Curtain Mtifeh. AC splendid for hard wear, $1.50 Tish Point. Brussels Point, 4 ha Marie Antoinette Duchess Point = Curtains. Priced { Sash Nets at 18¢., 20e., Be. a yard, Polding Lacs Curtain Stretch: $58 nickled pins. The best stretcy.| plete, 25e., Ee a od $ | had Jurtain Depart: bring in power from outside, beenuse power cap. be generated here: cheaper : by coal and Me. re- sated thet douthd tod Po cheaper than that by the Ontario Hydro Electric ission. |For small quantities the way to do is to generate y suction $ pro- the @ [ducer. 'The OR pa w com- carried out the work allotted to them idlaw reported that ing places of settlement: to present to on the 28th. Other projects are be. fore the commitiee but are not suffi. Me Macpherson oted g which ted inst Kingston in Bring ee . ts unsatis- factory railway accommodation and the difficulty of securing sufficient lo- kor for sudden needs. Acknowledg- ment wax made of valuable co-opery- tion of the civic industries committee and mention was made of the death of William Bampfield, who had been a valuable member of the board's com. mittee on industries.' : ---- The Power Question. +C, Bermingham, in speaking for the Power comnntiee, some vi pointed remarks, He declared that he some time ago looked carefully into the proposal wo bring electric power into Kingston from outside tin his investigation he had the assistance of J. M. Campbell, the city's expert. The conclusion he ar [rived at was that it would not pay to pany found 'it could easily affiorll 1, generate it from Steam, using the surplus steam to heat the buildings. Where Suildings have not tobe Beut- then the a8 producer is cheaper, Mr. Bermanghan said he was satisfied that the Beok Proposition could be beaten, A horse power for ten hours a day could be manufsetur- Jed for $12.50 year with gas. That was the greatest length of time any industry in Kingston required power, For twenty-four hours a day operation the Beck proposition would be of ad- Vantage, but it was not adapted for Kingston's use. -- Election Of Officers. The election of offiders resulted ag follows : Honorary presidents--Hon. Wilham Harty, N.P., Edw. J. B. Pense, M.P.P, President--W, 'I. Minnes. Ficst vice-president--E. T. Steacy. Earl St., Double Brick, $2,000 'Rideau St, Four Tene- nt, Rental, $360. * ,900 Collingwood St., Double Rental, $144, 500 Ontario St., Store and Tenements, Rental, $280. ; Barrie St., Shop and nts, Rental, $450, a loan on favor- . of the above, and mucous Sulfaces of the system. Send for ree. and every case of Catarrh that Second vice-president--H, ardson, Treasurer W. B, Dalton. Couneil--R, J, Carson, G. Y. Chom, J. M. Farrell, John Hewton, LL Laidlaw] D. Murray, C. A. Macpherson, E. C. Mitehell, W, F, Nicklas, Dr, Ryan, Jd. 8. Turner, : In thanking the hoard for reselecting him President Minnes said that he was gratified hy the Support given him during the past year, and was confi- dent of receiving even greater support during the coming year. He would do all in his power to further the in. terests of Kingston. A year hence he hoped to have more to show of the board's work, W. Rich- . -- G. T. R. Propositions. Mr. Pense was called upon by the president to speak. Ho congratulated the board and the city wpon the fine exhibition of unity its business men d shown during the Past, year. Such a spirit of nity was unigae in the annals of Kingston. Nr. Pense mmde mention of a matter he had brought to the attention of the council of the board of trade recently, viz, a pro- Position from the Grand Trunk rail Way company to build o $250.000 summer hotel here if the city would nuk its new line from Ottawa to Kingston, to the extent of £125,000, This proposition has been wi for the present. The G.T.R. company', however: asks the hoard to cansider another proposition, vie. securing for State of Ohio, City of Toled . Lucas' © = ounty. us Frank J. Cheney makes oath that '|'ment committee, both of which had of the advertising Sammi size in the country. a on of the proposed illustrated t on Kingston was being held : presen dustrics. committee feport. This com- mittee has been most active and /has been in communication rig qui a number of companies which were seek- It had been the «ity council two smelter propositions which will be voted upon by the property owners ciently advanced to allow of mention. Jointed a committee which would con- two