Walking uitable Now 4.50, 4.99 0 9.00. nce style effects for and made in fects and Ve- ) in Voiles. Coats g are 'now ready his season's popujar , 8.50, 8.75, > 10.00. CK Just Received de, 49c. wide, 49. D and 1.49. 99%. . SILKS. t 75¢. a Yard. . and 1.25, 39. de. Ne, pl RE -------- NT] ) BOOTS | s' BOOTS | H KINDS de Leather, heavy and look, waterproof, and $ to be had. * es I to 5. t for $2, ~~ N\, Oilcloth, Stuffed Birds, Sewim is especially adaptedto § prote¢t you against cold during early spring and late fall. Qur new designs show some handsome effects. $1 UP. 149-153 Brock St.,. Kingston, Ont. 00008006000000000060s TORE A Er = » 10, FRIDAY, APRIL '19, 1907, : a os dn Civic Finance BENURANDA. UR, FUROPE AZ0OT. To p= EXPERIMENT, ¢ Ont., April 18.10 a. Humane Society, Whig Hull, 8 pm, . ° To-day and all the time, Campbell Bros'. Hats ure just right. peel of Mining Auuual Meeting, 8 pon. Tenders for Bath Road Tolls closed to- 2 |. morrow. This day ian history :--Battle of lex- ington, 1775; Lord BeaconfieM died, 1881 ; Peace with Russia proclaimed, 1856. It's very important That all men shoul know The best hats are sold By George Mills & Co. WHIG TELEPHONES 243--Business Office. 229--Editorial Rooms. + 202--Jbdbbing Department. Everything that's printable. Yesterday TOILET SETS We are at present showing some odd quaint shapes, in Old English Designs. Also a large variety of pretty colored sets, from. $1.48 UP. Robertson Bros. House-Cleaning Time Brooms Whisks Stove Brushes X Ray Stove Polish. Sultana Stove Polish Electric Stove Polish Shoe Brushes Scrubbing Brushes Sink Brushes Fibre Pails Wooden Pails Fibre Tubs Wooden Tubs. JAS. REDDEN & CO. BANK OF MONTREAL an rem rai Soo 00 ---- The branch of this Bank at corner of King and William Sts, Has Moved TO CORNER OF KING AND CLARENCE STS. SALE OF VALUABLE BUSINESS PROPERTY BY TENDER TENDERS WILL BE RECPRIVED BY the uadersi until MONDAY, April 22nd, for the purchase of the property known as the 'Golden Lion Block," in. cluding all the land bounded by Welling ton, Brock and Clarence streets. The present rentals amount to more than $2,000 per annum. With a small outlay these can be materially increased. For further particulars, apply " to the undersigned. - A. B. CUNNINGHAM, 79 Clarence street, Vendors'. Solicitor. A NOISELESS CARRIAGE One grade only, that the best, McLaughlin has been our motto for thirty-eight years. His carriages are stylish, substantial and comfortable. They cost a little more than some others, but think of the comfort it is to know that when you go out driv- ing your carriage is not going = to break down before you get back. Then, too, they run easier, last long- er, and are more attractive than a cheaper rig. *Gét one and be in the fashion. For sale at 42 Princess St, Auction Household Furniture 03 Clergy St. W. MONDAY, April 22nd, 10 a.m, 1 will sell the Furniture of Mrs. A, Jackson, Oak Hall Rack, Oak Bookease, Oak Dining Table, Oak China Cupboard, Couch, Carpets, Bedroom Suite, Bureau, Iron Bedsteads, Springs, Mattresses, Feather Bed, Rockers, Fbony, Over- Mantle, Office Chair, Sash Curtnins, Rugs, Ladies' Bicycle, Happy Thought Range, Gas Stove, with Oven, Matting, Machine, Carden Tools, Crockery, (Hass and Tinware. ALLEN, The Auctioneer. 'Chone, 252. Residence, 248 Sydeanam stieet. For 'every variety of Real Estate Bargains and Insurance, go to SWIFT'S REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY. ~TAKE NOTICE Between 's we sell Goods om wéry small profits. That is what £8 Hike. Try us for the fun. TURK" Recond-Hand Store, 898 Princess St. The special committee, which inves- tigated the lumber situation in the west will report that two combines exist. "€helford derby hats, the young men's delight, $2.25, at Bibby's. Representatives of Salvador and Honduras are in conference at Ama- hala, seeking a 'basis for peace. . Seventy-five thousand have Monuments Foreign and Domestic Cranite and Marble, Large stock to choose from at lowest possible prices. Vi JAMES MULLEN Opp. Y.M.C.A. 372 Princess St. SHOULD BE CAPTURED, Villain Who Made Assault on Kingston Lady. assault made upon a young Kingston lady by an unknown man, reference to which was made in the Whig on Wednesday, has