The Cinderella Shoe A Ladies' Goodyear Welt Placher Shoe, Vid Kid, with patent toe cor and bigh Cuban hed. It is an up-to- date strest shoe. Price $3.00 and $3.50 H. JENNINGS, KING ST Ee -------- Nh Q nS' taking over the first se of the Larder Lake floor price of 10 cents | and will be managed he Company owns 27 have yielded 'extraor- ct of Larder Lake, 60 be systematically de- ofits from this ground rease in market value aw & Co. will in their the market by judi- d States at fifty cents > profits therefrom. street west, Toronto, ate in receiving and nd also as Registrars r a or address & CO., 731-732 Traders Bank - onto, Ont. lerpicid he germ: that causes dan- : cases of chromic baldness.) You very kindly sent me a bottle your Herpicide and 1 gladly an- er your inquiry as to its guali- s. | have used it now for some ne and know it to be the best ing for the hair I have ever usd d it keaps my hein free from ndruffi and as soft as wlk I ve induced several of my friends use it and they are pleased th it. (Signed) W. M. SHOOK. Sashiille/ Tenn. y rantoed under the Food and #% Act, June 30, 1908. Serial cial Agent. PEGE O ELE 000000 00000 POO00000000000000000000000000000 * POPPI PL0000100 0000000004 Nar - 2 > is 4¢ necessary as outward bathing. To keep the 2 t is of even greater importance than to keep the skin-pores . f becoming clogged. The neglect of either in- yites disease. Everyone' s a natural laxative occasionally, to free the bowels Jf accumulated impurities For this purpose take BEECHAW'S PILLS the greatest boon ever offered to those who suffer from the ills that w constipation. For over fifty years Beecham's Pills have been famous as a Stomach corrective, a Liver regulator and Bowel laxative. They never gripe nor Same pain, Powerful purgatives are dangerous, Avoid them. Use Beecham's Pi They-give re- lief without doing violence to any organ. action is in har- mony. with physical laws. Take them regularly and the necessity for their use becomes less frequent. They are a-natural, laxative and a positive cure for Constipation, Biliousness, Indigestion, Sick Headache and Dyspepsia. 5 Prepared only by ¥ ch St. Helens, L shire, Eng. Sold everywhere in Canada and U. S. America. In boxes 25 cents. ez! Oyez'- Krow ye, Good People, there is but one Worces- tershire--with which ye best éfforts of ye Cook and. ye Chemist cannot compare. By Royal Warrant, served on ye Tables of Royalty. ! Eat it with your Dinners -- and beware ye of substitutes. n ° 9 Lea & Perrins The only Original and Genuine Worcestershire "s Insist on the 1ine-- . M. 3 A AGoimr, Dace NTE JH LR So simple is it to handle, any 1.4 .__ woman can decorate her.own hiSte" Ad with Alabastine. Write fo-day for our 4 book * Homes, Healthful and Beautiful." ' It explains how Alabastine is the cheapest, most healthful and most luxurious wall Govering. Send ten cents for a copy of "Homes, Healthful and Beautiful," with many dainty, new ideas for the decoration of your home. Alabastine is soid by hagiware and paint dealers everywhere-- 1 a 5 pound package for 50 cents. MBs: Ask your dealer for tint card. NEVER SOLD IN BULE. JSS S PN BLAIS QA ) s L 127 WILLOW STREET. PARIS. ONT ETE hoses FREE TO YOU--MY SISTER =e radian ime - @ i esings, & instructions to any sufferer from women's ailments, I want to tell all women about this cure-- yom, my reader, for yourself, your daught or sister. I want to know woman's sufl have found the cure. will mail, of any charge, my home treats meat with full Jour 3 : aude Juretye freatment 8 complete trial§ and if you should wish to continue, it will cost you only a cents a week, or Jess than two cents a day, It will not interfere with r work oroccupa Just send me your name and s tell me how you suffer, if you hh aed 1 will send you the t for yout case, entirely free, in Risin wrapper, by return mail. I will also send you free S OWN AL ** with explanatory illustrations shows . Every woman should Se wy Jaye an opera iemselves with my home remedy. old or ng. Mothers of I will explain a simple home treatment which Spellly and Chiciunly cures Leucorrheea, Green Shona and Painful or lar Menstruation in Young Ladies. Plumpness and health always result from its use © Wherever you live, I can refer you to ladies of your own locality who know aud will gladly wit sufferer that this Home Treatment really Cures all woman's diseases and makes women BR an 11, plum robust