: Tt] PE-FrEce Hit f ; : il 2 » £ hy ¢ 3 fi il hit th ih 5 | i happens to be on the voters' list any- where else cannot vote in Toronto and i 14 i London, April he a tty wedding y armived at St. ry's Parish Joi Scarborough, yester- day, it was stopped at the entrance and the bridesmaids were forbidden to enter, ag they wore no hats, but had simply a wreath of marguerites on their hair. i y The ladies were, of course, dinppaites, but the wodding was not delayed many minutes, for the difficulty was got over by the brides- maids fastening white handkerchiefs on their heads and wearing the mar- over the handkerchiefs. It js 'the ruls of the church that wo- men shall not enter ba h by order of the vicar this rule is now trictlv' enforeed. The female head must have some covering, no matter how slight. Last Searborough seuson when so many women - went y young F§about without hats, a number were ation, and the young men will work the harder if they cannot vote. The attack. upon them--the slight for which there is no justification--will be remembered. ' EDITORIAL NOTES. The Chapleaw acoident is to be en- quired into By a coromer and a jury. Why bas this investigation not al- rendy taken place? What has de layed it ? The district attorney was right when ho said that Thaw waé not men- tally able to direct his counsel. The dismissal of Delmas and others tells its own story. | Mr. Jerome his. heen invited to Jspenk {o the Canadian Club in Mon- treal and will accept. He is one of the most picturesque figures in the public life of America, M#, Foster is wild over the loss of | prestige which he has suffered. The 'Jalleged privacy of the Union Trust's officers is no excuse for his lapses |" om grace. The Thaw jury quarrelled among themselves bocause one of them in- | sinuated that those who advdcated acquittal had been "touched" or "jn fluenced." What ground had Piaf for anaking the charge * : The independent papers continue to | scarify the members of parliament who are seeking to destroy the ibeur- Jance report by their personalities. to Uwir own disadvantage. Y The Qttawa Citizen disciisses the Jbeauty of the women of Bel 3 hs tal, refusod admission to the church. Some overcame the Siffculty by wearing the caps of gentlemen ne companving .thesh while they vietved the historical building, but others were not so fortunate, and regretfully departed. This was the first instance in which the rule hay been enforced with respect to bridesmaids. | Peeps Into Women's Letters. If our readers could , Y. APRIL 17. HEALTH AND BEAUTY anaemia. | grew scarcely walk about the house. I had fno color in mv face, my lips Williams" Pink Pills. Inside of a few weeks after hegining the pills 1 began to w better, an 'y Soon restored ay health, and ny using thefo 1 gained fourteen pounds in ithe 1 can strongly recommend Dr. Will ' Pink Pills to all pale and . girls." ¢ There are thousands of pale anaemic girls and women throughout Canada who should follow the example of Miss Jackson and give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a fair trial. Bright eyes, rosy checks and perfect health would soon follow. When you buy the pills se that the full name, "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People," is printed on the wrapper around each box. Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 50. a box or six hoxes for $2.50 hy writ- fng The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. CAUSE FOR FINE FLAVOR. Best English Sheep Fattened on Snails London, April 17.--"Most people would be horrified to hear that the finest mutton in the world comes from sheep fattened on snails," says a large breeder of Southdown sheep. "Nevertheless, it is a fact. In seasons when snails are plentiful the mutton from our sheep has a delicious flavor, which it never acquires from the most scientific form of feeding. On the con- tinent a diet of snails is a regular cure for consumptives, and is said to fatten and nourish the body in a won- derful way. "There is a popular superstition," he adds, "that the unique and deli- cate flavor: of Southdown 'mutton is due largely to the quantity of wild thyme which they crop with the grass in their pastures. Bat, personally, 1 give the snails the greater part of the credit for the soft, plump flesh and the swestness of flavor in' our cele. brated sheep. So much is this the case that the saying "Good snail year, good sheep year," has become almost a proverb « among shépherds and B. Fi. YOAKUM, Head of the Rock Island railroad, who in credited with the plan, hich, it is ie lieved, will solve the Problem which has disturbed interstate commerce commis. sioners in .their efforts to regulate the railroad rates of the country. ---- The Father's Trait. Dr. Austin, of Quincy, relates the Rochester 'Herald, a few days ago, had three log amputations in a week. The unusual number of serious and similar - operations naturally caused talk in the surgeon's household, and his little daughter, Dorothy, was greatly interested. A few days after the last operation the surgeon's wife and little Dorothy werd