t 7.30. received will be: ots are not very § y Ribbons thers Fancy Frcnch 1 20¢. to 40c. |15¢ yard. window between | Quality ton even make and sold ot lasts Isc yard ry in Kingston t will surely in- € Stockings, splen- 35C, 39¢, 45¢. ockings, fine ribbed to Select from, ali d Cashmere Stock- , from 20c. up to 6oc. X, different weights, Leather, heavy and , waterproof, and be had. to 5. or $2. oe Store : DAIL "SEAR 74. _-- -- a -- "IN WILDSZOF C -- KINGSTON, ENTRA At a _Comgo. Frontier Post Mrs. Powell-Cotton, the wife of Major Percy. Horave Gordon Powell-Cot- ton, the well-known ethRographical cc ed to England 'from an adventurous he est Africa. Powell:Cotton's bride left England' anc marriage took place in 1905. Mrs. Pc husband through the pigmy ic t, the months. Mrs. Powell-Cotton is the vo Bassenthwaite, Cumberland. Major Ic of the 'pigmies when they first saw his never presiously beheld a white woman. source 'of wonder was her long hair, % dwarfs she: would let down while they less wonder. During our many months' stay we never had t ty with the forest tribes, some of whom I employed as hunters. Oee lector "and neymoon spent in the explorer, he& just ret of w 1 journeved to Kast rn Africa, where well-Cotton ¢ i mgest d ywell-Cot wile was extraor "Perhaps," sai special benehi tent in 5 + : \ which for the crowded round our ion -- ---- arn- ild- In order not te interrupt the plans laid for his journey, Major the her v had hief fheul- ally Irs. Powe)l= ton wo (md when away I would leave my wile alone. language and did excellent medical work among them. took charge of the caravan and was always treated spect by the people. ABOUT PEARL FISHING | part. of its revenue from the proceeds | 5 of 4 i Ry -- foe in 4 Lig OF Pro- duct of the pearl fleet's daily wisit to PRECIOUS GEMS COME FROM EAST INDIAN ISLAND. Found -By Native Divers--Oysters Are Sold at Auction and Pur- . chasers May Be Lucky or Un- lucky in Finding Gems. Flashed under the ocean comes the news. that in future the gem of chanee, the Oriental pearl, will ad- vance in price like the diamond, and also like the diamend will it be held by a powerful syndicate and given to the public in small lots to ixep the price up to the highest possible mark, The pearl is" undogbtedly the oldest gem of adorpwent and was in all protatility the first gem 'worn by wo man; its use as old as man and in almost every. ord of the dim and misty past' the pearl is referred to. It is the cmblem or purity and sorrow, the Téars:of Buddha, the Souls of the Angels, often' given in exchange for the fair white slave or the dusky Nu- bian: girl: desitgd for the household of the wealthy Oriental, freglently the ransom. of: a captive chief or the price of a humap® life. No matter if this gem be ' dangling from the beautiful throat of 'ai society belle, folded in oiled paper iin the safe of a Lombard or in the hilthy leather bag of an Arab trader 'its value -is 'always known, and it is probably the most frequently bartered gem' in the world. . On the , Bast Indian islends," where the pearl iproducing oyster thrivds, the | colenial government derives no ho austin. sewbing, The disposition of fed the banks, During a visit to Adipo the Salawatorre, a small' village o little place, con wg of a the eye could reach inland or wise there was nothing to bres endless monotony of palm cc ty stuccoed government huildi the distance, which glistenex shone brilliantly in the rays ¢ morning sun. At the end of the fourth day was fixed and two hundred boat ready for the treasure hunt and leave at midnighe with shore wind, which wemld bring uly to the banks with the firs of daylight . The 1 ing dress being used. The each his diving stone, which is cal shaped piece of granite of ten pounds weight, Through t rove a double rope of goin or « nut fibre, of sufficient length to the hottom. One end of this is fastened to the hoat. When « the native places his foot in on the stone, allowing the weig about small writer was invited by the superintendent of the pearl banks to accompany him to n the island. On arrival he saw a miserable single row of mud huts, standing in hot and dusty solitude, with occasional groves of shady palms near them. As far as coast- ak the wered plains save the white walls of the lof- ng in 1 and i the spent in palaver, publishing notices and is suing instruetions, the first diving day 8 were and | in- structed to take on board their divers idni the off them gleam sparations for diving are ex ceaxdingly simple, no head gear or div NE his is rOCOn rog living ht to RAO" BARAD ADUR ERABHASHAN ode az ak PATRANL, 'rEwan