00a Pai : showing a particularly pretty ham Lace Curtap and made of a durable net that shing and sun. ins, 1.50, 1.25. 1.00 pg ains, 1.75, 2.50, 2.73 air. ins from 25c a pair up air. tain Net lixoc, 12%4¢, 15¢, 20C, lins, Toc, 12X4¢, I5¢C, 20C, 25C. slins in a great variety of designs, . cial Bargain w Morning 10 O'clo ring very special Lace Bargain, ed, will be sold to-morrow : '80 Yards chon Lace ies wide, very choice design. im. a manufacturer to trim White ne regular value is r5c. yard. Yours To-Morrow Morning Sc. Yard. [ECE in show window before sale, . Watch ancuncement in To-Morrow Night's Whig. articularly good in a Silk Bargai This will be sold Wednesday. 0 telephone orders. accepted for d none placed aside. All have nity. : tice 77 H STREET SHOES KINGSTON LADIES. One of the most stylish of J Street or Dress Shocs is Button. It is very new, v¢J smart and very comfortabie. § We have Patent 'Colt Bij ton Dress Shoes at $3.00, $334 $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00 in The Empress, Dorothy Dodd and Other Amer} can and Canadian Make ) a-nice stock of Low Button Shoes: ckett Shoe Store} lock of Trunks just in Saturday. J LL HEAVY STORM ~ -- ESTEE TI ---- TITS = = Sh ree eh te ge gS TE RE ETRE YEAR 74. NO. 107%, KINGSTON, ONTARIO, UESDAY, MAY 17, 1907. -- EE . me ---- ---------- -- EE POPPOICIDTPGOVESE see DAILY MEMORANDA. FINANCIAL KING s BE ee AT im Finds Time to. Do Much Philan- "As Told In The ifills," Opera House, tropic Work. EN ® superior to any other grade. $e a © Our Sealskins are the best procurable, being the genu- "ALASKA (London Dyed) And in richness and durability, V8 XT 4 of lustre they are JOHN McKAY, 149-155 Brock St., Kingston. CAMPBELL'S VARNISH STAINS FOR FLOORS durable floors. is a tough quick drying, finish, for new aml old * > i ® Comes in twelve colors, and can be used for more purposes than any other . Varpish Ask Spr Sulur, sam and BR one Ww. t. SOLD ONLY BY MITCHELL'S HARDWARE, 85 PRINCESS ST. COIR PP IIIS IIIII v If you wish to be successful at- id The Kingston Business + College Limited, head of Queen etrest Canada's Highest Grade business school. Book-keeping, shorthand, typewriting, teles aphy, 1 com- and a mercial subjects thoroughly taught by comptent, experienced teachers. Pay and night classes. Enter at any time. Rates very moderate, Phone, 440. H. F. METCALFE, President. J. BE. CUNNINGHAM, Secretary. Life Producers Chatham Incubators Life Preservers Chatham Brooders The only machines that rival the mother hen, Automatic in action, perfect in_construction wand a sure hatcher. Sold on timg, or with a five guarantee. D. J. HAY, T. E. Agents, 42 Princess street. year To Contractors. TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED AT the office of the undersigned, (where plans and specifications may be seen) up to 5 o'clock, p.m., on NESDAY the 8th, instant: for the several trades works 'required in the construction of a brick residence to be erected on Barrie street, in this city, for Mr. D. A. Cays. Lowest or any ténder not necessarily ac- EWLANDS & SON, Atchitects, 258 Bagot street. WM. Office, For every variety of Real Estate Bargains and Insurance, go to SWIFT'S REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY. are advertising. Then cally every constituency in -the dom- sake it -dut. ie emo J x 3 He raby] for She Sachinite of Toronto, TAKE NOTICE add a few more reasons inion... The conservative party al-|Te cence of ohn Lary, a farmer. ! has heen appointed by the executive of . s adv has ofzanizers at work fu Nova night a mob visited the house, took | the International Association of Ma- Between Season's We sell Goods on for "make weight" and reaty has £ Ad mn < the piano out and made a bonfire ~ of chinists as Canadian organizer, very small profits. That is what vou i Scotia, New Brunswick, Ontario and The Ital li , is day like.- oy a foe he fun. TURK'S put them all into your Manitoba, and will shortly announce 1% hh bill an Pa; anions 8200 000 1, scond-Hand Stare, SYR Princess St. advertising copy. It is the appointment of either one or two a h or . go hi Su thorn Jie wn th 0 - p-------- % : Tn . ki : Town Quits Church. ery to raise mone a r on oe site this sort of "news" organizers for the new prairie pro - d : : : Destroys Orchard. i viherd, Vienna, May 7.1 700 inhahi. | of the old Roman amphitheatre at Water) I M =r : The Whig readers want . tants of the Ruthenidn village, Nied Benevento, the town said to have been aterloo, In., May 7.