damon, Corliss Co. Montes al Sole Tinporters, 7 Common St, Sacks MADE OVER AND DYED. SEY W. F. GOURDIER EXCLUSIVE FURRIER 78 and 80 BROCK ST, 'Phone 700. At present our Stock of Desirable Cut Glass is more Complete than ever. Trays, Jelly Plates, Choice --S Relish Dishes, Fruit Dishes, Cream Jugs, Carafe's os. We invite tion. SMITH BROS. dawelers aad Opticians Issuers of Marriage Licenses. your inspec There are no free passe§ on the row! 0 Success. it Shoppers 10S E--Special to-night, 2 pairs Sleeveless Se. » or with medium or 4 lo from good quality coutille, and it we will sell to-night at 50c. a S--Black or White, regular $i wr ted direct from France, White, nday ¢ and 2} vards long, neat pat- e and 3 yards long, neat pat- e and 3 yards long, stylish * and 31 vards long, very alia lalalildn and 3! yards long, hand- yard and up, ¢. a yard and up, dow, complete, 13¢. * terday, was: @s Bright sf} Underwear, all at Special Prices TO-NIGHT, mlsror below, and ab the comer of the table beside the ices was a tier of the ' wedding cake, the 'where it was Tent being filled wit had Mrs. he leaves, « The teapot | ¥. Chown in charge of it and eutiing' jack 1 el AW, Mise Ida Kidd, Miss Ethel Fines, Richerson Jorenee] 3 Smith, Miss ie i on and Miss Mainie ie Anglin. Hg . Mex. James Rifhindnd, Union street, has asked a few old friends of Mrs, Arthur Matheson to come for a' cup of tea, th's afternoon, and meet her. - - - ------ Or Ts, ty light froc wished: all S04 LS filed the, Toowe. Mrs. Crothers received, and with her were the bride, Mrs. William J. Cro- thers, Jr., and Miss Minnie Crothers, and by a fortunate combination of circumstances everybody seemed to be able to have a chatiwith all the hostesses, The bride wore a lovely gown of palist flush pink chiffon, with yoke and trimmings of Irish crochet. The drawing-room, in which the guests were roceived, was filled with perfect roses, of the loveliest k, and some bridal ones aefloeting themselves inthe § on Monday and Tuesday, May Gib looking-glass over the fireplace, Here f and 7th, at Mrs. W. J. Craghers' resi- Mrs. James Corian, Miss May Ford | dence, karl street. $ ond Mirs Hannah Preden were ready to .- : pilot' people to the dining-room where | A number of people dropped in to the tea table wa: laid, Perhaps the [see Mrs, H. A. Betts, Earl street, on prettiest part of the pretty floral ar- | Wednesday, when she received for the ronzements in tha tearoom. was the in- [first time in some weeks, Among the terlacing of smilax and asparagus forn (visitors was Nis, Arthur Matheson, in the chandelier ahibve the table, Just | and thete was a lingering over 5 chat Bi Wednesday, Mrs. James Cappon sked a few ladies to a ganmie of bridge at the Country Club. The play- ers were the hostess, Mrs. R. E. Kent Mrs. Iva Martin, Mrs. Frederick Brownfield, Mrs. Walter Macnee, Mrs. Francis Macnee, Miss Robertson, of Vuncouver, the suest of honor, and Miss Lily Norton-Tavlor. Ty - - * - The bride, Mrs. William Crothers, will hold her postnuptial reception, beneath the green some beautiful pink with her, . and white tulips looked aver the rim . es : : of a crystal vase into a silverdramed | A croquet lawn for the ladies will, The Rush is on to LARDER LAKE Location of the Great Gold Discoverica north of Cobalt. Send issue Cobalt at once and get "Spear's Mine Devélopment."