Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Apr 1907, p. 9

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oT to ad { 10 cents for trial can. sporters, Boston, * s, and there is said to be a of disappointment and chagrin at the bequest has been un- 1. -------- yeas ago Norway began to ay a certain percentage of the coming to the state from selling for an old age pension 'his now amounts to $2,500, £3 of people are unable to ap- + a rose until they accidentally o close communion with the até of infant mortality in aland is Jess than "half what Great Britain 'hy Not Drink Spirit on the market. Try le Scotch. A ce 0000000000000 00000 IL unloaded to-day. Money you are using try ours. $ Tardwarce % BIRCH ext to Carnovsky's day long. v me were fitted without sense. dd to be thinking of his feet. ttle toe is yelling "Murder ?" | nWho vs How difference in material and the 1 not be expected to feel com- #itive feet. re--Shoes that will give corp NEXT PAIR, id & Bro, HOEMAKING Auction Sale of Ord« ~ mance Stores. ER DIRECTION OF THE HON- le the Minister Mili ourable hg Fd A itia and De- a on omprisi) a number of Blankets. d I A Bugles, Saddlery, Clothing and various other articles, : 14.-Colonel F. Strange, Ordnance Officer in charee, will furnish any furth. er information Which may required. Articles purchased must be removed within twenty-four hotrs after the sale. Te rma--cash. : ¥. FISET, Colonel, Deputy Minister of Militia and Defence. | Department of Militia and Defence, Ottawa, April, 1907, If you wish to be successful at- tend The . . - 3 Kingston Business? College Limited, head of Queen street a Canada's Highest Grade Book-keeping, shorthand, typewriting, Fo graphy, and all com- mercial sublects thoroughly taught by comptent, experienced teachers. Day Aud Bight clagas. Enter at an ime. al odera "Phone, 440. Yery motley H. F. METCALFE, President. J. BE. CUNNINGHAM, Secretary. T. McAuley HAS REMOYED TO 93 Princess Si. Between Corbett's Hardware Store and Taylor & Hamil- ton's, directly opposite An- grove's, COME AND SEE US "Phone No. 778. Royal Insarance Co OF ENGLAND. Business in Force ..$109,000,000 ABBE .....couurer cr eisnnes 44,900,000 Profits Paid (1905) 8,226,000 This Strong British Company has puid the same profits for the past aiTy years. SECURITY unequalled b an LIFE Company in the orl. y We Invite Your Investigation. W J. B. White, Agent, Kingston Canada Life Assurance Go'y. ES FABLISHED (847). This rea' Canadian Company made for Canadian people by Can adian people 60 years ago Liw Assets Amounting to ---- aterm asians. $92.280,518.00 Assurance in force $112,573,028,00 Surplus (or Profit $1,882,750.00 Account) of n Stands In a unique position all along the line. Have the hest Life or Eadow- ment Assurance by selecting the CANADA LIFE. If vou call in the Office, 18 Market street you will be cheer fully shown the 20th Century Posiey issued by this Company, the Annual Guaranteed Dividend Policy, which is modern to the moment, also actual results to Kingston policyholders. J. 0. HUTTON, Mana g Telephone 703. J. BR. URQUHART, 153 Alfred St., Special Agent. When You [Buy COAL From P. WALSH 3 You get genuine Scranton, as he ®- handles nothing $ else. © $OO® &> HOP BRITISH - AMERICAN HOTEL KINGSTON - - ONTARIO Has undergone alterations and Is now open to the travelling sublic. W. TELFER - - Proprietor Wm. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, Harness, etc., for sale. Sale of Horses every Saturday. $e COAL.! . The sudden changes in Weather bught to suggest the wisaom of putting in some good Uual. We sell good Coal. It's the kind that sends out the most . and maken the home comfortabls ; it's the pest money can buy, and there is nome better x We deliver it to you clean and ¥ery bottom . without slate, at Wricesy BOOTH & CO., Phone 133. Foot of West s Wednesday, © | himself, needs no talcum -- no witchliazel-uo. "'cream'"-if he uses "Royal Crown" - Witch-Hazel Toilet Soap ~~ The witchhazel in the soap allays all irritation -- takes away the smarting and burning--heals the cuts--leaves the skin soft and smooth. 2 Not a shaving soap -- but cooling and delightful after shaving. 3 cakes for 25¢. At Bruggids and Dealers. 