caused a good deal of comment in the city, and everyone is deploring the fact that the young lady is - unable to positively identify. her assailant. The night was very dark, and it was snowing hard at the time.. The vircumstances were such as to make idemtification very difficult, The young lady has been suf- fering a great deal from: the shock given her. ; " "The villain should be caught if it is at all possible," said a citizen to- day. "It is a pity that he should be allowed to go after committing such a cowardly act." "If he could have been caught a cold dip in the lake, should have been his first punishment," remarked an- other citizen. The Italy's National Drink. Reckoning from the tax rate on man- ufactures in 1905 there was consumed in Italy 30,465,000 quarts of domestic beers and 8,601,000 quarts of imported beers, a total of 39,075,000 quarts, or four and one-half quarts annually for the adult male population. Thus the Italian use of beer is yet moderate, wine continuing to . be the national drink. In- 1905 Italy produced 2,928, 923,000 quarts of wine, of which 98,- 225,800 quarts were exported. The bal- ance, 2,830,697,200. quarts being con- sumed at home gave a per capita con sumption of 3254 quarts of wine per year for each man of 'voting age. At Oso Station. Oso Station, April 18. ~The farmers are engaged in making maple syrup. A mimber of the ladies gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Bishop where they spent a very social even ing. Mr. Bishop is going to ill the position as cheese maker at Pewworth Most of all the young men have gone to New Ontario and other parts. Born to Mr.and Mrs. Campbell Greer, a daughter, John Conboy and bride passed through herd on Saturday even- ing. Mrs. Robert Burke, of Water- town, is visiting friends here. John Graham is home from New Ontario. To Raise The Steamer." The Brockville Navigation company intend shortly to undertake the work of raising the Victoria, now partially submerged in Tunnel Bay through com- ing in contact with heavy ice last fall. The steamer Brockville will first be fitted out, and with the aid of two scows, it is expected little difficulty will be experienced in pumping her out, When this is done the Victoria will be dry docked at Kingston, where thor ough repairs will be made and a new engine installed. To Put Up Athletic Building. Windsor," Ont,, April 19.--The offic ers of the 21st Regiment have decided on the erection of an Athletic build ing, this summer, as an annex to the Armories. 'A deal is being closed for a site immediately in the rear of the Armories. The building will be a two storey brick structure costing about y! . An Open Secret. . It's an open secret that Campbell Bros" 92 and $2.50 derbies excel "all others for style and quality. Saturday Night Sale. Bananas and. oranges, two dozen for a quarter, from six until ten 'clock; at Carnovsky's, "On the corner." -------- the plague in India in the last 1 $1 shirts. More About The Affairs Of The Colonies. AUSTRALIA DESIRES COLONIAL OFFICE STAFF TO DO SOME STUDYING. What the Colonial Conference is Doing in London--Lord Elgin Suggests the Creation of a Department to Carry on In- termediary Work, London, Apnl. 19.--According to the brief ofheinl announcement, the oo- lonial conference yesterday discussed questions concerning its constitution, and considered the draft of a resolu- tion drawn up by the Earl of Elgin, the colonial secretary, on the subject, which was accepted in principle, though the settlement of the precise terms was held over until Saturday. The conference also considered two resolutions from the commonwealth of Australia, the first inviting the colon- ial secretary to frame a scheme under which the permanent staff of the co- lonial office would be enabled to ac quire more intimale knowledge of the colonies; and the second urging the de- sirability of the colonies being repre- sented "on the imperial couneil of the defence, and" that the colonies be au- thorized to refer to this council for advice in regard to local questions on which 'expert assistance may be de- sired, -It was explained respecting the latter proposal that it is intended to provide means for a more effective dis- cussion of questions relating to, the defence of the empire, It was 'learned from another source that Lord Elgin's resolution indicates one distinct advance, namely the crea- tion of a permanent department, pre- sumably at the colonial office, the spe cial duty of which it will be to | look after questions of general imperial in- terest and carry on the work between the colonial confercrices, which will be held every four years. | PRICE IS B15. Warsaw, Russian Poland, April 19.