-To preven Ey aRlat se tar founded by Di re . ] from the stores, be- From The Barren North. siclnn, Galicia, have gone over in a | founded by Diomedes. an orchard of 5,000 young fruit trees from passing into other hands with- out some compensation, Martin Grady: . 'who leased the land owned the trees, 'chopped every one of them down. ° D.- J. O'Donoghue, presont the men on board in connection Toronto, R. Mr. Champion, who was ected, has resigned. il HUGHES will re- the investigation with the trouble between the machinists and the Sa to-night. Tenders for building for DA. _Cayedo received till 5 pum. to-morrow. S-------- ] This day in history --Battle of Nisbet, 102; Yoel of Rowshory born, 1847 In Session At The Imperial Resolve at once not only .-to vote for the smelter by-law, Lut to get others Conference. also. WHIG TELEPHONES 243--Busincss Office. 229--Fditorial Rooms. 292--Jobbing Department. Everything that's printable. out to vote JAMESONS OFFER BRITAIN CANNOT CHANGE ITS POSITION CHEAP DINNER SETS We have just finished stock- taking, and find we have a few set short of a small num- ber of pieces. These we will clear out at a great sacri- fice. In Reference to the Tariff of the Kingdom--Only Two Questions of Importance to Be Yet Dis- posed of--Lloyd George States the Government's Position. May 7.-- At the opening of day's meeting of the imperial >, Premier Jameson expressed the hope that there will be a more sympathetic answer, on behalf of the home government, from lloyd Gearge, London, than had bee ceived from Mr. As Come and get a snap, $12, a He Re et i wer do $10, $9 Sets, for $7.50, $6 move a resolution expressing the opin- and as low as $4.50. All jon that the government should take best quality. into consideration the possibility of granting a preference to all portions ofthe empire_on the present dutiable articles of the British toriff. Sir Wilirid Laurier sideration of the proposad resolition should be postponed until the main resolution had been coneidersd. Pearsall's Millinery : Lloyd George, president of the board f trade, said, Premier Jameson's resolution, Robertson Bros. thought con- regarding that his gov- ernment could not change their posi On Wednesday we will 'open up tion in reference to the tarifi of the . United Kingdom. Having referred to Eighteen Dozen Hats Pritain's position in the "world of commerce he said that in Mr. Deakin's resolution the government was asked including the New York Mushroom Sailor to do what no protectionist in the world would do. namely the neevssities of either life or livelihood which we could not proviuvee ourselves and which the colonies could" not sup ply' sufficiently fof a number of years and scores of other Af acknowledging the value of the 1 we offered by the colonies, ha Novelty Shapgs [id if asked, "What is Britain pre pared to do in return ? his fi an . ~ wer will be that Britain was the : and Leghorns colonies' best customer. A rOoee Ww to of consider whi a practical character, spoke approvingly of he called_proposs Lloyd Sir You will also find in otir show rooms v Ma » Nb Geo a large, varicty of Children's Sailors| x Joseph ranging Ward's suggestion for improved and From 200 up to $2 cach |cheapened enable communication. and also the proposed appointment of commercial attaches of the colonics to assist British trade. He was con- sidering the appointment of what might term "imperial com vellers'" to investigate tl ditions requirement While vou are in, ask to see our Dress Hats. They will speak for them selves, Pearsall's Millinery 228 Princess Street. and ie {colonies and woport to the board of trade, whence. «information will be disseminated confidentally. These also would visit industrial teontres of this country amd ascertain { for what produce, from the colonies, { there was a real demand. As to the third sug the im iprovement in transportation of pas Lloyd of merchant MULLEN OTT (eT LIE TLE WORKS MONUMENTAL WORK A SPECIALTY the great wstion, communications, policy would sengers and Georg said a shipping subsidies i He could a svstem of subsidies not shipping. not | suggestion for and said so at once. realized that the empi consi 372 PRINCESS ST KINGSTON OPPYMCA most everything needed wre habitants, but the problem was how to bring those products to markets -- oe ee | at rates which did not unduly handi INSISTED ON BURIAL cap the colonies in competition with foreign countries. The government Aud the Body Had to Go Into had had no concrete scheme, submitted " to it. The problem was complex and the Sea. difficult, but not™beyond the resourers Windsor, Ont, May 7.