Daily British Whig (1850), 2 May 1907, p. 2

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ing council, menses raige, cheapest to the best. ; Lemon Oil for your Furniture. ler, Picton. the council, les, the loca abundance of ast | Reaves, of was ght to | Club, about $400. dian Henley. Semi-réady coat mark and visible with nor cannot 3 _jelothes. | The story iu the Saturday Evening last week sounds improbable, money, her lawyer advised of 0 invest it in Real Estate. Aut vony; B son, grove, Toronte: GW We, tertown, N.Y; 8 r, Karl T Tl racing rules of the Lake Yacht Racing Association and to call the organization the Eastern Yacht | Racing Circle of Luke Ontario. The question of 'races for this year a regat consisting of handicaps and class races, be held here durin, the week, town clubs would run a series of races for suitable trophies to be decided on at a future date. The question of funds to run the circle was discaseed, and the decision arrived at that each club should contribute $5 to the see: retary for t expenses, The tollginag, were appointed 'a rac- to govern the races of the circle : Lieut.-Col. Strange, King- ston; Charles Macdona Judge Reeves, Waterjown; Rev, F. W, Armstrong, Trenton; Commodore Mil- = TEE Phe whove committee, with the chos- en president, will conduct all the busi: ness for 1907. Any new club joining the circle will have a enthu, Put-puts Ready To Ship. The Davis Shipbnilding company haw {a number of fine gasoline lawiches in all courses of construction built to the order of summer visitors from all over Ontario and New York. The com- pany will ship a wumber of date launches to the Muskoka lakes in the near future. There are about doveti launches on the wavs, waiting for their engines to be installed. One of the finest boats built minstrel shows given by the club mem- bers, and this amount will be applied towards putting the organization on a good financial basis, which it great- ly needed. Besides wiping off the de- ficit; there ill_sumsin a surplus THE SIGNET OF SURETY. A Mark Which Every Salesman Proudly Displays. On the inside of the pocket sewn the own Arvivals At B. A. Hotel. ; | Broner Strauss, R. G. Ransom, F. C. W. Doran, B. W. Daw: Bruce Smith, W. G. Black- N. F. Turner, Charles Ethel Coleman, Ralph P a Id, Gananoque; representative on The smoker at. the Yacht Club, last night, given in honor of the visiting was the most successful event of its kind ever attempted | yachtsmen. There was things to eat and the visitors were made to feel quite at home long before the smoker came to a Bush. During the evenin, were. made by Judg the Crescent Yacht Club, and Strange of the local club. The guests. of honor was C. 1. by an closé at an early hour, the visitors all being duite con- tented with .the treatment received as the guests of the Kingston Yacht up-to in Kingston of club has taken a boom, and early spring 'training will chell be 'commienced on crews for the Cana- very y silk label of the Semi-reathy--the trade the price both . plainly the word ""Semi-ready." Without this mark the garment is not be . made by the Semi- ready company, who alone Physique type system of tai This mark is by the salesman. H. 78, 80, 82 Princess street, the iloring fine Prowl shown " ). Bibby Co., | fence, he did not know anything about Selwood, New York; . , Henry Butterworth, Stuart D. Lansing, Wa- 3 E. Shea and to Bolton Junction visit Broekvi day, 24th and 25th May. The ' company playing "The Bells" Or fat the Grand last night, left this morning, for Brockville, . John Godwin, formerly caretaker of [the K. & P. offices, who had his hip fractured some months ago, is around in. he water and light men are busy looking up the changed addresses of citizens. 3 Compound Syrup of ar own make, V |store, ta, ie Mix- Sousidecnble auth usiasm was: arous- {oon ideration, x ed among the yachtsmen present over | (pi farnit © kes old CURTAINS She satiing Svents, aod it wan Secided Matta. Took Mike ee a England, Germany and | 108 new een-raters heing | Chown"s drug store. all the new effects, out $2 built by the Kingston and the Water- Charles R. Skinner, Watertown, N.Y, has again accepted ' the management of the Hotel Lotus, St. Lawrence Park, for the coming season. "The proper time" to take sulphur, Gibson's Red Cross store. W. G. Brownlee in superintendent at Toronto. To give an idea of the extent of the city movings, it is said that up to yesterday he post office had been no- tified of 175 new addresses in the city. the fire department, weather engine a trian worked, on Ontario street, this morn. 5p W. J. Wood, M.A., formerly of Gananoque, has, on examination, se cured his bachelor of. divinity degree at Wesleyan Theological College, Mon- treal. +At's too bad to see people who go from day to day suffering from physi. cal weakness whén Rocky Mountain Tea ould steenptién them. Tey or Tablets, 35¢c. 