Highest Prices Paid for W. F. GOURDIER EXCLUSIVE FURRIER At present our Stock of Desirable Cut Glass is more Complete than ever. Choice :--Spoon Trays, Relish Dishes, Jelly Plates, Fruit Dishes. Vases, Cream: Jugs, Carafe's etc We invite tion. 'SMITH BROS, Jowelass and Opticians Issuerhp of Marriage Licenses. Phone 666. your inspec. 83 Princess Street Open from 10.80 a.m. to 8.00 am. The best place to get an all on ghortest notice. Dishes a specialty. m m . #eat or poisovous. Sold by 3 expres, $1.00. or 3 bottles 92 he | of "a" hantlsome locket pendiht, "suit th | ably inscribed, - to John ; F." Ke'lk of | shortly to take up his residence he | Gananoque. lorytown all his life ° Juy Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Fresh there. etre ee nging Bargains jaturday 5 Dozen Corset Covers ) Made from good quality Cam- brie, trimmed with 2 Torchon Insertion, rows of and witly Lace, 34 to 42. For a SAT- URDAY Special, 25c. Each. - Other lines up to $1.25 each. White Waists 39c. : An extra Special in White Waists, trimmed with Lace In- sertion and Tucks, for only 39c. each. All sizes. Beautiful of White Gowns at from 50c. to $3.95. Every num- ber a bargain. Children's Romper ages 2 and 3 years, each. . A Big Snap in Ladies' Walking Skirts Read--28 Samples, in Black, Navy and pretty Tweed effects, every garment beautifully tailor- ed, in the latest styles. All lengths, were $3.50 to $4.75 each. Your, choice, on SATURDAY MORNING, $2.98. for Cash Buyers e, a 75¢. line selling at 50c. a Checks, dBc. a yard. . aiserns, 39¢. a yard. >. i . On Sale, 19¢. i 5, 15¢. yard. > pain: iefs, Hemstitched, regular price, & Shaw Suits, for only 50c. SPRING RATS 78 and 80 BROCK ST. ox New YorkGhinese Restaurant round o. | Lunch in the city Meals of all kinds English and Chinese MEN AND WOMEN. me Bi @& for anoatural ducharg s.ibNtammations. irtitatiovs or uleerstions of mucous wembranes, Painless, and not astrio or sent in plain wrapper, 4 Brepaid, tof Circalar wmt on reaase. Smee A pleasing event took place at Ma- coy Jodge, AF. & AMEMallory tole, it, | on Monday eteping, the®prigitglit, Mr. Kelly resided in Mal- edged sick to get results from it. es Atl, i Most people know that if they have been sick they need Scot's Emul- ¢ sion to bring back health and strength. Emulsion is that you don't have to be keeps up the athlete's strengtl, puta fat on thin Zoovie Tashes x fretfel hak apo: brings color to a | and well, young and old, rich and poor. DRUGGISTS: 50c. AND $1.00. SOME OF THE NEWCOMERS NO GAIN TO CANADA AT ALL. men of Chambers held in Montreal in 1903, makes some excellent for the bettering of our im: ser vice in the United Kingdoms He has evidently given careful study to the question, for he is not misled by the increase in: our' British immigrants into any false stimaies of the. real gain to this country. saying that mi fous | Fumishingfy Time We are better prepared than ever to meet the neods especially We will be pleased to show you our stock and Teel sure House notice. Furnishing lines. Our Carpets an Rugs just what you haye been looking for. Carpets, Rings, Rugs, Lineoleums, Oilcloths, Curtains, ete. Prices right too. of the people along demand you will particular find Blinds, Poles, Pole Ends, CRUMLEY BROS. AN' ---- ein -- ED 50,000 SPRING RATS. John McKay, Q 153 Brock Street. Dimes and dollars will do mighty work JOHNSTON 180 Wellington St, There's Bargain Meaning in Every Line of This Advertisement. mighty can be easily found out by spending, but important 12§c. but a sample list, many more equally good val news. Think of buying 530c. Dress ¢ $2 Waists at $1.19. 