(NOW 1S THE TIME TO HAYE] Your Furs Repaired or Made Over -- BY W. F. GOURDIER EXCLUSIVE FURRIER 78.80 Brock St. Phéne 700 P.8.--WeStore and Insure Furs. 0) The Diamond Mont h I'he Birthstone for April is the Diamond. During a whole no ether woift the Same | Diamond Rin Being indestructible it does L£row less in. beauty, Our stock of Diamonds Consists of First Grade Stones. SMITH BROS, Jewelers. Phone 83a Lifetime irries quite Sure as a not Opposite Grand Central Station NEW York CITY, 378 0a tad apres Baggage to es from sta- HOTE L tion free, Gui a free 00 receipt of 2 res {ew To City ERRA------------------------AAA TR = If vou wish t tend The sh to be successful at- Kingston Business College Limited, head of Canada's Highest ¢ Grade business school. Book-keeptn, shorthand, JyPowriting, i graphy, d com- Ly taught ced teachers. Enter at very moderate, mercial subjectg thoroug by comptent, experien Day and nieht classes. any time. Rates {Phone, 440. H. F. METCALFE, Prestdent. J. E. CUNNINGHAM, Secretary. ZR. SAINI York (Chinese Restaurant rincess Street doen 8s 10.30 n.m. to 8.00 a.m he best place to get Mn all round ch in the city Meals of all kinds shortest notice. English and Chinése eS a specialty, Se SE Lh Headquarters For louse Furnishings Ve are better prepared l ever to supply your its in newest style 1se Furnishings, r Lace Curtain ock is larger and more plete than ever and the S are just as reasona- e Curtains at, 25c., c., 50c. a pair. 2 Curtains at 75c., land up to $7.00 a ir. rtain Nets, Curtain ins, Scrims, Drapery n, etc. ass Extension rtain Poles silver or brass ends lete at c. and 19c. ite. Wood Poles com. it 15¢. r Oil Cloth I2}c. yard or Mats, Rugs, and es, all sizes, y 10 THE WANTS OF YOUR FEET can prevent it. We Think We Can. We Always Have. A but stylish, good looking, comfortable shoes. must not wear poor shoes. We Think We Can Prevent It. We Always Have. : Again--the patrons {of this store will too much for their shoes th can prevent it. We 2s Da J. i. Dutheriand & Bro. THE HOUSE OF 5600p SHOEMAKING Weare now housed in our temporary quar- EN rait tmocs Brock Street, neat door to Carviovaiy's | Fruit Store. Come in and see us, . McKelvey & Birch 69 and 71 Brock Street. Grape Fruit, Pineapples Tomatoes and Bananas A. J. REES, 166 Princess Street PeeeseaaenteeaseeeeInesesctsssnssssesees ~ (FOR SALE: ENGLISH PIG LEAD Canada Metal Co., Ltd. Toronto, Ont. | OUR WASH GOODS DEPARTMENT IS NOW AT ITS BEST. itera Laven and India Linons, 10c. yard and up. ot Muslins, at 124c., 15¢. and up to 45c. yard. White Mercerized Waist ng Joe. 1 '20¢. and up to 50c. Yard. Polorsd Muslins, with floral gus, in all colors at 12jc,, s+ 20¢, and up to 50c. yard Perri: "Lawns, for Waistings, 18c., " 20c., 25¢. and 385e. White Swiss Muslins, with Embroidered 'Spots, at 20c. and yard. New Prints, Ginghams, Sateens, Ducks and P. K.s and Drills. Just received another shipment of Val. Laces and Insertions, "in all widths to match, We're always looking after your shoe wants. No patron of this store will ever wear poor shoes if we gain--the patron's of this store]shall wear nothing They never pay buy here. We think we How Verdict of Manslaughter 'Was Prevented-The Jury Dis- regarded the Unwritten Law and the Testimony of the Ex- | perts, New York, Apel 13, 13.~"If it had not sational of any that have marked the conclusion of a great murder trial in "this city. There were times when some of the jurors were near to blows. There were veiled charges and insinua- [tions of undue influence being used, Only one 'man really permanently changed sides, and that was Juror Dennce. All the time, Harney, Steele, Pink and Frazer out for ac quittal, and won over Dennee on the fifth batfle. Of the men for convie- tion Pfaff was the most stubborn. He was for murder in the first degree first, last and all the time. The other six would always have been ready to compromise on a verdict of guilty in a Jesser degreo. The most dramatic incident was the personal clash between Steele and Pfafi. Juror Steele told all about this : "It was the result of persistent insulti insinuations on the part of Juror ff against the minority of the jury which had resolutely