rummaging in the attic. In a trunk was found a daguerreotype depiciting a girl of about eight years of age. The por- trait, though a peculiarity of pose, showed only one leg of the subject, the other being doubled up under her in a manner truly feminine. "Whose picture is thal, mamma?' asked Dorothy. "Mine. wer taken when J was a child, ndt much older than vou are now." "Did you know papa then *" "No, dear. "Why do you ask?" "I thought maybe vou did, "cause you've only got one leg." Correcting Grammar. A story is told in Judge's Libro) of a certain little boy in a vi school who had fallen "into the' habit of saying, "T have wrote," and *1 have went." The teacher tried in sev. eral ways to break him of the habit, but all in vain. So one day she had him remain after school and write the two phrages one hundred times each, thinking t in that way he would surely remember to say "'f have writ- ten" and "I haye gone." A few min- utes before he finished his task the teacher was called out of the room- She told him to remain until she re- turned. When she veturned she found on the desk the phrases correctly writ- ten one hundred dimes and beside thems a note saying : "Dear teacher--| have wrote '1. have hundred times and'I "MEN WHO KNOW COME HERE FOR CLOTHES Semi Ready 4 Tailoring Stits and Overcoats readyl; for you to try on, finished and deliyered in two hours. See Our Special $15 Semi- § Ready Blue and Black Suits. Bee our Special $15 Semi- Ready Raincoats. See Our Trousers at ££ $4, $4.50. Our New Chelford Derby Hat is a Beauty at $2.25. Christy's English Hats, $2 to $3.50. ad Dent's Gloves, $1 to $2. The H. D. Bibby Co. 78-80-82 Princess Street. NO OWNER AS YET, Found Hidden in Gully. London, (April 17.---A strange dis- covery of sovereigns, for which, up to the present, no owner can be found, was reported to the Wandsworth Bor- ough council last night, the surveyor, Mrs Marten, stated that a total of- $105 in gold was found by employees of the council in a gully in Clapham Park road on Saturday last. Twelve pounds were found in three separate amounts, the other nine pounds being discovered after a special search. The men who made the strange dis- covery refused to surrender the money at first, but were at length prevailed on to do so. The matter was report- ed to the police, but despite this fact, nobody has yet claimed the money. Alderman Lorden suggested that "the least said the soonest mended," and the subject was dropped. { At Brockville, on Monday, William McEwan, a well-known farmer residing in' Augusta township, passed away al- ter a long illness, in his sixty-seventh year. Besides his wife a family of eight daughters and two sons are left to mourn, namely Mrs. Thomas Jeroy, Rockport; Mrs. (Dr.) Cant, White Plains, N.Y; Mrs. John Dobbins, Misses Mary A, and Beatrice, of New York city; Misses Ena, of Ottawa, and Gladys and Bessie, at home; Edward, of Saskatchewan, and Gordon, of Bos- ton, Mass. Ex-Chief of Police Samuel Adams, Brockville, has left for Winnipeg, where he has secured a position which, if to his liking, will result in his perman- ently locating there. - Sovereigns WHAT DOES IT MEAN ? Dr. Hamilton Gives a Full .and Satisfactory Explanation. Look at your tongue ! Sometimes it's heavily coated, some- mes it's clear and red. .. Study this out and you'll find some interference with the functional activ- ity of the body. is means the bowels are not regu- lar; the liver is sluggish and the blood 18 contaminated, . Strong cathaftic pills act so destrue- tively on the intestines as to provoke deathly sickness; this often frightens Foonle from taking medicine when they badly need it. To the multitude of dangerous pur- gatives now on the market, Dr. Ham- ilton's Pills are a notable exception they neither gripe, cause sickly feeling or headache, yet they cleanse and pur- ify the entire system in one night. No other laxative acts with such mildness and certainty. Giving proper stimulus to the liver and kidneys, strengthen- ing the stomach and lending velaable aid to digestion, it's that such marvelous results accom- pany Dr. Hamilton's Pill : George (YHogarty, of Amherst, N.S_ writes : "Last winter I worked i luinber camp and neglected my health. I was dreadfully constipated and had a headache that fairly made me reel at times. I was sick and miserable, and hadn't the slightest ambition to work or stir around. 