Tailoring at The H. D, Bi ready to cial 12.50, $15 and $18. $12 - bby Co. try on; - finished to your $15 Blue and Black Suits. , and $15. D. Bibby Co. 200000000000000000000 mem 0004 IT Y BUDGET. mtinue d from page 2.) len and Js 100 nd h rehes... ~~ | Mar wn ves ent ude war ven in- rom ate ing roen eat ate ori- the the the T's, ich ath eir cen mt ast 1.000 00 1.500 00 800 00 $12,573 00 ar- $72,064 65 108,121 85 $180,186 50 Director of Record Foundry Co. Senator Josiah Wood, of New 'Bruns- wick, well-known throughout Canada, is connected with several manufacturing con- cerns, the largest of which is the Record Foundry and Machine Co., of Moncton, N.B., and Montreal, P.Q. ' This important industry, established in 1853 by the late Me. C. B. Record, on a very small scale, has grown to be one of the largest, if in- dead not the largest, stove manufactur ing coacern in the Dominion of Canada, and sell from Halifax to Vancouver. Their C wlarific " and * Admiral" furnaces a 'Penn Esther" ranges are known from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Gold Bonds That Are Safe. We sell them, and we guarantee them to be, just as represented, via, Shue heat u's 53.50 shoe ever offered lor sale in ingston. Only at : Lockett shoe store, Sa The The military profession in all coun- © tries furnishes the maximpm rate of suicide of any ocoupplion. New York daily papers with verba- 0 | tim summing up of Delmas & .J il | British-American. hotel srr ag . . genuine Seothints Pills are sold 4 al 1 y 3 nat ton s Cross drug store. S. | Nearly all' husha: i e in the martyr nds and +i di 3 Red Cross brand beef, wi no _epual for speing. Tonite Ou e rT TY vor yrw @O0000e 90000909000 000000000.00000000000006 0000000000000 000stn as 200 oe SENATOR JOSIAH WOOD VIVO 0090900900000000909000¢ sform the conditions under one © company. Er -- increasing years. is eminent au! thus nas the very keynote of is ern food which ems There is a mod braces all the qualities and has even more, for it is mal refer to Malta-Vita--all is made by an extes ended and elaborated process of the old way of Srumehity of making frumenty. The whole wheat grain is thoroughly Bolled' In water and cooked to gelatinize the starch. starch cells have broken down, the wheat malt extract which converts the geln tinized starch in maltose, or ma' sugar. highly nutritious and easily ¢ ested sven by the weakest stomact 4 ch in of wheat is rolle,. Fleck E. gra t whe fallen decided that all en ea into Mttle wafer flak fs mixed with pure barley ivens where, under intense heat, crisp and Yo 8 turn and ready for your table. brown, "done grocers sell Malta-Vita. 10 centa '"' Beaver" Flour is the flour for home baking--for women who take pride in their culinary skill, and their ability to run house economically. BEAVER FLOUR is a blend of Mysihe Spring It yields MORE bread to the barrel than any other brand. Order '* Beaver" Flour next time--and see how much gore inviting and toothsome is every- thing you bake. AT YOUR GROCER'S Dea writ dpe cs ved Cereals. T. H. Taylor Co., Limited, Chatham. on depend. Sold & three nd. Sol of strength--No. 1. degrees stronger, $3; No. ¥] SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NURTHWE:T HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS Any even numbered section of Doniin- ion nds in Manitoba or the North- West I'rovinces, execpting 8 and 26, not reserved, may be homesteaded by any verson the sole head of a family, or male over 18 years of age, to the extent of opequarter section, of 160 acres, more or less. Application for homestead entry or in bpection Jnust be made in- person by the applicant at the office of the local Agent or Sub-agent. An application for entry or inspection wade personally at any Sub-agent's offic: may be wired to the local A t by th Sub-agent, at the expense of the ap plicant, and if the land applied for i vacant on receipt of the telegram sucl application is to have priority and the land will be held until the necessar) Papers to complete the transaction a eceived by mail. . ln case of "'personation" the entry wil, be ~Suimimarily cancelled and the appli cant will forfeit all priority of claim, An applicant for inspection must be eligible for homestead entry, and onl) wne application for inspection will be eceived from an individual until thai pplication has been dispoged of. A homesteader whose entry is in gooo