Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Apr 1907, p. 13

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Ag PerfoctFapd™ . "breakfast is im. without it and it's iree times a day. It gives hment and renewed vitality, is rich in nutrition--eve the best: white wheat and finest baricy malt extract,' mixed with the flaked tarch of the wheat into maltose, or maj: for even the weakest stomach to digest taste which cannot be found in grain ith sugar, glucose or syrups. Try am or fruit. All grocers, now ioc. KURICTR = Wash Silk rg . The only MEN i: own Seinmnc which will positively cure Jost manhood 18 PRESTORINE » Rohr: 18 18 controlled in this Sow Bg Dr Kot ohr, control n t Dr. Koh Medicing Pk ho te ig cine Company, a comice: tandiag ia the medical world: "his t haz cu: thousands of men, young and 54, whe th st iedies have fajlédi Zou dre sutlesth rom dissases ie rative organs such as man exhausts RN s, nervous debility, the results of abuse, (his e te and cured. 9 IT ck and i Shang in the worst cases in f ne rea t. We mgke the. ence treated s FIVE day reatmeit sent free with a bool Tiles for health, pi ind those who ad Tr testsuccesses ha ave failed With! other resimests Thi remedy is BE soldiers fn these coutFics ars Sarde of stagth rs in coun! are curely sealed in plain wrapper, " NE CO.. P.O. Drawer L, 2341. Montres: (LONDON) Undoubtedly the best brewed on the continent. Proved to be so lg by analysis of four chemists, and $ by awards of the world's great Exhibitions, especially Chicago, ety-six points out of la possible hundred, ter in the United States 6r Canada. sp 3 nL TTeW § uncer- tain tion--oceas nal headaches. + It is simply that the organs are stuffed up' and isoned with the winter's overeating and Tivin ms indoors without sufficient exercise. Abbey's 'Salt gdes straight to the root of the * trouble by putting the Bowels, Stomach and Liver in good working condition. 2 : "That, means pure ahr blood, buoyant . health and plenty S of encrgy. At Druggists. 26¢c. and 6oc. a bottle. cs Salt Brome i Grey Worsteds - Fit-Reform' Grey Worsted Suits are novel in every respect. The designs are the very latest --the. fabrics are durable--the tailoring, masterly--the fit, perfect --and the styles, irrgproachable. If one of your new spring suits is to be a Worsted, it certainly ought to be a Fit-Reform Worsted. » Ao ws GT-Fe E. P. Jenkins, - Kingston wall decorations come from using Alabastine. Writs to-day for our book, "Homes, Healthful and Beautiful." It demonstrates in beautiful tri-color illustrations how' Alabastine will make your home more attractive and sanitary. . It shows how easy it is to apply Alabastine, how little it costs and gives many suggestions for home furnishings as well as for wall decoration. Send ten cents for a copy of *" Homes, Healthful and Beautiful," with many dainty, new ideas for the decoration of your home. Alabastine is sold by hardware and paint dealers everywhere---a 5 pound package for 50 cents. Ask your dealer for tint card. NEVER SOLD IN BULK. DASII NET A \ 3 WATT RAR RT hE) 3 127 WILLOW STREET. PARIS. O Re RLALLLLLLLE00000000000 i STOVES STORED ! Telephone No. 35 When you want your stove t#kén down and stored for the season. It will only cost you . $1.00" _ All orders promptly attended to. orm S860 004 FERRE RRR PRC eER Rey Lace Waist Made After a Smart Imported Model--Gown With Spangled Paillette of Silver |." One of the New Shades. New York, April 20.--better ome good suit and several stunning waists | than many costumes and fewer, less} impressive tops," -especially if these latter are not of the transferable sort, When in doubt what to wear it 1s safe to, select a lace waist made aiter a smart imported model. Not one of the chcap, elaborate sort that too many women buy, for a lace waist of this genre is one of the most Lopelassly common looking garments in existence and should 'be tabooed by amy woman with claims to good taste. The only desirable waist in the lace class that can be had ready made at = low tg gure is built of net, either plain Brus- sels, point de Paris or the ure meshed "filet" net that just now holds the lead in fashiomable favor. These waists can be had in excdtlent models at very moderate prices, and can eas ily be made distinctive by the addi- tion of trimmings of velvet ribbon, bits of embroidery or, perhaps, some some sort of a" harness," that matches the skirt worn. In these times when all the fashion- able shops make most extensive show- ing of models from the atelivrs of world famous artists inv dress creation she who will can give suggestions that will enable her to tramsiorm simple "ready-mades" . of plain materials into "tops" that may be worn with dis tinction in any company. The French are adepts im making smart tse of the simpliest means, It is only the few who can hope wo rival them in this faculty to create elegance by the combination of ordinary ma- terials, but, there are any number of amateurs who are excellent 'copyists. It is no harder to copy from really artistic sartorial creations than from ordinagy