AFTER SUPPER SALE ht at 7.30. ecials, bought this week at r regular values, will be of - night : 600 White Union-Linen Y Huckaback fi | Towels ! . : Size 36 inches long = and 20 inches wide. Hemmed ends and a particularly good make, usually sold at 2oc. each . Yours To-~Night 1215¢c.' Each ards Silk "FONS Colors in Black, White old at 25 and 30c. To-Night 0c. Yard. ards White LIN. NET tty small design. These for Short Curtains and great satisfaction. The yard. t the lot will fered at ic. Yard + SECOND SECTION. THE DAILY KINGSTON, BRITISH WHIG. ONTARIO, SATURDAY, MAY srmenalin: -- NU. 105. London, April 24.--0f alethe coloni- the imperial conference; none has met Gen. Louis Botha, prime minister Transvaal colony; vears ago held the The proudest nobles ir [been given the vitality of legal enact- | ment. In the old world, where the [people ar \ | hind us in MEANING OF "ARTISTIC." The Beautiful Things Will Bear Analysis. | German slates | ment. A bill has been | providds t Any tailor ean take a web of cloth make a suit of clothes, but few ever attain to the : and positive impression which 1s pug that it costs more and tailor them righ Real Tax On Bachs. tax on bachelors. ONIZED IN LONDON Miss Emmet, Mas Botha ENGLISH SOCIETY SHOWERS HONORS ON MAN WHO LED BOERS IN LATE WAR. put to death by the Although Gen. Botha wife, two daughters and two sons are honored guests at the most exclusive social functions, # Mrs. Botha is'a worthy consort to ceded Jou- ie brave soldier who suc bert as commander-in-chicf of the She companied her husband the field, and when she saw that further bloodshed w u 1 terms of surrender with Lord Kit chener She is 2 great-grandnicee of Robert Ss, arrang Emmet, the famous Irishman who was to be much be ess, they have done the real thing was in one of the | n parla in view of the increas og, wnual supple « to all persons in tha ed cos | ment be gre jemployment of the' government whosa mpensation des not execed £500 a r. FH wmnuity ranges from $40 260, amd the amendment went through, providing that in the case of Inmarri s annuity should ba nly one-half, the other half being us ---- | Rheumatism Cured By "Nervilinel' "Nothing I know of has the reliev- ing power of Nerviline,"" writes David Wells, of 222 Charlotte St., St. John, N.B. "When rubbed into the sore part it 'ens's at once, I have proved that | Nerviline cures rheumatism, neuralgia, | and muscular pain; it is powerful and soothing and the best pam remedy ever tried. I recommend all to use Nerviline." Get a large bottle from your dealer to-day. caerad Botha of Natal, having GAVE HER LOCKJAW. Yale x . g : the Peevish, crozs babies are sick babies point of death from lockjaw. A rusty a blank cartridge that and a de- her childrem how weapon worked, caused the trouble. back the hammer | not be cross. A blank .cart- | Own Tablets will remove the cause and make baby happy. They are a she the and pulled the trigger. hammer and driven into there | hood. would be any trouble. from the wound, | them cor tinually in guard against the sudden illness of baby. A Tablet now and again will keep the. little one well Mrs. James Jewers, Beaver Harbor, N.S. says: "] havé given 'Baby's Own Tablets to occasion required since she was a day old. They havo always helped her, and now at a year and a half old she is a fine healthy child. The Tablets, 1 think, are indispensable to mothers of young children." Sold Se. a box some of the wadding was in and the patient | grew r pidly worse, st to know God sends to you sunshine and the flowers, GREAT PUBLIC SPIRIT. i] Securing Recreation Spots For 7 . New ¥ork and Boston. Review of Reviews. - The week that thd press announced the gift of $10,000,000 for the Russell Sage foundation sthe fiscal authorities of New York added to the map of the city 7,000 feet of ocean beach at Rock- away for a seaside park and sanitar- jum. In addition, authority was giv- en to secure for the public in perpetu- ity an ocean park at Coney Island. A private donor of millions was canoniz- alded. York, with more available ocean beach but a paltry thousand feet that it oould call its own. He had a bill pre- pared authorizing the city to spend millions could enjoy a respite from the monotonous shop and overheated ten- ement, and where private societies and high-water mark, convalescent homes for winter as well as summer. For two years the opportunity and the need has been described by the Metro- politan Park Association, the