--New York [of British = statesmmuship. . ldowvd despatches annonnee the death, at George said he did not purpose to sea, of Mrs. Chaliner Prentice, wile of submit a definite plaf: it will be bet I." Prentice, formerly of Victoria ave. [tor that a scheme or schemes should nue, this city, The body was buried at a ua porated slowly in det il alter on. deste. the dine of Miss Ca. | thinking out all. the ramifications of mi i Ir ntice I rentice dav } - the sub B whe n 8 hemes h d ter. She wished to take it to Chi hen , ol ! prose nted with the u respons tv of e tespective The captain had consented and il, Xosy BL : the Fesbechiv ship's surgeon was embalming the governments bx hind them, each gov- os wh hd Yeulian Commissioner |crhment could examine them and ecim- 2 . or 2 fer further sonclusion Campo, who wag on board, arrogant for further. In Ar Sluelon, rows Iv ordered the body, buries ot one {of lack of official 'sympathy and de- vistegarfiug he J ee nied that the fiscal svstem wa f cabin passengers. Campo had the au- 0 x sponsible for such distress as existed thority and the captain had to vield, in Britain. . but Campo was ostracized by the cab | [-is understood there are only two in passengers during the rest of the | uestions of importance vet to. be disposed of, naval defence and nn- The conference probably Friday. It is doubtiul whether any formal vote on the pre- forence resolution will be taken be- fore the conference closes turalization. will close on Deferred For A Year. Ottawa, May 7.--The party's intended dominion convention this summer, is off for another year. R. L. Borden will get out about the first of August br a tour that will carry him from British Columbia clear through to Nova Seotia, and bring him into personal touch with practi How many reasons it would take to convince you personally into buying the goods you - Ottawa, May 7.--Tnspector Jarvis, of the North-west Mounted Police, with six or seven men, will leave on cause it aids them in spending their money +1 "that you give time and Tt R your copy. ot Thve children, who had heen alone, wero b to death conservative TT LORD ROTHSCHILD. London, May 7.--Lord Rothschild, the great Hevrew banker und undis puted king of the financial world in England," finds time to devote much thought and countless thousands to the cause of philanthropy. As a side issue he is fond of horses and will compete with Alfred Vanderbilt and other American millionaires for hon- ors at the international horse show in London. GIVEN PRESENTS SICILIAN BRIGAND WRITES BIOGRAPHY. His Adventures Being Related in the Pages of a Palermo News- paper. Rome, May T~Salomone, the no torious - Sicilian brigand, has been writing his personal moémoirs in the mountains 'amidst snatches of rest trom his professional raids, Salomone steals down hy night to divers obscure hamlets in the valley near Palermo, and thence posts his copy by instalments to the Giornale di Sicilia, which Jas already publish- ol 180 pages of manuscript of his nar- rative about: his ten years' prison ex- perienecs and his encounters With the carabinicri. An interesting psychologi cal fact is that Salomone never fails to enclose with his copy a present of ten' to thirty lire, to encourage the alertness of compositors and prooi correctors, The newspaper has got a further advertisoment from' Governor Bova, of Ancona penitentiary, who has entered into a fiery polemic with Salo who is proving himsell an as mone, tute advsrsary. Meanwhile, the editor of the Sicilian paper ig receiving many tempting of fi from ethnological and erimin sgical institutes in Italy and abroad Salomone"s original autograph written on legal vellum, to subject the same to for manuscript, as they desire the study of graphologist experts. "IAN MACLAREN" DEAD. Dr. John. Watson," the Noted Scottish Writer. . Burlington, Towa, May 6.