Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Apr 1907, p. 3

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NOW IS THE Your Furs Repaired or Made Over W. F. GOURDIER EXCLUSIVE FURRIER 78-80 Brock St. Phone 700 P.S.--WeStoreand Insure Furs. mieiea------------------------------ NEW SCIENTIFIC PROCESS. A Preparation Discovered That Will Destroy the Dandruff Germ. For some time it has been known that dandruff is caused by a gam that digs up the scalp into little white flakes, and by sapping the vitality of the hair at the .root, causes falling hair, and, of course, finally baldness. For years there have been all kinds of hair stimulants and scalp tonics on the market, but there has been no per manent cure for dandruff until the dis- covery of a preparation called New- bro's Herpicide, which destroys the dandruff germ. Destroy the cause, the effect will cease to exist. Kill the dandruff germ and you'll have no dan- druff, no itching sealp, no falling hair. Sold by leading druggists. Two sizes, 50c. and 81. Send 10c. in stamps for sample to The Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich. G. W. Mahood, special agent. Fhe Birthstone for April is the Diamond. During a Whele Lifetime no othér gift carries ouite the same pleasure as a Diamond Ring. indestructible it grow less in 'stock of Diamonds consists * of First Grade Stones. SMITH BROS, \ Jewelers. Phone 666 - An order was received from Alberta last Monday at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store for infants' food. 1t pays to sell fresh goods. "Phone 230. | House hings itly to the t prove > > HHAHHNOK HHH comfort of your HG very burdensome on HAAHAS * ¥ stance rds long and 25 + inches wide, ALATA is long and 30 inches nd only 50c. a pair. is 'long and 45 inches wide, ex- wide, HH HCHO rds long and 60 inches wide, * a pair. = ¥ t $1.10 to $6 a pair. 2 width, 12{c. a yard and up. I wide, 10c., 12}c. a yard. ings, 25¢c. and 30c. a yard. 1s, extra nice, at 15c. a yard. ds, HAC HN will fit any ordinary, win- & and 18¢. complete. ¥ at and attractive, 15c. on 3 rns, good colors, 99¢c. each. $ 2}x3, 3x3}, 3x4, Tapestry, 3 1 up. * s, Table Linens, Table Nap- § cloths and Stair Oilcloths. We int Correct Come Direct 0 & Shaw ao OR D aq QO 3 Cp THE SPORT REVIEW N. L. U. TO ENCOURAGE THE JUNIORS Hod. Stuart Will Not Go to Ottawa--Notes About the Baseball Teams in Training. Rube Kissinger has a new curve that he calle the teetotaller, because if nev- er takes a drop. The Stratford banquet and presen- tation to the champion hockey teams is billed for Thursday, April 15th. The Perth Crescents will have one of Lhe fnstest lacrosse teams. in the coun- try this year. They arc champions of the B.0.1.U., and holders of the Citiz en lacrosse trophy. There is no trath in the story tha Hod Stuart is going to Ottawa t play hockey and football. . He hag signed to play with the Montreal Wan derers again next winter, | Most ball players return from their training trips with an increased. respeqt for the great American hen. Fggs ane about the most palatable thing on the menu of a southern hotel The dedision of the N.L.U. to 'e)- conrage the juniors, was one of the best they have ever given. The jup- jors are worthy of encouragement and it is to be hoped that they will boom the game this year. Charles Comiskey tells of a star layer down in the Mexican City Ponce. who has not made an errorin five years. His name is Dr. Andra Antiga. He is ove of the dandies of the town and drives to the ball park jn sik hat and: Prince Albert. There is trouble ahead for the New- ark Eastorn League Club. The Atlan- tic League has been formed and New- ark is to have a team in it when the season opens, and it will in all preba- bility hurt the attendances ; at the Eastern League grounds there. An-- House Cleaning Problem. What will I do with my heater? Why, have it stored