you want to buy or sell City yy go to a man who * specialty of same, the Toronto News and contemporary, poss ordorsin-conneil in Mackenzie and Mann sub- i Hast at the next men. vested ject to ra ing of the awmmbly ? As it is now these enterprising capitalists. must of ton find it difioult to get necessary |legivation Just at the moment when it is required, and some permanent ro- arrangemenit of the relations between the legidature and the capitalids should be made in order that these in. sonvegienoes may be avoided in fo jth ture." This may be called sarcasm, but it in the language which the circum Mackenzie and Munn railway men, and they cannot wait for anything which they want. What ix more----the Roblin government does not seem to be able {to refuse their requests. JOB LOTS IN POLITICS, The Toronto News refers to a cer: tain vounty in which the officers of the provinee are, by reason of dld age and infirmity, uenfitted for the duties are incumbent upon them. There {is a way of getting at the facts, and (that is to have an important auth- ority, the inspectors of the gotern- ment, to report upon them. But the News will see the force of having. de- finite inf tide of that which is handed out by the politicians who 'are hunting for jobs and not very particular] ns to how they ure | secured. A Prince Edward ¢ase has bien dis cussed in the press and the legislator, The sheriff was removed because he was o partitan official, That was the first allegation. Then it wan said that should bo retired. The point is that, in any event, he was entitled to a hearing, and was denied it. Dismiss als in vulgar and brutal fashion are not defensible. The sherifi's case stance when compared with the shamo- ful attempt which has been made to oust the jailer and his assistant at Picton. These have been model offi- cinld. They have heen wealous, pairs taking, efficient, and when they were ordered fo vacate their positions there was a row. Nor is it, yet over. The turnkey has segepted | the dictum of the machine, but the jailer is not dis posed to leave office until it has been established that no fault ean be found with him. He has not been a politi- diin, and has | not caused any talk, comment or scandal. Some one may peed the plate more than Mr. Patter son, but he cannot fill it any better, and cannot present a more creditable record. The spoils system has been disgrace: fully in evidehoe since the Whitney government has attained to. power. But it cannot be defended in Picton, -------- A CLASH OF POWER. The senate is not a model institu tion. Sometimes it does quewr things. Sometimes its members are piv to remurkable proceedings. But should be fairly judged, and it does not seem to have earned the censure or contempt which the local govern ment is pouring upon it, The alleged offence, "charged against I the upper house is that it is Passing Jlegislation which is inimical to the interests of Ontarib, that it is igeor ing the position of the province with to its chartering of a certain railway, and endowing it with power which it should not possess. The bill in question has to do with (he Hamilton radial railway, and it is expressly provided that none of the agreements or by-laws, passed under provincial laws, shall be affected. The radial railway must be contemplating oxtonsions outside of the province, and hence it needs and must have a 3 federal franchise. The' parties in Ontario are a unit on the question of provincial rights. The liberals made a stand under Sir Oliver Mowat some years ago, and won the support of the people, as they resisted the proposed invasions of the federal government. The liberals are proud of that record. But they mst not be derived or fooled by the pro- vigivial" government, which _i¢ in © a {panicky condition at present and in clined to do and say some rash ings. The Hendrie bill-the menacing . act' in its pre. tegidation. This grates on it suggests the Jegislature = make standing for such emergencies, "Why," "cannot the be | dred thousand virtuous ! How ridicu- proving thet the city had been gross- ly libelled. Not fifty in over one hun- lous { A tommitieq was appointed to pre pare a list of those who, being sub- jet to such on wearchlight as some men in Ottawn cannot stand, could be | acoopred as honourable in the highest were of the trrm, ay possessing the rare virtues of the perfect Christian. The contract did not prove an easy once, Names were written down, many of thew only to be stricken out or erasexl. Man after man was scro- tinissd, hut in some way they lacked and were dropped. Presently it became apparent that the fifty could not be found. Were there forty ? No. Thirty? No. It was figured out that there were just tiventyvight (including the members tof - the committer), and thess were judged by outward appearances. Samuel's pronduncement upon the sons of Jesse, as he went in senrch of a king, must be recalled in the ! contemplation of this picture. Twenty-eight righteous men in Pitts burg, in the estimation of a friendly committer, and in a population of 600,000 | Perhaps the small number would suffer a shrinkage if the tests o Sodom were applied. There is some facetious comment on the situa- tion, but it is not a subject for merriment in Pittsburg, but for sad ! and pervious reflection. Morality and virtue are beyond a money value. ¥hey are not properly appraised, and the degeneracy of the race generally, is a painfyl consequence, EDITORIAL NOTES. The féderal goverhment encourages be had attained an age when he | the electric smelters of iron as it has ' dheavnd, been asked to do. Now there will be something doing. The salary question must have fore- ed jteeli on the premier of Ontario un- od not to know anything about it. Nr. Fowler, M.P., was somewhat severe in his criticism of the militia estimates. He is for economizing in the expenditure on "frilleries," what- ever they may be, The Rainy river ver pacple are talking of secession. The first thing they know Mr. Whitney will be in pursuit of them with on club. It is well that they live near the woods. The opposition in the legislature will support a motiop to take the license business out of polities. It will be in- teresting to see. how the government will vote in view of the recent Toron- to scandals, : Mr. Borden wants charges preferred against any offending niefber of the opposition. For how many of his party does he speak ? The question is pertinent since he appears to act for only the high tariff man. Col. council, He thinks something is neces- sary because of the way things have been' going in England, Hon. Camp- bell:-Bannerman had better be careful what he is doing. Denison wants an imperial The coal strike in "Nova Scotia has been undertaken in violation of the new Lemieux bill. The people are said not to have been aware that the law had been passed. Does intelligence tra- vel as slowly as that in the east? Nr. Gardin principal of the blind institute, Brantfowd, has been vindi- cated. He is to be congratulated. Tt would havg, been more creditable to those who were managing the inquisi- tion had juseice been done him less tardily, ; Senator Cox has made his deliver ance on the Noxt week Mr, Foster Ras his say. will be followed by Mr. Bennett. Sure- Iv Mr. Lafurgy and Mr. Fowler will offer their contributions on the sub- Jeet, Mr. Bristol, M.P., in Toronto, has talked abopt the superior ability and political morality of the conservative party. Supposing he were asked to toll how many of them were absolute ly pure and virtuous what would Nis, answer be ? It was not "public overship that was killed in the Chicago election as Hearstism. The New' York journalist insurance commission, He Cobalt. Tt will be i regret il the unique place among the writers of this country. -------------- RIDEAU ROUTE. : ---- 'A Unique and Handy Booklet By Dr. E. J. Lake, this City. Under this title there has just been issued from the press of the Fritish Whig a booklet by Dr. E. J. Lake, of Deaiel. Noo jatrodue. tion by Capt. oonan. Very net detail is given and studied bre- is manifested, no doubt to avoid hole 'and make 16 a safe and handy pocket guide to this delightful route. There are no folding maps to get | torn, nothing larger than the page. [| A miniatare map of of the whole route | from "to, Ottawa "shows the | relation and succession of the vari ous lakes and, rivers for general re- ference, "and ing lines indicate where enla map wi any section may he f On the opposite page there is information and suggestions ~ Inunch owe and | canowist purpose taking this | trip. Follo Tis, the route is taken up in , a section of a few miles at a time being mapped out, to give sufficiently large outline so that each point and island close to the channel may be recognized when reached, = the boat channel con: fidjently followed. The sailing tourist is pot left to follow the mup only, however, for right opposite to it (without turning a leaf) are minute { sailing directions and descriptive notes for that particular part of the way. There ix an elaborate table showing | the number of locks at each locking point (with the rise or fall), the dis- | tances between the various places and the whole distance of cach place {rom "enth end of the route. | Hesides the Rideau lakes route the { heawtiful