--~It is announced that in the course of police investigations into the re- cent murder of a physician here by a hired terrorist it was established that $15 each is the price paid by y the terrorists of Warsaw 3 for murders KFEFEXFERE | MUST NOT STEAL MEN, Won't Be Allowed to Tempt Salt Sea Sailors. Ottawa, April 19.--Anmouncement is made that in the public interest the department of marine aml fisheries has decided strictly to enforce on and after the first of June next the pro- visions of the law requiring the mas- ter of every ship subiect thereto on the inland waters of Canada fo sign articles with every seaman whom he carries ns one of his erew. The carrving a seaman who has not signed these articles is a fine not exceeding 220 for" each offence. This decision arises' out of a condition which has been growing up of recent years in the port of Montreal, of which the sea-going vess have made penalty for bitter complain Complaint was made to the department of marine at (ttawa that the lake vesselamen were robbing the 'ocean-goir vit of their crews and the anponncement made above results directly therefrom. EXPLOSION KILLS PASTOR. ------ Blown to Death .- When Horse Steps on Dynamite. Prineville, Ore, April 19. Rev, Homer N. Street was instantly killed and blown: into, the Matolis river, with his horse, by an explosion re- sulting from his horse stepping on dynamite. Rev. Mr. Street had placed dynamite a log. but it is under upposed that covotes scattered the explosive in the open. > The accident happened inthe pre sence of his agonized wife and chil- dren. Rev. Mr. Street was known as the rancher-preacher of Crook county. May Print Here. London, April. 19.--A correspondent of the Times, in view of the new post al arrangement with Canada, says British publishers will consider whe ther it will be advisable to have their magazines sent out to Canada or have them pr nted there and posted back to subscribers in England at the cost of a halipenny each instead of the four pence it costs for internal postage here. Was '"Going "To Heaven." New ork, April 19.--A well-dressed man, about. thirty years of age, who registered as 'J. Richman, Boston, Mass." was found dead in the Broad: way Central hotel with a bullet hole in his head. In a letter addressed to "My Darling Antdinette," he said he had Jost his last 3190 at Bennings and whs "Going to heaven." 4 Ses Bibby's Cieliord hats, $2.25, 'Men's spring millinery at Bibby's. ercise, lia, Anil % and gutom ance w h exercise, bof the Pex presi road, is foot. 147,200. been formed under the M. Tonanovis. Jgdge Fitzgerald, of a holiday in Montréal. By the recent earthy the famous City has been bottom. Five inches of snow The fall was general ov braska and is the heay April in many years. By a blunder dress to the king pe cracked a clan Cecil for the comference, AHAAAIAAAAANAS A HUNDRED FEEFERFE Fire in the Canada at Montreal, resulted three persons. About had their escape cut ¢ were injured windows. A Russian pastor in Hand, threatening him , John P. Dunning, try, died, Wednesday, Porto Rico and the Ph pelled to take action of the people here for more ment has tric line instead. old cath deal in ers are out on strike quitting daily. These. « mining nps along the line Rev, Th s Green, Victoria ( y awarded a fellowship for 1907-08 at Colwmd New York City Premier Lonvier will entation on behalf of the National liberal clu ture «of Campbell-Bann by Colin Forbes. The Canadian Associ derstands that Col. Ste terview with Sir Fi ghostly hefore the latter Philadelphia," April 19.