er ata and think it the finest food we kinds, ie, nd Mita-vits has . He had, since birth, Re as proved a myself and husband realize a trom Jeneral debility, system," Nawe given on. request by Maity Vita ling it is a solid bar of pure, dirt-removing inj ts, containing single atom of iterants, when washing colored goods they will not run or fade. : ~~woolens or flanhels will not shrink, as no boiling or rubbing is necessary, easy on the hands and clothes. "no experimentiog--in use for 40 years. Waite for illustrated raniion, ive fren for Richards Fore Sou a Catalogue of 'will not 3lue Ribbon Tea The most wholesome and delicious, refreshing and vivitying ® for table or social use. Black, green, mixed --280. to $1 a 1b.-- Kil grocers ° _ During house cleaning season, you want something comfort. . able and cool on your feet. Try a pair of our Carpet Slip- , all sizes for Women at We also. have a line of Prunella Slippers, 'which are very ° and comfortable, all sizes, 30c, 60c, 75¢c and $1 'Women's Prunella Gaiters, 65c., $1.00, 1.25 Women's Gaiter Boots, good elastics, in fine Kid, $1.95, We also have a large assortment of Women's fine Kid * 'House Slippers, elastic vamps, just the thing for a house-clean- shoe. T BL ELEY Ld Only 60c. a Pair © Better Grades at 75c. and $1.00. B want anything in Comfort Shoes, dof't forget largest assortment in Kingston. 10€e Store i House-Clating Shoes | 95¢. | bo a "taste." 1t does Bat belong to the tasteless a own sweetening & NEW. YORK ACCIDENTS. Explosion, of Life. A locomotive anakena, N.Y. exploded. Keffel, a peddler ridin was blown to atoms, was badly burned and cut. W. ( todive. Reynolds has father and mother in reovived, curred in the Owego yard of the R W. & 0, Conductor: Bracken Brakemen C, J. Myers and were riding on the * head od to the freight house, left open, and fought betwepn, and instant ly killed." Brdcken and Coy jumped the former suffering men resided in Oswego, Piles Relieved At Once. Wade's Ointment Jelicves the dis- tressing Syma of piles at once, and, faithfully used, will oure per- manently. It has remarkable sooth- ing and healing properties. Best for = | all purposes for which & healing oint- ment can be used. Cures ectoma; salt rheum, scaly or itching eruptions of the skin, pimples, blotches, dandruff, ete. In bix boxes, 25¢., at Wade's, drug store. How He Knew. Harper's Weekly. One Sunday morning recently the pas- "Roses and lilies yield,"" he said, Massachusetts remarked to his wife, upon returning from service : "Mary, there was a stranger at ser- vice this morning." "What did he look like ?"' asked the wife, "I don't know," was the answer, "for 1 didn't see him." "Then how do you know he was a stianger "Because I found .& dollar in the contribution box," replied' the pas- tor, HE IS CORRECT. Dr. Hamilton Proves That Piles Are Caused By Constipation and Strong Cathartics. Knowing the [frequency with which ple suffer from this. ailment, Dr. milton made an exhaustive study into the cause of piles. He found that the lower part of tha bowels is like a network of blgod-ves- sels, and if subjected to persistent essure, a section will bulge out and orm what is commonly known as iles. rhe only effective mode of curing this trouble is the regular use of Dr. Hamilton's Pills, which can be taken before retiring. Next day will bring wonderful relief, . "I suffered up to about the limit of human endurance with piles," writes Miss Lueders, from Cornwall, Ont. "I was splayed in a factory here, but for a while had to give up work till I got better of this trouble. I read in the Montreal Herald about Dr. Ham- ilton's Pills, and after using them for two weeks Rue Stal, on Gap Ion mend these pills very highly; there are none better. They at once reliove and prevent a constipated condition of the bowels, and from my experience can be « upon as a perfect gaan against piles. Dr. Hamilton's ills of Mandrake and Butternut, 1 am sure, would be a benefit to every girl\or woman." Take Dr. Hamilton's Pills and your system will be regonerated,. revital- ized, and made proof against disease. Good for men, excellent for women, and most effective for children. All ages and both sexes fird Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills a marvelous medicine. Al- 1 though active, they do not gripe or cause inconvenience, still thev cleanse and purify the system, thereby main- taining a high standard of health. Sold by all dealers, 2c. per box, or five boxes for $1, or by mail, from N, Si bolson & Co. Hartlord, Conn, 10c.; by the arcane, Se. to Te. per Ib; xiy 12jc.; hogs, live voce $i to $10 per cwt.; per cwt.; carcase, $9 cuts, % Fish--Salmon trout, '134e. a Ib; whitefish, 123c. ; pike, 10c, th; Chin "enon: a Joe La y Yarmouth bl 40c. a doz; At Inntic Salmon, 306 a fbr; mit sy A, he Wuimal Ny b h i y . a : 5 i Ving | mackerel, 15c. a Ib.; trout, 12%c. that ithe he ne 1b; , 30c. a dons a. A handled for some time. [40c. a Ib.; ciscoes, 15¢. a Ib.: ove -- | |40c., 80¢. and 60c. per qt.; blucfish. 