Kingston, Ont. Hilver Leaf Green Moshan To Unveil The Statues. The devotions May will commence in continaed throwhout formation of ticket agents. and Jumper Styles, over 60 distinct ~ Materials, in semi and loose fit- distinet varieties, $7.50, $10, $12.50, $15, $25. EE Skirts an dle Voil te., $3.50, $4.50, $5 Panamas , ete., $3.50, $4.50, u To HS mnie ? Youu, wee B00, I Cream Skirts, in every desired style. New Spring Coats, Hip Coats, Box Coats, ~ "Loose Skirted Coats, : Eton Coats. ; variety of des and styles, prices 10, $12.50, $13.75, fs $17.50, $19. i $6.75, $7.50, $9, wr Stockings That will give satisfaction, both in wear and washing. gt, TOR LADIES'--4 pairs for $1, 3 pairs for $1, 2 pairs for ie _ FOR BOYS'--6 distinct varieties, in all siges, 15¢. to 60c. L . GIRLS'Plain and Ribbed Styles, 12jc., 15c., 20. 5) eS Fain cid Wig chic on Tit a If You Are Needing Any' Lace Curtains Gurtain Myslins Carpet Squares or Mate Bear in Mind Our Genuine iiscount You will not be able to buy such goss: agaid at such BrepEk Epa for the month of St. Mary's ~ jeathedral, this evening, and will be the entire month, The beautiful Grotto statues, which arrived last week, will be un veiled by his grace the archbishop. New York Central Excursions. the | To Jamestown exposition. Tickets on sale daily April 10th, to November 30th. Choice of routes. Detailed in- New soft hats, $1.50 and $2.50, at Jenkins: +] feotly satisfied with conditions as they variety of New York Ideas, Tweeds, Broad. lavers, masons, carpenters and others all have made agreements with the bosses which will carry then over for another year at least. In nearly hey demanded and receiv- -- St. Catharines Carpenters. St. Catharines, May 1.--All the car- Penters of the city went out on strike this morning. The men have been re- ceiving twenty-seven and 'one-half to thirty cents per hour: They ask for thirty-five cents. The builders offer as a Compromise thirty-two and one it is hoped an agree- ment will be reached within a day or two. -- Brantford Carpenters Strike. , May 1.--The umion ecar- pPenters. are out on strike, this morn- ing, for an increase of ten ants on their present minimum wages. The mclimters at the Buck stove works are sti out. Everything is quiet i pencelul throughout the city, == Quiet In Quebec Quebec, May 1--Everything is quit in labor circles here, to-day. 1 No strikes or lockouts are in progress o threatened. reg . All Quiet In London. _ London, . a May 1.--Every thing in labor cirel appears to be quict here to-day. - os Some Trouble In Toronto. Toronto, May L.--May day . did rot labor many troubles to-day. Only ome strike occurred that of the lathers, about one hundred of whom Went out for an increase of from $2.73 0 $3.20 per day, and an & t hour day. The employers are fizmu, The locked-out cab drivers are si:ii out, the livery men absolutely refus- lng to go to arbitration, The some Situation exists in regard to the pice g z Strike On Steamships. New York, May 1.-With labor per. now exist, the onl Sympathy Strike In Chicago. Chicago, May 1.The first strike ush- ering in May day in Chicago, was called yesterday on a new plan of the Western Electric company, at Haw- thorne, It was a sympathetic strike. -- MAY DAY MATTERS, Socialists Agree Not to Carry Red s. Montreal, May 1.--The police auth orities have received notice that not- withstanding the understanding that Was supposed to have been reached last night, by which the socialists ac- ted Mayor Ekers' suggestion, to refrain' from holding a parade and demonsiration to-night, they will Mmacch to the Champ De Mars in a body; the only exception from their original plans being that, the red fi will not be carried. In consequence all police officers and reserves have been notified to be on duty throughout the day, and to-night, in anticipation rof the troubles which it has threatenel will occur.if the parade takes place, Michael Reff's Body Found. Cape Vincent, N.Y. May 1---The body of Michael Reff, of this village, an employes of the state fish hatchery 1 at First lake, Fulton Chain, wno was drowned, Monday, was recovered, yes- terday, and was brought here. He was a veteran of - the civil war and was sixty-two years old. He leaves four daughters and one son. Steamship Arrival. Father Point, Que., May 1-8. 