'Mahood's- drug store. J. H, Senkler, of the legal firm of Missrs. 'Wilson, Senkler & "Bloomfield, ancouver, has 'refused the offer of i: 2 Moore, Boston, is the designer of : e A . ADDRESSED THE PARENTS. the Watertow lube Dew con: Fe. aoa i the Yufioms 14: od - . Fler. 1 Trou mime eonist ala The 'stove nen 'and plumbers 'have | & Practical Talk By Dean series A wus LZ Re "Hox gen ¥, | worked long hours during the past Farthing. | men: AL ig, NK. ; on yy few "days. The carters, too, made The Mothers' Union extended its in- money, asking darge prices to carry [goods from one point to ott | - Henry F. Wilmot, Frontenac street, has sold the residence he lives in to Angus Boyd. He has also disposed of his tWo houses, corner Joh and Barrie streets, to M. J. Lynch. Mrs. 'Charles Smith,. of Jimes, Ohio, writes ©: "1 have used every 'remedy for sick headache I could hear of for {the past fifteen years, but Carter's Little Liver - Pills did me more good than all the rest. Francis Davis, a well-known retired carpenter contractor, is leaving Kings. 8 ton for good.' He goes to Montreal, to-morrow, for a few weeks, and then sails for Portsmouth, Eng., to spend the next year, this year is for Prof. L. W. Gill, Al- A meetin : 3 4 g of the city property com- fred street. mittee was called for vesterday after- noon, hut there was no quorum. Ald. Made A Good Sum. i Angrove, the chairman, was the only The Brockville Rowing Club has | member 'of the committee who put in cleared nearly $1,000 on a series of | an appearance. The business on hand was comparatively light. Campbell's Varnish Stains make a splendid finish for hall and dining room floors. They come in light and dark oak, also in cherry, mahogany, ete. A 75¢. can will do an ordinary room. Ask for the latest color card. W. A. Mit ---------- TAKEN TO THE PEN. James Belbeck Gets Four Years For Bigamy.- . James Belbeck, of Exeter, sentenced at London, a few days ago, by Judge Macbeth, to four years in the 'peniten- tiary for bigamy, arrived in the city, this morning, in the custody of Depu- ty Sheriff Benjamin Watterworth, of London. Belbeck is a fine looking 'man, well built, and six feet in° height. He says that he can neither read nor write, and: that when he committed the of. the law. However, the indge could not see any excuse for lenieicy in his case, The prisoner is 6fty three years of age, He bedame enamored of Ada Harris, a sixtcen-year-old girl, livig a mile and a hali from London, and his proposal of marriage was accepted, the bride not being aware that Belbeck 'was al- ready married. Your Blood Filters. wife, C. J. Goldmark, W. I. Dyer, | he kidneys are a mass of tiny rd re: New York; F. L. Berry, James Robert: | {uhes through which the blood must Ja ui] son, William Mitchell, W. J. Elliott, constantly filter if you are to live. . Tes | Montreal; F. W. Armstrong, J. D. | Often t tuts s become inflamed or For a Rowe, Trenton; Dy. Frank Zwick, engorged. This condition must be value $30. John Brown, Stirling; S. Vermilyea, promptly relieved or disease will re and begged W. H. Ketcheson, W, Patterson, Belle: sult. i he Soule ville; Rev. M. Cox and wife, London, | Peck's Kiduey and Liver Pills heal ei Eng.: James Cummings, Syracuse: G. [and cleanse these little filters amd i to an W. Hay, F. G. McLawin, F. E. Tillim, make the kidneys sound and active. 'har Tae he Ottawa. I Boren, 25 cents. Poe sale only at raise -- ade's drug 'store. Money back if the bonds and Moth balls, cedar and lavander | not satisfactory, good camphor flakes at Chown's. a reliable ; "It would pay you" to take a look : 5 Why The Lungs Get Sore. at the court house lawn. Kentucky properties | It's the continual hawk, cough and | awn grass seed did it. Sold only at : gagging of catarth. Just inhale the Gibson's Red Croes drug store it's a lung food widen ro of "'Catarrhosone;"' strengthener and by physicians Sure Ex-Ald. William Snowden is in favor of double-tracking the belt line of the street railway and paving the streets, and at the exp ol re property