in Simmons Bros' rust-proof store house," Trv Bibby's special $1. shirts, Flower and garden sceds in bulk and i knges, at Chown's Drug Store :morrow" will he Low Sunday, on whioh occurred important ceremonies in ay x Carriages GO-CARTS DAILY BRITISH D. ON FATHER RHINE. -- Most Enjoyable Tour Under Rev. Mr. Langfeldt. In the nhsence of the chairman and vice-chairman, Mr. Pense and Nr, Bampfield, R. J. Carson, a m mber of St. George's Men's Club, took the chair and introduced Revs E. Langfeldt, of Peterboro, to a audience, in the synod hall, on Friday night. Mr. Langfeldt, with true patriotism, spoke of fortune in being his good born a German, and then took his hearers with him for a tour of the lovely rivers of the Vaterland, the Neckar and the Rhine. Mr. Lang- feldt speaks charmingly, with touches of humour, to mnke the talk remem: bored all the better. With loving ap- preciation he led the way into thoto mance-steeped Rhineland, and the il ustrations of the old places. famous in history andi legend, came out beau- tifully by the aid of Rev. J. 0. Crisp and his lantern. There was the ruined castle on 'the rock where Sieg- fried, the hero of the Nichelungen slew * the dragon; there were the Castle of the Cats, and many an other abode of the robber Knights of the Middle Ages, "for some unac- countable reason considered the upper- ten of their day," remarked the lec- turer: there was a glimpse of the vil- lages of the Black Forest, where near- ly all the toys are made, and there is never a. boggar known, though a dav's wage is but thirty-five cents; there were Cologne and Strasburg, with cathedrals, famed for beauty; there was Heidelberg, where the Ger- mans learn their higher lore, and within whose castle, carved in many a form of architects is the mighty tun, the lid of which is used for a 'dancing floor. Glimpses were had of Baden-Baden, where rovalte recuper- ates, and of Basle, toc. aml t Goar. The lecture was nll too short, and at its close hearty thanks wrref given Mr. Langfeldt by Dean Farth- ing, and some of] the [la hen. Saturday's Market. There was a good turn out at the market Saturday morning. Fggs and butter were ip abundance, eggs sell- ing from 18.7, to 20¢. a dozen, and butter at 24c. to 23c. a lb. Maple syrup made its first appearance, and bronght from 25¢. to 30¢. a'quart. The 1 the early Christian chureh, island market ;was well attended. ing substance. nerves, muscle and bone. ever tasted. " At all grocers. alta Vit ' Now 10c. It is the only food for children and the best food for grown or growing people because it is only pure grain--has absolutely no foreign sweeten- It is made in the cleanest food factory in the world from the whole wheat and combines all the elements that make Besides it's just the best you Monday's Store News. blood, brain, Always ready to est. Special showing of Prints. Ginghams, Spot Muslins Lawns, Embroid- eries and Insertions, Corset Cover Embroidery, White Walstings, Dimities in 'Black and White Fancy Dress Muslins, Persian Lawn and India Linens. All at popular prices. 4 : Wash Goods, Muslins, THE JAMES > JOHNSTON STORE. -- a -- ~ MAHOOD ih ---------- BROS. Y GRAND, OPERA HOUSE. Moving Pictures and Vaudeville Performance. There was a very fair audience at The Grand Opera House, last night. The Levdon Amusement company put up a very good entertainment The illustrated %ongs and moving pic tures were clear and brilliant and wore viewal to advantage. The scenes" at Coney Island and the incidents in connection with it caused "much amusement and laughter. Merccdes Desmond sang three wetly songs, which were loudly ipl andeds They wore "Spect Adelaide," You're Mamma's Boy," "lust Because You Wore An Old Sweetheart of mine." Mack Arless, "thi comical Dutchman, sang two songs, in character, which were well reevived. Miss Addie) Loner- gan played the accompaniment and soveral