D. HUTT Beal lark oniwr am vle BP Akl er C A real: good uality at 12¢. Per Foot i § £ ] =| The Cinderls Shoo A Ladies' Goodyear Welt Blucher date street shoe. Price $5.00 and $5.50 N. JENNINGS; KING ST ! APPEARING OLD Acts as a Bar to Profitable Em. ployment. You cannot afford to grow old. + In these days of strenuous competi- tion it is necessary to maintain, as long as possible opes: youthful' ape It is impossible to do this wi out retaining a luxurious growth: ir, The presence of dandruff indicates | the of a burrowing - germ, which lives and thrives on the roots of the hair until it canses total bald- ness. . w Newhbrd's Herpicide "is * ol known destroyer of thin pert and os is as effective as it is delightful to takes an elegant ~{80c. and $1. G. W. Mahood, i "| agent. 2 sibs. CUSTOMS CLERKS HAPPY, Will Be Given Increase in Wages. 2. Ottawa, May 9.-The announcement i® made at the that when the cheques are sent out to civil servants for the month of M: they will call for increases ranging from ten to fifteen 'per cent. Owing to the fact that the = estimates w: not passed until April Ind, it was im- sssible for Hon. am Paterson, minister of customs, to pay the in- ereases last month. advances will date from April Ist, and will be. paid in the forthcoming cheques. The' yov- ernment will pay the ipremium on offi- cers bond, ne ; The. Aekkiown strengthening i combined with . ther most 'nervine, are s en Poe, which nerves and body," and wan. Shoe, Vici Kid, with patent toe cap IN, and high Cuban heel. It is an up-to- | jo he Jargest shipp 'whole Cobalt ca he mine that pper of mp. @ » gt Ra wl A ON, Square, Kingston, Ont. oiket dress n t ple t : 2 il £ : 3 Fs Hel i E.E 2 § i to take sixty to the be a glori his yey Singegosiuj dd advan it i is denomination he consider He offered what a barbari¢ suggestion, t its adoption would be on Christian ethics, ol 'the Osler sort. age limit pe- not permit those was prescribing. » responding to a de- to be put to that he was in humor when oclaimed ist, was Fif¥ Ii: £8 | Eof 2x8 2 E £ edge of a seniors, silver sea, gently over, away humming, fl that his turn w o doubt he he would fixed an ous autumn would have he rt of pointing out gorgeous cloud palaces in the western sky. would say, 'Within many mansions in and bidding th golden glory cast on the them one by one, his he said it but a good unfold his sug- they might not ould ever again orous fit, be This ig ministers a miser- | © we call an annuity, suggest a kinder depute every year a man of fifty- all our clergymen of method, | cliff. It should afternoon, | fifty-nine ad are my Father's house,' em take the path which the setti to sun top- and them are he woul Part of and part chuckle to think ould come mext year. b would have a Y to think he had nd his generation more service than a pity fund." feeling of God sentiments of thase who heard What divided. amount of a distinct val. One venerable ly burst into tears, he at Mr. Ruth's ship Baltic, of which sailed yesterday ag: in still fast. The vessel having but a small cargo, on account of th arene' Strike, A num- were promptly despatched to the scene, but i - curred at high ti io Vou avnideut ob her of tugs during a dense Baltic to get off The Baltic carries about 280 cabin and in the very Jugs, The over i re | life, on at he is a student. =| The Simple. Life is bet To live 1 during the 's our t hy sat thee lls and ape am's , regularly, red, P 3 as require orous remark There applause, manifestation of 8 were some Was a certain There was also disappro- clergyman gotual- was so shocked grotesque humor, ------ A SHIP RAN AGROUND, -- Fog Put the Baltic Out of Her Course. the the main 400. % A ------------------ Must not be confounded po pli 8 iver like: them in every will Prove their New York, May 9.~The big steam- White Star line, afternoon, went channel and js first while in the second steerage the list is crew of the ship num- with com. tive pills. Car- ar2 entirely up. respect. One trial superiority, organ Harris, son of Dr, M Elmora Harris, Walme: to, has Da | 850 for the beat competiti w is NO or the awarded Road, Toron. the prize of fiom in the Baird neeton University, naturally; work e a Beech e for the sim- uous, like hams that he had Saturday afternoon y Th aendint 4 Ieenty-fve and twenty seven cents an fog .which caused the her course, ~The . Paddlers' Unfortunate Acti ville Catholic 8 Americans have no less pitchers out in uniform at at Fort 3 ¥ dh Tn. Sve. Brine E Riahieg, Biéiniciis of of the Phillies, batting for the Sill? o'L dh Seager in the players. The Ro- outdoing himself this Aberdeen, ag viceroy of Ire land, has been Ae Sr Punch: estown