lack affeta ilks 1 lot just received, per cent. less than the rul- ARDS. The small Yuatly a r thing we regret. French Taffeta Silks and wil at the following special prices : rd. es wide, Toc. es wide, T5c. es wide, 90c. ches wide. 49c, ches, 69. ko 20 inches, 75¢. yard, g TOC rd. ecial. ecial. ecial. Tes yes, 1.50 n Shades, 2.00 ades, D XID GLOVES Kid Gloves } Greys, all new fresh elastic. 1.00 - remier Quality hades. White, Mode IS GLOVES shmere Ings nmer weights, seamless feet and cial values at 25¢. and 35¢. a .ashmeres at 40c., 50c., 63c., ve Ribbed. Black Cashmere ees and heels, all sizes, from . 4 qualities to thoose from, RA STRONG RIB- HMERE STOCRK- INGS kings, all sizes. hing in Hosiery. Shoes | NEW STYLES FOR 1907 Lower in height, Tawa hel, A shorter vamps, other changes to re tinguish them from other ho ct Empress Shoes are made in Canada and every pair is Shoe Store : 10 nls Sam price in Parlor, Dinlog Room Furniture, Bed Lounges and Sofa Bed, Bahy Oprriages and Go-Carts. Liquid the best polish m 6 doors above Opera House. ROBT. J. REID 280 Princess street. "Phone 877 Ambulance CROSSE & BLACKWELL'S JAMS Strawberry Raspberry Blackberry Gooseberry Peach Cherry Pineapple Red Currant Jelly. In One Pound Glass Pots. --ALL NEW GOODS-- JAS. REDDEN & CO. REMOVED THE UNIQUE GROCERY. Having made a change in my Business, 1 wish to thank my many customers for their patronage in the past, and hope to see you as usual at the Now Stand, with as many new ones that will give me their trade. You will find my stock to be the hest quality and prices right. Orders promptly delivered. C. H, Pickering, Grocer, Cor. Pine and Patrick St. Removed to Cor. University Ave. and Princess Sts. Phone 530. Paid Up Capital - - - $14,400,000 Rest 11,000,000 location for The branch of this - Bank at corner of King and William Sts, Will Move On or about the 15th APRIL NEXT To corner of King and Clarence Sts. Auction Household Furniture WEDNESDAY, April 10th, 10 aon. 476 Brock street, Cabinet Grand Up- right Piano, Rug, Parlor Suite, Brussels and other Carpets, Fancy Tables, ers, Oak Extension Table, Dining Chairs, Chipa Dinner and Tea Sett, Black Wal nut Sideboard, Hanging Lamps, Pictures Oak Hall Rack, Lace and Chenille Cur- Roek tains, Black Walput Bedroom Suites Springs, "Mattresses, Bedding, Pa a ther Beds, Pillows, Bureaus, etc., Singer Sew- ing Machine, Sofas, Lady and G entle man's Bicycle, Champion [Range Manna tof and universal Heater, Crockery, Glass and Tinware, Piano at 1 p.m. ALLEN, The Auctioneer. 243 Sydenhaw St. Telephone, 252. TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED by the Water Works Committee, up to 12 o'clock noon, MONDAY, April Sth, 1907, for the Blake Pup at the Water Works Pup House. T hand WITT, Superintendent. Kingston, Oat. April8ra, 1907. For every variety of Real Estate Bargains and Insurance, go to SWIFT'S REAL ESTATE AND DON'T Go elsewhere before you try us on WHEEL REPAIRS We have a full line of 1907 TIRES Also some good SECOND-HAND WHEELS DAILY MEMORANDA. a Men Oi every age Can get suited In Stylish Hats, at Campuell Bros'. Y.W.C.A. Rummage Sale, April 26th, 27th. . . Moving Pictures, 8.15 p.m. Tenders for Huterworke: Pump received till noon, Mow Grard Opera House, Secure oy at Uglow's for Le Grand ¥ 'and Kelly-Cole Concert. This day in history :--Wellington cap- tured Badajos, 1812 ; Canada discovered, 1497 ; Napoloom I. sent to Elba, 1814; Washington elected U. S. president, 1789, "The "Waverly of $2 Hats is king, And many men, its praises si This popular hat also the renowned "Wood row" $3.50 Hat--King sold in Kingston, By George Mills & Co. only, WHIG TELEPHONES. Edward's - choice--is 293--Jobhing Department. Everything that's printable. TOILET SETS We are at present showing some odd quaint shapes, in Old English Resigns. Also a large variety of pretty colored sets, from. $1.48 Robertson Bros. trate etm Summer E Prices [MMFues A Distinct Saving Our facilities for remodelling, repairing and redyeing