productions from less authc ritative sources. The basis of al extra waists is a simple, goodHitting blouse, and the woman who has tiwe and is willing to take the trouble to follow the directions that come with any one of the many patterns that can be had for a few pennies, and can't turn out a good plain blouse is the exception. Given this, the rest is only a mat- ter of Hecoration. Every family or individunl who is in any way inter- ested in clothes, should possess a "June," one of the papier mache forms that can be had at from fifty cents up, and on which the waist can be slipped and adjustments made at a great saving of time and suppressed {angunge. { Coral jewelry and coral embroidery. A gown of primrose yellow is trimmed with bands of silver gemmed with seed coral. Coral is also mingled "hh bright 'and dell pot and" with topnz and turquoises. Pendant ear- rings are creepime in.slowly, but sure- Tv. They are not like the old-time ear which fell from a gold wire, which pierced the ear. The new pen- dant ear ornaments all have a stud fastened close to the ear, and from this the pendant falls. A mixture of gems is fashionable--an ear stud of pearls or turquoises or sapphire with a pendant of diamonds, for instance. Must of the pendants are formed of several stones, but a few single pear- shaped gems are seen. 3 Very dainty petticoats are of cam- bric, with deep full flounces of wash- ing tambour net, lavishly embroider- ed in colored linen. Shades of rose, wine and purple are among the "beauty" veils of spring. A white net evening gown is spang- led paillette in silver, and embroider: ed in trails of raised valemciennes floners of shaded pink and nacre se- touched with bronze, end mindo drop quins, over a white silk foundation, veiled in soft NW ush rose. The corsage, which wa t very low, was almost entirely. of the embroidery, and was 'Pinished with an Empire sash of knot- ted The blending of color is perfection Necklets and bracelets of coral are affected by decided brunettes or The smartest necklet is forme ed of a series of coral carvings strung ther with golden links. The "me- "represent or leaves delicately skilfully reseda satin. blondes ain skirt. The are plastron of blue engraving a chemi guipure lace. A won drous factor--a fantasy of cream and blu plumes, forms the chief jament of the cream chip hat that accompanies this costume. A chiffon evening gown is of the nen shade, known as Terre d'Egypte, wade over white, the folded fichu and J the centre*panel painted in flowers of Wedgewood blue and Romney pink, and outlined on each side by a panel of fine lace, a high sash of chepe re- producing the flowers in more vivid (tones, the "very fussy lace and net sleeves tind with gold tissue. Another "evening gown was of white crepe de chine, with a deep insertion of painted chiffon. the pink and yel- low roses lightly touched with silver, giving the misty effect of moonlight sheen, the chiffon draperies of the de- colletage drawn through two large The Mark That Tells Pen-Angle trade- mark (in red) on every Pen-Angle garment, tells you it will fitand won't shrink, -- your own dealer so guarantees it styles, fabrics. for nderwear thus "Form Fi trademarked is _-- softer, warmer, silk crochet | setts of cream coque more better flexi public road in esivey Of this mileage, 20.552 By Dr. Williams' Pink Pills After 'Six Doctors Had Failed to: Be of Benefit. That gnawing sometimes Ah , fierce i aro heart; feeling of we sinees a for food--that's indigestion. _ Its victims are number- ed by the thousands. To them life is a burden. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have done more towards relieving this suffering than any other medi- cive. Often they hove cured after all ether had failed, as in the case of Willis Herman, of St. Catharines, Ont., who ®: "Il had been afflicted with indigestion and stomach trouble for years. At times my suffering was almost indescribable. Sometimes for whole J was unable to. touch food. '1 and at different times was treated by 'six doctors, but they did not help. me! Jd only grew worse. For a time Iwas living in New York and While there consulted a specialist, but he was w to give me any re- lief. I then decided to téy Dr. Wil- liams" Pink Pills and in less than a month 1 felt some relief. 1 continued their use for a couple of months long- er and gained in weight; my appetite improved; the pains left me and 1 now feel better. than 1 have at any time during the past twenty fine years. I will always gladly recommend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to other sufferers believing that they will surely do for others what they have done forme." When you use: Dr. Williams' Pink Pills as a blood builder and nerve tonic you are not experimenting--they have "been tried and proved successful in thousands of cases. It is their pow- er to actually make new, rich, red blood that enables them to cure such troubles as anaemia, indigestion, rheumatism, kidney trouble, St. Vitus dance, partial paralysis and those special ailments of girlhood and wom- anhood that cause so much misery. For sale by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50c. a box or six boxes for $2.50, from the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. PROPERTY OF SERVIAN KING. Inherits Roumanian Natalie : Estate. EX-QUEEN NATALIE. Belgrade, April 20.