385c. Corset Cover will find it profitable shyppping here. SATURDAY DRESS GOODS, 10 pieces New Spring Dress Goods, shados worth up to 50ec. DAY LAWN with entire front of Eyelet Embroidery, tucked back, short sleeves, w orth 2. SATURDAY Ta BED QUILTS, 10-4 Quilts, worth $1.25. CORSET COVERS, made of fine Cam- brie with Lace or Embroidery trimuning, worth 35c¢. and SATURDAY in oll the most wanted and also black and grey check, the yard. SATUR- 25¢ WAISTS, Ladies" Waists, made 8c. $1.19 Sateen Marseilles double bed, size eno! for SATURDAY 98c. harge BOYS SATURDAY 25c. here ues HOSIERY, Cotton Stockings, double heel worth 20¢. pair. EMBROIDERY, three to four inches wide, worth up to SATURDAY PETTICOATS, Skirts, URINAY rach wl Stockings, double ribbed, in , 3} to 10 inch, c. SATURDAY TO-MORROW, Just how n few minates reading this wis for 25¢, 20¢. Hosiery for roidery for 23¢., etc. This is throughout the store. You Black and toe, Ladies' Fast SATURDAY, 12} Pcair Bdging and Insertion 4c. Yard Black Mercerized worth fully $2. SAT- $1.50 HOSIERY, strong all worth 15c. and Extra 12ic Pair APRONS; «Woman's White Aprons, rs made af fine Victoria Lawn, bib has WHITE SKIRTS, made of extra | row Insertion, jn centre and edged with strong cotton, good laree sjres, lice | Embroidery You could not buy the insertion trimmed, orth $1. | Lawn for the money. SATURDAY : each 29c. UMBRELLAS, Self opening Umbrellas, Paragon Frame Steel, Rod Mercerised | Tweed or Cover, $1.25 'is the price. SATURDAY Bargain each & 15.in the lot, 89c. 25 Spring Cate at 1-2 Price To-Morrow h RAINCOATS, full length, Raincoats, in fitting, in Ladies" loose or tight Plain Colors. The best chance of the season to get a Coat cheap only $6.50 for $4.25 where we want tillers of the soil, the acreage under oultivation has ty ne the population. But there has been a very striking increase in the number of inbabitants of the towns and cities of the Western interior J ince, A very large proportion the jm soil, but the from Southern Eu- rope and many from the United King- dom prefe life in the towns and cities. If all were productively engag- ed there they would be a source of wealth to the country only second in value to the: farming class, Many Undesirables. Put in the towns of the West as well as those of the East the exceptionally good times we have enjoyed years afford opportunities for hangers-on and parasites who contribute nothing to the country's output. Mr. Adams does not deal with the distribution of the population in| our West, but he sees clearly enough that among people arriving in Canada from the British Isles there are too many "undesirables," men fit neither mor- ally nor physically to be admitted in- to the population of this country, loafers and whiners, who would do no good anywhere. In the opinion of Mr. Adams, one reason for the percentage of this element being so large is that the rural districts of Britain are prac- tically ignored by our immigration agents; nearly all of whose efictis are exerted "through city offices. Go to Rural Districts Naturally, therefore, it is ham the cities we get. far. the greater part of ur immigrants. Mr. Adams is eon: vinded that the British rural districts wo | 0s exactly. kind useful ye want die says that men brought up to agricul. tural pttsuits, and with . savings amounting to from £100 fo . £500, abound in the United Kingdom, where so small a ilal is of Iti help to them. With their. training, their small accumulations of cash, and their wives, daughters, and sis- ters Hchooled in the household duties of farming, Englishmen &f that type established on homesteads in Ad would be able to improve their lot immeasurably, and would be a real acquisition to the country. Chesip Farms Tn West, In our West, as Mr. Adame teuly remarks, such an agriculturist be able to buy a farm, already broken up, for a sum equal to about two years' rent of a property of similar size in England. But