Sealskin and Furs of al kinds are unexcelled. This work should be done duri the summer when the cost is much than in the lar or busy season, It is equully rdvan ageous to prdor few fur its during sume. mer, because of the price pb Fete More time and attention can then be devoted to cach order. You save money and your garment will be ready When cold weather séts in. JOHN McKAY'S FUR HOUSE Telephone 489 Fur Storage. AT VAN LUVEN'S Fresh stock McLaren's Powder as follows Pure Baking Pure Cream Tartar B. P'., 12 oz. tins, at 25e. Thistle Brand, in tins, at 10c. and 135¢ Quart Sealers, 25c¢., Tumblers, 10c¢ Mclaren's Invincible Jelly Powder, flavors. Goodwillie"s Fruits all The quality of the goods are sa well kfown, we need only mention the lines we have, viz: Strawberries Pears Plack Cherries, Red Cherries, Sweet Cherries, Preserved Plums Lombard Plums, Yellow Peaches, in Glass Sealers, Be. Low-priced, at Magpnachios, Seville Orange, Marma lade and Preserved Strawherries in Glass, regular price, 20c., our specigl 5. 4 ges, Ffemons Bananas, Meats tables, etc. 1. W. Van Luven, Phone 417 - 246 Princess St. -------------------------------------------------- UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE LADIES' MUSICAL CLUB LE GRAND REED Kelly Cole and Company City Hall, Wednesday, April 10th A Joint Recital, hy such Artists as Mme. Le Grand and Kelly Ucle, two great singers. 'Lovers of music can be assured that this will be the greatest treat season. Plan now open. Tickets, dc, 81 ete eee "KINGSTON AND CAPE VINCENT UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE, STEAM. ers will age 8 Ringston at 1.30 pm. daily, il 50c., FAVOR THE BAYONET. U. S. Army to Be Encouraged to Use it and Sabre. Washington, Kori 6. The general staff et . 8. army is doing every- thing in its power to develop the use of the bayonet and sabre among the soldiers, This is regarded as @ strange reversal of the position taken by leading army officers only two years ago to the effect that these were obsolete weapons, as demonstrated hy the experience of the Boer war, and should be abandoned. Now a general order is issued by the chief of staff which declares that ,in order to in- crease interest in sahre and bavonet exercises post contests, with and be tween these weapons will, wherever practicable, be held Monthly. A -------- Not Unaminous. It is understood that the opposition in the house at Jurants are develop- yi in Sig : Jevscnal feeling a LAtrotlg ri . caret isters. division will ocear upon Abdication Of Czar Is Pre- dicted. WILL BEA REGENT . DURING MINORITY OF THE CZAREWITCH. Czar Has Completely Lost His Mind--Cannot Perform Small- est Duties--Negotiating Mar- riage For Grand Duke. London, April G--The Mirror, a sen- sational papir owned by the proprie- tors of the/ Daily Mail, professes to have excellént authority for stating that the czar will abdicate within a month, and that bis brother, Grand Duke Michael, will be appointed re gent during the minority of the czare- witch. It adds that the douma wil be ab: olished, and a military dictatorship formed, with the object of stamping out revolution and ending the present anarchy in Russia. The paper further save that the czar's mind 'has completely given away, mnd that his majesty has shown himself incapable of performing the smallest duties of his rank. The Mirror submitted this report to the Russian embassy, where it was denied, nevertheless it insists that its information is correct, and the de tails of tae scheme, which is now de- finitely "settled, have been decided in outline for a month. The Mirror also } {claims that the late visit of the dow- ager czarina to England, was for the purpose of negotiating a marringe be- tween Grand Duke Michael and Prin- cess Victoria of Schleswig-Holstein, The princess accepted the proposal, it is said,and the marriage may take place in April, or the first week in May. ---- Battleship For Japan, . London, April 6.