solog, There will be a new programme of songs and pictures tos night. The matinee this afternoon was largely attended. ------ «When Harvest Days Are Over." The London Free Press says : Felix Haney, in "When the Harvest Days Are Over," proved & big hit at the Grand, The story is woven about the trials and tribulations of a filial young man and his sweetheart, an obedient daughter. Felix Haney, remembered for his excellent work in "Way Down East" as the country hoy, "Hi Hol- ler,' has a part, that of Herz Huck. ins," that just fits his particular line of comedy, and ho keeps the house in Mr. Haney is probably the an uproar, ! \ best comedian in the country in this style. of comedy. Mr. Twomey, Mr. Allen, Miss Hutchins and Miss Parker were all good in their several roles, and gave excellent support. AN INSURANCE CASE. Judgment Given in Favor of Kingston Plaintiff. Pense vs. Northern Life "Assurance company--J udgment at Osgoode Hall (E.B.B.) in action tried without a jury at Kingston by Justice Mabee. Action to recover from defendants $2,- 000, the amount of two insurance jol- jcies issued, by them upon the life of * Zeigler, Jr., assigned to plain. tiff. vigler died on 5th November, 1906. The first policy for $1,000) was «1 20th May, 1901. Defindauts con- d that it lapsed by ayment of the premium due on 204k May, 1906. Held, that there was no lapse, and the policy was in full Geory reason of fores "on the Sth Novewber, 1906. 'i he secoud policy, for 31,00), vas dated st March, 1903. The premium, said to be payable on the 20th March, 1906, was not paid. The only question in- volved as to this policy was whether the premium was payable in advance or whether the insured had the whale year after 20th March, 1906, to pay it, under the terms of the policy. Held that it would be unfair to declare this policy forfeited under the construction of the contract contended for by de fendants Judgment for plaistifi for £2,000, less the ourrént year's. prem- jum on the second policy. with inter- est from date of writ of summons, and costs. J. L. Whiting, K.C., for plain- tif. T. H. Purdon, K.C., for defen dants Ex-Fire Engineer Macgillivray. The firemen of the city especially Assistant Chief Stratiord's men at the Ontario strect station, are in mourn ing today, over the retiring of En gineer James Macgillivray. "Mac" has been conmected with the fire de purtment for several years and was well liked by the firemen generally. He will likely return to his old work as marine engineer. A General Cleaning Day. day in that eity, ihe day and about their homes in neat dition. The ideg is a good one and might profitably be tried in Kingston Illegal Shooting Going On. tions have been made and though Mr brickwood is constdutly on the lobk out for offenders, nothing ture of a serious offence against the games laws has been reported. m------ Headed The List. J. R. Lowe, B.A. of Collings Bay a "07 Queen's medical student, whe in taking his final year at Long Is position as house surgeon Her Mo uncertainty as to whether the exhum, ed hodics showed traces of poison Mayor Smith, of Oswego, has issued a proclamation for a general cleaning The experiment wys tricd Jast year and was a success, on specified the citizens turning to and putting the grounds in front of con- Game Warden Prickwood savs that there is véry much illegal shooting go- ing on this spring. So far no comic of the ha land Medical College, has headed the list in the recent examinations for the on-5t. John's hospital staff, Brooklyn, NXT Fresh gatden seeds at Chown's Prug £ a NA aT ELRP° a aud Siuter-in- Law Were Two of Her Victims She Used Arsenic in a Cun- Berlin, April 8.