gual ar urseon's erations are per- eat city hospitals serious female erdtions are 'sue- not. of ten operations r avoided. er of the female ousands of cases le Compound ean death until after le Compound a fair whose letter follows: able Compound is so mendation from me, avor. ible for nearly three ; but I was unwilling nd. » perfect health, saved nig the same. Please reet, Ottawa, Ont. art of Canada, bear Lydia E. Pinkham's ind creates radiant, . pit. cS Where Others Fail | it Store Town e Suit you'll fancy here. best. When we say "best' we west Fabrics, the correct cut, ing about the new ideas in ther they'll take--we"re EERE AA g in appearance will find =2t t he's looking for. rices as $10, $12, $13.50, $15, e Spring Suits, surely ous s for Semi-Ready ing. Bibby Co. SYNDICATE this SYNDICATE will be held of Ottawa, on|the 17th May the Syndicate may do so at 18 the list will be! open until 14th Hundred Shares for One Hun- "TON, Agent, PE-RU-N/ "Just "1 A Few Of the 'DRJHARTMAN'S FAMOUS PRESCRIPTION @ Cy Owes Good Health to a 7 21155 LORETTA WALL PA Nbale Jt Rul, Miri, Pe-ru-na. - "Lact spring 1 had a very severe in every way. Miss L. Wall, 850 N. Dale street, St. Paul, Minn., writes: bowels. T'was very much run down in strength and Jost my appetite. *:I took three bottles of Peruna and found aiyself gaining very quickly «I also' bad catarrh in my head, which has been entirely cured. *] thank Peruna for the health | am enjoying." case of catairh of the stomach and 438 Johnston St. 7% Bucyrus, 047 A Xx Followed Doctor Hart: man's Advice --A Grateful Letter. Mrs. Anthony Rauch, 438 Johnston street, Bucyrus, Ohio, writes: "1 was suffering from obstinate con The World's Greatest Medicine Factory. The rapid growth of the Peruna Medi- cine Company is a8 phenomenal in the business world as the universal popu- larity of their famous remedy, Peruna. + Tho plant covers a number of acres, and employs several hundred people. No other medicine firm in the world reaches anything like the volume of business done by Dr. Hartman's firm, Although Peruna is a proprietary medicine, the details of its compound- ing are in strict accordance with phar- maceutioal discoveries and nothing gives Dr. Hartman greater pleasure than to show his intimate professional friends through the laboratory where Peruna is made. A Doctor's Prescription. For years Dr. Hartman used Peruna in his private practice as a regular pre- | scription. He had no thought of manu. facturing it or advertising it as a pro- prietary medicine until there was a de- Forty Thousand Patients. Dr. Hartman estimates that he must have prescribed Peruna for over forty thousand patients before it was adver- tized as a proprietary medicine. Relieved in Four Weeks of Severe Cold on Lungs. Miss Josie Schaetsel, Gen. Del., Ap- Lpleton, Wis., writes: "I contracted a severe cold which settled on my lungs in very short order and it was not long until it developed into a serious case of catarrh. Every morning I would raise a lot of phlegm, which was very disagreeable. My digestion was poor and my lungs sore. "After a few doses of Peruna I be- gan taking it, it would not be long until I would be well. [was right, for in four weeks I was well again. "1 think Peruna is 8 grand medicine, and wih 60' atid 'my testimony to the many others you have." pation and torpid liver when 1 took your advice and purchased six bottles of Peruna and Manalin. «When I bad 4 WHIG, SATURDAY, MAY 4, THE TALK OF THE CONTIN EAD AND BE CONVINCED. Prs. JESSIE SMITH 408 Buttles Ave. Columbus, Ohio; Keeps Pe-ru-na in the House. fell writhing in a death agony across the switchboard. While working about an electric fan in an ice cream Burton in Frankford, Philadelphia, an trician st on a wet spot on the floor. one a current passed through him, he was thrown to the floor and shortly after ward died. on railroads, as ens n, speed testes and in other capacitios never know when an accident will plunge them into eternity. are: thirteen hundred. thousand railroad men in the country. Within year, according to a ve. port of the Interstate Commerce Com mission, 69,191 were killed and Qniue- | ed. A dangerous occupation it that of a speed tester, who rides on the front NE @ran Mrs. Jessie Smith, 408 Buttes Ave, Columbus, Ohio, writes: i «l have used your Peruna for catarrh bead and stomach, and have beem greatly re: lieved from It. "Therefore, I cannot praise and can recommend it to any one having the above disease, as there is nothing better. of always keep it in the house." "ARS. M.S. DAVIS. "Nashville, Tenn, N4 Finds Relief in Pe-ru-na After Suffering Twenty Years. There are a great many oatarrh cures in the world. The most of them are but I will continue for a short time to make sure of my care. "I think Manalin is one of the finest remedies for constipation that 1 ever tried. I will never be withoutit, It has made me so strong. I cam do » day's work and never tire. 4] am so glad I do not get those dizzy Mrs. M. B. Davis, 1505 Buena Vista street, Nashville, Tenn. writes: "After having twenty years and after trying almost every re. ing lost all hope, | very reluctantly began Jutferes aay or ary ve the use of Peruna about two Years ago. These remedies give temporary relief. «Everybody says | look younger now than | did tweatly years ago, and | § | The patient thinks he is better right actually feel younger and better, and weigh more. away. | am recommending it