Daily British Whig (1850), 8 May 1907, p. 3

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Build a Metal Home In covery way metal is sunerin, wood or plaster for the Inter he homes. Classified Metal Ceilings 1pq Walils, desigied and manufacture) by of Preston, Oni., are 10 be pro wer all others for their Wh et d | harmonious finish. They arc made ; )f | a great varicty of designs to sui an tastes, and are classified accordin to the prevailing. styles of architecture. Metal ceilings and walls are fire-proof and vermin- , Are sanitary apg t | easily clea They may be beay tifully decorated at small cost. n le 'Those, who are tired of the yearly expense of re-plastering, re-paintin, od | and re-papering, should make a chap : to metal ceilings and walls. They mi? s | be put on over the old plaster, wither dirt or muss, and in much less time than plastering would require, : last a lifetime, and er vcd ey so that the first cost is the only cog a | Life insurance companies recognize . the security which metal ceilings ang walls afford, by making their rates one-third less on homes constructed of this material. | Illustrated catalogues and complete information as 10 cost may be obtained by writing the Metal Shingle & Siding Co., Limited, Preston, Ont. 57 Seal Skin Sacks MADE OVER AND DYED. ae W. F. GOURDIER EXCLUSIVE FURRIER 78 and 80 BROCK ST. 'Phone 700. At present our Stock ol Desirable Cut Glass is more Complete than ever. Choice :--Spoon Trays, Relish Dishes, Jelly Plates, Fruit Dishes, Vases, Cream, Jugs, Carafe's etc. We invite tion. SMITH BROS." Jowelers and Opticians Issuers of Marriage Licenses. your .inspec Phone 666. 500 YARDS OF Art Muslins 1 a variety of very pretty tterns and colors, 30 ches wide, just the thing r Curtains, Drapes, etc. egular price roc. a yard. e got a bargain and you'll t the same on Thursday orning at half price. 5c.a Yard. "300 YARDS /hite Muslins neat stripes, the 8c. qual- peryard. On Thursday Ironing Only Sc. Ten DOZEN Bath Towels ¢ 19x 38. For a Thurs- y morning special 19¢c. PAIR. the Metal Shingle & Sidi * Co, Limited - I. FIRE-- ~--SALE At §3 Brock Street (near Wade's Drug Store) of more of McKelvey & Birch's stock, damaged by _ fire, water and smoke. The presert sale will consist of Enamelled Kitchen Ware, Table Cutlery, Plated Forks and Spoons, Nails, Hinges, Screw Drivers, Wrenches, Stove Pots, Fry Pans, Hat and Coat Hooks, Pulley Blocks; Tinware, &c. There are splendid values if the goods suit you. fririmininirinieb teleleinieieieininininini iii in ieinh deineleieieieieieiielaioielnfefeieiel i : , g g The Cutlery and Plated Ware are at bargain prices. Some of the pieces hardly soiled. McKelvey & Birch defen lenin fein inner keene ele eee nll Hfeimirimlfedeineieini] '" Fine Feathers Make Fine Birds" And Dainty Footwear will make even an ordinary foot look | pretty. Our Spring Goods are just the finest selection of HIGH CLASS SHOES } To be had on the markets of Canada or the United States. For those who prefer them we have the American Shoes } that have a style peculiarly their own, and those who : stand by Pome manufacture, we have the very best Canadian Makes. for Sheet L.eac Canada Metal Co., Ltd. All Sizes. WILLIAM ST., Toronto, Ont. THURSDAY BARGAINS _ TOWELLING--375 yards All Pure Linen Towelling, full 25 Jaches wide, worth 15¢. yard. THURSDAY MORNING, yard, BED SPREADS---27 only Large Size Marseilles Bed Spreads and just when you want them, worth 81.35, THURSDAY, each, 98c. . DRESS GOODS--150/yards Navy and Black Scillian, nice Lustrous finish, 54 inches wide, nice for Eton Suits or Separ- ake Sues, 75c¢. is the regular price, SDAY Bargain, 45c. yard, LADIES' VESTS--50 dozen Ladies® Undervests, worth 208 each, some are slightly inperfect, but mostly all fresh a stock, THURSDAY, 2 for 25e. THE JAMES JOHNSTON STORE fi L390 Wellington, Straet EA DIED AT NAPANEE SUFFERED FROM PARALYSIS NEVER RECOVERED. A Napanee Boy Has Been Ap- pointed An Inspector of Claims in the Cobalt District--Person- al Notes. ' Napanee, May 8--One of Napanees oldest and most respected residents, Nathan = Caton, passed peacefully away on Tuesday morning at 8X o'clock. Deceased had not been in the best of health for over two years. About that time he suffered a stroke oi paralysis and never fully regained his former health. Deceased was Six- {y-eight years of age and leaves a wife and eight children, two saps and six daughters, A son and daughter reside in Calgary. The funeral will take place from his late residence, Centre street, at 10.30 o'clock, Thurs- day, to the Eastern cemetery vault. A. G. Burrows, M.A., B.Se., Belle- villa," son of Inspector E. Burrows, Napanee, has been appointed inspec- tor of mining claims in the Cobalt district ond leaves in a short time to take up his new duties. Mm. Prince and daughter, Violet, spending a week with friends in town, left yesterday, for their home. in Montreal. 