Outdoor Recreation League, and Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor. The papers took turns in featuring New York's lack of free ocean. beach where it should have been beach rich. So enthusiastically -- was the project supported by the public that a repub- lican legislature aided a democratic mayor to make this gift of health. The first institution to be erected will be a seaside hospital for crippled chil- dren, victims of non-pulmonary forms of tuberculosis. For this $250,000 was raised by the Association for Improv- ing the Condition of the Poor. A Boston movement for the enrich ment of suburban life through public parks containing the best of the na- tural scenery had its beginning about 1892, when the Massachusetts legisla- ture created the Metropolitan Park Commission, which has now acquired, at the expense of the towns and cities of the district, 10,053 acres outside of Boston. The principal holdings are the Blue Hills and Middlesex Falls reservations, forty-seven miles of frontage on the Charles, Mystic, and Neponset rivers, and five beaches with ten wiles of shore. The commission has expended about $12,000,000, and individual cities and towns in the dis- trict about $23,000,000, © When the English in 1803. | commission took Revere Beach, the is prime min | Coney Island of Boston. the commis- fansvaal, he is a native | gon removed 107 buildings from the been born at Grey town in 1868. Hoe was a member of the volksraad of the Transvaal, presented Vryheld, and he shore front, required the railroad to ~ : place its beach tracks at the rear of it | the village, and substituted an eighty- foot macadam highway. It erected poet or that district as veldt cornet | snd maintains a bathhouse used bv he beginning of 142,942 persons last year, which has accommodated 7,171 in one day. The : forges, which beach attendance, stimulated by po the battle of Colen- | ion protection and by private amuse and during the ve p ment enterprises, has grown from 500,000 to 5,000,000 annually. The pleasures of the shore must be whole some, as a 200,000-a-day crowd has froquently required not one arrest, Peculiar Accident Resulting From -- Blank Cartridge. Peevish And Cross. the well baby is always happy. Per haps there may be nothing to indicate just what is the matter, but you may depend upon it there is something troubling the little one or be would A few doses of Baby's certain cure for the minor ills of baby- my baby as by druggists or by mail at 2 jrockville, Ont. -------- An Up-To-Date Duel. 3 Up =to=Date Than! 0 MPS | have them in all styles and leather. rothy Dodd, Empress, Our Shoe, and a few other makes. rothys in Lightnd Heavy Sole d $4.00. Special Shoe in Gun Metal § eat, heavy sole at $3.50. erican make, Light Sole, only This . Shoe looks and wears [{t Shoe Store and Suit Oases just in. he aristocratic wom er of England Mary Lady derard A TRIO OF NOTED BRITISH SPORT SWOMEN. who are famons in the field of sport, the Duchess dy Willoughby de Broke and Mary Lady werard are among the foremost. 'the mo ! horsewomen in En land, and she is as brilliant in the home as she s of : ons the daring riders of the da him this letter : And all honor was satisfied. A Hopeful Record. Ottawa Journal. and he has not found over two in of the contemplated legis: courts. This Is Economy. Ask your ocer for it. od, while the benevolent motivess of the public official were almost--unhoer- ARE DRIFTING Mayor' McClellan's , message cajled a attention to the fact that Greater New: Democracy--FPolicemen Help Liquor Men to Evade the [and the city's board of audit are far Law--Question of Transit. ence; Letter No. 1,562, | must come to an understanding very than any other city in the world, had $ on the police force as can be found in any profession in the world, In times when mob-violence threatened the city's peace, they have been tried in the balance and not found wanting. ------ _Every day and every hour the ques- tion of transit' and population be- comes more and moro serious. A few Letter From Greater New years ago we thought that our sub- way would afford" the citv complete accommodation, but instead of relief, life and limb were never placed in -- . such jeopardy as now; during the DEMOCRATS KICKING rush hours, when people are going to or. returning from work, the popula- -- tion becomes a wild, howling mob, and it seems like a miracle that Jan- THEY SAY THE ARISTOCRATS |jiois are not killed or