Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Apr 1907, p. 2

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i F 3) 7 f offices, to pav for the work, he order of the provisions H i > Fy oF i: i23E: : i i i 3 ih ¥ i f = £ 5 I i i : i 2 g 2 2 i » same lime as the gas reductions are to . Elliott, Nickle. and Kent the scheme sh 1 hi F iz ip / move, in Smewment, (hat he new scheme come foree at once. Gaskin the amendment, claim. ing that t presented a report f the special committee aPpomicd a vise the by-laws, Hating that thirty- seven of the by-laws been com- SE PEE ot for city officials band concerts be struck out. Ald. Elliott said that the expenditure of $300 was a good one, and the people appreciated the band concerts, in fact demanded them. Kingston should not back village, all the in favor of band could not be secured for less. Ald. McCann said he would have some civic salaries in- band grant to $200, balance to the assist: grant be divided assistant engineer ofid the caretaker of parks. Ald. Elliott asked what the parks' caretaker did in the winter. To this Ald. Carson replied that he warmed himself at the stove. "Yes," replied Ald. Graham. "and some other of our city officials warm es at the stove both all win- ter and all summer." (Laughter). Continuing Ald. Greham declared do. Ald. Elliott declared that Ald. Grg- ham name the officials he re- to add ther city official at a salary of $500, in the person of Mr. McCammon, and' now he | was asking an increase of salary to two other officials. He didn't think that = Ald. Graham was consistent. Ald. Elliott held that Kingston had a good lot of officials, and their work be appreciated. Carson said that if the council' two years ago had adopted his reso- i all city officidls not satisfied with their salaries to resign, all trouble about increased: salaries should Ald. moved, seconded by Ald. Givens that the band grant be reduced to $200, and that the other $100 be added to the assistant engi- neer's salary. _ Ald. Givens said he would be will- ing to collect the other $100 for hand eoncerts. Ald. Elliott declared that it should be beneath the dignity of an alderman to go from door to door asking money for band concerts. The whole people benefited by the concerts and the city as a whole should pay. Ald. Givens replied that he didn't Think that Sg Elliott should "sit" on him in the way he did. If he ch to take the time to collect the mone no one should object. Ald. Gaskin declared that twenty years ago the city was paying more an at present, and a statement to this effect. Ald. Graham challenged its correctness. Ald. Elliott asked what official Pre- pared the statement. Ald. Gaskin re- fused to answer, The motion of Ald. Gaskin was lost. On motion of Alds. Craig and Chown the budget as presented by the finance committee was he 'A bylaw was passed fixing the rate of tatation for this r at' twenty in mills yea ¥ The council adjourned at 11:40 p.m. Er ------------ Get Your Bowels To Move. for a quorum, yester- the "rag-baby case 4 rs pres. 8. Corbett, vg Evans. f F FIL i was called off. There was quite a discussion over the case, however, the members left. The chairman got busy on the tele phone, in an endeavor to secure a quorum. He found that Mr. Lemmon was ot of the city, and that Dr. was attending a sick patient. remarked that the board ided with an extra member, $0 that business could be transacted. cok that Dr. ator] uot appear be- fore the committee again. Further. he had been yuorum for the meeting. "That's news to me," said the chair man. "And to me 100," remarked Dr. Evans, at the same time asking why Shete should not be a mmsting. a . 't propose to know," sai Mr. Nickle, Mr. Nickle further stated that there had been a great deal in the news papers shout the case. . Bogart's name had been used quite freely, and thin Was injurious to him. mayor expressed surprise at any member of the board staying away from the meeting if they wanted to we Dr. Bogart 'given justice. He thought that they should be present and have the affair disposed of: How- ever, Mr. Rankin was not present at the meeting, and no advance could be made in the case until some evidence was given. 