing Algoma, Nipissing, Thunder Bay and Rainy river districts. Alter a number of other leading citisens of both parties, a resolution, moved by F. H. Bethune, secretary of the district con- servative association, and seconded by W. I, Price, a leading liberal of Bureiss, endorsing the movesfent, was carried hy a standing vote. A strong committee was alko appointed to con. fer with the other gistricts. : Placed Under Arrest. Montreal, April 4.--William Simp- son, the voung farmer of Hudson Heights, who shot his two infang hil dren and then tried to kill himself, has been plaosd whder arrest on a charge of murder. at the Notre Danie hospital; where he lies hovering he tween life and death. He was report ol as somewhat better this morning. Condition Unchanged. Toronto, "Aprit 4.- Hon, J, W. S4 Joh, it i Adnounced this morning, passed a fairly good night. but there i notisashle change in his con- " atio " Hi Toronto" April 4.~The bill extending 'of the continuation of the distinct hit with the audience, so, for that matter, did. the rest of sical club. PA. He A pupil of Jean de Reszke, Mme. Le Grand Reed gave special interest to Vietor Herbert's concert at Daly's theatre lust night, Ta the "Jewel Song," from "Faust," and an air from Puceini's "Tosea™ she made 4 the programme.~New York Globe, Nov. 12th, 1906. : Under the auspices-of the Ladies' Mu- Plan at Uglow's. bigs Surgeons say he had an even chance | ¥ . of recovery, though he maw be totaly | BURNED TO DEATH. be blind ane a cripple for Tie. James | 5 Callollahn is in jail charged with at. [% San Francisco, Cal, ¥ od . The police believe | % April 4. --Twenty men were ¥ be is the author of the outrage. Tho [¥ burned to 'death * and ¥ mashing was seot to Miller by exprosy | ¥ twenty others injured im a 3 from North Adams, Mass. It was '# fire which destroyed an 3 banded to him when he returned from | # Italian Hotel at Seven. ¥ hie work. He took it to his room, [¥ teenth and connecticut ¥ anda fow hist fater there was a3 streets in 'the Pot Row terrific explosion, which practically |¥ district early this'morning. : wrecked the house. Miller _-- he un- > y he 2 = A TAX ON WHISKERS. Bill Introduced Into New Jersey . Assembly. New York, April 4.--~The Times cor respondent at Trenton, NJ. has sent the following special: Assemblyman Cornish of Essex introduced in the house to-day a hill which provides a tax for wearing the hair on the face as follows, to be paid to the tax col lector yearly: Ordinary whiskers, £5; side whiskers, 83: Van Dyke beard, 810; mutton chops, 815: "billygoat," 850: red whiskers, 20 per cent. extra. The tax collector is to receive 25 per cent. for collecting the tax. oeabr pro tem. Elvinsg sent the bill to the committee -on fish and game. BASEBALL LEAGUE With Kingston, Watertown and Other "Places. There is a movement gn band to form a baschall league, ta embrace teams from Kingston. Watertown, Og- denshtirg and Brockville. Prescott and Gananoque are also mentioned as pos- sibilities. Such a league would un doubtedly prove an attraction and it is hoped that negotiations are made for the formation at once. : Both At Book-Keeping. Both Phillips and Duncan; the re- cont bank additions to the pemiten- tiaty population, have been placed at accountant work. Phillips is to keep the books of the tailor department, while Duncan will do general accoun- tant work. ' Yacht Club Dance. Some of the younger eo engi- peered a dance at the Yacht (Club, on Wednesday night, getting Mes. Easton Purns to chaperone them. Thee over: came the absence of a piano by ene gaging Crosby & 0'Comner's orches tra. i . Oddfellows To Organise. The League, hut team will not join A Town Without Crime. * London, April 3.