4 'White 'Organdie 'Blouscs, ~~" "White Silk Blouses ~~ Also 240 Wrappers THE 5 P.M. EDITION emm---------- COMMERCIAL MATTERS. ------ What is Going On 1a the Business World--The Markets. Japan's exports Lo Canada ure increas. p ing, and Canada's exports to Japan '| are failing off. 53,000 shares of Montreal-Cobalt stock are being disposed of in the Lomdon sarket at ome dollar per share, Toronto railway earnings for the week, Shding May 4th, totall $02,488, or $9,505 more than in the corresponding 4 week last year. NS. H. CU. Miner has retired from the i of the "UC ated" R company, and has been succeeded by Di Lorne McGibbhon, who becomes managing director as well as t. Mackenzie and Mann are reported to be Investing $1,000,000 in the Tilbury Oil Fields, Kent county, where a considers able amount of (Toronto capital been attracted by Oil apd gas ventures. The Montreal Rolling Mills company has increased its capital from $16,000 to $1,300,000, the new issue of stock be ing issued to shareholders at the rate of one share of new stock for every four shares of the oid. right to the mew stock sold at $15 to<day. J. F. Junkin is resigning the ition of ma ng director of the 'Manuface turer's view EE FINE TAILORING | THIS Ties, Sox, Etc., to match. of SUITINGS WEEK. 8 0 ston 'S : a s Ai bounds, 'dsontures and Other securities & | Mr. Junkin has for twelve years been 1 managing director. < "i Cheese Markets, & | Woodstock, May 8.--Ofierings, 1,000 fi boxes ; 11jc. bid. All sold f i 4 i Hi i 8 §! : 1 } Hi il FF § ii i EE, i i Ti | 7 i il Ex He Ae { F i i d i i hh £ oe [ is | a piel 'by tl by Eoglish i treated like the Irish they would the House of their heads, The Irish could not that, but instead eoculd only hoot the agents of the lords. WOULD LIKE TO KNOW. Information Needed As to Smelter By-Laws, Kingston, May 9.-(To the Editor) : 1 sem the meeting and get the concensus of opin- jon on so important a matter before making another blunder such as the street car deal ? Where is the Canadian labor party now ?. It is about time it got a move on, - It entered the political arena with a great flourish of trumpets and declared it was the peoples' champion. Why stand so idly now when import- ant public q ons are coming up ? IT on OT oman 0). like the knights of old, come out and break a lance in the interests of the cause it has so willingly expoused.-- vices OF A CORPORATION, \ The Last Respects. The funeral of the late Charles Wednesday motniug, a large and representa- tive number of citizens to St. Mary's cathedral, where BC solemn htt mass was a - Lams, ant "by Rev. Father No- Donald, as deacon, and Rev. Father Carey, as sub-deacon. The full choir was in attendance, the Miserere boing rendered Rev. Father M. McDon- ald, of Portsmouth. The C.M.B.A,, of which deceased was a member, at- tended in a body. Mr, Lyons was a man of sterling gualities, upright and fearless, simple and direct as a child, generous to a fault, in short one of nature's noblemen, His kindly way and ever present smile enhanced a personality all too scarce in this varthly sphere. The poor and the needy wore never forgotten by him and many will miss the man with qualities of mind and heart which al- ways shine forth in every walk of life. The remains were interred in St. Mary's cemetery, the pallbearers being Messrs. John Hickey, James Bvrne, A. Hanley, P. O'Connor, John Oldfin, and James Daley. ------------ At The Grand. "Uncle Josh Sprucdby'™ is a comedy drama that is a trug blending of the funny and the serious, just as repre sented by the lives of some persons. The story is dramatic for the reason that it is filled with stage surprises, at the samo time it is a simple story because it deals with only simple peo- ple. While not claiming to be a Pe story, it is at the same time true to life. The comedy is co- medy, and the heart interest is of more than ordinary pathos. By many of our best critics it has been com- pared to "The Old Homestead," and not without reason. We see all the beauty and freshness of the green fields, and almost