grovoer "fife will around Ki n, re than ever be- ms to WHITE. ut in touch with fa a velties e have secured laterials ther store here, ie goods are freshest. w We Mention hecor- FANCY GINGHANMS--10c,, 121, 15, vafiet«d 20, 25 . 20 CHAMBRAYS--In all wanted shades, . 124c., 15, 20. hebest] NOVELTY VOILES--A fine French cotton material in fancy stripes popu] and checks, 25¢. p : re are) oo go. of FANCY FRENCH MUSLINS Dain 40 ty floral designs, 25c., 35, 45. . WHITE SWISS SPOT MUSLINS Small, medinm and large spot 'a For] splendid showing of these a» very] popular musling at 30c., 45, 15 woom-y 40, 25, 35,90 .......onenn..... ' he "de 3 WHITE LINEN SUITINGS--Difier- ent weights and widths, 2c. 35, 25 39, 45, 89, 75. e Best Corset Va- ue Anywhere at $1.50 and $2. A strong statement that--but we do Helly ie now to claim that we sell st value that can be bought anywher: 50 or $2.00--in our French rsets give shapeliness, comfort and grace to woman : who wears them. They trengthening support, besides gracefully lines over the bust and hips--and t the same time, they give the greates' le amount of comfort. They are her. m and stout figures, and we're speak- they're well worth one dollar more ir ach Corsets at $1.50 and $2.00--an( x long waist, in either white or drab, ets, with military hips, well boned and tached, extra-special, only 75¢. low-bust Corset, we offer two specials The Butterick Fashion Sheets for. MAY have just arrived and will be ready for distribution to our customers to-morrow --FREE ask for one. ~ We heliavé* diet there are Some people in Kings: ¥ ton who are not aware that we carry, on our 2nd floor, the largest stock of § MW Trunks in the city. We § sell a tremendous lot of them, but we are, this e our output. We sell none are low and goods fresh and e largest assortment of Grips s, lettered free of charge. We } 'W our goods. t Shoe Store | + corner of King and William Sts., - * ® @ ® @® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® < « % 4 ® ow & To have #repairs and altera- 3 tions made is during Summer, § It means considerably lower p 4 prices, and the advantage of & having garments reddy when ® you need them. 2 3 ® ® Telephone ¢ ® 489 - ® ® 4 ' 4 ®© ® JOHN MeKAY, ' § 149-153 Brock St., 2 i @ Kingston, Ont. ; DAILY MEMORANDA. tres . Continual at{raction, Campbell Bros'. Nobby Hats. Cheese Board, 1.80 p.m. Thursday. Queen's Universit, Bote ity Trustees meet, "King of "Tramps," House, 8.15 pm. Ps 'Sale of Furniture, to-morrow, at 10 a. Tenders for McKelvey & Birch' [received -tiil noon Thursday. = oC Limestone No. 91, A. 0.U. W. meets Thursday night, at 8 o'clock. Pemdlers for rebuilds McKel Birchia received till 8 otmorrow, This day in history '--Pight t Fish Creek, 1885 ; Spanian Amen ar hn kun, 180; Russo-Turkish war . hegan, Grand Opera at 892 Allred Se. m. et-- WHIG TELEPHONES 229--Rditorial. Rooms. Everything "hots riciasie. Glassware NEW DESIGNS Constantly arriving fronf the very cheapest pressed glass to the finest full ToL Sée the New Glass Trays, for cigar bands. Stove Brushes X Ray Stove Polish. Sultana Stove Polish Electric Stove Polish Shoe Brushes Serubbing Brushes Sink Brushes Fibre Pails Wooden Pails Fibre Tubs Wooden Tubs. JAS. REDDEN & CO. Up Capital -'- - $14,400, Paid Rest - - ~ - «-- - == 11,000, The branch of this Bank at Has Moved KING AND CLARENCE STS. A NOISELESS CARRIAGE One grade only, that the best. McLaughlin has been our motto fo thirty-eight years, His carriages are stylish, substantial and comfortable; They cost a little more than some others, but think of the comfort it is to know that go out driv« ing your carriage is not going to break down before you get back. Thep, too, they run easier, last long: er, and are more attractive than a cheaper rig. Get one and be in the fashion. For sale at 42 Princess St. For every variely of Real Estate Bargains and Insurance, go to SWIFT'S REAL" ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY. Auction Sale Farniture 802. Alfred street, THURSDAY, A 25th, 10 a.m. I will sell part of Effects of Mr: S. consisting. of Wilton AXm Bri Carpéts, Fite Oak Dining Suite, Oak Gabi y! Tables in a nt _-- nx andl ney , adv ahogauny » Rockers, Rope Portiere, 1 The | divecting the Robertson Bros. NOTICE. A REWARD OF $35 WILL BE PAID for information that will Jead to the Coffviction of any person who has been guilty lately of placing out poison for animals in the City. By ordef of the HUMANE SOCIPTY. PR ------ i ------ EXTREME TYPE. Bounties Looked Upon As High Protection. | From Qur Owa Correspondent. Ottawa, April 24.