Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Apr 1907, p. 6

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THOUSAND ISLAND PARK. a Arrivals to Date--Water is Un- usually Thousand Island Park, April 23.-- The water on the rivep + is unusually high for this. season of the vear. Bull- head. fishing: has commenced in South foot . of Picton Island, is opened, and is running full time, «with its full com: plement men, .. Brown "has Judge Chester's yaoht house complet ed at Hil Park. James CLANCY-CLANCY. A Pretty Wedding Last Week a Enterprise. A very pretty wedding took place a when his eldest riage to Bingley Albert Clancy, Wa tertown, N.Y., Rev. R. Allin officiat strains of the residence of Jacob Clancy, Euter- prise, at high noon, on April 17th, daughter, Marion Bay. Pmoryo granite quarry; on the | Alieux Gertrude, was united in mar ing. The bride entered the parlor lean- ing on the arm of her father, to the Mendelssohn's wedding a Smith lias sold his-boarding house on Outlook aveave. He has purchase] a smaller cottage and will remove into it soon. James A. Morris and wife have are rived © from Southern. Pines, North Carolina. . W.- R. Fitch, secretary . of the Park Association, made an official ul at the Park a few days ago. The Islander is bringing. e quantities of freight. for the Park store. 5. Dano has the sloop Flying Cloud rebuilt and will have her launched in a few days. Arvivali at the Park to date : Prof. Watertown; © Jemds Smith wile, "Kin, Okla; Major Judson, Ogden Miss E. Deutch- Rochester; J. HH: Dano, Water town; « Walter Osborse and wife, Wa- tertown;- Mrs. M. Hutchinson, Alexan- dria Bay. £3 PALE, LISTLESS GIRLS. Can Only Obtain Health Through New, Rich Pure Blood Made By Dr. Willisins' Pink Pills. | Growing gicls--gitls in their tegns-- must have rich," pire' blood. Healthy womanhood dbpenle' upon the vital change from _ girthood © to 'méturity. Every woman. should most carefully watch her daughter's Bealth at this jock his slender blood is peng over may slip. into a decline or p feonsumption if her blood is not built | upgfat once with Dr. Williahs' Pink Pills. "he rich, red blood which thise pills make bring health and to |stvength to every organ, and make : dull, listless, languid girls, bright, wv rosy-cheeked, active and strong. Miss Maggie . Donahue, ~ - Eringville,- Ont., says : 'Before J began the use of Dr. Williaws' Pink Pills I was badly run down, and it seemed as though my Ehlood Bad twned to water. 1 was very pale, suflered from headaches land palpitation of the heart, and of- ten {would pass sleepless: nights. | found nothing to help me until I te the . use of Br. Williams' Pink Fike, and these have fully restored fme and I ean truthfully say I never enjoted better health than I am new doing." . When Dr. Williame' Pink Pill re place bad blood with geod blood they strike straight at the root of all » { comman ailmeéfits liké anaemin, de- cline, indigestion, kidney and' liver troublesi Skin eruptions, erysipelas, neurslgia, St. Vitus dance, paralysis rheumatism, ahd the special ailments of growing girls and women. Be sure you gét the genuine pills with the full name, "Dr. Williams* Pink Pills for Pale People," printed om the wrapper around each box. Sold by medicine dealers or sent by mail at B0c. a box or six boxes for $2.50 by writing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.; Brockville, Ont. Bore Just ot this point crooked (oak tree Rune dow 'over the water Ew ------ vob foo be : Rr 1S CAUSED HY THE KIDNEYS BE. ING UNABLE TO CARRY THE POISONOUS WASTE MATTERS OUT OF THE BLOOD. The urine of persons suflering from uri acid or gravel is erally oy pr 3 a while, a sedi like brick dust forms in it. in the uric acid sometimes g § i 5 TON ONTARID andévgoné "alterations and £3 EE 44 gx : i 82 PES E iit i fr i i i : i f § 1 7 5 1 : i § i g 2: i i 25% s%3 sand, or larg tal rock h e crystals. : Rockport News. r to. Pass gravel In way Cows: | family could get i found the P . fuuantity are Lally troutied with Mtirely sovated + id Mr. Hixon. | Rockport; = April 22c<Mr. and: Mes. infibination A ] . Jiue ri gw Seared he spot Jere was a Thomas Jeroy attended the faneral of emtion. EL ROUL tant hn Sistusbanos bint . for hire out bop Mes. Jeroy's father, Mr. McEwan, at RR ar a a A a . for actor hi. consul. then feaiioa ime to their furry oon. this village and spent the dav at the the 3 descr e medical hook Jan un approach they F e. Miso be sent to any ome writing for it.