maimed FOR INDICESTION distress after eating, dizziness, that heavy feeling, wind and pains im the stomach and furred tongue, Beecham's Pills before you retire to rest. They start the gastric juices, assist the stomach to dispose of the food, en- courage good appetite, sound di- gestion and make you feel life is worth living. Sold Every . In boxes 25 cents. day. We have sabway-t ls laid out that will cost three hundred mil- Principles of lions of doHars. This will bring New Who York up to its borrowing capacity. At the present time the contractors apart. in - their estimates, but they soon or we will have to borrow an $2,600,000 for a seaside park where the city might ercot, back from the Thousands of mothers keep i the house to from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co, A bloodless duel has been fought be- tween a Parisian newspaper editor and a- politician. The latter, regarding himself as insulted by an article' pub- lished by the former, addressed to "Sir,~A man who respects himself refrains from sending a challenge to an individual such as you. He satis- fies himself by simply slapping your face. Herewith please consider your face slapped twice, one on each side.' To which the journalist replied : "Dear Sir,--I am "in receipt of the two smacks which you sent me, and for which I am obliged. Kindly accept a bullet through your head. With kind reghrds to your corpse, yours truly. W. P. Archibald, Dominion parole officer, says that he has followed very closely the lives of the youths releas ed from the penitentiaries of the do- minion during the past three years, an hundred who were under the age of twenty go astray under the restraint of a parole. This is the strongest kind of argument for the enactment ation for the establishment of juvenile criminal A pure Castile laundry soap at the price of an ordindry soap. That's what "Olive Oil" laundry soap is. sk i Ask your neighbor if si ie hye used it. No other soap is made in Canada like it. Tt's the purest; healt ;ond in the end the New York, ay 2-The swell ten- dollar-a-plate dinner given by the aristocratic wing of the democracy, instead of promoting harmony has awakened the bitterest antagonism. The rank and file, whose votes year in and year out have borne the démo- cratic banner to victory, say the aris- tocrats are drifting away: from the democratic principles of Silas Wright, Horatio Seymour and Samuel Tilden, and are bringing the party to ruin by costly dinners at the most expen- sive hotels in the city, when the ex- penses of municipal and state govern- ments are kept down instead of being multiplied, as the loot of those whose consciences have been sacrificed in the pretended defense of the laws that guard the rights of the people. A true democracy is a simple form of government, content with scouring the entire safety of the citizens' life and property, &nd a strict observance that the rights of every man, high and' low, rich and poor, are as carefully guarded as his own. At both din- ners, the health of Thomas Jefferson was responded to as the "Father of the Democratic' Party," This may not seem strange to those who are not renders of history; but Thomas Jefler- son lived and died a republican; he was a hitterer abolitionist than Wen: dell Phillips or William Lloyd Garri- song he hated slavery and. he would not allow the word "slave" to appear in the declaration of independence, which he wrote. Tho principal spokes- man was a rebel colonel, who had served without distinction during the great unpleasantness, - The task ac- corded to him was to umdo the favor- able impression that President Roose- velt had made on the honest demo- erncy of the south. His task was a heavy one, but, as a recent axecutive observed, "He noo his dooty, and he done it." He evidently exhausted the vocabulary of adjectives, superlatives and words that knocked silly the en: tive twenty-six letters of the alpha- bet. He ga¥e his hearers an oppor- tunity to hear those of them called cowards, who were afraid of being hurt by the man who was a persist ent office-seeker. Now this orator must have known, when he made that statement, that he was lying, or, if he did not, he ought to discover as soon Aas possible that he was telling an untruth about a po litical opponent, who may have his share of humanity's faults and short comings, but office-secking is not one of them: and I here assert, without fear of truthful contradiction, that Theodore