Highest Prices Paid for W. F. GOURDIER EXCLUSIVE FURRIER s Stock Glass At present our Desirable Cut of is more Complete than ever. Choice --Spoon Trays, Relish Dishes, Jelly Plates Fruit Dishes, Vases Cream Jugs, Carafe's etc We tion. invite your inspec- Jeweless and Opticians Issuers of Marriage Licenses. Phone 666. 83 Princess Street Open from 10.80 a.m. to 8.00 a.m The best place to get an all rc Lunch in the city Meals of all ki: on shortest notice. English and Chine Dishes a speciality. , TURES in 2 0e & dure Geareeiend at to aiziciare., Prove. a Contanton. THE Evans Cemicat Go. CORCINRATI, SAA ME dined irritation s or wi #oal op poisonous. Sold by prepaid, 3 express, $1.90. or 3 bottles 22.75. ESE eoy lodge "AF. §F A M@Mallorytd on Monday eveping, the®prigifit of "a" hantisome locket pendent, "shi ably inserited," to John shortly to take up his Gananoque. Mr. Kel lorytown all his 1 Buy Stuart's Dys ly resided in M: epsia Tablets there. gr sent in plain wrapper, A pleasing event took place at Mo: Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Fres SPRING RATS 78 and 80 BROCK ST. 'SMITH BROS. 4 New YorkChinese Restaurant nd ds so i AND WOMEN. Vee Bi & for unnature) harg sibMammations, tions Mucous wembranes, Painless, and not astrin ot Circalar wnt on Pogo st. F." Kelle, residence | nt h n ging Bargai Jaturday e, a 75¢. line selling at 50c. atterns, 39. ibbed. On S 5, 5 Dozen ; Corset Covers brie, trimmed with 2 rows Torchon Insertion, 'and "edged with Lace, 34 to 42. For a SAT URDAY Special, 25¢c. Each. - Other lines up to $1.25 each White Waists 39c. An extra Special in White Waists, trimmed with Laee In sertion and Tucks, i 9c each. All sizes. ur uly > Gowns at Every num- Beautiful of White from 50e¢. to $3.95. ber a bargain. Children's Romper Suits, ior ages 2 and 3 years, only 50c each. . A Big Snap in Ladies' 4 "Walking Skirts Toads Samples, in Black, Navy and pretty Tweed effects, every garment beautifully tailor- ed, in the latest styles. lengths, were $3.50 to $4.75 ea Your choice, on SATURDAY MORNING; $2.98. for Cash Buyers a Checks, 35¢. a yard. a yard. ale, 19¢, i 15¢. yard. Sa pun, lefs, Hemstitched, regular price, & Shaw = ns Made from good quality Cam- Ally Rede 0 A A A J he A A Ph A A ww vv And it contains no drugs and nozalcobol. DRUGGISTS; 5Oc. AND $1.00. Food in concentrated form for sick and old, rich and poor. . 1 B fick £35 ficitee goss | umishingf, me - We are better prepared than ever to meet the needs of the House Furnishing lines notice. just what you have béen looking for. Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums, Oilcloths, Curtains, Rings, 'ete. Prices right too. 3 people along Our Carpets an Rugs especially demand particular We will be plensed to show vou our stock and feel sure you will find Blinds, Poles, Pole Ends, CRUMLEY BROS. 00,000 SPRING RATS. John McKay, 153 Brock Street. mst J OHNSTON' 180 Wellington St, Re § There's Bargain Meaning in Every Line of This Advertisement. _ Dimes and dollars' will 'do wighty work mighty can be easily found out hy spending, here TO-MORROW. Just a few minutes reading 20¢. how this reas Goods for 25¢, Iboriaut news. Think of buying 50c. Hosjery for 19%c. $2 Waists at $1.19. 83¢c. Corset Cover Embroidery for 23¢., etc. This is but a sample list, many more equally good values throughout the store. You will Sind it profitable shopping heres DRESS GOODS, 10 pieces New Spring HOSIERY pr i K MES, A 3 SLE] . Ladies Fast Black Dress Goods, in olf the most wanted | Cotton Stockings, double heel and toe, shades aud also black and grey check, SATUR- worth up to SOc. DAY the 25¢ yard, LAWN WAISTS, Ladies' Waists, made with entire front of Eyelet Embroidery, worth 20¢. pair. SATURDAY, EMBROIDERY, Bdging and Insertion three to four iuches wide, worth up to 8c. SATURDAY tucked back, short sleeves, w orth $2. tucked tmmek hte} o 4c. Yard $1. 19 PETIT ICOATS, Black Mercerized . 2 Sateen Skirts, . worth lly $2. SAT- BED QUILTS, 10-4 size Marseilles | URITAY rach mn Quilts, lrge eno for double bed, $1 50 worth $1.25. SATURDA) 98c¢c. . BOYS' HOSIERY. Extra strove School Stockings, double ribbed, in all CORSET. COVERS, made uf fine Cam-| tao 34,8010 inch, worth "1dc. and bric with Lace or Embroidery trinuning, | = » - worth 35c. SATURDAY 12ic Pair 25c¢. . APRONS «Woman's White Aprons, wade af fine Victorian Lawn. bib has WHITE SKIRTS, made of extra| row Insertion, in centre and edged with Strong cotton, good large spires, lace | Embroidery. You could not buy the amd insertion trimmed, orth $1. | Lawn for the money. SATURDAY SATURDAY each 29c. RAINCOATS, Ladies" Raincoats, in Paragon Frame Steel, Rod Bargain each . 