--For the most Bart of yesterday there was a general iscussion in thé commons upon the bounties on iron and steel. The op J and. were now subscribing to the high- est form of protection. Mr. Borden pointed out that unhties were the extreme type of protection. The opposition caused considerable amusement by quoting from speeches of the Hon. William Paterson, deliv- ered some fourteen years ago. These afforded just as hearty laughs to his political friends. The commons also considered a bill introduced by Aylesworth to amend tho railway act chiefly by con- ferring upon the railway commission the power to make application to the minister of justice for the employment of counsel when the interests of the public required it. Mr. Foster pointed out that the pro- posed amendment would give the min- ister of justice a good deal of patron: age. Mr. Aylesworth said it was not pro- posed to make the railway commis- sion a lawyer"s tribunal. The amend- ment was simply intended to enable the employment of counsel in special cases affecting public interests and in which railway companies had the ad- vantage of able lawyers. W. F. Maclean moved an amendment attorney-general of the dominion to enforce the railway acts. Tt was lost on a division by eighty votes to thirty-eight. Rather Fish Than Live. Utica, N.Y., April 24. --After the pa- refits of Ernest Parry, a thirteen-year' old lad, died, he lived with a family near Pitcairn. Yesterday he wanted to bottow a fishing pdle from his guar- dan, explaining that he desired to do a liltle trout fishing with some com- ions. The boy's request wad re s He smashed the pole to pieces, then made a noose out of a halter and hanged himself in the barn. Dak Hall tack nd Seat, Oak Bedroom : al a * » a 'Of Suite, Oak = Dressing Table, Cosy Games Yesterday. Cushions, Bace Curtains; Poles. Art| American Beage--Detroit, 7; St. Blinds, Gas Range, Refriverator, Kitchen | | ouis, 4. Chicago-Cleveland, rdin. Utensils and numerous other articles. Washingt n-Philpdelphia, rain. Bos- ALLEN, The Auctioneer, ton-New York, wet grounds. : National Leagne--Chicago, 4; Cin- Telephone, 252. Residence, 243 Syden- stréet. - 3. Pittsburg, 7; St. Louis, 5. - To Contractors. TEND Ens. iLL Be hECELYED at the office the. : undersigned: ere plans and specifications may be 358) to 'I¥ o'clock, néon, on THURS Works required inthe recomstructi of the business prémises of Méssrs McKelvey & Birch, Brock street, in this city. not necessari accept Tr NEWLANDS, Architect, Office, 258 Bagot street: Monuments 'Eowest ar any Fore 'and Domestic Granite and Martie!" Large stock to choose from at Towest 'prices. A JAMES MULLEN Opp. Y.M.C.A. 372 Princess St. i ti tp A eh. TENDERS FOR FUEL: SEPARATE TENDERS WILL BE received hy the undersi up to 5 rl 1 at the Board Rooms. . JOHN MACDONALD, Sey: Teas, th instaft, for the severa¥ trades 79. New York, 4; Boston, 2. Philadelphia- Brooklyn, wet grounds. Have Your Furs Stored. And insured at Campbell Bros. Phone The most magnificent and costly pearl necklace in the world is the pro- perty of the Countess Henckel. e C. P. R. has ceased shipping coal to the west. ; Get Your Bowels To Move. Now see here a minute, my frienil. You ought to know that you can't cure pains in the head, or heartburn and shooting pains in the stomach with headache powders and liniments, That staff you rub on doesn't remove thie cause: You have got to gov down where the trouble is. What you want to do is to get your bowels to werk. . three Hu y Take one Notrren position sought to show before these were passed the government had departed from time "traditions; the cause of the crack cannot be as- -- Werte The Tortures lnflicted On Prisoners Iv ORDER TO sttuvR¥ 'con: FESSIONS FROM THEM. Beatén on 'Sensitive Parts of Their Bodies--The Prosecution of the Guilty Persons Will Be Carried Out By the Govern- ment. St. Petersburg, April 24.