If so try the tion, from a » Fluid Extract -Pandelion, one ounce, x Compound Selatone, one ounce four ounces. hl spoc meals and at bedtime. Do You Have Rheuy. following prescrip. Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, | ) Mix, shake well and take g mful doses after ' in Sea 'AND-A WEAK BACK." This mixture, the doctor says (3 pe filter from the bleed _ ter from e 1 i 7 > and om. the blood all uric acid ma which if net eli 3. | settles in und around Sitinated, nr ® Sue joints and muscles causing '¥ a |® Your ist can g or | ®) with the ingredients ay you very little cost a it ' § . Iniked ut home, ne ! com; of purely vegetal 7 ") ) harm let gxiraets. fle. and . e «that a great x ¥ 1) "ors will he interested a) in this simple formula. ) i- | ® 4 «© n | €2E® OOOOO000 000000000] e --- S-------------- n t- x ? SN = of oe n - . h Highest Prices Vv 1 Paid for o BRO! i Endorsement. DERICK. d | W. F, GOURDIER ' EXCLUSIVE FURRIER At present our Stock of Desirable Cut Glass is more Complete than ever. Spoon Trays, shes, Jelly Plates, Dishes. Vases, Jugs, Carafes etc. Choice Relish Di Fruit Cream We invite . your tion. inspec New YorkChinese Restaurant 83 Princess Street PL mn oprhig gt ag Lunch in the city a co on shortest notice. En, : ny glish and Chine Dishes a specialty. nese AICI READ! 250 Yards Dress Goods Including * Lustres, meres, and Ser i Cardinal, Be Green, Grey and other popular shades. Some are only short len others dressy' lengths\and| were 35c., 40c., and 50c. yard. One price to clea MOR 3 on THURSDAY Only 25¢ yard "See the lin f Sheets, made ® from White THT ETT IVIVIVIVIVIVIVOVY ¥ quality English Sheetin si'e 70 by 90 inches, Hemmed, worth $1 each, for ~ Only 75c. | Buy House Furnishings "At This Store" arge stock to choose # » nd at popular prices. T- 5 8; ewman & Shaw 1 SPRING RATS 78 and 80 BROCK ST. Mr. M. Broderick, 435 E. 46th St., Financial Secretary Stable Employes Union, No. 1041, Chicago, Ill, writes: "I have been sufi from a weak back and kidney trouble for some time and have been able to find relief only through the use of Peruna. «During the winter season I usually keep a bottle of your medicine in the house and by taking a dose at night, I am feeling fine the next morning. # "Some of my friends assure me that Peruna is equally as good for their various ailments as it is for my complaint, but, I do know that for kidney trouble sud suffering from a weak back it has no equal." Kigiey Trouble Is Not Always Recog- Like catarrh, it pervades the whole system, and counteracts the effects of nized as Catarth- fevés Kidney Disease Be- the disease. it Is a Remedy For A great many people believe that they oN . of Catarrt have been cured of chronic Bright's Disease by the use of Peruna, It Is certainly true that in the earlier stages of Bright's Discase, Peruna is an effective remedy. Numerous testimonials on this point establish the fact be; d all doubt. Mr. Otto A. Fleissner, American epi- curean, formerly Chet to Col. W. J. Cody, 1412 Sixth Ave., Seattle, Wash., writes: "I suffered with kidney and bladder trouble until life did not seem worth living. I had tried many medicines, but did not get any relief until I took Peruna. It was really wonderful how much better T was after I used this medicine only a week. At the end of six months I found to my relief that it had rid my system of all poisons and X was cured to stay cured." TE IIE years ago, before Dr. Hartman began distributing his pamphlets, books and newspaper articles, Bright's Disease of the kid- neys was regarded as a disease wholly distinet from catarrh. Now, Bright's Disease is thought by many the world over fo be a phase of catarrhal inflanimation. To relieve Bright's Disease something must be used that has the power to re- lieve eatarrh. Any médicine that is 8 