the British small farmer, who has nothing to look for- ward to but hard work and more on- erous conditions, knows little or no- thing about the grand opportunities of this country. Our immigration agents do not give him their atten- tion. They find it easier to work in the thickly-settled towns. Mr. Adams advises that the Dominion Govern- ment establish agencies in the heart of each rural district. "A smart man," he says, "with his heart in his work and the bump of organiza. tion properly developed, could ao complish wonders in emigration pro- paganda." Canada and the West Indies. In reference to the recent visit of the Canadian Board of Trade tion to the West Indies, the George- town (Demerara) Argosy says: Al- though the visit of the delegates from Canada was even shorter than was originally feared, yet it was surprising how much interchance of opinion and mutual enlightenment was achieved in the time. One worthy son of the Dominion for instance is now con- vinced from the evidence of hia own eyes that the inhabitants of George. town wear clothes. Before leaving Halifax he had his doubts. Another is satisfied that his conception of British Guiana as steeped in the calm stagnation of the middle ages was wrong; and he very fairly admits that in some matters all, they may be --requiring intelligent enterprise an: commercial acumen, has per- haps a hint or two to fake from the West Indies. It is .pleasant to bear these things. It brings us all mors to a level and makes talking so much easier. It is difficult to keep up con- versation with a man on a pedestal. On the other hand, our visitors gave us a lesson yn businesslike discus- sion. . Perpetual. "Well, how is, your love affair pro- ing?" "I've told that I may bope." "Indeed? That's everything." *Well--er--she doesn't seem to think 'it's anything but hope." A Mean Retort. "He said he would die for me." *He must be dead easy." Theeorigin of the Great Banks of Newfoundland is said to have been in the boulders carried down by ice- bergs. The bank is 600 miles long and 120 broad. See the new Belgium Qdora hat, £3 ? each, at Bibby's, fleam in the black tops of the reveille, an greatly y 4 the faithful to breakfast. During of the meal the daylight gets to expand the wind-fallen logs which beset the path, and the slender branches that fly back like whips to sting the un- wary. It is a sad procession. There is little conversation, and that little gen the disposal of the cumbersome lunch pack, of which every one is glad to eat his share, and squally undesirous of packing on his shoulders, turn. about. Perils of the Work, Lunch finished and a pipe smoked. and the afternoon grind ; 4f the survey has had easy groun? that morning there are now perhaps some bluffs to be negotiated. They can't be avoided by detours. or grade must be the wagon road, there is no flexibility allo This rigid adherence t6 a fixed line often the survéyors in most unpleasant positions, and quite frequently it is on some narrow ledge or projecting rock on the face of a bluff that the "transit man must Pave his mark. This means that he as to clamber there with his instru- ment, set up the tripods, squint through the telescope, and read an- gles--and probably all this carefu! nt whilst standing® precari- ously on a place that might be quite comfortable for a mountain goat. When Footing Is Bad. If the footing in bad places appears precarious, the rope is used, and with the end of this the more agile of the men proceeds to surmount the ob- stacle, the rest of the party following aided by the rope. It is a most re- assuring auxiliary is a good, strong rope securely attached to a reliable tree. Picture yourself scrambling along the well-nigh bare face of a rock slope not so alarmingly per- pendicular in