alo outa. does ps Lewis Martin, formerly proprietor | S7otd hat goers of ine Dees House hotel, left, Inst | fine drama; That Mr. Sho - an .. s po + of much ability, ly shown. Sth fles, of Quebec, will | 1. y, was amply on; , on Friday und Satur W. J. McNeil, Rideau street, left this morning for Hamilton to resume his fosition as purser on the steamer eepawah, Hypophosphites, our , equal to the best. Big bottles, 50c. and 75c., at Wade's drug The board of works was to meet this afternoon. The question of road rebuilding was the chief matter for cream tartar and molasses. Fresh at V. G succeeds Mr. Me- Guigan as general superintendent of the G. T. R., and U. E. Gillen becomes A. G. Sinclair, the new engineer of ave the Merry- to see how she A APPEARS IN LS" " . a : One of the Finest Dramatic At- tractions 'in Kingston This Season A "One" of the best dramatic attrac- *| Irving famous. It is indeed to be re- gretted that docal theatregoers did He gave a ly and artistic terpretation of Mathias. He is sur- rounded with an exceptionally strong company, with two old eccentric char- {acters, Hons (John E. Gilbert), and Father Walters (Spencer Charters). | These two are prominently conspicu- ous in the play, and as "the merry topers," are wv amusing. "The Belle," fu: a drama adupted from the French, and is given in four wets. It is suited in every réspect to Mr. Shea, and holds the interest of the audience ffom the opening until the final tragic and somewhat abrupt finale. It world be hard to improve on the work of Mr. Shea as an emotional depicter of tragic situations. He por- trays in realistic fashion, the pangs of a guilt-stricken conscience. He is known as ""the beloved of the vil- lagey Dut .as he ig § poor man, and has no money to provide for his wife and daughter, who are very ill and must be sent to the south, he yields to the temptation to murder a rich Jew, who stops at his ion for a short time one stormy night. He at- tacks the Jew on the roadway with an axe, Kills him and then robs him of his gold. He becomes a rich man, and is rot found (out. The story goes on to show how the shadow of the terrible crime blighted his life, and how his hours of solitude were haunt- ed by the sound of ghostly sleigh bells, and the occasional startling ap- parition of the Jew, whom he had murdered in cold blood. Many scenes in the play are verv powerful especial- ly that in which the Jew's ghost ap- pears and Mathias dreams that he is in conrt. He shows in true style, the terrible tortures even a strong man suffers from a ouwilty conscience. His agony is realistic, and shqws the strong man entirely broken down. The story carries with it a heart- rendine moral. As 'the daughter of Mathias, the ofjmehaunted man, Pearl Ford, was all. that could be desired. She is a pretty pirl, and natural in all her vhases. Emma 8. [Southward, wife of Mathias. was a fine motherly woman rnd well suited for the role. James J. Cassidy made a handsome captain of the gendarmes. : vitation on Wednesday evening to the fathers that they might have an op- portunity of hearing Dean Farthing's address. The dean said that as the happiness of parents depended so en- tirely on the well-being and well-do- ing of their children, they should see that they bring up the children aright. First let them gain the child's love. Then let them rule it in serenity not temper. Temper was so excellent a thing to own that it was better to keep it to one's self. If less attention were paid to minor offences, and more to training children in truth and hon- or, the world would be better: off. Better to wage war against untruth- fulness and dishonesty than against card-playing and cigarette smoking. The latter was certainly not good for the child, but was infinitely less of an evil than lack of honor. Also many a good woman had turned her children out-of-doors, and amongst evil com- panions, because she. objected to in nocent card playing in her own home. There was a delightful musical pro- gramme, vocal solos being given hy A. Klugh and C. B. S. Harvey, and piano numbers hy Mrs, Herbert Roh- mson, Miss Muriel King and. R. R. F. Harvey. Delicious refreshments were served at the close by Mrs. Storey, Mrs. Huggins, Mrs. Ewart, Miss Belle Laturncy and Miss Mary Courtney. The evening proved a very delightful one. What About A New Derby. Our $2 and $2.50 derbies are world beaters for 'style and quality. Camp- hell Bres.. Kingston's style centre for men's hats. - For impure blood, boils and pimples take Rurdack with Sarsaparilla. 