Scotch Tweeds 'Correct: weights for spring suits, many fashionable styles, one drag = pattern, $5, $6, 97, #8, $9, 310, $11. "New Black Voiles In All Wool. The Crish serviceable makes, 50c. to $1.50 All Silk. The 'soft clinging styles, Be: 092.50 yard. New Spring Coats An extensive showing, in the' very latest models, White, and Colors. Over 100 distinct styles, $7.50 to $25. ~~" New Eton Suits : lot) t Checks, Panamas, Tweeds, ete. ~~ New Voile Skirts Black and Navy, handsomely made in the latest styles, $7.50, $830, .50, $10. . New Shirt Waists ~~ New Corsets Curtain Nets and Muslin, 19jc. to 75c. yard, less LEE Ede bE is id Bugs, various makes, lass 90 por cont. Squares, 1} to 5 yards long; less 20 percent: - ey fi Fr ri 3 as gk A. Germain, Kingston (Electri- a» E . on Oran) PE Civ G. C. Keith, Smith's Falls (Civil). i Kin Parte Sn. (Ci. _E Lavoie, Baie-St. Paul, Que., (Civ- Ne. 8. Laser, Belleville (Givi). f Ja brs _C. W. Murray, Mission City (Min- x 0. MeOulloch, Souris, Mom. gw McEwen, Dawson, Yukom, Fy, Owen Sound, (Min- 5 A. Nachle; Moulinette, (Elce- trical.) + & Molaren, Perth, ( rd, § an E ) Ee ey . M. Sands, Kingston, (Mining) . P. Stiles, Cornwall, (Electrical.) W. J. Woolsey, Phoenix, B.C., (Min- ing.) "G. C. Wright, Kingston, (Civil) Diploma In Civil Engineering. G. C. Keith, Smith's Falls. Degree Of XM. E. B. 0. Strachan, B.Se., Ely, Mion. Prives Awarded. Chinotfior's Scholarship, First Year Ia cal Science--W. A, Bell, St. 8. Mayor Mowat™s Scholarship, Second Year in Practical Science-W. W. Campbell, Dutton, and J. A. Kelso, Wallaceburg, equal.® 3 Brice Carruthers': Scholarship, Third Year in Mining-D. B, y Du- Iuth, Minn., and C. Orford, Kingston, equal. : SMALLPOX IN KITLEY. ; i Middle Aged Man Stricken With the Malady. ont Agail 20.~A case of c Peter . The "AFFOy -- r Tb ame "ASKED WORE WAGES] |MEN AT G. T. R, FREIGH wed SHEDS The Canadian Press Association is a prize package. To prop up ome or two Toronto publications it started a crusade against United States mail matter, and Canadian publishers are now entering upon an embargo al- most unprecedented. To send a Tor- onto dollar dailv to the United States will cost $3.08 yearly in post- age: a dollar semi-weekly will require $1.04; the cheap weekly, 50c. The new reprisal tax is nothing short of an outrage on the press. The C. P. A. has no reason to be proud of its lat- est achievement in the line of petition and influence. The regular eirewlation of Canadian papers in the United States will be very nearly stonped. and this is not wise in a national sense. JUROR "APPROACHED." District Attorney Jerome Will In- vestigate Report. New York, Appl 20.1% is an- nounced that the district attorney has begun the investigation of a report that one of the jurors in the recent trial of Harry XK. Thaw was "'ap- proached"by a policeman before the trial closed. Henry C. Brearly, one of the jurors, bad an interview with District Attorney Jerome late to-day, at the latter's office. Later it was announced that several other of the Thaw jurors would be asked to come to the district attorney's office to tell hat they know of the report in ques ion. ! esos. XT... and essrs. M. T. Joseph R47. 600, the old X. X lan & Opeongo streets, Renfrew. This property has ever been an building some years ago. , Sale of three-inch silk ribbon, 13. per yard in cardinal, black, navy, fit blue and white, New York Reform © Our new cakes, the Olive and Venice, are preat sellers. Tre one as a sam- ple. BR. H. Tove, King street. , | another eyesore | i since the fire which destroyed the b New Chelford™ hats, $2.95, Bibby's: | 4 I my last day on the job, anyway," remarked the teamster. STRUCK BY OON. Loss of Life and ty om Caroline Islands. Berlin, Bil 20.--Colonial Bliractar Dernburg a cable om the governor of the Teland of a , an- nouncing tha swept over . i on y last, and that 230 of the 300 natives of the Ululthi group were drowned. Cocoanut trees were "de stroyed and = famine threatened the surviving natives. The steamer Plan- et, of eo German navy, which has been engaged in geodetic work, 'and the steamcr Germania, of the Jaluit y, proceeded to the Ululthi Is , taking food and help. It is proposed to bring as many of the suf- fering natives as possible 'to the Pelew and Marina (Ladrone) Islands. STANDARD STOCK EXCHANGE. Reported From 18 Market Street, Kingston, Ont. Toronto, April 20th. ABIDE cece. mares: me on Re | LAST SALES. DID NOT WANT IT KNOWN. "If Henry Knew He'd Go Cramy." Cayuga, Ont, April 20-At the Perkins murder trial, this morning, the chief witness was Mrs. George Carter, of Walkerville. Mrs, Perkins, accompanied by her husband; visited at Mrs. Carter's home last summer. Mrs, Carter said Mrs. Perkins asked her if she could obtain a doctor's or- der to buy some strychnine. Mrs. Carter gave her the address of 'a De troit druggist. Mrs. Perkins said that she did not want Heary (her husband) to know she was going to buy strych- nine, as he would go crazy if he knew. While at Mrs. Carter's home Henry Perking was ill and vomited. Mrs. Carter's evidence was corroborated by, her daughter, Lillian. ENDED HIS DAYS. A Lad Shot in Bowels Through Accident. Chatham, Ont., April 20.