remedy for catarrh of one organ is obviously a med- seine for catarrli of any other organ. Peruna is ah internal, systemic ca- ¢arrh o sisson spn. » WANTED ------ rm 50,000 SPRING RATS. John McKay, 153 Brock Street. ri Grape Frult, Pineapples Tomatoes and Bananas N a A. J. REES, 166 Princess Street ~ - | THURSDAY SNAPS! Dress Goods, $1.00 for 49¢. Yard, 540 yards 54 inch Dress Goods, in Bicillian, _Serges, Mohairs and Tweeds. Thislot is All Pure Wool. While we have not every shade to show, but you will find shades such as Green, Navy, Brown and Black, and all mice bright finish, and worth 75¢c. and $1 yard. THURSDAY MORNING, 49c. per yard. SATIN QUILTS 11-4 &ize White Satin Damask Bed tich patterns, in Seroll and Floral designs, $3.75. TO-MORROW each, $2.69. 500 yards White Tea Toweling, All Pure Linen, 24 inches worth 12§¢. yard: URSDAY per yard, Be. eg 'Oi Shirt Waist showing is the Pett in town: THE JAME Spreads, beautiful regular price, nay cs ¢ centre being a very of whita tulle, and silver, white. flow- ers and fern A bridesmaid's onke caus- ed a great deal of amusemett. Sur mounted by its bunch of 'delicately flushed bridesmaids roses, it present- ed a very attractive appearance, and the search for its hidden trasistre en- livened the afternoon greatly. Miss May Rogers found the he Miss Milly Ferris proudly bore off thim- ble, and Miss Constance Cogke fell heiress to the money. Wt the tea table were Mrs, RW. Garrett and Mrs. Alexander Kirkpatnick, with Miss Louise Kirkpatrick cutting ices. The girls assisting, were Miss Lohstance Cooke, Miss Leéttice Tandy, Miss Mar- jon Calvin, Miss May , Miss Lassie Kirkpatrick, and Miss Mamic Garrett. Upstairs, where the presents were spread out in 'glittering array, Miss Blanche Deacon and Miss Aileen Rogers were the presiding gontuns. A decided novelty in wed ne usage was the wearing by the maid of honor and bridesmaids of their gifts from the groom, about Miss Constance Cooke's throat being a slender gold chain, from which hung a pendant of amethyst and pearl. The youthful bridesmaids wore wings, each set with three tty Ri : ; vo Pesta were Mee. G. W. G. Grout, Mrs. Sydenham MoGill, Mrs. George Grover, Mrs. F. Brownfield, Miss 'Mabel and Miss Dorothy Brown- field, Mrs. I), Steyag Robertson, Mrs, Loucks, Mrs. Francis Dobbs; Mrs. Montague Strange, Mrs. Douglas Young, Mrs. W. D. Gordon, Miss Bes- sic and Miss Nora Gordon, Mrs. A. W. Cooke, Mrs. J. O. Crisp, Mrs. Her- bert Robinson, Mrs. Bernard 'Browne, Mrs. W. Hughes, Miss Nan , Skinner, Mrs. Hiram Calvin, Mrs. James Hig- gins, Mrs. John Mackie, Mrs. Joseph alkem, Mrs. John Strange, Mrs. Howard Folger, Mrs. Charles Stafford Kirkpatrick, the Misses I rs, the Misses Ferguson, the Misses Cottle, Mlle. de St. Remy, Miss Etta and Miss Mollie Richmond, Miss Katharine Lyman, Miss Carrie and Miss Ethel Waldron, the Misses Voight; Miss Millie Ferris, Miss Helen Fraser, Miss May and Mise Isabel Ross, Miss Gina and, Miss Anna Fairlie, andl a large number of the younger girls. Among the gifts was a silver ioest rack, the gift of the bride's Sunday school pu- pils. .- Y Mré. Richard Tothill 1s coming back to Kingston early in May. Mics: Constance Low did. not D home to Ottawa, on Saturday, as she thought of doing, but remained for her laurcation at Queen's to-day. Mrs. Charles Kirkpatrick left terday for Halifax. . yes- A great many friends of Monday's bride, Mrs. Pense, took the opportunity given them by Mrs. George King, of going out to the pretty cottage on Alice street, and seeing ~ the beautiful presents this most popular bride received. Tt would be impossible to individualize, there were . so many, but one'in par- tienlar may be mentioned, a tall ery- sta) jug, with broad silver rim, which bore deeply chased upon it the mystic the Greek letter society, Queen's