-Ready ¢ Suits | ble Breasted Styles. $ *e ind of Clothes that will or-made-fellow" into a ). Bibby Co. asl 22233 00004 sm zor of Perfection 3 TING AFTER SHAVING LADES, NO ANNUAL TAX 'or a Lifetime the first and last. you need ever > EADY FOR USE ors from ycur dealer on 30 days urchase. e for | Set of Two In cards | Leatner Case $4.50 STEIN, New Yoax NEN hve : bali : BIT in, 476 Broadway, N.Y. SHELL, 835-87 PRINCESS STRERT. RAZOR PHYSIC TO THE DOGS' F YOU BREAKFAST ON :DDED HEAT SCULT for Breakfast; TRISCUIT .unch. arton ; 2 for 25e. HALL FURNITURE [1S WEEK 8 Polish Oak, 8 Polish Oak, 80x40 80x40 Polish Large Mirror, , for $10.50. 'abinets, the latest sty! ap for cash, vie, J. Reid, ndertaker and Furni- , 230 Princess St. ce "Phone 577. cad... = , Ltd. WILLIAM ST, Toronto, Ont. Lamont, Corliss & Vo. Sole Importers, 27 Common St., Montreal. IN CONNECTION WITH THE C.P.R. TRAINS LEAVE KINGSTON : 12.30 p.m. Exnress--For Ottawa Mon- treal, Quebec, St. John, N.B., Halifax, Boston, Toronto, Chicago, Deaver, Ren- trew, Sault Ste. Marie, Duluth, St. Paul, Winnipeg, Vancouver, Seattle, Portland and San Francisco. 5.00 p.m.--Local for Sharbot Lake, connecting with C.P.R1. East and West. 7.45 a.m., Mixed--For Renfrew and in- termediate points Passengers leaving Kingttom at 12.30 .m, arrive in Ottawa at 5 p.m. ; Peter: gore, 514 n. : Toronto, 7.30 p.m. ; ontreal, : Boston, 7.80 a.mng St. John, ig Full particulars at K. & P. and C. P. R. Ticket offices, Ontario street. F. CONWAY Gen. Pass. Age Bay of Quinte Railway New short line for Tweed, Napance, PDeseronto, and all local points. Trains leave City Hall Depot at 4 pm. F. CONWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry., Kingston. 1907 A SPECIAL TRAIN With through sleeping ond dining car attached, Carrying the European Mail INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY Will leave Montreal, 19.45 Friday, May 10th, and succeeding Fridays umtit- sdurther notice: For North Sidney Where a comfortable steamer will transfer passengers baggage and mail to outward hound. BUROPEAN MAIL STEAMSHIP. GRAND TRUN RAILWAY SYSTEM Military Tournament Montreal, Que. MAY 17TH AND 18TH Round trip tickets will be issued Fri- day and Saturday, May 17th and 18th, at $6. | 5 Tickets will include one admission to show and will be valid for return on or before Monday, May 20th, 1907. For tickets, Pullman or Parlor Car accommodation, or any other informative apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Corner ALL N ROYAL MAIL MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL. Jonian, Fri, May 8, May 81st, June 28 Virginian, Fri.,, May 10, June 7, July 5. Tunisian, Fri., May 17, June 14, July 13, 9 {ctorian, Fri., May 24, June 21, July 1 RATES OF PASSAGE First Cabin, Victoria® and Virginian, $80 and upwards. Tunisian, $70 and up ards. lonian, $65 and upwards. Second Cabin, $42.50 $45 and $47.50, 8rd., Class, $27.50 and $38.75. Victorian and Virginian are Triple tons, pro- Screw steamers, of 12,000 pelled by Turbine engines, For sailings and rates of ALLEN Line service to Glasgo iy to 'Jd. P. Clarence St., or to J. F w, Lon- don and Havre, (France), with full par GiLoBit TIME TABLE STEAMER WOLFE ISLANDER Leave Wolfe Island :-- MON. VD. 7 THURS, Breaky's Bay 6.30930 a.m: 1.00-2, 8 P a Ft 7.309.156 a.m. 1.00--8.00 pim. SAT. 8.00-9.15 a.m. 1.00---3.00 p.m. SUN. 9.00--10.00 a.m. 12.30--3.00 p.m. Leave Kingston:-- Mon, 8.30---11.30 a.m. 2.004.830 p.m Tues. 8.830---11.30 a.m. 2.00--4.30 p.m Wel 8.80---11.30 a.m. 2.00-4.30 p.m Thurs. 8.30-11.80 a.m. 2.00---7.00 p.m. ri 8.80---11.80 a.m. 2.004.350 p.m. Sat. 8.30-11.30 a,m. 2.0)--4 30 p.m, Sun 9.830-11.80 am. 1.15880 p.m Sat.--Special trip to Simcoe lsland and Spoor's dock, at 3.30 p.m. Time Table subject to change without notice. ant calls at Garden Island going t« from Kingston. 4 EF. BRICELAND, Manager. Wm. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. Nev Carriages, Cutters, Harnese, sale. i magistrate sntered into ty dancing, ways and sidewalk, when lack of breath and weariness of limbs compelled him to halt and mop until * the along amid the sands of and then the whole procession passed through a shop or house, waltzing to the rear and then therough another honse.. 'The, page was so hot lord mayor . little more than half an hour and es- caped among the crowds to rest and recover his dignitye «©» in the world side the penitent' ry," Johnson and Ontario streets 7.80-9.15 a.m. 1.00--3.00 p. TUBS, 7.80+9.15 a.m. 1.00--3.00 a 7.80915 a.m. 1.00-3:00 p.m 1 LORD MAYOR .1GS LONDON'S CHIEF MAGIS- TRATE IN NEW ROLE. Delights His Native Town--Takes Part in Old Fashioned . Festi. vities and is Wildly Cheered By Hundreds of Tourists. SIR WILLIAM TRELOAR. London, May 8.