ONE POUND CAN 280 TORONTO, ONT. miles north of Cobalt, where rich gc PURE AND WHOLESOME. leaner Soma er tees. Great activity has commenced in the VARDER LAKE GOLD FIELDS a few | Redmond became as ultra a Britisher the government's -propossl-wi regard to home rule in Ireland. ment is 'a unit upon it. clared, 'and then that he had lost the support of tw of his strongest colleagues, the Duk of Devonshire and Asquith and Mr. Haldane, chancéllo upon this subject, purely local successful with a authority, it may government which and 4 TH Ti) Canadian federation, There has to be a modest acquiring, however, and an experiment, and Ire- land 'ought to be as ready for this as the Transvaal, ind would be, if Jokn 1 in every way as General Botha ap- "| pears to be. sp e-------------------------------------------- '| LEGISLATURE FOR IRELAND, . Today the imperial parliament will hear will be an important announcement, and it will be a marvel if the govern- | One can recall the attempt of Mr. Gladstone, with a strong government, to launch a scheme of legislative re- form, so far as Ireland was concern- ed. He seemed to have the support of his cabinet. until the measure was de- it was discovered Mr. Chamberlain. History is not, merely, repeating it- self, and yet it is intimated that My. of the exchequer and secretary of war, are not in harmony with the premier Some day Ireland will have what provinecs of Canada now have, a parliament for. the consideration of questions, and if it is minor degree of later secure the larger 'boon of a parliament and a will have powers to those of the deposits aro found. Fortunes will be re eee quickly made. Send at once for WHERE THE MATTER STANDS. "Spear's Mine Development." Tt econ-| The board of educations special 'tains full particulars of committee will meet the committee the: Larder Lake, Montreal River, and other Can dinn mining districts; views on the present Gold Co., and first sale of Ja short roto, Canada. and in }-Ib. and §-1b Tins, i 4 4 A MAA Balhae dh 2 Headquarters. you want to buy or sell City 0] » 8° to a man who 5 a specialty of same. GEO. CLIFF, Sissons, Opposite r for a few tons: now peard off the grippe. bo. Real Estate Base Ball Bais Balls Catchers' Mitts " Masks Basemen's Gloves Infielders' . Suits and Caps. Anything and everything for the game at the busy Sporting Goode House. i, Angrove Bros. 88 and 90 Princess St. ely dhe cent machinery is also Mr, Spear's condition of mining at Cobalt, also information of Mr, Spear's Larder Lake Bonanza shares for time at 15 cents each (par J2L00), or $15.00 fur cache 100 shares, Write to PV, FRASER & CO., Fin. ancial Agents, 23 Toronto Street, To- '| rally were so objectionable. The sity- from Queen's College this evening, respecting the school of pedagogy. There is no telling what the outcome will be, for there is really"no proposi; tion before the board, and this propo- sition should - come from the college People as "the party of the first part," or the party which is primari- ly concerned. The trustees of the insti- tute and" public schools are not offer- ing anything to the college, but the college wants the school of pedagogy, and must have the schools for prac- tice, obseryation and technical instruc- tion. It is understood, through a prelim- inary survey of the situation, that more accommodation will be neces- sary; that the efficiency of the staffs must be increased, (if possible): that the equipment must be improved, and all this costs money. The city can hardly be expected to supply it, for a8 a popular local institution the col. lege has not been treated in a: parsi- monious manner. . The point of greatest concern is as to the organization of the faculty of this new school. The, head will be tesponsible for the work of the facul- ty (which will pe composed of the city teachers), ahd the school board should not be asked to abandon any of the control which jt now exercises, The agreements which are entered into between the school board and the education departments, with res- Pect to the Normal schools, may not apply here but if they do there may be some difficulty in reaching a basis where all present differences may be reconciled, ae -- THE GOVERNOR THROWN DOWN. There has been a vote of the senate of New York state on a governor's recommendation, concerning the re- moval of a state official, and bosses have the |t] triumphed, Mr. Hughes ged to act independesitly and to in- sist upon efficiency in the public ser- vice according to his conception of it. Early in his official career he assured |! himself that Mr. Kelsey, superinten- cl suggested his retirement. ight' 7 |eradicate these affections. Invaluable Ii there was any subject in which night Poor ill ut must. get. I alo as a general healing application. Mr. Hughes was posted it was insur- championship and the $100 bet go to [Cures Eczema, Salt Rheum, Scald ance. He had only a year before con- | the young man: % Head, Cold Sores, FErysipelas, Piles, tended his investigation of it, and the . ete. In big boxes 2c, at Wade's legislature had adopted the laws | News From The Fair Grounds. | dre store. which he drafted. He was an expert, | The trac at the fair grounds is in The Dominion Tae bor 8 ) therefore, in the business, and he was good Stim ie storia Day order with i hi ae Rlaced oe surprised to find that Mr. Kelsey had not made any of the changes which the contrary he kept in office some of sound advice, ~ Defeated Champion Hunt in First night, Arthur Willey, expert, defeated "Paddy" Hunt in the first 100 balls of a Jing any bad both missed in the whole, a y oH no fouls were made. Both men ex- dent of insurance, was wholly incom- pect to win out to-night. Hunt, petent for the work of his office, and | though playing agminst » handicap, expects to get should be in a present there the circumstances warranted, that on |stabled at their trainers. in he that th It o | 8PPear to be making sure of e | complete political extinction. Se ------ EDITORIAL NOTES. man in several plaves lately, includ * ling London, England, and on to Ja tle sign of improvement. by the privy council. The venerable some astonishing judgments, that Canada . should copy New Zea- land's petiion system. A colony with a public debt of £66 7s. 4d. is not a pattern in the way of wise or judici- ous financing, -- LaProsse has seven arguments against. the new postal arrangements, so far 8s Canada is concerned, and the last one is the more important. It is that "from a general point of view they constitute a general administrative error." ! . The works department will have to talk pavement, persistently and intel higently, if it wants the $75,000 by-law to carry. There is apparently a good deal of opposition to the ex. penditure of large sums in any kind of pavements, ---- A parlismentary return, handed out most reluctantly, shows thet under tory rule the Irish public service was loaded ap with political favourites and incompetents. A more shameful abuse of the public: service cannot be imagined, Dr. Mundell has sounded a sensible warning note, Something should he done to guard against the spread of disease in the schools. There are many cases of scarlet fover in the city. What is being done to guard against spread of it ? the It looks as if Canada got the worst of the deal in the postal arrangements. The newspaper publishers at any rate have got the worst of it, and for it, according to one account, "a clique of the Canadian Press Association," is to be cordially thanked. -- The New York Commercial advises Kelsey, the State superintendent of insurance, to resign at onge. He has been vindicated by the bosses, who re- fused the governor's demand for sus- pension, Now, says the Commercial, let Kelsey get out. It is hard but hi ce-- WILLEY WON. Game. At Baker's billiard parlors, last the young pool 200-ball game, by he score of 100 to 83. The young lose and exciting, neither man mistakes, though they several chances early in he game. There were only four bucks two to each man, and the money. In to- shape for the racing. - At Hy are twenty-four horses | the grounds in charge. of ¥ are worked out the men whose relations with the in- surance companies and service gene- ation became painfully apparent when Mr. Hughes called Mr. Kelsey to his d! mn preparing TABLE SALT. Itis absohuely pug ~- sirable. the state senate, which law, had before it could take effect, | that tt the Party bossce had been office and submitted him to an exam- ination which revealed all that the governor suspecist: and made a change in office more than ever of de- For weeks the issue had been before according to to approve of a dismissal In all every day. The running race for purse "of '$300 event of the day. Baseball At The Cricket Field. Space is at a premium on the cricket field. Every 'afternoon a large number Ors are entering intb the game this vear, and should make quite a show- ing before the soason is advanced. The Darks committee will be asked to roll the Victoria day, - City League will start on May 18th. -- Wade's Furniture Polish, bi bottles, 15¢., at Wade's drug store, ug a promises to be the 'his plans, and in so do: ally deicated them- their anger and despera- their future £ E = : 8 3 The said nothing about slight and per- sonal affront. He is conscious of his own eo with further humiliations for the man who, of all the représen- tatives of the party, was elected in the last Public appeal, and in this they their The tory papers have had Mr, Hy- pan. All the while he is in California, in very bad health, and with very lit- The boycott has just been approved court, that has hitherto represented all that was according to the eternal fitness of things, has been handing out Goldwin Smith does net think it wise too frequently overlooked. success, The Englishmen sre the heroes chocolate and which has pagne. The concirt on Sunday drew a huge audience, and lected for the French charity 'Arbre de Noel." played in consulate. A football match between the Englishmen and Club resulted in a victory for the lat- man took the lead in the second game |b had been elected f, . {and was, never caught during the con- as a reformer, pled tent. The game toy: during was held in mak- | asm. affections cause more ammoyances and suffering than many more serious ail- ments. anmediate relief © and will thoroughly bave produced copper from the ments sodiom, the com- French Philosophy. Mr. Kel- { pamiiton Herald. : governor or » » was French, is French and must remain French," said J. Gauth- on . The ter, MLA: in a speech at St, Hy- acintiie, last evening. Inasmuch as One cannot cancel one's ancestry, what the gentleman says is probably (rue. -- Time For A Change. Hamilton Spectator. 