3 Stomach Troubles To wrong action of the stomach and im- paired digestion a host of diseases owe their origin. When the food is imperfectly digested the fullpenefitisnotderived from it by the body, and then stomach troubles start to appear. Thus you becoms thin, weak, nervous and back depression and The great pointis to get the into shape again #0 it can properly digest the food, by BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS i Jacques River, much trou! medicine from them, but all to no purpose, worse. One NATURALLY PURE Beaver Flour 80 eledtrical Only carefully selected grains--the choicet arc wictel wri used. Such wheat requires no elaborate pu- nification. It is natwally pure. i is why Bread, Rolls, Cake and Pastry -- made of Beaver Flour--are so whole- ies, wile for prices on all bends of Feeds, Coarse Grains and Ce reals. T. H. Taylor Co. Limited. Chatham. gg CURE Wek Headache and relieve all' the troubles tnck sect toa bilious state of the system, such a8 , Nausea, tress after eating, Pain in the Bide, ko. While their most su has been shown in curing Meallache, yet Carter's Little Liver Pils ave valuable in Constipation, curing and pre- equally annoyi lo als oR all rer regulate the bowels. Even if they only H AD Bohe they would boalmost priceless to th: matter trom this bere AT nately their who in somany ways that will not be wile FA ly But after alle. x head ACHE $5 the bane ox 50 many lives that here is where 'wemake our great boast. Our pillscure it while 'others do not. Qarter's Little Liver Pilla sre very small ang saay ie aka. Cua of two pills makes dots. sre st etable and do no pe 08 bu or Je action please all wha Ble fp ey five for $1. Hod druggists everywhere, or sent by mails CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York; Small BL mall Doss Small Prien wing day Thad the good Jack to mest with 4 friend who had troubled in the same yay Mmyaeit. My friend teld me of the wonderful cure Burdock Blood Bitters had made with her and advised me to try a bottle. I did so, and what a happy change the first bottle made. I took two more and com; cured, and I shall ever ain, tn rabos ol BBB." . Prieo $1,00 per bottle or 6 bottles for $5.00 10 CHANGE CLIMATE | THIS 1S DRASTIC PLAN OF CANADIAN To Destroy the Rigors of the North American Winter By Out Channel Be- 3 : by out the channel between the the Atlantic, melt the long morning. He is a farmer on a large scale, one of Canada's rich men. His hobby is to make all North America a continent with very mild winters and less torrid summers. The plan has just been presented to the Qanpdisn Parliament. It involves tine did of thé United States as well. It is now in the hands of Frank E. Oliver, Minister of the Interior for the Dcminion of Canada. He has gone over it very carefully, and as proof oi his own conviction that it is pos- sible he has communicated the de- tails to several scientists of worldwide fame with a request for an opinion. Gets Encouragement in Scheme. Lord Kelvin has been consulted and will report later. Minister Oliver has communicated with Mr. McLennan, informing him that he may be en- ccuraged in his scheme and asking for more particulars. Once upon a time, as geology plain- ly proves, North America enjoyed as baimy a climate as there was in the world. The remains of mammoths and trees and semitropic shrubbery are to be found all along the edge of the Arctic circle and in northern Siberia. The great flood of Noah's time un- did all this. It made North America a land of bleak winters and scorching summers. It blocked up the channel to the Arctic and kept the warm wa- ters of the Atlantic from laving those ice locked northern shores. All this and more has been Mr. McLennan's life study. He speaks about it frankly. His ar guments seem unanswerable. As he talked about his plan with a writer to the World Magazine he grew enthu- siastic. "Now, what caused the mild winter in which these fossil trees once lived?" he asked, and he answered the i himself question e "Und ," he said, "it was caused by a greater stretch of open ocean to the north than now exists. Lebrador is in the same latitude as tre British Isles, the south of Green- land corresponds in this particular to Nerway and Newfoundland to the north of France. Were it not for the modifying influences of this great stretch of open ocean the winters in Europe would be of Arctic severity. "What caused the once open ocean to the north of Canada to be turned into an icefield? Beyond doubt the fact that the great ocean current which at one time flowed from the Atlantic into the Arctic became im- peded by some barrier. "It is a scientific fact which you eo: verify by consulting any geo- grapher that in the bed of