* Other weigh This. In estimat'ng the valu: of em ment places the suri of §) head us a iair estimate aftthe of the country's wealth, a tiative-born or natarali much yreater. Any mona by farge numbers of lives can be weed, is of zens eich' year are valuanle fac the country's wealth, remedy that is savin thousands of Canadian citizens overy yhan! the country's wealth. ie Tie flices of the id send samples of Psychi | Oxomulsion - to ~«-, They your remedies to them. have years, of which 1 The following (Signed. ) known publisher and public known throughout Canada : "A fall "which 1 know. should make a story. G----- was given up as a scoring is hie) pulled him toget| was glad to learn that it was chine," : . Thousands of together" and Psychine recommend it to their friends. For stubborn coughs, la Rrippe. eatarrh, tis, " of appetite, i diseases and The Carter AND thi i oe ofthe new wring | shapes in 'the * Canter" the ,| new Eaglish hat you have heard so especially to a new and growing coun try, where population is fits pressing the greatost value to country. Physicians who save the lives of tens, or, possibly, hundreds of citi Therefore, dives usands of the most valuable assets any coun- try could have. Psychine is doing this and doing it iy a way that is rejoicing the hearts and homes of many- of our best citizens. A lives a year would be $1,000,000 ly sav- small fruction of what Psychine a foie somo of the miraculous cures that they "the last eighteen ve knowledge." is*an extract from a Jetter received yesterday from a wells istory of the G---- case, less case, and something (the wunder- "pulling who have used igestion and 'consumption It never pe. 4 ard of $1,000 Fach, the Year- ly Financial Benefit to the Country is ery Large, Yet Considerations Out. granis or séttlers to the couatry the govery- "0 which saved, tors in a of of in ane is ie ne and Also man, ope her, 1 Pay- sick colds, Pheu dis. er THE YOUNG. Bad ol. t improper, was the cause professional, but towards the close although the Chesterfieldian " sider of friendly, with a strong infusi gall and wormwood. In the it most rift if TERIAL 1H : isk Sof seid ix £ F and vet hundreds of ticketholders never saw the inside of the court hoase. Ome hundred policemen of our very best fighting stock were put on guard to preserve order, and, although they used their long night sticks with telling effect on the heads of the tur- bulent crowds, the fight did not ond till the jury wae discharged and Harry K. Thaw was remanded to his cell in the Tombs. Now let us see what good this shock- ing mistrial has effected. The moral damage to our boys and girls is. be- yond al computation: it has given them am opportunity to know of the life lived in the dens of depravity which should have forever been sealed from their eyes, and it has cost the prosecution and defence in hard cash, not far from a million of dollars. Ng new. trial gan possibly take place un- till October so the - prisoner must-pos- sess his soul with patience and rest in his cell ns comfortably as possible till that time and bless his lucky stars that for some months at least he is safe from the clectric chair. In view of the result of the trial just closed, lot us ask ourselves "if trial by jury is the best means of ob- taining equal and exact justice? You ask twelve laymen, .in any ease; civil At or criminal, to come to a sohid ver ne nis. Ji taken to the THAW TRIAL REVIEW Politics of New Tork State ma Re- EA Te Lid of Stanford deemed necessary and the other side ill-feeling. At first it was the trial it was bitterly' personal, and "language was politely , it was on the norma coun- for the defence the difficulty w hen Harry K. Thaw ii : i i oh gf 5 g 8 i Hi ; HR ih of of dev may bring forth. Since 1 ° oe Jase on | ¥ as pected, which' caught us but i ~BROADBRIM WOMAN'S TASK. From Feminine Standpoint. Reader Migazine, they labor under a eurio: tion. Arthur Pendeny, this melancholy fact, dec an's favorite dinner is an egg in sion fi they embody 'the very manna fro mind'? hending Whe be at a loss to explain it. It com feeding man. race is the appointed task of woma: that she must not pause three times She has been accused of writing epics; it is said that she is incapabl a cathedral or To be the nourisher of race is an Woman stand- ing back of him, to indicate to her that here was a seat she could have. And she didn't rise her seat to do this; she didn't the" man any chance whatever seize it not the slightest; buts it she reached forward 'Snel | him and touched the other sand then kept the seat until iy she could All of which ive: the mild: manner- ed man quite a hook. ay : y Elementary educittion costs ns £21. 