--With amazing sprightliness and amid the cheers of thousands of spectators the staid lord mayor of through the sunny streets of his na- tive 'town, Helston, Cornwall, to-day to: the iring music. It was not a pas seul fof an exhibition sichorean dreds of dancing at the same time in an out burst of frivolity worthy of a simpler age. Helston; for many centurics past, has observed the val, which those couneet with the worship of the god- dess, Flora, one of the main features being all day dancing wnd through London merrily danced accompaniment of inspiring of the lord mayor's terp- accomplishments. Hun- his fellow-townsfolk were merry spring festi- versed in folk-lore in the streets houses, the si which are left open for the occa- doors sion. Ihe festival is seldom heard of ex. éopt locally, but the presence of the lord mayor of London this year gave Commencing May 10th, |! t a special hoom. The augnst chief of the British metropolis the fun with childlike Wearing the glossiest of high gaiety hats and faultlessly attifed in a tail ted frock coat, he Jed off the day's waltzing briskly with a wetty Cornish girl along the road- only stopping \ig dripping brow. Scared of couples followed his lead whole town was tearing plaudits of thou- eéxchrsionists. Every nowt that the was knecked out in, a REAL BUSY BURGLAR. Pleads Guilty to Nineteen Charges of House Breaking. Winnipeg, May 9.--"lf every person were given his deserts, there would 'not to-day be a man oui was a state- ment made in the police court by John G. Sterling, after he had pleaded guilty to eleven additional charges of housebreaking, making nineteen in all. The man had been operating in the city for fully four which time he stole goods valued at anywhere from months, during $2,000 to $1,000. He was remanded. bie SOCIETY WOMEN AS NURSES. Lady Managers of Hospital Help to Break Strike. Zanesville, Ohio, May 9.--Owing to a clash of authority between the matron, Mrs. Mary Jamison, and Dr. J. (i. Holston, at the city hospital, and the consequent resignation of the matron, the enti force of nurses went on wgrike, yesterday. Eight of the socicty women of the city, who constitute the board of lady mun- wers, donned the caps of the nurses work waiting upon the and went to sick, FATAL LEAP. Prisoner Jumps From Rocks Below. sible and died a few minutes later. Notes From Tamworth. ston, are at D. E. Rose's. Dymond lost week. cai Only Thirteen Lost. official report, from gers, nearly 300, of thirteen, ee ------ The Strike Outlook. local situation sympathizers. Thirty-five who remain "tn cent. A year Or more are aki Ln % i course as Train to Asheroft, B.C., May 9.--Paul Man- narino, a prisoner from Nelson on his way to the penitentiary, in charge of Constable Webster, jumped through a car window on & train yesterday. The train was running at the rate of forty miles an hour. Mannarino landed heard first on the rocks, thirty or forty feet below, where ho was picked up insen- Tamworth, May 8.--Joseph Thomp- son, Campbellford, visited friends in town last week. Amos Robinson has started to build his new store. Pat- rick Dwire has sold his property in Tamworth to Thomas Karns for 83. 500. John Gardiner and wife, King- Fletcher a valuable horse last Montevideo, Uruguay, May 9.-An thee government authorities, says that all the passen- mostly Spanish emi- grants of the wrecked steamer Poitou, have bon rescued with the exception San Francisco, Cal, May 9.--The regarding the street railway stiike is more reassuring to- day. The police are fully competent toreoper with the strikers and their of inebriates inebriate retreats for, NEWBURGH NEWS. x Baseball Matches to Be Played 'Saturday. Newburgh, Hay 9. Quarterly meot- ing 'in the Methodist church, on Sun- day morning, was | ly attended, The service in the evening was with- drawn and a large number of the con- gregation attended the service in ne Presbyterian church, where Rev. McG. Gandier preached am excellent sermon on "Remember Lot's Wie," 3 The bascbali game between the New- burgh high school, and Napanee had to be , on Saturday, owing to Diamond Park being covered with snow. Two games are on the bill for next Saturday, the high school team clashing with: Napanee, at 2 p.m., and with Croydon at 4 p.m. Skinner will likely pitch