--Dr. ohn Watson 'lan Maclaren," died at 11:15 a.m. today, at Mount Pleasant, lowg The cause of death was blood poison ing, as a result of tonsilitis He was taken ill" at Mount Pleasant on April 25th. The Rev. John Watson was born in Morningtree, Essex, Nov. 3rd, 1850 and was a son.df the late John Wat He grammer university (M.A), Tubingen th son, of his majesty's civil service, was educated at Stirling school, Fdinburgh New - College, Edinburgh; Germany. Hi was licensed by to the Rev. in Edinburgh: or almond appointed assistant Wilson, Barclay church istér of Logie dained mi NULETOUS. : Causes Thurch War. Hillsboro, Tnd., May 7.--Bitter war has _been precipitated by a piano, ir the® Bowers church. Some member wanted a piano, instead of the or gan; others ohjetted. The vote | or the proposed change being a tie. Mop day the objectors warned the agow who put the piano in the church tc body from the Greek to the Romar Catholic church, Tha latter church i ready to allot a priest to the village intelligently. And when r | the | while the authorities of the Greek | tor, 1. you consider that your 10th oats, from op Ein oy way of | church have perished in treating Nied- | American Leaguo--Cleveland, 3; Chi i . onton an! he ackenzle wer | yielna as part of a larger parish. The | cago audience is made up of route, for Fort Macpherson, at the | jphabitants objected to walk to the over 21,500 readers it {mouth of the Mackenzie, to relieve | next village for devotion. Pross Dispatch : Four sons.at once, is certainly important Inspector Howard, who has been in VA @¢ Paul, Oct. 5th, 1906, A special charge of that station for several years. | Must not be confounded with com- | from Mondovi says: "Mrs. John Sil- ina 3. Pree Church of Scotland, in 1874, "and Free church, ; Free St. Matthew's Miss Cora Tracy, of London, has Glasgow, 1877; Lyman Beecher lecturer | Leen married to (. C. Morris 2 mil- at Yale unive v, 189G; moderator of | fi naire mine owner and banker, of synod, Presbyterian church of Scot- | Pany, Montana. land, 1900; minister of ton. Park The socialists have decided to take Prashiterion church, , Javerpool, 1580 | immediate steps to effect more com- 1905, His publications, under the | nlite orzanization, and have deeided nom 'de plume of "Jan Maclaren," are mon cathartic or purgative pills. Car- ter's Little Liver Pills are entirely un like them in every respect. One trial 'prove their superiority, Villages Are Wiped Out In Texas. TORNADO CELLARS SAVED THE LIVES OF QUITE A FEW. Only Meagre Reports in--High Wind Raises Havoc With Tele- phone and Telegraph Wires and Few Details of Damage Are Attainable. Fort Worth, Tex., May of wind and rain which was general throughout a considerable aréa of North Texas yesterday, and which at some places assumed the proportion of a torpedo, according to meagre re- ports received here, resulted in the loss of at least two lives, the injury of many other persons and great damage to property and crops. Several villages were wiped out, but se of the prostration of both telephone and telegraph wires details are almost impossible to obtain. At Deport, twenty miles from Paris, the storm damaged the residence quar ter. The Baptist parsonage was blown to picers and several other residences were damaged. No one was hurt. Crops were damaged and many fences and Larns were blown away, It is reported that at Haleshoro the wife and child of Andrew Bell were hurt. A terrific wind passed over Sul- phur Springs. West of Sulphur Springs the wind assumed the proportions of a torna do, carrying great property damage. Antioch,soven miles north of Sulp- hur almost destroyed. This is in the tornado belt and most of the homes provided with storm 7.