tanding and not liable to cancellation ay, subject to approval of Department relinquish it im favour of father, mother son, daughter, brother or sister, i wligible, but to no one else, on filing de daration of abandonment. Where an entry is sumwarily cancelles pr voluntarily abandoned, subsequent to institution of cancellation proceedings the applicant for imspection will be en titled to prior right of entry. Applicants for inspection must state in hat particulars the homesteader is in , amd if subsequently the _ state ment is found to be incorrect in mater ial particulars, the applicant will los any prior right of re-entry should the land become vacant, or if entry has heen granted it may be summarily cancelled Duties--A settler is roquired to per of the following plans '-- (1) At least six months' residence up on and cultivation of the laud in each Year during the term of three years. (2) If the father (or mother, if the father is deceased) of a homesteade rosides upon a farm in the vicinity of the land entered for, by such homesteader ;Tequirement as to residence may be utisfied ny such person residing with the father or mother. 83) II the settler has his permanent esidence upon farming land owned b) him in the vicinity of his homestead. the requirement may be satisfied b) residence upon such land. Belore making application for patent ihe settler must give six months' notice in writing to the Commissioner of Do tinion Lands at Ottawa, of his intes ion to do so YNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH- WEST MINING REGULATIONS, Coal.--Coal Lands may be purchased at 10 per acre for soft coal amd $20 for uuthracite. Not more than 320 acrer can he mired by one dndividual or loyalty at the rate of ten cents per ton of 2,000 pounds shall be collected om gross output. Quartz. --A eighteen years of age or over, having discovered mineral in place, may locate a claim, 1,500x1,500 feet. The fee for recording a claim is 85. At least $100 must be expended on the i i to the mining . When $500 has been «© ded or paid, the locator may, upon haviog a swvey made, and upon omplying with other requirements, pur chase the land at $1 per acre. The patent nrovides for the payment o royalty of 24 r cent on the sales. Placer mining claims generally are 100 square entry fee $5, renewable ¥. An applicant may obtain two leases to dredge for goid of five miles each for a term ¢f twenty years, renewable at the discretion of the Minister of the Interior. The lessee shall have a dredge in ob ation within ~one season from te each at the & ST. PAUL'S VESTRY ADJOURNED MEETING HELD LAST NIGHT. A Report Submitted Showed The + Oh to Be. Almost Free From Debt. The adjourned vestry meeting of St. Paul's church was held Monday night. There was a large attendance of mem- bers, showing their interest in the new vicar, Revi W. F. Fitzgerald. . After matters pertaining to previous years were discussed, the vicar was elected chairman of the meeting. The report. of the church wardens, which was adopted, showed the church to be almost free from debt. The auditor's' péport was presented and referred: to the advisory commitive. A. El TLosgombe was elected the peo- Ps Warder {or Bie ensuing year, and . ¥, Elliott was elected the vicar's warden. On motion of Capt. Gaskin it was necessary statements be procured for the vestry clerk. On motion of R, F. Elliott, it was decided to tender a vote of thanks to the bishop for his kindness and* con sideration of the best interests of St, Paul's church, and for the able. and courteous manner he at all times mani: fosted towards the committee appoint: ed by the congregation, regarding the appolbtment of a vicar. A vote of thanks was tendered the choir and . wardens for efficient . sor- viees' rendéred during the year. ~ The following were elected sidesmen, with power to add to their number : Capt"). Gaskin, J. W. Power, H. M. Rattan, W. H. Carnovsky, H. Youlden, James Davis, Mr. Ronan, J. Duncan Thompsgn, Sergt.-Major Birtles; R. Sutherhd, Mr. Downey and - Mr. Weir, Congratulatory remarks were made by most 6f those present, regarding the favorable impression. and gratifi- cation it afforded all, to welcome the Rev. Mr. Fitzgerald as their viear. The reverend gentleman thanked those present for their kindness and consid- ration. A vote of thanks tendered, in appreciation; of the earnest and hoarty work cheorfully and royally rendered by the Woman's Auxiliary and Ladies' Aid of. St.