! are | fal of | "hat the present indemnity does mot ach 1 chil ore Studholme, ix per cent. of them | 4p conveyance of offensive matter § any | To labour member for Hamilton is against: ligher indemnitics. The la: ' | bour party has promised to make good cover in his case. It is good to Mr. What has the, city proper to do with from the gas department. across the harbour * If the gas works belonged to a private company would the city be expected to abate its nuisance ? Canada's finances are booming. A surplus of $23955,713.34 for nine months is the announcement in the Canada Gazette. The capital expen- diture has been $10,385,600. Deducting it and the surplus is still over 813,- 500,000. ' ------------ en, e P00 PL000000009000800000000000000000000069000008000006 ~~ use of his power to put an end to immoral plays ? "If the civil pow- er could exercise a dramatic censor- Toronto," says the same journ- 'would be rid of plays that are a vil power. will not act while the spiritual power is latent church is primarily responsible for the moral tone of the community. Every ecle~cal leader and every layman is concerned 'in the puri- s, and it caommot be se- | assosiates were moved to give something towards the election --ex- understand that the rates would not be es high under the Moderates under the Progressives. i attorney for Mrs 1S In some 'way the fact leaked out, ht iors Ee Bey om Po uence was apparent | of the $10,000,000 fund. she recently as F. W. DP FOREST, and North-Western [of the United. States. company appealed. to parliament for TE Un sothe helpful legislation: The bill was SPIRIT OF THE PRESS. not attacked on its merits, but as the instrument of & * company that had not treated is "'trust funds" proper- High tide in Cobalt lake this morn- Fa ) shih ah! a ing yesterday and s Juvone d $6,000,000 ship, a call was made upon the mem- bers of parlinment to rally at a oer tain date and defeat the bill. It is of | Ottawa Citizen. wi a, thay Subsoqutel 0 the of a millionaire in New York has juss for the religious leaders to take the initiative in a crusade which means the purification of our public sentiments, and the one who follows Bruchesi"s splendid exam- ple, may be surprised with ghe re sponse he will eveke, in appeal to public APOLOGY AND ITS RESULT. Sacrificed to American sentiment ! at is the -conclugion which one riach's 'when he reads 'the story of Swettenbam's resignation. remembered that he whs the governor or Jamaica, and was' in' office when 'the earthguake occurred and wrought so much disaster. He was perform ing his duty faithlully when Admiral Davis, of the American navy, essayed a direction of affairs which the cir- cumstances did mot warrant. The admiral and the governor were on the best of terms, and there would not have been a break in the rela: tions but for the indiscreet publica- tion of 'a private letter in which there insult to the naval commander. The offence was the mis- use of this epistle, and it is a ques- il there should not be a law against literary theft, and especially against publicity of documents which have been misappropriated or stolen for the purpose of sensation. There must of necessity be corre spondence between men on important matters, and correspondence should be as sacred as the secrets of the family ~unless the seal is removed and the eontents made public. There is no excuse for the piracy which provoked the swettenham president of the United States knows how to sympathize with the ex-gover- nor now that the Harriman letter has been given an airing and an import: ance which it was never designed to realized the 'mistake that hed . been fie rule in the United States scents to made in contributing to an 'election fund out' of 'the company's coffers, nt wh and that they paid back the $1,000 the man who steals from a million ee out of their personal resources. They sinned in dabbling in a London elec tion, in taking sides, and they are to mourn or lament it in sackcloth and _ Forsign snd. Deémestic Granite and Marble, Large stock to choose Irom -t Opp. Y.M.C.A. An Princess St. THe public consciénce, some one points out, is keener in England than in America. In some things. In con- 3 tection with certain Puglish elections | business along that line. there was a corruption as rank as : any that has been heard