canoe route between Morton, on the Rideau, and Gananoque, on ithe St. Lawrence, is shown and de- scribed, thus making t the book of great value to down-river canceists going up the Ridenu lakes. There is also a map of the boat routes he tween Gananoque and Kingston, on the St. Lawrence, with sailing direc- tiops. On the various maps good camping spots, for the ! ourist, Togs wells of water, ae the eamiptin Si w Ave notes tell where the varions supplies needed may be obtained. This book, so jrom- fidcle in every way, is certain) very timely in view of 'the increasing pre , valence of the motor boat, and to owners of such craft it should prove is not.a ciroum- expectedly. Some days ago he profess. of very great value. ETHICS OF DRESS FOR MEN. i ----pi---- A Neatly Tabulated Page in the Book, 'Dress and Address." In the booklet which the Semi-ready store is giving away free this year | there is a neatly tabulated dress chart, showing the proper dress for gentle- men on all oceasions--for morning, af- ternoon and evening wear, and for all sorts of social functions. The H. D. Bibby Company have some hooks left. Lost Young Stock. Wolie Island, April 5.--Donald and Hector McRae are visiting their uncle, Alexander © McRae, here. Reuben Keil will work James Davis' farm this coming "scason. John Kane will re main on Miss Briceland's farm. Rob- erf Watts is home from Winnipeg; he | has been away for eleven years. R. 4. White has gone to Hamilton to go into business: with his uncle} John White, who is in the cigar business. Davis' orchestra played nm Cape Vin- cent on Wednesday evening at a base- ball "At Home." B. McAdoo was Was visiting friends here last week. | The teachers in all the schools went home for Easter. Miss Sadie Me. Ardle is home from Ottawa Normal school. Miss Annie Spankie is home from Hamilton; Herbert Spankie was home for Easter. Miss Lulu Pyke and Miss Allison are home from Sharbot Lake. Mark McArdle has gone to the west to his brother, Leo. Invita- | tions a out for an assembly in the |e MBA. hall on Tuesday evening, April 9th. Frank MeGlyon has gone to the Hotel Dien for treatment; also Mrs. Joseph McDonald and Mrs. James Lyons. Quite#a fow of the farmers have lost some of their Young stock this spring. . Collector Of Bad Debts. A resourceful young man of Pough- keepsie, N.Y%, is about to start a new i try. His stock in trade will be large wi with covered top, on he ales hic hich he painted in huge heute, yg rollector of Bad Debts." His plan is to make a contract with mer chants. to collect their bad bills on commission, and he calculates that most people, would pay rather than have his wiggon with its huge sign in front of their premises. Some one in Kingston might start a similar busi: ness. rs i Must Have Sunday Papeps. The ferry at Windsor is kept busy on Sundays now since the sale of Am- eriean Sunday papers has been pro- | hibited. in the city yesterday. said that it had | heen estimated that on Sunday last 2,000 subscribers of Detroit newsp: pers arossed over 'on the ferry from Wind | sor, Walkerville and Sandwich, for their papers. ¢ | | No, it's as bad as ever and nothing opin state of Kingston saloons for To Preach And Speak. Archdeacon Sweeney of Toronto, will preach at the St. George's anni- | day, in HES jan how Versary service St. George's cathe will URDAY. APRIL 6. TA YOUTH POISONED |8Y EATING CANNED PEACHES « THAT WERE BAD, His Mother Saved His Life--Eng- lish Immigrants Found Lazy--- Dr. Stirling is Improving in Health. Picton, April 6 --Bertram Stone, the young son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stone, Tecumsch ward was nearly the Jicum of poisoning from eating can- %. Mrs. Stone on in in jar of fruit had rey ThE were bad, and placed them in the woodshed, Later the little fellow saw the peaches and ate them. He was soon seized with violent pains and had not the mother immediately used a remedy the efiect might easily have hom most serious. The little fellow is again alright. Bertram is a brother arold, the older Btone boy, who fu into a well nearly drowned. Two Russinn immigrants are among the day laborers who are helping to fit out the steamer Alexandria. They are said to be industrious, hard work- ing men and those in charge feel they are to be preferred to the class of last week, and was English emigrants which have come to Picton. The town, in gruth, has not been particularly favored with her lot of immigrants as with the ex- ception of about three or four cases, the English families that have settled here have been found to be a lazy, good-for-nothing lot. They have been a burden of expense to the poor com missioner. ' The