8. ia, Donaldson line, from Glas. inward, 5.55 a.m., 134 cabin, 470 steerage pa . Capt. McNeil re Parts 'eiecing the first. pack ice fifty miles cast of cape Bay and clearing the ice forty-five miles west of Bird Rock, Has Nb Power. : Ottawa, May 1.--Judge Talbot rul- ARTHUR I. VORYS, Indiana, and Taft has selected to manage his paign for succeed P his work cam support of Mr. stood. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By * Reporters On Their Rounds. Two new recuits were taken the R.C.H.A. this morning. William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received at MeAuley's. "Phone 778. old country. of Kingston for the month of April, amounted to $18,015.83. The company playing "The Bells," at the Grand Opera House, to-night, arrived in the city at noon, ' George H. Allen has returned to Montreal from Atlantic City, fully re- covered from his long illness. Charles Hanscum, for years porter at the Iroquois hotel, has accepted a similar position at the Randolph. "Red Cross Worm Powders." Child- ren like taking them. 20c. a box at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Farmers along the K. & P. railway are complaining about fowls being stolen. A certain party is suspected. Save the carpets by underlaying them with newspapers, which may be procured in quantity at the Whig of- fice. Miss May Andre canc home to-day after spending a few days with the Misses McDonald, St. Joseph street, Teronto, Country postmasters are wearing broad smiles these days. They are all going to receive an increase in pay after May 20th. Sergt. and Mrs. W. L. Wolfe left on May 1st, for a visit with Mrs. Wolfe's mother, in Quebec, Mrs. Wolfe will spend the summer in Quebec. ~ The Watertown, N.Y., delegates to the: yacht convention this evening, are Judge Reeves, S. D. Lansing, Ralph Peleteer and Henry Butterworth. Felix Quigley, of "Chicago, who was called to Wolfe Island on account of the death of his father, returned to- day. He has been a member of She Chicago police force for nearly twenty years, ---- Nolan-Sullivan. The marriage took place, in St. Mary's cathedral, Tuésday morning, of James Nolan, Jr., son of the sex- ton at St. Mary's cathedral, and Miss Frances Sullivan, daughter of the late John Sullivan, Barrie street. Father Hanley officiated. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Kate Sullivan, and "the groom was sup- ported by John Healey. Mr. and Mrs. Nolan left for Toronto and other west- ern points on their honeymoon. They have a host of friends who will ex- tend best wishes for a long and happy life, Boys Playing "Hookey." A number of Kingston lads are known to be playing "hookey" from school these days, and the police are out after the offenders with a big stick. Constable Samuel Arnicl caught four youngsters at the game, this morning, and the guartette was sent back to school. With the approach of the fine weather, there is usually a batch of truants. ------ Surveyors Examinations. The Dominion land surveyors' exam- inations started in Convocation Hall this morning at nine o'clock. There are eleven Queen's graduates writing. The candidates are required to cover the 'various subjects of their science oourse, several lesser branches being added. Dr. Klotz, Ottawa, is examin- er. r ed, this morning, that he had no Power to grant a reserved case in the 3 A The depot e case if the 'Buckingham rioters, dis- the GR "ar ran of: the track near charged = yesterday. The prosecution | must appeal for it through the attor- t nev-general. wl ---- In Far Off San Francisco. hours to replace the car 'on the rails, The car was runuing again at one marige service, may lose his Street Car In Trouble. G.T.R. . junction, about eleven o'clock to-day. The four wheels left he track and it took nearly two State Superintendent of Insurance, of the men Secretary of War [iween the two amounts. espential, nomi tion to | Monday to organize for securing adc + Mr. Vorys has the unqualified | quate representation before the civil Roosevelt, it is under- | on at Frank Davis, contractor, will leave on Friday on an extended trip td the The 'customs collections at the port a fire which damaged i there was ed milk Stead. fo. r athe | Toronto today. Farmers, in some in: . Ottawa, May 1--The. labor stuaion failing stances, peculiar methods to {in Ottawa has resolved i in a Sheen up the pics; Milk 'wagons. on (ome strike out of many rumors. S demand made a | hoi to the city, were stopped | ty-three bricklayers and