~In the lower house of parliament, yesterday, M. Pergament, constitutional deio- erat, read reports of the imterpella- tion committee regarding charges that prisoners had been tortured in order to obtain confessions. Details of some seventy cases were given. The isoners were shown to have been ten on sensitive parts of their bodies with Cossacks' whips and rub- her rode while their finger nails and hair werés pulled out, the tortures in many cases being prolonged for eight or ten days. The vice-minister of the interior, . M. Makaroff, replying, assur- el the house the goverament had no intention of overlookin~ crimes, committed by officials and added that the prosecution of guilty persons had already begun. WHOLESALE BIGAMIST Dr. John Carver Said to Seventeen Wives. Marshall, Mich., April 21.--Dr. John Carver, alleged bigamist, said to have at least seventeen wives, was captured at Fort Smith, Ark. Carver is charged with déirauding his wives out of $150,000. The specific charge on which he was arrested was that of defrauding Mrs. Lolo Davis, Battle Creek, of $25,000, Carver marfied her on October 16th, 1906, at Battle Creek. He went with hér to New York, and they decided to biy a boarding house. He told his wife to go ed uit raise all the money she col on property and | forward him a draft, and he "would make arrangcifientsto Inve her come on in two weeks after all details had been settled. He got the money, it is said, and disappeared. Carver is wanted in Cincinnati, Pittsburg, Buf- falo, Grand Rapids, Norfolk and Saginaw, and officers have been after him for three years. He is a graduate of the Pittshurg Dental Collere, is forty years : old, and procured his wives through a matrimonial bureau. INDUCEMENTS TO WED. Have Children, $30 and Free Marriage Certificate. Kansas City, Mo., April 24.---On making a count and discovering that thirteen of the clerks in the court house are bachelors," Probate Judge Van B. Prather, of Wyandotte county, said that there was a hoodoo where and he was going to put it to flight. His first offer of a license and his service in tying the knot, both free of charge, brought no applicants. He has now increased the inducement by offering $30 in cash, a marriage li- oense, ceremony performed free of charge, and two children for adoption to any one who will break the spell. some IGNATIEFF'S MURDERER Sentenced to Eleven Years' prisonment. Tver, Russia, April 24.--A court: martial, yesterday, sentenced a stu- dent named Ilinsky, the assassin of Gen. . Count Alexis Ignatieff to eleven vears' imprisonment in the mines, and condemmed Talslovsky, an accomplice of the murderer, to deportation for life. The defence protested against the prisoners being tried by court-mar- tial, stating that thev should have been tried bythe ordinary law. Tver i one of the few provinces where no form of martial law has been pro- claimed. AN OFFICER DISCIPLINED. Im; Sentenced to Month's Arrest For Insubordination. Paris, April 24. Lieut. Maurin, cond in command on the coast fence battleship Valmy, has been or- dered to undergo a month's close ar- rest for insubordination of an extra- ordinary kind. He. and his supérior officer were drawing up a'list of sailors to be re- commended for promotion, when they quartelled over some of the names proposed. Eventually the lientenant rofused to discuss the . matter any longer, and walked away. o- de- Cathedral In Danger. London, April 21.