races. Ag of Canada he studiously abseoted : himself from the Woodbine, ? f 3 i fi fi Ir 5 g i fl is i accepted a in Monterey, Mexico, and il te RF his® ro home within a fow omas Hastings, father of the Some of curling in Minnesota, is dead. was a nati i is. Toronto Star: The Canadian Canoe Association trouble over amateur pad- ers is not whether men: who have professionals are to Roddle, but whether men who have played "pros" are to t is a sort of second ackenschmidt, the western reat] I, Signed articles for a ma n Rooney of Chicago, in New Orleans next week. rae granting a permit, Mayor Behrman anded assurance that the bout would be "on the square," recalling the Gotch-Beel "fake" of last Nov ember, Montreal Star: The withdrawal of five thousand Canadian paddlers from the jurisdiction of the Canadian Ama- teur Athletic Union will be the result of the new men in el of the af- fairs of the union carrying things too far, and will leave them pretty well up, as paddlers go in for near- ly everything else, field and track An organization to be kud¥n as the Catholic Amateur Athlete "Associa: tion has been launched in Brockville, with a large amd enthusiastic mem- bership. The association has splendid material for all kinds of sport, but for the present only a lacrosse will take up the cudgels. other clubs, will form a local league, The officers of thei. A.A A. are: Hon, president; Rev. Dean Mur- ray; president, J. - Vennegsiwice-pre- ony, Charles Reilly; secretary, hoe; treasurer, J, Hall, ak The Ottawa Valley Baseball. League was formed at Smith's Falls. These of- ficers were elected : Honorary presi- dent, Senator F. T, Frost; honorary vice-president, T, B. Caldwell, M.P.; president, Neil Nicoll, Perth; vice- president, © C. Melntosh, |. Carleton Place; second vice-president, , R. J. Whyte, Smith's Falls; treasurer, R, F, Blair, Carleton Place; secretary, R. M. Houston, Perth; committeq of man- agement, R. A. Wilson, Carleton Place; E. J, Watt, Lanark; B. J, O'Brien, Smith's Falls; BE. H. Wilson, Perth. London Speetator : Games which re- quire quickness, decision and speed, are games that colonials axcel at. They learnéd rugby. very quickly, and very proficiently, as shown by the re- cent visits of the New Zealanders and South Africans. Now, we have the Capitals from Ottawa, showing us the fine points of lacrosse, The sinuosity, the suppleness of the Canadian ath. lete, and, above all, his fine speed, fit him peculiarly for this grand whirling game. Lacrosse originated in the do- minion: it has been developed in its national home, until to-day it is a fine science. ' ---------------- LINEMEN'S WAGES. RAISED -- Increase Given By the Telephone Company. Toronto, May 9.--The Bell Telephone company has granted the linemen an increase of from two to two and one- half conts an hour all rotud and a ¢ holiday, instead of a nine-hour day as was asked by the committee, which waited upon the company. Splicers will be mereased from twenty-sevem . and one-half to thirty cents an hour and linemen from twenty-three and twenty-five cents to our. A Death Of Mrs. T. A. Code. Perth, Ont, May 9--Mrs. T. A. Code, wife of T. A. Code, proprietor of the Perth Felt and itt mills, Sind at her home, héve last Hight, at the age of fifty-t and six months. She wat Wot t the late John Leslie, Fela awa, and was loved and respected by all who | knew her. She Jon ves La husky one daughter and oid som. he funeral takes place on Friday. a May Be Foul Flay. Brantiord, Ont., May 9.--The lifeless body of Benjamin Jackson, of North Park street, was found, at an early hour, this morning; on Terrace Hill street. Suspicions of foul play are entertained. An inquest will be held. Killed By Bursting Wheel. Brantford, Ont., May 9.--William Hopkins, an employee of the Goold Shapley, Muir company, was killed, this morning, by the bursting of an emery wheel on parliament from Alexander; teamster, | which offered , | ceives a legacy of $100,000. The sports, lacrosse, football, hockey and" sands from downright weakness, gives you'll feel like new, you'll appreciate what real robust health means. In a month you'll se which he was work. Jou vigor and spirits have peceived. ings 8 cause its work lasts, its benefits re- Mary Alexander, Toronto, has ap. [Wain and are not temporary. It re- plied for n_divores at next nesuicin P stores health where other treatments hee husband, Edward [fail aud specially in the: apringtime Trouble is mighty shy when it secs {™8h and child. Try it. : { Montreal Young Woman Gets Money Back. ' Montréal, May Y.