5 Whew men charged with a capital criine can be, and are, dismissed in the province of Quebec because somebody neglected to put stamps on the war- rants, there is room for a change in the law. The Grafters' Position. Rochester Post-EXxpress. To show how conscientious some of our high-minded legislators. are it may be said that some of the Tammany senators votcd against the removal of Superintendent Kelsoy because Gover- nor Hughes wouldn't sign the hill legalizing prize-fights | Arthur's Last Plunge. Brantiord Expositor. How Joseph Chamberlain will chue- kle when he reads Arthur Balfour's speech to-day ! The ex-colonial secre- tary will probably say : "Better Late Than Never," and also "How Different it Might Have Boen" if Arthur had taken the protection plunge before. In Line With Public Opinion. Wall Street Journal. The action of the We stinghouse com- pany in issuing $5,000,000 of stock to stockholders of record at $75 per $50 share, which is 4 price above the market priee for the past few weeks, , | is notable instance of a great corpor ating putting itself in line with th new public opinion in regard to cap italization. The general custom has beeri for corporations to issue new stock at par when the market price of the outstanding shares was very much higher, hut the Westinghouse issues its stock at or above the / market price instead of at the par price. The old custom has prevailed for many years and has been subjected to com- paratively little criticism until lately when it has been condemned as a form of stock watering. Cause Of Some Failures. Toronto. Globe, In the current issue of Queen's Quar- terly William C. Baker deals in an in- teresting way with a feature of eduea- tion in enginvering that siems to he The theme is "The Electric Club of Wilkinshurg and Its Educational Significance," and the writer impresses the need of culti vating qualities and aptitudes distinet from technical - knowledge. It in strength, courage, force, directive abil ity, and all that may he summed up in the word "character," that the cause of many failures may be | dis covered. The Mary Ann Vote. Hamilton Times In Wisconsin, the other day, wo are told, the legislature resorted to| the "Mary Ann" system of voting to break a dead-lock on an appointment. A good many may be puzzled to know what is meant by the "Mary Ann" system of voting.' It provides that each member of the legislature shall vote his first and his second choica at the same time. The second-choice volts are to be added to the first- choice votes in case. the first. chbice does not result in a nomination. It is intended to take into consideration the average of popularity. The kue- cessful candidate under the system now possibly not have the g est num ber of votes as first choi but he must be on the average higher in favor than any of his opponents. It is a useful' method of breaking caucus dead locks, FETED IN FRANCE. Visit of Lancashire Lads to Fa- mous City. Lille, May 7.--The visit of the band of the 2nd Battalion South Lanca- shire Regiment' hag been an unqualified of the hour. Invitations pour in upon them, and they are being loaded with presents, chiefly of cigars, cigarettes, the confectionery for |, the town is famous. One man recived three hampers of cham- $1,200 was col a selection of music was the garden of the British To-day the French Iris er by 6 goals to 3. A final concert the Grande Place this stages | evening, and evoked immense enthusi- Forget The Itching. Salt. Rheum and many other skin Wade's Ointment gives aiinost werful 14,000-ton twin-serew steam- for the St. Lawrence route. Sir Wiliam Ramsay is reported to ele lithium and' potassiom. ching Piles, Eczema, and baseball teams practice, = The jun- lamond on the ericket field before The senior series of the {MONEY IN THE H. D Our Special $15 Black C price is only about one-haif Tailor. Other lines, $12, $1 See Our Special $12.50 § breasted styles. See Our $15 Srmi-Ready Blue or Black Serge Suits, guaranteed not to fade. See Our Special $2 English Hats. See Our' Great $1 Glove, See Oux Special $1 Fancy BY TRADING | ----AT---- oo YOUR POCKET; + . BIBBY £0, | One Price Stor | TIP rREET -------- d i Specials | See Our Special $12 50 Grosvenor English Rain. oats good rain or shine, 4 >0& See Our Semi-Ready Special 3 $15 Raincoat. heviot Overcoat is a dandy. Oy, what you would have to pay Mr. 0. $8. * erge Suits, single and double : b ; color $ 4 for Driving, Dress, or Street Wear, Shirts: p ) Bibby C h 10DYy LO. $ < A 50 Selected Mattresses, in © in Fancy Art Tickings and 50 Lock Hercules Springs to fit any size USE FURNITURE RES SALE OF ). $15 Hat Rack A few China ( Robt. The Leading 1 ture Dealer AS A BRACER FOR THIS WEEK Polish Oak, 30x49 Polish Oak, . 