--Japan is sending a commission to England to a a contract for the Eins] battleship in the world, a vessel of 21,000 tons. She will thus be of greater tonnage than the Pacifactor. It is understood the Jupancse shipyards are full of wark, and that as Japan wants ships quickly, she decided to build the new monster in England. It is stated the cost will be about £2250,000. The vessel will have a surprising arma- ment. A news agency | despatch from Rome says there is every probability that Cardinal Merry Del Val will re- sign his post as papal secretary of state, as a result of the publication of the seized Montagnini documents, but not until the sensation created by this has subsided. DENOUNCE DOCKED HORSES. -- "World's Greatest Show' Dis- couraged Cruel Practice. New York, April 5.-- "There was a successful circus man who bes lieved in docking a horse's tail,' said W. W. Coles, managing director of the Barnum & Bailey show, now at Madi- son Square Garden. "For every rea- son--humanity, utility, beauty--the] tail nature gave the animal at his birth should not be mutilated We have a few with us now, but they are never owned by the performers, not by the management. "When Mr, Barnum and Mr. Bailey started in the circus business for themselves, they = set their faces against the practice. Other shows have followed suit and 1 doubt if you can find a show in the country which owns an animal so mutilated. Most per- formers who use horses will not ride one that is minus its tail." FREEDOM FOR IRELAND. Colonial Premiers May Urge This Upon England. London, April 5.~The Tribune says: "Before the colonial premiers separate we may expect to see them pass a re- solution asking that freedom under the crown which they so fully enjoy shall be extended to Ireland. So far as the government is concerned the re- solution will be not only warmly re- ceived, but immediately acted upon." STEAMER BURNED Along With Its + Cargo and Thirteen Horses. Dobbs' Ferry, April 6.-The steamer City of Troy, of the Citizen line, was burned te the water's Sige here last night, w h its cargo of freight and thirteen horses. All the passengers, some sixty-five in number, were landed safely. The wharf to which the City of Troy tied up, whem it was found impossible to control the flames, was also destroyed. Campbell Bros'. Hats, Cover more brains than any 'other kind, because the best heads are wearing then. Don' t forget Weeses wall paper sales. There are four bargains in window for Handa and Tuesday. Weeee, Princess a extra fine cashmere stock- |S flew Fark. frye atl A SEASATION! RUSE: - Victime--Jewels Paris, | &--Countess Alphonse i ] of a distinguished Halian, i : wictim of thieves clever Louvre yesterday, which out | --- temporary loss of i pearl and necklace worth While she looking at the pie- tures A * men passed near her. front slipped -on the waxed floor: nd geacly fell, She drew back in eh alarm and knocked against the man. The first recov: ered his and both walked away. 2. red o fox hotel the count- ecklace, recollec at it was her neck in the museum and tely communicat- ed with the pai, relating the incid- ent of the man ing, which she had almost . This mornin she was i to the police head- quarters, necklace was re- stored and where she was confronted with the two mel who had been ar rested when (EVIE to sell it. The slip- ping of course, second man h to remove the ne i merely a feint, the the opportunity BOMBS -- Almost Cause Arrest of London Paris, William Clarkson, London ce fOStumer, was near ly arrested av a dangerous i by the Roulogtie police on Thurs He we ¥ to Paris wit number of bombs which are to be used in Mme. Sl Rutuhardt's forth. coming produstion of "Faust" to produce the Hashes of light which were so offecti ori Bir Henry Irving's production at While Mr. en in the buf: fet a customs noticed the par cel in the railway a As it felt heavy, he called colleagues, and, to the const a of them all, the bombs wore wered. A tank of water was immediately procured, the bombs were put into