™ , The next Montreal River It will inform you of the best Larder Lake investments, will give news of Larder Lake, and Camps. and how to get in on the ground floor of Companies just start- ing, and with the man on the ground. to all making Write im- all Ev S10,000.00 should have This paper will be sent FREE inquiry. mediately and be in time for this and future issues. who can invest $10.00 to . ary person this paper. Write Stocks aod Mines, 09 to I', V. FRASER & CO. Lake 'oronto strect, Larder Toronto, 'Canada, P.S. American Office-- Write to William =~ M. Tyson & Co, 138 North Avenue PlainGeld, N.J. posal da . -------- 50,000 SPRING RATS: John McKay, 153 Brock Street. E-- BELL 0000000000000 0000 Evangeline Ganong's G. B. Chocolates THE VERY BEST, ONLY 50 CENTS PER LB. A. J. REES, 168 Princess Stgget $1.00 Long Silk Gloves 79c. To-Night- 20 dozen Heavy English Silk Gloves, in Black and White, 24 inches long, nice heavy quality. Special TOo-NIGHT, 79. pair, y DRESDEN RIBBON 10 pieces Dresden and Plain Ribbons, All Pure Silk, five inches wide, worth 20c. a yard. ,TO-NIGHT, 12}c. yard: Wash Belts, Wash Collars, Lawa Waists, Hosiery and THE JAMES JOHNSTON STORE 180 Wellington Street. rd Wa? {cinets this summer, | Mrs, all probability, | 'be an additional at in al to the County Club pre William Bampficld has come Kingston, but will mot again | make her home with ux, which is a { to many warm t ¥ tine npgaret Geush, of Brockville, to iting fee Ferguson, whe has been spending o short time with his<father, Professor Ferguson, has returned to the west, Phe ss. Pauline Sparling, whe intended ni Ni yesterday, has been per- back' to hoe to stay over in Montreal an- other week, - - - . Mrs. Chamberlain Irwin, Union street, who intended leaving for Ot- tawa and Pitt's Ferry, on Monday, will not leave until M next, Miss Cherie Irwin. will remain in town till after the June bell, and may then go to Hamilton for a visit = before Joining her mother at Pitt's Ferry. Mr. dnd Mrs, William Bermin of Ottawa, are in town, just now, with Mrs. Cornelius Bermingham, cor- ner Barrie and King streets. They will fake a house here for the summer. Longratulations .to Mr. W. Harty over his sucorss at the Toronto horse show with his polo ponies. . Miss Bertha Lowe, nurse-in-training, leit her mother's residence, Princess street, this week, for Brooklyn, to re- sume her studies in the hospital there, Miss Lowe will graduate this month, - - » -. Mrs. No Wilmot and Miss Emma Wil mot, Clergy street, returned from Syracuse, N.Y., on Thursday. Miss Fina Booth came down from Whithy Ladies' College to spend a day or _so.at--- the beginning of the week with Captain and Mrs. E. A, Booth, Alfred strect, Miss Vida Malone, of Toronto, will remain with her sister, Mrs, W. J.B. White, University avenue, for an other week. The Rev. Walter Coax, aml Mrs returned, to-dav, to Plevna, spending a few days in town. } wand re. Lafferty, Militery Caolloge, from Quebee Cox after of the are exnected on Tuesday, home The bride of a week or so ago, Mrs. fdwin J. Adams, has come home from. her wedding trip, and will be with her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Wartman, at Mrs. James Craig's, Princess street, Jor a time. A great many people who had heard of her return, went up to see her ves terday. ~------ .- Te Mr. Alfred Fair came over from Rochester, N.Y., yesterday, and after paying a flving visit and saving good-bye to his relations, left for the coast. He will sail from there, short- ly, for Honolulu, on another trip around the world. Mrs. Fair has re mained in Rochester, but will, in all probability, go to England in the aptumn, and pav a visit to some friends there, Rome time Spring. Captain and Mrs. Thomas Donnelly, University avenue, returned from a flving trip to Montreal on Thursday. Miss Nellie Hanley, King street, has returned to town from. a month's visit to Mrs. Moher, in Brockville, Master Trevor Rayson, University avenue, who has been ill in the gens eral hospital, is AQ good Jeal better, her hushand joining her in the winter or 'early As the steamship Ottawa, by which she intends sailing for England, late in arriving, and will thus delay