itself, but nevertheless a remarkably easy place on which to start sliding -- and below, a doven yards or so, a precipice sheer down, eighty feet! But it isn's.all mountain- eering, even in the mountains; else the job would rank with that of steeplejack, and there would be a dearth in the land of engineers and their assistants. Return to Camn. The return to camp is 'a: veritable triumphant progress as compared with the doleful sortie af the. morn- ing. True. it is down grade instead of hill, but Sen wai sonsideration hardly accounts:for wi which the distance i§ ed and the celerity and ease with which the obstructing logs are honped. over. there is a whole log in knowing ¢ the day's work is dane. and that a good meal awaits you afihp. end. FH her way to the United States. .. mother was anxious -that the child born in the United States, the land Fiax stork andthe youngest member enbloom family will the Dominion of Ci bora nor the sire and. ives born under only a few hours, One of the rail road surgeons remained wi ° ther and her 'child until the train rived at Windsor. Signe of Spring. With glad delight we greet each wel come % g followed, and, unlike } MACHINISTS, to A Goon + ee -------------------------------- E FOR AUTOSFRAY. SALEM made Sutomatic, Bangla Mahim: roa, 10 approved AT ONCE, MEN ssp engine and automonile work. Apely Box APT" at Whig dfice. SMART BOY, BOR 'work, good . position ht parey splendid wages. Apply Kingston on Ring St. ser------ agent. Cavers . GOOD MACHINISTS, A NUMBER AT once, lathe und bench hands clal- ly. Continutus Sumo a soe wages to - suitable n dress. to "L, R.,"' British ig SEVERAL GOOD TOOL MAKERS immediately, to work on jigs, fix- tures a fenpral work What waked I oy ment or On Nox rere. an Sig steady Box and won. Apply office. y GENTLE- Sle, tee Sour og. Hoth and ik 4 o yle, pride and Re wel, Galloway: The lor, 181 Brock street. HELP WANTED-FEMALE. A COOK. APPLY TO MRS. NICKLE, 180 Earl styeet. eet A PLAIN COOK, REVERENCES RE. quired. Apply 317 University Ave. ---------------------- GENERAL SERVANT. NO WASHING or irening: Apply Mes. Farthing, 101 King street. A coums © oF CES OVER THE GN VW. Te Ed ges | Cinrenes St." Apply (0 J.B. Walkers NO, 187 KING STREET FAS NOW Squnied ny Mr Angas J. Hosier Rogers & Ni On Nickle, 104 Ontario St, NO. 22 oceu! 3 v possession 1st May. frkpatrick, Rogors & Nic Ontario street. BAI DW G, NO. 18) DIVISON Ret ing, x0 extension din- ing room and kitchen, hot water BARRIE STREET, NOW d by « Mr. J. 0. C. Amon, Enquire of Xo, 194 heating ; Jostession {rt of v MN be to Frederick Welch, - 0 vision street. FAIRVIEW, MACK ST., FACING Victoria Park. Garden, mod: veniences, eleven. rooms. Yearly ten ant preferred. Possession May 1st, Apply 840 Albert street, teeters 81 KING STRERT, CORNER EMILY Bt, comu ous resi oe, 11-rooms, hot water, furnace, all moderns con veniences, stable and coach house, facing Macdonald and City Parks. Formerly occupied by W. F. Nickle, Rent, 8500, froe taxes, for. a term of years {I desired. Apply to J. 8. R. McCann, 31 Brock street. YOUNG WOMAN, FOR GENBRAL housework. Apply to Mrs. Hayes, 218 King street. THOROUGHLY QUALIFIED CHAM- permuid, capable of walting at table. Apply 196 Johnson street. A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT, RE- ferences required. Apply Mra, aor gillivray, 119 Earl street. PR ------------ 29nd OF MAY, A COOK AND Housemaid or General. Apply Mrs. D. Stewart Robertson, 16 Sydenham St, Cor, West street. By AT MME. ELDERS, 358 "PRINCESS 8t., Cor. Sydenham, young Ladies to learn the art of dressmaking, sutting by measure, desiguing, trims ming in three months. MEDICAL. CARTHY, OFFICE LATELY ed by Dr. Ryan, corner Mon. ind Brock streets. VERY SUDDEN DEATH WAS THAT OF H. J, ABBOTT OF KINGSFORD. ------ Died While Riding in a Buggy-- Death of Mrs. A. F. Hamilton --A Visitor to Napanee Passed Away at Toronto. Napance, April 26.