to my aecighbors and all with whom | come in {| 15's few weeks, however, he discovers contact." his mistake, Notonly is his catarrh no spells any more. 1havn'thad ome since I took your medicine. #1 cannot thank youn enough for what your medicine has done for me. All sick people shonld give it a fair trial." -- Pe-ru-na's Popularity. \,' Peruna is not like so many other rem- edies that pass away as soon as the first few bottles are used. The longer Peruna system and gradually eliminates ca- Pavu-na Removes the Cause of standard catarrh remedy the world over better, but he has acquired the habit of using some narcotic. y is siniply b it el This explains why Peruna come so popular, - Catarrh, Peruna has no bad effects upon the tarrh by removing the cause of catarrh, There are a multitude of homes where Peruna has been used off and on for twenty years. it should become popular. It relieves catarrh. This is an amply sufficient reason why 1t therefore follows that when a rem- edy is devised that can be used in the has be- mand made upon him by his. many Pr a Catarrh Serwme-Aitually Relieves. Sa a ie A A a aaa friends, who clamored the original Many -doctors do | is used in any community, the more al N drug habit. | proscripiion. - Co stall. popular it becomes, The reason why Peruna bas become a should inevitably pop ions | ee ---- OCCUPATIONS ADOUT WHICH According to a declaration of Dr. Josiah Strong, president of the Am- er.e.n Institute of Social Service, more lives are sacrificed among the workers of the: United States each vear than were lost in any one year in the civil wag, plus those of Spanish-American and Russian-Japa nese wars combined. Yet men willivigly place themselves in the way of death to earn their bread. In fact, those who enter ex tremely dangerous occupations lose all fear of harm, and pursue their work with a nonchalance that is stag- gering. Many, indeed, take up dangerous oe cupations of which there is really no need--placing themselves in jeopardy for the amusement of other human beings. One of ithe most thrilling spectacles of a modern circus is the somersault ing automobile. In this casé¢, usually, a young woman is strapped in a seat the machine is taken up an inclined rail and let fly downward at a rate of twenty-eight miles an hour. Striking a curved railing at the hot: tom, "the machine vaults into the air, completely turning over and righting itsell on a collapsible platiorm. No ac c'dents are said to have occurred, but. wheels of machines have heen crushed by the terrific impact when they landed. Men who soar skywards in balloons are confronted by death and serious injury every time they go on their aerial journey. There is always a pos- sibility of the gas bursting, some ac- cident to the parachute or physical illness on the part of the aeronant During a carnival of the Structural Trades Alliance, near Baltimore, two vears ago, an aeronaut lost his life Wh'n 2,000 feet in mid-air the fin endeavored to raise himself upon a bar, on _he hung by his hands, but was evidently overcome by weakness, Er -------------------------------- HEL ER Dr.Hugo's HealthTablets for Women 1 Make Healthy Women. Whether you believe it or not, this incontrovertible fact remains, 'These tablets will change weak and diseased orgaus into strong, healthy organs; fast with some, more slow- ly with others, but sure and abso- lutely certain with all who persist in their use, except the few beyond the help of medicine, ' Discase, even chronic, will thea disappear as these organs are re- stored to hele normal conditions, ese tablets are now recogniz- ed beyond doubtor question as best adapted to the special needs of wo- men. 0c. at dealers or by mail. B. N, Robinson & Co., Coaticook, Que. ~ SET 11 kkin Cy GRIM DEA ~ Zrsky Zep ofa Modern Duulder TH LURKS § Leriloas Werk of tae Spee lester S%5 Lew. Woul Care. the Steeplejacks Poon themx, She insisted that 'they of a \ In the making, of moder sahitary ware, porcelain, ohiva crra Cotta, ia of men sacrifice their tives. Many potters die of consumption, Fine i of dust from the ware enter the lungs and work insidious dest -- THE HOUSE FELL. © Families Owe Their Lives to Wo- man's Dream. i New York, May 3.---Dreamin-cithat the house in which she was livined' No. 236 Third street' south, had collgpsed and that all the tenements wire in the ruins, Mrs. James Morting whe lived on the second floor, ref to. stay in the house longer. The ] ther . tenants, hearing of her dream Salso moved. house collapsed, yesters day afternoon. : Worlanen were excaveling oft the adjoining lots, at Nos. 228 and 230 Third street south for a now building when the crash came and many of them had narrow escapes from: seri ous injury. ht tr children playing in the ; street were hit by flying timbers, but none of them was seriously infred. The house at No. 226 ia owned" by Samuel * Sloat, * of - Manhattan, IL. Marcus, a contractor, startn] exeava- ting and sent word to Sloat. that he had hotter sligre up his house. as the oxcavating might weaken the f tions, whoring was not done. Mrs. Martin on Sundav nicht had house falling in and did so on family of Ralph . in the bessment, loft at the samé time. } iy move immediately, lt TL Vigwitm Cobalt, 3--J. G. oh commit anpanéor ui the 'Hine ell aries Lake, arrived 3 ; ? F fi £3: Iii: 2 i Fe #d i EH ik iF £1 Ce iE sek Intended To Pay. Harper's Weeki er Khly old ladly from the oun try had purchased