<Raul's parish. was LE GRAND REED. With Kelly Cole. Concert, City Hall, to- morrow might. Plan at Ug low's. THREW ARCHBISHOP OUT. Galicians Dumped Head of Ruth- enians in Mud. Brandon, Man., April 9.-A ludi- 'rous incident occurred here, Sunday, Archbishop Serafin, the eccentric welesiastic of Winnipeg, who claims to be head of the: Greek church in 'anada and religious dictator of the Ruthenians, attempted to hold ser- vice in the Galician Catholic church here. They refused to permit him to wen enter the sacred building, and when he attempted to force his way in, he was picked up bodily, carried to the street and thrown in the mud This decidedly tamed his religious ar for, and, after hurling anathemas up- mn his opponents, he departed. whe More Stringent durial Law. A new Ontario regulation makes it for undertakers to first sc the medical certificates weeessary cure the 'signature of health officer to death before presemting them to the eity elerk for a burial certificate. This will rive undertakers much trouble, if they wre unable to locate the health officer, ~ho might be out of town on a call. The change is made in order to get nore acteurate death ° statistics. For- merly, all the undertakers had to do was to present the attending physi- van"s death, certificate to the city clerk and get the burial permit. 1 Cut To Pieces On Track. Cobourg, Ont., April 9.--Alired Pel- ling, an Englishman, thirty-five vears of age, employed as a sectionman on the Grand "Bru was cut to pieces on the track' between Colborne and Grafton. With pnother sectionman named Kilgannon, he went to Col- borne from Grafton, and on their re- turn the two men placed their hand- car in the tool house and separated to. g6 home. Nothing more was seen of Pelling until his body was feund beside the track terribly mutilated. Sweet peas, dll colors, at Chown's drug store, In Washington, the thermometer, which had sailed to ninety, in the shade, dropped suddenly to twenty, and ice bearly an inch thick was forth od. Too Much Fodd. Every time you eat too fast, cram ton much food into the stomach, you offend a law of nature and will prob- ably suffer headaches, nausea, bilious- ness. and all the horrid distrésses which are so caused. Now if you will assist nature a little in an agreeablo manner with such a- pleasant and effi cacious tirestment as Hutch you need wot suffer . all these troubles. Hutch will give you instant rellef from these little plaints and if vou INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, enn Newsy Faragra Picked By There was a very poor showing on the local market this : J. Zeigler won the ed ut 27 Main street, last night. This was another off day at the po- lice court. No cases were entered. The rails for the wharf at Richard- sons' elevator arrived 'this morling, Cecil Gibson has gome to work lot Rees Bros., fruit dealers, Bafot street. Make sure of a beautiful lawn by sowi Chown's Peerless lawn grass seed, 20¢. lb. Farthing left to-day for To- ronto to attend various ecclesingtial meetings there. Oatmeal soap for rough skin. Sold at Gibson's Red Cross drug store, Phone 230. . Ald. Toye says that the light de partment has the right to erect poles outside the sidewalks. Mr. Hutchison, for many years com- nected with W. R. McRae & Co, gro cers, has joined the staff of Gilbert's, Barrie street stobe. Five corporation men had a busy time, yesterday, clearing off the cross ings. Those that were missed yester: day were attended to to-day. Your eyes tested by dn expert opti- cian when you get glasses at Chown's shrug store, "Lavander Flowers' Keep moths away from furs, 10c.: a package, at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. A Portsmouth school "election will take place, Wednesday, at twelve o'clock, in the town hall, to fll the vacancy caused by the resignation of « Samuel Grier, Most of the lumbermen to go to Simpson Island, next week, on the steamer Rosemount, are in the city. Numbers of them may be noticed walking: the streets. The 'action of Carter's Little Liver Pills is pleasant, mild and natural. They gently stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels, but do not purge. They are sure to please. Try them. The separate school bosrd has de- cided to add further improvements to St. "John's school, bringing it up to the high standard of the other two local separate school buildings. Moth bags, moth balls, lavender moth bags at Chown's drug store, Though the city council meeting called for last evening was postponed by a "round robin," the roll-call had to be taken. Mayor Mowat was the only member present when City Clerk Sands called the roll. Alds. Graham and Carson came in afterwards. TRAGEDY OF CHILDHOOD. Groton, N.Y., April 9.