one hundred from increased | 4 ~~ drivers ded 10 turn | and thirty stonemasons have struck persua: A a se ic ey 7 1 Rr i i ver, who been able, to secure fan hour an and fifty oh aller. than hire ts ou two cans, was offered 810 a can to [contractors amotiation is Si in Sa The offer was Tefused and & sibs spill the milk on the road. It was es- [refusal of the men's rte Ie tly was ordered this morn. | timated the milkers received eighty per | government contracts here wo abt 180 men flected. Ag | 0t of the usual supply. In some [seriously affected by a rise wages yet, there is no ect of ail | cases customers got a little less milk [to thess men, particularly the new [ment. 1Rapect 'than usual, but few were neglected. | museum in course of erection. It is There is a prospect of the plumbers estimated it would mean about $40,- going out to-morrow or v- They 000 on that building alone, if the men asked - incren i won. A ave a: ay x an - eof th . There is unrest in other Shrcles of the bosses will not agree to pay them building trades, but the plumbers ave more than thirtv~seven , come to agreement. year cents an hour, and the ne ge wages ran from thirty cents to thirty- an amicable settlement are far from five cents per hour. The men asked an bight. The union will meet to- increase to a mipimum of Huety sight i i i . cents, but a compromise was al vi ie and jt it be desided whether at ' thirty-five cents. Plasterers get The moulders and foundrymen forty cents and have no . Pain not yet settled their sy ett ve ers get this year twenty-seven and 3 are likely to do 50 today. There thirty cents an hour for fifty hours a i* no of a strike of any of week, which is about as last year. the a trades. The brick- Builders' laborers are getting twenty- two cents per hour and are demanding twenty-eight cents, but will probably compromise at twenty-five cents on Junge Ist. Carpenters wages vary from twenty-two and a half cents to forty cents an hour, They are asking thir ty-five cents, with forty cents for boss mechanics, but their organization is a lite out of shape, though they talk of striking ere this mcath is out. The trackmen and checkers at the C.P.R. freight sheds who had been getting $1.45 per day to start with, threatened, yesterday, to strike for $1.65, but effected a compromise be- The civil ~ | service will meet by delegation next service commissioners. This means the {formation of a union with a view to raise pay and better conditions in the government employment. At the annual meeting of the Cana- disn club a proposal to invite W.T. Stead to Ottawa was turned down owing to his unpatriotic conduct dur ing the Boer war. The president elect- «d for this year is Hamnet P, Hill. Queen's Alumni Conference. Yesterday afternoon, Queen's Uni- versity Theological Alumni conference committee met and arranged for the programme for next gathering. A number of new' men have been secured to take part in the deliberations. One of these is Rev. George Jackson, Toronto, formerly of fdinburgh, Scotland. There will be a conference on church union, in which leading representatives of the various denominations will take part. Rev. Prof. Jordan, of Queen's, will again be the chancellor's lecturer, and will deal with old testament history, in which he is so thorough. ------------ Death Of XK. W. Snider. The death has occurred at Calgary of K. W. Snider, photographer, lately of Kingston, He went to the west in the hope of staying the advance of de- clining health, but without permanent relief. He has been taken away sadly in the prime of life, leaving a wile, who had him in affectionate care throughout his illness. The body is expected to arrive on Friday; funeral from his mother's residence at Odessa on Saturday. Victorian Nurse's Report. The report of the. local Victorian nurse for April shows that the num. ber of cases coming to her notice was eleven, of whom five were able to pay fees and six were cared for free. The patients were Roman Catholics, a; Presbyterians, 2; Epis- copalians, 3; Congregationalist, 1; Sie thodist, 1; Hebrews, 2, The amount of fees collected during the month was $7. Mrs. W. H. Mitchell and Murs, Manning contributed gifts of clothes, Dogs Must Behave. A second complaint has heen made to the police about dogs barking at horses on the streets, and the police have notified the owners of the trou- blesome canines that they will have to chain their pets up or get rid of them. Horses are apt to run away and cause considerable damage when annoyed by dogs. : ---- Junior Baseballers. At a meeting of the junior baseball OTTAWA November's | Skirts mer Skirts In the moderately priced sk criticism, Clever Designers MEO made. Skirts in Light Weight Tweed, A 3.50, 4.75: 4.99, 3.75 and up to 7.50. Skirts in Black and Navy Vicunas. 