89c¢. Spring Coats UMBRELLAS, Sell opening Umbrellas, Mercerised Cover, $1.25 is the price, SATURDAY full length, loose or tight fittisw, in Twesd or Plain Colors. The best chance of the season to wet a Coat cheap only 15.in the lot, $6.50 fov $425 at 1-2 Price To-Morrow » value to the farming Many Undesirables. But in the towns of the West as well as those of the East the exceptionally good times we have enjoyed for years afford opportunities for hangers-on and parasites who contribute nothing to the country's output, Mr. Adams does not deal with the distribution of the population in our West, but he sees clearly enough that among the people arriving in Canada from the British Isles there are too many "undesirables," men fit neither mor- ally nor physically to be admitted in- to the population of this country, loafers and whiners, who would do neo good anywhere. In the opinion of Mr. Adams, one reason for the percentage of this element being so large is that the rural districts of Britain are prac- tically ignored by our immigration agents, nearly all of whose efictts are exerted "through city offices." Go to Rural Districts Naturally, therefore, it is ham the cities we get far, the greater part of crane, MC Mo Soh vin it the ah ro istriks furnih he exactly. the Hod useful it we it ont ers " a says that men brought up to agricul tural' petsuits, and with . savings amounting fo from £100 to . £500, abound an the United Kingdom, where 80 small a capilal is of Tittle help to them, With their training, their small accumulations of cash, and their wives, daughters, and sis. ters schooled in the household duties of farming, Englishmen of that type established on homes in Canada would be sable to improve their lot immeasirably, and would be a real acquisition to the country. Cheap Farms In West, In our West, as Mr. Adams j remarks, such an agriculturi daly be able to buy a farm, already broken up, for a sum equal to about two years' rent of a property of similar size in England. But the British small farmer, who has nothing to look for- ward to but hard work and more on- erous conditions, knows little or no- thing about the grand opportunities of this country. Our immigration agents do not give him their atten tion. They find it edsier to work in the thickly-settled towns. Mr. Adams advises that the Dominion Govern- ment establish agencies in the heart of each rural district. "A smart man," he says, "with his heart in his work and the bump of organiza- tion properly developed, could ac complish wonders in emigration pro- paganda." Canada and the West Indies. In reference to the recent visit of the Canadian Board of Trade delega- tion to the West Indies, the George- town (Demerara) Argosy Says: Al- though the visit of the delegates from Canada was even shorter than was originally feared, yet it was surprisi how much interchance of opinion mutual enlightenment was achieved in the time. One worthy son of the Dominion for instance is now con- vinced from the evidence of his own eyes that the inhabitants of George town wear clothes. Before leaving Halifax he had his doubts. Another i isfied that his conception of British Guiana as steeped in the calm stagnation of the middle ages was wrong; and he very fairly admits that in some matiers--small, they may be --requiring intelligent enterprise and commercial acumen, Canada has per- haps a hint or two to fake from the West Indies. It is pleasant to hear these things. It brings -the celerity and ease with which the ig i § i i £ -3 ! off th from the very last jumping off. place on the railway. The "Get Up" Call. orming--horribly ear- in light--the first pale pushing up over the valley, Now all t the line, marching in si file, eyes downcast, and ever on the alert for the wind-fallen logs which beset the path, and the slender branches that fly back like wh to sting the nm- wi It is a & p jon. There is little conversation, and that little generally anent the disposal of the