--Terribly sudden was the summons that came to Heory J. Abbott, Kingsford, on Tuesday af- ternoon. Mg. Abbott was in his usu- al health and at work in the field when a dog began chasing some sheep in an adjoining field. He hurried of ter the animal and called him off and continued his way home when a neigh- bor overtook him on the road and asked him to ride home. He did so and upon the neighbor addressing him |} and recdiving no reply, he looked up fy and eight months old and leaves wife and two daughters. takes place, this afternoon, at 2 p.m; || services at Empey Hill church. The sad news reached Napanee, yes terday, of the death of Mrs. A. F Hamilton, nce Janet Davy, youngest daughter of the late Mrs, George Davy. Deceased had been very ill all winter. Her sister, Mrs. C. Shorey, was with her for some weeks, and ten derly nursed her. Two sisters and one brother remain. They are Mrs. 8, C, Shorey and. Miss Louisa" Davy, Napa- wee, and Henry Davy, Vancouver, B.C. The remains were brought to Napanee, last evening, and taken to the home of her sister, Miss Louise Davy, Dundas street, and also the home of her childhood days. The fun: eral will take place on Saturday. .. Mrs. D. Follis, of Toronto, who has often 'boen a visitor to Napanee, at the home of Mr. and Mra: J. J. Minchinton, died, on the 17th inst. of pneumonia, after but a few days' ill- ness. Mrs. Minchinton attended the funeral, which took place, on the 19th, to Humber Vale cemetery, Toronto. A Reliable Strength Creator. Vinol is the latest scientific produc tion of the greatest tonic rebuilder the world has ever known, namely, cod liver oil, In Vinol the useless, system-clogging nauseating oil is eliminbtedy and the medicinal, curative elements' known to exist in the cod's liver dre adminis tered in ea highly concentrated form, with tonic iron added. This is why Vinol is so strongly re- ici and guar- T, We know that just ome frog ean make a spring. : . Passenger (about sees his hea rack on a lady's J fortunate. I had just forgotten it was there, @ se: Christy's Faglish bats' at Bibby's. "Fresh Abby Salt," at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. "Phone 236 Don't experiment, sow Kentucky lawn grass soed,» Sold only at Gib son's Red Cross Drug Store, . croak. or sing, For, though ose swalk t make ded by phy & summe anteed by over five thousand of 'the leading druggists of the United States as a body-builder and strength crea- tor for old people, weak women, puny children, after sickness, and for all pulmonary diseases. The doctor knows what he is giving and the patient knows what he is taking. Our leading druggist, George Ww. Mahood, says: "We sell Vinol on a guarantee that it is and will do all The funcral | gregse or any VETERINARY. MM. G. W. BELL, V.8, HAS RE. moved to his brick block, on Cla : t, just above the Post Gition. hv leph or - promptly sttended to. MARRIAGE LICENSES. {a sxar YOR QUICK SALE. ro WANTED SEN ERAL. : 8 2 Nisupp FOR SUMMER | b ns hf food Neh GENDRON BIOYCLhe APPLY AT SE ft S| etek y ate A bh wg snare i . FOR SALE OR TO LET. ieee moreno ys NRG x | oo ash ma A ictoria Park. ply Box "T. K. R.," Whig othe. > TWO i polo poundes, in fine conditi Roudy for work, Apply J. F. Me Parlund. s % ' : CHATHAM INCUBATOR brooder--one hundred hy Tt rgd cont y Apply 82 Ontatio street, ; A 10 BORE UBLE iA REL SHOT in tot. d . cat a good gun cheap. Dest rea; . ----n given for selling. Apply at GRAVE PLOTS FOR SALE IN BRICK HOUSE, T-ROOMS, G000 OUT buildings, and 3 acres la . in high state of cultivation, within limits city. For particulars, to 244 etorin striot. 