Daily British Whig (1850), 4 May 1907, p. 7

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: HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS 'Anv even numbered section of D ; ,' Jlow wands in Manitoba or the Naa | W ac Provisces, execpting 8 and 26, not es , ' . "frpserved, =n be hom bb! person ihe sul bend of a family, Ur ui, ver 18 years of age, to the extent o,f Snaquariar section, of 160 'acres, mure Ne : Pitlicanan for homestead entry or i, + must be wade ja person by the applicant at the oflice of local Agen or " An application for entry: or "fnspect |, made personally at any Sb rons s oten be wired to the local Agent by vu, S t, at the expense ath aps plicant, and if the Jund applied for | vacant on receipt of the telegram suc, land will be held until nee . [Papers The the transaction py ' | "In case of "personation' the entry wi; ) | be summar cancelled and the ap; cant will fotlelt all priority of lai' 4 An applicant for inspection must he eligible for homestead entry, and 1 poe application for inspection will |, cei Vv from an individual ufitil they pplication has been disposed of. 4% homesteader whose entry is in good tanding and not liable *o cancellatioy : ay, subject to approval of Departmey: relinquish it in favour -of father, mother son, daughter, brother or sister, i _ eligible, but to mo one else, on filing de- "{elaration of abandonment. ere an entry is Summarily cancelled or voluntarily abandoned, subsequent 1, ] institution of cancellation proceedings the applicant for inspection will Le eq. titled to- prior right of entry. .. Applicants for inspection must state in at culars the homesteader 1 = | default, and if subsequently the ¢ ment is found to be inmcorréct in mater. fal particulars, the applicant will jose * any prior right of reentry should ti, land become vacant, or if entry has heen granted it may be summarily cancelled Duties--A settler is required to per. form the conditions under ome of tie following plans :-- (1) At least six months' residence up- }J on and cultivation of the land in euch Year during the term of three years. (2) It the father (or mother, if the lather is deceased) of a homeste resides upon a farm in the vicinity of {land entered for by such homeste, r requirement as to residence may ie atisfied by such person residing with the father or mother. (3) It the settler has his permanent esidence upon farming land owned ty him in the vicinity of his homestead, the requirement may be satisfied by residence, upon such land. *| Before making application for patent the settler must give six months' notice writing to the Commissioner of Do- inion Lands at Ottawa, of his inten. | ton to do se. A YNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH. WEST MINING REGULATIONS, Coal.--Coal Lanas may be purchased at 10 per acre for soft coal and $20 for anthracite. Not more than 320 acres ean be acquired by one individual or company. lloyalty. at the rate of ten cents per ton of 2,000 pounds shall be collected on the gross output, Quartz.--A person eighteen years of age, or over, having discovered mineral 1a Jie, may locate a claim, 1,500x1,500 eet. The fee for recording a claim is §, At least $100 must be expended on the claim each year or paid to the mining recorder in lieu thereof. Whea $500 has been expended or paid, the lotator may, upon having a survey made, and upon omplying . with other requirements, pur- chase the land at $1 per acre. The patent provides for the payment of royalty of 24 per cent on the sales Placer mining claims generally are 100 feet square entry fee $5, renewable early. An applicant may obtain two ieases to dredge for gold of five miles each for a term of twenty years, rguewable at the discretion of the Minister of the Interior. The lessee shall have a dredge in oper- ation within one season from the date bf the lease for each five miles. Rental 10 per annum for ench wile of river Igasied. Royalty at the rate of 24 per nt collected on the output after it ex- eeds $10,000. + CORY, Ww. w Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N.B.--Unauthorized publication of this advertisement will not be paid for. T. McAuley HASJREMOVED TO}; "93 Princess: St, Between Corbett's Hardware Store and Taylor & Hamil- ton's, directly opposite' An- grove's, COME AND SEE US "Phone No. 778. PTOOHIOPODS When You {Buy COAL : From $ P. WALSH . You get genuine § Scranton, as he ¢ handles nothing else. ® BOSOOTHSPOSOPOSFEFES ON BRITISH - AMERICAN HOTEL KINGSTON - - ONTARIO Has undergone alterations and s mow open to the 'travelling ublic. i. TELFER = .