that ef Imer, «1. asily : The EXCLUSIYE FURRIER not | 78-80 Brock St. Phone 709 dress The Diamond Mont h Ihe Birthstone for April is the Diamond. During a whole Lifetime no other gift carries quite the same pleasure as a Diamond Ring. Being indestructible it does pot grow less in beauty. Our stock of Diamonds consists eof First Grade Stones. SMITH BROS, rat- If you wish to be successful at- Ping tend The ent 3 2 She Kingston Business sly College We Liratted, head of Queen street ' mes Canada's Highest Grade les, business school. Book-keeping, and shorthand, typewriting, teles lac graphy, and all com- mercial subjects thoroughly taught rou by comptent, experienced teachers. ue- Day and nicht classes. Enter at any time. Rates very moderate, "Phone, 440. H. F. METCALFE, President. J. BE. CUNNINGHAM, Secretary. A PBR, | e er emerges WEN AND WOMER. 'se Rig @ for anestrus) ; dine inflammatic he tation s or icant es of mucous merbrane, Painlse, and not asir'n an Pent or poionona. $190. or 3 botihe ne ih. "sat on reuse. 4 st $Dr. Brock's Gelebrate sg Period! . orig dioal Pills rete he BEST DRU pees Steet. Mailed on § * « | SeIIsIeIeIsISeIIRRSITS SHI ITRIsNeee New Spring Goats, "| New Spring , Dress Goods 0 Our showing is entirely different from any other in this City. Here you will find exclusive styles con- - | fined to us only, Seest > Extra big range of New Spring x Coats from | $5 Each and Up. Dress Goods is one of our lead- ing departments. We take a pard- onable pride in the showing our novelties for spring. | g Tweed Suitings In a wonderfully large | variety | at 39. a yard and up to $1.50 a yard, in the lighter weight materials our range is most com plete. All the desirable weaves in the wanted shades at from 25c. to $1.25 a yard. If you want a New Dress be Sure and come here before buying and we promise you a treat in | the way of new ideas, in « Dress | Materials. Big Range - of Em- broideries, Laces ~~ And Insertions. P.S.--WeStoreand Insure Furs, * New Carvings Cutters, Harness, lowest possible prices. The Fear of Grip Makes People Nervous. There is no remedy in the world that meets the conditions produced by the grip better than Peruna. Peruna strengthens as it removales, goOthes while it stimulates, heals as it eéxpurgates. ? Tt reaches the source of all diseases of the mucous membranes by its action on the vaso-motor system of nerves. After-Effects of the Grip. Every person who has had Ia grippe during the last year should take s course of The grip has produced catarrhal in- flammation of the whole mueous-mem- brane, and good heslth is impossible until these are restored to a normal con- dition. This Peruna will do. A great many remedies have. beer suggested for this condition from time to time, but Peruana is the only remedy that has gained great popularity in these cases. It has seldom failed to give satisfac- tion during forty years' experience and still occupies the unique position of being the leading and most generally used remedy for the after-effects of 1a grippe. ~ Was. 'Alarmingly 'Afflicted With La Grippes Cured by Pe- ru-na. - By W. H. Paroons is Ex-State Senator and Ex Special Judge of the Supreme Court of Texas, and was also Brigadier-General in Confederate Army. In a recent letter from 925 H stréet, N. W., Washington, D. O., this prominent gentleman says: «Upon the Fosonnendution of Berscas] ricnds sud many strong monials as ™ the in the treatment of the numerous the afflicted for one week. ah pecially good ia toning up the stomach and has had a decided effect upon muy sppetite. 1 therefore feel much encouraged that i am on the road to complete restoration. "My numerous friends in Texas, where I have had the honor to command a brigade of her Veteran Cavalry in a four years' war, may accept this vol- untary testimonial to the merits of Peruna as a sense of obligation on my part for its wonderful eflicacy."--W. H. Parsons. No Time Like the Present. scribed for me. If you are suffering. from the after- effects of la grippe--if you have become discouraged in your attempts to cure yourself with other treatinents, take a bottle of Peruna now. A bottle of Peruna taken during the beginning of the disease is worth more than a dozen bottles after the trouble bas become deep-seated. La Grippe Affected Lungs. Mrs. Olive Cushman, Fonda, writes: "Two years ago | was takon very sick with la grippe. 