-- Many of the wor- shippers at Exeter cathedral have been alarmed by the erection of scaf- folding around the south tower for the purpose of ascertaining the extent of a crack discovered some time ago. They absénfed themselves from the services, yesterday, despite the efforts of the dean and chapter to prevent a seare. The crack oxtonds Pom near "the to the battlements. Trenches have been sunk, bwt no change in the foundations has. been revealed, and certained. . ¥ The external stomework of the tow- Set ' sundi- Hi 8 LF ev IN RUSSIAN PRISONS| day, b Pa no T. McCleary, by President tant Von L. Mever. Tt MeClenry will try foreign countries. WAS 24. to Paris, April age, believed whose name is shot himself in a of Paris, last nig hailed a cab take him ed the stations minutes, as'if expe Reentering" the of Paris. On the changed his mind, the Rue ( ambos his brains with now at cation. Beyond a few without money, Ellen EHiott, the was killed on crowd of whit of the city, 1 that she came Baugh, John B. Ta Walker= All of the gg a mayor's court. Rome, - April It is. now stated will go back to Camadian - premier, lackeys ta shave: In the event resumed budget on the roughest raw material. answer to that? the écomomic ver, 4) Roo postmaster-grneral the morgue Sunday boys, Washington, April 24. ex-member of congress from Mimesotd, hos just been selected velt to be assis to 1 LAT. McCLEARY: Hon. James to George il that otinte for lower rate of first-class postage with 1 Mr. a 'MONEYLESS -- BLOWS OUT HS BRAINS IN EAST RIDE IN CAB. -- Englishman Who Commits Suicide in Paris Takes Pains to Con- ceal His Identity, A man of middle Englishman, be an } eal 1 ht. st unknown at present, » in the The dead at the corner of Rae Camibon and the Boulevard Capueines, and ordered the driver to to the Gate du Nord. arriving there he alighted and enter reels man the dos On ke wailed some ing some one. he told cab, way, howev er, the driver to take him to the Gare Mont- parnasse, whith is on the other side he and this time di- v. Ref a revolver, awal sons, the « There were rected the cabman to drive back to wre reaching ting that point the unknown man blew out and he identifi- is lecoased was no papers on Je body, bat a fow Sans Gy: The ice crusher, Algoma and two man postage stamps were fow in rhalohap - one pocket, He is about fifty-five whole jack ais Hearted ftom Dee J he well Bhi. ith passage through the river to the Soo. He wore a dapk gray suit, with the | Above the Soo tugs will be used. . same on' the tab of Alexander. the The reforms in China, hailed with Great, 4% Strand. London. He was [Such joy last fall, are said to be not wearing a black hat. with initials on } PANNE out as expected, being seri the inside, 'which might be either "J, ously hlocked by conservative intrigue. C7 or "H. C." for én attempt: had All men of modern education are said been made to rub them out. In his | 0 be more or less under. mapician, Cont ok vas rn cimnretlo « the and the government is said to be _do- Gat packet Yaa Shich had been |ing its best to alienate" them and" to Haine m i oS w hi int EN play into the hands of the reyolu- scratched out with a knife tionists, . Some monks in Naples had a bad Negress Killed By Boys seare, yesterday. While they were at Danville, Va.; April 24.-The coro: J dinner "some sirhtseers knocked at ner's jury mvestigating the death of | their door and they shouted, "Don't. negro womnn who in Ihett & boy twelve and twenty-éne y . and are being held without bail pend- i preliminary hearing in The night the turned a verdict, to, her the hands of Oscar Neatherly, deat and He Will Come Back. 24. Mgr. Sbarretti, the papal delegate in Canada, who is now in this city, will not return to Ottawa, owing to fami ly reasons; turns out to be incorrect, report by ye h a suburbs ster by Jogeph Thomas ¢ between rs 'of age the that that the delegate Canada with the Sir Wilirid Laor- ------------ Motistaches On A Strike. Turin, April, 24.---The men sefvanta of Turin held a meeting, vesterday, at which & resolution was passed to the effect that a protest hefore the prefect of the towh of the action of masters who forced their should | permission to. grow moustaches, ] servants have decided to go on strike, Never Been Answered. London, April 24.--Mr. Asquith, plying to Austen Chamberlain in debate, enid : ier, who is now in London attending the imperial council. laid Ainst of their not obtaining the, re- the "We could not do substantial justice, even and broadest scale, Accepted Terms. Berlin, April 24.