2 Frank Henwood, Arcola, Sgsk., is visiting friends after an absence of two years. Gilbert Bogart, visiting friends in Toronto, suffered a slight er word says he is improving slowly. ECZEMA OVERCOME. a---- Zam-Buk Cures Case Which For Two Years Defied Every, Remedy. No case of eczema, skin disease, or ulceration, should be despaired of until Zom-Buk has been applied. The case of . Francis Penoit, of St. Anne's (Man_), is a powerful illustration of Zam-Buk's eficacy. He says: © suffered from eczema for two years, and tried a great number of remedies, None of them, however, seemed to do me any good. The ailment was mostly in my legs, and both these were actually raw from the knees down. A small sample box of Zam-Buk was given to me, and even fo. small a quantity as that did me a little good. 1 then obtained a proper supply, and by the time I had uscd a few boxes wag cowpletely cured." Zam-Buk differs from salves and embrocations in ing mo animal oil or fat. It is com- pounded from rich, healing, herbal essences, and is an ideal natural com- ordinary contain- bination of power and purity. It is highly antiseptic, and instantly kills bacilli and disease germs, which set tling on to wounds and skin diseases set up festering, blood poison, ete. For cuts, burns, bruises, ulcers, abscesses, pimples, boils, skin erap- tions,' scalp sores, spreading sores, childrén's skin troubles, chafing sores, ete., Zam-Buk is unequalled. It also cures piles, All druggists and stores at SOc. a hox, or from Zam-Buk Co. Toronto, for price, 6 hoxes for $2.50. CHEAPER POST. The announcement that the postmas- to Canada immediately has given great satisfaction in commercial cir- cles. Publishing and distributing agen- instead will read form. . "Canada, American papers, are, at a moderate estimate, now read English advertisements in- wide, new market. We shall send Canada-a thousand now send ome. Within a week I shall be able to send 50,000 journals daily." Other large firms bore out the of Smith & Son. oA(LY BRITISH stroke of paralysis on Saturday. Lat- ter-general reduces the rate for news- papers, magazines and trade journals tco much in favor of Mr. Buxton's re- of reading English charges will help commerce, too. There three million readers in Canada. They will stead of American advertisements. That means that English goods will find a to papers where we views for business or dress' 't cost any more than the old PORTSM! ,COUNCIL Passes a Resolition Refarding the Late Joseph Potter. The P th council held. a meot- ing last night, all the members being present, A petition foi wontidusnte' of walk on Main street was granted, the rpeve will supervise the building of a cinder walk on Logan street, to take the place of a worn out plank walk. The court of revision willbe held the first Tuesday in June. After tha other business of the couneil. the following resolution was passed : y Moved by: Councillor M. J. Kenne- dy, seconded by Councillor R. J. Bai- den, and resolved: That this council has heard with regret the death of Joseph Potter and that this village has lost an energetic citizen, one who served as councillor and who us a private citizen; alwpys took a keen interest in its affairs. And be it fur- ther resolved that a sopy of this re- solution be placed in the minutes and one be sit to the family of the de- ceased, ------------ «Uncle Josh Spruceby." A big company in an enjoyable co- medy-drama, a brass band in 2 novel street parade, makes a magnet that will no doabt the opera house to the doors, on Saturday, May Mth; matinee and wight. "Uncle Josh Spruceby"' makes his bow on that oe- casion and the jolly old