Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Apr 1907, p. 10

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2} $3.50. Dressy, handsome demgns (hat 20 the eye and Bt like a grove. appeal H.Jennings, KingSt. ii: int Hiei fii 3 { ~ = i gf : H gr it i ¥ fi il i fs §- 1 £3 £ : ¥ { i Hi i E i thy first HE % : i § te ie j ¥ { i ! i i it " i iris 5 i : i i F i § 8 2 Fs i t surpassed by any previous ruler of this country, lang he Sing ve the dead, Now, my as ou profess to be Theodore Roosevelt's friends how can £, £ } I if 3 or iY fo nev. er go back on his word. hy yea," the other, "IT understand all secure a republican victory which will, with the certainty of fate, bring to Theodore Roosevelt both political and social damnation, and, the whole world's contempt as a great man whose solemn promise was "as the sounding brass and the tink} ing cymbal." Proverbs are said to be the concentrated wisdom of the ages passed: It was Davey Crocket who left the sol advice to his posteri- AY the 15th da or A 1 D oe hg : follow waluable | pr . SEALED TENDERS WILL BE RE. ih the il noon of tv: "First be sure you are right, and then go ahead," and Solen Shingle, Shingleville, Vt., who left this wise admonition behind him for the benefit of future generations. 'Never prophecy unless you are sure," If T had always been governed by these ingots of wis- dom I would never have made a mis- take, but notwithstanding my repeat- ol failures, | am going to try my hand once more, and if 1 fail this time, no more soothsaying for "yours truly." 1 am not the seventh son of a seventh son, | am only just common folk like yourselves, but here goes for the provhesy : "Our Teddy is going to stand pat. and he won't budge an inch if he knocks the CG. 0. P. all to finders and hands the United States government over to the democrats lor the next 150 years. This is Broad- iis prophesy and don'f you forget t. The wonderful change that has tak en place in the trial of Harry K dall Thaw, for the murder of Stan- ford White, has left judge and fury, visitors and witnesses all afloat. Chaos ruled the hour and periury, rank and vile, has turned the solemn and stately court of justice, where a human life was being weighed in the balance, into what resembled a comic opera more than aovihing else. The only ray of sunshine that glinted through that dark and heavy cloud of shame and sin was when the unfortun- ate young woman was asked to sign as ber name to the confession in which OSL | human body she had been so carefully coached, EE -------------------------- Te ---------------- The Worst Sciatica Jains Cured By "Nerviline." 'Slight attacks are severe enough-- but a bad one is torture that the can't stand.: Rub Ner- viline along the sciatica nerve. What a glow it gives, what comfort it - brings. Every twinge and ache dis- appears. under the penetrating, pain- subduing power of Nervilive. Cure is absolutely certain, viline searches and finally applies its soothing pro-| perties in the sciatic verve iteelf--in | this way the in is! reached and cured. About five Yous | stronger than ordinary liniments, noth- | ing equals a 25¢c. bottle of Nerviline for ing aches and paine. Trv it : i if | i i gErkf Hi EL: | i i ¥ £ fr { t | H 4 ht i F hi R g PF flesh in community. theatres a thriv- ing business. nal were greeted others were i claimed and vance; there little prayer, JRL fi F ripe ig i iis i £ in this matter is sufficient evi- that they have mistaken their ng. for such persons should never have been entrusted with the educa- tion of our youth. The female teachers have my best wishes in this matter. you are defeated now, don't despair, you have the richt on vour side, and 1 hope vou will find, when the vote comes, that the peovle have not made the fatal mistake in select ing their representatives in the legis lature, that the board of education in selecting the male teachers for our public schools, ~RROADBRIW. No Striped Trousers For Him. { { £ Crying Babies. Babies do not ery for the fun of it, por is it always because they ar hungry, as so many young mothers think. Nine times out of ten baby's cry indicates that his little stomach i= out of order. Mothers will find instant relief for their suffering little ones in Baby's Own, Tablets. A few doses will cure the most obstinate cases of constipation, indigestion | or vomiting and a Tablet given now and then to the well child will keep it well Mrs. Mary Pollock, Gawas, Ont., says : "Baby's Own Tablets bave been a great benefit to my baby. They have made him happy, peaceful and contented, when before he used to ery all the time. [| have more comfort with him sénce giving