eye Lawn ned ge Hr is the time to exaniine your Lawn Mowers and Garden , and if any repairs required 'PHONE US. We have a shop Well equipped to do this class of work mptly and right. : : McKelvey & Birch 69 and 71 Brock Street. SALE OF HALL FURNITURE TH'S WEEK $35 Hellracks Polish Oak, 80x40 Mirror, for $25. $30 Hallracks Polish Oak, 80x40 Mirror, for $25. § 5 liracks Polish Large Mirror, or Ly $15 t Rack, for $10.50. A few China Cabinets, the latest style, will be sold cheap for cash. "Robt. J. Reid, The Leaging Undertaker and Furni- ture Dealer, 230 Princess St. Ambulance 'Phone 577. ~~ Telephone No. 35 When you want your stove taken town and stored for the season, It will only cost you All ordets promptly attended to. LIOTT BROS. > 7 Princess Street Be Se " : Sunday, and to have performed Jomplatad his work for 1907. . tevesting figures. The assessment for Jheld, of Alva a | candidate for the office; W. J, rier, the property of the Skinner | the Yenaly little Atlantic island, but pin _set in precious tones as a sou that three men (as was the case with E to bathe in one lot of water. He had intended to stay at the house Shoring usual task on Mmday morning, but owing to the crowded state of the tramp wards he was discharged early on Sunday morning. PICTON'S ASSESSMENT. Death of Mrs. Personal Paragraphs. b "Picton, May 4.--The assessor = has His roll, in this week, presents some in- jis year is $1,548,200, compared with 1,502 a year ago. The property exempted is valued at $202,400. Pie- tons 'population is 3,790, of which nm 804 are under twenty-one Years of age. Owing to the removal from Bloom- Bowerman, a vacancy was made inthe village couneil.. At a meeting, Thursday, to nominate a Coamp- bell was elected by acclamntion. Ata 1 public sale, this week, the store on Manin street, for many years occupied hy the late F. Woods, hatter and fur- 8 tate, was sold for £1,500. John Downe in the purchaser of this desirable pro- perty. One of Picton's oldest residents; Mrs. Dennis O'Shay, died on Thurs day 'morning, from old age. She was cighty-two years and had. de- scendants to the fourth generation the young child of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lavelle, . being a great-great-prandohild. Mrs. 0'Shay had many friends in town, #0 whom Wer death will be felt as a great loss. She was the mother of Mrs. Robert Gorman, King street, at. whose home she passed away. The schooner Two Brothers arrived, to-day' from Deseronto, with lumber for Hepburn Bros. The schooner F. H. Burton has been discarded and sunk in Low's cave. The steambhrge Aberdeen, having undergone repairs on the ways, cleared light for Os- wego. The schooner Cornelia, cleared light for Oswego. Mrs. John Illsey and Miss Mary sey leave next week to make their home with Mrs. Tllsev's two sons, who have established, during a > two vears' residence there, a large hard- ware business at Red Deer, Alberta. Mrs. Edwards Merrill and Miss Muriel Merrill, Toronto, are visiting former friends in town. Miss Annie Gillespie has returned home after a several. weoks' stay with her sister, Mrs. Rob- ert Jaffray, Jr., in Toronto. Capt. Mills, of Kingston, was in town this week. Prof. Macgregor Young and Mrs. Young, of Toronto, will spend the summer in Toronto. Family Brainstorms. Newcastle Chronicle. A queer case of collective temporary mental aberration, of which an entire Jamily 1 wate Sho victims, is reported rom Le as having ocourred at 3 ewilliens, x Fw a, of the arthe a Ome departments" A family. of six persons had made their idday luncheon on Sunday, and ortly after all abandoned them: selves to extraordinary freaks. Oné woman spent the whole afternoon washing her hands under the delusion that they were "dirty; and another made her bed on a lumber heap, and two men kept loading a waggon with soil and then emptying it. Another went to drive imaginary cows and seeing non-existent balloons, while the youngest roamed about with one boot on and the other off. Toward evening all resumed their usual sane com- posure. A Recdllection Of St. Helena. From St. Helena comes the pews of the death of Lucien Morillean, who was not only the French consul in also o custodian of Long- wood, the house occupied by Napoleon during the last six