hare an Aa padi Say WA re er ge ret ale rk Sas Av iia dat TF er ma a aN , Ci of Tea 200 Cups of All from one pound of the Blue. Label. The tea will be as strong as you will want it--and it has that rich, pungent flavor for which Red - Rose Tea is noted. : Prove it by ordering a package from your grocer! x CN PEICH Cal | Women al hemselves h hard---gve: | nd then wond [He] i A1SCi lo the ost cases © hen the bo inact] rid nd nn oisons hich h m by ti taken up b Everyone needs create and maintain s the daily round of dut » There is nothing an Ale or Porter, the merit of which has be by chemists, physicia perts at the great exhil Z DOC.) beahie {