THE | ant * bud- light EXCLUSIVE FURRIER wvhen- | 78-80 Brock St. Phone 700 o do| P8.--WeStoreand Insure Furs. €.as d re- Last r de- year 2 for xtra sche- $60, rofit , the 149 n ot lieve ning nak- i no The Diamond Mont h in a Ihe Birthgtone for April is the Diamond. the During a whole Lifetime was no other gift carries quite ould the same pleasure as a 1 Diamond Ring. but Being indestructible it does not grow less in sed beauty. : Our stock of Diamonds care Consists of First CUrade Stones. mit- = (\\ SMITH BROS "3 and Jewelers. Phone 666 to { the ree on rs' In the oh you wish to be successful at- e - ot Kingston Business ive ive College ol Limited, head of Queen street m- Canada's Highest Grade or busines, sch, Book-keep at shorthand, isewritng. Ring ut EE wai on uht : su te ti mn by comptent, tn thorouehly taugit Day and night classes. Enter at ub any Sime. Rates very moderate, o of 5 E METCALFE, President. ce CUNNINGHAM, Secretary. m he a Beecham's Pills. at the slightest indicat: gestive organs nof working erly, do not forget to take Beecham's Pills Sod Everywhere. ox 1a boxes 23 cents, : TIME TO HAVE or Made Over --BY-- *z| WF. GOURDIER ' Wednesday Snap | 72 Dozens Ladies' White Hemstitched Handkerchiefs Fine Quality Lawn. This is & a special line, imported direct 8 from Belfast, and would be : good value at 85c. a dozen. Wednesday morning we place the lot on sale at dc. Each or 6 for 25c. (Limit of one dozen.) We sell a remarkably good pair of Tr Corsets for 80c Made from goad quality Cou- tille and with Hose Supporters attached. I8 to 26 SEE THEM. All sizes, HIS| A Sweet Breath ~is what all should have, and it ca, ensured by the judicious vse A sweet brea h denotes that everything is well <, Prop= = NOWIS THE Your Furs Repaired | ers of onto Exchange Me To Stock F. H. Deacon & Co. * STOCKS, BONDS INVESTMENT SECURITIES Dealt in on, All - Exchanges Established 1897 ' Correspondence Iavited BONDS AND STOCKS and Sold on Commission Investment Securities Both Listed and fied fod Unlisted, Information upon Reques® oronto Stock Exchange Long Distance Sedepamans Main 5200-01-02 TORONTO -- emer | Is a good time to put your Plumbing in order. If you want a new BATH, SINK OR CLOSET or if these require Repairing, send us. your order now, before the big rush at First of May. "McKelvey & Birch 69 and 71 Brock Street. If Your Work Tires You, or You Feel Faint. between meals, nothing will refresh you so well as lue Ribbon Tea It is nature's own strength restorer. It gently 'stimulates the nerves, and s ets the blood moving. Bisck, gresn, mixed --250. to $1 a Ib. All grocers > Stra wberries, Pineapples Tomatoes and Bananas As J. REES, 166 Princess Street FOR SALE: ENGLISH Pl PIG LEAD CREAM DRESS MATERIALS Cream Serges, 35¢, 50c, 75¢, 0c. and $1 yard. Cream 'Mohairs, 25¢; 40c, 50c and. 5c. yard. Cream Panama Cloth, 50c, 60c and 75¢ yard. Cream Voiles, 50¢, 75¢ and $1.00 yard. Cream Albatéoss, 50¢ and 75c yard. Cream Cashmere, 50¢ and 75¢ yard. Cream Vala, Eoliennes and Crepe de Cliene, 50c, 75¢ and $1.00 yar det, $1.25 yard. In fram Bt Dress Goods 'we show all that is new and up-to-date. THE JAMES JOHNSTON STORE DECIDEDLY CLEVER FOUR-YEAR - OLI OLD TOT IS A WONDERFUL CONJURER, Little "Bamboo Blossom' Mystic fles Reporter With Cleves Sleight-of-Hand Tricks. jure long before she could speak. In the tea gardens of her own land "Bamboo Blossom' can perform all her tricks freely in public, but here she has just learned that she is far too young to be granted a license. This strange prohibition has be- wildered "Bamboo Blossom," who cannot understand- why she should not come on the stage like her father and pull rabbits out of empty flowerpots for her own amusement' as she does at home. When a reporter last night went to see '"'Blossom'" she completely mysti- fied him with her sleight-ol-hand tricks. Holding half a dozen cards in her chubby fists, she invited a choice, and then, with astonishing ease, produced the chosen cards in the most unlikely places.