Justsend me your address, and the free ten days' treatment is e te to-day, as you may mot see this offer again, Address: * SUMMERS, Box gg, 11+ ~ - - = WINDSOR, Ont. - . Beautiful Interiors whose rich-and handsome appearance can scarcely be ¢qualled by any other finish at any price; can be obtained at a very moderate cost by using our Classified Metal Ceilings and Wallis. * Hundreds of harmianfous' desighs béitable for any * room, from a bathroom to a hotel rotunda or theatre. Our Metal Ceilings and Walls are very quickly and easily put on, and are practically everlasting. They are washable and sanitary, and afford a real protection against fire, dirt and vermin. © They add greatly toshe safety and comfort, as well asthe beamy, of a room. Send for our Catalogue, showing dozens of ified Designs r 50 BATTLESHIP €RAZE Warships Building While People Starve--Trouble in the Christ- ian Science Camp--Able Men Sucgumb. to the Wiles of i Humbugs. Ee Special' Correspondetics ; Letter No. 1,961 New. York, April 26.--What does it mean ? It only seems like a fow weeks since the world was startled with: the announbement, of Dreadnaught, the most tremendous tal man. Previous to the launching, no whisper had been heard duteide the walls of the navy yard of the building of this ocean giant, until it was seen floating like a feather in old Nep- tume's loving embrace, armed "Cap-a- pie," like Minerva from the head of Zeus. Then it became evident that a mighty revolution in our methods of naval warfare was at hand--such as no generation before us had ever con- ceived of, and of whose ultimate mis don for victory or defeat no man Hv- ing could foretell. Lying so peaceful: ly alongside the wharf, with those ter- rible black engines of death bristling ---------------------------------- fla JUDGE W. F. HOLLAND, Director of the Art Museum of the new Carncgie Institute, Pittsburgh, who will try to make museum of Pitts- burgh as fepresentative from a nationat Sjsudpoint, as the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. To accomplish the aim, he has the millions of Mr. An- drew Carnegie back of him. with danger on every side, ready to go forth on their fearful mission of destruction whenever man shall give the word with a steel-rain of her broadsides which, in a single hour, could wipe a city like New York from the face of the earth, leaving it a pile of smoking ruins, and yet being her: self entirely - immune from danger. It seemed as if human ingenuity had ex- hausted itself on the invention of life- destroying engines. My wonder had hardly cooled, when, taking up an- other paper, I read an account of the launch of the Invincible, another ocean fighting monster of 20,000 tons dis- placement, nearly 600 feet long and with a speed of twenty-five knots an hour, making her, with. her newly-in- vented Turbine engines, the swiftest and most powerful death-dealing craft that ever floated on the stormy sea. Tne Invincible surpasses the Dread- nyugii in every respect, and the cost cannot be far from £3,000,000, or about 815,000,000. One of the most unique auction sales took place, last week, that ever was seen in any land. England has com menced, selling the old navy"s splendid battle-ships that cost millions, and which were knocked down for thou- sands. The reason for the sacrifice is that new inventions since they were built have left them second-class, and the British navy has no use for see- ond-class fighters. Everything from main-truck to keelson must be first. class, and fully up-to-date. As soon as the news of the launch of the In- vineible got abrohd it seemed to cre- ate a panic, which -became epidemic, and every civilized country on the globe felt that they must have a modern navy. Italy, the poorest king donr in Europe, began a great war- ship that could hold its own with any- thing afloat. Germany, France and Russia filled their navy yards with thousands of men, who worked night and day building ships, preparing for some event in the near future, which looked like & universal war. The most astounding revelation was the action of Japan. Here was a nation which my' carly geography designated as semi-civilized, 'that closed its navy yard against all foreign engineers, and, guided solely by the gcientffic knowl edge they" had picked mp while labor- ing in a foreign warship, have con: structed an ocean fighting ship that is equal to the best. forms