years of his life, M. Morilleau was seventy-two years of age, and he had lived for seventy-sev- en years in St. Helena. He was sent there originally by the government of Napoleon III, in company with two brother military officers to supervise necessary repairs at Longw: 'and the first tomb of the exiled emperor. He wore two medals for service in the French army, and when the Em- press Eugenie visited St. Helena in 1880 ghe presented him: with a wold venir, Barrington English hats, 8, Bib- FIFRIINIIIIIIIIIIRIIRR hy's, maell and two others) shonld have Dennis O'Shay-- a: wn for rded ag timate prey. prio the Deu fiend, not to. tal best card, and be knews it, hut t There are tears in his voice as aid them by paving $10 for 'the buck page." And 86 he puts up the #10 ing a good stroke of business, he is at least assisting the finances of some Massey Hall concert programmes, pave food show programmes, poultry show programmes, exhibition vrosmomes, dog show programmes, baseball pro- grammes, lacrosse programmes, sport- ing schedule and musical curriculum, and so on nauseam. Tn many cities the leading business men have banded together and made an agreement ronace from the many nnd varied ad- vertising schemes to which they are called upon to contribute from time to time. There is not a' vity in = 'the country ~ where the busineds =~ men would not profit by making the same sortof agreement and. ba monev in pocket at the end of the yedr. 1f the solicitors for the manv sch re- ferred to were given a firm relnsal it would only be a question of time be fore these fake advertising schemes disappesred entirely. This is he eure: Turn all down promptly and firmly. Make no @xceptions. Wouldn't Interrupt Her. Ally Sloper's Half-Holiddy. . Coutisel (waving eloguent)--"Yes, and, furthermore, your poor wif¢ said you have not spoken to her for three years. ' Defendant*'Well, you sce; I don't want to interiupt her." ° Council Against Slot Machines. sites for the automatic the grounds are open on Sundays as as week: days and compete with shopkeepers. than 100 priests and laymen and wo grimage to the Holy Land." 'The pil- tholic association. Marchioness As Church Warden. Londoa, May' 4.--The dowager Mar- chioness of Exeter chu.ch warden of Deeping St. James, South 'Lincolnshire, To Ture A Corn In One Night. tractor.: It js sure, sale and painless: "Never fails, always cures. Insist on having' the genuine *"Putham's." One Hope Left. Illustrated Bits. The Bore--I'o you know, Schubert's music always carrics me away ? The Belle--Really ? 1 wish they'd play some of it now ! Umbrellas ! Umbrellas ! 50c. and up at Campbell Bros. ---------- ¢ * Try Bibby's great #1 shirts. Sow Chown's Peerless lawn grass seed, and make 'supe -of having a beaytiful 'lawn, 20c. Ib:, at Chown's Drug Store, Justice is what & man thinks is certain to overtake everyotie but him- self. A : Hutch, A Body Builder. When one eats food the nutritive part goes to make up the different tis- sues of the body. If there is any flaw in the process it will result in «dis. ease of some one of the organs of the & most important part in one's health. Hutch is a splendid digestion and stomach treatment. It is compos- ed oingeediny ts which af chemicall combined te keep the gees a good worki allow any ol order. 'Hutch will not logging or Hutch is a doctor for ten cents, : . id son, twenty years old, yesterday, asked for the arrest of Dr. She claims Athat she went to Cochrane's office to have a sot of false teath made and fitted in her mouth, and that while the Ie ped himself It's only 82.50 Forth advertising. Oh, no! That's not his vet the "member" to "help along." Merchant to see "Sif he couldn't please feeling that, while he may not be do- worthy institution. In many cases not to withhold their pat-]' London, May 4.-The 'Lowestoft town council has decided not to let any more machines on that they pay no rates, British Pilgrims To The Holy Land 'London, May 4.--A party of more' men left Englund yesterday on a pil- grimage has been arranged by the Ca. has been elécted - Apply Putnam's Painless Corn Ex- body. The digestion in this way plays | derangement. { at Wade's drug stare. KISSED THRICE. | Charges Up Kisses 1 ' 7 Dentist's Bill, "Columbus, -Ohio, May 4.