her sailine date, Miss H. Hair, Union strect, will not leave for Montreal un- til Monday. Mrs. Richard Hooper, Albert street, left, yesterday, for New York, and af- ter a short stay there. will go with Mr. Arthur Yates' party to the James- town exposition, It is possible that when this party returns, Miss Daintry Yat's mav accompany Mrs. Ward, Mr. Arthur Yates daughter, to England for a visit. Miss Edith Straubenzee has been taken ill with bronchitis, in New York, and this will delay the return of Mrs. Straubenzee and her daughters for a couple of weeks. Miss Marie Gilmour of Brockville, is expected in town some time this month, to visit Miss May Smythe, West street. . was The engagement is announced of : iss Florence McConnell, second daughter of Mrs. M. McConnell, To- ronto, to Mr. Bayard H. Sweeney, of Denver, Colo. The marriage will take place early in June at Colorado Springs, Miss Corinne McCarthy, Ohio, to Dr. sell, 'N. D., of Wooster, ary Godirey, of Rue late of Grace hospital, routo. The marriage will take i on May 18th, at Westhope, N.D. Miss Maud Grandy, eldest daughter of Samuel Grandy, 'Omemee, to Dr. J, W. Cook, of Sturgeon Falls. The wed ding is to take place in June. Miss. Elizabeth B. George, Chicago, to Mr. Walter Walby, of Ottawa. The marriage will take place in June. Miss Rahno Aitken, of Newcastle, N.B., and Dr. Horatio Walker, of Cimarron, New Mexico. Miss Evelyn Martin, daughter of Mrs. Thomas Martin, of Renfrew, Ont, to Dr. John Gorman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gorman, Ottawa. Miss Ventura, daughter of Mr. and John N. Lake, Toronto, and Mr. William E, Deyer. The marriage to take place on June 5th. Miss Stella, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Pratt, Cobourg, Ont, to Mr. William John Bert, Dav- idson, of Port Hope, son of the late John Davidson, of Port Hope. The marriage will take place some time in June. Miss Clover, daughter of George C, Boldt, of the Hotel Waldorf-Astoria, New York, to Mr. Alfted Graham' Miles, a member of the firm of Milles, Roe & Hagan, bankers. The Trusts and Guarantee company, limited, Toronto, has been appointed uardians of the estates of the two infant children of the late H. R. Ink- sater, of St. Catharines, whose es- tates amount to about $15,000. The company is also administrator of the estate of Mr. Inksater. The annual meeting of Kingston Methodist district will be held April 15th and 16th, in Svdenham street open on YC anendavy and the general spssion on Thursd, The finest { Will bo found at display of fancy hosiery Bibby's, church, . The ministerial session will ; A PLEVNA WE WEDDING, An Anglin Fries Hay Taken a at Pha May ist, a aul s Sydenham, ; when Miss: 'E. A, pry Mary Sturgess, tor urgess, Inut tage, Pa Hampohis id , and Rove alter 'ox, scm of € Bard! iC "of Birmingham, ei in the holy bonds n tein i he church was beautifully decorated for the occasion with potted plants of va- rious kinds in hres sion, Niss Florence W presided at the or an and the choir sang the beautiful yon, "Thine Forever, God of Love,' as the bridal py ion advanced the altar. The ceremony was formed by Rev. J. T. O'Connor Fen ton, rector-of St, Paul's, and was ably assisted by Rev. H. F. D, Wood oy of Westport, The bride looked charming in a duinty frock of white serge, trimmed with white satin and guipure appliques, with hat of fancy straw tulle and flowers to match. and carried a bauguet "of while roses. Fred. to rs erick Wood, of 8%. Paul's church, ve the bride 'away, while Rev. Walter H. Smith, Sharbot man Lake, fulfilled the duties of hest very admirably. A Miss Dulcie Fenton, daughter of the rector, who was bridesmaid, looked very sweet in a becoming dress of pale blue nun's veiling, trimmed with lace, with hat to match, and