of naval architecture known to men. And here recurs the question, what docs 'this preparation for a general war mean ? From the consecrated heights of Riverside, where rests the remaing of our greatest hero, comes the solemn admonition, 'Let us have peace." What cause have we for war? Prosperity has crowned the nation's work in every department 6f human endeavor 'and the nogrogate result is the enormous amowat, of nearly three thousand millions of, dollars. While multitudes are perishing of starva- tion along the great highways of China, a bountifu! abundance blesecs every. American home, for which the Almighty be thanked. The most dif- ficult feature of this new naval revo- lution to understand is that Great Britain, the nation that produced: the first of these big ships, The Dread- the launch of the fighting machine ever invehted by mor-§ Jie Profit milion of dolinrs. The trouble in the Christian Science camp will soon hive an airing, George Baker, the adopted son, having begun suit. In calli for an accounting is a milion of in It and dome of the defen- A willing to swear that she is not worth & cent. 'There appears - to be a t dread about bringing Mrs. Fddy into court. He prosecution as- ert that it will demonstrate her utter incapacity to take care of herself or e perty. her PrORerLY eliet fn spiritualism or in Christin Scions is concerned : educa: tion and intellect have very little to monds, ranked ith it. Jusge do ¥ Sh aot cat in New Yok, vet he yd to the intluewte of {hat arrant old humbug, Ann O'Deia Dis-de-Bar; but he was not the only one she tured. Lather Marsh was the ohpirman of auf park commission for years... He ex millions of the city's money and filled his office with the preatest efficiency. Dis-de-Bar painted pictures, holding the canvas over his head, and finally induced him to give her a house worth $15,000. This was such a flagrant robbery that the bar association of New York re- tained Howe and Huminel to prosecute her, and they compelled her to . dis- gorge. Another rémarkable case of the power of spiritualism over intel- Ject is that of John Jorden, the chief of police. "Bluebird, the Five Points Nightingale," was the daughter of a common tramp. Her father was a drunkard and a thief, and amid these surroundings the girl grew up as bad as one could be. She robbed a drunken sailor of His watch and won- ey and was gent to state's prison for three years. J Jordan, then a policeman, took her up to Sing Sing, She served her fhree years and When she came out of the prison gate John Jordan was 'thereto receive her. In the time Bluebird was in prison John Jordan hag risen to be chief of polico. From the prison gate the couple went straight to the house of the Catholic priest, where they were married. lle had red a comfortable home, snd ther he installed her and they lived happily until John Jordan's death. His wife proved faithful and true to the last. She joined the Catholic charch and became an Angel of Mercy among the poor, and, at her death was foi- lowed by weeping hundreds, who felt that they had lost their dearest friend. --BROADBRIM. For a Good Complexion, Health and Beauty. OR Clear Eyes --Pure Complexion ~Sweet Breath. --Clean Tongue ==Calm Ncrved Good Temper Eat a Cascaret whenever you you need it. Carryal box constantly with you, ir Pocket. "When do you nesd one? --When your Tor --When you have He: urd, Belchir Acid Risings in Throat ~-- When Pimples beg ~When 'your Burns, That's the time to check coming Con: ation, Indigestion and Dyspepsia. That's the time to take a Cascaret, * - ~ One tablet taken whenever you suspect you need it will insure you against 9 per cent of all other ills likely to attack you. Cascarets don't purge, don't weaken, don't irritate, not upsst your stomach. They stimulate. the Bowsl Muscles fo contract and propel the Food naturally past the little valves that mix Digestive Juices with Rood. This stronger action produces greater nutrition from food and perfect elimination of useless materials, It makes the blood purer, healthier and more reconstructive, insuring a fine, clear color and complexion. | - - - in fo peep out, Gnawa stomach Then carry the little ten-cent box oon- stantly with youlp your purse, and take a Cascaret wheneVer you suspect you need i. 4 All Druggists sell them--over ten million boxes a year, for six years. Be very careful to 'get the genuine, made anly by the Sférling Remedy Com pany and never sold in blilk. Every tablet stamped CCC." 7 Teething Babies are saved suffering--and mothers given rest--when one uses Nurses' oa Mothers' Treasure Quickly reli regulates the bowels -- prevents convulsions, Used 50 yeats.' Absolutely safe. tt} ' METAL SHINGLE & SIDING CO, Limited ~ PEESTON, Ont naught, was the last nation on the face of the globe that needed + such Paris, April 26.