-There have no convictions in the police court at inhabitants, for more than two yous. "Arrah © Wanna," an song: a great success. Fa, Sol, La, Si, ba" fraze. All at MeDermott Bros y make rich, red blood," Blaud's Tron Tonic Pills. The weinine "Do, - Re, Mi, the latest song store, Nice, dry, meal hag. at Mallin's, is He i if: the latest music, 18. per i til fi * | empire to fof imperialistic And, | The Oddiollows Baseball 'team is ex- pected to organize in the near future. the City will play independently } again this season. » been Weston, Herts, a town of about 80 Frigh-Tndian are sold at Gibson's Red Cross drug |eity by K. & P. this morning. : yr potatoes, Oe. * | hall to-night, 8 o'clock, 5c. and i But this 'chief factors of the empire on to a | ons, 15¢. per dpsen, at Maullin's. SHORTT Anything' More Than Advisory Gathering Not Compatible portant Contribution. toward the proposal to change the constitution and function of the econ- ference into those of a council of the empire clothed with executive power. Prol. Shortt says : . Another colonial conference is about 10 assemble, and although few hive any longer a feverish anxiety as to the outcome, yet many throughout the will follow the, ings with considerable interest. furore sentiment which fol- Jowed the South African war is steadily on the wane, and the motley jon of visionary schemes for consolidating the empire which lately J cach other before the foot ts of the foremsic and literary st are now playing with listless spirit to ty benches. Now, there fore, that the atmosphere has been somewhat clarified, and that so much of the impracticable has been demon- strated to be what it is, and not what is proiessed to be, it may be ible rm some modegl but real ad- vance to be mmde towéhrds a better understanding among the various fac- tors of the British empire. While very little change has taken ace during the last century and a If in ghe structure, and none what- over in the realimtion of these perio- dically reinflated nnd regilded pros jects for federating the 'empire; a very remarkable progress has heen made in that time towards the concrete de velopment of a better understanding and more norma! and harmonious re- lations between the different portions of the empire. The more important sections, however, instead of moving towards federation, have moved steadily in the opposite direction: in other words, towards a more self- governing and scjf-responsible status. movement, by bringing the common level, has at once diminished the attitude of suspicion with which the self-reliant colonial regarded thé paternal administration of the mother country, and has equally mitigated the air of condescension with which the typical representative of the] mother country regarded his colonial possessions. 4 ---- Influence Of British Reformer. It is to be noted that this respon- sible self-government on the part of the different portions of the empire is not primarily a feature of their re- lation to each other, but is essential- ly an pression of their domestic de vel t which carries with it as an incidental though necessary feature a change in their external relations to each other, Further, this development of democratic self-government did not first emerge in the colonies, but in Prjtain itself, whence it was copied by 'the colonies. The long struggle for responsible government in Canada was supported and encouraged entire ly by the example of what was being realized in Britain, and it was the sympathy and co-operation of the radical reformers in Pritain with their disciples and followers in the colonies which in the end secured for the lat- ter the peaceable recognition of their right to self-government. The im- perialist element, on the contrary, steadily maintained that to comm terunce such claims or permit their realization involved the dismember- ment and ruin of the empire. It was indeed just because the democratic reform element in Britain, in Vemand ing responsible self-government for themselves, frankly favored conceding it to the colonists as well, that they were branded 'as .anti-imperialists amd Little Englanders. However, - they steatlily argned that only thropgh such concessions could the pr and resoeet of 'the eolonies be faster el and retaineds How completely their polioy and predictions have been vindicated history records. . STOCK FIGURES. Market Street. Toromto, April 4th. 1 om Abitibi. . 37 § 23 Coniuges 5.00 4.35 Foster 1.57 1.54 Groen Mechan 80 74 McKinley . 1.75 1.25 Nipissing 14.00 13.00 Peterson Lake . ... .53 Silver Leaf 164 154 Silver Queen « 3.78 1.70 Trethewey 1.32 1.27 C.P.R. . NTT 77 Twin City 96 4 LAST SALES. Fonter " ' At 8 1.58 Silver Leaf . 