wore a pretty gold brooch, set with pearl horseshoe, the gift of th> groom. As the party reticed from the church. the organist played very sweetly Mendelssohn's wed- ding march, The guests then repaired to the rectory, where a very recherche luncheon was prepared, aftr which the happy couple drove to Murvale station, taking the train for western pointe," and on their return will take up residence at Plevna. The bride was the reeipiont of many beautiful tokens of regard, testifying to the. esteem in' which the young con- nls are held by a large circle of friends, Thy: bridegroom's gift to the bride was a handsome gold wi atch and chain snd bracelet, : Mr, Cox is very popu- lor in the parish of Plovng, where he CONDENSED ADVERTISING | RATES First insertiongle, a Word. Jin oats secutive insertion to. word. Ph corte Biren rg fh ng sertion, 2066. HELP WANTED-MALE, A BAKER, ONE WITH BRPERIERCL Pe AP owes ai Bagot st. >. onoghue, 10. SALBRMEN FOR AUTOS RAY. LESMEN FOR AUTO.gE Ploy i. Approved Sample Mach svn Oa oho Hy ros, Galt. MEX, EVERYWHERE; GOOD Pp. o distribute circulars, adv, na me, ete. ; no cmv oun] 'Distributing Bank Yldg., Y ; r areau, i 00 Chicago, 100 Oakland im, SPRING SUITS TO MAK GENTLE. your own clo Ee ru te suit made, oT) well, Galloway ne A v The 'fallor, 181 Brock street. HELP WANTED--FEMALE, A COOK. APPLY TO MRS, NICKLE, 130 Earl street. vo A ROOM ER OR parr, ] nished, b, TE eA vi *URNISHED HOUSE FOR SU! arties having Bors f0°8 Teal hd Ret. Vs Ears St, MASONS AND STONBGY TTERS AND HB IURIAY ERS wanted ; wages 45 cents per hour; sandstone cutters, wages 43 cents hour, at the New Government stan Ottawa, George Good- win, Contractor. FOR SALE OR TO LET. NEW HOUSE, COR. OF MACK AND near Victoria A GENERAL SERVANT. "APPLY TO Mrs. Strange, 150 King st . HOUSEMAID, ie, O7 George AN EXPERIENCED Apply Mrs. W, Less street. ---------------------------------------- A GOOD COOK. APPLY IN THE evening, to Mrs, HH. A Calvin, 181 King street. A GIRL TO DO GENERAL wis SE- work. Apply to Mrs. W. Sands, Cory Bagot and William 4 A GOOD PLAIN COOK, BY 15th MAY Must have references. Apply Mrs. Wm. Kingsley, Wolfe Island. A GOOD RELIABLE BOY TO DRIVE delivery waggon. Steady job Must have good references. Apply J. Gilpert, NT ---- hiro ns on HT HS "oR St. et erate Y 41 Ueliurus Ste A BARGAIN. $165 nA LL Bn BE hg sR TE BR a Vie A VeERry ST RASANTLY Ry wa 8.40 ¢ 'West end ¥1.500. Apply Box 12 Whig A 10 BORE ORE DOUBLE BARREL 8 ub, Simos HE GRAVE Pp FO! Ait ons R SALR ant pi . Possession May 1st; Apply 840 Albert street BRICK DWELLING, NO. 181 DIVISION Mechan, after which the remains were placed in © the vault at Fansdowne, from which she will be buried in the new cemetery at St. Patriek's church. A fw of our farmers have commenced scoding, but the work as vet is slow. Jacob Bryan is preparing to build an up-to-date barn and © stables this spring. John Moorhead had the mis- fortune to lose a valuable cow a few nights ago. Messrs, 'La Rose and Cross have their lime kilns burned. Miss Hattie . Leeder, 'Caimtown, is spending a few wooks with her sister, Mrs, F. Slack. Mr, and Mrs. M. Slack and daughter, Maude, attended the Crowley-Deir wedding at Gananoque, on Monday. C. Slack and son, Ren- nie, Charleston, spent a few days here last week, The death of Margaret Tye, the wife of John Kelsey, a life- long resident took place, at her home here, on April 22nd, after a long and severe illness, borne patient- Iv to the end. Her funeral took place on April 24th, at Lyndhurst, the ser- vices being conducted by the Rev. Mr. Meredith, Secley's Bay. The remains were placed in the vault ta await in- terment in a few days, Mr. and Mrs, C.J, O'Connor visited 0) TW. MeAr dls', Sweet's Corners, 'on' Friday of last week. Recent visitors © Mr. T McConnell, E Nighy Mr. D; NeDon- ald and Mrs, lta: Mr. and Mrs, Soul Y Seeley's Bay. P. Nolan inspeet- or, visited on fon Tuesday, April Read A Mosca rghage. On May 1st, & wyuiet wedding took place at the hi of Evergen Smith, Moscow, when Tae Hartman, sec ond son of David¥ artman; of Cole- brook, was united in marriage to Miss Nellie Mabel Jaakson, youngest daughter of illigm a os son, pf Cam was performed by BY prise. The voungtpeapls SB among the most highly tected Bile among lar members of * th omy Mr. and Mrs. Hartman expect to nake their home in Colebrook. Agricultural Distress In England. London, May 4.--Among the judg- ment summonses heard at the South- wark county court, yesterday, was one against two brothers, who were formerly farmers at Hortan and Clon- brook. It was stated 'that since the debt was incurred, they had fallen on bad times, and one of the brothers was now working for 85 'a week on the very. farm which -had been in his fam- ily for more than 100 years. Killed By A Hearse. Londlon, May 4A 'verdict' 8f "acci- dental death" was returned, yesticday, hy a coroner's jury at Hornsey on Richard Fletcher, a bricklayer, fifty- one years old, who ran into a hearse 'while eveling on Senda last, near Highgate, and was killed. Progress "Brand clothing's four strong points : Newness, quality, fit and style, and value positively best Livingston's, Snow came down with the rain dur ing the carly morning hours. What weather we are having ! New and dainty akwenz, Bibby's. = > SRG Ra a wai Yo Asem * has labored for the past two years, |A GIRL TO DO GENERAL HOUSE- street, twelve rooms, extension din- " - Abe N cashi r . Good ing room and kitchen, hot water nau" alsct amting Who elecy of Whe dio: | * work, No washing or 'ircaing. Good | uk rom, ud, Rick hot 'water cose, Wis pleasing personality ond to Mrs. I, W. Folger, 18 Sydenham ply ta Frederick Welsh, No. 179 tehalarly attainments, have won for street. Division street him! the ot miration n " , > iT eds pig admiration of all | NF. ELDERS, 353 PRINCESS | 31 XING STREET, CORNER BMILY St., Cor, Sydenham, young Ladies 8St., commodious residence, 11-rooms, en tmaiiten to learn the art of dtesmmakivg, hot Noten, mace, all oo So Long Point pe cuttl by measure, designing, m- | venfences, » a onc! % facing Macdonald and City Parks ® ow Poin, May 2 - Nr. and Mrs. ming in three months. Formerly oerupied by W. » Nickle. ile O'Connor, Miss E. O0'Connor| 1 sO ---- , Rent, taxes, for a term : HOROUGHLY COMPETENT COOK, and Mrs. B, Slack, attended the fun- or the Foresters' Orphans Howe. o yan desired. Apply to J. 8 eral of their sister, Mrs. James Mc Wages $80 a month; alo a kitchen . Donald, Lansdowne, .on 'April 30th,| Noman APRly Su once. gOOnK toe EDUCATIONAL. also Mesérs, Michael Arthur and ent Paor Island, Deseronto. rank Slack, and their . wives, ne TT INTERNATIONAL CORRESPOND, shews ot the deceased. Mrs. McD. LADIES IN EVER 0 ence Schools, Scranton, F Loca Tre Wargaret, davghter oF ond act aur new sanitary specialty Which Offic, 57 Brock St. Office hours, 9 ' ¥ Woman requires. Our ages am. to 5 p.m. Saturday evening, Daniel O'Connor, and was born and ar making $5 to $12 a day. Send to 9 o'clock. K. Carroll, Repre- lived here until her marriage to James P Seuty for Semple outfit. Mop sentative. Phone, 662. McDonald, abont forty five years ago, refundsd | not, Salisiact ory pPecia ET ---------- ties Agency, 9 Dearboyn street, going with im on a farm in Lans- Cnr. wn MEDICAL. : downe, where "they. have cont ly IR. C OFFICE TELY lived and prospered. since. Beside her PERSONALS. hR pen ay gr. Reon. oy ey aged hoshand she Jeaves a family of treal and Hrock streets, seven sons and four daughters. Her | KNOW THY FUT URE: CITA PII] er ------------------ funeral k place St. Patrick' fect picture of t and present abso. MARRIA han Fn lowne, oy ak Spavrie 3 lutely Free, with: forecast for the GE LICENSES, , Lansdowne, v Peg ule mass year. Be benefitted by what the bens said by Revs. Fathers Kehoe stars can tell you. Send hirth date year with Gc. silver to Melva, Syracuse, Indiana. LIGHT BILL TANGLE MATTER TO COME BEFORE THE COUNCIL. Light Committee Will Place Facts of Case Before Members-- Petition For New Light Re- fused. The regular meeting of the fire and light committee was held, yesterday afternoon. Chairman Ross presided, and also present were : Alds. Robert son, Nickle, Henderson and City Clerk Sands. Veron The city clerk notified the commit. tee of the action taken by the oivie light, beat and power committee, in reference to the puyment of a bill for R80, for electric lights: It will be remembered that the fire and light committee asked the power committee to pay one-half the bill, The members of this committee refus- od to share in the expense, consider ing that they were in no way respon: sie The light committee refuses to pay, and the matter * still remains at a deadlock. It has been before both committees on several occasions. The committeo decided to write the council, giving the facts of the mat- ter, and allow it to be threshed out there, The members were' of the opinion that no compromise could be made between the two committees, A petition was received from BE. 'W. Mullin, amd others, asking for an eleotric light at the corner of John- son and Division streets, No action was taken on the Peti tion, as the committee has no funds for extra lights. Chairman Ross notifiad the commit- tee that the insurance policies for tha city firome: 'nn had expired. Ht was de cided to" renew the policies for an- other two weeks, and at the next meeting the matter will be discussed. The chairman is of the opinion that it would be advisable to drop the health policies, and continme with only the accident policies, as the health policies were not considerod to be satisfactory. The committee had a large stock of accounts to pass before adjournment. The session was a short one. Judge Rides In Railway Van, London, May "4.--The trains, on hursdoy, to Cockermouth, where the Cumberland Point-to-Point races were held, were full, and Justice Sutton, who is staying at Broughton Craggs, found at Brigham Station that there was no room for him in any of the compartments. He rode in, the guard's van with two hawkers, who were slightly intoxicated, and several col licrs, Simple Life Hot Hotel. London, May 4.---A "simple life" hotal has heen. opened at the Garden City (Letchworth), Fruit and veget. ables are the main articles of diet, and the butter supplied is made of nuts, C. 8. KIRKPATRIOK, Marriage ISSUER 'Phone, 508. . a FOUND GUILTY. Saloonkeepers Pay Him to Dyna- mite Church. Wilkesbarre, Pa., May 4.-Joseph Chunowsky, who was on trial here, charged with dynamiting the Welsh Congregational church, at Edwards ville, nur here, two years ago, has been found guilty. An alleged acoom- plice testified that he and Chunowsky had received £125 from several saloon keepers if they would dynamite the church, Cost Of The London Mansion. London, May 4.--The maintenance of the Mansion house, the official resi- dence of the lord mayor, costs several thousands of pounds 'véarly. Rates, taxes and insurance ' account for £3,000, the water bill is nearly £130, gas and electric light cost more than £650, and the renewal and repair of furniture are responsible for an outlay of £1,300, Fashionable Pretoria. Johannesburg, May 4.