it and six de tectives were' told off to watch the carriage and seize the anarchists when they returned. On Mr. Clarkson's appearance it took him half an hour to convince the officials that bombs were harm- less, and he to heck the parcel himself before "thes allow him to proceed on his journey. JEROME WILL NOT APPEAL. Confident of Fresdom-- Family Jollification. New York, April 6~<Jerome an nounced, yesterday afternoon, that he would not make an appeal to the ap pellate division to compel Justice Fitegerald to let him soe the minutes of the lunacy board, and the Thaw trial will probably proceed on Monday at the point where it was broken off by the appointment of the lunacy commission, "Freedom is now certain." This was the statement of Harry K. Thaw in the Tombs. Thaw made no effort to disguise his pleasure over the decision of the lunacy commission in declaring him sane In celebration of the second wedding anniversary of Harry Thaw amd Evelyn Neshit, and of the victorious outcome of the proceedings before the Thaw lanac ommission, the Thaw family had a jollification at the Hotel Lor raine, last night. A few friends were biden. It is expected that the jury will bring in its verdict by next Wednes- day night SMALLPOX IN PARIS. A Scare Prevails--People Vaccinated, . April 5. Though there are at the present time fower cases of small Getting Paris, pox in Paris than has been the case for many vars, an extraordinary scare prevails, The disease is the chief topic of conversation and the theme of inmmmerable articles in the press. Maligaut small-pox is more or loss epidemic at Dunkirk, but only two sersons have died of the disense in aris during the Inst weck. Ministers and heads of public de partments have ordered their subor dinates to be immediately vaccinated All the policemen and park keepers wire vaceinated, vosterday, and there bas been such a rush on the private and public vaccination institutes that thr supply of lvmph has become tem- pororily exhausted. rent JAPAN WIDE AWAKE. Will Have a Sentinel at Bosphorus in Future. London, April 6.--Japan has open ed wegotiations with Turkey, accord: ing to a special despatch from Con- stantinople, with the view of estab lishing embassies of the two countries at their respective capitals. Russia, it is stated. raised objections, but Japan, insists that she is entitled to the same répresentation on the Bos phorus as the other grea powers. Turkey if the only prominent coun try in which the Japanese are not re- presented by an accredited legmtion, her interests in Turkey at present, being under the protection of the British ambassador, the People want a varnish stain that will stain and varnish furniture and woodwork withott covering up or ob- scouring the grain of the wood. Ia these days of pigment varnish stains, which are in reality varnish paints, it in worth while to remember that Es TURDAY, APRIL 6, 1907. cane (CHIEF TOPIC At Ottawa Is = lord Aylmer Retirement. W------ ON THE GOVERNMENT FOR ITS ACTION, Parliament Will Likely Prorogue About the R20th-F of Ministers' Duties--Seats of the Independents. Tom ur. Owap Cor t. B tae, Api il 6. The Fetironient of Lord Aylmer is the all-absorbing topic here. It come as a complete Surprise to parliament and the military com- munity. Strong attacks are to be made upon the government, it is un- derstood, and the defence will be that Lord Aylmer, who is sixty-five, retires automatically upon the age limit, Col. Vidal, who succeeds him, is within a month of sixty-four. He is physically unwell, but, of course, could not hold the office long in any case, The only matter of ouistanding in- terest in the commons yesterday was the challenge as to whether Mr. Bour- wssa and party, being independents, had any right to sit upon the govern- ment side of the house, Mr, Fielding, however, replied that there was no rule of the house dealing with this, It is expected that provogation will be. reached gbout April. 