imagine we inhale the fragrance of the mew mown hay, . | a8 we gaze with admiring eyes on the elegant stage settings. "Uncle Josh Spraceby" will be at The Grand on Saturday, May 1ith, matinee and night. Another Gasoline Yacht. The latest citizen 10 join the ranks of the gasoline yachtsmen is Michael Sullivan, government works ocontract- or, who is having a fine thirty-footer built here. It will be elaborately fur- nished, and be ome of the very best in these waters. John Tweddell is commodore of the fleet to which Mr, Sullivan's craft will be attached. Mr. Il is having his flagship launch ed this week, / After The Champion. Indications point towards the fact that Willey will not be able to retain his title as pool champion without. defending it in the near future. A number of loeal sports interested in the game are trying to arrange an- other series of games for the near fu- ture, - . A Short Hay Crop. ° Farmers residing on Wolfe Island are raspunaibile for saying that the hay on Wolfe Island, this year, will not equal that' of last. 'Little more than half a crop is expested in most localities. Horsemen will have to pay dear for hay next winter, Bs only four honorary benchers living. | collar. Sir Wilirid Laurier" and Premier kin are to be admitted as honor- ary benchers of Gray's 4mm. There are £Fiq hil ¥ i B i CFE + Ux, MCA. offices, Toronto, hs been ap- pointed graral secretar of the Deitia YMCA, at a of 81,- Thomas Edison, wy g to . ement commis- sion caused by the death of Sir Wil- liam Hingston. Ch: or Burwash, of Victoria Uni- versity, was presented with a veter- aus of 1866 medal at the Toronto Amsnouries ih Col. Hon. J. M. Gibson making the presentation. During the Hon, Mr, Fisher's ap- sence in Europe, Hon. Mr. Lemieux will be acting minister of agriculture, and Hom. . Aylesworth will be acting minister of public works. The Winnipeg limited on the Great Northern railroad, for St. Paul, was wrecked near Robinsdale, Minn. The ine, tender, three baggage cars 5 smoker weve derailed. No one urt. " Albert Blanche, a deaf mute, in the Montreal post office, had his head ground off, to-day, by a street car. He was conversing with the finger signs, with a companion, and did not see the car approaching. His body was badly mutilated. Hon. Mr. Poy will leave, this even- ing. for New York, whence he will sail for England on Saturday. He will re- present the Ontario government at the imperial conference on education to be held in London, the last week of this month. f PERSONAL MENTION. Movements of The FPeople--What They Are Saying And Doing. Joseph Nash, of the firm of Nash Bros., left, last night, for New York on ness. . T. L. Snook returned, last night, from Mexico, looking hale and hearty after his month's vacation. Lieut.-Col. Anderson, chief engineer of the marine department, and Mrs. Anderson were here, to-day, from Ot- tawa. Walter Nash, New York, brother of Joseph and Thomas Nash, of this city, is seriously ill at his home. Hia brother, Dr. Philip Nash, is attend- ing him. Joseph Nelligan died in Ottawa, on T y from pneumonia twen- ty-eight years."One sister, Miss Brid- get Nelligan, is a novice in the House of Providence, Kingston. Mrs. Jerome Thompson, and Miss Thompson, Sharbot Lake, were in the city, to-day, en route to New York, where they will be the guests of Mrs. H. Shibley, for a ®ouple of weeks. Montreal Herald: Hiram A. Calvin, Garden Island, a large shareholder in the: Calvin Wrecking company, and in several mining projects, 'is at the Place Viger Hotel with his brother, Sandford C. Calvin, INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters on Their Rounds. The fire department has been allow- ed a rest during the last few days. No fires have been reported for nearly a week, A fire on Belle's Tsland, ome day this week, burned all the grass and wood on the island. The owner is, looking for offenders and threatens to prose- cute trespassers. The work of renovating St. George's hall has been begun, and the work will be completed, so far as the hall itself goes, by the first week in June. The renovation of .the class rooms down- stairs will take much longer. To Overcome A Difficulty. Hamilton, Ont., May 9.