New England- er will afford an evening of fun and am- usement. The play is on the order of "Shore Acres," and "The Old Home- stegd," with many specialties, and the sensational saw-mill scene is an exciting climax. The old-fashioned J. BE. Caldwell, so ill for several | hugking bee, with its eountry 'dance, months, is not progressing towards | and harvest festivities occupy one recovery and grave fears are enter | pao of this New England © comedy tained for his recovery. drama. ------------ Organized A Sunday School. A meeting was held in Glenburnie Methodist church, last Tuesday even- ing, for the purpose of organizing a Sabbath school. It was 'decided to open on Sanday, May 12th, at 1.30 p.m. The following were elected offic- ers : Superintendent, M. Shurtlifi as- sistant superintendent, W. Spooner ; secretary. treasurer, Miss A. Spooner; organist, Mrs. R. C. Vair; teachers, Mre. M. Shannon, A. Bruton and Miss Mary Shannon. Sensational Stories. San Diego, Cal., May 8.--It waa re ported, late last night, that two sail- ors have escaped from the British steamer Muori King, which grrived here, yesterday, from Shanghai, make sensational charges of brutality against the captaip and officers of the ship. Rumors are in circulation that fifteen Chinese were killed during a riot on board and their bodies cast into the sea. Internatiomal complica- tions are likely to result. Sold Out His Practice. Dr. H. Gillespie, of Elma, lowa, has arrived in the city to spend the sume mer with his father, John Gillespie. Princess street. Br. Gillespie has sold out his practice at Elma to Dr, Spooner, who graduated from Queen's in 1905., The practice is one of . the best' there, and Dr. Gillespie made good. He had resided there for close upon twelve years. He will take wp a practice in Duluth or some other centre possibly, in the fall, The Nurses' Alumnae. No business of importance was A Wise Reform--What it Will | transacted at the May mesting of the Mean. Nurses' Alumnae, on Tuesduy. The London Mail. June meeting, the closing one of the year, will be a heavier one. The alumnae will take some definite part in the "Madé-In-Canada' exhibition, and details will be arranged at the Juna meeting. cies have been preparing for a large A Committee Named. addition to their Canadian work. | London, May 8.--Lovd Newton's bill, I'he, essentials of the change are: for the reform of the, upper house, 202. 11b. | which the House of Lords has been Present 1ate =. ase sv serves 3d 4d. | discussing 'for two days, was with New. rate .. bake ae one 430. 1d, | drawn, yesterday, and the house, by a W. H. Smith & Son could 'not say | vote of 198 to 46, supported a motion for the appointment of a committee to consider suggestions for inereasihg the efficiency of the house, papers. Hitherto tens of thousands of z people have been content with Ameri- Timber For Europe. can news and views because English A large quantity of timber for the journals were prohibitive in price on| Calvin company, Garden Island, is J account of the postage. The rew | arriving in the city daily from 'Ren- frew and Peterboro. The lumber will be forwarded to the old eountry. Al ready this season two rafts have been towed down the St. Lawrence river, A Great Many People. Have taken advantage of car up- to-date storage departinent for furs. Ring up 79; we do the rest. Campbell ros., Kingston's style centre for hats and furs. Kingstonians On Board. The R. & O. steamer Hamilton pass- ed up this afternoon on her first trip. The steward's crew are all King- stonians and many ropresentatives in the employ of the engineer and the mate claim Kingston as their home. A Rise In Corn. Always follows the use of Putnam's Corn Extractor which cures: sll kinds of Corns in twenty-four hours, with- out pain. Putbam's BiVed thi best re- sults. Use it. so RN Semi-Ready clot _YW.C.A. gymnasi house, Thursday. */f% pews, 15c. Reserve Seats at' no extra charge. Exhibition® lar gymnasium wark, fencing ey drills. Miss Bajus, Mise Miss Singleton and Mg; Harvey will (assist. of R. D. Campbell's ge- Upon the eve parture for the west, theif ® of the Renfrew Methodist 'o - ehoir and a few friends mel {prasented him with an addross locket and chain. 