cumbersome lunch pack, of which every one is glad to eat his share, and equally undesirous of packing on his sl , turn. about. J Perils of the Work. Lunch finished and a pipe smoked. and the afternoon grind k If the survey has had easy ground that morning there are now perhaps some bluffs to be negotiated. They can't be avoided by detours. For grade must be followed, and, unlike the wagon road, there is no flexibility allo This rigid adherence to a fixed line often places the surveyors in most unpleasant positions, and quite frequently it is on some narrow ledge or projecting rock on the face of a bluff that the transit man must place his mark. This means that he as to clamber there with his instru- ment, set up the tripods, squint through the telescope, and read an- gles--and probably all this carefu! adjustment whilst standing precari- ously on a place that might be quite comfortable for a mountain goat. When Footing Is Bad. If the footing in bad places appears precarious, the rope is used, and with the end of this the more agile of the men proceeds to surmount the ob stacle, the rest of the party following. aided by the rope. It is a most re assuring auxiliary is a , strong rope securely attached to a reliable tree. Picture yourself scrambling along the well-nigh bare face of a rock ope--a slope not so alarmingly per- pendicular in itself, but nevertheless a remarkably easy place on which to start sliding -- and below, a dozen yards or so, a precipice sheer down, eighty feet! But it isn't all mountain- eering, even in the mountains, else the job would rank with that of steeplejack, and there would be a dearth in the land of engineers and their assistants. Return to Camp. The return to camp is 'a: veritable triumphant progress as compared with the doleful. sortie ef, the. morn- ing. True. it is down grade instead of uphill, but even hit onlity with hardly acocounts:for wi which the distance is covered. and obstructing logs are over. But there is a whola log in mowing that the 's work is dane. a sda awaits you af the end. ---------------- t train was speedi indsor a boy was born to Mrs® Mary Rosenbloom, 4 Russian immigrant on her way to the United States mother was anxious that the born in the United States, the 1 7 1 oF £ and the youngest mem enbloom family will the inion of his nativity, though he born unde! only a few hours. One road surgeons remained ther and her child until rived at Windsor. wr a "Well, how is_your love affair pro- gressing? . "I've been told that I may hope." "Indeed? That's everything." *Well--er--she doesn't seem to think 'it's anything but hope." A Mean Retort. "He said he would die for me." *He must be dead. easy." The origin of the Great Banks of Newfoundland is said to have been in the boulders carried down by ice- ergs. The bank is 600 miles long and 120 broad. MACHINISTS, AT ONCE, MEN USED SEVERAL GOOD Aly ox at Wei FOR SALE OR TO LET. NEW HOUSE, COR. OF MACK AND - Can. on oasy. terms. A ply a Landeryou, 343 Divison A GOOD SMART BOY, FOR STEADY work, good position to right party Sad os Ce. Rie su yy o" . -------- LEsMEN FOI AUTO-SPRAY. agent. Cavers . Galty GOOD MACHINISTS, A NUMBER AT tut ROW ad lathe nnd bench hands Continuous Silo ient Sh to su n, dren to "L. R.," British Whig. TOOL MAKERS immediately, to wo on jigs, fix- genera) onee, y. ork a. at 3 wages oa ment oa od Bay oie a Wig urs MA GEN SP beg oi own Hoh ames cheap b suit made. leo, Lice an! 3 Sivas The Tailor, 181 Brock street. HELP WANTED-FEMALE. A COOK. APPLY TO MRS. NICKLE, 130 Earl agpeet. A A PLAIN COOK, REFERENCES RE. quired. Apply 317 University Ave. ee a---------------------------------- GENERAL SERVANT. NO WASHING or irening: Apply Mes. Farthing, 161 King street. JTWC-SEATFD BUGGY. -- = tial, Apply at 48 King street, a -------------------- 1s Foor GASOLIN E LAUNCH, HULL ply Box "I. a Whig: he er t---------- -- I A SNAP FOR: QUICK SALE, TWO > condition. Ronty Jor Wor Amy Parlund. : hel 3 CHATHAM INCUBATOR brooder--one hundred egw, is Apply 33 Ontario street, 2 tr a-------------------------- A 10 BORE DOUBLE SH YURL ARREL HoT Young WOMAN, FOR GENBRAL housework. Apply to Mrs. Huyes, 218 King street, CHAM- THOROUGHLY QUALIFIED permaid, capable of waiting at tate. Apply 196 Johnson street. VANT, RE A GOOD GENERAL SER fore: i Apply Mrs, Mac noes required. gilliveay, 119 Earl street. COOK AND Apply Mrs. 16 Sydenham 22nd OF MAY, A Housemaid or General. D. Stewart tson, ae, West street. >S," 958 "PRINCESS St., Cor. Sydenham, young Ladies learn the art of dressmaking, - measure, designing, lrim- n ree months. MEDICAL. McCARTHY, OFFICE LATELY occupied by Dr. Ryan, corner Moun- treal and Brock streets. VERY SUDDEN DEATH WAS THAT OF H. J. ABBOTT OF KINGSFORD. BY Cor. AT MME, FELDER Jor. to cut! wing DR. Died While Riding in a Buggy-- Death of Mrs. A. F. Hamilton --A Visitor to Napanee Passed Away at Toronto, Napance, April 26.