-- HEINRICH AMES MceCREA 100 Discarding whiles as being hich do not af James McCrea, mavlhvania-raik ng to spend a vacation on Mess than a fortnight he wit be sc British lsles with his song ¥ ance K. and Archibald M., trampitigifrom one place of interest to another Of an coergetic and healthful Sh . Mr. a and his sons sailed from New Yorke Thursday, on the steamer Kaiserin #ligusta Victoria. They plan to be by the middle of next month, may stay away longer. PITH OF THE NEWS, The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. AC § despatch suys a new silver distri¢ been discovered there. The ce taken bafore the insur- ance col ion is to be printed in French, : "The oo a tunnel under Northum-. berlgxd Str fia se ogtimated. at $13 In Montenegro a new cabinet has premiership of New York, who presided at the Thaw trial, is enjoying Mexico Mexico uake in from top to fell in Omaga, sw oeustern NG jest known in se in the ad-: sed hy the House of Commons to increase the provincial subsidies has been omitted The Dominion Development com pany, of Philadelphia, is the only con cern which has not allowed its leases of mineral lands in Ungava to lapse At Fernie, BU, one thousand min wl more are wer a doeen Crow's Nest , BD, of , has been in philosophy a University, make a pre the donor to bh of the pie- rman, painted ited Press un wile had an in vderick Borden left the Hotel ASHIK WIVES. #EE The police have discovered eighteen women who claim they . married | James M. ¥ Williams. It is believed the # ¥: pumber will reach 100. = = » steam laundry, in the death of thirty women off, and several by jumping from the Hazelton, Va., part of whose congregation want to get rid of him, has had the front of hit house shattered by dynamite and he has recaived ap lefter from the Plack with death, well-known in newspaper circles throughout the coun- in a Philadel rhia hospital of tumor of the brain. Hé swans forty-four years of age. ning acted as war correspondent for the Associated Press in Samoa, Cuba, Dun- ilippines, Carried By 'Electric Lines. Amhertsburg, Ont., April 19--Com- by the demand a better and frequent mail service between Amhersthurg and Windsor, the govern- decided to stage coach route with its one mail ench wey a day and to use the elec- abandon the Presented In The Cemmons., TC UNDERGO SEVERAL MARK- ED CHANGES. The Budget Was the First Liberal One. in Twelve Years--Large Reduction in National Debt-- Duty on Tea Unchanged, London, April 19.--~No budget state- ment of recent years has been awaited with so much interest as that of Chancellor of the Exchequer Asquith, yesterday. Although . it was Mr. As- quith's second budget, that of last year really was only a legacy from the previous administration so that yesterday's propusuls codetituted the first. real liberal budget in twelve years, The House of Commons was thronged, and the public gallieries were densely crowded, The fimancial statement, issued by tho treasury in advance of chancel- lor's speech, informed the house that the exact realized surplus for 1906-07 wns $26,955,000, which in accordance with the law, would be devoted to the reduction of the public debt. Mr. Asquith estimated the expenditure for 1907-08 at $708,785,000. The revenue on the existing basis of taxation was estimatcl to be $720,950,000. The permanent reduction of the na- tional debts for 1906-07 was announced to be 368,570,000, The duty on tea wus unchanged. There would be a dificren{iation hereafter in the tax on earned and unearned income. A re- bate of six cents in the pound sterl- ing will be allowed on the income tax on earned incomes under 810,000 go year. Mr. Asquith estimated the loss in the difierentintion of the income tax at $6,250,000. A revision of the death duties to make up the loss from the income tax was suggested. Death duties, graduated to ten per cent. would be levied on estate « $5,000, 000, and on estates of $10,000,000 fourteen per cent. would be levied on the second $5,000,000, On est of $15,000,000, or qver, ten per. esa. will Be levied on the first $5,000,000 and fiffeen per cent. sther on every ot £3,000,000. ¥ 'other x ¥ xX REFUSING GIFTS. * 34 Madrid, April 19.--Pres- x # ents which have been re- 3 #4 ceived here addressed to ¥ # the heir-apparent, will be ¥ # returned in accordance with ¥ #% the custom of refusing all ¥ #% such gifts. Many of the ¥ #* gifts came from France, # * |] TALKED TOO FREELY, Russian Judge Resigns - By Re- St. Petersburg, Apri 19.