\ A five-shilling piece placed in paper in her hand on the instant was trans- formed into five separate shillings, while "Blossom" Pi led in infantile delight. Cards laid in a box in the "magic baby's" custody, were at once chang- ed into different suits, and articles disappeared and _ reappeared all around her. ' a------ WHAT CONSTITUTES A TRUST ? Exclusive Agencies Asserted to Be a Constraint of Trade. The Retail Merchants' Association will have their attention called to the exclusive contract system of the Semi- Re, rady companys, wherein that big tail- oving honse enters into an agreement to sell Semi-Ready clothes to only one merchant in each town or city. No other merchant can get this agency when once the franchise has been i sued, and its is asserted that the five- year term contains a perp tual option for the merchant first securing the rights. That this exclusive clause comes within the meaning of the act against trade combines, one legal authority advised a member of the Retail Mer- chants' association, "It is not fair," said one merchant, "to limit the sale of a new article which has become a staple line asked for by everybody." Holstein Invasion. At the sale of Holstein cattle by H. E. George, of Crampton, at Napance, the figures obtained were encouraging to breeders. Among the purchasers were © 8. Lyon, Latimer, $170. Murra Ay 'Parks, Hawley, $150. Archibald Parks, Fredericksburg, Roblin, Napanee, Robert McGuinnes, William Norris, 8190, $130, Dr. A. Black, Kingston, 8135, $130, $160, $175, $135. A. Macdonald, ' E. H. Hinckley, Wolfe Island, $140. W. L. Grass, Westbrook, $125. Ira Benn, 'Hawley, $155. John Truax, Collins Bay, $135. Lester Hance, Strathcona, '$95. W. R. Shields, Mount Pleasant, 3100. Robert Shannon, Shannonville, $110, Alfred Curtis, Willetsholme, %00, $65, W. J. Franklin, Joyceville, $25. Arthur Clark, Napanee, $51. Samuel Elliott, Tweed, $70, $59, $60, $96. Theodore Fraser, Gosport, $34. $100 REWARD, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleas- ed to learn that there is at least one dréded disease that science has heen able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the eniy positive cure now known to the medical nity Catarrh bh being a constitution- $190. $150, 'Shannonville, $125, disease, requires a constitutional a Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, there- by destroying the foundation of the dis. ease, and wiving the natient streagth by pbuilding up the constitution and assist- ing nature in doing 'its work. & pro- have so much faith in § Sura Send list mmonia! o dress J. CHENEY yr CO., Toledo in Toronvo. The re- ts tion might give ) astofintie their ir erring YAL CITIZEN, YOURS TT INEXPERIENCED, DE- 5 farm emplo; sires ment, stats wages. ny to 475 streot. M Eb LIGHT SKIFF, IN guoh laws are dead letters. Our Magistrate Farrell is the t man in the right place, but the chief and his regiment don't give him enough to do. When I was a colt I was projsed, petted, , groomed and well-fed, and so it is with nearly every good horse, as fer 8 get old, w have to rough it. feel thankful I had my tail left, so 1 can whisk the flies off. Tt is a cruel practice cutting off a horse's tail for style, I hope parliament will pass an act to put an end to it. I am told a new practice is in vogue in this en- lightened age, viz., docking horses' heads and getting them stuffed for mmntel ornaments, thus going from one extreme to another. Of course this is practiced in high circles and must be overlooked. Another source of evil is pressed hay whereby farmer is 'enabled "to vorape up all the dirt on his farm and work it off. Who suffers ? the poor horse who has to get outside of it all. Another is bad, rough harness and waggons not greased properly.' I heard the humane society was going to make an effort to organize and fight for us dumb animals, and as I was quietly nibbling my timothy last night, 1 thought if we had more St. Paul's in the pulpit, we would not be overlooked, and would get our rights. I wish we could form a union, and get shorter hours and more hay and & holiday once in awhile. Hundreds of my younger brethren are having a good time, but their time will come. 1 was a high stepper, and was given apples and good things to eat, and and had my nose rubbed and good things said to me, polished harness, and rubber tired rig. Oh, yes. Well, I hope the society will get stronger and bring good results this year, and in every case of cruelty, I 'would suggest that a good, big strong policeman use the lash or leather whip vigorously op the back of the offend- er. Hoping Z good times to come, 1 will now go and try to get a drink at the fountain.