things one must have a Without one, it to : once. He Hhaught, the city would be tly od if the G.T.R. came further in, a8 tourists would see more of the city, amd desire 'to explore. This would result in drawing many visitors. senator remarked upon the pro- verbinl slowness of Kingston. "But," said he, "what's the use of always being in a rush. That's no way to enjoy life. Kingston's way is ter. However, me say that this city has tot been so slow, for it has held out bonuses for industries to a larger « extent that any other place dnear is mens Co-Operation Asked. A communication was received from Prof. Shortt, of Queen's, stating that the Ontario Historical Society would hold its annual meeting in Kingston on the 15th and 19th of July. This meeting would be of great value in advertising Kingston as a historical centre. Prof. Shortt asked the Co- operation of the board in arranging for the entertainment of the visitors, Five trustees of Queen's had given the society the use of the university build- ings for their meetings, and had ap- er. with civic bodies. Mayor Mowat would bring the matter before the city council. The president referred Prof. Shortt's communication to the board's entertaioment committee. R. J. Bushell, président of the local Vegetable Growers' Askociation, wrote the board, asking it to take up the question of abolishing the forestalling by-law, which they held to he any- thing but advantageous to the peo- ple. This matter was referred to the committee on legislation. -- | The Smelter By-Laws. A discussion took place regarding the smelter by-laws, upon which the people will vote on the 28th. G. Y. Chown said that the board would have to do some good work if the by-laws were to carry, because two- thirds of the property owners . must be got out to vote. E. T. Steacy, chairman of the by- law committee, reported that steps were being taken to impress upon the Voters the negessity of turning out. Large committees of board of trade to work in each ward on voting day had bao prepared. very RE was expected to sacrifice some ime in helping to carry the by-laws, for Kingston wanted all' the industries it could possibly get. A card will also he sent to every voter, telling him where to vote. . Mr. Berminghany pointed out that it would require money to carry the by- law, and suggested' that the board use purt of its surplus for this pur- pose. J. A, Minnes thought it would be better to collect a fund from the members. It was finally decided to vote 8300 to the by-law committee to expend as it thought best MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The Latest Items From the Wharves. The steamer Belleville arfived here from Montreal, at 7.30 o'clock last mght, > + the new steamer Rapid King will be given a trial trip either Wednesday or Saturday of this wek. - The sloop Granger arrived, last vight, from bay ports, with a cargo of pressed hay, for shipment. The steamer Kingston, of the R. & 0. line, will go into commission June Ist, and the Toronto three days lat- er, The Canada Lake line, operating be- twren Fort William and Montreal, has succeeded the Montreal-Lake Superior line, runving on the same route, The tug homson, of the M.T. Co., arrived, from Montreal last night 4 3 ; , , '| power to accomplish things. Wade's ith Sate eh barges, nud cleared, | bon Tonic Pills build health by sup re parr Muy Ton With Jour grain: Uplving the. systnn Crh hn vital : . | viood. The tug Kate and barges Maggie % : . and Siren arrived, here, from Mont. a a > Bs eg tener real, last night, and are being loaded ' 3 * ro: with oats and barley for Montreal, at Wade's drug store, Money back if ichardsons' elevator, Swift : Steamer Picton, down, this morning: steamer Aletha, down and up the bay, to-day; steamer Belle- ville, up, last night; steamer Hamil ton, due up, to-night. The steamer Island Wanderer is now making two round trips to Cape Vincent, daily. It was 8.15 o'clock when the Wanderer arrived at Fol ger's wharl last night, and she had on board a large number of passen: gers. Four grain steamers are expected to arrive, to-day, for the M.T. Co. They are the steamers Westmount, J. H. IL. Ames, from Fort steamer Wallace, The steamer Alexandyia arrived at Folger's, at nine o'clock last night, from Rochester, on her way to Mont. real. She took on a few passengers, and a large cargo of freight. The steamer was two hours late, owing