--Judge Ar- nold, president of the Moscow su- preme court, who sentenced for ex- cesses several of the reactipnists of the Kostroma district, has resigned at the request of M. Chatchoglovitoff, minister of justice, The liberal press contrasts the ministers' action in this cuse with his speech in the lower house of the parlia- ment, April 12, advocating an inde- pendent Russian judiciary, Judge Ar- nold, who is a senator, is an ' out- spoken opponent of drumhead court martial, : V S------ A Trustee's Views, Toronto, April 19.-- Trustee Levee, of the Board of Education, is strongly of the opinion that domestic science and manual training are mot worth what they cost the citizens of Toronto, He is also of the opinion that the time spent on these subjects in the schools could be spent quite as profitably on other subjects, possibly on the "three R's." Accused Of Crime. Rochester, - N.Y., April 19,5Mrs. (Dr.) B. E. Bourdalie is under arrest at Cleveland, 0., charged with = as sault in the first degree in forcing Mrs. Alice Johnson, with whose hus- id she is reported to have been in Tove, to drink belladonna. Passed Winding-Up Act. Ottawa, Kpril 19.--~In the House of Cofomons the bill to amend tne wind- ing-up act, the measure to remedy con ditions such as those disclosed by the failure of the York Loan, was given its second and third reading. Campbell Bros'. Hats. Cover more brains than any other kind, because the best heads are wear- ing them. ~ The best 81 shirt at Bibby's. The patents and designs bill, aimed at foreign manufacturers, who sell or lease machinery in Brituin, has pass- ed its second reading in" the British Commons. Sew Bibby's smart $2.25 derby. The question of a dam across the St. Lawrence, at Long Sault, was considered by the international wat- erwayq commission at Buffalo, A hat you will never regret buying is one Chelford $2.25 derby hat. The . D. Bibby Coq % : quest, ~ The Municipality to Meet Al Claims. Toronto, April 19.--A clause emhodi- ed in the statute law amendment act, in the legislature, at an early hour, this morning, settles the vexed ques: tion as to the maintenance of hi school pupils from outside muni i ties. The clause vides that this cost must be borne Dh municipali- from where the pupils come and THE TAX ON INCOMES | 25: Fi wns oe torily may be subjected to still furth- er amendment. The question has cgus- ed a great deal of trouble, J have given different interpretations of the present law and - municipalities and trustee boards have quarrelled about it, GOVERNOR RESIGNS. Hagerman, New Mexico, Would Not Face Charges. Washington, April 19.---Governor Hagerman, New Mexico, against whom charges were preferred, has tendered his resignation, and 'the president an- nounced the appointment of Capt. George Curry, governor of Samar province, Philippine Islands, to sue- ceed him. : Governor Hagerman wns recently here to answor the charges which pe. lated to the transfer of territorial lands to a Pennsylvania development company. While here he had a long interview with the president and 8 retary Garfield abont the chal ig which he declared were the result of political intrigue. ------ ; DEATH BEFORE SEPARATION. Youths Prevented From Marrying End Lives in River. Springwood, Va,, April 19.--Stewart C. Gay, nineteen years old, and Miss Mabel Pendleton, seventesn years old, committed suicide, on Thursday, by leaping from the suspension bridge 'across Jackson river, at Clifton Forge. They started to Washington to be married, but were intercepted and brought back, r---------- LONGBOAT WON. He Secured Lead in Marathon Boat Race. Boston, April 19.--Longhoat, The great Indian runner frome Canada, } won thé Marathon road race, here, 2 a . 3 33 ¢ the ark by three minutes. Exaft time mot am} nounced: . Has Been Retired. New Haven, Comn., April 19. After a shortage of thousands of dollars in trust funds, which he held, had been discovered, William T. Fields, presi dent of the New Haven National Tradesman"s Bank, was, to-day, an nounced as retired from that office, Mr. Fields is one of the leading aw thorities in finance in New England, and has been president of the bank for some years. } ---- Ask For Witnesses. Ottawa, April 19.