stood out for a verdict of not guilty on the that I' was compelled seyerely to take him to 'task. "47 told him in plain language that he must cease; that muse a man did mot see things as he saw them he must wot question the good faith of that other man. He saw that I {meant what I said and that I would not tolerate his hali-veiled insulte any further. After fast I was in Juror Fraser's room, when Plaff en- tered, and something further was said about the matter; and my temper got the better of me and T struck at Piaff and would have floored him but for the interferance of Jurors Fraser aml Brearley. I naturally resented any insinuation that T was unduly in- fluenced by any outside consideration in casting my vote for an acquittal. "About the time the difficulty occur. Valuable Medical Prescription nine. ' Recommended By a Well-Known Toronto Doctor, Whose Love For Humanity is Greater Than His Prejudice Against Proprietary Medicines. The following very valuable pre- scription, by an eminent apd success- ful physician, will be appreciated by many who are suffering from la grippe, cold, cough, pneumenia, or any throat, lung' or stomach trouble, or run-down system, as it is a certain cure, and will save many a doctor's bill. It is almost a certain preventive as well : "When you feel that you are taking cold or have - chilly feeling or aching in any part of the body or head, or feel weak, tired, dizzy, unfit for work, by--and neglecting larger ones, For pain in the head or back of the neck, | instance, Was the opera house really do not neglect these dangerous symip- | needed on Sunday for services ? It toms, .but. go immediately to your | entailed work on the part of quite a druggist and get a bottle of Péyvching | number of men. The churches were (pronounced Si-keen), and prepare as follows : "Pgychine, 2 teaspoonfuls, "Sherry, whiskey or 'water, spoonfuls. 3 "Choice of the latter can be made according to the judgment and prefer- ence of the patient. "Mix thoroughly and take regularly before each meal and at bed-time."' This preseription has been used in thousands of cases and has been so tea- a any of the above troubles, or any run- down, wasting or constitutional diffi. ceremony culty. It is the most reliable and dy bs ite sing on Sand a jitforss- valusble home remedy. It tones up y > & 3 the entire system, giving a feeling of youthfulness and vigor, adding many years to the life of those who use it, "Years ago I was almost a physi- cal wreck and was suffering with lung troubles. Friends and neighbors rE. thought I would never get betfer, I aul coally pau Sent of silver and cut began to"despair myself." Losing faith glass other articles stand as a token of the esteem in which the in my physician, I procured another one who recommended the use of PSY- CHINE. "Ft was surprising bevond descrip- tion the effect it had. 1 seemed to gain with every dose. Inside of two weeks I was able to attend to .my housework again. There are no symp- toms of consumption about me now, "MRS. HENDERSON, John, N.B."" "I had been suffering. from La Grippe. My lungs were "weak and I had a cough, but Paychine cured me. SMBS, H. 'BEAN, "St. 'been dor my with Juror voted for conviction be- | Mafl, which resulted a a the breaking off of - Whi jurors would have agesed on a i of 'mansla 'the second degree of that iam, or » That was nd by Juror F. tee er, en proceeded a re kble expert hy the Torro, fo el it dear that 'nine experts testifying universally successful that a number Eliza Shillington, Lake, and Wil- of leading physicians regularly pre- liam Auderson, B ere auarried scribe Psychine in their practice for at the residence of parents, ane and eight ex- he was sane, N ha experts, per- ol "know any more about ib on old h Her recital, "though impressive, considered in connection as to its pos- sible pr the mind of Thaw. "In ta nly all the twelve jurors 'believed that Thaw was guilty of murder, but most of those who voted in favor of agquittal did so on the ground Ahat he was insane when he fired the bullets into the body of Sta a on the night of Jupe 25th in favor of acquittal be- lieved 4 he did not know the na- ture and ily of the act or that