30x40 will be sold cheap for Ambulance "Phone 5 HALL FURNITURE for $10.50. 'abinets, the latest style, cash. J. Reid, 'ndertaker + 230 Prince and Furni- St, I _ BREAKFAST ON As a food it is far superior to mushy porridge or pasty corn products. It is hygenically perfect and more, whole- Some and nutritious than meat. A HARD DAY'S WORK 'BISCUIT and TRISCUIT are an Ideal Combination. All Grocers--13c, a Carton ; 2 for 25¢. i] Our Big Rebuilding Sale is Still On. JAMES otton Felts and Sea Grass and Wool Weave Woven Wire. Beadstead. REID. TORER. Evangeline - G. B. Chocolates THE VERY BEST, ONLY 50 CENTS PER LB, A. J. REES, 166 Princess Street Ganong's WOMENS' NEGL SUFFERING THE SURE PE! Thus Lost Is Restored by | ee Vegetable Compound, women di knc ang woh fag? 3 cer same story over a ey tired all the time!" More than likaly you speak th words yourself, and no doubt far from well. The cause may traced to some derangement of male organs which manifests i depression of spirits, reluctance anywhere or do anything, ba bearing-down pains, flatulency, n ness, sleeplessness or other weakness. : These symptoms are but warnir there is danger ahead, and unless a life of suffering or a serious op is the inevitable result. Tha never-failing remedy for al "oyu pans is 133 E. Pinkham! stable Compound. * Miss a Beaubien, .of Be Quebec, rites i: 2 h nkham : a years I have suffer a female weakness which proved a drain on my vitality, sapping my s and causing severe headaches, bearin pains and a general worn-out feelin i really had no desire to live. 1 trie medicines, but id not get permane; until I took Lidia E. Pinknam's Ve Compound. n twosmonths 1 wa better and stronger, and in four m was well; no more disagreeable dis no more pain. So I have every re Pp e the Vegetable Sompound, an sider it without equal for theills of w For twenty-five years Mrs. Pir danghter-in-law of Lydia E. Pi has under her direction and sin dcoease, been advising sick wom of charge. Her advice is free and belpful = Address, Lynn, Mass, THOUSAND ISLAND PA; The <Jottages Put in Shape Occupation. Thousand Idand Park, Ma) storm of in, followed by &no ited the , on Saturday, a Saturday night it froze very Mrs. Arthurs, florist, her di acl davs , after a lingering Her ins were taken to le Potter, 1 arriy her former home. W. ville, customs officer, the season, and has opened hi at the do Capt. Elridgg andi érew have commenced fits the yacht Winona and cleaning grounds in general at Win terg I: 1, near here. MeCreary's la has e and yacht houses, on Wesi avenue, being painted green, with white trimmings. 0. S. Barnes, who has been her to h | made improvements his home in . has left for ing a supj cottage, Aid gave Home and a goodly *s) he Ladies' the Welcome nizhts ued. the steamboat vered with a cement rove is building a new ircight dock, jus dock, is being finish in A. G. Mars on Point. Balll yor in South Bay, on wT. The melodious v has been heard sever ¢, but for the last. fi he is silent. The sloop Flying arrived, a few days ago, havi rebuill, with new spar 'and sails almost as good as new, Rev. M. D. Kenny and fami arrived from Florida, where the the winter 0. F. Green, "rea agent, here, and wile, return wed, from North Carolina, wh 'spent. the winter. Mrs, on' Point; Elder A Mrs. Lawton and de Utie Mrs. . F. Otis and London's Lord . Mayor B May 7.-- The month will be a' wiry busy one with { Mayor of Loudon, probably th of liis merry life. To-night he of the patrons of the dan Sade im aid 'of th London, ons Grafton galleries, ) Ioigh House in Paris. Princes tian has gi her patrona morrow he will take part in th rv Dance," through the street ancient Cornish - town of | Furry day is only ecdebrated ton. Probably for the first lord mayor of London will | lirht fantastic toe at the he proession of swains and dams Sir William Treloar visits th At midday the real revels hegi a procession of dancing coup ring flowers, is formed at t hall. To the tune of the: Furr played by a volunteer ban dane: hand-in-hand through ti passing in the front door house and out of the back. ] any house From time the men turn and twirl immediately behind or in f given ie a slight. Going To Montreal Woodstock, May "7.--R. F som, advertising manager of tinel-Review, has accepted the of advertising manager of real Witness publications, an for his new position on June Parkinson is the voung men in Western Ountari host of friends, and his iu bright with the halo of suce one ' of Count on us for giving eatg bet aifts goer desi th) ET voung men. EP. Jenki ing Co, Pesless lawn grass seed me tiful lawns, 200, Ih. at Cho x