1t started on my lungs. Our home physician did all he could for me, but it did me but little good. I then wrotéd'td 'Dr. Hirtman and he pre- been to me." » Pe-ru-na, a Good Medicine for La Grippe. ' Mrs." Wis., writes: Ia.,| "Iamallright. the time I wrote you. 1 followed his advice and my cure is permanent, I am sure. 1 have a good appetite, sleep well and enjoy life. I am so happy to be well once more, 'A friend in need is a friend indeed,' and such a friend bas Peruns Louisa Eastman, Lancaster, Ido not think I need any more treatment. I am able to do my own work which I could not do at My cough is gone, my appetite is good, 1 sleep good, and my bowels are all right. 1 think Peruna is 4 good medicine for the grip," the best mouey ¢an buy, there is none better mined. We deliver 1t to without slate, gt prices, BOOTH & CO., Phone 133. Foot of West St BRITISH - AMERICAN HOTEL KINGSTON - - ONTARIO Has undergone |. alterations and Is now open to the travelling wublic. W. TELEER 4a Cheapest Place in King: ston for Boots and Clothing Is at the foot of Princess Street. ave just received a fresh stock of new Boots, which I will sell at greatly reduced Remember the A. LIEB 39-21 Princess St. Proprietor ace. THE TENAC LOAN & INVES i apy. ESTABLISAED President--Sir nl Cartwright Money loaned on Qity and Farm Pro- perties. Municipal County Deben- tures. Mortgages rchased. Deposits received and interest allowed. S €.- McGill, naging Director. Office, 87 Er Ménaging birecto ered ents treet, Bugston, New England Chir ese Restaurant 33 Kine strest Oy eis from 10.30 aon. to 3.00 a.m. The best place to get an all round Lunch in the city Meals of all kinds on shortest notice. English and Chinese Dishes a specially. "Phone, 655. Wm. Murray, Auctioneer| 27 BROCK ST, | ete., for sale Monuments Foreign and Domestic Granite and @arble, Large stock to choose from at di James Mullen ¥ the yard, « Opp. YM.C.A. 372 Princess St. | Calvin Jackson to he Ap: ROYAL SHOES FOR MEN Hand in hand with "style goes wearing quality. This together with the choice lea- places these goodsin the front rank of shoe perfection. $5.00 a Pair ther and superb workmanship ¥ See our Royal Spring Styles F. H. DEACON & CO., Members of Toronto Stock Exchange STOCKS, BONDS AND ~ INVESTMENT SECURITIES Long Distance Correspondence Invited 6753 anaorss 72 West King Street, TORONTO An Important Sale of ~~ Dress Goods That No Careful Buyer Should Miss On Thursday, April lith } 8 400 yards $1.25 and $1 Grey Suitings at 75c. and 59. | You'd readily pay $1 and $1.25, and consider them good value, when as a matter of fact it would be the same quality as we offer TO-MORROW at 75c. and 58c. per yard. 400 yards New Spring Dress Tweeds, in light, medium and dark mixtures, ovexr-plaids, checks and stripes, guaranteed All Pure Wool, also black dnd white shepherds, checks and ¥ plaids, 50 to 56 inches wide, this is the best snap of the seasoff. So come early. $1.25, for 75¢c. and $1, for 59c. | per yard. i THE JAMES JONSTON STORE: "100 Wallingtan Street. Gommall, | Ont., April 10.--Fourteen and: about a dozen A, at have started work at 3 's Teland, three miles ahove Cornwall, which is, to-day, practioal- ly owned by en 'who are be- lieved to be closely connected w th the Pittsburg Reduction company. It is givén out that the t She party is making a survey aud ouring topographical map. "Haid to include | summer Libis Hii X oly race tracks, casino, and an electric railway of ten miles around the island. As the island is sitoated at the foot of the Long Sault rapids, exceptional scenic ad- vantages are ol . Attorney J.C. Crapser represguted the New Yotkers in euring the property desired. How- ever, it is shrewdly suspected that the summer resort is 'only a side issue, and that there is a big project afoot to dam portions, if not all, of the great water power. Of course, this is only surmised, but gentlemen who should know more than they care to miles. ON ALCOHOL CONTROVERSY. Manifesto of English Physicians Arouses Opposition. London, manifesto in defense of alcchol pub- lished in the Lancet last week over the signatures of sixteen of the most dis- tinguished medical men in Great Bri- tain has aroused a controversy that rows mote strenuous duy by day. fhe substance of the manifesto lies in these two deelarations : "Recognizing that in prescribing al cohol the requirements of the indivi- dual must he the governing rule, we are convinced of the correctness of the opinion so long generally held that in disease alechol is a rapid and trust- worthy restorative which in many cases may be truly described as life- preserving; owing to its power to sus- tain cardiac and nervous