of in Ame rica, and it may be corporations are though heretofore they may have es- caped detection. Roosevelt i that in the last presidential election moneys subscribed by certain design- ing concerns were returned, and Per- kins, of the New York Life, will never forget, nor his company, the experi- ences he had in Yefunding the thou sands he put wp for campunion pur- poses. . Besides, in all these cases, new direction is being given to very old truth--that the revenues of most companies, in which the people are interested, are trust moneys and cannot be legally used for political be no more grab bags, so far as the railwagsand insur ance companies are concerned at any * No gitinen in WINDSOR TABLE SALT. 'crystals mek quickly, imparting a delicately pidumnt savour, ~ Sash, Doors, Portland Cement \ and $8. ANGLIN & 00. THE MODEL WIFE AND DIAMOND DYES A model wife can realize Great benefits from Didmond Dyes; Dyes; makes her children's lives using Diamond Dyes; home is bright ns time fast flies Because she uses Di : All other dyes she will despise, When she can buy the Diamond Dyes; Her husband's coats, vests, pants reniowed" with Diamond . » She "causes wonder aud surpri tinting walls with Diamond Dyes; with the artist often vies, By coloring maps with Diamond Real Estate EDITORIAL VIEWS. What will the rate of taxation this The city has no dock of its own? What about the water 'department's Swettenham was asked to apologize e a | ! ---- te. Beardduiral ;Duvia. He nid bo | 'Studholme, M.P.P., is spoken of but he wolld not do so under com- | ®® the mew organizer of the political pulsion. He was told to apologize, did so, and at once resigned. Later, he | ny, conservative policy is--low tariff if the west and adequate protettion in the ast," Is it workable ? The colonial conference, it is said, may be asked to pass a resblution in favour of home rule for Ireland. will not be necessary. speak for herself. tion, and deferred his 'decisi he had seen the record in the case. Then he was bound to retire. What did he see? Any presumed surrender to {| American sentiment ¥ It would appear so, and it suggests a feeling of resent- ment which it is very hard to allay. The %olonial office was too hasty, it seems, in coming to a deci Have you dandruff ¥ & contagious parasitic The school 'board has been asked to withdraw the appropriation for domes- tic science. / But how could that quest be preferred before the meeting 1S YOUR VISION ALL When Dr. Kaight recently asked the permission of the trustees to visit the schools and test the pupils' sight it ;.| was not known apparently that the movement was one which had received the approval of the minister of edu- cation. Ottawa introduced = this test ing of the children's sight four years '| ago, and found it of such benefit that | Ald. Wilson, as a delegate to the On: tario Educational Association, for it the endorsement of that body. Dr. Fyne, by the dicationn) asec: | atic to i a 3 Military training 'in the schools. What time have our boys for that, during the school hours ? outside of school hours would be doubtful'in its continuance. Sm-- iy devied the request of the Toronto jurors s for extra pay. Tt to The New York millionaire-philanthrop- created to improve the social conditions Worthy Of Imitation. Toronto Star a |ing, Nipissing held its annual meet- water out of its stock, ' It Makes A Difference. A burglar who robbed the residence t, thirty years in the penitentiary. [be that the man who stess million: gets a minimum of punishment while gets the maximum. Sooner The Better. Calgary News. One| of these days the earnest but obtuse gentlemen who have ben lauok- ing upon the dominion as an over grown crown colony will wake wp to the fact that Canada is a nation, and makes it own tarifis and does other Dangerous Assumption. Hamilton Times. According to Thaw's logic every criminal would go unwhipt of iusuice. A man could rob, put a tarch to a dwelling, club his neighbor to death, and plead temporary insanity = and consequent exemption. Life in sociaty would be impossible under such con- ditions, Expenses Jumping Up. Montreal Gazette. e retirement of Lord Aylmer has drawn attention to the fact that in 1893 the department of wmilitig was managed by a minister, five oificials, a type writer and three messengors. Now. there