+% Proprietor Vm. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. lew Carriages, Cutters, Harness, etc., for sale. ; Sale of Horses every Saturday. -- A. E. HEROD || - ORDERED FOOTWEAR Now is the time those Re- pairs are wanted. Our anti-|, squeak Is used on all work. 286 PRINGESS ST, THE HOUSE OF QUALITY BACKACHE Jaundice, Languor, Despondency, Biliousness, Nervousness, Head- SERVICES ARE OVER ache, Heartburn, Dyspepsia, and | THEY HAVE BEEN OF BENE- o-Called Female Weakness Are 5 Sa by Sluggish Liver and FIT T0 MANY. Diseased Kidneys, and Will Lead to Fatal Results Unless | Decided to Lead a Better Life By Looked After in Time. Warner's date Cure _ --Pleased With the Band's 1S THE ONLY FUSITIVE SUkE JOR Work. ALL FORMS OF AIDNEY DISEASE. | qu. oo i : ALFKIAL BOTTLE WiLL BE stint | The revival services inaugurated ABSOLUTELY ha ) Ot WHO SUFFERS "FROM KIDNEY. | Evangelical Alliance ~and-the--¥.M.C. LIVER, 'HLADBER OR BLUUD MS- A, terminated, on Friday evening. If you have pains in the back, rheuma- The splendid auditorium of Sydeham tin, uric acid poison, rheumatic gout, | Street. Methodist church was crowded bw wi tue vaauer © and urmary organs ; > : acing rom. stalling pwios when you urinate, eccemam, 10, be conte nt with sta . X ive and Junthice, swe Lungs or torped liver; if a > " service was most impressive 0 woman, bearng-down sensations, faint- | inspiring. The singing, always a pro- ing Spells, Soculied ferme, weakinss or | minent feature throughout the serie pauntul periods, you ou begin taking § aE i" n % » Safe Cure at once ; these symptoms tell of Services, Was specially 20 at the vou that your Kidugys have been diseas-| closing meeting. Steal Away to ed for a long time." Warner's Safe Cure] Jesus" and. "The Beautiful Land is the only wedicine that can be taken a stively by the male with saje.¥ ; it makes the liver healthy] "ere effectively rendered by the ule and active and quartette. The choir, under the able i leadership of Mr. Williamson, showed Cures Kidney Disease wonderful improvement, and of this Nuruers Safe Cure 8 made of pure | My. Cameron made special mention as herbs and contains no dungerous drugs, by o > ihis is the reason doctors and hospitals he tendered, on behalf of the hand, use it eacusively for krdpey trouuies. sincerest gratitude to all who had as- When the Ridueys ure diseased the uric | sisted in making the mectings a sue- acid is not carried ofl, and this causes polo: » help the daily Luuibago, Rheumatism of the | c=: He referred wo She hely a Rheumat.sm oi the Muscies, | press had been in the movem wmwtisi of the Heart, Rbeumatisni | said that he knew of, at least, one everywhere, man who had been converted through In Kidney diseqse the bowels are often : » SOr- constipated and the liver torpid, War-| reading an account of oue of the sor ner's Safe Pills quickly rclieve this con- | vices as reported in the Whig. di oa and no ill after effect is experi- Rev. Dr. McTavish, on behalf of ences ; Thi ik taps Bad iu WARNER'S SAFE CURE is put up the ministers who had co-operate in two sizes ard is Sold by all druggists, | the mission, expressed warm apprecia: or direct, at $1.00 A BOTTLE. Refuse | tion of the good work that had been substitutes hich _comein harmful drugs | gone. The same old gospel had been a il ne oa. in preached night after night in loving TRIAL BOTTLE FREB. TO convince | | ste ss and had proved to be the every sufferer from diseas:s of the | CAYDEStN Ss 4 ! i ' kidneys, liver, bladder and blood that | power of God unto salvation to many WARNER'S SAFE CURE will absolute | hearts. The methods of the band were Iy cure, a trial bottle will be sent FREE ily and the best UF CHARGE, postpaid, to any ons | heartily approved of a 1d Follow who will write WARNER'S SAFE | wishes of the ministers would ic CURE CO. Atlantic and Pacific Ave., | them wherever they go. On behalf of Toronto, Ont. and iwention having seen | {he Y.M.C.A., F. 6. Lockett, chairman this iiberal offer in the Kingston British Be a ik © i pom - Whig. 