20th. The prime minister, before leaving, held a conference with the leader of op- position at which it is understood an amicable understanding was reached with regard to the matters still to be disposed of. Hom, Mr, Oliver's western lands bill will be withdrawn, The only other bill likely to be of a contentions nature is Hon. Mr. Templeman's hill respecting the regulation of the sale of proprietary medicines. If much op- position develops this bill also will be left over until next session. During the absence of Sie Wilirid Laurier, Sir Richard Shrsasight, sen- ior pr vy councillor, will be acting pre- mier; Hon. Mr. Fielding will load the and will be 'minketer of railways and canals; Hon. Mr, Templeman will be acting minister of marine amd fisheries, and Hon. Mr. Scott, will be acting minister of mili- tia. > I --------. PITH OF THE NEWS, ig The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. Typhoid and grippe are cpidemic in Three Rivers. The armories of London were slightly damaged by fire, A boy named McMillan kas been found near Kenora frozen to death, Socialists have secured eighty seats out of two hundred in the Finnish diet Hamilton retail merchants have de- cided to oppose Mr. Monk's eco-opera- tive bill in the commons. Alired Hoskin K.C., senior member of the firm of Hoskin & Ogden, To- ronto, died suddenly on Friday. Canadian residents in Buffalo, N.Y, have formed a Canadian club and ex- pect to secure a membership of two hundred. F. C. Gould, who is accused of the brutal murder 'of his roommate at Norfolk, Va., has been arrested at Vancouver. Lord Lister, the cian, yesterday received © tions on hix eightieth birthday, all parts of the world. The dominion government presented the rescuers of the schooner McKeen, at Charlottetown, PEL, with wold medals and silver watches, we Over fifty persons were Killed yea. terday, and several towns partially wrecked by the tornado which swept over the Gull states. George Wood was killed in a drunk on row at Edmonton. and there is evi- dence that Dick Hood, a jockey, com- mitted the murder with a hatohet. A reduction of $14,466,130 in the public debt and an increas of 88. T08,805 in the revenue, are the features of the financial statement for the nine months ended March 31st. The Lakes-to-the-Gulf Deep Waterway association is discussing the big pro- ject. of making the Minsisgri river into a great inland seo. and making a perthanent shin canal between Lake Michigan and the Gulf of Mexico. A story from the White House save that the Hearst-Harriman-Rockefoller combination has already a fund of $5, 000.000 to be used in purchasing news. papers and public men to defeat Presi- dent Roosevelt's policies in the next congress, celebrated physi tula- from EARTHQUAKES FELT. Cause Avalanches in Switzerland ~Forests Wrecked. Geneva, April 6. There have been several earthquakes in Switzerland during the last few dave. Two on the Auwtro-Swiss frontier, yesterday, caused numerous avalanches and lane slides, wracking large forests, lives or buiklings ave reporial to have been lost. 3 ------p---- Men Uf Every Age. Find our. hats just right, So many styles to Ehooss. fr : $0 sassy to be ectly fitted, aniphell Bear. . ngeton' » aust » - for Loni Sess lt one ATTACK TO BE WADE[=: No" RESIGNS AS _AS PROTEST Aguinst Arpointmens ot Dr. te, Almon p43 8.7. Lot | chip bg an] of ------ ation, Yo 4, a a PP ha attion of Lieut. i, of "Ottawa, wh cop Be officer of military district Nord year, Dr, Tore pat att ote Macks worl a continue for a time, Dr. Lynch's action is due do the fact that when the position of PM.O, he came vacant, when Dr, J. A Gray went to the west, the district officer commandi passed over three men in the district who were senior Dr. Echlin. They were Dr, Bowen, 8 Field Battery, Dr. McCammon, 56 Regiment, and hh Lynch himself. The dootor believes that there is a Cai | to the rural regiments in the action Col. Hodgins, and that the dw wan has been preforved over his seniors through tavarition, GUARD RUSSIAN EMPRESS. ---- Our