--Justice Curren heard a suit for breach of promise some unusual featurcs. Miss Alexina, alias Amanda, Jasmin, dressmaker, sued J. E. Durocher, a young business man, for $1,990 on the round that after obtaining from her on notes and giving her in re- turn a poliey in the French-Canadian Artisans Society, he abandoned her and \ to carry out the arrange- ments for their "marriage, and for loss of time caused. because she gave up her ordinary work a short time ukeor their engagement, because Du- rocher did not want people to say he had married a working girl. The plaintifi was given $155 damages and the amount oF the loan, VANCOUVER MAN'S LEGACY. Hundred Thousand Dollars From Estate of J, H. Smith. New York, May 9.--The will of the late James H. Smith is made public. The value of the estate is estimated at not more than $25,000,000. Among the beneficiaries is a cousin, James C. Keith, Vancouver, B.C., who re es tate, after three million is paid the widow and various other legacies are taken out, goes two-thirds to George Grant Mason, division superintendent of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul and one-third to William 8. Mason, a bank official at Evanston, Ill. Both men are nephews. Nr. Smith died suddenly at Kioto, Japan, on March 26th, while he and Mrs. Smith were on their bridal tour. ------ ENTOMBED FOR NINE DAYS. ---- Remarkable Rescue of Miner in Australia. Victoria, B.C., May 9.--The steam- er Manuka, from Australia, brought news of the rescue of an Italian min. er, Varischetti, from an Australian mine by divers, under circumstances similar to the rescue of Hicks at Bak- ersfield, "California, a few months ago. He was nine days imprisoned in. the mine which flooded during a heavy rain, cutting off his retreat. Pressure of water gathered a reservoir of air where the Italian took refuge and he crouched . there for nine days in a liv- ing tomb before divers succeeded in rescuing him, WARSHIP ON HAND. Britain Will Place' Another West Indies. London, May 9.--In view of the re- cent rioting, at Castries, Island of St. Lucia, and the fact that a British warship was not available for relief purposds, at the time of the earth- quake at Kingston, Ja., the British government has decided to station a second cruiser in the West Indies, the Seylla, a third-class cruiser, having a speed of twenty knots and carrying a crew of 273 officers and men, has been selected, in ---------------- Death At Melcombe. Melcombe, May 8.--Very little seed- ing has been done as yet. Miss Julia Ralph, who has been a nurse in Og- densburg 'state hospital for the past six months, has returned home, The new library placed in our school will afford reading material to pupils und the older folks. Patrick Donevan's condition is unimproved. George Moore and family have moved into the house owned by John Bolger. On 'the 27th ult., there.passed away an old and respected resident in the person of Mrs. James McDonald. The general esteem of the community was shown by the large funeral which fol- lowed. her remains to Lansdowne vault, Interment will take place in the new Catholic cemetery. Constipation steals the iron which should be absorbed away from the bowels, spoils your blood and com- plexion, - causes anemias and disease. Regulate your bowels with Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea and keep well. 35¢., Tea or Tablets. Mahood's drug store. The movement to establish an hos pital eot in Toronto in memory of Lady Victoria Grenfell, whose death was 80 sincerely deplored, is now well on towards completion. It has been decided that the cot shall he estal- lished in the Sick Children's Hospital. Two thousand dollars towards the fund has been collected. From the hawksbill turtle of 'the Caribbean Sea comes the tortoise shell of commerce. EE YOUR BLOOD UNHEALTHY IN THE SPRINGTIME. You Should Cleanse the System at Once With Proper Medicine. Spring housc-cleaning is the solemn duty of every good housekeeper--this time, let it commence with your own system, All the organs are depressed, the liver is slow, kidneys are unheal- thy. In consequence you are listless, vitality is low, color is bad, appetite poor and you need medicine, This is just the time to use Ferro- zome;. it excites splendid appetite, gives digestion splendid aid, supplies nour- ishment for all weak organs. At once you feel buoyant and strong. Nutri tious blood courses through your veins, supplies strength and life, makes you tingle with animation and ambition. No more h che. None of that tired languor. You feel like 'doing things because Feerozome completely renews and strengthens your whole system. ' For spring debility no medicine on earth hes such quick, lasting bene- fits as' Fertozone, It has raised thou. them perfect health