--Yours truly, BAY MARE. ------ Marriage Of Miss Chittenden. Brooklyn, April 9.~A wedding great interest occurs to-day on Brook- lyn Heights, the ceremony being per- formed this evening. Miss Anna G. Chittenden, of Brooklyn, daughter of Mr. and Mys. Simeon Chittenden; and grand-daughter of the original 8, . C. Chittenden, of Brooklyn, a notable c¢i- tizen half a century ago, is to be the bride. Miss Chittenden is to become the bride of Charles M, Thayer, ol Worcester, Mass., who is one of the most prominent attorneys of Central Massachusetts. He is counsel for some of the largest corporations and weal- thiest families in that region, and is a leading figure about Worcester, Miss Chittenden runs to literature, .one printed volume being already to her credit, Beware Of Lumbago. Any pain in the back is commonly called lumbago whether it bq a steady ache, a sharp pain, a sudden stitch, or recurring ache or soreness. No mat- ter what form the trouble takes be prompt to use an effectivé remedy. There is none better than Smith's White ther is due congestion 1 kidneys or of the cxternal muséles" this remedy will cure. Big bottles, 25c., at Wade's drug store. Hi Holler "Way Down East." which comes to The Grénd"on Satur- day, April 13th, matinee and night, will introduce Felix Haney as the star. As a delineator of oountry bumpkins, Mr. Haney, who is the star of this new play, by frome J and public to have no superior. Haney is probably better wn as Hi Jlier, which part he origina- ted in "Way Down East." Latély' he scored a great triumph as the Em- peror Braggadocid; ih _ Sousa's néw opera, "The Free Lance," at the New, Amsterdam theatre, New York City, "When the Harvest Days Are Over," MeCARTHY, Phe Dr. Ryan, corner Mom and Brock streets, DR. I. WOOD, DR. J. ¥F, SPARKS, and William etrests. VETERINARY. ---------------- a i -- JR. G. W. BELL, V.S., HAS RE. moved to his brick block, on Clarence preferred i 840 Albert streety KING STREET, CORNER BMILY 1i-rooms, con an . St., cond hot water, Rent, free of years if desired. iy "to J, B. R. McCann, 51 Brock street. App By Whig office, giving full Bay Street Blocked. HELP WANTED-MALE, i dla. prion i April. 8-(To the Edit: or) : Peomit me through the Whig to SMART Box, NOT UNDER TEEN Boys MND GIRLS TO WORK IN Ij 2 somebody in eivie authority who Years of Apply ving cigar factory. Light work, J Al ston &, . Brock li wages to start. Apply to 8, Overn- is responsible for the blocking of Bay dorfler, Ontario street. street, - Setwets Wellington and EL CHEESE-MAKER So a . with kinds umber n acci- cheese. factarys ! + . Reynolds, Verona, LOST. dent having gecurred owing to the state of this street, IT want to know AVTOSFRAY. before entering action, who 'is really prayer, made, automa PARCEL oF LAUNDRY, FROM DE: the ? to wtamatle, livery ' wagon, arday night. i i Please ret through W oo oS ? gfdhaieman of the a - -- $1,200 WILL BUY THE HOUSE ATS works Ts it City Solicitor McIntyre, or is SPRING ER A SERN BLACK SILK | WATCH Fon, wrri Bim HH re orn Aloe Son he entire council to blame ¥ A box dtp wpe ante "al a vad ic 48, Queens elie William b> the responsible gg ha Ee err he FRAME HOUSE, IN WEST END. is fore the police magistrate. What in- ; e iF Hes. 4 Roly Box wae fluence protects a mun or company HELP WANTED-FEMALE, | LOST OR STOLEN. Tem who bl an entire street and yet | eee | RT FEMALE), AN a penalty ? A FLAS COOK, REFERENCES RE PL to the 'name "Doria? » | BRICK HOUSE, "hE "00D our : Jorions nis oocur as a Apply 317 University Ave. Finder hess Jeuve 'word at 3 tate wl result pegligence or indifference in i nyove found 2 f _ ; enforcing the city laws it is time we CHAMBERMAID ay pXITCHEN after this. uotice Will be PR br A of Ber a knew the cause ?