--Rather than endure the school in tattered garments, thirteen- mother not to foros him to go to would kill himself' rather again his companions in his ragged garb. The mother did not take thy threat seriously, but when she left the room for a moment Lawrence seized a revolver and sent a bullet into his brain. Physicians who attended him said that he had slight chance of re- covery. AT DIVISION COURT. The Cases Disposed of By Judge . Price. * Judge Price presided at a sess on of the division court, to-day, when he following cases were disposed of : Reri Hartman vs. Joseph Wilder-- Account, $20; judgment non-suit with costs: Joseph Abramsky vs. Iva Cobett Account, $25; judgment for plaintiff, in full. £ Joseph Abramsky vs. Johh Damaid Account, $23.90; judgment Mor plain- tifi, in full. The next seséion of the court will be held on May 7th. division ---------- Died At Lethbridge, Alberta. The sad news was received, 'this morning, of the death, in Lethbridge, Alberta, of Mrs. Walter Lamb( formee- Iv Miss Sarah Roddy), of this city Deceased is survived by her husband andl two bright little girls and one boy, who are left to mourn the loss of a loving wife and a kind and fond mother. Deceased's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Reddy, of Peterboro, survive her, also four--sisters and five brothers : Mrs. William Westlake, Portsmouth; Mrs. RB. Cochrane, Lyden- ham; Mrs. John McGill, Peterboro; Mrs. Joseph Turnbull, Peterboro; John Roddy, Victoria, streeti ¢ ty; Frank, Winnipeg; Edward and Frederick, Pet- evhoro, and Henry, Fort William. Great sympathy is felt for the par- ents and relatives of the deceased, as the news came very sudden and unex- pected. Mr. Lamb and children left »thbridge with' the remains, yester- day, the Sth, and are expected to ar- rive in this city the latter part of this week, 3 Ready For Next Month. It is expected that the new pipe or- gen for Cooke's church will be placed insposition and read¢ for use by the first Sunday in May. There has been such a liberal response to the appeal inade for subscriptions for the new or- gan, that it has been deemed advis- able to go right ahead with the se- curing of subscriptions, and to en- deavor to clear off the total debt in- emrred by the installation of the new organ, as soon as possible. The mat- ter was discussed at a meeting of the organ committee held last night, when this decision was arrived at. Warden Platt Quite Ill. Warden Platt, of the penitentiary, is quite seriously at noon, to- day, there was a fultation of doe- tors held. The Warden has been un- able to attend to duty for the past two weeks, and it will be some 'time before he regains his former health. Contrary to sll precedents the wat- er in the river St. Lawrente is reced- ing at » time when it is customary for it to go with a rush and thieaten floods. is is attributed in some measure to the continued cold i humiliation of going to {+ school, yesterday, telling her that haguaind is nothing but than face 116, TUESDAY, NEWS OF THE WORLD Ten inches of snow fell in Montreal on Monday, the heaviest fall of the winter. X It my Ly Shat the British bud- get wi brought before parliament on April 18th, The of deer killed during 1900, is computed at the enormous ag- 12,0000, A strike in the food supnly trades of is, is likely to be de-, clared on Thursday. The burned eugincering building of McGill University will be rebuilt at once, better than before. An Ottawa lad has been used by the police there to convict hotel men for infractions of the license law. Dr. Melunes, M.P.P. for Brandon, will be appointed provincial secretary and minister of oducation for Mani- toba. Napoleon Vallin, of the Saratoga hotel, Ottawa, was fined for selling liquor to an Indien, the first case in Ottawa's history. At Toronto Mrs. Roxey G. Bogart, sixty-nine years of age, wido® of the later Peter ogart, died in an up- town drug store. Two squaws, suffering with small pox, were found in a house in Yar mouth township, where