~Prince Fushimi, the Mikado's foster-brother, who is stay- ing mt the Hotel Continental in Paris, will arrive in England in the first week of May, to return, as his em- peror's representative, the Visit of the Garter Mission-to Japan. The prince is a Very exalted person in the counsels of, the Mikado, and ranks immediately after the crown prince. During his stay in Paris he has lod a very quiet and retired life, his chief enjoyment being the opera or. the theatre. He is very Buropean ii his tastes, and speaks English fairly well. He prefers, however, to express him- self in French, in which langnage he has acquired greater fluency. Prince Fusaimi has heen to Europe oh two previous occasions. His first visit was twenty-one years ago, w he came to France and Germmny and remained for a year. He came again to represent the Mikado at the cmr's coronation. Like all his race, the prince is ex- tremely anxious to learn, and he in- tends while in Europe to inspect the great government departments in ngland and France. "We have much to learn from your country," he maid. "After we ocase to be the king's guests we hope to spend some time visiting other parts of England and Scotland, for it is only matural that we should be eager to make ourselves more familiar with the people who are our allies." SAFE, STANDARD VALUE, Men of Substance Dislike Chang- ing Process. British bonds and British gold are worth par in every country on every day. yw bear the stamp of value which changes not. Slater .shoes are never sold for less than the value stamped on them by the Slater shoe, makers. The Seal of Certainty for the buyer is the price stamped on the sole, inside the Slaten slate, The 85 Slater shoe is worth 8 in gold every way and every day. F. G. Lockett, Kingston. FASHION'S FORM. Fitted Chemise of French Nain- sook. The chemise shown in the cut was planned especially for plump figures, as any extra fullness about the waist is done away with by having the gar ment gored in as shown by the draw- ing. Narrow entredeux insertion was let into these gores. The model hare shown was cut rather long, so that the garment really takes the place of a corset cover and petticoat. Valenci- ennce lace and hand embroidery were used a@ trimming. The ribbon about the top of the chemise was threaded throu, hand-embroidered button- hole slits, ------ Will Makers' Whims. Westminster Gazette. . 'the late T. Bevan, one time M. P, for - Gravesend, who directed in his will that his body should be cremat- ed and 'the ash residue ground to powder .and again burned and dissi- pated jn the air," is one. of many 'mén (and women) who have made ebually remarkable arrangements fog Semmes 'Steamed, - cooked, mixed, baked and packed in absolute cleanliness, Malta-Vita comes to you the most healthful, the most delicious food in the world, rich in all the nutrition of the best white wheat and finest malt extract, every flake baked brown and crisp. ' Don't let the verdict you have passed on some other flaked food keep you from trying Malta-Vita, It isn't at all like the tasteless variety. Old folks and young folks and little children, all have found that there's nothing 'quite so good for breakfast, or at any other meal, as a bowlful of Malta-Vita with cream or fruit. And Malta-Vita is always ready toeat-- no cooking, no inconvenience, no delay. All grocers, now roc, 'record for Superiority for over sixty years.