5c. a bottle, at Gibson's Red Cross drug store, Kingston's Famous Fur Store, THURSDAY, MAY 2. | three -} | Sharpless and grain, Trudean with the dredge Northumber- All Found Genuine. Kingston were tested in tory All were found to be genuine. Gee ! It's Great To Move. Vans ture were on the streets last ------ Removed To Asylum. George McBride, the old man whe was taken int charge by the police Tuesday, home is near Napanee. ---- Are You A User? "Olive ON" laundry soap is a new sonp--=a pure, lasting soap. You should be using it. Ask your grocer for it. Cost isn't any greater. Lasts longer. It's something distinctly new and is a soap every woman should try. You'll use it often if you use it once. Escaped From Asylum. Wandering around the streets, 'and acting ed Deroche, night by and escorted where he taken back to the asylum this morn- mg, was found to the Treated In New York. Mrs. James T. Sutherland is back from New York with her daughter, Ethel, who was under the care of Dr. William Thompson, in the Poryelinic hospital. Dr. Thompson is a ueen's graduate, and one of New York's leading physicians. He is the eldest son of J. D. Thompson, county ro- gistrar. A Purchased Ah Hotel. George Hammond," the well-known Street restaurant, Grand Union Hotel from Peter Devlin, his old stand. by the commissioners. My. Hammond building. ---- Touches The Home. A local newspaper is absolutely ne- cessary to any community. It is the home paper that keeps the people of the community in touch with each other by giving them all the news of their own neighborhood and county. For that alone they are of value and worth far more than the small sub scription price. They keep the local pride and progressive spirit aroused and in various ways are worth far more to a community than a com- munity ever spends on them. The daily paper, with its large news service and quicker facilities, may, in some in- stances, overshadow the weekly, but the weekly home paper fills a place in the hearts of the people that =» daily cannot fill. Tt comes to your home as an old 'and tried friend, while the daily enters as a stranger. MARINE INTELLIGENCE, Latest The Items From the Wharves. The barge Toledo is being caulked ut the dry dock. ' The R. & 0. steamer Picton is ex- pected up to-day on her first trip. The schooner Acacia has cleared for Fairhaven, for 'coal for Crawford's. The schooner Voges has cleared for Oswego, to load coal for Gananoque. The yacht Kate is getting a new boiler installed at the Davis dry dock. ; The sloop Pilot has arrived from | Bath and Stella, with grain for Rich- ardson's, i The steambarge City of Belleville if | having her hull rebuilt at the Davis | dry' dock, The tug Mary P. Hall arrived, this morning. from Oswego, with two coal- laden barges. The schooner Clara Youell will ar- | rive from Oswego to-day, with coal for Crawford's. Swift's wharf: The steamer Belle- ville arrived last night from Montreal, on her first trip, The vacht*Wherenow cleared, vester- day, to go into commission between Clayton and Gananoque. The steambarge D. D. Calvin. Gar. den Island, goes on the dry dock, on Monday, for en overhauling. The steamers Panther and Ford River, loaded with corn for Richard- son's. are exvecteéd to reach here to- day from Chicago. The dredge Enterprise cleared this mornine, in tow of the tue Schoenck for Duluth. Nearly a month will be d by the trip. The Montreal harbor comifiizaioners announce coming harbor improve- ments to include a fire boat, cranes, pier, and drv dock to cost an aggre- gate of $2,000,000. y M. T. commony © The tug Mary P. Hall will clear for Montreal, with erain laden barges: steamers Lambert are expected to arrive from Duluth to-day, with The government tugs St. Paul and land, arrived here this morning. on Your old hat enbugh on a dark, but not in the sun. are a shame. Buy voursell a new may look good cloudy day, Shabby hats one and gel a good one. berland is one of owned hy much admired by marine men around the harbor to-day. received a contreet for the wav to Montreal. The Northnm- the finest dredges the government, and was The Davis Shivbnilding company has a steamyacht overhauled. -------------- Sam of butter sold by stores in a the Inbora-| FOR THE DROWNING OF A y of the Inland Revenue depart. ment in accordance with the food law. loaded with household furni- | night on Hepbum, and ! for creating