the act was wrong, and their opinion was founded more REL WASTED JIATE, 20ST. , FOR SALE "ac STRONG BOY, APPLY DAVID M | LADY'S GOLD WATOH AND FOB, | GENDRON BICYCLE. APPLY A TR : on worning, Finder please office. " 5 Ty return to Whig office? ly olen. oe . AN' OPPORTUNITY FOR A C-8 YO auinens and cut- | PAIR (OF GLASSES, IN CASE, ON TA ads Rie Pls Ey Thos. en nday, on forne St., petween . ant Tailor, Princess Ste Chapman and Clergy Sts, Finder ain - please retuzn to this PRIVATE SALE wry STOVES AND. z AY. urniture for three Hays, from 10 A OE AE POR SALE UR 10 LET 1 wma a7 Syacaion $7 Fog Sample free to approved - > agent. Cavers ., Calta, PIANO A' FINE MASON & RISCH for $245, on Susy payment ------ NEW, JOUSE, COR. OF MACK AND street, near Victoria Park. terms. 3 Bego! '|A BRIGHT YOUNG BOY TO Assis f lve t . ApPIY 1a Win, Ar BopYmen _-- 7 gi in packing room of Knitting ply nb io N Period By J 5 Fi atroots . A 3 " wages, splendid chance street. % -- 4 Apply 0% Ro clngatop Hosiery Oo Ring FRAMB HOUSE, IN WEST END, 7, G3 pi TO-LET. rooms, good cellar, shed and 4 Eo FARM HELP. MAN WHO THOROUGH. Hors lot 3050. Apply Box "A. Op * su understands care of dairy herd DWELLINGS, STORES, " ol OFFIOES,- 3 kinds of thoro! etc., at McCann's, 51 Brock street,' who could do rou bred TS carpenter work GRAVE mw PLOTS FOR SALE ih avely ta Dr. . A, Black | pgp SHOP AND WORK-SHOP, 199 Christ church Cemetery, Cats ngstong Wellinglon Sty Apply So 243 Alfred whe ie Sy Siesta or, or street. ardens Bart. Lancaster and at SPRING SUITS 10 MAKE GENTLE. Elliott, Cataraqui. . cheap 3 te suit 'made. Style, HOUSE No. ty" Michal DI st, oi sis price guaranteed. Pressing iW ro Thy Michael on, Gan- | 4 10 BORE DOUBLE BARREI SHois ny reobin HD) well Galloway, anogue, Ont. Suny almost Dew. Fine change as . o - - purchase a good gun chea The Tai A coupLE or or ICES OVER THE. Teasous wiven for selling. yp be rae HELP WANTED-FEMALE, Clarence St. Apply to J B. Walkem, gf Y J oe A PLAIN COOK, REFERENCES RE: | FAIRVIEW, MNACK ST., FACING | BRICK HOUSE, 7-ROOMS, 009 OU quired. Apply 817 University Ave Victoria Park, Garden, modern cone buildings, and 8 acres Karden | land, TAL Yearly ten- in high state of cultivation, aan youu A COOK. APPLY TO MRS. BROWN. ant OR od Possession May 1st, limits of city. For particulars, apply Apply 840 Albert street: to 244 Victoria street, BRICK sree, wel. soame. NO. a 1 DIVISON field, Cor. Wellington and Union Sts. %o A COOK. APPLY IN THE EVENING to Mrs, Howard Sy Folger, 56 West er SOLID 4DRICK 1rd Ban SE Asp 7 street, oom grou ls, number 1 1 St, foi 2 sili py i Ren Fi first of Al Ta occupied by the late W. R. Mor % LAUNDRESS AND HOUSEMAID, AW eich, Fo. 0 ly now occupied adie General Hospital, Apply 7 to 9 io hes, Fa lot on cloak, FR OR UNF Hip | south of . le oe ry a : Damn Clubll; SIT an Sati Cungingham A MAID FOR GENERAL Bouse Five miniites Walk' from Fost. Office, dors' ath, J9 work, in a small family. pply in Wo INIPFOVOMPONU | odes -- the evening to 199 William street. ates, Apply 986 Well ve « ARCHITECTS. A GENERAL SBERVANT. MUST BE 3 upon' the letters od. cok. References renuired. Ap- | 51 KING STREBT, CORNER FMILY | eee oe ground Sq Jeng rae, rie and will of Thaw and his appearance Py in the evening, at 161 King St. ly water, furnace, oll de gon: ARIHUR aS, ARCHITE it of pis minority, and made the principal oh- in court than upon the testimonv of a GOOD GENERAL SERVANT: NO yentences. stable and coach house, ES ject of his insinuations as 'to the good il £0 of W Jasin "Apply inthe evening * to acing Macdonald and "ty Xe | 1ENRY P. SMITE 0 Te . * Formerly wy W. Nickle, , _ARCHITE faith df those of the jury who could | "HFer (FEO Said : "1 don't be- rs. TT. Robertson, 83 Rent, A Building, 'Market Square, | not ses the evidence. through his eyes. a of the jury at any time rr Union Ste. of years if desired. Ly to J, 8. Wigs: Su These insinuations began shortly after believed Tw yn Thaw's story. It de- R. McCann," 51° Brock street. : i Suit th fA begin | eloped in the discussion in the jury [AT MME. BLDER'S, 258 PRINCESS POWER & SON, AR ba o ugEest . St., Tr. ¥ ' Mae 3 ue bh "| room that the thost damaging piece St., Co > nba nding LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE chant's Bank Bult corner deliberations with prayer and there f evid s that Th had to learn the art of « £. Fire Insurance Company, JAvailable and Wellington stree rn. "Phone; 2 after promptly cast the first ballot to nly 50° bin ol ow ha wrap cutting 'oy measure, .desiguing, trim wasste $61,187,315. in Sedition ta od a mt some flowers ming in three months. wh take Kay 3 mab a tlife. hat there [whith he had sent Evelyn Nesbitt oe eee . security the Pd Wabiity ot wi of 'all Wa _REWLANDS. ARCRITROT, OF- were members on the | ury who did not days after he wet her. This showed soon oo ad rl LE Sha Stockbokiers. oo . Poudiiie » Store, corner Prince and Tingot I Cd ] that his attentions toward her were gos ¥. Catholic Clergys rates. Before renewing old atving streets, Entrance on' Bagot street, shave his views and would not cast country rectory, by Cath x J otes 'with 'him & d Thaw to the |mot honorable." man. No objection to widow with Dow 'business get Inte trom. Strasge Phone, 608. votes with him to sen aw to the ee ------------ boy 'of ten or twelve : : wages - fair, & ange. Awents pe------------ electric chair, he became offensive, Suit For Little B work light. Apply to Box "J. F, | se " ¥ and as the voting and deliberations . oy. B.,'" Whig office. MONEY AND BUSINESS. VETERINARY. lengthened into hours and still no gery - agiesment; his allusions to the pos WANTED--GENERAL. OVR POLICIES COVER JMORB ol "moved toh lock, on Ny gometiod 0 She JY BE ERSON TO ADOPT A sompany "tors: Examine. 'thet a4 Sn a, setphont To SOME PERS ing fixed me. sv ohmoxions OY hy baby girl, 4 months old, at Sogwina Jasurance Bmporium, Marke tly gon 2 The distinguishing féature of the Iit- tle boy's suit pictured is in the braid trimmi which ornaments the front of the little blouse. The suit is prac- tical for almost any material, wheth- er cloth or linen. A more dressy mod- el made after this di was of white imported brilliantine, Sn. as and em- broidered in white and pale blue, the embroidery in an emblem worked on the shield and sleeve, ---- LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. Was It Necessary ? Kingston, April 16.--(To~ the tor): The Lord's Day food organization and the writer auds it for work of a desirable type, But it is worrying over a small mats ter--the opening of the post office lob- Edi- Alliance is a available and were quite capable of keeping the evangelists busy. But some ove will say it was for a good cause, All right; so is a sacred con- cert in the opera house. The yuestion to my mind is, Were not men made to work on Sunday, and unnecessarily so? Work it out Yours, SABBATH OBSERVER, . -- Married Oa April 10th, On Apfil 10th, at eleven o'clogk, Miss Mr. and Mrs. John Stillen. A very The bride was gowned' in white alba- tross, trmmned with all-over Jace. Miss Susie Shillington, sister of 'the bride, acted as bridesmaid, and William God- kin as best man. Only the immediate relatives were present, The mmuerous young people are held by their many friends. The young people left for an extended trip through the states. W. Trickey, Arnprior was tried for house-breaking. He" was discharged, as it appedred he bad taken too much firewater . and made a mistake in lo- cating a friend's house, with. whom he was staying. A Bi Delta, on place 3 at 28 William street. TEMPORARY POSITION AS STENO- MARRIAGE LICENSES. MEDICAL. apher or office assistant, by 's student i well qualified, or | 0. 8. KIRKPATRICK, ISSUER OF | DR: McCARTHY, Hono ET stenographic 'work by t ne dour, Apd Marriage Licenses, Clarence St, Tidy oll ind ply ox "H.," Whig o 'Phone, The Paragraph Pulpit REV. ©. Wo akSSON, OTTAWA +3 SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTRWEST, [Mougarzan REGULATIONS. .~, a Lande' numbered section of Vomingg, ---- Have Faith In Yourself. Have faith in yourseli !