000,000. yearly, of which £9,750,000 is raised from 'rates. a $100 REWARD, $100. The readers ed to learn dreaded disease to cure in ali its stages. and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh C ositive cure now known to raternit Catarrh bei A a constitutional al requires Hall's Catarrh Cure is n internally, acting directly wpon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thera by destroying the foundation of the dis. ease, and wiy! the natient streagt building up vd constitution and ass ing nature in dol its work. The - faith fn its cura- of EN testimonials. EY & CO., Toledo the jury |© to have a good fighting chance, but certain democrats are on the watch. tower, 00 man 'can tell what a week's letter, one of the heaviest snowstorms of the winter. We have had a nomher that' were quite unesx- on the fly, ted without the Drudgery of Food Pointed Out When men suppose that dinner oes on whether they are at hole or iy us misconcep- 8, writing about lares : "Some one once said that an ordinary wom- drawing-room. All women have a pas- something on a tray. To the masculine mind things on a tray are unsatjsfying, but to the feminine body or any Other "masculine ave trou in compre- v and wherefore of this debilitated taste, but no woman would from the fatigue which woman suffers as the result of her colossal task of To nourish the human At the very inception of life this is her labor, and wuever can existence be so fine, so free, 80 heroic or so beautiful day--or more--to bend her mind to that shall please her lord. no of composing an oratorio, of designing conceiving an heraic the human undertaling so prodigious of this will be pleas- t here in a Ad yd 1 have been six months investigating, and hae just._returned from a visit ; of personal fuventiggffn to the x ed Se LARDER LAKE 'GOLDFIELDS prove a veritable Canadian "Rand," its place among the great goldfields of the world, and throwing Cobaltéinto the shade. ) T am a Practical ng Man AND DEAL ONLY WITH FACTS. The facts, about Larder Lake are contgined in my new book, "The Gold- ---------------- ; fields of Larder Lake," and in my copyrighted map, by far the most detail- ed and accurate to date. the iba a ight box of bis: The above mailed free on request. Moo hefs for folk w} CANADIANS | The majority of us were too skeptical and easy-going to cream sodas have ever be Stott Siseelven Séoouraing Cobalt in the beginning, and saw others step Do you Kiow MOON] in and re ormous profits. Ne x oe : oN i : ; always crisp--always tast Cobalt is 'only the beginning of mining in New Ontario, the richest mineral te : . i he word: and Th " iti Mooney means perfection field in the world, and there are, and will be, other opportunities as gredt and greater, FRESHLY i i 'Make sure that your gro The Larder Lake goldfields are the: nex®¥is line" Inform yourself at once. 4 . Don't wait to see what the other fellow will do, but do it vourself, and do it now. That's the way the man on the ground floor gets there. Investigate. Get. posted. Put yourself in a position to intelligently take ground floor advantage of the tremendous opportunities for profit contained in the northern mining fields. A} TEL By means of personal investigation on the ground, the employment of reli- able engineers, and the service of employees inthe field, I keep my following is "BB posted, and they make money. ¥ BT Send Me Your Name and Address and Hi Do. My Best for You, Too H. C. Barber, Managing 'Director Canada Mines, Limited. 41-485 ADELAIDE STREET EAST, TORONTO. | en------------------------ Thousands will testify to that, It ia the wholpsome Shredded axy white bread or crackers, qualities, whether served wit] preserves, cocoa or' chocolate Try BISCUIT for Breakias All Grocers--13¢c. a C a " SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTHWE 'HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS ve of Dom ton Lonle. su Rioters or the. Nor West es, eXecpting 8 and a 3 Deraon itis wie Bend of a faunily, OF m over 18 years of age, to the extent one-quarter section, of 160 acres, oF Dplicatt on for homestead entry or Spection must be made in person by .| applicant at the oditice of the local Ag or Sul tion for entry or inspect ne personally at any bacon of may be Wired to the local Agent by Subssgent, at the eXpense of the plicant, if the lamd applied for wncant on receipt of the telegram application i» to have land will.be held until Recess papers to somplate the transaction Pc n" the entry | ap Larder Lake Underwriters' Syndicate. We extend an invitation to investors to join us in taking over the first es me le a case of ° sugunaril ] cancelled and the = will Yorteit all pHority of claim. statue or painting a picture of the issue of shares, which we have agreed to purchase of the Larder Lake An applicant or mspection mst first quality." The retort is that - she Blue Bell Gold Mines, Limited, at the first ground floor price of ro cents emo application for inspection will might have done something of the h c . - ecelved from an individual until kind" if the men had not been hungry per share. The Company has just been organized and will be managed pplication hus buen so frequently and so insistently. BOM whose en vein in gt ne, Hable 1 ot t to Tov ~ ab thvour of father, motl tand ay, velinquish it in by experienced mining men of highest standing. 