4 ~ Ton red blood is. produced by Mil t's Compound Iron Pills. For by W. H. Medley. ' ey John Caul, arrested about a week ago, for [stealing a bicyelé at Stoco i admitted his offence and was releasid. He was drunk when he took it, < beautiful Pure para rubber rainconts, so thi 0 y n and Tht that you ean put them up your sleeve, at Jenkins' J. A. Maoloygell, « ville, is | dead, aged Hity oh Ay carpenter; "ur uw ry A WH1Gy - WEDNESDAT: MAY CONDENSED ADVERTISING 8. RATES First insertion, 16; a word. Fach con- secutive insertion thereafter jo. a word. Minimum charge for pane ia 25¢. 4 > HELP WANTED-MALE, BOY ply A GOOD SMART BOY, 13 OR 16 years of Age. Apply by letter "A B.." Whig office. - -------------------------------------------- SALESMEN FOR AUTO-SPRAY. Best hand Sprayer mude, automatic. Sample _ Machine 'free to approved agent. vers Bros. Galt. ---------------------------------- TWO REPRESENTATIVES, ON NEW plan of work, straight salary an commission. Akbly at once, to Bex "M. M. K.,"" Whig office. -------------------------- SPRING SUITS TO MAKE, GENTLE. men, bring your own cloth and get & up-to-date suit made. Style, price and finish guaranteed. Pressing and répairine done wells Galloway, The 'Tailor, 181 Brock street, FOR DRY GOODS STORE; AP- R. Wakiron. HELP WANTED-FEMALE, WANTED--GENERAL. "URNISHED USE IU! RE AhusE Fo» call or send & A Real Estate i St, Opposite MASONS AND STONECUTTERS MASONS AND BRICKLAYERS wanted ; wages 45 cents per hour; sandstone cutters, wages 43 cents hour, at the New Government RS Ottawa, George Good: win, Contractor. i TO-LET. FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH MODERN conveniences, 176 Clergy street DWELLINGS, OFFICES, STORES, ete., at McCann's, 51 Brook street. A COUPLE OF OFFICES OVER G.N. WwW . Telegraph Company's df Clarence St. Apply to J.B. Wake. - -------- GENDR! OYCLA, : Whig offs. Arey at » ----------. -------- A DESIRABLE BUILDING LOT, ON Alfred street. i 5 Ar : ree Apply WwW Harry : chin = A 10 BORE DOUBLE BARREL SHOT gun, almost new. Fine 3 to reasons given for oe. Al i ] a» R Apply at -- i GRAVE PLOTS ; 2 FOR SALE nN RA Ra Elliott, Oataraqui. Si. Sanith 10. 179 QUEEN ST., COMMODIOUS residence, 10-rooms, hot water fur- nace, and gas lighting. Possession at once. Apply 180 Princess street. BRICK RESIDENCE, 119 WILLIAM street, eight rooms ; all modern con A CHAMBERMAID AND KITOHPN girl. Apply Randolph Hotel. A COOK OR GENERAL MAID. APPLY to Mrsy Strange, 156 King street. ---------------------------- A GOOD COOK. APPLY IN THE evening, to Mrs. H. A Calvin, 131 King street. -------------------------------------------------------- LAUNDRESSES AND MAIDS, AT THE General Hospital, Apply, between 7 veniences. Possession 1st June. J, Hiscock, Princess street. beam, lead ballast pn cen . Roomy Cockpit. Very safe com- FAIRVIEW, MACK _ ST. FACING | ~Sitable.. Slobprigged. = Sells bY -Vietoria Park. Garden, vapdern {vik for gasoline 'motor if desired. Foot Neulences: yen proc ton May 1s of Dimeou street. Bargain to quick Apply 340 Albert street, b . SOLID BRICK RESIDENCE AND ---- grounds, number 174 Karl St,, forms erly by the late W, R. Me Rae, but now occupied by the Ladies' - Resi Vacant lot on east side of t. short distance hs & LL south of E St, Apply to A. B. Cunbinghas, 79 Clarence dors' Solicitor. A,» -------------------------------------------------- SAILING YACHT, 25 KT, RY 8 FT. TWO GOOD OFFICES, ONE IN FRONT of buiMing,, facing King street, near Princess. Will be vacant May 20th. Apply J. P. Forrest, Gents' Fur nisher, 348 King street, ened ------------ BRICK DWELLING, NO. 181 DIVISION street, twelve rooms, ex i din- and 9 p.m. ing room and kitchen, hot water ------------------------------------ + heating ; immediate wiheamiun. As { x =" ' » ly to Frederick elsh, No. i A GENERAL SERVANT, BY MAY y 20th. Must be ava plain cock. Re Division street: Jerentes required, Apply, 283 Brock PLEASANTLY SITUATED, EIGHT : roomed, detached furnished house, from May 15th, convienent to boats Be ER'S, INCESS and trains, ges, extension kitchen, A a. BE ORS large lot, stabling for horse or cow, to learn the art of . dressmaking, Apply to Box "G."" Whig office. cutti by measure, ig trim- ming in three months. 