meh Perhaps as and will not that all the svmbols of and which came from the at the fraternity house. the bride is safely away, see this, it may be said students in Queen's, as well as the profcssors, have again and again spoken of their regret at losing her, and the students speak of the some- time Queen's 'man, who is_het hds- band, ~ a¥® lucky indeed: Mrs. King gave those who came and went dur- ing the, afternoon a cup of tea and a piece of wedding cake, and those help- ing het in dispensing the hospitality were: Mrs. Francis King. Miss Alicea, Miss Murgaret and Miss Mutiel King, Miss Edith Pense, Miss Kathleen Kirk- patrick, (who wore 'her bridesmaid" frock) and Miss Etta Kirkpatrick. Among the tompafiv which moved about among the glass and silver, admiring, were 1 Mrs, F, Strange, Mrs. George Grover, Mrs. H.-A, Betts, More. Reginald Brock, Mrs. Charles Kirkpatrick, Miss Machgr, Miss Apple Muckleston, Miss Pthelwyn Loucks, , Miss Liwiee Kirkpatrick, Miss Carrie and Miss Ethel Waldron, Miss Jean and Miss Katie Craig, Miss Belle Craig, Mise May 'Smythe. Miss Julia Lyinat, Mise May anid Miss Teabel Ross. Miss Ginn und Miss Anna Fair- lie, 'Miss Alice Macnee, Mise Maritn Calvin, Miss Alice Hague, Mise' Milly Ferris. Miss Rose Lazier, Mite. Mona Knight, Mls Lillign Kent, and a number of others, ¥ * - * Miss Macaulav, King street, askéd the members of the J.W of which her niece had been superintendent, to come and &ee the wedding gifts on Monday evening. There will be a dance at the yacht club to-night. 4 A traly pretty thought was that of Monday's bride, who instead of throwing her bouquet to be striven v her girl friends, gave it to the best friend of all, her mother. It was ------------------------------ two years before west. is home from her Vidit in the Licutenat-GoveFhor ortimer J, Si es ' 1 | Lonnel s J. A Hendry, BE WE lattes ro: detice. . Miss Florent Gillespie, durse-in- trigining at the Brooklyn Training School; i¥ BE paredts, Prin: cial street. Dr. Malice, ag is the guest is Mrs. D. D. Calvin, at a street. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin have take a furnished hotae, 4 Soothesd > Will leave for 0 old capital F ibxt week. They the ¥undmeF there i will 'spend 3 Mrs. Arthur Mitheson camé up, ye: torday, from Ot § Bnd is the gest of Canon aud Mes. Cooke, at "Havel: dell." She is on way to Van- {ole to visit the rs. Cartwright. Mise Jessie Stith came up to town, yesterday, and will pay a long visit h fiche herd oo wv. Compay and * NE to old s yi and Mrs; Rohet Livdeny, of ontréal, are . k Mills, aly, are, guests 3 Mes Lennox Tetra SA Mrs, RV. Barrie strdet, Loft for Torolito oh . Mrs. Joseph Power, Sydenham stiéet, --§iaitiants ou or feet on or a Pun vo Whig oes . QERDRON BICYCLI. APPLY AT ition. to right party ndid Ronis: Apply Kingston work, und Hosiery Co. King St, eee lTwWC.SBATRD: BUGGY. : SUBSTAN- $ BLACK COCKER SPANIEL ANSWER- tinly Apply at Whe Street, - ing to name of Buster" or us - ANTED--MALE, L _Rewwrd : 18 FOOT GASOLINE LAUNCH, : HELP W. 14 Di ny : University Avenue: ad on 1 OH. uh A BOY FOR KITCHEN WORK. WAP DARK RED COCKER SPANIEL Dog, My Bak ST. hig of : ply to L. J. Williams, Royal Mili warrie 82 arty Rew hi v A 10 DORE DouBLE BARREL Spor - prosecuted not re! . gun, almost Fine wn A COUPLE PLUMBERS AND TIN. A: Tw a a : 4. smiths' helpers. Apply to 1 LH he juslling. 'Apply qt , & Bons, St. WANTED-GENERAL IR OTB oo. aie i i LESMEN FON A RAY. | SECONDHAND ROW BOAT, STATE | GRAVE : SALE m hand Sprayer made, automatic, OD ot 3. B+ Wie oles, Chri Chore, : Caran # Sample appr ppLY * agent. . Cavers Bros., Galty CUSTOMERS, FOR PORK TENDPR-| = Fiuow Cater and Sm Se loins awd Spare Itibs, T d t, Catagaqul, © oy y A GOOD SMART BOY, FOR STEADY at A. Maclean, Outario street. =e FURNISHED HOUSE FOR SUMMER if du eee A COOK. APPLY TO MRS, NICKLB, 130 Earl street. A PLAIN COOK, REFERENCES RE- quired. Apply 817 University Ave. -- Ceiba a. win A GOOD . GENERAL. SERVANT, RE- foranioes requi poly Mrs; Mac gillieray, 119 Earl street. 