the first game and George Shorey, the little southpaw, will like ly do the slab work against Croydon. J. W. Courtney has a pigeon that has hatched a hen's egg and a pigeon egg. P. D. Shorey and Master Glad stone spent Sunday with J. E. Shor- ey, Canifton. Percy Madden left, on Sunday night, for Montreal, to join the steamer Hamilton, on which boat he will be purser during the coming season. Judge Price held division court, here, on Friday last. Lieut. W. G. Beeman, who has been stationed at Quebec, spent Sunday with his par- ents, Dr. and Mrs. M. I. Beeman. Mise Gertie © Conway has completed her stenographer at Kingston Business College. James J. Shorey spent Friday in Peterboro, with his son, Earl Shorey. The annual meeting of the Metho- dist Sunday school was held on Fri- day evening. At the literary in the high school, on Friday afternoon, G. HM. Aylesworth gave an interesting ac- count of his recent tri to England. Mrs. Meachern is visiting at J. M. Denyes'. Mrs. Curlette is visiting at ©. H. Finkle's. Mrs. Finkle spent a few days, last week, in Napanee. There will be a literary at the League on Monday evening. Epworth he-- Extravagant Women. Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt planned an entertainment, and she waited one feature to be the presentation in her own home of one act of the play "The Wild Rose." right professional people to play it for some time. the Knickerbocker, took the theatre for the entire seats. Then closed employed one act at her house instead of pre- senting their regular night's perform- ance. It cost her $3,500 for the the- atre, and $1,500 for the company and other expenses. Pretty steep price to pay for pleasure, you what do you think of a Chicago wo- man. She is the many millions, with the chance that he is-in the hogkilling business. Her great grievance in life was that she could not get any perfume, but what She couldn't get the Finally she went to night--bought all the the house, and the players to present this say ? Well, wife of a man of y else got the same thing. She wanted to be exclusive in this matter. She consulted chemists, and an arrangement was made, by which she agreed to pay $5 a drop for scent distilled from a rare variety of water lily. Tt hes been figured out by an ex: pert that 100,000 tons of the flowers were required to make a three-ounce bottle of the perfume. Yet it is safe to say that a hundred such bottles of the perfume could not get the smell of the packing house out of her nostrils. ------ A Childish Pair. White Plains, New York, furnishes the latest exhibition of childishuess. Henry D. Archer wants legal sepmia- tion from his wife because the regcar- arly took a penny tin whistle te ped with her, and blew it at irregular in- tervals during the night. No coabt this was annoying, but the laov comes back with a counter charge. She ad- mits the tin whistle, but pleads justi- fication. Her husband snored, and she blew the whistle to break him off the habit. She leaves us in suspense, how- ever, as to how the whistle was to be made a snore cure. She adde a com- plaint that her husband hung her mother's picture in the stable. Her objection does not seem to be well founded. 1i her husband found the features of the dear old lady effective as a terrorizer of rodents, why not use the picture to rid the stable of ------ The Wealthy Smiths. Certainly it does look as though the Smith family have been busy at the '| wealth-getting business to some pur- pose, in view of the great fortune ac- cumulated by the late James Henry Sinith, known in Wall street and else- where as "Silent" Smith. He was quite well off, left something like a hundred million dollars, but that isn't a _cire nce to this other alive. Borax is put at about $100 a ton. Mount Blane, in the Death Valley region out in Nevada, is about miles in diameter. This solid borax, so the experts say. It the Funeral range, within a Another Riot In.New York. ly before noon, fengshoremen's strike, had on union strikers on the doc have been hurried to the scene. -------- Train Turned Turtle. at Ridgefaw avenue, Chicago. reported dead. will ve Three Years. iy eur. A MINING DI ing division. notes. Robert the pests ? Wouldn't it be well if the judge had the authority 'to sentence both of these people to be publicly spanked ? circumsta Smith--Frank M., and he is very much 1,500 fect high, and will average two mountain is is at the north end of what is called stone's throw of Death Valley. Frank Smith owns this bit of a hill absolutely. Some figuring has been done, and the experts say there are easily three bil- lion tons of borax in this big lump. Look at it in figures--3,000,000,000 tons and $100 a ton. te New York, May 9.