are cighty officials, und messengers galore. The difference will enable those who note it to understand how the cost of the militia doubles every four or five years without the efficiency of the force being apparently increascd, TAKEN FOR UOLD. Rev. Dr. Nelson Nearly Killed By Tablets. Hamilton, April 9. Rev. Dr. Nelson, He could scarcely find signs of life, lets' contained coal tar products, which, taken on an empty stomach, brought about the condition in which he was found. Dr. McNichol thinks he True love doesn't thrive well in a . | public garden. Semi-Ready Tailoring at The H. D. Bibby Co. uits and Overcoats ready to try on, - finished to your order in two hours. Suits, $15 and $20. See Senii-Ready, Special $15 Blue and Black Suits. Balfour Suits, $12, $12.50, $15 and $18. Top Coats, $8, $10, $12, and $15. Grant House of lodustry Grant House of Providence . Grant Hotel Dieu ..... Grant Orphans' Howe : Grant Children's Aid Soc.ety Grant Rune for Friendless Women and Grant Poor Relief .. Grant ' Mechanicsy Institute of Nurses 130 00 Post Mortems, etc. Postage and Telegrams aid ~. pa Reporters' Fees, 2 at $35 each hh Remoting refuse from streets and har- or aia waa, arta Ca i Registration of By-laws and searches. ~ 40 Ontario Munic pal Association Selection of Jurors irths, Deaths and Mar City Registry Office Consolidation of Cit (otal Controllable Expenditure Total Uncontrollable Expenditure Total Estimated Expenditure BIG BUG ENTERPRISE. A New Growing Industry Down An insect story comes from Galves ton, Tex., where the city government has advertised for 120 barrels of crude carbolic acid with which' to make war on mosquitoes, A campaign of seven months is planned. . But the most in § where R. T. Milner agricultural commissioner, is plar to turn loose against the little green : destroying the wheat pastor of Knox church, was poisoned |erops, millions of lady Bugs. The state Saturday mornig through taking | entomologist has been making experi- some tablets whith he had purchased | ments and has demonstrated. that the from a druggist for a cold, and for a }green bug is the natural prey of the short, time was in a critical condition, lady bugs, and cannot exist 'where the but is thought to be out of danger latter hold the fort. now. He had been suffering from a [come around abofit every seven years, severe cold on Friday, and on Friday | and this because the lady bugs, 'which evenino purchased some tablets which § live off the green, bugs, starve o death Hee druggist Mcommeaied as a" cure | after they , have lor grippe. He was to take two every | green enemy, thus givin i t 3 three hours, and followed the direc- dn a chance to Ee ta tho front | industey, established in 1855 by the late tions gluring Friday night. On Satur | again. The green bugs multiply § fast day morning he was found rigid in | when the lady bugs are gone, but it is bed, and Dr. McNichol was called ia. proposed to breed the lady bugs regu- larly and keep a lafge standing army but alter a short time restored ani- | ready for "A ae ® mation. It was found that the tab- like a good bugs that are The green bugs son, anyhow, a you try Carter's Little They are a positive cure | J cket for sick headache, and all the ills pro. | -0°re* hoe store duced by disordered liver. pift a dose, Liver Pills. an _ opportunity say that there buy find him on the bargain' counter: The most prompt delivery service in {at Gibson's Kingston is frog Gibson's Red Cross Phone 230. drug store. Phone 230 for drug wants, Nearly all Perhaps the best way to avoid the |in the martyr clas disappointments of love is to never | Red fall in. . ary Tr The H. D. Bibby Co. TE---- Ett-- CITY BUDGET. (Continue d from page 2.) 