| to nearby trees, but as soon as I had dond View hous. Mr. and Mrs. Cured By Warnar's Safe Cure | retired ll three assembled for the [nee H, Fdgley. of Aldrin Ho [wai "1. have used Safe Cure . = caused by une seid poison ] 2: i i I i I i mond Cornwall, barrister; Watertown, and career, Island View house. Mrs. Myers 1 . was ue of the warvivars ot those who hon, 'of Rochester, N.Y., will arrive took active part rring J ursday to occupy her, summer home ike Safe Cures I iake re nave : ol 189, having 2 ah the * gobtle laxutive."--Mrs. WM. 1. Treas. Lotus Clab, Chattanooga It o E ¥ i : y She : wp. | fast, amid a shower of Japanese con- critical pric, ia Lot ut this fetti,. for Napanes, where they took hea a By dL at the 6.40 train east, to spend their thin and langwid, if shows hb costume, was of grey paneau cloth, taxed.: She will alyars be' ailing and with * white Ak n A very attractive dress for a young girl is hore pictured, the model being 1 e 1 in the new wood brown linen of a Brockville, on Wednesday last, A rather light shade. Ganaiioque. militia rode h fndita made with a double box plait down side sections of the skirt showing two Th s Hunt and family and Mr. and de p tacks about the lower part. The ] hemisette. The rever coll 1 cuffs spent Sunday at her father's, . J. |° ; ys Tpnt > By AW Aer ah ve of the linen scalloped and em- luvin, of Hawden's Island; will mover Hrvigeped. braid straps_of ata en 4 tr. " . rai sol narrow-seu- Hage. - shortly Ray tache, weve JMsed in groups down the NY. is ding: 4 ow 'dogs ot the middle of the bodice front, Revival At Mountain Grove. on Club Island. James D. Griffin, of | Mountain Grove, Aptil 2--A glori- Jouverneur, N.Y., spent a couple . of Jous revival has just closed here. Fvan- march, played by Miss A. Williams Napanee. The certmony was per formed in an alcove, formed of ever white wedding bell and flowers. The and maidenhair fern. voi'e, {rimmed with allover and chif fon laces, and carried pink earnations. groomsman. After had been: offered," a dainty wedding breakfast was served. - The dining- room, darkened, and lighted hy arti- ficial light; lodked excoedingly pretty, festooned. with pink and white erepe paper, roses and smilax. Rev, Mr. Allin, on behalf of the guests, tender- el the bride and groom their hearty congratulations and good wishes. The presonts to the bride were beautiful and costly, that of her father being a cheque. The groom's gift 'to the bride was a gold hain and locket, set with pearls; to the bridesmaid, a gold bracelet, sot with an amethyst; to the groomsman, gold caff Links. The hap py cotpl: I-ft, immediately after break- omeymoon. The bfide"s going-away embroidered silk blousa, icture hat of grey mohair, with taille nd plames (6 match. Linen Frock For School Girl. The skirt was centre of ithe front and back, the st was made with a detachable Brown embroidered but. greens, intermingled with a. huge bride wag becomingly attired in white benzeline, with allover and valenci- enncy laces and ribbon, carrying a shower bouguet of white carnations The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Laura M., who was gowned in pale grey silk Ross W. Milligan, Centreville, acted as congratulations t t Not So Much Please do not put quite so much Red Rose Tea in the teapot as you do of ether kinds. If you do the tea will "be too strong. . Red Rose Tea eombines*strength with that rich, fruity flavor which Grey Worsteds You are sure to like it. Will you order .___§ paekage from your grocer ? Fi 2 § t-Reform 'Gréy Worsted Suits are novel in every respect. The designs are the very latest --the fabrics are durable--the tailoring, masterly--the fit, perfect Wy --and the styles, irreproachable. % If one of your new spring suits is to be a Worsted, it certainly ought to be a Fit-Réform Worsted. il gelist P. A. Scott, assisted the pas Ten . x i Fenian raid services. The old man's days last week with his mother, Mrs. tor, Mr. Smart. Many Phi - Pa » a ) Charles Cornwall. : ) the ae, Sar SF SR AS | eer he meth aah} pt through the bewutiful sones_ a. Bm hat EN gs an ] of his death, to .Jthrough the beautiful songs and. the Tors. gn oo the Muscles | tell of his experiences along the Nia- | At Dubuque, Ta." while addressing |earncst appeals of the evangelist. Bro. iRheunvatiswe of the Heart; Rhouinatism po in 1837. He was on sentry [the Women's Relief Corps, Mrs. Hugh {Scott is n man of Cod and his work Are. oT ae a 1 on the night the Aledther: Coro. Apfeld, one of 'the prominent dub wo- fwas greatly