15¢. a Ib.; butterfish, 15¢. a Ib.; lake parcel I the farmers would realize the ad" tages of purebred k in place | herring, 10c. a Ib. of oe, Dp nel aaa Poultry--Chickens, 78¢. to $1.25 per cash would be saved to them, and | PAI; turkeys, $1 to $2 each. would have better herds says an) Thy , They put feed and care in- to a scrub that, if expended on a purebred animal, would bring in much greater returns. This is a great source!' 'of loss to the farmer, and only in systematic breeding and buy- Eo , is, bly, the money- maker neh farm. No other domestic animal has as great a capacity. for transforming so varied an assortment of jarm Jeoifucts; into a marshantably article, Good ani bough so reasonable that there wa no excuse whatever for any farmer' ing and foeding mongrel. Beef hides, No. 1, 8c. per 1b; No. 2, and bulls, 7c. per Ib; sh pelts, freshly taken off, $1 to 81.55; calf skins, 10c. 1b; dairy skins, S0c. each; rendered tallow, Sic. Ib.; bees wax, No. 1, 27c. 1b; red fox, No. 1, large, $4; mink, fine and dark, $3 to $7; ra- y One of bi most delicate Speeations, : and one t uires the closest a i most careful attention on the part of HE IS STILL ACTIVE dairymen or the breeder of dairy cat- tle, is the feeding of the dairy calf, Tt has been well 'said that on the first eighteen months or two years of the calf's lilo 'does its futire usefulness depend, says the Farmer's Guide. We went to go just a little further than Though He Has Reached Eighty Years. to 156 a lb; lamb, by Collision and-Losses dmwing 'a loggin train 'of the Rich Livy copy Tog Hayris on the train, iremian Storms Reynolds, timekeeper, is not expected a wife and youhg daughter at Wanakena, and a Watertown, Three, or four more were seriously in- jured, but their names have not been A freight wreck in which one man was killed, two seriously injured, fin cary devdiled and two destroyed, oo- and W. Coy car of a string of merchandise cars, being 'back- The switch leading. to. a parallel track had been e the ' cars ran through the switch and cornered those on the parallel track. Brakeman Myers was a compound frac- ture of the left leg and the latter a fracture of the right arm. All the farmers' butter, in packed, 240. rolls, Meat--Beef cwt.; choive, cuts, 1 calves for dairy business, whethe: condensing cattle. If you have not the pure cows, get yourself at he is; that 1s the trying erosses or vou may lose money. If you welect a Jersey sire at first, stick to the Jerseys, and yon will soon have a profitable, well-bred and nice-looking herd. The same is true with the Guernseys and Hol- steins, ih The cow should he well fed when she is carrving the calf, That is, be fore the calf is born, so that the calf may be well nourished 'and the cow re- turn a good margin over. the. expense of feed and care. When the calf is horn, place it and its dam in a clean, dry, well bedded place and in a com- fortable temperature not below fifty, degrees F. It is a good plan to let 'the calf stay with ite dam for the first forty-eight hours. The first milk, or colostrum, is very necessary for the calf as it acts as a physic and cleans its bowels. After the first. forty-eight hours the calf may be removed and fed by hand (after it has been taught to drink) and this, with some calves, is no small undertaking. ov takes tience and - perseverance, for it iy oo necessary that the calf has regular amount of milk twice a day, hence the starving-it-to-it proposition don't go, althouph one may be tem ed to let it go till it will drink. Three pounds of milk, twice a day, is enough for the first week or even two. Care must be taken to see' that the milk is warm and the buckets always clean and sweet. If you: see to this and have a dry, clean, well-lighted and bedded place for the calf you will never be troubled with calf Beours. Alter the calf i$ two weeks old it can take four pounds of milk twice a day, eight pounds per day. This milk should be weighed every time and they will never drink too much. A pair of spring balances hung in a Souvenjont place will solve this prob- e As soon as the calf will eat it should have ill the oats and bran' it will eat as well as bright clover hay. There is nothing that will take the place of oats for young calves raised for the dairy. Water should also be Jravided for the calves at all times. tis a good plan to. have a large bucket to set before them all the time and they will never drink too much at one time. After a calf is six weeks old it may be n to warm, sweet skim milk. If you have a hand separator, this is the ideal way to raise a calf. It should not fall off in or stop growing at all mor will it, if you give it care. It is well to add a little oil meal to the skim milk, when the change is made. The change should also be made gradual- ly, as half a pound of skim milk re- places so much whole milk, till the change is completed. In feeding oil meal one shoul not