a disturbpnce , drowned. It had been driven by John at the Hotel Dieu, where he was con- | 1. Culliton, and was lost in_that por- fined as a patient, has been removed tion of the harbor where ice-cutting to the asylum, he having been found operations upon examination, to be insane. His p downtown in a strange manner, a patient at the asylum nam- carly last Constable James Bateson, police station remained all night. He was soloist and proprietor of an Ontario has purchased the will make extensive alterations to the teachers and officers for 1906-7, held in Queen Street Methodist day school, last night. at the school o'clock, ing presiding. The mn staf. The report for the that all branches of the THE GOT © VALUABLE HORSE The Bell Telephone Company Gets | a Franchise--Death of a Resi- dent--Clover is Badly Injured --Some Personal Notes. he city this | tions presented in Kingston this sea-|until after midnight. Tuesday's rain Picton, Muy 3.--Judge Morrison, * oh : 800, was ay bya fairly large hindered the May-day flitting to such holding county court, yesterday, Sweet Pea Seed" -fresh at | yodience at the Grand last night, lan extnt that many families worked UGE, CRUE CRG damages 's Red Cross drug store. Phone | when 1homas BE. Bhea and his com. way all night Wednesday MOVE f and costs, in his petion, agaist ve oie . | pany presented "The Bells," the bells | their effects, {George Clapp, William Smith, et al. unie D. Godirey, of Mountain that assisted in making Sir Henry The suit was a peculiar one, verging on criminal negligence. During > winter a valuabl valued, at $350, wa: were in progress. Th aintifis, who were at work, it wa said, had neglected to surround caused was that a said to have i Plaintifi's wind storm of carried away the Young appeared John Wright for defendant. The suit of L. defence shrubs. E. plaintiff c who claimed he never received them. ing frontage to eight lots, e Church andl Maitland streets, Tecum council, in session, A motion was also the Bell Telephone company a !vear exclusive franchise. The term carried to gran for this are that the company will in fireman's home, and alarm stalled immediately, as gang of men are now in the county It was decided to call a public meet the meeting. by the corporation at $365. for season as street sprivkler. Woods, widow of the late Franci of Mayor - G. M. Far GOT DAMAGES the horse owned by Mr. the pen space with shrubs and this was . A the accident. high the previous day had for plaintifis and K. Shourds, of Wel- lington, against Mr. Robertson, Win- chester, was settled out of court. The shipped trees to defendant, Picton will open a new street. giv- between seh ward. by a resolution of the town Monday evening. five- stal a dre alarm S¥stem in the town, $s 8 which will include fire alarms.in each boxes about town. This system will be in- a telephone ing on May 9th to discuss the ad- visability of a sewerage system for the town. Willis Chipman, who sur- veved the town for this, will address Asa Bently was engaged the The death occurred, to-day, of Mrs. Woods, for many years a Picton mer- chant and who died two months ago, and will run it as a temperance house, | I" her Sevualy first year. SHe was the with restaurant combined, closing up , Mother-in- aw F The Grand Union is |Fin2ton and is survived by Mrs, Far- it ' 1 son, Alfred, of Picton. the hotel which was refused a license FI"2ton and a son i on x loss, Needn't be boiled. .yet canne f stick. It's astarchyou'll like, PX S 8 s Sacks MADE OVER AND DYED. A --BY-- EXCLUSIVE FURRIER 78 and 80 BROCK ST, 'Phone 700. Y ALL § At present our Stock of | Farmers are complainmg of the Desi en Os + backwardness of the season. The more Complete than ever. {usual spring growth it not vet seen, Chelle nSivia rays, and the grass is hardly green yet Relish: Dishes, Jelly Plates, April being very. cold is the respon- Fruit Diskies Vases, sible factor and the hope is expressed Cream Jugs, Carufe's etc. that May will be warmer. The dom- We. invite your inspec age done during the past winter to tion. } the loss has been very marked, par total loss. Farmers to get at their spring seeding, cattle are vet milk going to forlder fed. Miss Clara Pretty, local agent of the C.P.R. telegraph office, has transferred to the Miss Heffernon will be in charge the Picton office. W. Despard. spend Jing a few davs in town with his mother, Mrs. W. P. Despard. returned | vesterday. to Teronto; accompanied i hy his