--A report was received at police headquarters, short 1 that a steam launch, | daughters married loaded with strike breakérs, in the | his oleven ened fire Clyde line, at Canal street. Reserves Chicago, May 9.--A Chicago, Burling- ton and Quincey passenger train, from Downer, turned turtle, this morning, Many known to be dead and two others are were caught in the wreok- Two are + John Anmstrong, sentenced at Perth, ISION " |AND A RECORDER'S OFFICE AT LATCHFORD. An Order-in-Council has Been Passed--Banking Methods Commented Upon By Justice - Riddell. Toronto, May 9.--An order-in-council has ben passed setting apart a por | tion of the Temagami forest reserve wining division, under the name Montreal River mining division. They will comprise the Lady Evelyn Lake and other -- p sections general of as the Montreal River min- The recorder's office will be located at Lawchford. A motion was made before Justice Mabee, this morning, to adjouthy the London election conspiracy trial, Argument will be heard to-morrow. Somme banking methods were com- mented ul by Justice RiddeH, this morning, in giving judgment in th case of Robert Bowins, a farmer, of Vonningion, against the Home" Bank, The defend: nts became possessed of some notes forged by Emest Bowins, a brother of Robert Bowins, and the latter, to save his brother, gave his notes for the amount of the forged Bowins, afterwards, sued to recover these notes. Justice Riddell gave judgment, ordering the bank to deliver up the notes. He said the bank was trying to use the crime to Try and get the money back, and that both siiee had been guilty of a great moral wrong. John Waldie, and associates, of the Victoria Harbor Lumber company, who have just lumber Cook Bros' Lumber company, paying therefore the reported sum of $2,000, 000, will carry on the business separ- ate from pany, The capital of the new com- pany is $1,200,000. The government will be allowed name probably to Lumber Co., Limited. The pew share holders and directors are: John Wal- die, chairman of the board: F. N. Waldie, president; R. S. Waldie, vice president; W. Waldie, all of purchased the large opertiecs and mill of the the Victoria Harbor com to ask a change of the Waldie Bros" 8S. Wnldie and C. P. Toronto, and C. G. Marlatt, Oakville. Thought Check A Bill. Denver Post. A woman stepped up to the window qfrthe paying teller in a Denver bank recently and pushed a cheque through the grating. It was for $4. "Put your name on the back, please," said the teller. "Is this your name ?""' he asked. The woman sighed. "Yes," she re- plied, "that's my name. It calls for $1, doesn't it?" "It does," said the teller. While the man in the cage was look. ing the cheque over the woman fumbl- ed in her hand bag, and then placed a $5 bill before him. "Take it out of that, please," she said, "It seems to me I'll never get through' paying bills." For a moment the teller was puzzl- edi. Thew he.realized that the woman didn't understand the cheque. "You don't have to pay me," he said, "I have to pay you $4." - He pushed back her $5 bill and gave her 84 in silver" The woman was very much surprised. "You have to pay me?' she seid. "Why, 1 thought it was a bill and that 1 hed to pay it." Clever Surgical Act. The salvation of Judwig Hirsch in a New York hospital, the other day. was the nerve and prompt action of Dr. Julius London. As he passed between the rows of cots the doctor heard a noise; in a sccond he had located it, where Hirsch was lying. The man was strangling. There must have been ac- tion in the physician's brain beside which lightning would appear a snail. The man's throat must be cut instant: ly. The doctor had no instruments. To send or go for them meant the loss of seconds enough to give death the victory. In a flash a pearl-handled pocket knife was out of the surgeon's pocket, and the blade was deftly plunged into the neck of the strugel- ing man. A spurt of blood and the man was relieved. Proper remedies were soon at hand, a tube was insert- ed, and the operation of tracheotomy performed with a penknife was pro- hospital had ever seen. Poppy's Diversified Uses. New Orleans Times-Democrat The florist was-still pale from the Easter rush, but he had earned a great all flowers is the poppy. is pleasant and And the oil answers a hundred pur