--~The morning sess sion 'of the National Council of Wo- men expressed exception to persons bes ing slowed to get marriage licenses without witnesses. he raising of the limit of ages for marriage will be forwarded in many districts. Wi COSTELLO. A Golden Wedding At Picton. Weds " Picton, April 18. --~Mr. and Mum. Coste street, George C. Currie celebrated: the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding this week, Mr, Currie has for many years been police magistrate of Picton. Dr. Mor- Jey Currie, Prince Edward's poy 1 M.P.P, is a son. Another Gift. Northfield, Mass, Apa) 19. Mrs, Russdl Sage has given $150,000 to the Northfield Seminary for young ladies to build a new chapel and a music building. The cost of the . former structure is not to exceed $100,000 and the latter not over $50,000, 3 u A d-- A Waiting Fleet. ho Detroit, Mich., April 19.--The ice conditions in the 8oo passage are un changed. At Lime Island the ice is re- potted as sixteen inches thick and solid. The steamers Volunteer Mioote and General Ort have joined the wait- ing fleet, Hung To A Bed Post. . Napierville, Que,, April 19.--Merule Bougois, a farmer, living five miles from here, in the parish of St. Jae gues Le Minure, hung himself to the post of his bed this morning. pms Secured $2,000. Peoria, TL, April 19.--8afe blowers wrecked the bank at Weston, Il1., fifty miles east of this city, early to-day, with: dynamite, securing about $2,000. -- Taken From The Earth To-Day. Artichokes, beet greens, spinach, ra- dishes, lettuce, rhubarb, parsley, om- ions and parsnips, at Carnovsky's. meeps, Hello! Ts, that the prompt delivery drug store? Yes, Madam, this is Gib son's Red Cross Drug Store that de ways "Phones 230 for Drug wants. Many a man has achieved success only because his opponents did not bave the lo Fa his blll, hd Poets #1 the bumsing bees, but It was the silent sting thad made the insect , ie thoughout Ppl Do ape English is said to be 116,000,000. The advocacy of : ad ' b ul (Fort Steele, B.C., papers please copy.) Toronto, Westerly to northerly winds, fair. urday, strong northwesterly winds, and cook as sg READY TO WEAR § Of extra fine Nainsook, made with seven-plece Flounce und Hem stitched Tucks, two, rows Byise Insertion; with oldbry n . at bottom, also dust frill. Extra Special, at $2.26. A LADIES' CORSET COVERS Made of fine Nainsook, Blouse Fronts, Lace and Fimbroidery Trimmed, Every piece dainty and low priced, at 19¢. to $1.25. t LADIES' COSTUMES Made of wood quality Scotch Tweed, Fton Cont, Trimmed with Silk , Elbow Sleeves, - Me " Skirt ol with Braid good Tweed. hig length coat, man taflored collar, Skirt A very siechtly price. Extra CHILDREN'S WEAR This season we are showing = complete Mone of Children's Dresses, Fremoh Styles, also Buster Brown Models, made of Serges, Cashmeres, Pigues, Linens, ete, All the most correct styles at the lowest prices. Call and sée them TO-MORROW: STEACY'S. ilo, Bagot H Pong a Bagot St. Saturday efteracon at riends and Sttjuaintancen r yA invited to tied . MELD The ORE Ie U i? Phone 877, Princess St x v. BE fminune From Proceeding. : Windsor, Ont, April 19.--Judge Mes Hugh has given a decision in favor: of Governor a Sandwich sal, din the suit brought against Harmon by & the McGrattan Stone company, t B. The suit was over ab George, N of 8 which the company clai om Harmon when the was due fr county officer ingtead of being a ted by the provincial government, Ah judge i that Harmon is ac ¥ - * provincial officer and, therefore, mune from garnishee proceedings. A Fire At Welland. f Wolland, Omt., April 19. Fire this motning burned the "Robingon. Machin ery company's building with contentiy 'The company carried some insurances Vallencourt's boiler shops rors avelp edthough badly damaged. No Ww \rance. Sleo Bibby' 82.08 Chelford hat 8 somewhere in the neighto le weta tyrned away a. As carly a livers your orders promptly. She ok f derwear, o'clock the sidewalks --AYIOWS boys waiting for the. door te open. . . The sc ason Methodists are ston, 16th; Napanee, od Picton, at Pitan, in a We make a The average amount of sickness im human life is nine days out of the {I'New