3 "pi SOLID BRICK _RESIDENOR AND umber 174 fr Rae, but now ascupied by the Ladies" ARTHUR EI fice, Cor. At oa ete. or h - 'Phone, 345 ie 2 POWER & SON, ARCHITECT, | Shante Bank Building, corner Pro and liagton streets. 'Phone, 313. WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF fice, second floor over aD rota. Ratrance. on Bagot "Phone, 608, is Office, 57 Brock St. Office. hours, 9 am. to 5 pm. Saturday evening, 7 to 9 o'clock. . K. Carroll, Repre- sentative. 'Phone, 608 SITUATIONS VACANT. --------------t------------ WANTED-TWO SPECIAL SALBSMEN for Eastern Ontario to work singly or with gong on road. Apply to uke Bros. Co., Montreal. LEFT BRIDE AT ALTAR. Cincinnati Doctor Disappears Fiancee Waits For License, Windsor, Ont., April 26.-Mrs, Davis, Detroit, a widow, came to Windsor with Dr. George W. Burbanks, former- ly of Cincinnati, and intended to be married, Burbanks left her in the waiting-room of the electric railway while he went to procure a license. Mrs. Davis waited in vain for two hours, and then told the police her trouble. She reported that she had given her prospective husband a let- tor containing over $300 to carey for her, and that he returned an envelope containing all the "money, as she thought. When she opened the eave lope she found about $100 in bills wrapped around gome waste paper, Christy's Hats. Being the largest importers of these Lats in this part of Ontario enables 18 to give you values that are not to in time to observe Mr. Abbott in a be found elsewhere. Campbell Bros, fainting condition. He tried to re- | Kingston's style centre for men's hats. ive him, but the spark of life had rm tate fled. Deceased was fifty-three years Have U tried "Fricka yet? The a | best hand soap made to remove oil, inds of stains instant v. Ask your dealer for it plied, will vroducs true Cc. 8 KIRKPATRICK, ISSUER gr arria icenses, & Clarence Sit. "Phone, B68. MONEY AND BUSINESS. | EDUCATIONAL. OUR POLICIES COV MORE of © ids aa re. Exam nay t INTERNATIONAL CORRESPOND: ompany offers. Examine them & ence Schools, Scranton, Pa. Loeal in's Insurance Emporium, Mark- LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLO Fire Insurance Yompany, Available nasets $61,187. 918. addition te which the polieyholdere' have fot security the unli ity of all the Stackholdgm. Jurm and ty nro peor w rates. Refore Ronen old or eine mew business get from Stronge -& Strange, Asents. The Paragraph Pulpit REV. O. Ww. CASSON, OTTAWA Paul's Unita or When Paul said, "Prove all things; hold fast that which is good," he ex- pressed the Unitarian position re: garding truth and religion. It is not an unreasoning acceptance of any form of faith, or any blind belief in any statement of truth. [It de mands proof before anything is ae- cepted as true, whatever may be the authority behind the statement. It is not denial, but discrimination; not imeredulity, but insistence upon the proven fact. And when this is done, and the truth stands forth, revealed and proved, one cannot do other than hold fast to it. -- hd Address Mr. Casson for frew litera tare. Varnish Stains The Canada Paint Co's, Varnish Stains are for use whe ap to nature, USGLD ONLY AT © _ Solid Oak and ble, $2.50, Special prices ture we claim for it, or vefund money without question." - George W. Ma- hood, Druggist. tc Campbell Bros'. ing their new hats, The store where most men/ are buy- Seo our S-pieces Mahogany Parlor Suite, regular price $25, for $20, Music Cabinets, $3.50 to $35. un, from $12 to $95. "Robt. J. Reid, The Leading Updertaker ahd Furni- Ambulance Phone, 577. 0000000000000000000000.0000000000000000000008 RO goes wearing together : ther and superb workmanship places these goodsin thé front rank of shoe : Mahogany Parlor Ta 7 in Buffets and China , 230 Princess St. YAL SHOES: - FOR MEN ag pi 5 with the choice lea- on.