death occurred on Wednesday morning of Mrs. Orcean Dulmnge, at the age of thirty-six years. Her maid- en name was Norah Hudgin, The fun- eral services were held Friday, from the home of Mrs. Wallace Rose, Bow- ery street, to Cherry Valley ceme- tery. Robert Dobson, B.A, principal of Picton hich school, has returned after a short stay in Toronto. He was a guest of honor and speaker at the seventh annual "At Home' of the Prince Edward County Old Boys' As- sociation, and also attended the con- vention of the Ontario Educational ssociation. Miss Winnifred Morrish, B.A, also of the high school staff, also attended the 'latter convention. There is a great scarcity of houses to rent in town.. As a direct result, landlords dre getting high-rents. To cope with the marked demand for houses it is understood a number of double houses for renting purposes will be built during the summer, work on which will commence as soon as the weather permits. Rents are eas- ilv 8 to £5 per month higher than iwo years ago. A change was made this week in the staff of the United Empire Bank. I. G. Ross was promoted to the position of teller. The new junior accepted is Kenneth Van Vinck, son of Capt. and Mrs. H. Van Viaek. C. Morgan, ac conntant, is seriously ill. Frederick Brewer, who for some time has been connected with the typho- graphical department of the Mail and Empire, is in town visiting his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. 1. Brewer. He will shortly leave to accept a position in Chicago. Mrs. G. 0. Alcorn has returned home after spending the winter with her daughter in New York city. Mrs. Al- corn will be en pension at the Royal till G. 0. Alcorn, M.P., returns from Ottawa with the rising of the hones His many friends not alone in Pic- ton, but also in Kingston, where he is particularly well known will be pisas- ed to hear that Dr. Stirling hue: 80 far recovered as to be able to be around and about town, Dr. Stirling has been seriously ill for nearly two years, Miss Edna Batton and Mabel Prishen attending the normal school, Ottawh, and spending the Easter holidays in town have returned to the capital. = The Dressy Blue Serge The swell tailors of New York are making up for | their trade this season, more Blue Serges than ever before. Nothing so handsome; nothing so good for ; looking well at all times as the Blue Serge Suit. Our | Serges are tried and true. The Tailoring is Perfect The Cut Faultless See Our Semi-Ready Special $15 Serge Suits, Other lines, $20. See Our Balfour Serge Suits, $12.50 and $15. See Our Spring Overcoats at $8, 10, 12, 12.350 ard 15. 7 A Handsome Silk Faced Black Cheviot Overcoat for $15.00. The H. D. Bibby Co. AS A SURE ROAD TO HEALTH AND STRENGTH NOTHING WILL EQUAL TRISCUIT The palatable and nutritious Shredded Wheat Wafer. Contains in most digestible form all the nutritive elements of the whole wheat kernel. Its continued use will prevent nearly all the stomach and intestinal disorders known to mankind. Try BISCUIT for Breakfast ; TRISCUIT for Luncheon. All Grocers--13c. a Carton ; 2 for 25¢c. GANANOQUE NEWS. Several Of For New Ontario Reside. Gananoque, April 5.-The Star- to Miss Boorbridge of Belleville, has been the guest of Mrs. F. E. N. Boul-! der, the past week. Mrs. Thomas Shan- non, Toronto, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. James Shannon, Main street Mrs. W. G. McClellan has returned home after a month's vigit at her old home in Lindsay. Miss Dora Lesslie, guest of Mrs. W. T. Ross, has return- ed to Brighton. . Hat Model For Spring. The cut deplets 3 an "unusually at tractive and becoming little hat, the shape being a tricorne in fine black | Milan braXl. The back was turned up straight across the hair, black maline | being fluffed on the bandeau. A strap | of black velvet ribbon encircled the | crown amd was caught at the left brim by a cut jet buckle, which also | held in place tht ostrich plumes. | A Baulky Horse. Late lat night a, local butcher led A Detroit traveller, who was | whipping. a horse along Clé ray street in any- | thing but a. contented mood. His! {horse had been standing in the middle | of the road and would not budge for | A erowd soon gathered, and' after beating the animal for some | time the young farmer decided to walk, and led the horse to. an hotel on rincess &troet. i Is Your Cold Better. seems to help. Why not use "Catarrh- ozone." It drives a cold out in one , pleasant 2d cortain--~ w you find it to-day, and time. Other arrangements will now LIQUEGR (have to made since the Inn is no more, Mrs. Anthony English, Pittsbur~ who has been spending a few weeks here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bachelor