--Terribly sudden was the summons that came to Henry J. Abbott, Kingsford, on Tuesday af ternoon. - Mr. Abbott was in his usu- al health and at work in the field when a dog began chasing some sheep© in an adjoining field. He hurried af ter the animal and called him off and continued his way home when a nvigh- bor overtook him the road and asked him to ride home. He did and upon the neighbor addressing him and recdiving no reply, he looked up on so in timo to obsarve Mr. Abbott in a fainting condition. He tried to re ive him, but the spark of life had thd. Deceased was fifty-three years and eight mouths old and leaves a wife and two daughters. The funcral takes place, this afternoon, at 2 p.m.; services at Empey Hill "church. The sad news reached Napanee, yes AF death of Mrs Janet Davy, terday, of the Hamilton, noe daughter of the late Mrs Davy. Deceased had been very winter. Her sister, Mrs, C, 3 was with her for some weeks, and ten derly nursed her, Two sisters and one brother remain. They are Mrs. 8S. C, Shorey and. Miss Lovisa Davy, Napa- and Henry Davy, Vancouver, B.C. The remains were brought to Napanee, last evening, und taken to the home of ber sister, Miss Louisa Davy, Dundas street, and also the home of her ghildhood days. The fun- eral will take place on Saturday. . Mrs. D. Follis, of Toronto; who has often 'heen a visitor to Napanee, at the home of Mr. and Mra J. J, Minchinton, died, on the 17th inst. of pneumonia, after but a few days" ill- ness. Mrs, Minchinton attended the farieral, which took place, on the 19th, to Humber Vale cemetery, Toronto. { A Reliable Strength Creator. Vinol is the latest scientific produc tion of the greatest tonic rebuilder the workl has ever kmown, namely, cod liver oil, In Vinol the useless, system-clogging nee, and guar- We how that just ome frog can m un spring. ew Happy Accident. Passenger (about fo leave the oars, sees his bes¥y satchel fall from the rack on a lady's head)--That's very fortunate. I had just forgotten it was @ Christy's English bats at Bibby's. "Fresh Abby Balt," at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. "Phone 236. Don't experiment, sow Kentucky See the new Belgium fedora hat, #3 each, at Bibby's, 'to a level and makes talking so much nauseating oil is eliminated, and the sagiot. It is Sitheult io keep up con Signs of Spring. mudicigal, Cutaive Slenaniia known to versa man pedestal. deligh greet each exist in the cod's liver are adminis On the other hand, our visitors gave With glad delish A ve Wo | nl met highly concéntrated form, us a lesson in It ts not though it chizp or | with tonic iron added. won. croak or sing, This is why Vinol is go strongly re- : For, though one 1h it make fell by physici Perpetual. 'a summer, anteed by over five thousand of the leading druggists of the United States as a body-builder and strength crea- tor for old people, weak women, puny children, after sickness, and for all pulmonary = diseases. The doctor knows what he is giving and the patient knows what he is taking. Our leading druggist, George Mahood, says: "We sell Vinol on a guarantee that it is and will do all we claim for it, or velund money without question." - George W. Ma: hood, Druggist. Camptell Bros'. Jawn grass seedy Sold only at Gib-| son's Red Cross Drug Stove, . i The store where most men re buy- ng their now hats, a gun, purch P. NO, 187 KING STREET EAST, NOW Teasons given' for 'selling. A a SA aka + on Kar Rogers & Nickle, 1 tario St. SRufeid & Nils, 2 "Zt lenave rioms ron SALE 1§ NO. 22 DBARRIE STREET, NOW urch Cemetery, Cataraq occupied by Mr. J. C. C. Almon, Aply 0 the hor Church possession 1st May. Enquire of Elliott: Cates ARcaster and. Snuth \rkpatrick, Rogers & Nickle, 104 lott, Cataraqui. Ontario