Roosevelt never, since his ad- vent in public life, has asked for of fice, or solicited for himself; and, moreover, he has repeatedly refused the most tempting offers of political honor, notaldy that of the viee-presi- dency which led up to his present ex- alted position. It is well-known that he refuséd the novination several times when the convention would consider no other candidate; that then he fled to the north woods and hunted, hoping the « presi velt. It of hie "administration should be threa ficult to imagine, to' sell liquor after hourse "Oh, no; tén gambling that the convention would find some other candidate, but the convention persisted, and the choice has seemed Providential, for it is doubtful if in our population of 80,000,000 a man could be found who would have filled ting responsibilities of the ¢ superior to Theodore Roose- « unfortunate that the close tened with serious disaster to his party's existence, The system of gov- esnment under which we live renders two great parties an absolute neces- city, and in numbers they should be nearly equal. The destruction of eith er would be a pdgitive calamity, the consequences of which it would be dif- In the administration of a govern- ment, where thousands are employed, it is not to be wondered at that some unfaithful servants should be fournd. We have a law which closes the liquor saloons at ome &'clock in the morning. Among the new Jjus- tices of the Jwace, recently appointed by the mayor, was one who thought he would like to know how the sump- tuary laws were obeyed hefore taking his place on the bench; so, just before midnight he started out on an ex- ploring expedition, and, only a few blocks from the police precinct he found a liquor saloon open. He en- tered and ordered a glass of whiskey, with which he was served. He asked the bar-keeper if they were not afraid » he replied. "We have that fixed all right." A policeman to whom the oity pays $1,200 a year to enforce our laws, stood guard at the door to pro- tect the law-breaker. In a precinct where there are houses of ill-fame, sa- loons and gambling hells, the profits muist be enormous and it requires a good, sturdy virtue to resist; such 1 temptation. Say there are fifty of those forbidden places in a precinct; hells, taxed 100 a month for police protection; ten hotises of evil-repute, the same; thirty saloons, at 850 each; this gives a divide of over $3,000 a 'month, and knowing this, no wonder that Gem. earthquake or a Kansas cyclone to thin out our population. ~BROADBRIM, DUKE AS A FIREMAN, Brother of King Carlos Proves Himsell a Hero; DUKE OF OPORTO. n persons were burned to death in a disastrous fire which burned out com- pletely' a five-storey lodging-house near central market crowded with tenants, The Duke of Oporto, brother] COTTAM BIRD : EED k Ont. f the king, who worked with the fire men, saved three lives, The flames caught the lower portion of the building, and completely cut i the escape of the occupants of the upper floors, Nine children were burned, and a mother was killed in trying to rescue her infant. Many persons jumped into the street and wero killed instantly. Twq young! A girls jumped from the fifth flogr, and me camo down with such force that rv Jamp-post which broke her fall was smashed. King Carlos and Queen Ameliy vis- ited the scene after the fire. Fielding As Leader, Canndian Courier. Mr. Fielding Tas been giving the | gion on commons a sort of "trial trip" as womier, so they may know what to expect if ho ever sucoceds Sir Wilrid. He bs nob Js real "acting . premier," | recently, whe at a very importan Sir Richard Cartwright holding that 'oron honor in the senate, but he ih been banquet in ' o, oie he active premier while Sir Richard has been the passive. Mr, Fielding vids fair to found a new school in Canadian politica. He is not in the| ¢f toast like Sir Wilfrid or Sir Charles explanation was that the singer had lost his voice almost entirely, and it bad been restored to more than its usual sweetness by Psychine. It may be said here that the manufactursrs of Pgychine had nothing to do with either geting up the banquet or. the sODRE, Singers or sufferers from throat trou- ble of any kind find Psych derful remedy. Tupper or Sir John Maedonald or any sf the great men of the past. He does not "address the country' in stately fashion. He merely does business, in the house and lets the country look on. If he ever takes up the baton he will be