1 felt heavy and dull and had a bad taste in my mouth. I sent into the city for Dr. Hamilton's Pills, whith I knew were for my condition. They fixed me up very quickly and have kept me in good condition ever since. ere are other men in the camp that use Dr. Hamilton's Pills also. They say they wouldn't be without" the pills for hy times their * WRITERS' SYNDICATE We extend an invitation to in- Vestors to join us Laking over the first issue of shares, which We have underwritten of a Larder Lake Gold Mining Company at 10 cents per sha the Company has ized and will by ining meén of high est standing. The Company owns 27 well Jocated gold claiins, 1,- O80 acres in all, which have yielded extraordinary gold values, located in the new gold district of Larder Lake, 60 wiles north of Cobalt, New Ontario, which will be systematically developed. Al) investors who juin this Suydi- Cate will share in profits from a ground floor basis, and will par- ticipate in an immediate profit or increase in market value of shares of 500 per cent. Immediately upon the Underwriters' Syndicate being closed "Law & Co. will in their Customary vigorous manner place the shares upop the market by judicious advertising throughout Canada apd the United States at an advance of five times the cost price to the Underwriters yndi cate, in the profits of which members of Jartisipute. he Trusts and © pany, 14 Kin street west, onto, will act as Trustees for the Underwriters' Syndicate in re- ceiving and holding the shares and issuine receipts therefor and also as Registrars and Transfer Agents for the Company. For application blanks and full particulars call upon or address : LAW & CO. 728-729-780-731-782 Traders Bank Building: Toronto, Ont. trars and Transfer Agents Truss and Guarantee Co., 14 King street West, Toronto, Ont. TE -------------------------- WOMEN ARE DEGEN ERATING. At 'Least This is What Clergymen Say. i London, April N7.--Father Bernard Vaughan, the chast of the sins of society, discussing "Justice Plowden's statement that woman's nature is un- dergoing very considerable qualifica- tions, and not for_the better, Said one thing was certain, women were daily becoming not only less religious, but more unreligious. The danger was that, owing to the entente cordiale, they may become like some of their French sisters, irreligious. Archdeacon Sinclair, of London, as heel the de- generacy of woman chiefly ® diink- ing, 'especiglly secret drinking. Noted Were Nearly Dead. Deseronto, Ont., April 17.--A geri- ous case of asphyxiation occurred in the Arlington hotel, here, last night. John Freeman, Jr. HNeseronto, and Harry Ryan, Marysvillo, nearly los- ing their lives. When turning out the gas, owing: to a defective valve, 'they did not stop the escape. When called this morming botk were unconscious and a doctor had to be summoned. Freeman is now conscious: Ryan is still in a precarious condition, but is expected to recover. "Fou hood jt," the wonderful hand foap, ves grease; paint, or ink, like marie Said only Chacon' Red Cross Drug Store. . Thomas Lithgow and. John Black, the two Belleville boys artested - on Jan, 28th, and taken to Watertown, -X, to stand trial on charges of bur glary, have. been discharged. Chief Newton wired fo held them if they would comsent to Be extradited ta Belleville. The prisoners would not censent and were allowed to go. Unless e and eurect bh applied the patient om sn the discase is fastened We believe Lydia E. Pinkham Com d is the most efficien for chronic kidney troubles and is the ohly medicine pre] for this purpose. 'hen a woman is troubled or weight in loins, backache inful or scalding urination, imbs or feet, swelling under an uneasy, tired feeling in th the kidneys or notices a sedi urine, she Nhuonid Jos 15 ia mencing treatment wi ¥ ham's Vegetable Compontid, be the means of saving her life For proof, what Lyd ham' Vegetable Compound d Sawyer. * I cannot express the terribl had to endure. A derangement organs developed nervous prostr senous kidney trouble. The do me fona year, but I kept getting I was unable to do anything, ant my mind I could not live. 1 fin: to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg pound as & last resort, and I am t an, I cannot praise it too h suffering woman abou Sawyer, Conyers, G Mrs. Pinkham gives free women ; address in confiden Masa DAILY JEWISH CLA To Be Established Here Young. sermon was ing of a Hebrew daily and a Sunday school 1a these schools will be ts « branghes. of Tlebrew. writing literature. and everything Judaise I'he hour p.m. The tion, Josey those pres ng a svnageg near fata The a bly with the singing of "the F tional song, "Hatikroh." CAUSED SENSATI Electric Company Will 3 Stop Gap. Ottawa, April 17.--While Ottaw ¢ dickefing on ruostic $d trying to am Mr. Beck's proposals, lo sources of power and holdi matters in abeyance, the Ot Hull Power company has g of the termination of the a supply the municipal autho power. They do not propos stop gap until the city mal mind to go elsewhe Hutch Induces Slee When the body contains impurities these hmpuriti sorbed by t blood. - Th turn carries them to the they produce unnatural which destroy one's pea One sufiers from hallucina mare, wild dreams in whi goblins try to tear you to all sorts of sleep desftoyi Dy cleansing the body of Hutch will remove all forei from the blood and cons lieve the brain of all th ances, Hutch induces slee \ the organs of the body a and strengthened. Hutch i for ten cents. Zu Isa purely vegetshie h and must not founded with the drug which in almost every i contain opium, morp chloral. Zutoo is a harm Cure for Headad Parrots Wa Have you a talking P Tell us the breed, ge color words your bird will say, W stating lowest cash price an COTTAM BIRD 32 B .tharst St.. Lendo