--Pretoria is to be the fashionable place of residence in the Transvaal. Most of the mining and financial magnates have taken or are building houses there, and the so- cial woason will be concurrent with the parliamentary session. Mrs: Charles Smith, of - Jimes, Ohio, writes 1 1 have used every remedy for sick headache I could hear of for the past fifteen 'years, but Carter's Little Liver Pills' did me more' good than all the rst. in Kingston at Livingston' s only. Moth balls and tarine moth bags, Progress Brand clothing to be had Albert su Park. Cemetery, Alert vought ou easy terms Ap: SEY, 10 the Ructor, oy y to J. Landeryou, 3438 Divison Elliott, a a aticns ---------------------------------------- TO-LET. NEW SEWING MACIUNE, FIVE drawers, drop head bear] § FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH MODERN Soap, nes do hie io hybwriter conv Clergy street, ly new, ust he sold. r 5. raving 3i0. Eroest Sims, Own WELLINGS OFFICES, STOR! agot street. wv ote, at MoCann's, 51 Brock street. PU RNISHE D HOUSE, CENTRALLY |SOLID BRICK R ENCE AND ed, modern conveniences. Apply grounds, number 174 St., forms Whie office. erly occupied hy the late W. R. S-------- Ree, but now occupied the - A COUPLE OF OFFICES OVER THE ald of yanan: lot log on the cast raph. Company a office south of Har! St,' Apply © iran Se St pply to J.B. Walken. Coe | 7 Ci Suv 10. 179 QUE BN ST. COMMODIOUS ard lolton -- residence, 10-n he water fur >? nace; and gas ghting, Possession at MONEY AND BUSINESS. once. Apply 180 Princess street. FAIRVIEW, MACK ST. PACING OUR _ POLICIES Cover Morn of Victoria Park, Ga , modern ocon- Ve, ork Ty ms. Yearly ten- company ol Examine them RIVER Ls, LOND: ON AND GLO Ee mpany, Ast +h navies $01.1 TIT ar Ta secures | the Entel Nabilty ¢ the Rn holders, ig n ay sored at lo Er. Before renewing alvin wiving new Jusinges got rates & Strange. Awents, ARCHITECTS, ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, ON fics, Cor. Queen and Bagot streets. IENRY | P. SMITH, ARCHITECT, etc. Anchor Building, Market Squares Ry 845 POWER & SON, ARCHITECT, ER Shanyy I Nank Building, corner el 'Phone, 213. lngton streets. WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, ON fice, second floor over Mahood's Drug ire. Fairance oh Bagot street VETERINARY. MR. GO. bP » V8, HAS Ee Ju EE ht Fo SH Bromptly to. 4 . The Paragraph Pulpit Unitarian REV. OC. W. CASSON, OTTAWA The Eahottation Of The Dawn. Look to this day For it is lile, ha life of life ; In its brief course lie all the verities and realities of your experience,-- The bliss of growth, The glory of action, The splendor of beauty. For yesterday is but a dream, And to-morrow is only a vision; But to-day, well-liv Makes every yesterday a dream of nd every tomorrow a vision of hope. Look well, therefore, to this day. Such is the exhortation of the. dawn ! ~From the Sanskrit. Address Mr. Casson for free litera. Market Was Deserted. SE The rainy weather put a damper on square being almost deserted. vegetable growers braved the storm, but one could have counted the farm- ers who put in an appearance. A & P. railway. The little Bostrukos seaweed, which is of a dull purple color, rises nearer to high-water mark than any other sea Progress Brand ready-to-wear cloth. ing, the best in Canada, Livingston's, i Bibby's special $2 hats. at Chown's Drug Store. LU HE Has scope never before: are placed on sale as and fullest collectior of of any store. 174 WELLI ---- Economy With | With Elegance Seo in the splendid stock of NEW HATS we're showing. ThejjHats soon as received, showing by a variety of excellent examples, the develop- ment of this season's styles. We have the best NEW HATS FOR WOMEN It would disappoint us more than it would you. if you could show us any shortcomings. SOMERVILLE CO., HIGH-CLASS MILLINERS, "PHONE .77 NGTON ST the market on Suvarday motning, hes very slim crowd came in on the Kio i 5 al Pi WS NY Gs g : ¥ i i. ¥