feed 100 much at fiest, Just a little Pines and increase to a small hand- ul. The skim milk can be increased i as the calf grows older, so that a six- months-old calf may take soven or eight pounds at a feed, Silage may | ¢ be a to the ration at six-months- old and bran take the place of oats entirely, use of its beine choaper, the good, liberal feeder that makes money in the dairy business. It is well, however, to figure so as to feed ps cheap a ration as possible as lang is it is good. a PRODUCE PRICES. is Paid at Stores. the City N a 0) Grain--Oats, 37c.; wheat, (different des); 50c.; barley, 8 to B8c.; rye, > Peas, 5c. Se. I Butter--Choice, creamery, 2c. a lb.; la » carcase, this, and - to all who are raising it be to make butter, cheese selling whole milk or eream, or supplying a Vv ' Or creamery; raise calves from a strictly dairy breed of least a pure bred sire of good breeding, ard the better record his dam has the better better will his calves be. Now, which ever hreed you choose, stick to it, and don't go to expense. In some of these schools in- thesy subjects, the consolidated schéol has been demonstrated also that . the a simple laboratory, support a small other equipment Hall's Rheumatic Cure has been made cases. These cases have been of every varicty and degree evry rheumatic sufferer. any case mugt be beneficial because it purifies and énriches the blood builds up gressive wntil days' Wade's dfug store. Easter great deal of money, and that made him talkative, 4 tions--poppy seed cake is one of the and | best vattle foods. And the oil answers Ds. : . al "Traly, beside the industrious ; py, the idle lily and the on hang their heads." » . + $1.00 OPENS AN ACCOUNT vings Department. Deposits of $1 and upwards are received To or Tr Devon rate of interest is allowecs No Delays in making Withdrawals 8 Interest added four times a year Savings Bank Department in Connection with all Br.nches, yi RINGSTON BRANCH J. 8. Turner, Madager COR. PRINCESS AND BAGOT STS. er ---_-- THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO ESTABLISHED 186% B. 'E. WALKER, President Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 ALE) Rest, yw. 5,000,000 Total Assets, - 113,000,000 Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and Englang A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED COMMERCIAL AND FARMERS' PAPER DISCOUNTED SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Deposits of $1 and upwards received; interest allowed at current rates and paid quarterly. The depositor is subject to no delay whatever in the withdrawal of the whole or any portion of the deposit. KINGSTON BRANCH, P, C. STEVENSON, Manager. om SIR JOSEPH LISTER. London, May 4.--Sir Joseph Lister, "the Grand Old Man of English Sur- gery," has just celebrated his eighti- eth birthday, and yet is still actively engaged in practise. He is the man responsible for antiseptic treatment in surgery, the foundation of 'all that is * Members of 72 West Toronta Stock Exchange Street TO O NTO Phones, Main 6733-34 F. H. Deacon & Co. STOCKS, BONDS INVESTMENT SECURITIES Dealt in on All Exchanges : Correspondence Invi?zed a" best in the surgeon's art to-day. ------ Patterns For Canada. Review of Reviews. There was introduced to congress a bill to appropriate $3,000,000 annual- ly for industrial education in high schools of secondary grade, It is pro- posed to devate about half of this sum to instruction in mechanic arts and home economics in city high Sheet L.ead Canada Metal Co., Ltd. All Sizes, WILLIAM ST, Toronto, Ont. schools and half to instruction in agriculture and home economics in agricultural high schodls. There have been established in various states be- tween thirty and forty agricultural high schools, articulating with the rural schools below and with the agri- cultural colleges above. As these schools' return most of their gradu- ates to country life, they are properly said to articulate with the farm also. This bill would cause the states to es- tablish two or three hundred more of these agricultural high : schools, one for each ten agricultural counties. Numerous cities have established me- chanic arts high schools. There have been organized in dis tricts of twenty-five square miles, three hundred consolidated rural schools, six to ten isolated rural schools being consolidated into one; the pupils are carried to and from school at Julie struction in agriculture and home economics is beipg successfully made. While the little fural schools cannot afford teachers trained to instruct in can pay a principal apd an assistant trained to teach them and to give in- spiration in country life generally. It consolidated rural school can build un farm, develop a library, and secure to 'teach agriculture and home economics. i ------ Their Rheumatism. Vanished. In the long period during which Dr. t has thoroughly cured thousands of of severity. The reatment has been effective because it trikes at the root of