--Fiving price of 83 on a kiss, Miss Cora Wil R. B. Cochrane, a dentist. dentist was performing bie duty made love to her and to three kisses, ; She could offer no resistance, sh Dr. Cochrane made the and Miss Wilson made part paymen manded the remaining 39. She refused to pay him, that, as he had they were square. §. 3.02 by force. Miss Wilson described ecac 3 mm 1 fond which 0 Spy Bo kiss in detail to the police, and Dr. ; fmanver but his regiment, Coclirane denied having kissed her cient for a . all get after{even once. A w. ike manner. The "help along" Te a A t is worked. The canvassers A Variety Of Dress. bedding and heating, he remarked, left) | in many cases don't try to prove that ja scod deal to be desived. He re- | any benefit will ever come to him as Jeeived only two blankets--one to lie | & result of the expenditure, but it's on and one as a covering. The cell | to "hein along a good caver." was by no means adequately warmed, | In cities like Toronto this trafic has and if hating. arrangements were no | come to be so profitable that profes- botter on a bitterly cold night the | sional fakery are making a business of treatment would be most cruel, getting out these programmes; often Mr. Lee also thought that the bath- | paying the committee + in charge a ing area 8 were open to im- | considerable sum In addition to the provement. It was not right, he said," cost -of furnishing so many. hundred k. ahove. It is suitably to wear with Dandruff, Does 'your head itch ? Is your coa or dress full of white dressing your hair? That's the effec of dandrufi, Js your hair thinning coming bald ? Ai so, That is the effec rows in at the root wi'the hair, an throws eats off the hair at the root. Science pestiferous germ. That destroyer contained in no other tion on earth but Newbro's Herpicide. Try it, and be convinced. A delight- ful dressing. Sold gists. Send 10c. in stamps for sample to The Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich Two sizes, 50c. and $I. G. W. Ma- heod, special agent. Killed A "Ghost." Cape Town, May 4.--A farmer named Elofi, of Rustenburg, Transvaal, who is awaiting trial at Pretoria on the charge of killing a kaffir, alleges that he fired a loaded. gun to frighten away ghosts "to which his family attributed strange noises in the house, and that he was unaware of the native's pre sence. Couldn't Pass Pure Food Laws. Numbers of catarrh remedies have been forced off the market by Uncle Sam's new pure food laws, Bul "Cat arrhozone"" comes through with flying colors, and is guaranteed under the act, Thus establishing this standard remedy in the front rank of remedies that "do cure"; try it for asthma, catarrh or bronchitis. Cure is guaran- teed to a)l who use Catarrhozome. ------ Thirteen Tons Of Bread Saved. -------- Loudon, May 4.--The workhouse mgs- ter reported to the Dover Board of A LAN hb YAL Guardians, yesterday, that he. had MALL : saved thirteen tons of bread, worth MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL. , $765, during the year by the adoption of the principle of allowing inmates to have what bread they require instead of serving out the regulation amount. Back in 1886 Campbell's Varnish Stains were onginated and offered to housekeepers for restaining and re finishing furniture an | interior wood- work. The makers claim, and right- ly too; that twenty years' experience making varnish stains enables them to make a better article than can be made by those new at the business. Ask for Campbell's Varnish Stains, W. A. Mitchell sells it. In Great Britain the yearly loss of wages through ill-health is about sey- en millions sterling, and it is estim- ated that forty per cent of those who start in business fail. TORS 730028 3 as pm. ! : : 3 7.30--9.15 a.m. 1.00--3 Op vf t doesn't pay to run the risk of not D. 7.80--9.15 a.m. 1.00--8.00 p.m having your flower seeds come up Es paky 8 9 hi g Pu . a 3 80 ami 1 That is why you should buy them at | FRI. 7.80--9.1% pd wa ye = sibson's Red Cross Drug Store. AJ] | SAT. $500-9.15 a.m. 1.00-8.00° p.m Frakes rds the SUN. 9.00--10.00 a.m. 12,30--3:00' p.m, The Russian government realized | Leave Kingston: £15,000 by selling waste shot and | Mon, 8.30--11.80 win. 9; 0--£.d8 Pi shell" fired into Sebastopol. | as. fia am. 300-430 pw. Chinese furniture cream makes old | Thurs. 