simply because it contains the fortifying elements that run-down systems require, One week after using Ferrozone ly eredit the push érrozene is more than a tonic be used bye $viryv oman; wo- 506. pér box, A man coming al, 'vehi as he. wale - and. phi stling a ed boxes for £2.50, Sold by all owl ~ thn ' fragrant, aromatie, Tea is fe Goughs, Colds. CHLOROBVHE CRLORDDYNE CHLORDDYNE CRLORDDYNE CHLORODYN IRIGINAL Ano BOLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE" For the Afternpon At Home, the most delicious-- CLLELELRLECRLLEER CLL "Our Big Rebuilding Sale is Still On. 50 Selected Mattresses, in Cotton Felts and Sea Grass and Wool in Fancy Art Tickings and 50 Lock Weave Woven Wire. Hercules Springs to fit any size Beadstead. JAMES REID. USE FURNITURE RESTORER. (NATURAL APENTA CA RBONATED), IN 'SPLITS ONLY. A Refreshing and Pleasant Aperient for Morning Use. bbon 'ea has no rival in health giving flavor. It stimulates the enervated and is a wholesome tonic for all. Black, gresn, mixed 256. to §1 a Ib.--All grocers {114434840 DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE (THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE). ; Bronchitis, x Asthma, ONL the fs admitted by profession ta se tha most wonderful and valuable rem- edy ever discovered, is the best remedy known for COUGHS, COLDS, CONSUMPTION, BRONCREI. TIS, ASTHMA. acts like a charm in DIARRHOEA, and is the only specific in CHOLERA, and DYSENTERY, effectually cuts short all attacls of EPILEPSY, HYSTERIA, PALPITA. TION and SPASMS. is the only palliative in NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM, - GOUT, (CANCERW, TOOTHACHE, MENINGITIS, eto. Always ask for "DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE," and bewars of spurious compounds or f{mitations. The genuine bears the words "DR. J. on the Stamp of each bottle. Sold in bottles. Prices in England, 1s. 13d., 2s 9d., 4s. 6d. cach (Overwhelming Medical Testimony accompanies each "~ttla? Sole Maufacturers :--J. T. DAVENPORT, Limited, LONDON. Wheles ale Agents, LYMAN BROS. & CO., Limited, Toront We have the largest High Laced Shoes If you see our FOTWEAR. men's Shoes at $3.00 in the city. Kid or Patent Colt, Laced and Button Styles, Heavy and Light Soles, Broad, Medium and Narrow Toes with High » or Low Heels: In fact, we ean give the 3 BEST $3.00 Shoe in Canada.. : can SAVE MONEY ON YOUR assortment of Wo- or Oxfords in Vici $3.00 line you Abernethy's Shoe Store 93 Princess $ * Between Corbett's Harc Store and Taylor & H ton's, directly opposite grove's. COME AND SEE VU! "Phone No. 778. i ------ £9 ADIT PIDEL HOH When You Bu) ; COAL From P. WALSH You get genuil Scranton, as | handles nolthln else. LA 0 COAL.! 'I'he sudden changes in We ought to suggest the wisaot putting in some good Coal poll good Coal. Ite the kind sends out the most heat, makes the home comfortable the pest money can buy, there is nome better ne We deliver 1t to you clean without slate, at the very bo prices, BOOTH & CO. Phone 133. Foot of We FR PERC RRR Owing to my inability secure suitable premises i West, and to the splendid port accorded by my fr here, I have decided to re in Kingston. I ain now ing up the best selected Imported Suitings I have ever shown. § valuss combined with class trimmings and work ship leave nothing to "be " WAGCONER'S Fall and inspect the at -- i Good Investmen ons Practical Busines : Aa ng is the Master Key to Success Frontena Business College ¥IRGSTON ONTARI Spperior Course --AT--"= Moderate Rates. mw N. STOCKDALE, T. B principal 'Phone, 680. ---- en RRC If you wish to be success tend The Kingston Busin College Limited, head of Quem Canada's Highest 6 business school. Book-} shorthand, typewriling, hy, and Er subjects thoroughly comptent, experienced te a night. classes. En any time. Rates very mo 'Phone, 440. H. F. METCALFE, Presid J. B. CUNNINGHAM, Sec AER FG THE FRONTENA LOAN AND{INVESTMENT EETABLISHED 1! President--Sir Richard Ca M loaned on City and ay Municipal apd Coun tures. Mortgages purchased. received and interest allowed. 8 C. McGill, Managing Office. 87 Clarence Rireet, B NewYorkChinese Rest .83 Princess Stroy Open from 10.30 a.m. to 8 The best place to get an Lunch in the city Meals of pn shortest notice. English a Dishes a specialty New England Ch Restaurant 331 Kin Open from 10.30 a.m. to best place to get an Laoeh in the city Meals of on shortest notice. English a Ilishes a pecially: "Phone. 6! DIAMONDS We invite the most e pert criticism: as to ol pricos and high-gras quality of our Diamond We have them at prio ranging from $15 | $200, a You: are Invited t look at our stock, Kinnear & d'Esterr § d Merchants naan Br aa hh