3 Dr. Bogart also informed the com- mittee that he knew that there would not be a quorum it at the meet- ing. He hod telephoned a member of the board, asking him to be present at the meeting. The member had re ferred to the whole affair asa "fool thing" brought about by one mem- ber of the board. Dr. Evans said that the matter had not been taken up by one member only, and he had the city clerk read the minutes of a recent meeting, in which it was noted that the motion calling for the investigation had been moved by himself, and seconded by Mr. Lemmon. Mr. - Nickle stated that much had been said about sworn statements and affidavits. These should be produced. Dr. Evans said that be had seen the sworn statement. _ Mr. Rankin had been served with a summons to ap- pear, but had not done so, The members left with the under standing that the next meeting would be held at the call of the chairman. -- Dr. Bogart's Statement. Kingston, April 10.--(To the Edi- tor) : 1 would request the privilege of making known to your readers the true facts of this very much distorted "rag baby case." W 1 was tele phoned to see the woman in question at a respectable home, and at first refused on account of amothér case in hand, the conversation with the gen- tleman 'phoning led me to believe that she was in need of attention, for his own words were, "Doctor, 1 could not .see my dog used as this woman is used; run in and see her." 1 finally agreed to do so, and did at my earli- est opportunity. | found her in bed looking very ill. She said she had been very poorly, and made a request to go to the hospital. + She said she could pay her way in the hospital. So ==ISIGNET RING GIVEN Kelvey & {By Employees of Me v opinion of the mental status" Birch and C. Livingston--A ici Fy » : de's of | this, any s corporate body, Recognition of the Briga hat, loved on irvesponsible person | (go) at the Recent Fire. of Jo the puint that Jhis A delegation of three, consisting ot es ated. Nor did > Sie of | tt tmployee from C. Livingston's, ani te nire of. the authorities | two from McKelvey © & Birch, wai Shis bouts hospital whether this man's | on Chiel Elmer yesterday aitéznoon ttm were true or false, 1 at-| ot his home on Brock street. The of --- the ing of the board yes-| ject of the visit was to make a pre and out f possible, what was | sentation to the chiel. The men of the the trouble and how did 1 find it ? As | above mentioned shops consider that sn the | but for the judgment of Chief Elmer, i ; 8 ¥ 8 i f 2 F at the recent fire, they might easily desert plains of ] h ily always wil have been out looking for g job. ho ae illing to 3 ~ in chief and his men saved the work- case am amply repaid. Thanking you shops and thus the employees did not for the only space I ever used to put lose a day by the fire. The addreds myself right on any point during my | Was read by W. H. Warren, aa a3 whole life.--Sincerely yours, 1. G.|Druce made the presen Chie BOGART. oe . Elmer was visibly affected by: the a tion of his brother workers and in a few well-chosen words and gestures, displayed the feeling he could not put in words. He said the fire brigade would always do their Lest to save life and property, and would go to the assistance of any one in distress at the risk of their own lives. The gift presented by the deputation was a fine signet ring, engraved with a fireman's helmet and pozzle. On the inside were the following words: "From the employees of Livingston and McKelvey & Birch." The address presented was lows : To Represent Alexander. It is understood that John Kerr, of Belleville, will represent Alexander, of Montreal, at the Frontenac cheese board this coming season. A -------- House Cleaning Problem. What will I do with my heater? Why, have it stored in Simmons Bros' rust-proof store house, A Purely Vegetable Cora Cure. as fol Putnam's Corn Extractor contains no acids, but is entirely vegetable in composition. Putnam's never stings or causes discomfort. It cures quickly, painlessly, permanently. Gold Bonds That Are Safe. We sell them, and we guarantee them to be just as represented, viz, the best man's '$3.50 shoe ever offered The Kingston, April 9th, 