<Frau pisoning a man a woman nam- lived with her who had victims belog Ter Gther inlaw and sister-in-low, but a8 these four cases 4 - ; BRIGHT YOUNG MAN TO ACT AS went back seven there was some § A shipper i ® paper hox factory. Frau Feige has been called the Sile- sian: Lucretia Borgia, and the' trial re. vealed that she many points in common with the famous Roman pois. oner. In all the cases it wae the de- sire to become aed of her vi tim's money which drove her to her terrible crimes. As lodgers she always sought out Snctwhle people possessed of means. While they were in her hands she sought to influence them to make their wills in ber favor. As soon as they did so she began her poison ing operat ons, ' Feige used ., arsenic in all cases, in this displaying great cunning The entire countryside in which she lived js afsenic producing; and the grave- vard in which her victims were huried was in special degree impreguated with arsenical ores. The medical experts at the trial therefore had to decide whe ther the poison found in the exhumed remains had penetrated the hodies from the earth outside the coffins or whether it had been administered dur, ing life, )" ------------ YELLOW MARRIAGES. ---- Toronto Chinese Church Pastor Must Answer For Them. Toronto, Apkil 6.-Rev. Robert Brown, pastor of the Firste Chinese church, will appear in 'police court to show cause why he should solamnize marringes., The attention of the morality de partment was drawn to him when he married a white girl « to a Chinaman a-week ago, Last night he marrisd Chin Chen and Ida Hopps, at the home of Charlie Hing, a Church street laundry man. In police court. voster- day, Ida Hopps and her friends, Jos sie Stocks and Jennie Goldbeck, were. charged with vagrancy. Rev. Mr. Prawn had an interview with the chil inspector in which ha asserted that he had every right to solemnize marriages. To do so with- out being ordained is an offence under the Ontario statutes. time ago the scope of the act was widened to include all above the rank of captain in the Salvation Army as persons qualified to perform the marriage ceremony. Rev, Mr. Prown wis a shoemaker hoford Le commenced mis. sionary work, Some PERSONAL MENTION. Movements of the People--What They Are Saying And Doing. "W. UC. Grant, Verona, is in the city, to-day Charles Johnston spent the holidays with H. Boyle, Napanee. y R. J. Carson, Cobalt, left the city, to-day, after an extended visit with his aunt, Mrs. George Zeigler, Brock street. Henry Murray, advance agent, for "When the Harvest Days are Over," is in the city booking his show to ap- pear here next Saturday, April 13th Joseph Joyner, Frontenao street, left to-day, for Syracuse, where he has secured a position as bench inspector with 'the American Automobile com- pany G. B. Cummings, choir leader of the Sydenham Street Methodist church, has consented to take the part of "Leo," in the production of "Leo, the Royal Cadet. Clarence Emberly, of Yarker, who was confined to his home owing to a severe illness, has returned to the city and resumed his studies at the King ston Buginess College. STAYED AT POLICE STATION. Strangers Looking For .Work on Boats. Two strong, sturdy-looking men were gts at the police station, Friday might. They were without money, and asked to be allownd te remain over night. They arrived in the city from the pest, yesterday, and stated that they wanted, to get a dob sailing on the lakes. Ome stated that his home was in Hdlifax, and the other elaimod London, Eng., ns his: home, saying that be had only been out in this country a short time, ' Timber In orth Hastings. Bancroft Timés iz pearly all cleaned out of th s coun try should take a trip over the COR. and between disabuse his mind of any such a delu sion, At every and cordwond ard Awaifing shipment and some When the road is be opened up, Arrivals At B. A. Hotel. J. W. Jenkins, Virginia; C. 8 Bent ley, Buffalo, N.Y; L. A. VauDyke New York; J, 8, i Charles 'M. Richardson, Trenton; W . Stevens and R. Rolansop, Te ronto; W. Richardson, Lindsay Jumes Navior, Rochester, .Y.; Kimberly