8 So 11 Bo 2007 ip furniture look like new, 25c, at! Fri, 8.80--11.30 a.m. 2.00--4,30°p.10. Chown's Drug Store. f Sat. S30-11.30 a.m.' 2.034 80 jm, Most people are more than satisfied Sat.--Special Nr his sa Bat with 'their misfortunes, but not with it B30 po nd their fortunes, Two quart fountain 8yringes, 50c., See Bibby's golf caps. 50c. on Her a houkemaid, says, as she was in the dentist's chair and he stole the smacks just before putting bis jnstruments into her mouth. false teeth on them, giving him $11. His bill was $20. A week later, she says, he called her to his office by telephone and de- stolen three kisses, Then, she claims, he took the false teeth from her mouth A variety of dress is easily obtaingd by the overblouse or jumper as shown same material, the voke und colar be Pestiferous Cause of Annoying, flakes after Are you beginning to get bald in spots? Are you already, in fact, rapidly be- of a measly little parasite that bur- up the scalp in dandruff and latest discovery is a destroyer of that hair prepara- Aud on Thursday, Friday and Satur- t day, May 2nd, 8rd, and 4th, at a 7.70 . P'S All tickets include ome admission to the Horse Show and are valid for return. is | leaving Toronto on or before Monday 18 | May oth. For tickets, Pullman or Parlor Car accommodation or any, other information apply to oa J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Corner Johnson and Ontario Streets. by leading drug- notice. and from Kingston. Joes fit Doesn't shrink 1€ in a variety of styles, brics and prices. t material or making, "Underwear to gument faulty in Nurses' and Mothers' Treasure ~=safest regulator for baby, Prevents «colic and vomiting--gives healthful rest --cures diarrhoea without the harmful effects of medicines containing opinm or other injurious drugs. 42 25¢c.~at drug-stores. Cures JX. ims Nation hemitat Diarrhoea™ iia. TRAVELLING, h KincsTON& PEMBROKE RAILWAY Nn C.P.R TRAINS LEAVE KINGSTON : real, Quebec, Bt. John, Boston, Toronto, Chicage, Denver, Winnipew, Vancouver, wnd San Francisco. 5.00 p.m.~--~Leocal for Sharbot tonnecting with C.P.R. East and West. wermettiate points Passengers boro', 8.12 wm. ; Montreal, St. John, Full particulars at K. & P. and 'C. P. R. Ticket offices, Ontario street. ¥ Toronto, a ing cross barred with ribbon and the glecves are finished with a hand-em- broidered cuff, . NO MORE DANDRUFF. Canadian Horse Newbro's Herpicide Destroys the Show Toronto, Oat, May Ist to 4th, 1907 t Round trip tickets Wednesday, May 1st, will at be issued on : $5.90 '| PUBLICATIONS ISSUED BY INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY 0 !i CR]! BING THE Fishing Keep | Boating | Keep Posted Hants Posted time Provinces Are new with the printer& "Yow can have your name on the lst' for free coples by Wwritin~ to s MONTREAL TICKET OFFICE 141 St. James Street General Passenger Moncton, N.B, Department, Ionian, Fri May 8. May 81st, J Virginian, Fri., May 10, June'. ary a Tunisian, Fri., May 17, June 14, July 13, ictorian, Fri., May 24, June 21. July 19, RATES OF PASSAGE First . Cabin, Victorian and Virgin $80 and upwards. Tunisian, $70 ay al ards. 4 20ian, $65 and upwards. Second Cabin, $42.50 $45 and 7.50, 8rd., Class, $37.50 and $38.35. T.1 00 Victorian and = Virginian "ibe Triple Ww. steamers, of 12,000 pelled by Turbine engines, tone, Pros For sailings and rates of ALLEN Line service o Glasgaw, Lon don and Havre, (France), with fd' pars ticulars, apply to J. P.A GILOKRG SLEEVE," Clarence St., or to JF Po ANLEY. TIME TABLE STEAMER WOLFE ISLANDER Leave Wolfe Istanai-' {{: |, and Spoor"s dock, at '8.30 p.m Time Table subject to change without Boat calls at Garden Island going to dealerin Pén- Angle 5 to complete al Gur cont, any mal CONNECTION + WITH THE ,30 p.m, Exoress--For Ottawa Mons Le > N:B., Halifax, , Rem trew, Sault Ste. Marie, Duluth, St. Payl, Seuttle, Portland 7.45 a.m., Mixed--For Renfrew and io- leaving Kingtton et 12.30 p.m. arrive in Ottawa at 5 pan. ; Peter 7.80 p.m. ; : Bostom, 7.80 a.mg: OF Quebec and the Mari-"} _ | sruopsis oF camsDIAN NoRTRwE 1 HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS 'Anv even numbered section of Domis. low wands in