1907. "John Elmer, Chief of the Kingston Fire Department. Dear Sir,--We, the employees of the firm of McKelvey & Birch, and C. Livingston & Bro., in presenting you with this small token of our appreci- ation, feel that the excellent work ac- complished by you and the worthy members of your brigade, at our re cent fire, was of a charficter not soon to be forgotten, and to have let, the same pass unnoticed, and unremem- bered, would not accord to you the admirition and pride in which we re- gard the state of efficiency, which the brigade has advanced to, under your leadership. Handicapped in particular | ways, you and your lads fought the | fight in a mabmer which leit nothing | to be desired, and amply demonstrat- | ed the fact that everything being equal, the Kingston fire department stands the peer to-day of any in the province, a fact which can be justly regarded with pride by the citizens in general of the Limestone City. We also want you to feel that this comes in part from your old shop mates, who have watched vour success and advancement with pride and satisfac- tion, and who unite in wishing you many, many years of continued suc- cess and prosperity.' Respectfully yours, H. A. WILTON, for sale in Kingston. Only at Lockett shoe store, Patronize Home, Some advice was given by a couple of Anglican clergy lately, who when talking over the replenishing of a Sunday schoal library, proposed pa- tronizing "home talent." "It's only fair and right to do all you can for home industries." Many Travellers Here. The city is at present besieged with commercial travellors. The approach of spring makes it very busy for the drummers. The Hotel Randolph yes- terday 'turned its reading room into a sample room for the benefit of the travellers. Secured A Position. Adam Gibson, Queen street, has re- ceived word of his appointment as principal in one of the primary schools 78-80 Brock St. soma NOW IS THE wa W. F. GOURDIER EXCLUSIYE FURRIER Phone 709 P.S.--WeStoreand Insure Furs, * HH" Ihe Birthstone for April is the Diamond. During a whole Lifetime no other gift carries quite the same pleasure as a Diamond Ring. Being indestructible it does grow less in beauty. Our stock of Diamonds consists of First Grade Stones. SMITH BROS, \| Jewelers. Phone 666 not H you wish to be successful at- tend The Kingston Business College Liratted, head of Queen street Canada's Highest Grade business school. Book-keeping shorthand, typewriting, graphy, and all com- mercial subjects thoroughly taught by comptlent, experienced teachers. Day and hs classes. Enter at any time. Rates w moderate, "Phone, 440. "y : H. F. METCALFE, President. J. B. CUNNINGHAM, Secretary. in Manitoba. Mr. Gibson has attend- ed Queen's for several years and a logge circle of friends wish him suc- ckss in his new vocation. J. J. DRUCE, W. J. BURNS, Committee." Frontenac Cheese Board. WALKED FROM NAPANEE. The initial meeting of the Frontenac cheese board will be held at the Whig buaildine on Thursday, April 18th, at 1:30 pm. It is expected that the board of 1997 will be larger than that of the past few years. A num- ber of factories lately selling on the Brockville board will be represented at the Frontenac board this vear. Sad Case of Young Woman in the City. Tired and very ill, a young woman arrived in the city, yesterday, hav- ing, so it is stated, walked all the way here from Napanee. The young woman is about to be confined, and will enter one of the hospitals here. It is claimed that she had no money to pay her railway fare, and from all that can be learned, her case is a most pitiable one. Eight New Hotels. Western Canada, this year, savs the Toronto Telegram, will give birth to cight fine new hotels, to aid in ac commodating the great influx of peo- ple into that country Pray Who Is This ? : an Freeman A syndicate | Copadian : A has been organized, with a Kingston |. A well-known government employe man at its head, to carry out the |i, known to help the city's rr work. 