him the Tablets than | pver had before. He now sits and plays and laughs while 1 do my work. What greater prafse can I give Baby's Own Tablets." For sale at druggists or by mail at 25c. a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co. Brockville, Ont How Plants Travel. The dandelion, with its parachute, has gone with Peary within the Arctic circle, and has also made its appear ance_in the southern hemisphere. The rose of Jericho curls up in a ball, with seed pods inside and the wind rolls it over the deserts of Syria and Egypt. The seed, pods of the furze and broom are like little guns. In August and September you may hear them erack, crack, as burst, scatter ing the seeds like bullets. The cranesbill, or wild geranium, has its seeds arranged so that five arms are thrown out like a sling, throwing the seeds with considerable force. The mangrove grows in salt water swamps and shallow sea water The planta require to be rooted in the mud. { en Kidney Troubles Overcome. Peck's Kidoey and Liver Pills de cure all ordinary kideev, bladder and hver troubles. remedy is a sci entific pone. Tt goes right to Le af fected places and gives prompt certain. relief. Benefit is usually no- ticed from the first dose or two. The entire system is cleansed and strength ened. In boxes, 25¢. For Sale only at Wade's Drug Store. Money back if not satisfactory. | An Almonte man named Joseph | Gilmour got drunk and lav down on {the railroad track to sleep. The | prompt action of the engineer on 'an | approaching train saved his life and | the train was brought to a stop just {a few feet from the imconsvious sleep. | A dairy meeting will /be held *in because Ner- | (\jossa town hall, on April 11th: for through the tissues | (he Benebt of the patrons of the cheese factories in Frnesttown. At a distance of forty vards some of the shots fram a twelve-bore gum are eight to ten yards behind the first. The Taj Mahal. at Agra. would cost ten millions if built to-day. Tt was begun in 1629 and finished in 1648. J and benefactor of hersell and and 'while her oral in wit- mess box to save a hus band's life, at realized that or preventive whose duty it i eve on the pope likely to incur prosecution cial gifts for such work may be venting crime every description, hosiery and ginder wear, and know what will suit. S our special dip-hip corset, 65c. York Dress Reform. salmon is catch is 3.200 tons Royal Warrant to the King. 3 i re r ere ee ees wr - Fe lity al ins in the End. =j CIEE, EmC---- uality always wins in the End. You can find proof of it in the ever increasing sale of the famous "Madame Huot's Coffee," which has been of more than 300,000 tins. Our extrachoice groceries are also the most popular; they are pure, they are economical Sent free on reception of $2.80. . 2 tbs. Madame Huot's Coffee...........cccoinne ressane Adah snssrarsanan eden aan Téc i We pay the Freight a Span Tea | a be. of either Tea at your choice | ah FREE. . . in the Provinces of 1ib. Absolutely Pure ~ Condor vith all its OWl.... soc |i pp Sumas buckle * and Omtarta, 1b Pit PR re Nr theo The Mghost Guatities. rae missesisre v.50 | and Good Tea." THE E. D. MARCEAU CO., LIMITED, Wholesale Teas, Coffees, Spices, Vinegars, 281.285 ST. PAUL ST, MONTREAL, Canada. mm ------------ msm ons se somemmm-- POLICEWOMEN FOR BELGIUM. | --Preventive Powers. Brussels, April 5.--The project to] p establish women police, suggested | pitcher some months ago by Chief of Police | oy Wesemael, of Ghent, is materializing | and is likely to be inaugurated in {5 Ghent early next year. It is proposed | to begin with twelve policewomen, | I who will be between the ages of forty! the and fifty, it being considered that at that age, they will have gained suffi-|. cient experience of life and human na- ture They must be unmarried or childless | widows. They will not be uniformed, but will be provided with the neces sary credenti ot ensure their ~ en trance an) re at any time. They will be attached to the administrative} section of the fore to » a watchful ation warn those and It is believe that women have spe-| greatly instrume We make a specialty of corsets of price of British caught The average | The average £110 a ton SPORTING NOTES. Experiment to Be Tried in Ghent | Interesting Items on Various Sporting Topics. Just Figure out the Cost , _ What's the use of putting up a £8 barn that will lat only ten or twenty years, when, for the same money, or even Jess, you can bt one that is good for a gener at least, and is lightning proof Sire-proof and water-proof # 3 Corrugated Galvanized Sheets and both price and quali Will be ight. more thau an all They will