29nd OF MAY, A COOK AND id. or General. Apgly Mrs, D. Stewart Robertson, 16 Sydefiham St., Cor. West street. By call or mits + SPRING SUITS TO MAKE, GENTLE Real t, 95 © to 344 Victoria . Be MLE Yi of, ait, Sees i: | rs price and finish guarunteed. Pr ; : BRICK ENCE AND ng dom well Gallows FOR SALE OR TO LET. grounds, number 174 Earl St. fora: 5 Ror, 181 ; Breet. : etiam a ate. R. me | NEW HOUSE, COR. OF MACK AND alos. Vaan io 0.ahe Lal CATERER FOR DINING MESS, Albert st near Victoria Park. | of "Bt, Royal Conpdian, Tiotso: Artin | Bi" tod. ©. Landeryou, 343 4 - SEE now 8 p » r awaw . hy 3 Camp. 8 Parsionlars, apply to etreet. ° Sn RATERY Your id The Secretary. Sergts"' Mess, R. ©. H. A., Kingston. TO-LET. : ; oY HELP WANTED-FEMALE, DWELLINGS, OFFICES, STORES, ote., at McOann's, 51 Mrock stress. ---------------------------------------- A cours A OFFICES OVER THE Clarence St. Apply to J. B. Walkem. FAIRVIEW, MACK 8ST, FACING Vietoria Park. G , modern con wen . Yearly ten- ant Possessi May 1sty Apply 840 Albert street. ------------------------------------------------ NO. 167 KING STREET EAST, Now | 8ENRY P. occupied by Mr. Angus J. Macdon- ote. i, ara nell 1st May Kirkpatrick, Phone, 345 y n Rogers & Nickle, 194 Ontario St. " on her 'way th Washington, and that the accident Has somewhat interferéd with the pleasure of her trip. Sir | Sandford Fleming, -* Rév, Dr. err , bf Ottawa, and Rev. Dr Milligan, of Toronto, are guests of thé Principal and Mrs, Gordon. For the next few days Mrs. and Miss Gor- don wi'l be kept busy dispensing the hospitality of the principal's resi- dene to the wmaay visitors to town for the convocation proceedings at their Alma Mater. Mrs. Arthur Evans, of Moutreal, is in town, Mr. and Mre. McGlennon, of Col borne, are down for convocation pro- ceedings. The name of Miss Lillian Mowat was accidentally omitted in the list of those assisting Mrs. Danibl Gordon at her evening party on Monday, Rev. Dr. Eber Crummy, of Toronto, is the guest of Mr, (iearge Mills, Uni versity avenue. His old friends are very glad to sce him. r. Donald Paterson, of Montreal, is the guest of Mr. dnd Mre. J. C. Paterson, Union street, The Rev. J. R. Conn and Mrs Conn, of Napanee, and their little daughter, are the guests of Prof. and Mre. Norman R. Carmichael, Union street, Miss Anna Laidlaw, of Hamilton, is the guest of Mrs. W. B. Dalton, John- son street. Mr. and Mrs. Aikine are at the King Edward, . Toronto, Mrs. E. Strachan Johnston gave a luncheon &t the club at the snd of the week in honor of Mrs. Aikins, who was formerly Miss Priiry, Kingston. " . . Mie. Walter Wilkine, Westmount, en- tertained at the deqyhout, last Wéek, in honor of Mi& Gordon, of Kings ton, ' The engagemeht is announced of Miss' Corinne McCavthy, of Wooster, Ohio, to Dr. Hepry Godfrey, late of Grade hospital, Toronto. The wed- ding will take place. early in June in Westhope, N.D. 2 ow . . The marriage of Miss Padlina Hill second daughter of the Bev. J. Ed gar mL to Mr. Honty | y 2 Judah, son of Mrs. F. T. Judah, o antreal, wilt take place on Welleaday, May . Burpee, , St. The marriage of Miss daughter of Mrs, J. C. P. John, N.B., to Mr. Harrison A, Mec- Keown, formerly ®olicitor-general for New Brunswick, ok plate last week. Lieutenant-Governor Here. His honor the fieuténant-governor and his private secretary, Mijor Mac- donald, arrived, from Toresto, this afternoon. They were met: at the GTR. station by Dean Oonvell, Dr. Ryan and other university representa- tives. They were driven to the Brit- ish-American hot. Théy will return to Toronto om the early morning train, 5 Saal a, Children's Headwear. Velvet tams, 25¢. "up. Cloth tame, 95c. up. Leather tams, 80¢, up. At Campbell Bros., the stofé of quality ------------------------. In Grecte, alte# a prisoner Sas been fenced to di be: hag. Foss fe @xectit! +} And Married to a Lady of Great poison, ions, to 'wait {and all skin injuries and diseases. Mr. and Mrs, ur Abbott are hér WE 2. 