--As the re- sult of the accidental explosion of a shot gun, last evening, Francis Barn- jer, Dover township, aged fifteen, lost his life. In ny with a seven- teen-year-old bro he was shooting muskrats, in the Thames river, when the trigger of his gun caught on an obstruction, and the charge passed through his bowels. The boy died two hours later. Coroner Boyd deemed an inquest unnecessary, Fine Rink Burmed. Niagara Falls, Ont., April 20.--The large arch roller and ice rink, at the south end of the city, was completely destroyed by five, is morning, with large barn owned by Frank Delton. Loss on rink, $15,000; loss on barn, $1,800. Loss on both partly covered by insurance. The rink was owned by a compary. Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Com- | is sold at Gibson's Red Cross Store. ¥ Boys' shirt waists, 50c. Bibby's. Card of Condolence. IT IS WITH Ye 3 hat We LM. ¥. No. 78, ern. ud t 2 I has lost one of its ard while we how lt ied dn to the will of our Tord amt Master, ®ho has thus decreed, We eamnot help, t o hy , of extend heartfelt sympathy to the widow and a kind and lovin Mother oid age. and in there but as God's will it' be, he has called him from this yi of labour. to a mighter world pearmianent rest and F he 5 To-Night at 7.30. 2 GOOD THINGS just received will be: placed on sale, and as the lots are not very large come carly. + Ea pt oe 690 Yards Fancy Ribbons Some Dresden designs, others Fancy French stripes. The values range from 2oc. to 4oc. Yours To-night |15¢ yard. ~ Samples will be:shown in window between 6 and 7°30 To-night. 600 Yards Good Quality Pillow Cotton Full 44 inches, circular, fine even make and sold never less than 2oc. yard. Yours To-night while the lot lasts 12% ¢c yard Stocking The largest stock of Hosiery in Kingston now awaits you at prices that will surely in- terest you. . WOMEN'S Black Cashmere Stockings, splen- did values, at 25¢. ' Black Cashmere Stockings. 35¢, 39¢, 45¢. GIRLS' Black Cashmere Stockings, fine ribbed or plain. Five qualities to elect from, ali sizes in each make, BOYS' Extra Strong Ribbed Cashmere Stock- ings, 4 qualities, allsizes, from 2oc. up to 6oc. MEN'S Black Cashniere Sox, different weights, 25¢, 35¢, 39¢, 45¢.% "Long Kid Gloves In Black, Tan, Grey, White, 1.50 and 2.00. G ~--OR-- GOOD BOYS' BOOTS WE HAVE BOTH KINDS A Boys' Genuine Horsehide Leather, heavy and § strong, but without the heavy look, waterproof, and $ the best all round boot for boys to be had, A limited number only, sizes Ito 5. A $2.50 Boot for $2. i The Lockett Shoe Store 3 g At a _Cor. . Mrs. Powell-Cotton, the wife « ton, the well-known ethRographi ed to England 'from an adventure est Africa. In order not te inte Powell:Cotton's bride left Englan marriage took place in 1905. NM) husband through the pigmy {ores months. . Mrs. Powell-Cotton is il Bassenthwaite, Cumberland. Maj of the pigmies when they first sa never presiously beheld a white source of wonder was her long h dwarfs she would let down while less wonder. During our many n ty with the forest tribes, some of ABOLITPEARI FISH PRECIOUS GEMS COME FF EAST INDIAN ISLAND. Found -By Native Divers--Oy: Are Sold at Auction and . chasers May Be Lucky or lucky in Finding Gems. Flashed under the ocean comes news. that in future the gem chanee, the Oriental pearl, will vance in price like the diamong, also like the diamond will it be by a powerful syndicate and giv the public in small lots to ixep price up to the highest possible » The pear! is" undogbtedly the c gem of adorpwment and was in probability the first gem 'worn by man; its use is_as old as man a almost every. record of the dim misty past' the pear] is referred is the cimblem or purity and so the Téars:of Buddha, the Souls ¢ Angels, often' given in exchange the fair white slave or the dusky bian girl: desirgd for the houscho the wealthy Oriental, fregiently ransom of: a captive chief or the of a humap® life. No matter id gem be dangling from the bea throat of 'aisociety belie, folded oiled paper sin the safe of a Low or in the filthy leather bag of an trader 'its value -is 'always known, it is probably the most frequ bartered gem in the world. On the , Bast Indian islends," + the pearl iproducing oyster thriv: 2