--An interest- ing case is being tried, to-day, at the non-jury sittings. It is brought by the minority shareholders of the Hamilton, Grimsby and. Beams. ville railway, to have a $35,000 issue of stock declared void. The directors wanted to make stated changes in the road, but the minority shareholders refused consent, To overcome the dif- ficulty, they issued $35,000 worth. of stock and bought it in themselves. Concessions To Newspapers. Ottawa, May 9.--PostmasterGeneral Lemieux promised to give the press delegation stamped wrappers at the price of stamps, and it is likely that a flat rate will be given later on out- side zones. At present it is gne-half cent, and one-quarter cent; it is pro- bable that in the future it wil be made a flat xate of one-quarter cent, fut legislation will be required for 8. The Story Denied. Berlin, May 9.--Rumors that there is a misunderstanding between Em- peror William and 'Prince Von Buelow were, to-day, met with a strongly worded official denial. sold if he had not worn a valuable - and and went into tl little one ran towards the foot of the an action | Cleveland, 7. Many a dog would never have been jcignati, 0. They Had Been Witnout Food or Water For Most of the Time, headed in the direction from which the sound-came. The cry for help was then heard distinctly, and the ship soon after ran close to a fish- erman's dory, in which were the two men. The men in the boat were in an almost helpless state, only one being able to move with assistance, and the other, being helpless, was tenderly car- ried from the boat to the steamer's deck, the dory being allowed to drift away. They had got astray from their vessel six days previous during a fog. They had heen without food or water almost the entire time, and had about given up hope of rescue. ------------ FIVE DOLLARS A WORD. For Part of a Letter By Robert Burns Some of the prices obtained recently at Sotheby's for items in the library of the late George Gray, formerly the town clerk, of Rutherglen, were pheno- menally high. For instance, the frag- ment of a Burne' letter, consisting of the words, "lI am -interrupted; (please transmit the enclosed by a careful hand)--Yours, Robert Burns," was valued at £16, or over £1 a word. The beginning of the letter belongs to Pierpont Morgan, but a Mr. Day was the buyer yesterday, and it is said that the fragment is to remain in the old country. Mr. Day gave £141 fora fine Burns' letter addressed to John Ballantine, 1787, describing a Maso- nic meeting at which the poet * was toasted; a cut-down and rebound copy of the Kilmarnock Burns, 1786, fetch- ed £260--£40 more than ever before ; the autograph of "O'er the Moor," twenty-one words, £11. GARMENTS ON FIRE, A Little Child Playing With Matches Frederick Jackson, a young man just home from a G.T.P. survey, sav- ed a child's life this, Thursday, fore- noon, but had his bands badly burned in the rescue. Little Lillian Butlin, daughter of William Butlin, Dufferin street, dur- ing the absence of her aunt, down town shopping, hold of matches yard to play with them, The child, four years old, ig- nited her dress while using the matches and was soon in a blame. The vard when the blaze attracted Mr. Jackson's attention and he hastened to ascertain the cause. He quickly tore the burning garments off and saved the life of the little ome. Dr. Robert Hanley was quickly called and gave as much relief as possible. The child's face was very badly burned. Mr. Jackson's hand are alsolnjured through his brave work. . STANDARD STOCK EXCHANGE. Reported From 18 Market Street, Kingston, Ont. Kingston, May 9th. 1 p.m. McKinley ... 1.60 1.50 Coniages .... ew... ...... $4.30 $4.20 GER. NTT 176% Twin City ...... » yr M5 LAST SALES, Foster .. ov oa mes At 1.856 Peterson Lake ' aa Trethewey 1.81 Nipissing . 