4 o . - 'R & SO te fd fe, Are o| ar an wpm, son PROCESS | Tom mann sraner. wow | FOREN & SON SANCHRET, El abtonkn come down | SoG GROIN YOR tt | occupy Mr. 3 CC mon, | Sad Wakagton. Shret ¥ - . . v - possession "1st y. Loquire from Cobalt, Just week, and ie sta- ng a nk: Reith Kirkpatrick. Togers a ide, 194 | ERR, ARCRITROT v Wy slie, George tari a fice, second floor us D street, 3 Princess and awot Tes Saclenntnt astived, yesicrday. MEDICAL. BRICK DWELLING, NO. 181 DIVISON | streets. Entrance on Magot strosty from Ottawa, fo be present at Miss MeCARTHY, OFFICE LATELY oom and kitchen, Rot water Phone: 30s. Macaulay's wedding to-day. She is the al by Dr. Ryan, corner Mon- hiheing § Tg el wn g AND BUSINESS. guest a brother, Mr. John treal and Brock streets. bly to hi ge ell, No. MONEY 0 Strange, rie street, -- abd ' Mrs. John Macdonald, University SITUATIONS, VACANT. 81 KING STREBT, CORNER EMILY | OUR POLICIES COVER MORE Of wrenve, is home fromm Toronto. ae SrBCIAT SoLESHT | Bo Satan Sten, eigen toes: | fomey "re. Bas 3 x AD 'D-TWO SCIAL € LBS } 0! ater, ¥ m "4 gong ol hy hor daughter, Mrs. Wil A Raster Ofitario to Work singly or venfences, Stable and conch house, GodWin's Thsursnce k- se] oa Teo purposes spending Mth Emme a road, Apply to Luke {roms Meson i") Ww" A oqks. ot a + . Co., real. : . Fe 3 er Beene Renk, $800. Joe Sf Ve 125 SG | "TR Seana Ropes ACK Mise Macpherson did Mie: Edith EDUCATIONAL. To rock met. 1 | wate SOLISTS. Ta Wédition te eT -- BE ame the ERNATIONAL CORRESPOND C ¢ eh yA oo ited iy of delphi INTER) TONAL SORRES " MARR CENSES vy _unlim dy ill be st Ld a ence Schools, Scranton, Pa., Loeal TAGE i - the stockholders. Farm diy od Maoph . hear that Miss ne. BT Brock St. fice HOUrs, '§ | ~eereemimte--te p------"-- ls Ss insured at lo possible acplierson twisted her ankle while am., to 5 p.m. Satu av evening, 7 | C. 8. KIRKPATRICK, ISSUER gr rt Or pr, edving she was lsving the tan, at Buffalo, | ~~ 16 9 o'clock. J. K. Caftoll, Répre- | Marra a Cw Ro, Sutintre, det Jnteh Troms S'ases sentative. "Phone, 662. A RICH YOUNG MAN Wealth. The Paragraph Pulpit DODGE. NM. H. New York, April 24. Marcellus Hartley Dodge, a descendant of the the late Gen. William Dodge, warrior and philanthropist, rebently married Miss Ethel Rockefeller, daughter of William Rockefeller, 8 of the Standard Uil company, He is one of the ric young men in the country, having a fortune of over $10,000,000, so that the marriage is a union between two of the most powerful financial families in America. | ee -------- A MOTHER'S MESSAGE ---- To Mothers--What Zam-Buk Did For Her Child. "1f this statement is the meabs of leading some mother to introduce Zam-Buk to her home, I shall be very glad." So says Mrs. K. Watkins, of 26 Forgue avenue, Montreal, and con tinues : "My boy, Walter (nine), while attending school, contracted some sorps. These spread, and be came So bad that some of them on the heel and ankle made it almost impossible for him| to walk. T used entious ointments, but the sores per- sisted. One day Zam'Buk was re cottmended, and we got a supnly. It weomted to take the soreness out of the place to which it was applied right way, and the wounds began to heal. In about a week's time the sores, which had defied other treat- ment, were completely healed, and there is now not a trave of sore on his body ! I believe Zam-Buk to be the best balm ever produced." When a mother Yr on to the deli- cate