Manitoba or the Na ] W a. Provisces, execpting 8 and 26, yt 'Freserved, ©». \y be homesteaded Ly y person the sule bead of a family, or Male over 18 years of age, to the extent of one-quarter section, of 160 'acres, more or : Application for homestead entry or i. "4 pection must be wede in rSon by the applicant at the oflice of the local Agent or Sul t. An application for entry: or fuspect|, made personally at any Sab action be wired to the local Agent by uy, Sul t, at the expense of the ape plicant, and if the Jund applied for i, Yucapt on Pace pe i the telegram suey ap in 0 have priority and i), Bd will be. Reid watil the necessary the transaction gre ase of "Personaticn™ the entry wil be summar cance. a ite cant will Torlelt Sr e all priority of claim. n for inspection must eligible for homestead entry, and pune application for inspection will |, eceived an individual until thy, pplication has been dispo: of. x homesteader whose entry is in good tanding and not liable *o cancel: ay, subject to approval of Depa relinquish it in favour -of father, mother son, daughter, brother -or sister, eligible, but to no one else, on Bling de- claration of abandonment, Where an entry is SBummerily cancelled or voluntarily abandoned, subsequent ta institution of cancellation proceedings the applicant for inspection will Le eq. titled to- prior right of entry. Applicants for inspection must state in at particulars the homesteader default, and if subsequently A state. the ment is found to be incorréct in mater. lose the ial particulars, the applicant will any prior right of re-entry should land become vacant, or if entry has granted it may be summarily canc Duties--A settler is required to form the conditions under one of following plans :-- (1) At least six months' residence u(- on and cultivation of the land in euch Year during the term of three years. (2) It the father (or mother, if father is deceased) of a homestead resides upon a farm in the vicinity of 1he land entered for by such howmesteader the requirement as to residence may i.e atisfied by such person residing with the father or mother. & It the settler has his permanent esidence upon farming land owned Ly him in the vicinity of his homestead the requirement may be satisfied by residence upon such land. Before making application for the settler must give six months' e the patent notice writing to the Commissioner of Do- inion Lands at Ottawa, of his inten. fon to do se. YNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH. WEST MINING REGULATIONS, Coal.--Coal Lanas may be purchased at 10 per acre for soft coal and $20 for anthracite. Not more than 320 acres can be acquired by one individual or a dollar of - his $10 ever reaches the lingerie or silk guimpe. The original ON AY ah company. ltoyalty. at the rate of ten t ! that ization. The] Was a dark blue tafieta cut jn one h " |cents per ton of 2,000 pounds shall Le reasury o at orean . XO sks in fr vd back iv g i -- collected on the gross output. i WH piece tucks In front ar ack to give programme fiend gets it. a than JULES NH aR * Quartz.--A person eighteen years of age, ever allows his mame $0 appear on one fulness. Whe round neck is finished by Y 0 ninte a1 wa oF over, having discovored mineral of these programme schemes he is sure 8 bias band of the matesial with a 3 place, may locate a claim, 1,500x1,500 hua + S idered seroll. The sleeves, : feet. to be hounded for all time by all the han emtirok ry of the choy) New short line for Tweed, Napanee, | The fee for recording a claim is §, others: weyet i he uy h ished Bat 3 hand-cmbroid- | 1¢seronto, and all local polnts. Trains JA Jenst 3100 must be expended on the pi Jeg pro- [ders are hmshed by a hand-embraowd- oO | 4 » jolaim each year or paid to the mining Their name 'is on, theatre red scallop. The guimpe is of the Jeave L ty Hall. Depot at 4 p.m. F. recorder in lieu thereof. Whea $500 has erammes. horse sl programmes, £ CONWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry., Kingstol: "| been expended or paid, the lotator may. upon having a survey made, and upon omplying . with other rbquirements, pur- chase the land at $1 per acre. The patent provides for the payment of royalty of 24 per cent on the sales Placer mining claims generally are 100 feet square entry fee $5, renewable early. An applicant may obtain two leases to dredge for gold of five miles each for a term of twenty years, rgewable at the discretion of the Minister "of the Interior. The lessee shall have a dredge in oper- ation within one season from the date pf the lease for each five miles. Rental 10 per annum for ench mile river lggsed. Royalty at the rate of 24 per nt collected on the output after it ex- eeds $10,000. W. CORY, w. Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N.B.--Unauthorized publication of this advertisement will not be paid for. T. McAuley HASJREMOVED TO}; "93 Princess Si. Between Corbett's Hardware Store and Taylor & Hamil- ton's, directly opposite' An- grove's, COME AND SEE US "Phone No. 778. of PEITHOVIDOODE When You {Buy COAL ! (g From p P. WALSH . You get genuine § Scranton, as he ¢ handles nothing else. 3 RITISH - AMERICAN HOTEL KINGSTON ONTARIO Has undergone alterations and Is now open to the 'travelling sublic. W.: TELFER = .+" Proprietor Wm. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. ew Carriages, Cutters, Harness, etc., for sale. Sale of Horses every Saturday. ---- A. E. HEROD || - ORDERED FOOTWEAR Now is the time those Re- pairs are wanted. Our anti}, squeak is used on all work. 286 PRINCESS ST., E; BRICELAND, Manager, RSE - Foe THE HOUSE OF QUALITY LA BACKACH Jaundice, Languor, Des) Biliousness, Nervousne: Lead to Fatal Resul Looked After in Time. Warner's date 1S THE ONLY POSITIVE ( ALL FORMS OF KIDNEY A TRIAL BOTTLE WILL ABSOLUTELY FREE "It READER OF THE BRIT) WHO SUFFERS FROM LIVER, 'BLADDER OR B EASE. If you have pains in the ba Lisin, uric acid poison, rhew "aii L. ghts discase, nu wi tee saver © and ura stating pwios when you urim Junthce, swe Lugs or torped woman, bearmg<down sensati ing spells, so-called female w paintul periods, you should b Safe Cure at once ; these sy vou that your Kidugys have ed for a long time." Warner' is the only wedicine that cap with safe.y ; it makes the |i and active and Cures Kidney D Warner's Safe Cure is mae herbs and contains no dang this is the reasom doctors ag use it eacausively for Kedpey When the Kidneys ure diseas acid is not carned ofl, and Gout, Luwbagoe, Rheumatis Joins. Rheumat.sm of t) Rheunsatisiu of the Heart, everywhere In Kudu diseqse the bowe constipated and the liver to ner's Safe Pills quokly rclie dition and no ill after efi enced WARNER'S SAFE CURE in two sizes and is Sold by a or direct, at $1.00 A BOTT substitutes which contain ha and injur® the system THIAL BOTTLE FREB. every sufferer from discas kidneys, liver, bladder and © WARNER'S SAFE CURE wi I¥ cure, a trial bottle will be OF CHARGE, postpaid, who will write WARNER CURE CO.. Atlantic and Pa lorouto, Oat... and -wention this liberal offer in the Kings Whig. 'lhe wenuinencss of thi fuliy guarantesd by the publi will write us a full statemen our doctor wil 'send y vice ard a valuable medical | scribing causes, symptoms ang {i all diseases of the Kidne der and Blood, and ma testimonials All com + strictly confidential SOON 00 08 FEW PERSONS KNOW : One ounce fluid extra « Uelion, one ounce co o salatone, and four oun » pound syrup sarsaparil ® od and taken in tea: ® deses after meals, will ¥ ately relieve rheumatis ®. atica, lumbago, and an I tions arising from wea 2 ged, or inactive kidney: ® This simple and ine @® prescription, the ingred ¥ ® which ean be procured good drug store and m home, is said to perio markable cures in man & Of years' standing, anc ® ing the ability of the cian whose formula it is s not hesitate to recomm 2 to any sufferer. © SPSS OOLOISIL 0G Cookis All the year round, gas i cookery, the gas range the ence without equal. And months come, the gas rang saver,--it banishes so mu discomfort. fection has been worked in range dntil you know the O You cannot kn It is built high and requ to get at the oven. at and keep clean. Every Burner out tools and grease is wiped Gas and air.inlets are so reg gas burns with a clear blue f Oven doors dr no waste. FOR SALE BY SIMMON RRR The Best o Ideas in There is a wealth coming shape at t the moment is fre buyer expects wh headgear. If you particular shape y French Sailors, etc., and an im Feat k ers Ribbon D. V