to train connections. ! The Richlien and Ontario Naviga- he - Senior partner of the fitm of PJ County and State aforesaid, and that said firm wif) the of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS Toro be cured hy the use Hall's: Catarrh Cure. K J. CHENEY Sworn te before nw' and. ribed in | (Seal) Hall's A. W. GLEASON, Notary Public. atarrh Cure is taken internally, acts directly on the blood and test pnonials PHENEY. & Co., Toledo, ©. & jst. Be. business in the City ' ern route ar: running, the last steam- er leaving Montreal last night. each ; havigation cannot, Kingston and operating on Lawrence river, expect to my presente, this 6th day of December, | point to one of A.D, 1886 } Sensons for a number of years, Pills "or consti- Cheviots and vicunas. tion compfy's steamers on the west- The touching at the St, enjoy a The prospects the heaviest tourist companies busy season this vear. energy, freedom from disease and the not satisfactory. received at McAuloy's. Phone 778 I last and At the oi council il meeting, or Mayor Mowat evening, Ald. & ove, bk Charen, , of) «1 it, Gaskin, Givens, hay ent, fan - » a lp s nm, Nickle, Rig- nd Toye. dications were referred to committeds : G. ¥. Chown, asking remission of laxes on Property belonging to Queen's University on Stuart street. W. C. Martin, secretary Victoria day ion, i p ission to use the track at' the fair grounds for training horses and for use of grounds on 24th, SE City officials, asking council to pur- chase an adding: machine. Board of 'health, asking council to build a tile sewer on Rideau street on manila 5 = ls - Turkington, asking permission to move a house from Barrie street to Patrick street. H. W. Newman and others, asking for street watering on King street, between Collingwood and Beverly strocts. John Boyd and others, asking to have the light on Pine street placed at the corner of Pine and Division streets. $ Thomas Copley and others, for the construction of a concrete sidewalk on the north side of Pine street, from Patrick street to Division street. The finance cofimittee recommended as follows : That the by-laws to ruise certain sums for local improvement purposes be passed by the council and that the debenture rate of interest be four and one-half per cent. per annum. That, on the advice of the city solicitor, the city registrar be paid the sum of $950 as per order of D. Guthrie, inspector of registry offices, for dividing lot 21 into blocks for ab. Stract purposes and preparing ab- struct indexes in respect of such blocks. Ald. Couper asked for' information regarding the payment, and was informed that the inspector had the power to muke the levy. He smiled contentedly when told that farm lot No. M comprised most of Rideau ward and that the 3950 was virtually a grant to the property owners he re- presented. Regarding the rate debentures Muyor Mowat stated that the city could not control the money market. Debentures at four per cent. could not be sold, so that this year the city would have to pay four and one-half per cent.: The light and Power committee's re- port contained this Setter from J. M. Campbell : "Referring to your inquiry in refer ence to some plan in regard to pro- Posed extensions of 'gas mains : | have looked cavefully into -this mat: ter, and consider that the proper way would be to canvass the street on which it is proposed to run the main and find out how many prospective customers can be obtained. We fing that the average gross income from each customer amounts to about twelve dollars per year for ordinary sized residences. The total cost of making the gus and distributing it amounts to approximately sixty per cent. of the gross imecome, leaving forty per cent. available for interest debentyres, and general expenses. On this basis, providing we obtained twenty-five - customers on one Street our gross income would be ap- proximately $300, leaving available for general expenses, inwerest and de- bentures, $120 at six pér cent., this would pay interest on $2,000. This $2,000 would lay 2,500 feet of four- inch gas main so that it would be ne- cessary to obtain one customer for every 100 feet of four-inch pipe laid." The light committee's recommenda- tion of a five per cent. increase ip wages to the plant's emplovees was adopted. Several by-laws for the raising of $285,000 by debentures were passed. Council adjourned at 9:13 