energy, while preventing the wasting of nitro- genous tissues. oy "Asan article of diet wehold that ths universal belief of civilized man- kind that the moderate use of aleohol, in beverages for adults is usually Befie- ficial is amply justified.' The signers of the manifesto ex- pressed the belief that these opinions were shared by the leading clinical teachers and the great majority = of medical practitioners. The teetotalers are now endeavoring to show that this isnot true. They object tremendously to the declaration that it is the uni- versal helief of civilized mankind that the moderate drinker usually gets food out of his tipple. They say claration is both untrue and cheeky. Without doubt the controversy will re- ceive considerable attention in America before it is? quieted. OWES CURE TO ZAM-BUK. Prominent Manager's Testimony. D. R. Gourlay, advertising manager for the well-known piano firm of Gour- lay, Winter & Leeming, Toronto and Winnipeg, is amongst the prominent men and women who testify to Zam- Buk's great curative power, He writes to the company as follows : "Gentlenien,--I have pleasure in stating that upon the recommenda- tion of a relative I purchased a box your remedy (Zam-Buk), and by a few applications entirely cured a very Telling severe sprain of the back. While not given to indiscriminate use of, or be- lief in, patent medicines, 1 ean con- scientiously recommend Zam-Buk. "Sincerely yours, "(Signed) D. R. Gourlay. That is just where Zam-Buk proves its superiority ! It is treated by men and women who have tried it, as al- together different to ordinary prepar- ations. Doctors, hospital nurses, trainers, matrons. of convalescent homes--all give Zam-Buk a good word; and better still, they use it. Zam-Buk is as good for muscular stiff- ness, sprains, rheumatism and sciati- ca as it is for skin troubles. Baseball players and dthletes in general find it invaluable. For spring eruptions, pus. tules, scalp sores, itch, eczema, ulcers, boils, abscesses, = blood poison, cuts, burns, bruises, and abrasions, it isa speedy cure. Takes the soreness out of wounds almost instantly, and kills all disease germs, thus preventing fes- tering and inflammation. All drug. gists and stores sell at &0e. box, post free from the Zam-Buk Co., Tor- onto, for price, 6 boxes for $2.50 Send le. stamp for trial box. Lake Rate Increases Are Accepted. Milwaukee, April 10.--Representatives of the American insurance companies doing business on the Great Lakes have accepted the agreement made some time ago hy English underwrit- ers. This increases the rates from 4% to 41 per cent., raises insurance valua- tions from $10 to 848.50 a pross ton and provides that losses must exeoed 8500 before the upderwry are liable, The season's business will thes written before the vessels sail, in Yiaw of this agreement. Y Ta Not less than 370,000,000 pounds of copper wire were in tise on the' num- erous telephone lines of the Belle-com- panies in America last year. Your Hair At Home? with ep Dh De ror wher alenol ag MG Long Sault rapids, and make hore a' talk about, hint at a big power merger afte covering all the St. Lawrence power on both sides of the river for many April 9.--That remarkable de-{ The Jtems Temperance, decreeing that all keep it at home on your head, not Jrisonce hanged "herself in rested, last November, for taking part in the Pea for .the robbery, on Octo- . UN SMART Boy gy DER SI Tr ston & ian Bron iat ms hand 2% PRAY: Sample Bren approved agent. Cavers Gata SPRING SUITS TO MAK men, your own elo! oth and gis Ajecs bey aud well. Galloway, The 'Tailor, 181 Brock street. HELP WANTED-FEMALE, A PLAIN COOK, REFERENCES quired. Apply 817 University Ave. CHAMBERMAID AND KITCHEN girl. Apply at once to Hotel Con- gress, King street. ; A COMPETENT TOOK AND HOUSE maid. Apply in he sv evening to Mrs, Calvin, 181 King street AT ONCE, GIRLS TO = aN d department. Mrs, Ey M. PMitohell, 78 78 Broce gt LXPERIENCED HOUSEXRBEPER look r rooms and cook fof ten . Apply Box ington," King street Wes s i RC £ 7 AT MME. ELDER'S, 253 PRINCESS St., Cor. Sydenham, young Ladies to learn the art of d ing, cuttin ay 2 Jneasure. designing, trims ming WANTED-GENERAL. A SMALL LIGHT SKIFF, IN QOOD repair. Apply office. giving ful! particulars, including price. YOUNG MAN, INEXPERIENCED, DE- sires farm employment, state wages, Apply to 475 street. JR. G. W. BELL, VS, moved to his brick block, Clarence street, Post Calls tv promptly at to. MARRIAGE LICENSES. C. 8. KIRKPATRICK, Marriage Licenses, "Phone, 568. ISSUER OF 42 Olarence St. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Gathered About the Wharves. The schooner Bertie Kalkins arrived at Oswego, Tuesday, at 5.30 p.m., and will retufn with coal. The schooner Tradewind did not clear for Uswego yeste rday, as was ex- pected. The vessel is now lying in the harbor, awaiting favorable weather. Capt. Roys, of the steamer Aletha, says the boilers on his new hoat were The steamer Island Wanderer is al- most ready for the season's work, and will be put on the Kingston-Cape Vin- cent route shortly, The tug Emerson has had a thor- ough overhauling at the government dry dock, and has had a damaged plate replaced. The tug is now ready to go into commission for the sum- mer months, i The steamer Mississquoi, on the ways at the Kingston foundry, has received a thorough overhauling and her boilers have been changed. Whe steamér will make her , no ab- out the 15th, @ © James Henry Smith, who were go- some The steamer Jessie Bain has receiv- Ein aronnd the werd, a germ, ed an overhauling in Davis' dry dock, will sail to-day for 'New York, via | After a s labor in one lahgratory and had new planks fitted whero she San Francisco and will 'take his dead | the yer was dis- was cut through in the ice entering body with them. Jt has heen covered, and it is now embodied in Anglin's bay last fall. 1 known that there is reposing in the Newbro's CW bald- The steamer Now Island Wanderer safe of a London fp of lawyers a {nessg stops falling hair and speedily and tug Emmerson left the govern- | ij} recently made the deceased |eradicates - he 7 9 ment dry dock, last night, and the | hat disposes of m $75,000,000 es- steamer New York will enter for slight f4 repairs prior to leaving for Lake Erie |; ing summer, The steamer Wolfe the steamer New York from Ports- mouth, where she had been wintering, to the government dry dock, where she is to be dried off for slight re- pairs before leaving for her trip west. The schooner Davis' dry dock, to-day, for repairs. The steamer Iona will enter Davis' |?! dry dock, next week, for repairs. The Davis' Dry Dock company is making ready to ship a fifty-foot |© steam yacht for Muskoka waters, to' be used in passenger trade there. She is for Rohert Johnstone This is the second yacht this company has built for this gentleman. Calgary, Alta., April 10.--The Ro- man Gatholic clergy are waging war on secret societics. Recently the 'or- ders of Eagles and Elks were placed under the ban and Sunday Father Culerier, parish priest, denounced the Knights of Pythias and the Sons of good must leave these brother- t Catholics hoods. She Hanged Hérself. St. Petersburg, April 10.--A womad the SS, stor and Poul fortress. She was ar: of the eashier of the custom ber 274 house here, $193,000 being secured by F - monuments, It is 'expected that the Royal Cana- tive on the council. port that the announcement of effect upon the subject of art through- sible that the exhibition, widow and the rest of the party of 8t. Catharines, . Ont, il 10.-- County Jurige Carman, in his etl thd civic bribery charges, 5 Ol [ ia in jon lara. Youell is inl Cy inde allow] Rimalf ing compemy. of the Asphalt Block. company, because vach suspected: the other. fences, gardens, ete, anchors and then BLACK BILE WATCR B Ei auiachen A atliched. ae lt ute Please leave at TEN DOLLAR BILL, BETWEEN Ordnance and ~ Anderson © Bros', Finder return Whig Grocery, pl through office and receive re- DWELLINGS STOR! at MeGanae 5 Broek a PASTURE FOR COWS, IN FIELD, formerly known as Mrs. Sullivan's pastube, Apply to Truman Potter, 680 Montreul strest. TWCSBATED SOLID BRICK RE gti TE Rae, but now ed SE tial; Apply at 49 BY PRIVATE Household E 185007 00 TF A ne Coal Oil Tank. Sor A Medley's Drug DELIVERY Harness and Princess and Ui PRAM HOUSE, IN WEST END, 74 ES Said. "Kenly Kaul 032A VamNISHED 4) pd RT ; street. Hosidenes lot hy =) Eat Apply" FE t Apply 840 Albert street. BRICK DWELLING, NO. 181 DIVISON roma, extension din- BHAQUS 431 JOHNSON ST, IN ni nm, 79 od. pair, all modem. dmbrove- dow ments, furnace and ate. Apply to R. Neabit, 837 debe LOST OR STOLEN. son street. RED COUKER, (FEMALE) AN FAIRVIEW, "MACK _ ST, FACING smers to of "'Dorle." Victoria' Park. Garden, Hipdern "cou. con Site rice ese." 9 this ee Tp oe: on Hy io 1st, after this notice will be prosecuted. FOR SALE OR TO LET, Purdy, 428 Princess street. 