poses. It is used to mix artist's col 5. Hereditary Barbers. Philadelphin_ Record A wonderful family of his six daughters handle a zor. "Cigarettes In China. South China News. doctor, who supported the memorial. lected and thrown into the lake day afternoon, with a | attend- at this price 175 boxes were sold. The number of all the factories selling, with the excep. tionn of Cold Spri The following ca. The power of Japan has introduction of American ideas, and great powers. Stead does his best to perturb, it has become the United Kingdom, its mon- archs have ceased to style themselves kings of France, have either electors or kings of Hanover, are no longer Guelfs but Wetting, and have become by the grace of Disraeli, Kaisers i Hund, We are not so awful- ly new, here in America. Canadian Courier © William H. Oushing, minister of pub- lic works, and the policy is that of the government phones. The man is the father of the policy. He is a native of the county of Wellington, Ont. He went west in the early cighties and located at Cal: gary, then practically an outpost of civilization. Young cousisted wholly of a good character and plenty of push. He started in That business grew steadily and is one nounced as neat a piece of work as the deal of money, and that made him talkative. *'Roses and lilies yield," he said, "cologne, and violet petals, can- died, are edible, but the most useful of The juice of the poppy gives us opium. The seed nutritions--poppy seed cake is one of the best cattle feeds ors, to cook with like olive oil, to make soap, and in lamps. Truly, be side the industrious poppy. the idle lily and the rose must hang their of barbers is that of Benjamin M. Youells, who lives | inseparable. at Easton, and although eighty-seven years old, still wields a razor. Of his nine children,'all of whom are living, the three sons are barbers, and two | the trade between the tenement anid razor | the corner saloon has received the as skilfully as a man. The. other four | highest barbers. Nine of grandchildren are barbers, | er, jug, pail or can taken to the sa- and his seven great-grandchildren say | loon for the purpose of being filled of the|they will become knights of the ra to The empress dowager reevived a me- ; monial advising the suppression of the cigaretts. She evidently did not know truth, the pleasures or dangers of the cigar ette, and as she did not scent any anti- dynastic trick she called in the palace Arsuedintely the empress hrdered that t i i > 5 cigarittes in the palace be col ted from school 1 + good policeman will do more to JRSDAY, MAY ragrazme Selling Piite Takes 18 5-16¢c. very y 'as high as 125 16c., and boxes boarded was 250, and Latimer, White--McGrath's, 30; Latimer, 35; Jorpine Star, 30; Cold Springs, 40; unbury, 30; total, 165 C > je, 30; Bay View, 0; Ontario, 25; total, 85. bidding was opened by Mr. Gib- son, at 11fc., and was raised ual- ly by other members, until 12 5-16¢. was reached. There was a short discussion in re- ference to the holding of the board meetings on Saturdays instead of on , but it was found that some of the factories could not board cheese on Saturday, and it was decid od not to make any change. - ------ Stead On Newness. New York Times. - The wisdom of W. T, Stead requires to be revised, edited, and brought down to date. He persists in reel. ing the antiquated statement, "We of Europe regard you as a new nation, who will not shrink from the leader ship of the world." : The government of the United States is among the oldest of the cive ilized world. Since its formation France has been a republic, an em- pire ,a kingdom, a constitutional monarchy, a republic, an empire, a commune, and has again become a re- public. The Hapsburgs no longer rule the Holy Roman empire because it has ceased togéxist, and are content to be emperors of Austria, of which they have long been archdukes, kings of Hungary, of Bohemia, ete. The Ger- man empire is but a thing of yester- day, the kingdom of HHaly is hardly out of its swaddling clothes, the king dom of Sweden has passed from the Vasas to the ottes, the king- dom of Norway has just rea the kindergarten age. Roumelia, Bulgaria and Servia have been born as statis; the last vestige of royalty has passed away from Mexico and South Ameri- h passed from the Shogun to the Mikado, a revolution largely due to the forcible Japan has taken her place among the As for the tight little isle which Nr. to be i d A Man And A Policy. Albertans unite in their admiration | of