81 KING STREET, CORNER EMILY 8t., nodi , 11-rooms, hot water, furnace, all modern con- LOST. veniences, stable and coach house, h-- facing Macdonald and City Parks. . n Formerly occupied by W. F. Nickle, NECKLACE, MADE OF FINE RID Rent, $300, free of taxes, for ® term MONEY AND BUSINESS. OUR POLICIES COVER MORE Of building and contents thak any othet company offers. Examine them at Godwin's Insurance Emporium, Marks ot Square. LIVERPOOL. LONDON AND GLOBE Fire Insurance Co po ders security the unlimited Ji the stockholders. Farm and at lowest rates. Before renewing old or elying mew business get from Strange & Strange. Aremts, ARCHITECTS. IENRY P. SMITH, ete. Anchor Building, "Phone, 345 POWER & SON, ARCIITECT, Market Square ARCHITECT, MER. occupied by r. Ryan, corner Mon- treal and Brock streets. HER NEPHEW MAD coral, a few days ago. Reward for of years if desired. Apply to J. 8. chant's Bank Building, Gorner Brock' its return to Whig office. R. McCann, 51 B street. and Wellington streets. 'Phone, 213, WH. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OW VETERINARY, MARRIAGE LICENSES. fice, second floor over Mahood's Drug store, optual Princess and Bagot reets. trance on Bagot street, JR. G. W. BELL, V.S., HAS RE C. 8S. KIRKPATRICK, ISSUER OF Phone 808 moved to his brick block, on Platthes Marriage Licenses, 43 Clarence Bt. | oe ------ street, just above the Post O "Phone, Calls bv leph promptly attended to. FOR SALE OR TO LET. EDUCATIONAL, etnies. | INTERNATIONAL CORRESPOND- MEDICAL. NEW HOUSE, COR. OF MACK AND | ence Schools, Scranton, Pa. Loeal Albert street, near Victoria Park. Office, 57 Brock St. Office hours, 9 DR. McCARTHY, OFFICE LATELY Can be bought on easy terms. Ap a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday evening, 7 a ply to J. C. ryou, 3438 Divison tree LOST FOR MANY YEARS, intone Ex-Empress Sued For Loan to MARCHIONESS INSANE SETS PALACE ABLAZE. Firemen Who Come to Save it Are Shot at By Her From Window. Milan, May 8.--~The beautiful Mar- chioness Atala Ramblet Massaglia, a member of an illustrious Italian fam- ily, suddenly became insane in her palace here yesterday. She! barricaded herself in the palace, and, having clothed herself in robes of state, set fire to the furniture. People in the streets ran for help, but when the firemen arrived the marchion- ess received them with revolver shots, 'A long siege followed, and only ended when the marchioness had exhausted all her ammunition. The firemen on entering the building discovered that a young nephew of the marchioness had also become insane, The marchioness and her nephew were conveyed to an asylum and the fire wa® speedily extinguished. MODERN FREIGHT CARS. Grand Trunk Securing Five Thousand. Considerable additions are being just ow made to the rolling stock of the Grand Trunk, in the delivery of some 5,000 freight cars of various kinds. These ears were only ordered last November, 'and delivery started a few days ago, which is regarded ax pretty rapid work in these days of enormous orders for rolling stock, far beyond the capacity of the shops to turn them out." The cars are of the most modern type, as is shown by the immense capacity of the stee) coal cars, which have a carrying power of 100,000 pounds each, The cars are be- ing rushed into active work as fast as they arrive, which is about thirty a day. The order which is now being deliv- ered consists of : 1,000 steel coal cars of 100,000 lbs. capaci vy. * 1,250 box cars of 60,000 lbs, capae- ity. 1,500 flat cars of 60,000 lbs. capac- ity. » - £ : 250 furniture cars of 60,000 lbs. ca- pacity: 300 single deck stock cars of 60,000 Ibs, capacity. : 200 double deck stock cars of 60,000 Ibs. eapacity. 300 ballast cars of 100,000 lbs. ca- pacity. 400 refrigerator cars of 60,000 Ibe. capacity. Free from Alcohol Husbatid. Nice, May 8.