'The wenuinencss of this offer is) ©f the religious work committee, com fully guarantext by the publisher. If vou | mended the work that had been done. will write Sa a full statement of your | fe was thankful for the visit of this case, our doctor wil 'send vou free ad oy n and vice and a valuable medical booklet de- | consecrated band of TE a \crihing causes, svmptoms and treatment | for the part the Y.M.C.A. had in bring of all diseases of the Kidneys, Liver, | ing them to Kingston. He hoped that Phdder and Blood, and many convine- | so o wing would also attend the ne sstimonials All communications ne he st bl wsihg out are strictly confidential coming meetings in Belleville, . Edwards' farewell message was COOP 900090900 009090 | listened to with deep attention. He 3 EW & peated specially to young men, s F PERSONS KNOW THIS & A, antl shapely in body and mag- 4 ® ~ ) : nificent in mind, to remember that all ® Une ounce fluid extract dan- these endowments come from God. He « Uclion, one ounce compound reminded them of that farewell ser. salatone, and four ounces com vice in heaven when the Son of God ® pound syrup sarsapacilla mix- _ left His [Father's throne, left the glor- ® od and taken in teaspooniul jes of heaven and the fellowship of deses after meals, will immedi angels to seek and save a lost world. ately relieve rheumatism, sc Surely such love--such sacrifice, atica, lumbago, and any affli éh 1 win our hearts. It is our love tions arising from weak; clog- ¥ that God wearns for. He wants not ged, or inactive kidneys. so much this or that sacrifice, but He This simple and inexpensive does want our hearts. prescription, the ingredients of Mr. Cameron gave the finn] address which ean be procured at any and at its close more than a score of good drug store and mixed at young people readily responded to the home, is said to perform re- invitation that had been so earnestly markable cures in many cases given and their names were added to & of years' standing, and know- ® {ihe hundreds of others who had al- ® ing the ability of the physi- ready come to a decision to enter the cian whose formula it is, wedo § | Christian life as a result of thes: s not hesitate to recommend it & |meetings. Just two words of Jesus, to any sufferer. ® | "Follow Mv," formed the text of his - SPP OPOPIVR QO PEO 9R® |adkiress. "We started this campaign Cooking Made Easy All the year 'round, gas is the ideal fuel for swinging, and will hold up a cookery, the gas range the kitchen conveni- heavy roast without breaking ence without equal. And when the warm the hinges. Thermometers in months come, the gas range ranks as a life- oven doors change baking from saver,--it banishes so much toil, so much guesswork toa certainty. And discomfort. You cannot know how much per- there are plenty of other fea- fection has been worked into the modern gas tures worth your while, range dntil you know the Oxford Gas Range. os $ $ $ $ Call in and see this range is bulie: hia : : : It is built high and requires little stooping and let us demonstrate to you to get at the oven. Every part is easy to get its economy and efficiency: at and keep clean. Burner tops lift off with- The price is from $18 to $20, out tools and grease is wiped 'out in a moment. according to finish. Gas and air.inlets are so regulated that all the gas burns with a clear blue flame, all heat and This range is also fitted for no waste. Oven doors drop flat instead of use with natural gas. Oxford Gas Range The Gurney Foundry Co. Limited Toronto Montreal Winnipeg Arcs Vancouver Calgary FOR SALE BY SIMMONS BROS', 211 AND 213 PRINCESS ST. a MILLINERY | The Best of the Scason's New Ideas in Untrimmed Hats There is a wealth of choice, and the picking of a be- coming shape at the same time. A style of shape of the moment is freed from the usual difficulty the hat buyer expects when setting out for the purchase of headgear. If you have set your mind on having a particular shape you will find it here. French Sailors, Leghorns, Hair Hats, Crinolines, etc., and an immense stock of Flowers, Ostrich . Featters Ribbons, etc., for trimming. D. M. Spence, The Leading Millinery Store. Reading Reports in the Whig FR TO RY | some three wecks ago by the McMaster READER OF THE BRITISH WHIG, | Band, under the joint auspices of the 1. ghts discase, inflammation | to its utmost capacity, and many had 5 ss " in Kingston," said he, "by urvin vou to follow Jesus Christ; we wish to close it in the same way. He re- minded the youflg converte Shae it took courage to step out anc e their places on the side