81 KING STREET, CORNER EMILY St., commodious residence, 1l-rooms, hot water, furnace, all modern econ veniences, stable and house, facing Macdonald and City Parks. Formerly occupied by W. F. Nickle, Rent, $500, free of taxes, for a term of years if desired. Apply to J. 8S, R. McUann, 51 Brock street. LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND ASL0BR Fire Insurance 57 la Available Ste: S81. 861, AT) a re ion $+} COUNCIL OF ART. RNR gr Canadian GYverhment Will Estab. | lish One. : Montreal," April 10.~Great satisfae- tion is felt in the anneuncement made by the government at tho opening of the Royal Canadian Academy of Arts gallery that the government will ap- point a couneil of art. The members of the academy had been long trying to secure such a council, and their gratification that the council is al- not damaged as alleged in yesterday's [ready partly . formed is very great. Religion simply eens the Thatty - issue. They are perfectly sound, in fine | Mr. Reed, president of the academy, Tite t YH 4 pg vines tas ok: condition and equal to any in ser- said the commission would have juris- mh " 18 no he om aon rene vice. The boat has been ready for ser- | diction over the national collection of bility, but just 1 contrary. It frees vice since Friday last, but cannot go [ort, the nueléus 'of which has already | 6ne from one's letters, Almove one on the bay route owing to the ice. | Peon formed at Ottawa, but which had J upon one's own resources, and The schooner Charlie Marshall' is ex- | never been put on a proper basis. Tt character, courage nnd conscience. : pected here from Charlotte, with a | Will also look after the decoration of Without liberty there can be no large cargo of coal: public buildings, the erection of public | ness of life or divinity of deed. the purchase of works of wrt, by the government, and the like. lian Academy will have a representa- Academicians re: the council has already had a stimulating yut the ddmimion, and it is" quite pos- number of exhibits will w considerably increased by' the next Body From Yokohoma. Yokohama, Japan, April 10.~The ate of Mr. Smith. It was dmwn al- [by er Mr. Smith's wedding in Scotland ports, where she will be used the com- | |,et September to Mrs. William Rhine- | Co, r= Pwo ! sizes, 50c. lander' Stewart. Tt is said to leave jond $1. G. W, special agent. Islander towed | the widow the bulk of the estate. ' Se tm-------------- OPIUM SMUGGLING, Bribery Charges. o be approached by agents of a pav- Bradt and Baugham, da fell through rooked deal on which Balloonists who damage buildings, with dragging sail away without The government steamer Scout ar- ying for the wrty injured, are | left loaded in the daytime and un- rived here, yesterday, to place buoys paying for hops in Eagland. loaded at night. The smugglers then. * in this vicinity. John McKay, asking for removal of | boarded a train at Blaine and pro- Petra. tree in front of his office on Broek | ceeded south, Waging War. street. he doors of paradise. for py Swelve NEW HoysH; ORO oF MACK AND tolte. a had ath Liver. Jictorin Park. dX nl oa it on aay rm 348 Divisn | ply 8 ing Welch, ot May. 1! ply - po Lai ou, Be A NEW HOUSE, NPAR THE COR. ARCHITECTS, of Barrie amd Clergy Se al § bedrooms, 8; bath and closet and i AS YER : & hot water paratus. Several more | ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OF | Fogdog ny Apply to By O fice, Cor. Queen and Bagot streets. WNRY » swim ancmireor. fo, AngmTecr. POWER & SON, ARCHITROT, mn erry, Shang Hank Dulin BE OUR POLICIES COVER er Baie a = Godwis Insurance iy ; 3 There ave still fancy that liberty in ily lease from the old leads to a freedom that is not spirit- ually profitable. No greater mistake cold possitdy be made. Liber; 'ddrose Nz. Cama for tren bern SCIENCE score AGAIN, A Preparation That That Will Destroy Fi the scientific student Fa cerlain remedy" for haa diss. ; Bad Gang Broken Up on British C Vancouver, B.C,, capture of u man "who gives the name of Thomas Smith, a gang of most ex- pert and notorious of opium has been broken up. constructed a shack of 'rough cedar on 'the boundary between Canada and the United States, and put an old man in charge, ostensibl drug was taken from Vancouver to the shack in loads of wood, Knocking the saints will not open] P. By ness NEWLA NS i R fice, second Bg streets. Siren. ian MONEY AND BUSINESS, Liberty, "Not 1 Siotnass - people who igion necessar- means license, and that the re of a creed y in 2 the Dandruff Germ Discovered. % Columbia Boundary. April 10.--With the gang a wood cutter. The which were ---------- Mitges, Chatham, asking license push cart. :