16 Nipissing 13.62% Peterson Eatke 58 Conlages . - 4 50 McKinley 1.62 Silver Queen tt 1.76 Military Land Grants. The Veterans' Locating and Colon- ization Association report the three townships reeenth opened hy the min ister of lands and mines in the Clay Belt, for location by veterans as will situated, Iv ng between the Matapami and Frederick House rivers. The land is well adapted for agricultural pur. poses, the soil being a rich black loam free from stone, well timbered with spruce, tamarac, poplar, eter ------------ Mullin's Weekly Bargains. Best cocoanut, 25e, per Th. 3 Ibs. nice riising, 23¢c. 4 packages cornstarch, 250. 4 packages laundry {tarch, 5c. 8 tins tomatoes, 25¢. 4 tins pumpkin, 256,13 Ibs. fancy mixed biscuits 28e. Large oranges. 15¢. per dosen. Lem: A---- Murch and 'April are severe months on the complexion: Oatmeal Cream | makes it soft as velvet. Sold only at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Take no other. About 100 excursionists came to the Tustrumental and vocal music at tha | . | WRITES ON CANADA AND "COLONIAL CONFERENCE. | With Seli-Government--An Im- Hr Furnished By J. 0. Hutton, 18} SOHN LAIDLAW & SON. "Ny Smart - Spring Suits | ing will find much to interest them in look ing over our new suits, 13.75, 14 50, 15.75, 17.50, 18.50. NEW SKIRTS designs--new materials--and prices much less than you expect--for the style of Skirt and good materials. 2.75 to 8.95. NewUnderwear For Spring. . Women's Spring Weight Underwear in English Merino Underwear in Fine White Wool Underwear in Fine White Union ' Underwear in White Cotton. Vests and Drawers to match. 25¢, 35c, 45¢, 69c, 75c¢c, 99c, 1.25. 'White Goods FOR EARLY SUMMER. White Victoria Lawns. 10c, 124c. 15¢, 20c. aad up to 40c. White India Linens, 10c. 121¢, 15¢, 20c. and up to 50c. yard White Persian Lawns, 123¢, 15¢, 20e, 25¢, 35¢, 40c. Sheer White Linen Waistings in great variety. = Sheer White Handkerchief Linens in great variety. Prices 12.50, HSIEISICIIIISICICIIIOIoK Te -- ACK ACIIASISISIASICIISISIISIIICISION # NEW STYLES FOR 1907 FOR 30 shorter vamps, and many other changes to distinguish them from other makes. WE WILL GLAD - Lower in height, lower heels, QD D 4 - - TOSHOW You | Empress Shoes are made Ld AT OUR! in Savada 2nd every pair is ockett Shoe Store § s * o oh oH AK bs YEAR 74. Kingsion-Realt Room: 36, Me:chants' By NC ing, Winnipeg, ™ W. H. Smythe 8.8 x | pp We are sellin Winnipeg City Pro Manitoba & Western F: and British Columbi Lands. Write now for prices, ' ooations. GROSSE -& BLACK JAMS Strawberry Raspberry Blackberry Gooseberry, | Peach Cherry Pineapple Red Currant Jel In One Pound Glass --ALL NEW GOO "JAS. REDDEN REMOVE! THE UNIQUE GR Having made a change in my Business, I wish to tha customers for their patro past, and hope to ses you the New Stand, with as me that will give me their tre find my stock to be the hes prices, right, Orders promp C. H. Pickering, Cor. Pine and Patr Removed to Cor. Univ and Princess Sts. Phos WE WILL. |] YOU! Are you required to g Bonds 7 It so, the Kampire Accide Company, offers facilities 1 any other Company or pla your requirements. For f plete informmtion, sec our MR. CHAMBERLAIN, 5. Empire Accident & Auction Hou Furnitur WEDNESDAY, April 1( 476 Brock street, Cahine right Piano, Rug, Parlor & and 'other: Carpets, Fancy ers, Oak Extension Table, China Divmer and Tea Set mit Sideboard, Hanging le Ouk Hall Rack, Lace and tains, Black Wainut Be Springs, Mattresses, Bede Beds, Pillows, Bureaus, etc. ing Machine, Sofas, Lady an Bicycle, Champion Rang and universal Heater, Cs and Tinware. Piano at 1 ALLEN, The 248 Sydenham St. Tel TENDERS WILL BE by the Water Works Cow 12 o'clock noon, MONDA' 1907. for the Blake Works Pump House, Pump Sy Kingston, Ont., April 3r eee eee GASOLINE LA ARE ALL Ti If you have nd engihe row. ls there anything ing than a sail in a fast a hot sumgner. day, and we are building them in t sine and style you want? DAVIS' DRY And sce us. Don't sen away to a foreign cour amining our boats. and e suit you, give us an orde For every variety of "Bargains and lnsor SWIFT'S. REAL ES INSURANCE AGENC' SIGNALL THOSE WISHING 7) course in nailing Armories, MONDAY nex 'P.O EB. MUNDY * Lomman KINGSTON AND CA UNTIL FURTHER NO ers will leave Kingst dafly, except Sundav.

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