NAGAR. - OF carry him to the bottom, where the stone is. cast aside, leaving the diver fastened the end of the double Tope. The stone is pulled up and taken in the boat, thus keeping up the connec- tion. » The diver takes his basket, lies flat on his face and sweeps the oysters rapidly into the bag, and when he has secured enough remain down no longer he gives the rope a strong null to give himseli ah impetus up- ward and then floats to the suriace, while his comrades haul in the oys- ters. When the day's fleet start shoreward, or can is over the nd, taking ad- ing breeze, up od masts with and the sharp noisclessly land- work their! wide wing nosed boats slip ward. ' When~ the pearl' fleet reached shore, the poens with juad of Malay rifle- men cleared an open space between them and the crowd on the beach so is to allow the unloading of the boats which was at once begun + divided on" the sand into four | pi which went to government, while the remaining fourth is shared among the bhoatmen, boat owners, the more than the ters are rts, three the divers and the rather overnmont ts to large bamboo v they are kept to be on the following day. fourth is. either aue ceiving ers. All the who sell « pt by the owners, the pearls after the fish are cleared of them, the chance taker always kecp- ing his ovsters and 'when able to do o buving from his fellows who want money and are willing to sell I reap The pearl oyster auction is undoubt- edly the most uncertain . form of chance . taking known to man. The hazardous result of these s may be seen at a glance, as one oyster pearl of great price may contain a full half dozen another may have a sems of value, while the next one hundred may contain nothing. As many two hundred oysters have heen of d without finding a single pearl Z Wealthy traders from all over India witend these s--jewel merchants, who only purchake the pearls from the lucky finders: fishermen, planters and many poor natives with small sums ecraped together at every possible cost: men: wha have berred or bor- rowed the mes bidding at this intoxicating auction: men who have loft their poor famished families with- out the means of obtaining a mouth- ful of riee, wha tore the gold bangles and earrings from their wives and vhildren. to deal in this maddening trade. . Sdme return rich beyond their most | extravagant expectations. but many either #0 hack ruined, unable to pay their loars, or fle in horror ito ving lost their means ns of A All thi wr fishing and iz not to v pear! be preven ' Some "thnteption of the mass of owsters/ which lie putrify on 'the burniuvg sand at these . times muy be formed by the e¢stimate that each bout will brine on shore in one trio from ten to twenty thoveands of ayeters. making a daily total of from one to two millions for the whole The. oysters ave not immense L AFRICA The oysters | ¥ She had learned a little of their In my absence she with the greatest re- in the sun. When the pulp is suffi- ciently decayed it is passed through a fine _or pressed. out | in heavy ction Hie This process vives extra lustre to the pearl and none is lost or broken, as would be the case if the oysters were opened as if for food. The natives of India believe that the peart is cither the tear of Butkdha or congealed dew dr which the god showers sea, and that the ovsters catch them while floating on the water, and the priests get many charity oysters in the hope that the next season will be rich in pearls as a reward for the faithful who contri- bute to the ten on the Not In His Class. Canadian .Couricr . During the session of 1903, the members of the Ontario legislature discussed in committee the rogulation of automobile speed. Col. J. M. Gib- the attorney-generpl or indulging in eon y exercige he had his views regard ing stringent gislation in the mat- ter. Then arose an energetic member of the conservative (then the opposi- tion) forces. He is a physician with a large country practice and is known as an horseman. He pro- tested warmly reckless chauf " that eight miles an hour is a sati tory speed for auto- mobiliste near city limits, urging the greater enjoyment that comes from moderate driving "But, doctor," said a genial reform member, who is now a front-row man Wm opposition, 'vou must that we're not all so accustomed to following funcrals ss vou are." Even the injured member relaxed intp ap- preciation of the retort. 