blessed. Bro. Scott will ae ati ae the Har at lite was sent. over the Falls, saw f men of lowe; was strickensdumb. Boos [be very welcome here at any future Warner's Safe 14s quickly relieve this | i | condition, and ne in after effect is ex- perienced. WARNER'S SAFE CURE is put up oF direct, at $100 A BOTTLE Tots illie, Hird of play 5 , ® o 4 > use i ] tutes. containing harmful drugs Little w of : whi injure the system. TRIAL BOTTLE FREE. 70 convince ever) ever. from diseases of 8, liver, bladdes Sie the : i R g i Thatis At Baltimore, Nrs. Alexander D. Brown, widow. of a member of a bank- Laura Hobson, will wed Charles H. x & coachman on her estate. in June, She is sixti~six years pid 4 Aw _the senior. of "her tars pronounce the = paralysis. time. - SearrEiee | uBpome os Sekt mother as she drow the ular | - winine"' - "Tis difficult to raise 4 daughter." | © °° £L Q : we dl Wend lh | Laxative Bromo Quinine. once widely known. in "Baltimors rs Ea xadve . ' JAM Forfouse ¥ $ See our This Week 5-pictes Mahogany Parlor Suite, regular price $25, for $20, Solid Oak and Mahogany Parlor Ta ble, $2.50. Music Cabinets, $3.50 to 835. Special prices in Buffets and China Cabinets, from $12 to $95. Robt. J. Reid, The Leading Undertaker and Furni- ture Dealer, 230 Princess St. Ambulance "Phone, 577. ES REID, use the oid FOR MEN Hand in hand with style goes wearing quality. This together with the choice lea- ther and\superb workmanship places these goodsin the front rank of shod perfection. See our Royal Spring Styles $5.00 a Pair McDermott's Shoe Store OUR BIG . FURNITURE SALE Still booming. everybody pleased with their bargains. A chance of a lifetime as we need the room at Phone 147 MILITIA, Auction Sale of Condemne nance Stores. UNDER DIRECTION OF TH ourable the Minister of Militia fence, Mr. R. W. Allen, Auction sell by "Publie Auction, on We sth May, at eleven o'clock Ordnance Stores, Kingston, cert demned - Ofdnance Stores, comp number of Blankets, old accout Bugles, Saddlery, Clothing and other articles. 1.t.-Colonel F. Strange, 1 Officer in charee, will furnish ar er information which may be re Articles purchased must be within twenty-four hours after I. rins--e.ish 1 E. FISET, Colo Deputy Minister of Militia and Department of Militia and Defe Ottawa, April, 1907. ERATE If you wish to be successh tend The ' Kingston Busine College Limited, head of Queen » Canada's Highest Gr: business schobl. Book-ke shorthand, typewriting, graphy, nd all mercial subjects thoroughly t by compient, experienced tea flay snd nirht classes. Ente any time. Rates very mod Phone, H. F. METCALFE, Presides J. E. CUNNINGHAM, becn T. McAui HAS REMOVED T¢ 93 Princess Between Corbett's Ha: Store and Taylor & | ton's, directly opposit grove"s, COME AND SEE U Phone No. 778. Royal Insarance OF ENGLAND. Bdsiness in' Force ..$109, 44, Assets ayes wn Profits Paid (1905) 8, This Strone British Compa aid the same profits for t 'FORTY years. SECURITY unequalled b LIFE Company in the worl We Invite Your Investig W. J. B. White, Agent, K Canada Life-Assarame ES (ABLISHED (1849 This grea' Canadian Con made for Canadian people by adian people 60 yeats ag: \ Assets Amounting to 80.8 Assurance in force $113,572,0 Surplus (or Profit Account) of nr $1,883,7 . n Stands in a unique position along the line. Have the best Life or Xi ment Assurance by selecting CANADA LIFE. It you call in the Office, Warket street you will be ¢ fully shown the 20th Ce Policy issued by this Com the Annual Guaranteed Div Policy, which is modern to moment, also actual results Kingston wnolievholders. J. 0. HUTTON, Ma: Telephone 703. J. B. URQUHART, 153 Alfre Special Agent. RHOPPPSODDOOPPPOP When You Bu COAL From P. WALSHE You get genui & Scranton, as % - handles nothii $ else. > Cheapest Place in ] ston for Boots : Clothing Is at the foot of Princess Having received a big?lot | Tweed Working Pants, 1 will s at the low prige of 95¢. per p Special" stoek of Overalls "on low figures. Remember the place. A. LIEBERMA 89-41 Princess St. Wm. Murray, Aucti 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters,.H etc., for salg. Sale of Horses every Sa i COAL! be suien changes in we ought to suggest the wisaon putting tn some good Coal sell rood Coal. It's the kind sends out the most heat, makes tha homes comfortable the pest money can lay, mined. there is nome bet We deliver it to you cleas without wiate, at- very bo prices, is BOOTH & CO. Phooe 133. Foot of W

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