and wild, Healey and wife, Montreal; LE. PD, Mc Arthur, Galt; ( «LN "hx. M. Underwood, Trv Bibby's for your hdt. Sale of Lat 78 William street (Lemon's old stand). DD. E. Fraser, 'phone 373. Nasturtium souls ) Ernestine \ Feige, of Granau, near Hirschberg, in RELIABLE the Silesian mountains, bas been con. demned to death for named Janitschek od Brueringty oy i as Jodgerg in the years I and 1906. She Meo chagged with poisoning in four other cases, two of her alleged SPRING SUITS TO MAKE, EE ------ I ---- Anyone who thinks that the timber | Bancroft and Millbridge he will soe something that will quickly tation piles of loge splendid pine pan he seen. a completed to May- {| nooth, another fing tract 'of fimber will Sweeney, Boston; YY: B Oclessn; A. J Brockyilks J. A. Stephenson ,, Fairfield, J. Lieut..Col. E. 6G, Kenihey, Hali wall paper all thid month FOR AUTO-SPRAY. Best hand Si or made, sutatiatic - Sample Machine free -t0 ved agent. Cavers Bros., Gali ENERGETIC CAN- ASSETS city directory, Good ges. to the right kind of men. Ap. ly 10 Business » Whig office; men our oth. and get y own - Ts Tae tyle, price and v for ~da - de. y aah mL Pressing nd repairine done well. Galloway, Tailor, 181 Brock street. Good chance for advancement. None shut those Siliing to work need an ly. Kingston Hosiery Co. Limited, ing street. HELP WANTED-FEMALE. A CAPABLE GENERAL SERVANT. Apply to 181 Willlam street -- -------------------------- A PLAIN COOK, REFERENCES RE. quired. Apply 317 University Ave. ee -------------------------------------------------- A HOUSEMAID. APPLY IN THE evening to Mrs. Howard 8S. Folger, 55 West street SMALL Carson, GENERAL SERVANT FOR family, Apnly Mr. W. H. 128 Johnson street. -------------------------------------- A COMPETENT SJO0K AND HOUSE- tmaid. Apply In the evening to Mrs WCuivin, 181 King st LOST. -------------------------------- A SMALL GUN METAL WATCH AND le Ae WRITE ELASTIC BELT, WITH goLD BLACK BOARD, for x aly and Sentioman, Private family, post loca \ _Opiy. WOR NE Whig office." " ¥F Pin, Thursday Apenit 4th. Finder please return to this Office. uckle. on Clergy. Marre or Stuart wages to start. Apply to 8S. Ober Emme SoeteoiaS Saaideem-- dorfler, Ontario strom REMINGTON TYPEWRITER. APPLY at office, ! omENTER BI9GY. -- i IRST-CLASS COUNTER, esllent condition, seven Baek walnut top. Apply NOPK- on Ny ------ ui 1,200 WILL BUY T) Hs § ho. He HO USE AT3D BT ert am A A » THe Witham St, yu. Sts. Finder will be rewa leaving at 179 Earl Stu ANSWERS COCKER DOG. 85 reward pame "Amber." Will pay for his return or information lead to his return. J, WH Sutherland Shoe Store. $10. REWARD The ahove reward will be paid for information that will lead to the arrest and convicuion of the party or parties who stole a chest of Darling Tea, containing 80 EE -- -- LOST OR STOLEN. ¥ | FRAME HOUSE, IN WEST BND, 7 ------------------------------------------ BRICK ROU ROOMS, WOOD OUT buildings, RD acres Sarre lot Buse. Apply Box ko) TWO SHOW CASES, ONE SIX FEET, | toot and one seven feet. Also one 18 counter. Bargains for' some one, at Medley's Drug Store. arden Ju igh state of oultivation, wit LA Hmits of J : iy IRWlLE" fe, For parcieutare, spots 3 i Js. met Gnatted) from the Dive TEN-ROOMED HOUSE, MODERN I'M- House of George Lake. Faq. provements, 114 Barrie St.; also fur Parham, sometimé = during the oished sumuner ttage, on lake months of September or October, shore (Murton's Point). Apply to POS. Address all information to Dr. A. P. Chown, 185 Princess i. GEORGE H. DARLING, Lane stowne, Ont. NINE ROOMED HOUSE, SOLIDLY huilt, concrete cellar, Water, ete. Situated west ond of city, large lot oud garden, for $1,300, Apply Box 15, Whig office. at A YOUNG GIRL ABOUT 15, TO AS a a int with light housework and help | S=S===mrnren EMALE bar PH RESIDENCE AND Naxe enre of child: Apply 190 Barrie] RED COCKER, (FEMA. LN. erly occiipled a Strut -- Fuser nicase, leave word at this wut La gs Office. Anyone found harboring same 3 asayt MAIDS AT THE GENERAL HOS. after thin notice will he prosecut side of « & shory pital; also an able-bodied man for south of Nt. Apply to A.B. outdoor work, Apply at Hospital PERSONALS. Cunu 79 Clarsnee St., Venr tetween 7 and 9 pom. dors ieitor. PROFS CARL & ROLLIN TRUTH- TO.LET. A GIRL WHO WOULD BE WILLING i, habs sumyinging Cisirve yan . 