a man and a policy. The man . is ownership of tele "ushing's capital business, and, though he passed through the worst of the lean years in Calgary's history, he had strong faith in the future of the t west. of the largest manufacturing concerns west of Winnipeg. Now as to the policy. At the very first session of .the parliament of Al- berta, Mr. Cushing ammounced that the government was going into com- petition with that great corporation, the Bell Tolophone company. The pub- lic knew the statement wasn't a bluff. So, they were not surprised that, in a little over a year's time, one branch of the government telephone 'system, that from Calgary to Benf "hugh been completed, and the construction of another line, from Coleman, in the Crow's Nest Pass, cast to the historic town of Macleod, had been com- menced. The Alberta government tele: phone system js already a reality and apart from New Zealand and a couple of the provinces of the, Aus- tralian commonwealth, is the only government system in existence amongst the colonies of the British empire. ---- Tree Fountain. London Sphere An extraordinare curiosity is to be coen in the village of Guaion, on the Thun Lake, which takes the form of} a natural treé¢ fountain, the water flowing continuously, apparently, from the trunk of the living tree, and shows' the wonderful vitality of eut wood. About. twenty years ago the water of the spring was conducted through a shaft and the supply pipe was direct: ol through the cut trunk of a young yoplar tre:, which was rammed in the ground. After a short time it became patent that the trunk had struck root, and branches were pushing them- selves well forward; at the present time a splendid top growth is to be sen. The pipe and tree have become ------------ Settled By The Courts. The word "growler'™ as applied to legal . sanction. A Bgooklyn judge defines a "growler' as a pitch "rush" it is to get y with, beer; whi ] it home before the foam has entirel disappeared. ---- Worse And Worse. Philadelphis Enquire. School Mistress--Now, tell me the Johnny = Joues. : You what will happen if you tell a lie, don't you? Johnny Jones--Yes, ma'am. I'll go to a bad place. School Mistress--Yes, and that isn't the worst of it. You'll also be expel- wo Tiny . as It is improbable that theve will bea A keep a 2} MOTH community righteons than ten co-adjutor selected 10 assist Archhish- op Sweatman, of Toronto. YAL Baking Po PN serves its leavening strength used. The last spoonful in a cz good as the first, and its work is pers have been eggs and butter used therein are wasted. This is because the arc made from alum or other cheap and in=" ferior ingredients. 1 Food always sweet and light can be as sured only by the use of Royal Baki Powder exclusively. ROYAL BAKING POWDER ©O., N. V. Tradewind cleared for Oswego David Studen, corner Charles Wellington street, has added 12 addition to his residence corner Garden a is seriously ill. Robert She street, spent the day Miss Rachel Whitmore, of Kingsta is visiting with her parents Mr. Mrs. Whitmore, Garden street, W. Bulloch, cortser nd » je having extensive improves ments made to his residence, two brik having been added building GANANOQUE NEWS, The Leather Workers' Strike is Gananoque, May 9.--The members of the local branch of the Brotherhood of Leather Workers in March have at last come to R. Acton, proprietor of the Gananoque Harness Works. Their wages have been adjusted and a sat- isfactory scale agreed upon, while the ablishment will either ood or quit. The men resumed work yester- work in the este An expert 'optician when you get glasses at tore, Mr. Monds has accepted eoll to St. "Andrew's Place, and induction The Sons of England Benefit Society held a concert in their lodge rooms There was an especidly oc. Frank Ames filled last evening. good attendan The schooners Winnie A Hecla Furnace, installed on Hecla THE HEIGHT OF THE SPRING MILLINERY SEASON This week's imports are unusually 'interes E show the finest assortment and largest stock of straw, | WW hair, leghorn tuscan and fancy hats ever shown in this city it takes two floors to store them. shows more variety than ever before. Everything new and Following are a few of the leading shapes: season's millinery fashionable is here. Groton, mushroom, Thelma, Mar- quise, Ocean Grove, Trouville, San Jose, Grenoble, tauk, Savoy, Sherwood, Fleetwing, San Souci Eldon Province, olin hats andl Embroidered m : ich plumes and ribbons, flowers, ostrich | the new millinery trimming.