of Christ and exhorted them when at any time the way seemed dark, to lift up their eyes and reach out gheie. hands and grom) the all conquering of Jesus. To 'follow Christ' implies obedience, and this every child of God should gladly and lovingly render, however great the sacrifice or cost. The closing words of Mr. Cameron were to young men, with whom he pleaded with thrilling, touching earnestness, to allow Jesus to come into their lives and then 'Follow Him.'" ? At the conclusion "of the service hundreds tarried to say "Good-bye and God-speed" to the members of the band who left by the midmight train for Belleville, where thev will conduct union services for the next two weeks: . * % ' LOOKED 'EM OVER. F t-- % Portsmouth, England, ¥% May 4.--The colonial pre- ¥ miers were all brought % here, yesterday, as - guests ¥ of the admiralty to get a glimpse of . the empire's navy. Ten battleships, in- cluding the Dreadnought, a score of cruisers and thirty-seven torpedo boat- destroyers, all belonging to the home flept, assembl- ed in these waters, were reviewed by the visiting statesmen who were espec- ially interested in the new- est battleship. BEST EVER HELD. King's Daughters Annual Meeting Very Interesting. The annual meeting oi the city un- ion of The King's Daughters, held yes- terday in Sydenham Street Method- ist church, was largely attended, and was the most interesting ever held, The officers were all re-elected. and are as follows: Honorary president, Mrs. Henry Skinner; president, Miss Gertrude Strange; vice-presidents, Mrs. A. H. Oliver, Mrs. Hiram Cal- vin, Mrs. R. F. Greenlees, Mrs. W. M~Cammon; county secretary, Miss Tildan Mowat; recording secretary, Miss Etta Smith: corresponding secre- tary, Miss Ada Birch, and treasurer, Miss Helen Fraser. The business was hurried through that the Rev. Mr. Cavalier and Mrs. Cavalier; Zenana missionarfer, might address the meeting. Their addresses regarding the great and much needed work in the Zenanas of India, were most elorment and touching. "An of- fering, which amounted to $14, was taken up at the close of the meeting, and given to the work. Mrs. Skinner moved a vote of most appreciative thanks to the speakers, LATE SOCIAL NOTES. Mrs. W. McLelland, who was visit- ing her sister, Mrs. R. A. McLelland, at "Sunnyside," has returned to Brockville. , Mrs. Joseph Fortescue, who reach- ed Montreal safely has simost com- pletely recovered from her late ill- ness, Miss Maud Betts, Union street, who intended coming home on Monday, will be detained in London for a fortnight, owing to illness in her brother's family. Mr. Irwin Johnson, of Montreal, spent A day or. so with his sister, Mrs. R. J. McKelvey, Clergy . Mr. Joseph Steacy has returned from Preston Springs, but Mrs. John Ward and Miss Etta Ward, Johnson street, will remain for some wecks longer. IN POLICE CIRCLES. Woman Alleged to Have Used Bad Language. There was no session of the police court, this morning. Business was much brisker this week than usual, a large batch of drunks having been brought before the court, and there "were also several summon cases. A citizen was at the police eourt, this morning, to lodge a complaint, and as a result of his visit, a police court case will probabiy follow. -He complains about a woman who lives in his neighborhood, and claims that she used bad language towards him, and that she otherwise misbehaved by boxing the cars of his little boy. He says that the lad was not ammoving the woman, and that there was no excuse for her conduct. MAY IRWIN BUYS A BOAT. ---- ' Purchases Motor Craft For Use on St. Lawrence. May Irwin has placed an order for an electric motor boat intended to combine luxury with speed, and in- tends to launch 'the vessel with appro- priate ceremony. The boat, which will be of comniodious proportions and named the "Irwina," will be fitted up on a most elaborate scale. There will be ample accommodation for the en- tertainment of the actress' many friends who visit her at her Thousand Island residence. The vessel will be provided with a model kitchen, over which Miss Irwin herself will preside. Try Bibby's 50e. Balbriggan. Special bargains in all kinds of un- derwear, hosiery and corsets. See our special Dip Hip corset, 65c. New York Dress Reform. For paints, oils, varnishes and stains, try Lemmon & Sons'. They carry the best and largest stock in the city. Fresh Huyler's and