--AN ELECTOR. gress, King street. Hou 5 ; TINE ROOMED SB, SOLIDL + O00K AN SE. TO-LET. built, Te cellar, water, eto. A Poor Old Mare' s Lament? A COMPERENS in the A og Situated west. end ot wit ity, large fot Ringston, April 8,--(To the Editor): Calvin; 181 King street. tor $1, poly Box I am onl on old broken down mare DWELLINGS OFFICES, STORES, big office. EW NG vat ., street, ------------------------------ full che wid pins Sou' go or | CIE WHOGBOUIE, BY op Roth 8 Met SS och ype A all a sl St., for further par | LARGE FRONT BEDROOMS, ALL grounds, number don work Hard day Ym EO a oi in the morning. modern Conveniences, With or 'Withe erly ostupied by hard, y figor wi enough straw -------------------------- t on Son Appl 160 Ki St. a or sawdust to-make it uncomfortable. | EXPERIENCED HOUSEKEEPER TO 'gut. oard. . Abply ng St, acant lot on i + dri has hea } look after rooms and cook for tem side of it., a short ly driver a rt as big as a st dents, od terms. Apply Box i south of . Bt: Apply to cranberry. He uses a leather whip on SW. H." Whig offic, HOUSE, 3 JOHNSON Sire Nj Qumn ha, 79 Clarence St., Ven- me as the other kind break too easi- Ko 0." modern on " z . : A GIRL 70 DO PLAIN COOKING, ments, furnace and WORLD'S YOUNGEST CONJUROR. | 1 He- whips tug 16. make we go nd Good waged. given. | Referenced, re: te _ARply to R, ein," 5ar Johar ARCHITECTS. London, April 8.--Dainty little | pulls me up. Of course he makes an A Taington™ King street West, | meets eect tk "Bamboo Blossom," an almond-eyed | ass of himself and is t, and I BRICK DWELLING, NQy 1s oI PIVISON TH ELLIS, -ARCHITEOT, or young lady of four, who has just ar-| have to suffer. A lot of this inhuman | AT Po ELIBR'S. 283 PRINCESS A a rig: Queen and Bagot streets. rived in Youdon: from the Flowery | treatment to us poor dumb animals Rt _--_r he denies TO -- Land, is a born conjurer. could be stopped if the boys in blue cutting vy measure, ure, desigaing, iu: FENRY P. SMITH, jroueon, ; "Bamboo i is the . diny | did their oy but they walk in a ing in three months. ste. Anchor Bullding, Market ro. daughter of Chung Ling Soo, the Chi- | groove an can't see over it. Their h J nese magician, now appearing at the | chief is too good-natured to mgke MEDICAL. FAIRVIEW, Bi MACK 8 ST. FACING row a BON. SARORITRUT, MAE: pp RTT 3 , . d the city by- Victoria i" 2 ' . New Cross Empire, and she could con- | thém do their duty and the city by ON "LA > veniencos, slevon_ roots Yearly fo chant Bank folie RE WL NEWLANDS, ARCHIVRUT, : fe, second il oor, REE 'Phone, 808. : MONEY AND BUSINESS. OUR POLICIES COVER MORE NEW HOUSE, Albert street, near Victoria Park. Can be bought on easy. Ap. py to Ju Ce tery 348 Divi n street. " THE SPORT REVIEW SAFEST AND MOST SENSIBLE BETTING LAW That Canada Now Has--Long- boat to Try and Break the Marathon Race Record at Boston. The Toronto baseball at work at Cumberland, The Buffalo baseball Nase is still the favorite for the Eastern League cham- pionship. Wales has won the British interna- tional championship in association football for the first time. At a meeting of the Canadian As. sociation Amateur Oarsmen it was de- cided to affiliate with the C.A.A.U. it is a lucky thing for the Thaw trial that it is about over. The, bases ball season will open in a couple of weeks, The Rochester Yacht Club has se: cured water lots behind the naval re. serve station, and will dredge and concrete an anchorage basin. Longhoat, the C anadian Indian run- ner, is going to try to break the re- cord which McCafirey made on: the Boston Marathon race in 1901. Canadian runners must have CA, AU, registration certificates before they will be allowed to start in the big road race at Boston next week. The Crescent Yacht Club of Water- town, N.Y., has