twelve other Indians Were living. The provincial governments will treat mentdl diseases and will provide ac- tion for 100 patients at the new general hospital in Toronto. Mr. Hamilton, aged thirty-three years, son of t late W. Hamilton, Belleville, is dead from pneumonia. He followed his father in two weeks, G. F. Marter, the well-known pro- hibitionists and at one time loader of the conservative party in the Ontario legislature, is quite seriously ill. An electric road between Duluth and the International Falls is projected. If built it will bring Fort Frances with- in three hours of the American city. The United States has agreed to have the question of the waters of the St. John river referred to the In- ternational Boundry Waters Commis sion, The Duke of Orleans intends to start from Bergen on' June lst on his first voyage of exploration aml scién- tific research in the north polar -- re- Ragged Clothes Drove Chap to |gions. : . Suicide. Dr. James Curtin, dentist, a well- known Toronto boy, died in St. George, Grenada, from yellow fever. The deceased was twenty-eight years of age. year-old Lawrence Howe, yesterday hi Ini ; ence Howe, ¥:1 Andrew D. White, forme shot himself, "inflicting probably a Sa had in. Cited fatal wound. The lad begged his a looking at Cuba for himself, says the p course to the "DB. Dr Manh, of the" Canadian North- erp, now in Winnipeg, says the com- pany will devote ils energies to equip- ping and putting the esisting lines in first class shape. At London, Ont., Frank H. Butler, a well-known stock broker, was ar rested on thé strength of a telegram from Hamilton, where he is wanted on a charge of fraud. "The private bills committee, of the Ontario legislature, this morning, re- ported the town of Thessalon bill, granting h bonus of $10,000 to the Saginaw Lumber Co. The steamers Simla, D. D. Calvin and India, which have been laid up at Garden Island, for the winter, are be ing fitted out for the season. The D. D. Calvin expects to start out about April 1th. In connection with the gpnual pil grimage to the shrine of Ste. Anne da Beaupre, this year, the Angelus, a Detroit, Mich., Catholic weekly news paper, has arranged for am excursion to Ireland July next. : Dr. Sammel 8S. Guy, a prominent dentist in Far Rockaway, N.Y. and for a number of years, until recently, coroner of Queen's borough, is under arrest, charged with the murder of his wife, Lillian, in their handsome home The public funefal of the Hon. J W. St. John will take place from the a. parliament buildings, Toronto, at hroo o'clock to-morrow afternoon permitted to Wéw 8:45 afl. and The public willl be the remains between 1:30 p.m. The private bills committee endorsed the bill of the city of Toronto to ex propriate the Toronto Electric Light company. The government will sub- mit amendments to safeguard the in- terests, of the shareholders of the company. Lawyer Delmas is still talking at the Thaw trial. He says the wile's story haunted him, Its tale and Stan- ford © White's declaration that he would yet "get Evelyn back" was en- ough to cause a young husband to lose his reason, Sven Hedin, the Norwegian travel ler at present journéying in Thibet along the upper waters of the Brahma putra, is said to have discovered a new range of very high mountains, and to have also discovered the Brahma- putra's source, ' W. T. Stead awoke a Methodist conference in New York by his peace schemes. From all over the floor of the church, came: "Amen ! Ament" Quick as a flash, Mr. Stead replied : "Nobody cares 'a damn for your 'Amens' unless: you do something." At Collins Bay. Colline Bay, © April S.--An "At Home" was held at the home of Mrs. W. Henderson, on Friday evening. Deep sympathy is felt for Mr. and Mrs. Tulloch, Kingston, in the loss of their daughter, Annie. Mr. and Mrs. Tulloch are former residents of this place. Mr. and ) A. Clement apent Suntlay with friends in Napance and vicinity. C. Ross and Miss Sweet, of Portemouth, were visitors in the vil- lage on Sunday. Miss Emma Rankin, Kingston, spent Sunday at her home here. Miles Pritt returned home on Sunday _ after wling a couple of weeks 'af Adolphustown. Misses Edith and Mabel Howard spent Friday with friends at Glenvale. -------------- Ou of 'the 'eties of caning laclor- Ontacio will 3 APRIL 9. Fresh Arrivals ZEN fe FA 4 Sti rom . PHONE 187 Absolutely Pure A Cream of Tartar Powder free from alum or