McConkey's high class candy, at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Premier Whitney has purchased the residence, No. 113 St. Georgé street, Toronto. A deal wae closed in Toronto for the sal of a timber limit at Killarney for one million dollars. Two new steamers left England for Toronto with full cargoes of iron. asagre, in 25c. and 50c. bottles, at Gihaon s Red Cross Drug Store, "phone ye DAILY! BRITISH WHI1G, SATURDA NEWS OF DISTRICT LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS © IN GENERAL The Tidings From Various Points in Eastern Outario -- What People Are Doing And What They Are Saying. Rev. George E. Fletcher, Killaloe, is likely to become rector' of Cobden, Sherman Prevost, station agent at Elgin, has accepted a position on the C.P.R. at North Bay. : The poultry of Canada, Pem- broke, will erect a large cold storage building this spring. Rev. John Potter, of the Free Me- thodist church, Westport, has been transferred to Verona. br. J. T./Allingham, a graduate of the Ontario" Veterinary College, bas opened an office in Eganville. Le There is a possibility of a canning factory being established in Tweed, provided certain inducements are held out. i Renfrew is to have a new $7,000 post office. A. A. Wright, M.P., se cured the much-needed government in- stitution for _the town. The official board of Trinity church, Napuance, purchased from John A. Fraser seventy-five feet off the rear of his 'lot for additional shed room. Price, $600. Word is received that John Temple- ton died suddenly at Ayr, Scotland, April 20th 'last. Deceased visited friends in Napanee for several weeks last summer, Isaac Allan, Mississippi Station, has sold out his mercantile business to James Gilchrist, of the same place. C. H. Brook, who has served nine years with Mr. Allan in his business, has taken a lucrative position with a firm at Tweed. : The license commissioners of North Hastings have cancelled the shop li- censes at Madoc, Marmora and Bae- croft. 'The hotel license at Coe Hill, was cut off. The hotel at Maynooth, recently built by P. Rody, is also without a license. The Frost & Wood company, of Smith's Falls, paid out for the last half month over $11,000. The Malle- able Casting company distributed over £5,000, while the other concerns would doubtless pay out two or three thou- sand dollars mgre. The C.P.R., on their monthly pay day there paid about $20,000. In all about 840,000, At the age of sixty-thres years, David Crawford, Sr., a respected farm- er of the township of Oso, passed quietly away on April 25th. He had been ailing for eighteen months. The his late residence to Christ church cemetery and was largely attended. Mr. Crawford was a member of the school board for twenty-five vears. On Wednesday, the Methodist church at Tweed was the scene of a pretty wedding, when Miss Mabel Burns, eld- er daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Robert Burns, was married to Captain 8. Fuller McKinley, MiB., of Hespeler. The bride entered the church escorted by her brother, Charles W. Burns, and preceded by her maid of honor, Miss Olive E. Burns. The groom was sup- ported by Dr. W. H. Brydon, Torénto. St. Mark's church, Deseronto, was the scene of a brilliant wedding on Wednesday, when Rev. Edward Costi- gan, pronounced the words which un- ited Miss Lottie Morden, youngest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs, H. B. Morden, and Horace B. Dale, son | of Mr, and Mrs. G. Dale, 251 West- morcland avenue, Toronto, in the bonds of matrimony. The bride was given away by her brother-in-law, Robert Owens. Miss E. Roe, second daughter of the late Alexander H. Roe, ex-M.P.P., Na- panee, died on Sunday, April 28th, at Mentone, California, where she had been for the past eighteen months, in hopes of recovering her health. She was in her twenty-cighth year, her birthday being on February 11th. She is survived by her brothers, R. Logan and George Ree, the former district engineer of a division on the main line of Pennsylvania railway, and the Iatter in business in San Francisco. Also by two sisters, Miss C. A. Roe, New York city, and Mrs. Dr. Whit- more, New Haven, Conn, Buried This Morning. The funeral of Miss Eva Sawyer took place, on Saturday morning, from her mother's residence, Brock street, to St. George's cathedral. The pallbearers were the six brothers of deceased. The coffm was covered with