street. BRICK NoysE. + R00 MS, GOOO OUT ' a a BRICK heel i! By NO: 18) DIVISON in high state of cultivation, Ab. test, , eXtension din limits of dty. particulars, apply ing room and itentn, hod water to 944 Victoria street. Pes pres Waa, ha 3 | Some D Cl EN AND -- ul! 25 Rant form- FAIRVIEW, MACK ST... FACING erly occupied by the Inte W. R. Mo Victoria Park. Garden, m con- but now occupied by the Ladies® veniences, eleven rooms. Yearly ten Yacaxt lot on the Abbly 340 Nib ng nh ow "* Apply A.B » . ert etree. on Clete St! Vous 81 KING STREET, CORNER EMILY a di donoce, 1 4 . hot Water, furnace, all d CHITECTS, ea Soy =H JOE = acdona ity rks. . Formerly occupied by W. F. Nickie, | \RTHU | ARCHITECT, OF Rent, $500, free of taxes, for aterm Son. Cor: Guaen and Bacot stieste: of years {I desired. Apply to J. 8. - R. McCunn, 51 Brock street. IENRY > Sarre, ARCHITECT, ete. or Bullding, Market Square: VETERINARY. Ms MM. O. W. BELL, V.S, HAS RE. |POWER & SON, ARCHITECT, moved to his brick block, on Slates hantls Rank Building, corner he Bs, just_ahuve the Post ., and ngton streets. "Phone, 313, promptly attended to. WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF fice, second Boor Mahood's Drug Bros. Co., Montrea LEFT BRIDE AT ALTAR. Cincinnati Doctor Disappears-- Fiancee Waits For License. Windsor, Ont., April 26. Mrs. Davis, Detroit, a widow, came to Windsor with Dr. George W, Burbanks, former. ly of Cindunati, and intended to be married. Burbanks left her in the waiting-room of the cleetrie railway while he went to procures a license. Mrs. Davis waited in vain for two hours, and then told the police her trouble. She reported that she had given her prospective husband a let- tor containing over $300 to carry for her, and that he returned an envelope containing all the "money, as she thought When she opened the enve lope found about $100 in bills wrapped around gome waste paper. she Christy's Hats. Being the largest importers of these hats in this past of Ontario ennbles us to give vou values that are not to be found elsewhere. Campbell Bros., Kingston's style contre for men's hats, Have U tried Ericka yet? The best hand soap made to remove oil, gredso oe any kinds of stains rinstant lv. Ask your dealer for it \ over MARRIAGE LICENSES. store, corner Princess and ---- Streets. Lantrance on Bagot C. §, KIRKATRICK, ISSUER - OF Phone, 808. arriage Licenses, Clarence St. 'Phone, 568. 2 MONEY AND BUSINESS. EDUCATIONAL. OUR POLICIES COV MORE Of dt fb INTERNATIONAL CORRESPOND company offers. Examine at ce Schools, Scranton, Pa., Losal in's Insurance A EE COE BR am, ta 8 pom. Saturday ing, 7 to 9 o'dock. J. K. Carroll, Repre- | LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND Bn sentative. 'Phone, 608. Fire lusurance , Available Sausts 1.187.218, dition te SITUATIONS VACANT. serurity the uniimited ty of al the khold Farm and diy nro= WANTED-TWO SPECIAL SALESMEN lowest for Eastern Ontario to work singly or rates. re ne od or giving with gang on road. Apply to" Luke mew business wet The REV. OC. W. Paul's Unita! When Paul said, "Prove all things; bold fast that which is good," he ex- pressed the Unitarian position re garding truth and religion. It is not an unreasoning acceptance of any form of faith, or any blind belief in any statement of truth. Jt de mands proof before anything is ae cepted as true, whatever may be the authority behind the statement. It is not desinl, but discrimination; not incredulity, but. insistence upon the proven fact. And\ when this is done, and the truth stands forth, revealed and proved, one cannot do other than hold fast to it. Address Mr. Casson for free litera: rare. Varnish Stains are, Canada Faint Cas yamine taine are ready use clear and rich shades lle, will Srodues trope to nature, + SOLD ONLY AT Suite, Sdlid Osk and ble, $2.50, Music Cabinets, Special prices Robt. The Leading U A Seo our Spices Mahogany Parlor Cabinets; from $12 to $95. ture Dealer, 230 Princess St. Ambulance 'Plone, 577. J rs or ROYAL SHOES; goes wearing together with t ther and superb wots ranship places these goodsin| the front rank of shoe perfection. Seesout, Royal Spe price $25, for $20, Mahogany Parlor Ta £3.50 to $35. in Buffets and China J. Reid, &S ndertaker and Furni- | AN FOR MEN Hand in 'Hand with style uality. This e choice lea- § hen