King and Queen to Meet Alfonso. London, ni 5 5. ~<Lqunt Alexandra, the do ! Russia, and Princes Me rr. left Tondon for the tinnnts today. The queen and her sister will separate at Calais, the former ami Princess Victoria proceed ing to Toulon, where they will Jolin King Edward preparatory to meeting between the latter and Kine Alfonso at Cartagena. The dowager empress will go to Biarritz, The same extraordinary precautions were taken for the safety of the dowager em- sas marked her arrival in Eng Pe. No one was adwitted th the railroad station, except on wri written authorimtion, and the railroad from here to Dover was closely patroled. A nitmblr of Russians who ar Teo Toronto, Ai = there is 1 sion in te would be To na movement to join Mani the comment of W. A. Preston, for Port Arthur, on the agite re in favor of the secession of N Ontario from the older part of the pros | vince, All members of the legislature from the north commen on the movement, although they did aot ¢ think a cleavage would really occur, an the better class of people realized he would fare better by Tomaining. W Old Ontario. POPE SEES A BIOSCOPE, -- Was Much Pleased With Pictures of American Cities. Rome, A wil 6. ie his = ters, val other Se --.-- Eon tah hed day, al an entertainment given by Engineer Vannueci, an employes of the vatican, who, by means of a bioscope, showed views of the prinei- pal citi of the Dnitel State, o- pecially Washington explaining each Picture briefly, The pope thanked Signor Vamnucei warm- 3: Saying he felt that he had almowt his wish to visit the new alii A OTAL BEEEADED Maid Crushed to Death By Elevator in New York. New York, April 6. Caught between the floor and the roof of car on the sudden descent of -- aera dlevitop in the home of John Markle, at 723 Fifth avenue, Anna Henderson, twenty-lour years old, a servant, was crushed to death, yesterday slleruon, just as many guests were arriving the house to attend a bridge whi luncheon. The girl was caught at the back of the neck by the iron sliding fod. her head being severed from her body. OUT IN SUNDAY REST, teamstars of the Henddrio a dressed up in their Sunday clothes, ---------------- Relatives On The Jury. Queber, the young boy, Carrier, who was found dead near Bellechngse. This action was taken in view of the fact dhat on the first coroner's jury five members wore ives of the deceased and four others were probable crown witnesses, ---------- F. W. Hill Arraigned. New York, April 6.- Frank W ml, the former stenographer for W Harriman, whd whe o AR day. on un charge of ee the now famous Sidney Setuhes a newspaper, ag A win court fortlay, ner ba vila Ans ported to have vwon sterted at Emo, |! orthern. Hendrie Teamsters Decided to "wiStrike. St. Catharioes, Out., April 6,--The com- pany uit work in a body, this morn: ing. men asked for an increase of | ket, filled with passengers, who were pay You weeks ago, but thes request | peacefully sleoping, wandered: through has not bien granted, consequently | the dense fog, and wus running at they are walking around, to-day, | high speed into a rock-studded April 6.--The attorney-gen- eral's department has ordered that a new jury be empanelled in the ease of Prices 25, to 80, run at $1. "so All ready for TO-NIGHT'S selling ge is ALL NEW MOVING PICTURES The Latest Tilusirated Songs. Bp 10.16.26 'ghee Hite Uncle Toms' Cabin in Moving Pictures, * Tonight. } ih wi THE HARE av" a 8 EAD, AT FORT. -- a Captain Stopped Ship From Run. ning to Pittaburg, April 6. Ww. oo nant was found orn Ca ; hqwse of the packet Lovena, ais 'ast Liverpool, Ohio, yesterday. Without a guiding hand, the big pac. Capt. Richardson sto) the ergft from running te « Conant exhausted his last bit of: strength trving vainly to reach the signal rope to the boats ------ "Terry" McGovern Better. Stamford, Conn. April 6---Te MeGovern, the former © L fighter, who was bro Jasin i Ing from 4 1 wile and manager. To | Linivteneint very tion to oben in Kingston, "QL when