wife and child. who have been in town the past month, H. A. Alcorn, sob of G.'0. Alcorn. lwp. on the staff of the Bank of Mon- j treal. Toronto, is in town on a | month's sick leave. Mr. Alcorn is re- | covering from an attack of appendicitis "which confined him to a Toronto hos- , pital. Richard Hadden, son of Mr. rand Mrs. C. E. Hadden, of the staff of the Standard Bank. at Colborne, has been transferred to Beaverton. J. Cowidn. Athol. has gone to Rochester, NY, to reside. the al in the fields. and the factories is AT THE POLICE COURT. Woman Given Two Months Drunkeness. Mrs. a recent arrival from the old country, who lives on Prin- cess street, between King and On- tario streets; was, this morning, sen- tenced by Magistrate Farrell, to two months in jail, for drunkenness. Mrs. Sears went on a spree yesterday . af- ternoon, got into a neighbor's house, and refused to go away when told. The police were called, and Mrs. Sears For Sears, was taken to the lock-up. She and her husband caused considerable trou- ble since their arrival in the city, both having been before the court on more than one oecasion, for drunken- ness. Only 'a few days ago several officers were called to their home to quell a drunken 'row. Edward O'Neil. registered as a drunk, said that be lived near Syden- ham, and 'that he had not been work- ing since February 18th. Yesterday he came to the city to look for work, but visited .too many bar-rooms, and fell into the hands of the police. The prisoner was given another chanee to get a job. In the 'cuse of Charles "Wilson, charged by Cornelius McMuhon, with non-payment of wages, enlarged from vesterday, the magistrate Wilson to pay $1.05. who failed to put in an apbearance, when the case was called, vesterday, were given a reprimand by the magis- trate. ordered Two witnesses ELECTION OF OFFICERS. Annual Meeting of Queen Street . Methodist School. The annual tea of was Sun- The staff met for supper at seven the pastor, Rev. W. H. Sparl-, elections resulted the re-appointment of the whole and meeting the meadows is new showng up and ticularly in clover, which is about a | SM IT H B RO S. are commencing Few been Peterbero office. of Jewelers and Opticians > Issuers of Marriage > oH Look through the pile. as there are some big snaps. AAA AA HA SI III KE Embroideries, Laces, Dress Goods, Etc., etc Big Sale of Remnants | Long Black Silk Gloves ° Gathered from .every 85c¢. a Pair. department in the store e HHA KAA Newman & Shaw 2 AAAS AMIRI | | year showed | school - were | Woodrow, Hawes, Stetson, Bor- to be vsed on Muskoka Takes. The in a satisfactory condition. 'The off. | ina, o ccaditly. A . 1 3: ? . oth } salina. Towns, sud Piccadiv. uskota Man-of-War i= at the Davis cers in charge are: Superintendent, | famous: ahes. rv dock "for repairs. The steamer is|®. W. Skinner: lassistant superinten. | only twenty feet in length, and has dents, J. E. Clark, J. A. Sardiner: | a Feem of five feet. Hor engines are socretacy, W. E. Munhard: assistant models -from those of an ordinary secretary, Dr. R. E. Sparks; Wbrarian, screw stesmer. The machinery is being (Capt. R. Crawford. s Tooth Paste, in bes, 1c, |p The double strength Taine. moth b are sold at Gibsonia Red y The new lord Liverpool, has, us Lord Hawkesbury, been acting - as state steward and chamberlain at th viceregal court in Dublin for eighteen months. He is a brilliant organizer ahd has practically "stage-managed' all recent state functions. Lady Liver pool, only daughter of Lord Moneck, is also immensely popular in Dublin. Your eves tested bv an opti- cian when you get g 0 at Chor ed GRINDING THE REZOF EVERLAST) NO RAZOR T These razors are ten P pours: process of electricit from your dealer without Firm of A. L. Silbe FOR SALE BY W. A. THE FOOD FI will a process that Human ingenuity never devise will as ious as the make corn or oats digestible or as nutrit- whole wheat shred- it. when steam-copked, ded and: baked" Try BISCUIT for Breakia All Grocers--13c. a --- 50,00( John 153 Br Tt ir smn ------ Seeseescereceterees t Grape Fru Tomatoes A. J. REES, Pee II593939999 $1.00 DRESS Fi 44 inch fine imported seasons leading Fabrics, li $1 value, for 69¢c. yard. 46 inch Mohair Sicillia; 'manent Black and will not 50 and 56 inch Black a: All Wool, also some Plain for 69c. yard. We are selling piles of { this week at greatly reduc sure and see our stock. THE JAMES | | 180 Wel

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