the Atlan- ti2 there is a channel on the east side extending from south of the equator ncrithward and 'passing between the Faroe and Shetland Islands at a depth of 670 fathoms. This passage is about 35) miles wide and I believe that it is through this channel that the current ketween the Atlantic and Arctic oceans formerly flowed. "Now, precise scientific calculations wil! show you that a current flowing through this channel at the rate of four miles an hour and at a tempers: ture ten degrees above freezing point vould allow of sufficient water to pass tlhough to melt 1,000 cubic miles of ice a day. "That is to say, in four or five years this would melt all the ice in the Arctic Ocean, and Canada, from be- ing-a country of rigorous winters, would become almost semi-tropical, and all the land which stretches in such vast areas to the north of us would share in that climate and be- come habitable." "My proposition," he went on, "is to petition the British Government and to get it to approach the United States Government also with the ob- weet of detaching a section of the fieets of both Powers to undertake the work after the several countries in- terested have given pledges and such securities as may be considered ade: quate. "If the icefield of the Arctic be stranded on one large island or on two Small ones, . besides coming arcainst the north of Greenland, I weuld propose to break up the ice by starting in to work at the east of Greenland and then proceeding north and west. The work could also be commenced at the head of Davis Strait and Behring Strait. "The work of breaking up the ice could, I belieys, be done by shooting great tol the ice, so fix- ed that they would explode at a con- siderable distance. Ice floating on the surface, af th¥"ice in the Arctic Ocean does, would be very easy to break up, as experiments have, proved. ; "And once broken up, the ice east Cheapest Place in King- 'ston for 'Boots and Clothing Is at the foot 'of Princess Street, Having received a big lot of Men's Tweed Working Pants, 1 will sell them at the low price of 95c. per pair. Special stock of Overalls on hand at low figures. Remember the place. of Greenland would flow out into the Arctic and melt. If the whole mass of ice were found to float out when its connection with Greenland were se- pend on Pavis and to ccrivey it away. "I might point out to you that when this scheme of mine has been carried cut, as it will' be some day, the area of habitable land in Canada will be reore than double that of the whole United States, Moreover, Greenland, vered, we should probably have to de- | BOY BURGLAR'S OUTFIT. Arms and Make-Up of Leader of Ju- venile Band. amusing story of the exploits of Frank Taylor, the boy burglar of Robin Hood Lane Station, who was sharged with shooting at Mr, Damon, a citor, of Carshalton, was told recently. : Taylor was caught in Mr. Damon's house, and when his story of having entered it by mistake was not believ- ed, he fired a shot at Mr. Damon from hippie pled ren © was r a sl , in which he bit Mr. Damon's hand sev- erely. Edwin John Barrett, 14 years old, arrested as ope of his ac said Taylor forced him to ac- com him, and stand outside while Tyla entered the houses. ice stated that they found articles in his room: A pair of cuffs. Black velvet coat, with ruffles and trimmed with lace at the cufis. Pair of jack boots with spurs. Three sword bayonets. ' Three air 8. A breech-l fowling piece. Several and moustaches. + A theatri p box. They also found a large quantity of sensational literature, and they learn- ed that the boy had taken lessons in wrestling and in the use of firearms. How an Earl Won a Bride, The '"'ashes" were not the only tro- phy Lord Darnley brought back in triumph from Aus He brought back a bride as well. Af one of the cricket matches the tall young Eng- lishman lost his handkerchief, and the day being extremely hot, enquired of his friends if any one of them had a spare handkerchief that he might oan. Immediately a very feminine 'ker- chief, sweet scented and of delicate fabric, was handed to him from some invisible source. It was a most ac- ceptable convenience that -hot day, and after the match he expressed his desire to thank the kindly lady. An introduction to Miss Florence Mur- phy followed. She was the daughter of a Victoria magistrate and a mem- ber of Sir W. J. Clarke's household as governess to the younger children. The acquaintance so romantically commenced ripened under the kindly chaperonage of Lady Clarke, an en- gagement following which stood the test of a long abéence in England af- ter the cricketing tour. Then the faithful swain, who is now a repre sentative Irish peer, returned to Aus- tralia, claimed his bride, and bore her off in triumph.