a pair of glovesin a department store. , "Cash 1" shouted the saleslady. "My land !" exclaimed the old lady, fumbling in her ¥alise, "T'H give it to you just as goon as I find my In sight of thousands of people he let £0 and plunged downward. Every hone in his body: was broken. * Down in thy ground for twenty foet chimney-jacks often go right to the foundation of a tottering chimney' lay now foundations and put in new clay, with the imminent danger of tons of hricks crushing them to in- stant diath. Or like human spiders, thy cl'mb the slippery," uncertain heizhts of chimmeys and steeples, and work laboriously while sitting on a frail plank, supported by , 8 wedge driven between two bricks. First he climbs along the side of & chiniieyt on a tall, thin ladder, carry- ing ¥Rother with him. At the top of . the first ladder he drives a wedge be- tween bricks, raises tho second ladder and. ties it to. the wedge with'tarred rope. and beging the ascent, carrying the lower ladder with him. Thus he resches the top by raising the ladders Alterna faly. One of the most difficult feats is to Sell" a. phimney. Of course it would be impossible in vases of old. tottering chimneys Yo tegin at the top and re- move them. So they must be felled, often in sm-~1l soace 6f ten feet, build- in<s on hoth sides of them. The steenle workers cut into the trick. on one side and insert wooden props. Every precaution. must he tak- » the . Chimney fall on the workmen. n so the prors do not weaken and ing is placed at the bottom and set afire. As the wood props burn away the "chimney falls One of the best known steeplejacks itr Smith; of Lancashire, England, Smith rides in a palace car when he gors to work. During his carcer he has had many hairbreadth escapes from death. Onee, while working at the top of a chinmey, with two work- men, a heavy stdne coping struck the staging, and ii crashed to the ground 130, feet below Smith 'throw himself over the top of the chimmey, hanging with his legs ide, and his hend over the inside smoke and hot, stifling fure There he had to stay, a slight | equilibrium, until ladders were up and he could be rescued Spanning rivers over the. entire country one finds wonderful bridges {cobwebs of iron on which traine speed | with safety and thousands of human beings nase with no thought of the mn who first cross the iron frame work, the builders who erected the mighty steel structure. Like spiders, the men who erect bridges weave 'the web of iron high over the perilous waters of rivers aml mountain gorges Sitting on narrow iron girders, where. there is scarcely a foothold, these men drive home red-hot bolts, run When a sufficiently large aperture has Wield immense hammers and puenma been burrowed out of the brick, kindl- | tie punches . beam, and, with the anger gone irom | movement likely to throw him out of ! When er a long {span of iron, the worker, with eyes straight ahead on his goal, spews across the narrow or, a distraction or jar of the iron likely to mis-step and plunge him to" death. Some time ago, in New York, two steel workers got into an altercation while sitting on a girder. One raised his mallet to strike the other In dodging the blow the second 'man lost his balance and fell. He caught the girder and swung from it with Toth hands. His opponent also swayed and went reeling over the girder. He also eaught himself. With great difficulty both men "climbed up on the iron cause a their oye silently shook hands The Newest and Best i | The old Ayer's Hair Vigor was good, no question about that. But your own } doctor, the one you have great confi- dence in, will tell you that Ayer's Hair Vigor, new improved formula, is far better. The one great specific for fall- ing hair'and dandruff. - We publish the formu' of our Ad re ry J.C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass. sills tall office buildings, you perhaps do not realize As you see men standing on washing the windows of the danger of this work. Yet it 'is said a man is killed every day in the large cities of the country by losing hi§ balance as he polishes the glass The purpose of makers of explosives is to make one that shall have 'as. great power as possible, and also be safe to those who handle it. From the making to the using, dynamite is death-dealing. Men work in the factories in silence; they move slowly, handling things carefully, always feeling they sre in the presence of death. In the tunnels about New York it is said a man is killed daily in dynamite explosions. In the anthracite coal regions of Pennsyl- vania explosions are common. While driving a waggon containing dynamité up Scootac Mountain, eight miles from Lock Haven, Pa., Albert Mctzor escaped death miraculously, about a vear ago. In the rear of the waggon was a box of dynamite, for use in a clay mine at the top of' the mountain, While ascending a steep side of the hill the traces parted, and the horse, freed from 'the waggon ran ahead, while the vehicle began running back ward down the rocky road. Below, 100 feet away, a little bridge sparined a deep chasm. Terrified and motionless, the man sat in the waggon, the vehicle gaining mo- mentum with every revolution of the wheels. It bounded on the bridge, and, to Metzer's a ; grated along the side railing and the There are 168 packs di foxhounds in England and Wales. > A strict: Mohgmmedan will. not sell a printed copy of the Koran. SE surprise, the wheels