--Ex-Queen Na- talie, mother of the late king of Ser- via, has inherited a fortane of $100,000 of the Bucharest courts, n her the possession of the Obrenovitch estates in Roumania, By this decree Dr. Petronievitch, the late" king's © secretary, is rehabilitated and entitled to claim compensation from the Servian government for wrongfal imprisonment It will be remembered that he was accused by the revolutionary cabinet of having illegal Iv disposed of part of the revenues of these estates at King Alexander's bid ding, and was condemnod-to two years' imprisonment. The Roumanitn courts have now af- | firmed that the | the personal property of the king, and that .the king was perfectly justified in directing his secretary to employ .the | revenues for his majesty's private uses, | by a decision which has gi lands in guestion were Don't Be A Rheumatic. The disordered condition of the sys- tem which leads to rheumatism, eas- ily becomes a chronic condition. Rheu- matism does not cure itseli and if not | cured causes injury to the joints and | vital organs that will remain even though the disease be cured. The time to treat any case of rheumatism 'is now. The remedy to use is Dr. Hall's Rheumatic Cure. This remedy thor- oughly expels the disease from the sy- stem. Don't wait' a day in beginning its use. It hag cured the worst possi- ble cases and 'will eure you. Scores of neople of this logality recommend it. Ten days' 'treatment. Price Me., at Wade's Drug Store. Nature's Manufacturers. It is' interesting to note how man has borrowed. many of his ideas from the animal world. Wasps made paper from wood long before man decided it was a goqd substitute fog, rags. The folding scissbrs and folding pocket compass are only copies of. the folding lower jaw of the dragon fly. The fly- [THE GUILLOTINE FRENCH POET'S QUEER EX- Its Use Proves That France Has - Not Yet Become a Weak and Decqgent Nation--General - lifet's Reply. In symposium of the 4 authors on the question of whether "or not the death al ies have been evoked. Soplien all the literary men who at- temipt to answer the question declare the eiligting, They witeds a principal reason the uency mis- carriages of justice, and "take the view that it is better that many miscre- ants go unscathed than that ome in- nocent person should suffer death. Taking the contrary view of the subject, Mistral, - the Provencal poet, whose mediaeval dialect revival has won hila an enviable tation and esteem, makes an astonishing reply in * INTENSIFIED FRUIT JUICES ~~ AN IMPROVEMENT ON NATORE A Discovery that is Revolutionizing Medicine. | Remarkable Success Attends the Finding of a New Medicinal Compound by Combining the Juices : of Apples, Qranges, Figs and Prunes, active medicinally than the fruit juices, Where eating fruit only helped to keep one well, this compound actually cured disease. i - To make it more valuable st, 'his physician added the finest tonics and antiseptics, and then, by evaporating the entire compound to a powder, made it into tablets. } g This, in short, is the method of mak- ing * Fruit-a-tives "--these wonderful tablets -- the most reliable cure for Constipation, Biliousness, Stomach Troubles, Kidney and Bladder Disease and Skin Affections. Being made from | og a + = Fruit helps to keep one healthy. Fruit, In itself, will not cure disease. The medicinal principle--or that part of fruit which has a curative effect-- is In such Infinitesimal quantities, that it is unable to overcome a diseas- ed condition of the stomach, liver, bowels, kidneys or skin, Just here is where science stepped In, An Ottawa physician did what nature could not do. He first found that some fruits were stronger medicinally than others--and that apples, oranges, figs and prunes contained all the healing: properties of other fruits. There are two pr in fruit jul 'bitter verse. He holds in hig' sta at a str peoplé ways require ra handed justice. , The p able consequence, in the mind of the poet, i¢ that if the French people yield to delicate scruples on the subject of beheading, and become so squeamish and molly-coddled that they cannot bear the thought of 'putting to death ény human being, no matter what his lack of deserts may be, France will have taken a long step on the down- ward path which leads to the level upon which the feebler-minded nations stand. Gen. Gallifet replies, humorously : "Whether it comes to me from God or from man, death will be no penalty to me." ya gp ---------------- Brother Doukhobor. Courler. Ciraioy sect in the west is about due for trouble, Brother Dovkhéhas is its representative, Unlike on he will not obey the law. He has lost his liomestead because he will not. perform his settlement duties. So he and Canada are even on that score. But that -is not the only indictment against Brother Doukhobor. He has been stealing. Settlers--Canadian and Doukhobors-- are permitted to cut from governmente timber limits all the wood they require for their own use. But they must not go into the cord wood business and cut wood for sale. It is the fashion in the west to be law-abiding, and Canadians, Galiclans, Russians and everybody but Brother Doukhobor has cut no more than en- ough wood for himself. 