cost ng ° process of corru- gating, , renders the sheets so rigid that a lighter frame may be used, than with any other structure, Sheeting boards are quite unnecessary wood suis are required. Then, the and only cost for labor in applying Corrugated Sheets, is, by actual test, less than half what it would be for wood shnges. The economy effected by labor, sheeting boards, agd lighter frame-work, more than makes up the dificrence t day wooden shingles and Corrugated Galvanized in cost between "Acorn Quality Sheets. Our lightning proof barns are in almost every We will mail yon, on request, a list of users in your own county. locality in Canada: Get Zier opinion. The Metal Shingle & Siding Co. Limited, Preston, Ont. "id ontract. He was Heart Strength Heart Strength, or Heart Weakness, means Nerve Strength, or Nerve Weakness--nothing more. Pos- tively. not one weak heart in a hundred is, in it. self, actually sod. It is almost always a hidden tiny little nerve thas really is all at fault. This obscure nerve--the Cardiac, or Heart Nerve ~simply needs, and must have, more power, more stability, more ¢ siling, more governing strength. Without that the Heart must continue to fall, and the stomach and kidneys also have these same controlling nerves. This clearly explains why, as a medicine, Dr. Ehoop's Restorative has in the past done so much | for weak and ailing Hearts. Dr. Shoop first sought the cause of all this painful, palpitating, suffocat- | ing heart dis Dr. Shoop's Restorative--this | popular prescription--is alone directed to these | weak and wasting nerve centers. It builds; it strengthens: it offers real, genuine heart help. If you would have strong Hearts, strong di- gestion, strengthen these nerves = re-establish them as needed, with Dr. Shoop's storative At all druggists, With 'Maypole Soap With Ease at Home With Sure Results Made in England dui sold everywhere. roc. for colors, For Indigestion Try Chocolate Coated I, ID. C. Tobie Ther ang PURE MARMLESS AND CURATIVE MONE tage peakitable than pv dew On TTAM BIRD SEED 82 Bathurst St., London, Ont. a i The College G Ferm often the victim of mental sical ,over-strain Phys fe iew-checked= wreck of her former sweet : 2 takes The wise Wilson Invalid Port ~--a glass tl times a da and so ret: the spring which res from pure, 1 red blood. This bra tonic gives perfect he and energy carry her : c the month: weanng stu Druggi ~ MILBURN' HEART=NEI PILLS For Weak People Having or Nerve Troubles. SYMPTOMS Palpitation of the Hous, Is Skipped Bent as of Breath, Bl of the Lips, Pain in the Region of Thin Wi Blood, Cold Ne as Sesplomness. ete, If you have any of these symp! MILBURN'S HEART AND PILLS will bring the whole system int action, and Lipid, " Jarce a and ites: "I write to let k ef Ibwrvs Heart and Nerve com ly unmstrung. I P boxes of your pills and before first box finished I felt nruch bet I am cured." Price 50 cents per box or thre $1.25 at all dealers or will be ms on receipt of price.by The T. Mi Limited. Torcato. Oat. SEALED TENDERS ADI] to the undersigned, and endors der for Belleville Drill Hall, received at this office until April 24, 1907, inclusively, fo tion of a Drill Hall at Bellevi according to a plan apd speci be seen at the office of LE., Belleville. wortn, ¥sq., C.E, at the Department of Publi Ottawa Tenders will not be consider made on the printed form sup signed with the actual signatv deers An accepted cheque on, a bank, payable to the order of ourable the Minister of Publ equal to ten per cent (10 p. amount of the temder, must each tender. The cheque will 1 if the person tendering decline tract or fail to complete the 'tracted for, and will be retur of non-acceptance of tender. The Department does not bi accept the loWest or any tend By order, FRED. GEL] Department of Public Works, Ottawa, March 30, 19 Newspapers will not be pa advertisement if they insert i authority from the Departmen ---------------------------------------- Manitoba, Saskatel and Alberta Lan The Inter-Ocean Real Company of Winnipeg, M a Branch Office at 18 Mz: Kingston, Ont. Farmers spective purchasers of la: West will find it to thei age to call into the offic maps and full inform these lands. J. O: Hutton, AUCTION SA OF REAL ESI THOSE TWO LARGE stone shop-buildings and the warchouse in rear thereof, | the Easterly side of Ontario tween Princess d Queen ar the North Boundary of the ! Medicinal Works will He sol IAM! MURRAY, AUCTION THURSDAY, the 18th April p.m., at his Auction Room, street, Kingston. Terms and Conditions at t For further information Ly JOHN L. WH Solicitor for

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