o'clock. -------- Let Health Bound Upwards. If you are run down: start running up towards sound health. Debility means a loss of a portion of jife it sei. Vitality means new life, new on this year's -- William Swaine, Piano tuner- Orders Wade's Tooth Paste, in tubes, 15¢., at Wade's drug store. Kingston's Famous Fur Store. And feel happy if your furs are stored with us. We jn- |] sure them at a small cost || agains ee by thelt. Tor particulars ring 238. " ing hard times, . and sings the doxology. Thus many-a}™ might have heen something, has been J] vile: W. E. Sprodle, J. J. Cussack, | e YOU CAN SMILE John MugcLeod, W. R. Roche, y alson, Montreal: 8. I. Van Waggoner, New 'York; I. Tate fF Lorie, 8. (. " onto: R. A. moth, fire or T ) M. Young. Brockville: Detroit: .J. TT. = TUESDAY, MAY 7. > vr Preached In London. left for Chicago, where he will take a t-graduate course, stopped off at on on his trip, and preached in the First Congregational church there, Sunday night. pt -- In Police Circles. There was no session of the police court, this morning, and as g_result things were very quiet in police circles. A number of statute labor delin- quents have been summoned to appear before the magistrate to-morrow, ------ May Be Enlarged. In all protubilivy, the storehouse at Folger's wharf will be enlarged with- in the next few weeks, as the building has been found inadequate for the de- mand made upon it. The freight so far this season has been very heavy, and additional room will havé to be secured. Economical Relief. You get a large bottle of Smith's White Liniment for 25c. It lasts a long time and does a lot of ouring. It relieves any pain, cures any bruise or strain, expels rheumatism or ney. raigia and subdues any inflamanrion or ¢ stion. It should be in every home all the time, At Wade's drug store' -- Take Down Old Signs. A person taking a walk around the city will notice -quite a few old signs which do not by any means add to the attractiveness of the city, and it would be & good thing to have them removed. On a Princess street build- ing is a sign advertising the Barnuny & Bailey circus, which appeared in this city last August. It is high time it came down. -- Careless Readers. A host of subscribers of the having read the announcement of in- crease of subscription price to the United States addresses, because of the new postal tax, have conceived the increase to apply in Canada also. The careful reader could not draw that inference. The price of subscrip- tion in Canada remains the same as before, Whig, ------ Gave Him Suit Case. Frank P. Welch, who has resigned his position in the office of the freight department of the K. & P. railway, was waited upon by the members of the stafi, and presented with a suit cage. Mr. Welch will leaye in the course of a week or #0, to accept a position with the Ocean and Lakes Navigation company, at Toronto, and he will carry with him the best wish- es of a large circle of friends in Kingston. ------ To Have Control. The management and finance com- mittees of the Board of Education met, at the board rooms, last night, to discuss the proposal of the Queen's University committee jn regard to the establishment of a schoghp of pedagogy in connection with Queen's. There js a strong feeling, among the members of the board, that the control of the teachers must not. pass out of the hands of the school board. The matter will be further discussed at a joint meeting of the school board and Queen's University governors this even- ing. To-Night At The Grand. A clever bit of comedy character act- ing is done by J. Meclntosh, a "Gent of the Road," who has a part in '"Ag Told in the Hills," which "will come to the Grand to-night. In addition to being entirely new in plot and devel- opment as well as charactors, the play is one of the strongest from a dra- |* matic standpoint that has been pro- |! duced this season. The original com pany will be seen in the production, The play is artistically staged, special |® attention having been given to the |b details of the scenery, showing the Indian fight on the prairie and scenes on the Arkansas farm with its pic- turesque rural surroundings that are in keeping with the general tone of the play. : ---- Citizens Take Note Of This ! The Portsmouth Philosopher says :| A town that never has anything to do in a public way is on the road to the| 2 cemetery. Any citizen who will. de | 8 nothing for his town is helping to dig the grave. A man that curses the|™ town furnishes the coffin. The man who is so selfish as to have no time from his business to give to town af- | & fairs is making the shroud. The man | *® 8 | : follow, Begin by enriching the blood. Make it pure and nutritious by rozone; it's the greatest blood former known to medical science, who will riot advertise is driving the hearse. The man who is always pull- ing back from any public enterprise throws bouquets on the grave. The man who is stingy and always howl- preaches: the funeral town, that with a little united effort" G. N. Brown, H. E. Brintnell, Belle- I'py J. Mich- McDonald, G. A. R Mc ate, J. W. Parish, S. Vanee,'J, W. Rogers, Ro- | st ert. Gillespie, G. W. Anderson, Tor su 8 Campbell, Pembroke: | th A. Webster, Lansdowne: .J. M. E. Galin, Drescher, Hamilton ; "usher, homas Binney S. Black, of Kingston, who and will leave, this week, Stanley barracks. perties of iron, combined with tonics and a most perfect mervine, are found in Carter's strengthen the nerves and body, dows in St. George's cathedral o CoV- EE -- REGAIN NOW THE STRENGTH Winter Leaves Us Miserable, Ail purities, deadens the tem increases and whey the body winiey's accumulation of pollution is ire aid as well. Ferrozone serves the bevond buoyant, joyous and No remedy more nourishing or lifting, no treatment so sure to bring lasting health, BOARD OF HEALTH Enjoy THE MEDICAL HEALTH OFFI- TRUCTED Good health makes good na. URNS ture. If everyone had a sounq To Wait Upon the Board of Edu- | stomach there would be no pes- cation Regarding a Nurse. to | simists in the world. Do not Report Upon Contagious Dis-| jig 3 weak stomach or a bad eases Among the Children. liver to rob you of the joy of The board of health met yesterday living. Take afternoon. Present were S. S. Corbett (chairman), Dr. Evans, John Lemmon and Dr. Hanley. : W. Cannem and others petitioned for a sewer on 'Rideau street, from the residence of the former to Ordnance street. The sewer was recommended on sanitary grounds by the medical health officer. On motion of Dr. Ev- ans, the board decided to petition the city council for the construction of the same. Dr. Evans brought up the question of having some one to look after the public schaol = children in rebard to contagious diseases. The hoard adopt- ed his resolution instructing the mei- cal health officer to wait upon the board of education and discuss with it the advisability of, appointing a qualified nurse for the purpose. Another matter was brought to the attention of the board by Br. Evans, and that was with reference to the slaughtering of cattle within the city limits and depositing the remnants of the carcases on local ground. He said that a complaint had been made to the police about such a condition . of affairs, existing in rear of the old bis- enit factory on Division street. Police- Sergeant Snodden had made a writ- ten report, but the matter had been suppressed by the chief of police, the doctor said. He wanted the hoard to take up the matter, and request the chief to produce the report of Sergt. Snodden. No action, however, was taken. and the world laughs with yoy, No need then for rose-colored glasses. Beecham's Pills start health vibrations to all parts of the body, while putting a ruddy tint on lips and cheeks. There's health in every box. Health for every man, woman and child, Beecham's Pills t Sold Everywhere. In boxes 25 cents. Skin Sacks MADE OVER AND DYED. Y.M.C.A. DIRECTORS MEET. Arrangements Made For Annual Banquet. The regular meeting of the board of directors of the Y.M.C.A. was held, last night, the president, Dr. Sparks, presiding, with a good attendance of BY. members, . Matters pertaining to the annual banquet came up for discussion, and ' 1 it was decided to extend an invita- tion to T. D. Patton, general ches EXCLUSIVE FURRIER tary of the Ottawa Y.M.C.A., to be K ST the guest of the association on that 78 and 80 BROC . occasion, and to give antaddress on 'Phone 700. "Calcutta," the same to be illustrat- ed by views on canvas. Mr. Patton is an' eloquent speaker, and his lec- ture on "Calcutta" is said to be a most interesting one. The board granted the general sec- retary leave of absence to attend the Barriefi:ld military camp. It was decided to make some neces- sary repairs to the reéading-room. -------------- Kidney