10 wo out West with a family. Call or your ure for dime, stam a 1 902 Queen St. for further par and birth date. 490 N. Clark St, | PWELLINGS ol , STORES, ticulars, in the moraing Chicago. McCann's, 51 stress. ht : YGUR FUTURE FORETOLD FIT BY | LARGE FRONT NB A GH, 10 DO. PLAIN COOKING America's greatest Peschi ai modern conveniences, "or A Good wages given. Referenda re. joger. All revealed about" ness out board, Apply 160 K x quired Apply Mrs. T. OG. Wallace courtsliip, love, marriage, chitnges, Cor. Union street. i 'Alwington," King street West travels, ete. Send birth date, with - -- w-- stamped addressed envelope, Prof, H. | HOUSE, 481 JOHNSON 8ST. IN THREE GIRLS, FOR STEADY WORK, Houmaire, 2.3239 Michigan Avenue, good repair, all modern Improve in Knitting Mill, No experience Chicago, 1H ments, furnace and gas, rent moder A eanry. Good position, SPIepaid | = iecsem--ete----.--------r Et ate. Apply to R. t, 387 Johns KNOW THY FUTURE: GET A PER- son street. ' Wagon Apply Kingston Hosiery Co Limited, K ni wireet. ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OF fice, Cor. Queen and Hagot streets. IRNRY FP. SMITH, ARCHITECT, ete. Anchor Building, Market Square. Phone, 345 -------------------- POWER & SON, ARCHITECT, MER- chant's Dank Building, corner Brock and Wellington streets. 'Phone, 213. -------------------------------- WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF- fice, second floor over Mahood's Drug store, orner Princess and Hagot streets. Entrance on Bagot "street, 'Phone, 608. fect picture of past and present abso- lutely Free, with forecast for the year. Le bensfitted by what 'the stars can and year with Bec. silver to Veron Melva. Syracuse, Indiana, MONEY AND BUSINESS. OUR POLICIES COVER MORB of building and contents than any othet company offers. Fastin them at Godwin's Insurance porium, Mark. et Square. re . insurance Saatts $61,187.21 LIVERPOOL. wee Con AND GLOBE pinpany, Available addition te which yho! ha sncurity the unlimited Uanlity of oft blo " VETERINARY. M. G. W, BELL, V.8., HAS RE. moved to his brick block, on Clarence street, just wmbove Post Office. Calls hv telephone or telegraph promptly attended to. THE HUMANE SOCIETY The Citizens Are Desired to Aid A Children's Branch Likely to Be Formed--The Market Water Trough Should Be Opened. The general committee of the Hu mane Society met in the Whig build ing, vesterday afternoon. There were present, Miss G M. Cottle, Mrs Strange, Miss L. Cottle, Mrs. Walkem, Mes. Climents, Lieut. -Col. Massie and Dr. G. W. Bell In the absence of the president, Mr Pense, Lieut.-Col. Massie was call to the chair. Jt wes decided to hold a general meeting in the Whig hall; on April 16th, for the purpose of reor ganiking the society which has died out for lack of interest and friends Thase present were of the opinion that the way to get a large number of associate members would be to send invitations and have a musical programme. It was finally decided to ask several prominent men to speak on the many cruelties sufiored by ani mals. > Severn] touelfing incidents of cruel ty to avimals were related, notably the fact that boys were known to have built fires, last swmmer, for the purpose of destroying birds' nests and young birds. hext to Mrs. Clements for having estab. lished drinking troughs in several places in the city for dogs. The next question to-ha dealt , large horse; trough . on square, which | has for the past two the market months. have stood around Jing for a drink were told, degided that the éommittes take thes matter up at that the. city authorities had the wa tor pipes thawed out immediately. It was suggested that a juvenile so should ciety be formed among the achaolars o the varions Sabbath schools, and i "} was decided to form such a soristy "Jas. soon us possible." The meeting ad ionrned' till Tuesday evening, at the Whig office y Try Bibby's nobby 8 The society passed a vole of thanks with was * the not been running Several - } touching incidents about horses that the trough look- and it was once and see »l rates. Before resawing old or _elvine new wot rates from Strange & Strange. A~eats. | MARRIAGE LICENSES. . 8. KIRKPATRICK, BRICK DWELLING, NO. 181 sive rooms, Ee ie hee, Sons ed FAIRVIEW, MACK ST. FACING Vietoria Park. Garden, cons veniences, sloven rooms. Yearly ten , Possession sty ant pr Apply 340 Albert street, 81 KING Se, DR, MeCARTRY, OB LA 2 CAR DR. I. WOOD, DR J. F. SPARKS, ISSUER OF Marriage Licenses, 42 Clarence St. "Phone, BOS, > The Paragraph Pulpit Unitarian REV. CO. W. CASSON, OTTAWA The Growth Of Truth. , Truth is a living growth, that ex- pands, changes, puts forth new branch, dead leaves. Humanity's great mistakg has been the reverence of the Jeakforin, rather than the re cognition of the lifefaet He who saves the dead leaves of last vear's growth has not the truth. The leaves must die and fall. The fife lives on, to make new leaves, that "in their time must die and fall also, Truth is eternal, and spite of the death of its loaves its life continues. under new and finer forms. \ en, sheds Address Mr. Casson for free liters ture, Nurses' and Mothers' Treasure Stent Fogulaton for baby. boned --cures effects of medicines containing opium or other injurious drugs, a. Cures Setting Chown's Drug Store for choice lawn an weed, Try Bibhy's spring underwear, Welineion and Willies viens. * » A CHICKEN TO EVERY EGG Maybe there's a chance that it won't "hatch out. at's where 3 Given a good bak: the oven, from a sack of "SELKIRK" t will of cluding the baker, the name in your LOUR.. THE HEDLEY SHAW MILLING CO, LIMITED. at. : and Toronto, Ont, Stockings from 10s. up for children, Wo go Jadiss' stockings, 25c. Naw * The city eouncil will have the bud- get before, it on Monday evening. 4 Peorlem lawn grass seed, 0c. Thy a Chown's Drug Store, £y Te THE CGENIU f : t A plague, untouched, may suit alone ean see the possibilities tha pert, a made over production may regularity Sweet pea seed, separate and 'mixed colors, Drug Stare, in wall paper {Lemmon's old stand) D. ¥. Fraser, 'phone 373 Try Bibby's nifity $1 shirts, Owing to the frost of last night, the work of scraping the streets has been discontinued, i} « Try Bibby's pleated shirts, 81. Tre Chown's Peerless lawn grass - ( hops ; Go 10 75% William street for bargains pnd have it transformed the shape, d ont capabilities of such gesias. wed, 200. Ih. Chown's Drag Store. | $2 hats, tore. Os Try Bibby's $1 street glove, a i i Sig howy's bras) Weese for wall paper, frames, 08, 4ry Bibby's hatdsome 81 shirts, 173 WELLINGIOD is The hat shape is the starting place of all trie millinery art. | but Tet genius work upon it, and with a touch a curve, a stitch, and we have a picture, of formation is one of its chief charms, { Be the trimmings eves so beautiful, and strikingly attractive unless you have Just_fow we ave demonstrating in _ SOMERVILL RE ---------------- THE ART OF MILLINERY 8 OF TOUGH. agyhody or nobody, and the expert t le io it. Taken in hand hy ered be evolved, such as can be seen an i here, a pinch thers, 8 fold, a creation of style whase very the hat itself cannot he distRE the correct foundation--the by genius into "a thing of b . the Millinery of this store, the hight

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