'The hotds will he toustructed along by Jurches ing a funch coniistifip souple s ents on thoroughly modern plans, in he | © 8, COUP of buns a largest centres of the west worth of cheese. He gets a salary of A about $1,200 a year. Arrivals At B. A. Hotel. C. H. Ingram, F. D. Cockburn, H. E. Blatsh, Frank E. Sterna, H. Dip lock, R. G. Horr, Montreal; Charles S, When a man's cake is dough he is quite likely to advertise Rimself as a dispenser of the bread of life. MEN ARD WOMZR, Use Rig @ for anes) discharge inflammations, irvitations or wicerat! gu of mucous merbraine, Paints, and not asir rent or polconona. Soid oF sent in plain wrigoe, SXprers, prepaid, $1900. or 3 bottirn ge 1h. T «sat on regase teeeeete ELLL4800800004 ¢Dr. Brock's gelebrated 3 English y Female Periodical best man i medline tor son ol! In D @STORE, 134 Privoces Steet. Matlod ve § Mailed on § * vIrssIssesessIsResees . New Spring Coats, New Spring | o Our showing is entirely different fr on her 10 su. 1 had een told what | Stewart, Miss F. B. Stewart, Miss ° e was oing, or what it was | Craig, Harrowsmith; J. W. Watt, Gan- | thought she was doing, but having anogque; Dr. and Mrs. Coon, Elgin; Examine Your Tongue | seen her, at the request of a police | Miss Alma Anderson, Brockslie | r'éss 00 S sergeant, at the police station, on the | E, A. Stiles, F. C.: Armstrong, Is It Coated ? occasion of her at t at suicide, I1| R. C. Burlingham, H. L: Men { . knew her mental condition, and so I] dels, W. J. Robson, W. T. Dock-|{ Call the doctor--what does he d thought nothing whatever 'of her still, John W. Stairs, George H. Per. [first ? Pranks, igs, W. J. Lind, W, O. Miller, A. P.| Examines your tongue. She was not more than one hour in the hospital before I was there, and the first thing 1 did was to get the medical superintendent and the house and told them ihe kind of patient they were dealing with, and what she had been doing, and left an order to |] remove the padding, which was done at once, and burned 1 believe. As to the statement of any pre- arrangement of any kind whatever, either with mysel or the General Hos. pital in connection with this case, it © "Kingston's Famous Fur Store" You can look ||, our new over, in and them fault- N * less, and they'll stand kind of wear, too. Here ae a few of our leaders :- Waverly, $2.00. k Piccadilly, $2.50. ||~ Hawes, $3.00. Inglis, Toronto: H. MN ton; Price, i Hamilton: D. J. surgeon: in charge of her department, |L. D. Myers, Lansdowne; George A. John A, Washburn, Montreal. of being with carrying a pair of steel knuckles, was the first to walk the carpet when viously hy the magistrate, for being drunk and disorderly, and the fine im. . posed k out and find ||, 0 the hardest ||ene of $10 > in jail. vey told the court that Mr. Millan was unahle to appear in court [are prying concerns are to he f : a e ' fonnd Woodrow, $3.50. |i" "yam » Roblin, Brigh- H'it's pale, flabby-looking and coat- | © J. G. Sprague, Demorestville; S. Belleville: W. H. McWilliams, Rayside, Lancaster; Kemptville; Samuel Thomas A. Webster, Barragan, Bel Dayton, Ohio; mach is lowered. Your overworked strike. : It refuses to enough to act upon the foéd. also to secrete acid enough to enable | the peptic secretion to do its work. What's the result--dyspepsia, head ache, sick' all over. Tow do you expect ta be well, to stomach 8s on pepsin | Co Refuses | Robinson, secrete Ottawa; eville; F. H. Norris, AT THE POLICE COURT. look well, to sleep well, if your system % nd ? : Hotelman Pays a Heavy is_#opaired Fine Better patch up the weak spot. . Give to the stomach the assi itjou i ing : 3 ; : y assistance it r novelties for spring. Michael Devine, the young man ar-i requires--or in other words try Dr ----- rested several days ago. em a charge Hamilton's Pills which cure | more drunk and disorderly, and|weak stomachs than any other medi- cine you know of. , | ~ Dr. Hamilton's Pills put the kind of | life into a weak stomach that enables | Pre-1it to digest and assimilate all kinds | of food. | at No medicine could do more | Hamilton's Pills did for William Mar. he police court opened this morning. Devine was fined $2 and costs for the carrving of the nuckles, was $10 and costs, or stee] my eolor got pale and I had the | and worst kind of headaches, ate al disagreed with me constantly bilious and suffering acute dyspepsia. pF took place when 1 The magistrate thereupon