4.50, 5.75, 6.50. Skirts in Black and Navy Venetians, 5:59, 5.75 6.50, 7.75, 9.50. Black Voile Skirts, 7.75, 8.50, 9.50, 9.75. ew Dress To suit Jyour taste and yoy means too is an easy matter if you Spring and Sum. © from our range of stylish models. equally as in the more costly ' there isa touch of perfection that is above planned them and they are wel irts CHILDREN'S HATS Children's Fancy Straw Sailors, 65c, 75¢, 90c. 99c. Children's Fancy Shaped Hats, 90c, 99c. Children's Fancy Silk Hats, 1.25, 1.49, 1.75. Babies' Silk Bonaets, 25¢, 39¢, 49, 55¢, 65¢,*75¢, 99, 1.25, 1.49. Babies' Embroidered Bonnets, 15¢, '20c, 25¢, 35¢, 45c. and up to 1.25. Children's White P. K. Reefers A special lot of the New York Reefers at prices that will repay you to buy now. team, held Tuesday night, in the Y. M.C.A.,, Moses Leiberman was elected captain, and J. MoDermott, managet. The boys have been turning out to actice, and are getting in fine Lim or thé coming matches. ---- Price Of Milk Dropped. The price of milk dropped this morn- ing from six to five cents a quart, The chaige in price is due to the fact that the cows are in many places sub- sisting on the pastures. The price of Cream remains upchanged, 30¢. to 40¢, a quart, te cp. Addressed Workingmen. Thomas N. Doutney paid a visit to the locomotive works at 12.30 o'clock to-day, and gave a half an hour's talk to the workmen on the temper- ance question. The address was much appreciated by the men. Transferred To Toronto. Sergt. H. E. Law, of No. 3 _detach- ment, P.AM.C.; has been transferred to Noi2 detachment, Stanley Bar racks, Toronto. He left for the Queen City Tuesday night, -- Niss Sarah McGowan, thirty-two blather M2 ear Every Store Has $1.50 Shoes for Ladies BUT NONE OF THEM HAVE THIS KIND ! We have a splendid Dongola Kid Blucher Cut Lace Boot, Cuban heel, extension sole. Good, easy-fitting shoe.) ONLY $1.50 A PAIR. years of age, was burned to death in a five-storey San Francisco, Cal., May 1---Sev dost, tnement in East 35th street. Miss ) a. 0 affiiis Foncs yen MeGowan lived on the top floor and thousand nen In with the| A gas buon exploded at Owen [her escape was cut off by the figmes. trades Soubei are Sg Jisite this Sound, Jesterviny afternoon, and Su- on Cunningham, piano tuner, from MOFn ing: num »70 are lo-] perintendent John Fitzpatrick, of the |Chickering's. Orders at NcAuley's * eated in San Francisco, i Cu y sight, book store. "Phone 778, The Lockett Shoe Store P.S.--We have some spendid Trunks, cheap and 99c. and 1.25. A Lot. ole SEI SeeSeabestuctustoti ation. v 0 Teetentectontont Sl oeteetenteateet atts 2.8 alot rein inlet 3 3 ; depended h 4 : $ ® : 2 $ nd in i $ $ s ® YEAR 74. 1 A -------------- POLST VPIPPONE Our Sealskins arc t procurable, being th ine r ALASK (London Dy richness of and durability, th superior to any othe JOHN McK 149-155 Brock | Kingston. PIOSSOIRES Every Drop of Ramsay's Ps upon 16 do geod wo Every can is FULL MEAS in quantity and guality. hen you buy Ramsay's gel your moneys worth. It est amount of surface an ongest time Haw want quality nd uy Rudsay's Let us show you our color SOLD ONLY AT W. A. Mitchell's H BANK OF MON The branch of this corner of King and Willi Has Mov TO CORNER © KING AND GLAREN( 4 If you wish to be succes tend The Kingston Busir College Limited, head of Queen Canada's Highest ( iness school. Book: . hapd, typewriting, graphy, and 11 mercial subjects thoroughly by comptent, experienced t Day and night classes. KE any time. Rates very m Phone, 440. H. F. METCALFE, Presid J. BE. CUNNINGHAM, Se Life Produce Chatham Incub Life Preserve 'Chatham Broc The only machines that mother hen, Automatic in act in _coustruction-and a sure, ha Sold on timg, or with a guarantee Dd. 4. HAY, .T. E. B Agents, 42 Princess s VARNISH ST? The Candda Paint Co's. Stains are ready for use and plied, will nrgduce clear and | true to nature. SOLD ONLY AT STRAGHAN'S HARD For every variety of Real Bargains and Insurance SWIFT'S REAL ESTAT INSURANCE AGENCY.