Signals. When you have a backache or a dull heavy feeling across the baok,. when urine is heavy, clouded, scanty or pro- fuse it is time fo do something for At your kidneys. The remedy you can depend upon to cure all kidney, liver and bladder disorders is Pock's Kid- ney and Liver Pills. They benefit al- most from the first dose. In boxes, 25c. For sale only at Wade's drug store. Money back if not satisfactory. present our Stock of Desirable Cut Glass is more Complete than ever. Choice :--Spoon Trays, Relish Dishes, Jelly Plates, Fruit Dishes, LN Cream Jugs, Carafe's etc. We invite inspec tion, your Pathologist Of Rockwood. Dr. W. T. Connell professor ofibac- teriology and pathology at Queen's Medical College, has' been appointed pathologist to Rockwood hospital, in addition to his college work. He has resigned as secretary-treasurer of the medical college, in consequence, and the faculty has appointed Dr, Bther- ington to succeed him in official en- pacity. Jewelers aud Opticians Issuers of Marriage To Take A Course. Capf. A. Sharp has returped his parliamentary from duties at Mtawa for Toron- to, to take a cours: of instruction at The well-known strengthening pro- other WITH EACH PAIR OF Lace Curtains At $1.25 orover SOLD ON Wednesday WE WILL GIVE FREE ONE Brass Curtain Pole complete, worth 25¢. and remember too that our Cur- tain values are the best in : Iron Pills, which and mprove the blood and complexion. Workmen are giving the painted win- ving of wire netting to protect them rom accident, YOU LACK ! ------ ing, Weak--BUILD UP NOW. During the winter the system gets luggish. The blood, polluted with im. nervous system nd dulls the actions of both liver nd kidneys; the foulness of the sys- 1 spring comes e are limp and useless, Spring "system cleaning" fs a duty; sewers must be flushed out od waste matter removed--otherwise and nervousness will surely taking For. Ferrozone makes the liver fairly sing ith new life, makes the kidneys dance ith renewed vitality, and thus the % . : expelled, . i buried beyond - hope of resurrection. OF course digestion must be IDro the city. . Arrivals At B. A. Hotel ved, and probably the stomach will re- irpose admirably. "Those who use it, Joy appetite and digestive powers far SPECIAL REDUCTIONS a That tired onary. replaced by the On 'Ladies' Raincoats sensation of health vigor. Day by day * as your If you want a coat come in and we will guarantee the rength increases, you feel new energy ring through your veins, and know at a tonic of great merit is at work, up- good spirits and con- @ sure you try " : T. H. North, John 8. Arndt, Phila- | tentment. Ferrozone contains just price to be right, 3 delphia; J. Huberson, Prescott: C. B. | what run-down folks need; it cures be- : Prevost, Brock street, has received Durfee, Ashland, 0. T. 8. Dwinell, { cause it supplies more nutriment than . ] three cases of imported goods for his Syracuse, N.Y.: A. T. Harshaw, Na-|vou can get in any other way. . Free i order clothing department, consisting . - pance; T. L. Hall, Perth; W. 'Dixon from ' alcohol and prepared only in .of Scotch and English tweeds, serges, Makers of Fine Furs Craig, Midland: J. Jones, Boston. : H. thosalete coated Jailets, Boe per hox A great variety . Morgan, Boston; James Underwood, | or six for $2.50, at lers. - of them to choose from, M. Luke, St. Paul. Ferrozone." : ? \ : 8) 4 - a § nd ife Show How Seal will last in the o They with a ample 1 traction. strain ¢ Inteny firepots FURN are strengthened by he: provide 50% more radia "Hecla' Grates aré heavy edges. The triangular t grate made, and will ke clinkers with the least ef "Hecla Fused J¢ pure, and free from all t; For further information, con Furnace Builder for a catalogue Clare Bros. & Co. KINGSTON AGEN R. M Kingstan Car May is ever the month when attention to Carpets and Curtai go to make a cosy and comfort pared to help her than ever bei in every department. Windso In pretty shades of Blues, Fawr ers and Stairs to match, The g pets are unsurpassed, sewn, lai at $1.15 per yard. Tapestr In all the newest colorings, at In Our Ru; Will be found almost every siz tured, from the costly Wilton I prices never were so low. R. M Lace Curt This BE We are going to offer t tain Nets this week, and if y we will be pleased to have y Lace Curtains With the Ut Sheetings, Pillow Cotto lings and Table Napkins, all THE JAMES J 180 Waelli ki -