--A storm Springs, was are cellars. To this is due the escape number of those ue the estupe of the scene of the most serious labor storm. " | crisis in its history. No street cars are The home of William Lemmons was | running. The telephone service has destroyed, entailing a loss of $10,000, | been suspended. The laundries have Three barns on the place were also de- | closed down. The big iron plants are stroved aud many head of live stock idle. killed, vlad A. tenant, Baral, with: his wife hod soven children, saw the storm coming und ran for the cellar. Baral was crushed by flying debris amd Mies. Barzil and two of the children were fearfully injured. the home of James Ferguson destroyed and Mrs. Ferguson was hurt. Benjamin Pogue and his wife were hurt when their home was blown but it thought that they may recover Mrs. Sidney may die Several down, is, Lackey was hurt and other persons were injured at Antioch. Crops in the path of the torm, which unusually wide, were destroyed. . Birdweight, 300 population, was de was killed, one other was fatally was stroyed and one resident while at leat hurt. PITH OF THE NEWS, The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. M. B. Stirling, of Winnipeg, is under arrest charged with many burglaries he longshoremen's strike, at New York, threatens to delay the sailing of the great liners. Negotiations are in progress be- tween Japan and France which will isolate Germany still further. The agreement between the operators 1 and miners of the west has been exe- cuted and the men return to work to- day. vrince Fushimi, cousin of the Jap reached London, yes- | terday, on a state visit to King Ed- w anese emperor, rd The disagreement between the mas- ter plumbers and their employges may develop into a strike of the building trades in Toronto, to establish a head office in Montreal. James Clark, white, and Fannie Tones, a negress, were burned to de ath, Sunday night, in their home on the Middle road, near Paler- mo, Ont Jd. 6. Dawson, a former postal clerk in Toronto, committed suicide in Cin- on 1 , | cinnati, by gas from a gas jet rubber tube, which he held in his hand when t | found, the gas being turned on.' . William - Boland, formerly r Baseball Scores. Fastern League--Toronto, 6; Roches- verson gave birth te four boys." She's evidently a great friend of Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. 85¢., Tea or SAN FRANCISCO IS IN SAD that was | warships because of labor troubles, « « out, yesterday, to enforce a Saturdey I business AN ORDINANCE IGNORED. The Company May Be Foroed to Fulfil Terms. Detroit United railway's franchise re quires its tracks to be on street grade, and also that the pavement between the rails, which it is to lay, shall be of the same material as that on the abutting street, or of brick. The latter requirement has been largely ig- nored by the company for several years, several miles of its track being filled in with cedar blocks, whare the city pavement is of hard material, while about 100 miles of track are be- Jow grade. The city is talking of re- quiring the company immediately to remedy these violations of its fran: chise, and it is said, if it does so, the cost to the Detroit United railway will be not less thgn $700,000. The village of Highland Park, ad- joining Detroit, out. Woodward av- enue, last night, turned down, hard, a franchise which the Detroit United railway had proposed. The. franchise would have been of great strategic value to the company when portions of its Woodward avenue franchise be- gin to expire two years hence, Lepers Sent To China. Victoria, B.C., May 7.---8ix Chinese lepers, located on an island in the gulf, were shipped to China by special steamer chartered by the dominion government. This step is the out- coms of an arrangement arrived = at between Canada and China, and in future all leprous Chinese eaught within the dominion wil' be returned to China at the expense of thé gov- ernment of the Celestial Kingdom, GREAT LABOR CRISIS PLIGHT. Works Will Close Down Forever if Tabor Troubles Continue--Forty Thousand Strike in Chicago, San Francisco, May 7.~This city is Great Iron Charles Schwab declared, last night, unless labor conditions E the great union iron works which have built some of the famous American warships will be closed down forever, Already, said Mr. Schwab, more than two million dollars has been lost on ------ Big Strike In Chicago, Chicago, May 7.--Building opera- tions all over the city and in the su- burbs are badly crippled by a strike of forty thousand bricklayers. All Jasses of trades and laborers walked wy day, Died After Rescue. Ogdensburg, N.Y., May 6.