'The Company owns 27 well located gold claims, 1,080 acres in all, which have yielded extraor- ister, that it is a marvel that the mere ex. . . eo nib +g diver wise, on Sling Tie pores COB EWE, Jeytation of Lelog_ chained to the dinary gold values, located in the new gold district of Larder Lake, 60 "hers ah eairy ls sumnactly canes Kid in the wousd. "Hee" parse of this | out of women--and from squaw to miles north of Cobalt, New Ontario, which will be systematically de- DL Ion Doc 3 Bet ese HR po Fouts. Shair pufisringe in this regard veloped. All investors who join us will share in profits from this ground iad fo "Velo Fagks of wry i. Ee eT Lh rr of oamected with wk - voi, ten, with the cut floor basis, participating in an immediate profit or increase in market value Jn particulary whe" Re der is v » . & . . . auit, ' : seeks ehcape from the tyranny of of shares of 500 per cent. On or about- May 15th Law & Co. will in their ment is found to bé incofrect inf ma Never before in New York was wit a viet Bun dng By 3 P y 5 : 4 2 : al pardeulare. the applicant Will Dossed such wild and determined mor- | light on a Home bank 24 customary vigorous manner place these shares upon the market by judi- ay, rps Sean OF i ntry has b bid suriouity aa. our i Renied Jpolive BE cious advertising throughout Canada and the United States at fifty cents araniad 1 SAY ob Suman required 10, » ; ._ a - . . . . f . cond! T ol mob who wished to hear the Thaw] He Didn't Look Homes: & per share. All who join us will share with us in the profits therefrom. lloWlne Dans soe oe one fought wih deepration beside toes | courtesy of 'ben T Apparently' not in : OTT on ania STU RECS RR gl sons, al, - arouses as was brought 'The Trusts and Guarantee Compatly,'14' King street west, Toronto, YE Tas inthe Cor, mother. a ; n painfull "manner- s . . . als 0! ey retard when to | yo Sa na will act as Trustees for the Underwriters' Syndicate in receiving and [idee von a arm tn' he felnlty of duadh. Long before davlight, when it | supa. the a: Molding. an holding the shares and issuing receipts therefor and also as Registrars tho, #Rkitement ws 10 residvoce lay Jerome would close the case for the | bY ® strap in front of & woman sit- and Transfer Agents for the Company. ) If 'the. asitier has his perman Prosecution, thousands of people crowd | Ying, While directly back of him on ¥ ~ . upon {sreming land owned he streets around the Tombs (oc bs opposite side ol the car was an- lng i {oe waa Mum ln the vicinity of his homeste fought for points vantage from oman standing. x F lication blank parti dress -- dence - which they expected to gain admission 'n_presently, the train drew near or App oa ania and full isulaze call upon or ad : ome application _ for , pat to the court room. Long beéfore the | t0 the station, at which, as' it now : : the mu six months' no doors were opened to the public the | ®PPeared, the woman sitting, in front Registrars and Transfer Agents, sinjon at Ottawa, of his ini courtroom was crammed to suffoca- | ©f Whom the mild-mannered man, was x ° fon to dd so. tion by the holders of special tickets, | 3tanding, intended to off, she The Trusts and Guarantee Co. oo» \ 9 _YNOPSI or CANADIAN NOR endorsed by persons high in authority, ached fornard 4 -. the mild- 14 King Street West, M2 ¥ 598-720.730.731.732 Trade Bank WEST MINING REGULATIONS, Coal.--0bal Lands may be purchased 10 por more for soft coal sad $20 anthracite. Not more than 320 a Toronto, Ont. Building, Toronto, Ont. v can be 8 by JS Jad ivi al company. 3 a ra cents ton of 2,000 pounds eh: collected on the years of Cripple Creek's First Child. Denver Post. Miss Leona Bowman, who celebrates her birthday on March 20th, boasts of being. the first child borh on the site of Cripple Creek. She was born in a log cabin built by her father in the centre of the town. Her father, Louis Bowman, was one of the first settlers to go into the new mining camp, and was accompanied by Mrs., Bowman, their. son and two daughters, Leona Bowman was born on March 20th, 1892. She now resides with her rela- tives on a farm near Littleton, and attends school in that town. Louis Bowman was one of thi early residents of Douglas County, and liv- ed near Castle Rock for many years before going to Cripple Creek at the time of the gold excitement in that camp. He has followed farming and minjng with varied success and is now engaged in farming negr Littleton. 'The United States produces filyv- \four gallons out of every 100 gallons the illuminating oil used in COAL OIL Another car of Our Best Oil just unloaded- to-day. Money Cannot buy better. If. you have trouble with the oil you are using try ours. Phone for Oil and Hardware wn 783 McKEEVEY & BIRCH ee Peed