the quietest conductor of the orchestra that this nation has ever seen, Sir John Thompson approached him; but, upon occasion, Sir John would deliver an oration. Mr. Field- ing would be the managing editor of his devoted country. He learned how "edit" it, ------ . Municipal Street Railways. many other cities of Great Britain. Mother's Cooking Stove." Topics of this week, gives ut to worthy sentiments, which coud in terse and cogent \ are, are like "apples of gold in tures of silver." Said he; speaking of the eooking school outhreak : The spot for w girl to learn to cook a din- ner is on her own mother's coo stove, and the only place for her to {earn the art of cooking, fo is in her mother's kitchen." More power to his 'elbow, and may the pen in his hand flourish till it~brings forth fruit ! . Bi keeps shifting men about in Every thould be found the Standard remedies for wconsreanon, KK, D. C.* and K. D. C. Pills, Recommended by" Yergymen and Doctors anda] KD. C isnow putup in Ta "hocolate-Coated. TRY | Lisbon, May 4.--More than g doze MONEY IN CA ARIES More profitable thas poultry, Fxperiene Sanecquary, . We of the popular entertainers in Canada n his most popular styl refrain to every verse Joined he Bien sl Sorshine to run things in a newspaper office, and he has seen nothing since which makes him think that one can do anything better for a nation than to From details of the year's working to March 31st last of the strect rail- ways of Leeds, England, given in a recent number of the London Muni- cipal Journal, it appears that the net profit available in relief of rates amounts to $250,000, or $10,000 more than the estimate, This was reached after payment of rates and taxes, amounting to oveg $97,000, paying all interest on borrowed money, and $190,000 towards the sinking fund and setting aside $150,000 for the reserve or renewal fund. On submission of the accounts the committee in charge 'sordially congratulated their manager on the result and passed a vote of thanks to him and his stafi. Prosper. ity 'and splendid service are the hall marks of public ownership and opera- tion conducted on strict business rules, and can be as easily secured in Toron- to #8 'they have been in Leds and blood, aidi Sigtasion and tion, giving h 1 terance | vital Renn, sending health Lv. or pulsating through every artery " "The Lounger," in Winnipeg Town language as they} vein, renewing and prolongin Dear Sirs,-- § ; king | Leonard Melburne, : 0s Ont., somple of Payehine; as ho i ing, eatisfactorily. | suffering from consumotion ? 1 it will cure him as it did me maintains the in robust health, and it to resist OCOA Sold by G : and 1b Tage HT TRC ] FAMILY MEDICINE CHEST. INDIGESTICN o) blot Form, T Tn A Shout With hook, we Feel me £1000 2 Pik Manche." + end » thoy, ain 4 gol Frito ay Bom de hipped anywhers 82 Bathurst St., London, BANQUET T INCIDENTS Corporation Official and a Popular Entertainer Find: Common Ground Upon Which They Can Sing a Duet. The happy blending of wit and hum- or, with sound sense, good judgmient, and even things rare. A happy "hit" ofttimes makes a very important and lasting impres- religious is all too the mind, such as a bold statement of fact would fail to ae complish. of this was given t most a song which EN ?iek It was entirely spontaneous. ine a won- A well-known and popular Method- ist class leader in'a prominent church & in Toronto, said last Sanday morning in class meeting that "he praised God for greatly improved health and. re- stored voice, enabling him to join in the singing and other exercises. He said that Brother S-----, having been restored by Psychine, recommended him to use it, and, acting on his advice, he purchased jt. It had done wonders for him. What doctors' medicine failed to do Psychine had done, He gave God the glory." It was quite right to give God the glory, but. correct theology teaches that God uses the best instruments and human agencies available in the accomplishment of His purposes. The question arises, Why did God use Bro- he S some of the innumerable physicians' prescriptions that have been used i his efforts to regain health ? As the days of miracles are Josted, there is but one answer to this chine acts .in perfect harmony Wi Nature's laws in restoring heal destroys disease germs, it the entire system action to i g life: Glen Williams, Sept. 17th, 1906. - Dr. T. A. Slocum, Lud. Toronto. pores, Wii and Peychine instead of question. Psy- tones up