--William Cook, employed at George C. Boldt's farm on Wells Island, died, Saturday, following shock caused by the cap- sizing of a boat. With two other men he left Alexandria Bay for the farm and they were near the canal on Wells Island when the boat rocked and Cook fell out. The other mon righted the boat awd got Cook in, but Cook and Paul Miller became un- conscious after the struggle, When shore was reached Miller managed to, roll about enough to get the "water pretty well out of his lungs and sto- mach nad was conscious when help arrived. Cook did not regai con- sciousness and died a short time be- fore Dr. Cole arrived. ' Held Up A Crack Train, Butte, Mont., May 7.--The North Coast Iimited, the crack train on the Northern Pacific railway, has just been held up at Welch's Spur, about fifteen miles east of here, and the en- gineer killed. The object of the rob- bery, it is presumed, was to secure the contents of the safe earrying consign- ments of currency to eastern points. Captured At Plattsburg. Albrny, N.Y., May 7.--It is reported here that Jere K. Cooke, the former Hempstead, L.0., minister, who fled from Hempstead last Monday, simul tancously, with the disappearance of seventoon-year-old Floretta Whaley, has been arrested near Plattsburg. Winnipeg Pastor Dead. Winnipeg, May 7.--Rev. J. H. Mor- an, pastor of Fort Rouge Methodist church, and president of Manitoba con- ference, died, Monday morning. He had been ill omly a short.time, suf fering from appendicitis, Not Killed By A Posse. Klamath Falls, Ore., May 7.--Count Otto von Welderstein, reported to have been killed at Willows, Cal, a fow days ago, is alive and well here. He is employed on government recla- mation work. : Sir Robert Bond, the s premier of Newfoundland, is quoted as saying that the United States is Newfound- land's best market but that there is no reason why Britain should not re: ain her lost ground. nt on ain selling you the bes: clothing made for the money---such colobrated makes as Fit-Reform and 20th Century. E. P, Jenkins Cloth- ing Co. . For men who work with machinery, "Uneedit" removes grease like magie. 'Sold only at Gibson's Red Drug Tablets, Mahood's drug stores | Store, Detroit, Mich., May 7.-Although the | WEATHER PROBABILITIES. Toronto, Ont, May 7.010 sw j= Fair to-day, wR to-night, with a few local showers. Wednesday, cool MRSA Amazing Values --FOR-- } We're enthusing ourselves over these beautiful goods, but enthusiasm likes com- pear. Come. There's a lot in t for you. Such qualities, Such designs and such ex- t y low prices. You'll be ghted. The first week in y May. Your housecl or moving to a new J am You'll likely need | new Curtains, etc. Come and see what we are offering. Not Lace Curtains, 40¢c. to Tambour Net Curtains, : Curtain Cretones, with ° floral borders, 20c. to 30e. s. White and Colored Secrim, y Te. to 12jec. Madras Muslins, 25¢. to 40c. ' ' Art Muslins and Sateens, Te. to 30e. p Art Blinds, Cottage Poles, Extension Rods, Pillow Forms, ete. Endless Variety, Matchless y Goods. ~ STEACY'S. SHREVE EN EEREIEI YY DIED. LYONS--In Kingston, May 6th, 1907, after a brief illness, Charles Lyons. from his late residence, 13 Clarence St., Wednesday morning, at 9 o'clock, for St. Mary's Cathedral. . where a solemn requiem mass wilt be sung for the repose of his soul, Friends and acquaintances respectiuls ly invited to attend. POTTER.~At Portsmouth, on Monday, May 6th, 1907, Joseph Potter, aged SiXLy years. Funeral will _tuke place on Thursday, at 2 p.m, from his late residence, to St. John's church, thence to Catas ragui Cemetery. Friends und ac quaintances are respectiully invited to attend. 2 SELER --~In Y , Thomas Wheeler, sixth year of his awe. 3 Funeral Private. A solenm requiem mass will 7.80 to-morrow morning, in Mary's Cathedral, for the repose of his soul. SLAVIN.--In Kingston, on Tih of May, 1907, James Siavin, County Armagh, Ireland, al private; from Houge' of Frovis dence. A "solemn . libra' will be sung at St. Mary's Cathedral, for the res pose of his soul. Syracuse, on May 6th, in the Afty- Fu ROBERT J. REID The Leading Undertaker Phone 577, 227 Princess St rr ( TOPERA HOUSE ) * TO-NIGHT W. F. MANN Presents A Beautiful Story of the Golden Weat, AS TOLD IN THE HILLS ROMANTIC REALISTIC A Wonderful Play of Life and Adventure. A Story of the Arkansaw Jlilis. TRULY TOLD Yrices, 75¢c., 50c., 35¢., 25¢. Seats .pow on Sale. "While House-Cleanisg Nothing is more appreciated than a cup of GQOD TEA. 'Qur Special Blend Is just what's wanted. It goes to tho right spot. Put up by gelves, in pound packages only. E