skin of children a balm or salve, she needs to be as careful as if she were giving na child an internal re wedy.. Zam-Bik is . pure--free from all animal fat and all mineral mat- tor. amd many be applied with wontler- ful benefit even to the skin of young balws. Zam-Buk heals sores, cures vezema, spring skin eruptions, ulcers, ringworm, itch, barber's rash, blood bad ' leg, salt rheum, abras- abscesses, ouls, ¢, scale, ists. at 50 cents, sition can fall 3 * oR i drt fo. 6 boxes for nitarian REV. C. W. CABSON, OTTAWA bi SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTRWEST HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS even ton ante fa fieatione or, the North: ance of an on angelistio offer of pardon Soe Pravisess, Shecniy 8 asd 30, 3 and paradise through the mediation | person the FA A he _hompuienieg by, of a slain Saviour, it is practically a | over 18 years of es to the extent of farce, Such a conversion is both | S8equarter section, 160 acres, more selfish and superficial, But insofar as conversion is the yielding of the sell to the will of God, and the conseera- tion of the life to 'His truth and cause, and the abandonment of the | mi one's sin and selfishness, it is a fact Getting Converted. Conversion may be a farce or a fact, Inasmuch as it ie the selfish accept and a redlity, whatever may be the nme given to the process of change and soul-decision. But as for the presto-change, hold-up-your-hand-and- bhesaved sort of conversion, have nothing to do with it. > e------ cant ) Address Mr. Casson for free liters | An icant tare. eligible boo MARINE NEWS. Items Gathered About the City Wharves. The steamér Whitney, of Chi % arrived at Richardson's to-dny, with a cargo of corm. Men are to-day engaged unloading | ih the cargo of goal on the barge Dun- | titled more, for Crawford's. Applicants for The schooner Charley Mirshall has | hat, cleared for Charlotte, for coal for the | ment is peniteiitiary. ia pesticy The, schooner Clara Youell has clear- | jung ed for Sodus, for coal for Crawiord's. | granted 3 There were no arrivals or départures reported by the M. T. éompany, this thotning. The steamer Ford River, of Chica- go, is on its way to Ri 's, with a cargo 'of coal. The Davis dry-dock ik kept vefy keh wpe he ain Toe toner | aise 'up wit © S « st 3 ideau Queen will leave the dock to- the fathet OF other 3 night and the City of ville, of Prescott, will go on tomor- row for extensive repairs. edb "Belonged To Parham: 1 upon afming Parham, April 23.-While engaged | salon by the C.E.R., Frank Clow, ome of | SRESH* 0p cananiax monra. this villdge's respected 'young men | YEH uRING REGULATIONS. wad Killed. His remains have af shipped snd are etpected to arriv i= } pe Lf 10 per acre for soft coal- Not more than acres to-day. Hid déath has cast a gloom | snthracite. over the vicinity and the beréaved fn- ay. a ny he a ten" mily has the heartfelt sympathy of Jeenta par ton ot 3.000 1 shall be the entire community, collected ht But vary g Revival meetings have started in oT Kd gf aus, the Methodist church under the man- | place, fay locate & claim, 1,5p0x1,800 Messrs, McIntosh agement of Revs. a we and Mays, and Will continue some | Au $100 must o days. Farmers are busy at their |elsim euch year or paid Le spring work, - although none have in Jen u Y steded ns yet, The Methodist church EO ie aid has undergone some nat irs, inting, carpenter work, ete. Mayfiow a Lodge, 1.0.0.F., is to celébrate the ganiver: their service, reg Ere sary of thé order and also lodge it the form of a chuich Ee ill bo in the Methodist church | "Ra's jeans on Sunday, April 28th. Fy Ww. . Xo Mays, is to . A A Get th | nist home oh & visit for a few days. E Bertrim has retarned to his work as within one operator at Sale stockings, 2 ' x Re 3 p : 11 | undervests,