the disease. It deserves a thorough trial bv Its action in and vitality and energv.' Its ction is prompt and benefit 'is pro- i the cure results. Ten treatment. Price 50c., at The Useful Poppy. ow Orleans Times-Democrat. he florist was still pale from the rush, but he had earned a "Roses and _ lilies vield," he said, cologne, and violet petals, candhed, re edible, but the most- useful of all lowers is the poppy. "The juice of the poppy gives us pium. The seed is pleasant nutri: hundred purposes. It js used to ix artists' colors, to o with (like ive oil), to_ make soap, and in rose must 41.45 ADELUDE ST. EAST, LARDER LAKE Proprietary Goldfields, Limited Owing tq, the phenomenal rush for shares in the above company, the first limited amount of stock at our first offering of $1.00 per share will be exhausted sooner than expected. he price will then be materially advanced. The advance will take place any day, probably without notice-- just as soon as the stock has been introduced by placing a very limited amount at our initial price of $1.00 per share-- most. of which is sold. I am not urging anyone to take on Larder Lake Proprietary. The stock is fast selling itself, ard in a short 3 time will all be placed in Canada and the United States, I am anxious, however, that my Canadian following get what they want at the first price. Hence this Canadian advertise ment to give you notice that the ground-floor opportunity will not last must longer, My followin Vice. has consistently made money by acting on my ad- - -- vusands will testify to that, : I have never-advised the purchase 'of a stock without it materi- ally advancing in market value within a reasonable' time. My method om placing a stock with the public is to see that it is listed on the Exchanges. In every such case the result has been a kygitimate market at an advanced price. That is my recom. Larder Lake Proprietary will shortly be listed on the Exchanges and placed on the New York and Boston curbs, I predict that very soon indeed it will stand at several dollars a share. 1 furthermore know that after the stamp mill materi- alizes results, and it should be running within six weeks, that they will be of a sensational nature and I know that the stock will then surely sec $10 a share. A. hold pred fiction, I hear Some say, but thdse who shortly aceapt my invitation to take the trip to Larder on the special train I'm going 'to run from New York; Boston and Toronto will think my prediction con- servative enough when they are on the ground and see what I and my engineers have been investigatittg and verifying for six/ months past. . The facts about the Larder Lake Gold fields, and the Properie- tary Company in particular, are far too great to. present here. "ull particulars, however, may be sectared on request by calling personally, or by mail, telegraph or "phone. : Again 1 say, I am not urging the purchase of this stock, for it is selling itself even faster than we coin take care of the orders from Canada and the United States two days behind now-- but 1 am anxious that my Canadian following get into this, by i -- : ar the best thing 1 hive ever recomm mended. at our first offering HEAD OFFICE H. C. BARBER LONG DISTANCE PHONES : : : : : Managing Director, Main 7588 \ xe "LT Canada Mines, Limited - B - . ------ ves linen, ¥ Sa ites a better gloss with . half the iron-rubbing. YO NS MAJESTY THE KING « SirJohn Power & Son Led. ~ TT ESTABLISHED AD. 1791. THREE SWALLOWS IRISH WHISKEY Famous for over a century for its delicacy of flavor, Of highest standard of ie Purity. It is especially recommended by the Medicat Profession or account of its peculiar | "DRYNESS" ~ MILBURN'S HEART«NERY PILLS For Weak People Having He or Nerve Troubles. SYMPTOMS Ipitation of the Heart, Itregular So Boe Dizzy Spells, Smother Feeling, Shortness of Breath, Bluish of the Lips, Pain in the Region of the He Thin Watery. Blood, Cold Hands and I! Nervousness, Sleeplessness. eto., ...If you have any of thess symptoms MILBURN'S HEART AND NER PILLS - : ing the whole system into he oy ive nll force and vigo every organol thubedy thereby strengtl ing the weak heart and unstrung nerve rs. Harmon Dayball, W stland, 0 ites: *{ write to let you know good Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills} for me. § 5. For over three years I suffered with p under my left breast and. my nerves y chy unstrung. I posta baxes of your pills and before I had first box figieh I felt much better and 1am cuted." Price 50 cents per box or three boxe $1.25 at all dealers or will be mailed di on receipt of price by The I. Milourn' Limited, Targata. Ont. MAKES YOUR BISCUITS LIGHT. MAKES YOUR BUNS LIGHT. MAKES YOUR LABOR LIGHT. MAKES YOUR EXPENSES Lian Order from your Grocer. E.W.GILLETT Sia TORONTO. ONT. The Cinderlla Shee A Ladi' Welt Ble Shoe, Vici Kid, with patent toe and high' Cuban held. It is an u Goodyear date street shoe. Price $3.00 and $3. H, JENNINGS, KING Try a Pound of