- what that means? . nd . Dr, KOHR'S RESTORINE =~ N : the mast wonderful Medicine ~ - Ne Cs astounding the medical lt cases cured in ome mouth in Paris. The Nationat Medical Board has recomme this in the Insane Asylims where, as is well majority of the male inmates are victims of lost ho in its most terrible form. In Kurope the et.dorsed by all governments and now used a8 & Specific in the great Sanding drinies of both Frames and Germany, Stops losses seven to ten dayt #0 that never return. Dralus entirely ecese after a few day's treatment. The skin becomes clean, the © ahah Confidence returns step elastic, bowel? r. Meadaches ppear. morp ; mory, the mind becomes bright and active. A Food = for brain and Blood. A permanent cuie hy no matter how chronic the case, Jet Sen uA ars trealment. As ain writlen aw SF Restorine will be sent FREE: hw plain. seated hy Do not hesitate a moment. will ih ane th honest confidence, A coess and wi Dr. KOHR MEDICINE CO.. P.o. Drawen £2,341 © MONTREAL. the disposal of their mortal remains. An angler who died recently direct ed that his ashes should be carried in a bait ean and scattered from a boat over the surface of his favorite stream: Mrs. Erpie-Erie-Urax directed that her body should be embalmed and placed in a glass-paneled coffin, for the reception of which a circular mausoleum with stained glass dome was to be built; while, at his own wish, the body of one of the Lords Nowboroughs after twelve months' jn- terment, was exhumed and reburied in Bardsey Island, the reputed resting place of twenty, thousand suints, Larder Lake Goldrields = As stated in my news letters last summer I then began investi gating the Larder Lake district porth of Cobalt. I have done so theroughly, and from personal investigation on the ground, the employment of relinble engineers and a corps of experienced associates have now ample proof of the prospectors, 1 and great value of this ficid, We know so surely what is there (and what immense probabili- ties thers are. n# well) that we have already put nearly $180, 000 cash into the field, Our employees on the ground nfimber nearly ono hundred, and our-stamp-mit-will very soon be in operation. 5 os I am a practical mining man, and 1 need hardly say that we would not put in such money and work unless fully justified. The width af the veins or reels in sight, and the values they bear when such width is considered, is extraordinary. In Alrien such rod df Profitabily mined when bearing but a few penny. weights of gold to the ton-at Larder Lake average assays from across many wefs run ounces of gold to the ton. An ounce is equal to 820, and the cost of mining and milling should not exceed $2.50. 1 nnd my associates sce many millions of dollars of clean legiti- mate profits before us in these goldfields, By forming a company, putting up our hard cash, as stated above, and getting in first, wo have secured thirty-seven forty- acre claims which we believe to, be the eream of the Larder Lake Goldfields, > Our presont stamp mill is a small one. We want a larger mill --from 100 to 200 stamps--and we must spend money in opening _ up our large acreage, » We have put in considefable money, and, indeed, would earry the whole thing ourselves but that, like everything else, we have other interests as well to take care of, We are therfore affording others the opportunity of joining us and sharing with ug the large profits we are going to make profits from dividends, and also from the increase of market value in our stock, si > Our Company_is known as the LARDER LAKE PROPRIETARY GOLDFIELDS, LIMITED, and among the directors and gentle men identified with it are the following : Col. G. Sterling Ryer- gon, ex-M.P.P.: Senator L. V. Ulrey; Lieut.-Col: A. N, Worth- * ington, member dominion parliament; T. Herbert Lennox, mem- ber provincial parliament; Charles H. Waterofts, ex-mayor of Brantford; E. P. Bucke, of "Granby" fame; Dr. D. H. Piper, of London; P, Kirkgaarde, M.E,, member National Geographical Society; Sylvester Jenckes, president Jemckes Machine Company; * Willismn Farwell, president Eastern Townships Bank; nope Brown, of Toronto; Dr. Preston, member provincial parliament, and others of like standing, For the purposes méitioned above a limited amount of stock is offered by the underwriters (Canada Mines Limited) at their , first ground floor price of $1.00 per share. This is being sub- geribed for rapidly and the next allotment will be at a material ly advanced price. The stock will then be listed on t exchanges and placed on the Now York and Boston curbs, wh as in tory «= proposition I have been éonnected with, it will, w thout doubt, * command a legitimate market at a still higher pride. This opportunity will not last long. a et tt Those desiring further particulars, maps, detailed before joining us, please write, 'phone or telegral HEAD OFFICE 41.45 ADELAIDE ST. EST 4 0 BA RE! Managing Direct , eto. me at oboe, LONG DISTANCE PHONES : Main 7586 « 7566 RANCH OFFICE AT