--1t is stated comthittee has actepted the provisional tarifi arrangement with the. United States. No. concession of the admission of American meats have, made, A + bérween the various parts of the em. pire unless we supplemented the ference om food with a proference He had never seen pre on an that 2:3 es &F a GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS- ' SIBLE FORM. Matters That Interest Everybody --Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered. General Botha has invited Sir Wil- frid Lauder to visit the Transvaal Mrs, Mattie Perkins was acquitted on ths charge of poisoning her husband at the Cayuge assizes, The colonial conference has decided on the establishment of a general mil- itary staff for the empire. H. W. Brick was committed for trial at Perth on the charge ing the: Wampole drug compasy. Antonio Infante, a negro died at Santiago, . Cuba, at the age of 150 years. He was born in 1757 2 Misk Anna Lo Jeanes, ilatlelphia, has given $1,000,000 for negro educa- ton in the southern states, Fires supposcil to. have been started by anarchists caused great i to the French arsenals, at Touwlon,™ on Monday. Conductor Joseph H. Thompson was found guilty of manslaughter, at Guelph, in copnection with the fatal accident at Gonrock, Gen. Rheinbot, prefect of police of Moscow, whos life was twice attempt. ol by terrorists, and who is now abrond on leave of absence, will not resume his post, according to. our rent report. At Springfield, 0., the entire plant of the Indianapolis Switch and Frog company owned by N, S..Fairbanks, brother of Vice-President ©. W, Kair- banks, was totally destroyed by. five, entailing a loss of $200,000. Hon. W. S_ Fielding afnounced in the house that parliament may pro rogue Friday or Saturday nest. He ple moved an extension of the iron 8 ] ditions, which was carried. The Toronto cup, with $5,000 added to the sweepstakes, hans an entry of forty-six, at the Ontario Jockey Club meet, so that the race will be worth $5,000 to the winner alone. The ligt of owners and horses indicates that the coming meeting will bring to- gether the best material ever seen at Woodbine. Sixty steamers, several of them of the largest class, are now held at De- tour, Mich., and another fleet is gath- ering at the north end of the passage hother, the brothers are at lunch," A few minutes later they discoversd, to their consternation that the visitors they were ordering away through the closed doot, were the king and queen of England. Duncan Coulson, the general manag- er of the Bank of Toronto, hos now ten with the bank for fifty years. Of this time he has been general er for thirty years. To mark be oe casion the dire6ioFs dnd officials of the bank tendered Mr. Coulson a Han- auet at the King Fdward Hotel, Tor- onto, and presented him with a very handsome loving cap. Opposition on the part of Kaiser William, is expected to cause "the abandonment of the proposal to hold an international etposition in Berlin 1757. The kaiser considers = the poski- kility of Germany. being drawn into European war before the time set for the exposition iz too great for the nation to take the risk Wwolved in arrsngements for an international ex- position, G. P. Blackstock, K.€ in an ad- dress before the Canadian Club, of Toronto, spoke seathingly of the con- duet of some members of the Domin- ion parliament. "I stood," he said, "in an hotel some time ago, 'whilst a lady was signing the register, and at the same time heard a torrent of the foulest oaths T ever had to listen to, onths and blagphemies proceeding from members of the House of Com- mone. So long as we allow that to zo on. ~2a long will we be on the grensed skid of destruction." Melba At Brussels. Prussels, April 28. -Mme. Melba, who sailed fom New York last week, mode her renppenrance jn this city for the first time im sevgral years. "I have never enfoyed any gp dm erica so much af e one just clos- ed,'"" said Move, Melba. "All through have ben in solendid health and spir its, apel 1 shall never forget the Kind ness | have received from everybody." A -------------------- Campbell Bros'. 