1.000 00 1,500 00 800 00 1,000 00 200 00 800 00 350 vo BES ns 40 Oo 150 00 tig $12,573 00 ' $ B00wWo 100 on 3,000 00 1,000 00 175 00 50 00 300 00 175 00 100 00 80 00 ' 50-00 , 00 200 90 35 00 15 00 60 0 200 on 80 00 250 00 100 00 1.500 00 2300 00 440 00 from state ning sell from Halifax to Vancouver. Looks | « Calorific and ** Admiral" furnaces Let us have lady | nd « Penn Esther" ranges are known bugs all over the country. We never | from the Atlantic to the Pacific. were stuck on green things out of sea- wallantry to the la- ] dies warrants cultivating them. Yes, is now out cf danger. indeed, the ladics--bugs or otherwise. Cross brand beef, i has no equal for spr Sonig old at Sic. at Gibson's Red . Uncle Sam's Jargest $90000000000000000000¢ < $72,064 108,121 85 $180,186 50 SENATOR JOSIAH WOOD Director of Record Foundry Co. Senator Josiah Wood, of New Bruns- wick, well-known throughout Canada, is connected with several manufacturing con- cerns, the largest of which is the Record their | Foundry and Machine Co., of Moncton, groen N.B., and Montreal, P.Q. This important Me. C. B. Record, on a very small scale, has grown to be one of the largest, if in- dead not the largest, stove manufactur ing coicern in the Dominion of Canada, and Gold Bonds That Are Safe. We sell them, and we guarantee them to be. just as represented, via, the best man's '$3.50 shoe over offered for sale in Kingston. Only at The - ------ i One he, military profession in all coun- © ries furnis ximpm rate Beware of the man who never misses | suicide oF a ain 1B, rate an _ say ; New York daily Papers with verba- isn t money enough in circulation to | tim summing up of Delmas & Jerome. later you will | British-American hotel news stand. The genuine Beecham's Pills are sold Red Cross drug store. husbands and wives are £8. SE Even Bette 0 Tha a Tashi Jind 'Writing on the fo vocating . a rationa Josiah an of Common Life" known works, decla grain is the ola English dis} most excellent articl speaks of malted £ increasing years. T thus strikes the very and strength. There is a moder all the qual wheat 1s mixed v malt extraét which tinized starch info sugar, highly nuotritl ested sven by the en each grain of into lttle wafer flak. great ovens where, v it is baked crisp & turn," and read; All grocers sell Ma " Beaver" Flou for home baking: who take pride in! skill, and their » the house economi BEAVER is a blend of Mase It yields MORE barrel than any ot! Order ** Beaver' time--and see how inviting and tooths thing you bake. AT YOUR GR Dealers, write for kinds of Feeds Coan Cereals. T. H. Taylo Chatham. SYNOPSIS OF CANADI HOMESTEAD RE Any even numbered s fon Lands jin Manito West I'rovinces, execpti reserved, may be hom verson the sole head of over 18 years of age, ope-quarter section, of or less. Application for homes bpection Jnust be made appiicant at the oflice ¢ or Sub-agent. An application for en wade personally at any may be wired to the k Sub-agent, at the exj plicant, and if the land vacant on receipt of application is to have land will be heid unt papers to complete the eceived by mall. ln case of "personmatic be (summarily cancellec cant will forfeit all prio An applicant for ins, eligible for homestead wne application for im eceived from an indiv pplication has been dis A homesteader whose tanding and not liable lay, subject to approvs relinquish it im favour son, daughter, brother wligible, but to no one daration of abandonme! Where an eatry is sw or voluntarily abandone institution of cancelia the applicant for inspec titled to prior right of Applicants for inspecti hat particulars the ho default, awd if subseque ment is found to be in ial particulars, the ap any prior right of ree land become vacant, or granted it may be sum Duties--A settler is "ylform the conditions wr following plans :-- (1) At least six mont on and cultivation of | Year during the term o (2) If the father (or father is deceased) of rosides upon a farm in land entered for, by s requirement as to 1 utisfied ny such pers the father or mother. (3) Il the settler ha esidence upon farming him in the vicinity © the requirement may residence upon such lam Belore making applic ihe settler must give s in writing to the Cou tinion Lands at Otta ion to do so YNOPSIS OF CAN WEST MINING RE Coal.--Coal Lands ma 10 per acre for soft «¢ nuthracite. Not more can he acquired by o - company. Royalty at cents per ton of 2, collected om the gross 3 Quartz.--A person eigl or over, having discov place, may locate a ch feet. 'The fee for recording At least $100 must be claim each year or pai recorder in lieu thereol been ex] ded or paid, upon haviog a survey 1 omplying with other ) chase the land at $1 pe The patent vrovides § royalty of 24 r oo Placer mining claims feet square entry fee early. An applicant may ob dredge for goid of five term &f twenty years discretion of the Ministe 'The lessee shall have alion within ~one of the