--Tit-Bits. Hides In a Chimney. An amusing story of a bookmaker's device to escape arrest was told at Liverpool, when John Cain, aged 28, was remanded, charged with keeping a betting house. Three detectives went to the place in standing at the back door taking bets from two young men. When he say the officers he ran in and fastened the door, hav- ing previously let a bullterrier loose iously disappeared patient Search he us {ound chimney of , upper room. Cain was quite out of sight, and it was only because soot was noticed in the fireplace that suspicion of the i occurred. i hiding-place . Detective Sern geant Whitley put his arm the ¢l t a boot. was then carefully down and taken into custody. He looked a sorry spee- tacle. British Domestic Evils, Divorces are, happily, rare in soci- ety circles. Separation by mutual consent, howevér, grows more fre- quent year. Everyone has upon his or her visiting list husbands and wives who mever meet if they can help it, but between whom there has never" been an open breach. Incom- patibility of temper is the usual cause, and the reason for that is one imagines, the still common custom gi the y genera- marry before they have begun years of discretion.--Lon- 'hrone. 3 { ng of tion to to don Ln liquor | Provincial hotel, 2 -- Only Four Liquor Licenses For : the Town. April 26.--The hoard of license i repewed licenses for the International hotel, Brophy house, and house. The Inn is without , and the American, for which efforts were made to get a license, is also left out. i Church's congregational ro- in the parish house, last on i drew out a good attendance. Af- of vocal and 'in- er I at the Inn. ou Young People's Association of St." Andrew's church is buying a new for the olrch, engaging to a. the necessary amount by its own efforts. ! James Bartlett, who was awarded his degree of bachelor of science in mining, from Queen's, leit, yesterday, for Fernie, B.C., where he has scoured a situation. Mr. and Mrs, Gilbert Orser have ve turned to town. Mr. Ovrser spent the winter travelling as musician with a troupe on the other side. Charles Latimore, Charles street, is spending a week in Montreal. -------------------------- BOY OF 13 SUICIDES. Refused Use of Fishing Rod-- Hangs Himself to Beam. Brockville, April 24.--The lifeless hody of Ernest Perry, aged thirteen years, was found hanging from a beam in a barn at Pitcairn yesterday. The parents of the boy are dead, and he had been making his home with a family at Piteairn. It is alleg- od that he wanted to borrow a fish- pole, and on being refused, became down-hearted. He took the pole, broke it in two and then went and hanged himself. p------------ Wouldn't Take Off His Hat. Rome, April 26.--During a religious processicn at Paupisi, . province of Naples, a man refused. to remove his hat. This provoked an attack hy the crowd, who shouted 'Death to the Protestants." The man was injured by the stones thrown at him. «] saw, in an official report, that 70% (over %) of the baking powders sold in Canada, contain alum and acid phosphates." "SC mighty careful what baking powder they use." «| know, if I baked my own cake and pastry, that there is only one baking powder I would bay. That's St. George's Baking Powder It is a genuine Cream of Tartar Baking Powder--free of alum, acids, lime, ammonia and phosphates, ! a ST. GEORGE'S is healthful--and makes Biscuits, Cake, Pies, etc., that are not only deliciously light and inviting, but wholesome as well. Our Cook Rook tela Bow to prepare 8 number of i novel nt new Write for a free ATIONAL DRUG & CHEMICAL CD. OF Cawaba, } J ----) 8 To the 0 ------------------ The man who dare not fail is sure to do it. For Men of Cultured Tastes. i q { That .proof of taste and refinement which Goldwin Smith found in Canada is apparent in Semi-ready apparel. q The brics are always of patterns which will appeal to the most cultured mind. from the makers of British worsteds are and English Walking Suits at $25. is an evidence of The finest productions found in the Semi-ready Sack The made-in-Canada Blunoz Serge suit at $20 correct expression in a business suit.

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