4 Wl fi i 2 2! claims. o. Hell com- b 8 iy, ins to. bo § the Church of Scotland, he came 'to Janada, years ago, to escape the dou- hie ability he of af a sharcholder in the Gla bank, which had failed. Ho pe for a time in Pictou county, NS. andl Iter dyifted to , going into tock speculation, He was a ays, Canadian Pacific and owned a block of tenements town. He was most Slthy in sonal habits and was knows mage in garbage barrels in th town districts to make a Incheon, 8 COULD NOT HOLD HIM For the Maintenance. of gz aks brs not be held Haile for care a cat, cemetery on the farm of Alexander Aba, near here. the plies from Abar dnd there was a stipulation that he ghould keep the grass cut and place on the ves of Abar's dead petd. Kbar fo that Rest pegheckid the work and as un result the latter off the farm. Best sued for $200 dam- ages. Judge hugh gave tin not the ian aa Fas en A Lake Disappeared and a River Altered. April 20~Tho latest official report as to the outbreak of Mount Puyehuo is that the eruptions now extend over an area of soveral miles, including the whole distriet of Filmco. Lake Negra has disappeared, and has been replaced by a small hill, while the River Milalue has its course. No human lives have been lost so far. Lima, Peru, -------- « Thirty Days For Rigamy. Toronto, April 24--Col. Dennison sent Lawrence J, Ely to jail for thirty days on the charge of bigamy. Ely married his first wife in October, 1896, and lived with her until several months ago. He then met Vinnie Lake, who worked in a store with him. The girl went to his home and was introduced to Mrs. Ely, so that she knew that the defendant was not a single man, In spite of the fact, however, the two were married, on February 29rd. They went to Mont- real together, but Mrs. Lake heard of daughter home, Mrs. Ely declating herself willing to take back her hui band in spite of the affair. Chinese Minister To London. Pekin, April .--Lokd Licking Pang, the son of the late Viceroy Li Hung Chang, has _been ted 24.<A yb} of up to post. made' the ofl. ot esdaped, leaving no Sebastopol, armed robbers office. here yesterday, als hold up their hands under of being shot, took $5,000 of office fandd and trace of. thelr identify. Above i Poronto, April 24.--An emphatic ne gative was given by Mr, Hanna, on behalf of the government, today, on a request that the license given by the comimi of the Temiskam- ing district to' the King Edward ho- tel, at Englehart, be confirmed. Discussed Power. Toronto, April 24.--A meeting of the Ontario cabinet wus held, this morn- ing, with the' members of the hydro- electric power commission. It 'was de- voted to a discussion of the power guestion. * + - be - Fast Northumberland. Warkworth, Ont., April 24.--At the liberal convention, on' Tuesday after noon, Mr, Mulholland, of Campbell ford, was chosen as de: to con: test. East Northumberlgnd for . the ---- It jo suid that Speaker Sutherland is bo become- minister -of agriculture; and E. M. Macdonald to succeed ; merson. Arch. Giinpbell will: be the For the best $8 dorbies in Kingeton. | the former marriage and brought her § 3 . i Emphatic No. ] finish > We're wil to meats beside models that . onethind nore. then We'll ask Made of awn dnd 8 Grey, Priced from $9 to $20. : Of Gloria Silk, and M Proguse. y come in colors and Caster. BE yy only " wi - Every garment ex tailored and very tien of ench line. to $18. LADIES' WASH SKIRTS Made of Colored Duck Effects, with pleated frout and _ self , also hut to match , Tha close ting over hi Very Special at 2.25, ceptionally well. limited quenti-- Priced trom §9 4 Come and see them, wo'll expect STEACY'S. GRANT. In Portsmouth, on 1907, to Mr, and Mrs. a daughter. 3 f wo KERR At Portsmouth, on April 28ed, & Service at his late Hothe afternoon, at 8 o'clock vices, 30. 2 * Boat 4 on sale. : 3 THURSDAY, Rprit 25th Sher enks' s Chicago. the I atone Musical - THE ROYAL CHE Lb = Big Cast of 60 People,