fixed its long cruise from July 20th to 27th. he cruise will take the boats to the Bay of Quinte. Alfred Smith, of the Ottawa Hockey Club leaves the end of this week for Chicago. He will play lacrosse there or in St. Paul, and will play hockey next winter in Chicago if there is a team there. Arthur Burn, of Calgary, who won the Calgary Herald road race last year, won the seven miles Marathon race at Seattle, Wah, on Good Fri- day. Nineteen men r The French Jockey C "Club how issued a notice to jockeys that if any rider be cautioned, summoned or called to ac- count in any way three times in the year his license will be withdrawn. Several entries from Montreal for the Garrison Athletic Club's games in the Toronto Armouries, next Satur day night, were refused, because they &d not meet the C.A.ATU, roquire- ments. George Towns, the Australian _oars- man, has forfeited his title to the world's sculling championship to his brother, Charles Towns, who has been challenged by Webh, of New Zealand. Lester Patrick's father is a lumber- merchant and intends moving from Montreal to Vancouver. It is ten to one, however, 'that Montreal Wander- ers' will not let their captain go. Me- Gill will lose Frank Patrick. Harry Hillman, of the New York Athletic Club, broke the 220 yards American indoor hurdle record at the Military © Athletic League games in Brooklyn. His mark was 1-5 sec: nds. a fifth below the former record, hich 2 also held. . Percy, author of the Percy- Ghey SI law in New York, and one of the hi authorities on such matters in ica, when shown the decision of the supreme court of Can- ag is hard LE A y ior amnion joi ty he Wi out the ma- All the work aBafe bit the von, 'at the pertormers, treat, ve above the Post Offies, i. v LIVERPOOL. LONDON AND GLOBE Bitanded 'to; Fire Jusirates Sompany, ahitn" 4 FOR SALE OR TO LET. Var Tons. poticyhoiders security She- uni Snlimited revitity y of bo COR. OF MACK AND . Farm and city pros Ei the stockholders. dnaured. cat perty lowest rates, Before renew -~ Nag old 0 or wiving new business get Strange + Biranee, ota law I over read, pnd. is ar for racing in a a J G. Gas: annagh, who has charge ting on all New York go oe, ek the same view of it. "Ii is the New York system," he anid, 'with a proviso that tickets may be issued, That is all any- body wants." ---- ' REGIS POST, New Governor of Porte Rico, recently appointed to succeed Beckman Winthrop, who is made Assistant Secretary of the Treasury. Where Wade's Ointment Differs. This is a combination of healing re- medies that cures everything that or- dinary ointments can and many skin troubles that few remedies can such as the parasitic skin discuss Tike salt rheum, dandruff, eto. Wade's Ointment heals everythin, cczemy, salt rheui, seal sores, erysipelas, piles, en CASSON, OTTAWA Sn------ The Growth or Life, ---- Live 'things grow. dead 'things do not. stone remains ever the same, t a plant constantly changes and velope. And the man who makes boast of the faet that his religious con- coption has not undefgone any or development is' reality ; Sonfoion ou lack of real Where religion is something living, 1 tal, real, there must necessarily - change of view from time to time. one who camps out in the valley se ever the same scene, hut the men inpives. ott iu} 4 n with each new progress. "Th a is no gain i no profit where there is no progress. fee: Jet is becom pular and Hi will be -very i summer, No have 5 new stack to select from, Earrings, Crofies, Bracelets, Necklots, Hat Pins, boxes, 25c,, at Wadi's drug store. ing designs and pleasing colars. ness, ada rigunding betting, mite both Our Millinery roids Hay filly be described beautiful are the New Hats, matchless in their artistic harmony of strike Worth a visit if only to sce what is new in the Hat World, ot sutely not find a rival to our stock in the city--either for vastuess off i EVERY HAT THE LATES PRODUCTION Imported direct smd confined to us for Our prices are lower than those usually SOMERVILL as « picture gallery--$0. this ity. ft ty of