14.50 Abitibi | 18 Green Meehan 72 Silver Queen 1.49 Silver Leaf .. " 13% Among The Islands. The annual convention of the New York State Bankers' Association will be held at Hotel Frontenac, Thousand Islands, on June 27th and 28th, Amasa Corbin has leased the Murray Hill hotel at Murray Isle, to 1, N. Chase and H, E. Rissell, Amherst, N.H. This popular resprt will be opened the latter part of June. At his home in Fisher's Landing, on May 3rd, occurred the death of Henry Robbins, aged seventy-two years. De ceased was born in Clayton, N.Y., and spent his whole life on the St. Law- rence river, S. H. Vandergrift, New York, who owns the handsome summer home at Long Rock Island, has presented the Clayton fire department -with a fine steam whistle with which to sound alarms, so that there may be no mis- understanding in the nature of fire alarms, : The Scheme That Failed. A report comes from Kansas that a thrifty broom manufacturer has made an attempt to collect 'old broom hand- lea and use them again. The women to whom the half-new brooms were offered rejected them. They insisted on bright, new handles. These are made of maple, 'and sell for about $27 a thousand. Baseball Record. Eastern League--At Toronto, 5; Buf falo, 7. At Baltimore, 0; Jersey City, 3. At Providence, 3; Newark, 0. American League--At Chicago, _5; National League--At Boston, 6; Cin- Good Things : --FOR-- Friday Afternoon From 2 to § o'clock. Constantly on the watch for anything that will prove advantageous to our cus. tomers, we are daily in re- ceipt of special offerings. These are promptly turned into cash next day, as we never advertise a special until we are satisfied itis really worth coming for, To-morrow we will place ' on sale the following 3 specials : |) Ladies' t | 4 Tweed Skirts 7 gored and panel effect, inverted pleat back. These are good value from $3.00 to 3:50 each. Yours To-morrow Afternoon, For $2 Each. Pairs ( Lace Curtains All sample pairs. No two pairs alike, $1.50, 2.00, 2.50, 3.00, 3.75. 4.00, 4.50 up to 6.50. Your choice To-morrow afternoon at 25 Per Cent. Off. This is a rare opportunity to secure a good Curtain Bargain. 300 Pairs Ladies' Black Cotton STOCKINGS Good weight for spring wear. Absolutely Fast Black. The New Silk Fifiish, seamless feet and considered extra good value at 25c each or $3.00 per dozen. Yours To-Morrow Afternoon, 19c¢. Pair. Not more than 3 pairs to 1 customer, as we want all to have a chance. Hovled SHOES FOR MEN That We Are Proud Of. The Best Quality, The New Styles, And at All Prices Men's Patents that will wear, at $3 Men's Velour Shoes, Up-to-Date, at $3.50. Men's Vici-Xid Comfortable & Shapes, at $3.50. Men's Tan Russia Blucher at $3.50, Men's Patents, guaranteed, (not to crack), at $5. Men's Tan Russia Shoes, wide and narrow, at $5. Everything New At The Lockett Shoe Store Shoes, At P) his, 4 St. is, 6. Ab Newt k, & Pittsburg , At , & Ng is P.S.--Some New Suit Cases and Trunks just in. azz YEAR 74. » Our Sealskins are the t procurable, being the ge ALASKA & And in richness - of lus and durability, they § superior to any other gra JOHN McKAY 149-155 Brock St., Kingston. Electric Carpe Cleaning Feather Renovat Bicycle:Repairin Cleaning, Sewing and Layi Carpets Our Specialty. Harvey Milr Phone, 542. 272 Bago "Phone orders will re prompt attention. CAMPBELL'S VARNIS STAINS FOR FLOORS is a tough quick drying, dura finish, for new and old floc Comes in twelve colors, and be used for ir purposes 1) any other V made. i for color samples, and pee Ww done with it. SOLD ONLY B MITCHELL'S HARDWARE 85 PRINCESS ST. HOSP IIV III IIE 5 For every variety of Real Est Bargains and Insurance, go SWIFT'S REAL ESTATE A INSURANCE AGENCY. i Yh ht "WONDERLAND Change of Programme, Monday, nesday and Friday. Thursday and Friday Matinee. I und Children under five free. Orchestra Saturday night. Admission, be. © Joseph H. Gorrie, Gen. Mana re AFTER HOUSE-.-CLEANIL If you have decent Furniture or & you want to dispose of. will gi a decent price for them. TURI Leading Second 'Hand Dealer of ston. KINGSTON HUMANE SOCIE REQUIRED BY THE A Society competont Inspector. A anplicatious to Edw. J. B. President: *