2 exoellent rainst IMPROVE YOUR COMPLEXION. Gives Up Cosmietics and Seek the Cause of Your Bad Color. When it's so easy to bring back the, bloom of youili, to remove the blem- ishes and All the hollows, isn't it foolish to plaster on cosmetics ? «Sallowed skin and fallen in cheeks are produced by disorders of the ali- mentary canal. Remove the cause--correct the eon- dition that keeps you from looking as you ought. Use Dr. Hamilton's Pills and very soon you'll have a complex: ion to be proud of. ' Just imagine how much happier you will feel when those pimples and mur- ky look have gone. Dainty © looks came to Miss Vroo- man, a well-known resident of Bel- fast, from using Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Read what she says. "My friends all admit that I have a very delightful complexion. This 1 owe positively to Dr. Hamilton's Pills. T used to-look so yellow 1 thought it might be jaundice. There was sim- ly no color in my cheeks at all. To- day my skin is clear and never gets that murky, dull appearance it had be- fore. Ir. Hamilton's Pills have also given me a good avpetite and improv ed my general health also." Not only the complexion, . but every organ of the body is strengthened, cleansed and made healthy by Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Buoyaney, vim and a feeling of vigor Taviriabl¥ follow their use. Sold in yellow boxes by all either on the hard 8, or by r box or five boxes for from N. C, Polson & : i -| them to attain an almost foolish Sor Scouts Nervousmess as Physician u ". Cause of Habit, to the guick ever since I can remem- in spite of | 1 could a the schemes 4 | : ir 4 i & o "So you see that in my case nail' biting habit is distinotly 'heredi- tary. "My curiosity as to this mat the least nervous person om te globe So fir as know. My mother was one the most composed persons of her sex I eyer kuew, I have long sine given up frying to break myself of the practice, which, being an involuntary and unconscious one, is almost impossible to control. I have with the greatest difficulty con trived at times- to let four or five of my finger. nails grow gth because I was so proud of them; but at the same time that these long ones looked like the hooked finger nails of a Buddhist anchorite the other ones were gnawed down to the quick. st mong Stor things I've tried the ome of dipping ips in colorless and a a. tips a ition, so that hens neils Ry lips to bite the $i be re minded of my resolution by the bitter taste of my fingers. But I found it about as hard'to remember to keep my fingers dipped in this fluid as it was to remembef not to bite the nails, and so there I was. "Also for 'a time 1 employed the plan of keeping my finger tips encased in thin patent metal tips, made for the purpose, but these things aroused so much curiosity among my patients and forced me to answer so, many. questions that I had to give up that scheme. Moreover, the same difficulty about remembering to keep the uthandy things on was always present. "I réoemtly saw it stated in a Frenchy medical iournal of the greatest reliability that fully two-thirds of all the school children of France are © ad- dicted to the practice of biting their finger mails, end the article expressed the writer's alagm over this fact as undermining the French race. While 1 don't agree with the nervous disease part of this, the showing is certainly a curious one. A very amall r- tion of the school children Xie country. #0 far ax my observation bite their nails. But I do not that nervousness has any. ons, believe hit," Modesty versus Money. When the wind was in its most cap Her gown was the lightest of ' Meal and on head -- marvelous creation of gauze sand flow. ers. Every vagabond breeze in that vicinity instantly saw an opportunity to do stunts. - Sooner than it takes to tell it, the summer muslin was 'describing the most alarming actial flights. But its owner, a hand on either side of her hat, kept on as stubbornly as though such a display of open-work hosiery was an every-day affair. "Madame," . cried another woman, rushing up to her, holding her own draperies in a tight embrace, "you are probably not aware of it, but your skirts are ahove your knees." "I don't care," retorted the other, never moving a finger from the - laden bonnet. "I've had those legs for forty-eight years and ean't lose them, and paid eighteen dollars for it. and 1 don't mean to let it get away." Story Of Cloth Dye. A dog gave us the a dyeing cloth. One afternoon, so - years ago that the date is of small, conse . getic Girls, + Stronuous girls. are: finding a new oat to show oe ineffecti: : ive ih schemes are--in my tase, at any ra TR "Now, my mother bit her nails in precisely the same fashion. She istence that She simply Soul hat Et | mon, ' away. from | habit ing This training is no child's ih