--The ex-Empress Eu- genie is to be the defendant in a curicus action for the recovery of a long-standing debt which is shortly to come before the Nice court. The plaintiff is a septuagenarian named Peierre Thierry, the next-oftkin of a wenlthy shipowner of Nantes, named Martin Thierry. In 1855 "Napoleon IIT borrowed £600,000 from the Nantes shipowner on a note of hand, and the amount was to be repaid with interest in fif- teen years. The loan fell due in July, 1870." The lender had died in the in- terval, but Pierre Thierry, the pre- sent suitor 'and the dend mun's nephew, presented himself at the Tuileries a few days before the out- break of the Franco-Prussian war. He was received by the emperor, who was attended by Gen. Reille, his aido-de- camp. The imperial debtor, occupied with the approaching struggle - with Prussia, was either unable or wnwill- ing to discharge the debt, and sug- gested the renewal of the note for an- other fifteen years, undertaking at the end of that period to pay $920,000 by way of principal and interest. Thierry accepted,and the emperor there and then signed a fresh promissory note for the sum mentioned. The war intervened, Napoloon was driven from France, and Pierre Thierry in the course of a hurried removal from his native city, lost all trace of the bond. The fifteen years expired, the emperor was dead, and in the ab- sence of documgntary proof it was iscless to claim-the debt from the ex- empress. Quite recently, however, Thierry, while aimlessly turning over the leaves of &n old book, came across the 'precious paper. It is in an ex- cellent state of preservation, and the signature of the ill-fated imperial bor- rower 'in perfectly legible. Moreover, just beneath appears as witness the name of Gen. Reille, Once in possession of the promissory note, M. Thierry lost no time in seek- ing to recover the fortune it repre sents. In order to comply with the law, and have a logal domicile in the same department as the defendant, he recently went to live, at Mentone, which is a short train ride from the villa of the ex-empress at Cap Martin, The ex-empress is contesting the claion. ---------- A Set Back To Farmers. Cole Lake, May 6.--After the heavy snow storm on Saturda§ the roads are in very bad condition. It will be guite a pull back to the farmess gi ting in their spring's work. The cheese factory started on May lst, un der the management of A. Harton. A number from here attended the ball at Piccadilly on Friday night, and all to 9 o'cl v . rroll, sentative. 'Phone, 0663 The Paragraph Pulpit 4 Unitarian. 4 REV. O. W.CASSON, OTTAWA £ e-- i Speak Your Thought. The world is full of human parrots, who simply utter the set phrases they § have been taught by others. Their opinions are borrowed, their speech is an ocho, their whole make-up is a mask. Slaves are they in religion to a creed, in politics to a party, in so- ciety to a fad, in industry to a sys tem, Are vou one of them? H you are, 1 implore you, in the name of the God who made you, to quit the class. t Speak your own thought ! Refuse to 3 be made a sounding board by some one who probably knows less than € vou Jf you have a thought, a cons x vietion a truth, your silence is yqur 3 shame ! £ -- Address Mr. Casson for free litera: ture, ---------------------------- MRS. MARY GREGOVICH. Of Philipsburg, Montana, Tells How She Was Cured of Dan- druff ew Mrs. Mary Gregovich, of Philipsburg, Moatana, under date' of Nov. 26th, 1899 writes: "I had typhoid fever this summer, consequently was losing ~*~ my hair territdy, and my head in | places was perfectly bald. Newbro's Herpicide had just come into use in Philipsburg, and the doctor strongly recommended it to me. After three or four applications my hair st fall- ing out, and is coming in again quite thick,, I used to be troubled greatly with dandruff, of "which 1 am now quite cured," Kill the dandruff rm with Herpicide. Sold by leading drug- ~ gists. Send 10c. in stamps for sam- ple to Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich. , sizes, B0c, and $1. G. W Mahood, sphcial agedt, | © GILLETTS LYE Ready for Use In Any ) . eport a good time. T. Shillington had the misfortune to get his boggy badly broken up. . Thomas Peters lost a valuable cow a few days ago. George Peters has returned to Ww. D.. Black's mill, at Parham, after sponding few days at home. Samuel Black, Parham, is moving to C. Fitzgerald a place at Glendower, Miss Ella Ken- nedy, at J. Hill's Mies Eva Taylor, at T. J. Kennedy's; Miss Fdna Mc Mahon, at her parents; Miss Mennight, at Thomas Kennedy's: Miss ralith George Peters and B. arnnah. at Fish Harten, at her pareats, Eutapeiesi} i sok 'A. H. Devitt, formerly the Mérchants Bank at a been transferred capacity. H. P. Eh to Berlin in Bingham, make, ab

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