flowers, them being a wreath from the ternity of the Blessed Sacrament, of which Miss Sawver had been for some years a member; a cross from her fellow teachers in the enthedral Sunday school, and bunches of beautiful flowers from cach little girl in her class. ¥ Games Postponed. The opening of the City Baseball League had to be postponed, to-day, | owing to the inclement weather. Ata meeting of the league held Friday night, it was decided to do away with the age limit in the senior series. It is understood that some additional teams intend entering the league, and the time for the entering of teams has been extended to Friday evening mext. Try Bibby's for men's underwear. Try alabastine or jellstone on your walls. Mixed in cold water and will not rub off. For sale by Lemmon & Sons. A Niagara Falls lady walked in her sleep from that city to St. Cathar- ines, and, when she woke up, found herself in the cemetery, » A package of bonds valued at $30.- 000, thought to have been stolen while crossing the Atlantic, reappeared mys- teriously at Baltimore. Try Bibby's for boys' toggery. Frank Ward, general manager of the Great Northern, mav he appointed gencral manager of the Canadian Norihern. Lemmon & Sons, King street, have the largest display of gas ranves in the city. Call in and look at them. We keen the "Lady Curzon" corset, "C.C. a la Grace," "D. HA." "B. & C.," "Kaho," "Crompton's," and all other well known makes. New York Dress Reform. Only: 830 has been subscribed in To- Longboat edu- Y, nm AY 4. funeral took place on Sunday from | GANANOQUE GLEANINGS. Said a License Has Been Provid- 4 ed. Gananoque, May 3.~It is reported in town that since the meeting of the li- ceuse commissioners, on-April 22nd, a meeting was held in Newboro at which a six months' license was granted to Gananogue Inn. According to the re- port of the commissioners, as publish. ed in the loeal press, application had bon made for a license for the lun, but that such had been withdrawn. Now the question arises after huing withdrawn would it not ire a pew application and could such be in by the date specified by 'law. Inspec. tor Spotion was in town to-day en- gaged in his official inspection of the isses Carrie and Jessie Reid, King- ston, are spending a short time in town, the guest of their cousin, Miss Alice De Witta, Stone street, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Earl, Sweet's Corners, who spent a short time here the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Moore, have re- turned home, Mrs. Jacob DeWitta, Stone street, who has been spending some time in Verona, has returned home. Mr. and Mrs, Ira Moore spent a few days during the past week with friends and relatives in Berryton. Walter Beatty, P.L.S., Delta, was in town during the past few days. Mr, and Mrs. R. Tate, Lyndhurst, who spent a short time here the guests of Mr and Mrs. F. Moore, Garden street, have returned home. Mrs. Frederick Arthur, River street, left with the fam- ily for Montreal, yesterday, to 10in her husband, their household effects having been sent on Wednesday. George Dows- ley, an old Gananoque hoy, who for some time past has been located in Watertown, N.Y., spent several days this week with friends and relatives in town. Several bus loads of the youth and beauty of the town left carly this evening for Rockport to trip the light fantastic toe at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edgley, near that village. THE NEW JAILER For Lennox is Archibald M. Downey. Napanve, May 4.--The new governor of the jail, is to be Archibald McNeil Downey. The appointment was made, yesterday, and the new man will take charge next Monday. J. A. Fraser, Westport, is spending a few days, this week, with his family. The che se board met, yesterday af ternoon, for the first this season. The attendance was good; 707 white and 13 colored cheese boarded; all sold at 11 ge. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Davy are rejoice ing over the arrival of a little daugh ter, on May 2nd. Mrs. K. J, Strong leaves, to-day, to spend the summer with friends - in Brockville. Mrs, Freshman, Buffalo, is the giiest of her sister, Mrs. James Daly. Ernest Loyst left, this week, for New York, where he will sail, on the Cunard 88, Lucania, for Liverpool, to make a tour of Great Britain and on the con. tinent. Wellington Loyst will be in charge of his business during his ab. sence. These Painful Ailments. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Locomotor Ataxia, ete., are due to morbid, pois oned conditions of the blood. The poisons must be neutralized and ex- pelled and the blood enriched in or- der to cure. Wade's Iron Tonic Pills do the things necessary to cure and to cure thoroughiy. They are a great nerve strengthener and blood maker. In boxes, 25¢c., at Wade's drug store. Money back if not satisfactory. May Try The Parties. A couple of young men from Gana- nogue, drove to the city, yesterday af- ternoon, with a spirited horge. During the afternoon they drove through the streets at a break-neck ' pace, and soon had the horsein a disgraceful condi- tion. Several prominent citizens saw the men, who are well known in Kingston, and the Humane Society may bring the case to the police court. Stopped A Short Cut. The employees of the cotton mill and round house are indignant be- conse the stile through the field, on the corner of Rideau and Bay street has been removed and a notice forbid- ding trespassing erccted. The action of the owners is being questioned as the field has been used by the public for a great number of years. Lemmon & Sons, King street, have the largest display of gas ranges in the city. Call in and look at them. Try Bibby's $2 hats. Occasionally one has the fortune to meet women who are ideal in looks and figure. Ninety-nine times out of a hundred you will find she takes Hol lister's Rocky Mountain Tea. Tea or Tablets, 35c. Mahood"s drug store. Progress Brand clothing, acknowl- edged by leading clothers in Canada to be the best. Livingston's. New spring underwear. Bibby's. Snow is falling heavily in Montreal, to-day, and the streets have the ap- pearance of real winter, Our refrigerators are all in. Call in and examine our stock before buying. Lemmon & Sons. Maypole Soap Dyes, all colors, at Wade's drug store. See Bibby's display of Roman stripe. neckwear. Positively the latest. ATT, VARNISH STAINS true to nature. SOLD ONLY AT STRACHAN'S HARDWARE. 'The suiden changes in Weather ought to suwsgest the wisaom of some good Coal. We good Uoal. It's the kind that ost We deilver it to you clean and without slate, at wyery bottom wrices, : BOOTH & CO., Phone 133. Foot of West 8 COMING ! | WILL BE AT THE Randolph Hotel TON, ON Tuesday, May 14th "07 - Are You Bald Or Is Your Hair Thin and Faded P - If so your persondl charm is leaving you. You can overcome it though by using one of Prof. Dorenwend's Art Hair Constructions, They improve your looks and add to your health. * Ladies' Full and Half Wigs, Switches, Wavy and Plain Pompa- dours, Transformations, Pin Curls, ete. y wholesome and nutritious. BISCUIT and TRISCUIT ensure health and comfort, All Grocers--13c, a Carton ; 2 for 25e. P@PIPPIPIIIIV ITIVE P00 DPI Rapid Transit But safe, economical and comfortable appeals to all of us AND WHY NOT ? When you add additional inducements . PLEASURE AND HEALTH All shadow of doubt as to its advisability 'vanishes. There is only one known form of locomotion that entirely meets these requirements, in busy times, GENTLEMEN WHO ARE BALD Sec Prof. Dorenwend's Toupees 2 and Wigs. None so good--made fit, match, wear and give a young- er rance. Over 85,000 in use. Won't you become one of the hap- py throng ? It don't cost much, Call and witness a free demonstration--but come early. The Dorenwend Co., of Toronto (Limited), 103 & 105 YONGE STREET. TRISCUIT Is Shredded Whole Wheat compressed into a cracker or Wafer and cooked by electricity. Always ready to serve ; it is tasty, As a food it is infinitely superior to corn, oats or white flour bread. Well adapted for 'light housekeeping" and noon-day lunches. This question of vital importance is readily answered F R ALL CLASSES You control your speed, your direction, your safety -and & have no annoying delays and stops. When you ride a Massey "Silver Ribbon," or "Perfect" | with coaster brale and cushion frame, you will never about keeping your appointments. {Canada Cycle & Motor Go. LIMITED. . : worry | "Makers of the World's Best Bicycles," ** Toronto Junction, Canada. Branches: Winnipeg, Vancouver, Melbourne, Aust. Representatives ve Bros. 50 Selected Mattresses, in Cotton Felts and Sea in Fancy Art Tickings and 50. Lock Weave Hercules Springs to fit any size | a an Rebuilding Sale is Still JN #

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