| Have faith in your own power your own thought, your own opinion, your own convic- in Manitoba or the Norther +9 § at Pr ae, saeehting 8 and 26, Dot tion of the right and true. You are reserved, be howmesteaded by sufficient .in yourself for every task person the i lo hend of a family, or swig) that God puts before you. You have Aen of age, 10 the extent ors. power to do the deed, to speak the or less, . asies, om a word, to resist the temptation, to Application for homestead entry or orine] achieve the noble, to compel victory. Abpiicant at. the jade in pe reson, the If any man tells you that you are ~ . loeal inherently weak and helpless, believe , ion for entry or uth oon pn him isd he but-utters a libel and 8 H H ti | ads phivcinlly at any local Kpent by the lie. You are not weak. You are strong ouse un ing | Sub-agent, at. the o3bunas --strong enough to do and dare all, plicant, and i the 1 pd spied. | SET strong enough to stand alone, strong | Isnt Necessary when you can drop aPpiation is ihe Bo nga and sthe enough to live the life divine. Have | into our Office, 151 Wellington |land will be held until the fuith in yourself ! street, and learn particulars of PADIS 12 omblste the transaction » all good Houses For Sale in town, We make no charge for furnishing In case be Ye ; Address Mr. Casson for free litera. imma cancel ture. information, See Partial List Below. Brick Dwelling, suitable for Office or Shop, corner Montreal and Queen Sts., lot 38x66. $1,200 Frame Dwelling, sémisdetached, George St, $1,100 Frame Dwelling, semi-detached, George St. $700 Frame Dwelling, segi-detached x George Stu entr, $500 Frame Dwelling, Weuwl-detached, or voluntarily a George St. Institution the 1 Si og we Applicants for dusfios . Catherine St. St. $825 Frame Dwelling, St, $900 Rough-cast Dwelling, Nelson $3800 Stone Dwelling Barrie St. $1,800 Stone and Brick, Dwelling, Barrie my t. CURE ok Rgtnche Mache and reliévoall the troubles tne a Te ran] sett Seg. { 33, 400 Brick Dwelling wnd Bara, Brock boi Pain in the &e. their moe Modern pPoveien shown in curing $3, 006" Brick Belt ng. and i Broek it way Dutios--A settler is form the Sonditions under ome follow: St., Modern Lmprovements, $4,150 Brick Dwelling, Brock St., ern Improvements, Mod 'wemake our great others do not. Osrter's Little Liver Pills are very small and A Ee pau by % a aD eeforths Soa. aot or sent by mails JCARTER MEDICINE CO., Now Yorly Small BL Small Dow mall Prion $2,800 Brick Dwelling, Queen St., Mod- Seadacha, yet Ourtory Little Liver fle are ern Tmprovements. equally Conmtipation, Pre- | 22.800 Brick Dwelling, Division St. Soniing Shisannoying com whils ie Modern Improvements: : only $2,650 Brick Dwelling, Alfred St., Mod. ern Improvements. : $3,800 Brick Dwelling (double), Barrie St., Modern Improvements. $2,600 Brick Dwelling, Bagot St., Mod: ern Improvements. $8,200 Brick Dwelling, University Avy Modern Improvements. $2,850 Brick Pwelling, University Ave. odern Improvements. $2,700 Frame Dwelling, University Ave., Modern Improvements. $3,600 Brick Dwelling, Brock St, Dows ~ Tawn: $1,900 Brick Pwelling and Stable, Mon- real St. $1,500 Brick Dwelling and Stable, cess St. $1,600 Brick Dwelling nd Stable, coss St. £3,000 Brick Dwelling (double), St. ? Prin. Prine Princess Also beautiful Swumer Residence on Water's Edge, 4} acres of Parrots Wanted Have you a talking Parrot to sell ? Tell us the breed, age, color and list of words your bird will say. Write at once stating lowest cash price and address. COTTAM BIRD SEED, 32 Ba thirst St., London, Ont. or uloernsh land, with fine Orchard and Out. buildings. Also iff you have: Money to Loan of estat a png in tie vicinity ol land entered for J Yo. oaths hor requirement. -as su ce upon farming \and Jermancut AL him fn the vicinity of his homestea the idence wren such ay be satisfied Hel B9 he #ix Bon mt Re SE ae the mi mot ods oD sinjon Lands at Ottawa, of his fon te do so. YNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH. WEST MINING RPGULATIONS, Ooal.~Coal Lands may be purchased 10 per "acre for soft coal Foo $320 for. . anthracite. 820 acres ean be company. y cents per ton or ,000 pouvads collected om the gross x Quartz.--A person or over, having disco: lace, may locate & been 'expen on First Mortgage, will place jupon having same for you to bring in per | omplying cent. per annum hali-yearly. J. A, GARDINER. oo Cnty Fed a Sug Cartwright Plo p o Money | loaned .on Farm Proe. cont ob ohne Voi by :