nails biting them, Not only that | gil who entehs for the enya but m, told me that' ber|be at work either in study or in the father inveterately bit his nails,and her | gymnasium for five hours every day father, in turn, told her that his mo- | of the term. Sixteen is 'the minimum ther tried all of her life without | age for entry, but most of the girls supeess to do away with the habit of | are eighteen when they start. A pre ter led rn to investigate it in the cases of | Use of dymnastic apparatus, her persons, all of them in my prac-| How to teach ics. tice, who had the mail-biting habit, | Anatomy and physiology. and I fount] that in every case T tack: | How to recognize excessive or dan- led their immediate progenitors, on | gerous fa one side or the other, had the nail- | Drill biting habit. 1 Voice production, "There's no reason whatever why I| Hygiene. ~ It is asserted| Ambulance work which the German Emperor intends to showing that nervous disease must be |} the work of Herr Campbell-Bannerman, that it would be placed near the orang- ery at Kensington Palace. At -------- Canadian Couripr, thine to do with the nail-biting ha- | hem refuse to. lot ary him as leader of the, opposition. There is something § i man to criticise it in public, Ii is all " 3 yory ricious mood on a particularly | ment" does not.da, the payin tit 'blowy" day last summer, a woman is the country pays. t that at, that mysterious age when her | would 'equally true of any other friends speak of her as "well preserve | item in the estimntos. But it is. the ed," made a dash around the commer | government which decides whom it of the treacherous flatiron buildi shall i that wharf which Never has any ping on it, and for that post offics ministerial election returns; but it is --and the profit--for it. George - ut I've just bought this hat |. WOMEN ATHLETES. S-- ® New Profession Found For Engr pad lucrative profession in teaching T OWh sex and physical ex- ercises in hoch phy = At St. Bride's Institute, London, there is a prosperous school; with four or five teachers, where girls are given a two years' training in the work, and from it they go forth to earn from £80 to £250 per annum, Thirty gicls are at present i course, They are the daughters of , barristers, octors, other ional men, and equipped with creas deter- mination, are working hard to pate to earn their own living. More than twenty ol their now certificated are at work, for thay is a steady-demand for these young wo- liminary medical examination is re quired to make sure that they are fit for the lengthy course. Here some of the things which the fe taught. girls enjoy their labors, and there are some fine athletés among them: They include soveral good eric. ng devel ketors, one young lady ha oped into a really good bowler, la-- KAISER'S GIFT TO ENGLAND: The statue of William 11 of Orange, resent -- Eaglish pation. It is a brome re," nike in height, and ju Baucke. Sir Heady referring to it Jokes . and stuted made one of his few Leader Grabam's Stand Of. ial George Gra- government. sal- It is fine to see 3 an organization paying a well to say that "the govern- 1 8 village which mails nothing but the government which gets the it ham demonstrated that he knows the when he declined to appear on payroll as Whitney's kept criti. " Hull now romks as the third British v and exports com- bined are valued ut £53 500,000 year- ly, which beats Glasgow 008. ; the £15,000, quence, a noted man and his. sweet- heart went for a walk along the sands of the seashore in a far-ofi comntry, A little dog trailed along at' their heels, and, becoming weary of much love- making, finally ran ahead and went fishing among the rocks. One particul- ar shellfish. which he captured and de- voured exuded a fluid which dyed. the hair about his mouth a pretty purple. Investigation of incident founded . the soience "ofe dye cloth, which now PAGES © TO Jd. 4 " and their ways of thinking | Pell un the breed stating lowest old customers and many 'new' pe ~is made right with the right ingredients for a It gives a rich creamy Jather "Baby's Own" is the best soap for very toilet purpose. Cem Parrots Wanted a talking Parrot to sell ot and list of © words your bird will aol "Write at ibe cash prices and address. COTTAM BIRD SEED 23 Bathurst St., London, Ont. Mr. Metz Who has Leen earrving on the business it of the Ladies' Tailoring, at 201 Prise cess stredt, has wet with such marked succegs that he has secured . premises 179 Wellington y Street Where he will be pleased to. IF YOU WANT Plumbing Overt OR AN BSTII gives. a hapy \ Tiant colors im i Siler