imposed ¢ ng costs, or twenty din The feed I aa The fine was paid. Nr. Rig from | A wonderful change | The Iwo eases attracted an upusual- | Pills They large crow of = pL owd of spectators "to the | strong digestion idm : . ' 0 more hag urt, hut the sessic . : session only lasted 4 dreams. ng sich S Ww minutes, : , kX stomach or headache 11 was fact Lk bh. asin Iact like a new man and will always recommend and use Dr Several sponge i i il sponge farms, f which | ilton's Pill." all of It's the people sort of tired and who feel half sick Until latel ronges have been collected from : Hamilton's | i the | who have-any depressed, -for those | : sea floor, but of late years ir) ho have anv 4ilfient of the rt been cultivated. = © years they have kidneys or liver that Tr. Stomach, i n nse | Ns. Can't eat ? { Pills & i | are sure to benefit gt once, Try them, 25e. Per box at all dealers nd Take Miller's Compoond a fow dax® and o | | Tron Pills for the results, For sale by 5 Extra big range of- New Spring than Dr. | a yard, materials our range is most com- wn Droideries, Laces om any other in this City. Here u will find exclusive styles con- ed, he knows the activity of your sto- | fined to us only, ats from | $9 Each and Up. , Dress Goods is one of our lead- ing departments. onable : We take a pard- pride in the showing Tweed Suitings In a wonderfully large variety 39c. a 'yard and up to $1.50 In the lighter weight ath 1a fo one in. 2 welt ypown lumberman of Parry | plete. All the desirable weaves in T ' ; $ i - whoisays © "I conside. ; Rn T. I. Rites appeared on behalf of that 'Dr. Hamilton's Pills mane der ante Shades at from 5c. oa. a Sropdelor of Hrogucls best all round medicine. My a. #1.25 a yard. } : Summoned on a charge of sell | pot disorden 1 ; x on ] . g sordered and kinds If a ing tira r during prohibited hours, apd | Shorties od ig i od o com- irs Jou want a New Dress be » a plea of guilty, thin 3 ood ' grew | come here before buying h, we Promise you a treat in Way of new ideas, in * Dress and T wae | Materials. . wrt ie cr Big Range - of Em- 1 The Fear of Grip Makes P Nervous. There is no remedy in the wo meets the conditions produced grip better than Peruna. Peruna strengthens as it re goGthes while it stimulsteg, he expurgates. Tt reaches the source of all dis the mucous membranes by it on the vaso-motor system of ner After-Effects of the Gri Every person who has had Ii during the last year should course of Peruna. The grip has produced catar flammation of the whole mueou brane, and good health is im until these are restored to a nor: dition. This Peruna will do. A great many remedies ha suggested for this condition fr« to time, but Peruana is the only that has gained great popul: these cases. It has seldom failed to give tion during forty years' experie still ocompies the unique pos being the leading and most g used remedy for the after-ef Ia grippe. COAL! 'The susiden in wea a to wisaom pu im Coal. seli good Uoml. ite the kind f mouey can there is none better mined. We deliver 1t to you clehn without slate, gt ery bot Prices, | BOOTH & CO., Phone 133. Foot of West BRITISH - AMERI! HOTEL KINGSTON - - ONT Has undergone |. alteration Is now open to the tra wublic. W. TELEER + + Prop Cheapest Place in K ston for Boots ai Clothing Is at the foot of Princess S ave just received a fresh of new Boots, which I will s greatly reduced . Remember the place. A. LIEBERMAN 39-21 Princess St. THE TENAC LOAN & INVES T SOCIF' ESTABLISAED 1863, President--Sir Richard Cartw: Money loaned on Qity and Farm perties. Municipal and County | Lures. Mortgages rchased, De received and interest allowed. S &.- McGill, Managing Dire Office, 87 Clarence Street, Kings! New England Chir e: Restaurant 331 Kine sir Op eh from 10.30 a.m. to 3.00 | The best place to get an all Lunch in the city Meals of all on shortest notice. English and ©) Dishes a specially. "Phone, 655. Wm. Murray, Auction 27 BROCK ST, . New Carriages, Cutters, Har etc., for sale Monument: Foreign and Domestic Granite @arble, Large stock to choose fro; Jowest possible prices. dames Mullen Opp. Y.M.C.A. 372 Princess to be

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