'When con- stables--not mounted police--arrested these - offenders, these childlike and peaceful gentry chased them away with pitchforke and rescued the prisoners. However, the mounted police took a hand in and a few of the offenders are in jail, The Western Canadian is the most tolerant man on, earth. He has as much respect for the rights of others as if he had taken an honor course in ethics and knew Mill on Liberty off by heart. But, wherever the Western Canadian is able to speak authorita- tively aboup Brother Doukhobor he waxes contemptuous or profane and save he is "no good." The westerner will not denounce Galicians, Hungari ans, Ruthenians or anybody else, but he firmly believes that Brother Douk- , eitlier dangerously crazy or hobor is ) man full of obstinacy else is a sane and malice. EVERYWHERE SAME PRICE. No Man Need Pay More Than His Neighbor Pays. The plain marked price has helped to build up many a large business. It is an evidence of the faith in the value which a merchant sets on his goods. The buyer accepts it as such. Two ol the leading manufacturers of Canada accepted this truth, and they have conquered by adhering te it, despite the many temptations held out "We would not sacrifice this for a $100,000 order," em the president of s+ Semi-ready company, when urged to accept a large order for Blunoe marking them up $2 higher. Semi-ready garmentsgare made and marked at the factory. The man who buys a Semi-ready Blunoz suit in Van- to them, principle ly retorted suits, | couver or Winnipeg gets it at the same price as the man who buys in Toronto or Kingston, $20, H. D. Bibby Co. 75-30-52 Princess street, Business Show A Success. The Sixth National business show in Chicago recently drew 15,0000 per- cons the first night. Two hundred ex- hibitors were present. The exhibits include all sorts of time and dabor saving plevices that did everything but think and that are made and. sold for the purpose of making office work eas jer and the acquiring of money business more simple. Systems and machines that were marvelous in the extreme were seen at eviry step and turn, Anticipating Trouble, New York Sun. On lower Broadway, just below the : post office, a vacant store was recently | altered and redecorated for a new ten- ant, and a freshly painted sign an- nounced, not a glorious opening nor the advent of somebody with the best line of something, but a "closing out sale." Closing out before starting! Evidently the author of "To arrive ing squid! a species of cuttlefish, has asway of projecting itseli as high as twelve feet above the surface of the water by forcibly expelling water from its body. Man saw this and invented the skyrocket. The rope-making ma- chines used in the United States navy vard follow almost the precise lines that a spider does when making his own frail cable. - -Public Roads Of Indiana. In 1904 there were 68.308 miles of the State of Indiana. you must start" reckoned without his host. No more Alcohol As now made, Ayer's Sarsaparilladoes not contain the least particle of alcohol in any form whatever, You get all the tonic and alterative effects, without . When a stimulant is} will it, and Brother Mor- } fruit, "Froit-a-tives™ may be taken by women and children without fear of iN-effect. . Don't take a substitute. If your druggist does not handle them, send 50c for a box to Frult-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, and sweet. After extracting the juices of the four fruits mentioned, this phy- sician succeeded In replacing one atom of the sweet principle by one of the hitter. This resulted in an entirely new combination being formed. This new compound was many tithes more What is Food without Flavour? What is a Dinner without Lea & Perrins' Sauce? Try it both wa Jade by the Taste! Black on wrapper. ve For the Afternoon At Home, fragrant, aromatic Tea is the most delicious-- Blue Ribbon Tea has no rival in health giving flavor. It stimulates the enervated and is a wholesome tonic for all. Black, green, mixed --25¢. to $1 a An drovers ~ FOR SALE: ENGLISH PIG LEAD = Canada Metal Co., Ltd. -toronts, out. re ee -- OXFORD SHOES 1C a We have many styles in Oxfords for Men, Women, Boys', Girls' and Children. Men's Oxfords in Black and Tan, Patent Colt, in Blucher and Button Styles, $3.50 to $5.00. ies : ; Women's Oxfords in Vici: Kid and Patent Colt, Blucher, Lace and Button, Prices . $1.50, $2.00, 2.50, 3.00 and $3.50. & Boys' and Girls' Oxfords in Viei Kid and Patent Colt. $1.26,'91.50 to $3.60. ' Children's Oxfords in Vici Kid and P Leather, made just like men's and berne

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