phos= phatic acid Makes Home Baking Easy STYLISH BLACK SKIRTS, .in Chil and Panama, $2.75, $3.95, $4, $4.50, , 8 to 87. " $4.50, 85 and $6.75, BRILIJANTINE SUNBURST A. in cream, navy and black, $8.50, ° MISSES' FANCY TWEED SKIRTS, sizes 32 to 36, at $2.50, $2.76, 8; Buy Spring Coats mow. A OPENED TO-DAY:-A of French flowers, ribbons and Am- erican hats, yThe 'Leading Millinery Our Big Sale ny on Second Floor on, Broadcloth, Venetian, Boxcloth NCY ' TWEED SKIRTS, at $3.30, full assortment from. large shipment SPENCE'S, t er staff of upholster makers who are at y and cabinet services, , ll.continues, as we require the James Reid throat cu WILL OF ORONHYATEKHA. Estate Valued at $59,550--Secret Instructions. Torohito Star. The will of the late Dr. Oronhya- tekha was filed for probate, aml the estate is valued at 859,550.54. Of this amount, $37,000 is insur ance; Mutual Reserve Life Insurance company, of New York, £30,000; Tem- perance and General, $2,000, and Pro- vident Savings, £5,000. He had 81,- 800 worth of stocks and $5,448.54 cash in bank, and £1,400 js the value of hig vacht. He held real estate amounting to 86,450, of which $4,500 is the valua of "The Pines," at Deseronto, $1,200 other property in Deseronto, and 8750 in California. The application was made by 'the Union Trust company. The company is instructed in sealed letter attached to the will how to dispose of $12,000, "The Pines" at Deseronto passes to Pr. W. A. H. Oronhyntekha, a son. It was to go to deceased's daughter pro- vided she married no one other than an Indian. The son also receives the promises known as the Log Cabin, on Forester's Island, Prince Edward. Pro- vision is made that he can dispose of the property to the Independent Order of Foresters, but if such is not done at hig death the premises are to be- come the property of the supreme court for the benefit of the Foresters' Orphans" Home. The Orphans' Home and the rest of Foresters' Island, excepting the pre- mises known as the "Wipwam," and the property of his daughter, Cathe- rine, pass to the supreme court. Other bequests are: Five hundred dollars each to George P. Morton and Simon Morton, brothers; Ann Powles, sister; Margaret Flanders, sister, and Elisabeth Hil} sister-in-law. Misa Lilli 1 Rl urniture and GRAY'S SYRUP does that one thing, and does it well, It's no * cure-all" but a CURE for all throat and lung GRAY'S SYRUP OF RED SPRUCE tating tickle GUM the irri away ere None the less effective bocamse it In pleasant to take. . troubles, = takes aca South. and heals the --and CURES COUGHS to stay 25 cts. bottle. A. divided between Dr. W. A. H. Oron- hyatekba, son, and his sister, Cathe- rine Evangeline. : ---------- DISTRICT DASHES. Items Snipped From Our District Mrs. C. J. Bowell is very ill at Belleville. wy § A company has been : f 1 build a hotel in Arnprior. J. R. Donnelly, | tive foreman he G. to at Belleville, for 'T.R. company, has accepted a ion as superin- tendent of the motive power for the Canada Atlantid. Leo B. Pomeroy * has resi his position as organist of the First Pres. byterian church. Brockville, and will leave in a few weeks to accept a posi: tion in Jamestown. A quiet wedding took place on Mon- day in Belleville, The was J, some bride, Miss Annie Agnes' Wilson, daughter 6f Robert Wilson. At Greenbush, John Colborne, a well-known citizen, passed away Sun- day evening, following an illness of two years of general debility. The late Mr. Colborne was seventy-six years of age, and during his lifetime farming '| home in city or country we A. Russell, Belleville, and the win- was _his occupation. Nearly half a cen-| ambition and would like our he you want get it for you speedily. T. J. Lockhar 159 Wellington Street, Ki - Base Ball Bats Catchers' Mitts "Masks - Basemen's Gloves Infielders' = " wp moderate. A. METZ Sahoo), Regent St, London, Hag A. E. HEROD ORDERED : Now is the time those Re- | pairs 'are wanted. Our anti- squeak is used on all work. | ret 286 PRINCESS ST., THE HOUSE OF QUALITY BRITISH - AMERIC tury ago he was married to Miss Jane Fletcher, of North Augusta, who now survivers, together with four daugh- ---- At Regina, the rush of settlers into the North-West from the states has un- questionably commited Joe soon. Five hundred alled, thors, be | cared for by the municir % because the northern lines is blocked undergone Has : open' 18.4 ER Is mow sublic. Ww. TEL