hockey team had invitations out for a supper and dance at The Inn as a wind-up for the season after their winning the cup for the second Yilliom Salter, has returned home. W. : ; = Allen, Centre street, is spending a oe days in Athens. Mr. and Mrs. George Gibson, Kingston, spent a THE short time this week, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Gibson, Stone SPIRIT street. Mrs. Frank ¢Stoliker and OF daughter, Florence, spent several days during the past week in Belleville. Miss Weart, in attendance at the high school here, is spendine a few days with friends in Lansdowne, Wil- liam Gibson, of Athens, spent a short THE AGE time this week with Mr. and Mrs. John Gibson, Stone street. Mrs. Horace Griffin, King street, spent several days this week in Caintown and Mallorvtown. William Thompson, left last evening for Earlton. New On- |i] tario, where he has secured a situa- tion. rr 3 Miss Laura Cibsd of Havergal agston | ty ® Ladies' College, Toronto. is spending ~ : !a short vacation here ith her pe- | Room 36, Merchants' Bank Build-' rents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Gibson, | .° - King street west. W. 8S. Llovd. Kine ing, Winnipeg, Man. street west, who has been spending | wy, H. Smythe 8.8. Franklin several months in Brockville, has re- {turned home. Mr. and Mrs. Jonah NY ! | Ronning and family left on Wednes- day for- New Liskeard, where he has Ws are selling Winnipeg City Properties, Manitoba & Western Farm Lands and British Columbia Fruit Lands. accepted a lucrative position. William, i Melville, an employee of the Spring and Axle company, here, left Inst evening for New Ontario, where he purposes settling. Liquor Law Administration. What it costs Ontario--Salaries and| Write now for prices, terms and expenses of detectives, $6,086; GC. E.| gontions. Pp Morrison, special officer, $1,025: G. E. s Morrison, cxpenses, 31,20% John = A. t,o verst, special officer, seven months, WANTED $875; John A. Ayerst, expenses, $462: t Henry Totten, special officer, two months, $200; J. W. Gordon, travell- ing, $641; legal services; $269; total, A LIVE AGENT or BROLER ; 810,858, To represent us in every City What it accomplishes--Let. the wide- and Town in Canada. Cor- respondence solicited. LAW -& COMPANY Cobalt 'Investments. . two years answer. If the. proprietors a shut down on Sunday other things might be borne in silence, ¥ AME --_-- Prominent Peo) mend the 1] Pe-ru- Dr. Hartman's nqwned Catarr] A Remedy for Gen. W. H. Parsons, Washington, D. C., wri "Upon the recommen al friends and many str to tho efficacy of Pert ment of the numerous | grip with which I have four months t, I ha to undergo a treatmer celebrated formulh. "] feel a decided chan by its use for one week in toning up the stoms quent decided effect u) "J therefore feel muct I am on the road to ¢ tion. "My numerous friend 1 have had thes honor brigade of her veteran ¢ year war, may acevpt testimonial to the meri a sense of obligation | efficacy." Pe-ru-na a Got Gen. M. C. Butler, of writes from Washing follows: 4] can recommend Pe sia and stomach troubl: "1 have been using y a short period and I fe lieved. "It is indeed a won and besides a good toni Colds In the Head Chas. W, Bowman, 1s 4th M. 8. M. Cav. V« Lanham, Md., as follow "Though somewhat medicines, and still m coming a professional scems only a plain dut instance to add my e columns already writte curative powers of Per "I have been particul its use for.colds in the' "I have been able to { of & most severe atta hours by its use accord! "I use it as a preve threatened with an att: embers of 'my fa for like ailments. "We are recommen trieads," FORTUNES | VALUABLE INVE! UPON ACCIDE Hen Discobered Ho Sugar White--Do the Art of Dyeig ies of the Patent New York Sun Whenever a new pal . especially some little 1 body might have mad ways hear the remark : 1 have thought of the are made from even t contrivances. A man Philadelphia to Washin the gimlet-pointed scre ple idea eventually ee than a million dollar tip an the end of lead inventor rich. The the end of your shoe fortune for the woma of it, and the copper ¢ adorned the toes of earned $2,000,000 for t who patented it. Many valuable inven upon in a most accide art of making sugar covered by a harmles hen. This feathered mw went for a walk thro clay, and later, witho precaution to wipe k through a sugar mill plantation, scattering loose mounds of sugar 'Afterwards it was wherever her tracks hn moist sugar the clay Scientists took up th from this docident method of bleaching uv process. . « A dog gave us the EY dw a Imparts that flavor notic cake; bis: