OUR ONE DOLLAR A MONTH i 4 ALWAYS CLEAN, ALWAYS REPAIRED. ----- Cheapest Place in King- ston for Boots and ~~ Clothing Ix at the foot of Princess Street. a ee Re 'GOL COAL DAYS mer v «Ail order for a few tons now often ward off the be- L} opening of Jens TPe ow ately at | for the ra ments. ie of verbal ordes Written directions should be Placed ¢ all copy for insertion. All Publisher. Pages, 112 columns, editions, one is in tw Thursday mornings, at $1 a year, if presumed, under certain circumstanc- in advance ; otherwise, 81.50 per " s year. To United States, $1.50 per year: | e8. The arrangement throughout is a no credit. becomes insol- Piry of u contract the ad- amd that performed advertise The publishers will not be responsible for di TS. advertise Hneuts are subject to the approval of the THE WFBKLY BRITISH WHIG, 16 published Monday and one on 'KINGSTON Has undergone alterations and quickly made. "Spear's Mine dian views on the Write to P..V. ronto, Canada. Weak kidneys are by Ba-Ju. organsand correc 1 know you --take Bu-Ju on Chatham mother hen, Auto Sold on time, guarantee. D. J. HAY, Agents, 42 x now open sublic. W. TELFER MADR ron oven SO vrans. {esranuisne esa) E.W. GILLETT somray TORONTO.ONT. FR tains full particulars of the Larder Lake, Montreal River, and other Cana- La ining districts; also Mr. Spesi's effect it will have on the other school lows o present. condi ii mining at Cobalt, also norm of Mi. Spear's Laistlér 'Lake Bonanza dold Co., and first sale of shares for a short time at 15 cents each (par $1.00), or $15.00 for each 100 shares, ancial Agents, 23 Toronto Street, To- i e-------------- ee New Kidneys for Sc. a Day. back ache--that are making you suffer with Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lumbago-- into well, strong kidneys It is Bu.Ju--the Gentle Kidney Pill--that heals the kidneys ; gives you practically a new pair of ts all Bladder Troubles, or suspect it by the pains in the back, Readathoe ov desire to nrinate tee that it will cure you or money refunded. Soc. a box--at druggists. Chem. Co., Limited, Windsor, Ont. Life Producers Life Preservers Chatham Brooders The only . machines in construction and a sure BRITISH - HOTEL Attached to the Paper Uritish Whig Publishing Co.. HDW, J. B. PENSE, SETTING AN EXAMPLE, The chairman of the school book commission, Mr. Crothers, of St. Thomas, has pat himself on record in & most remarkable manner. When as to compensation. He had reason to expect, of course, that' he would be EE Great activity has commenced in the LARDER LAKE GOLD FIELDS a few miles north of Cobalt, deposits arc found. Forianes will be where rich gold Send at once for Development." It con- of FRASER & CO., Fin that are making your have Kidney Trouble, our positive e Claflin 58 Incubators that rival . the watic in action, perfect batcher with a five year T. E. HUGHES, Princess street. AMERICAN or = « ONTARIC to the travelling = = Proprieto: of course! TABLE SALT, » . = ne recouped for any expenses which he incurred. He travelled considerably. He gave to the public business a good deal of his time, and the time of the professional men is worth money. When offered a cheque for 2,000, however, he returned it to the government with thanks. He had been satisfied with the honor of the posi- tion and he had the consciousness of knowing that he rendered the people a service. 'His outlay was $192, and he desired a cheque for that amount only. The example in public spirit is com- mendable. One cannot imagine the hook commissioners or on the members of the various commissions that were' called to the service of the people by the Whitney government, but it would be ennobling if there were more men of the Mr. Crothers stamp in Canada. He is the first one who, under similar circumstances, willing to serve under the government of the day, without a large monetary con- sideration. He has taken a position which will not be forgotten when com- missions are talked of after this. has been GORKY AND HIS FURIES. Maxim Gorky has written another article on New York and his experi- ence with its poor. He says he has some acquaintance with beggardom, but nothing that he has seen in Rus- sia compares with the destitution he witnessed in the East Side of New York. : The statement is appalling when it is remembered that Gorky has written much about his native land, that his pen has produced some horrible tales of suffering and woe, some fearful pic- tures of the despondency of Russian life in its lower strata. Warse than this in New York! Incredible. Is he not prejudiced ? It will be remembered that he had a most unhappy time of it in the American metropolis, He came to this continent on an exalted mission, to evoke the sympathy and financial aid of the people in the cause which he espoused. He is a liberator, an ad- vocate of freedom, of civil and reli- gious independence. And at the outset, on his landing, he was thrust into the street and found it hard to get a place of shelter. Why ? He left his wife in Russia, and travelled with an actress under conditions which arous- ed the ire of the American people, and they would have none of him. What he regarded as personal and Proper may be tolerated in Russia, but America disapproved. His visit, #0 spoiled, hopelessly, was cut short, wnd he sailed for home as soon as he could. u " His mental 'fury was exhibited later by his opinion of the American people, their social status and stupidity. Nor has he recovered his equanimity. Even now he writes with scorn and con- tempt in contrasting the poverty of New York and Russia. -------- HOMES FOR THE ARTISANS. The Toronto man, the president of the board of trade, who became hufi- ed with a remark by a workingman and so dropped the modern housing scheme, is altogether too thin-skinned. Seeding in Brandon, Man., district is completed and Jess than not the acreage is only a is one of the Mavaging Director. Daily Whig. asked to serve upon the commission be assented. No reference was made aah in ; good houses on £ one. It a home atecost, on easy terme, and the average workingman who is at all saving in his habits does not want to pay rent too long. | In Hamilton a large manufacturing firm has a' similar proposition. It aims at giving its employees good homes near the works, at a reason- able rental, and will sell them, it is te o business one, and consideration, THE LABOURER AND HIS HIRE. The upon the wonderful generosity of Mr upon the . school gratuitously. book hear of a Jiberal commissioner, or any official, returning his pay check vines for nothing 7" The liberals, when in office in On- tario, were not so dependable upon commissions as the conservativ es. There is loud talk of the hard work of the government, calling 'for higher pay, but the great things it has es sayed have been suggested, prepared, or performed by commissions. Yet of all the men who have been making in- vestigations into public questions Mr. Crothers is" the only one who has been moved to sarvender his check and for the very modest allowance he had been made. Mark you, there are times when commissions are necessary, when men of special qualification for special tasks have to he summoned to the help ofl the government. They earn 'their money usually, and they are worthy of their hire. Such was the experience undgr liberal rule. One cannot say this of all the con- servative commissions. One was ap- pointed to enquite 'into the affairs of the Blind lostitute at Brantford. A disgruntled official trumped up charges against the principal. They were &x- amined. That was months ago, and the report has not yet been heard of. The defendant had a right to vindica- tion as promptly as possible, and so far as this commission is concerned, though understood to he clear, he is under the imputation of doing doubt- ful things. Another commission was appointed to enquire into the license scandals of Toronto, an- nounced that it would unmercifully uncover the skeletons of a former gov- ernment, that there would be a piti- less exposure of wrong. That was months ago. The report may be in the hands of the government, but to the people it is a prdfound secret. How many. of all commis- sioners will imitate Mr. Crothers? How many will follow his example ? How many of them have been serving It was every these the country for the honour of the ewelit them at this scason' of the ing ? ¢ , pal- |" vi. thing # How many of them have real Vinol 'creates health and strength ly earned what they received ? for old people, weak, sickly women ---------------- EDITORIAL NOTES. The agreement between the college and the board of education hangs fir. The $3,000 which is offered for all the changes, . the accommotlation, 'and the equipment, involved by the scheme, is very inadequate indeed. The theory of administration, out- lined in the Irish council bill, is en- dorsed generally. Hf England, Seot- land and Wales had their local af- fairs caved for by councils there would be less turmoil in the imperial com- mons. S------ Mr. Roosevelt is the subject of spe- cial aversion because he referred to certain labour leaders in Idaho as "undesirable persons." It remwmins to be seen, by the trials now in pro- gress, what ground he had for the comment, Mr, Vansickle, of Toronto, writes the Mail that the Hydro-Electrie Com- mission does not guarantee a rate for 16, FRIDAY. MAY 10 a comfortable home, it as near his place of He is baulk- manufacturers come a purely business 'proposed to acquire land the vicinity of their works, to rect and to rent them enable them to condition. The money-making another advantage, It of- fered the temant the chance to. acquire of advantage to judices which should not have much Hamilton Spectator comments Crothers, of St. Thomas, in serving comanission But it spoils the gen- cral effect by asking, "Did you ever because he preferred to serve the pro- force, but the Canadian postniaster. general, whom we believe, declares that he would have been willing that the date of its taking effect was post: poned to January Ist, 1908. The ob- jectors were "The United States 3 pu thorities." Cleaning-up day in Watertown has been a great success. A date was ap pointed by the mayor for united ser- vice, and under the inspiration of the Municipal Improvement League there were astonishing results. There is no cleaning to be compared with that in which all the people take a hand. Goldwin Smith, in the Weekly Sun, refers to Mr. Bourassa as "the real opposition," in the Canadian . com- mons. Poor Borden. It was a sad day when he accepted the shilling for his services. 'He seems to have for feited the confidence of many in- his own party. SPIRIT OF THE PRESS What Does It Mean ? Toronto Globe. Foy to attend an educational con- fersnce | Where is the minister of edu- cation ? Foy is this? He's A Rare Article. Brantford Expositor. 3 If there are any more men like Mr. best Job Offices in Canada : rapid, sty- employer and employee. It cannot be Deuthors in Ontario, they have not lish and cheap work ; nine improved en doing any government wor Printing Presses Co attacked except on account of pre- Yate, Advantage Of It, Toromao Star. The London Telegraph asks savage- ly why Sir Wilfrid Laurier swung the conference back to deadloc . Because, "| if you will have it, Sir Wilfrid, as a Canadian, is grateful to deadlock. It was deadlock that gave birth to Con- federation, That Would Do. Ottawa Citizen. The members of the Montreal hoard of health who decline to proceed against the persons guilty of offering for sale in that city rotted salmon, should be put on a diet of the poison- ed stuff for thirty days. Mistake Somewhere. Bellevillé Intelligencer. The manager of the . Kingston Loco- motive Works is quoted as saying that power can he generated from coal at $12.50 per horse-power for twelve hours per day. If that be true, some people have been woefully mis- taken inthe past. Effect Of Example. Hamilton Herald. 1 Crothers, chairman of the school text-book commission, has re- fused to accept remuneration for his services, and it is understood that George Lyneh-Staunton, K.C., coun- sel for the commission, is so moved by his example of public spirit that he has almost consented to have his bill taxed. Offices For Life. Toronto Telegram. Offices for life or good behavior are of more value than offices that must be vacated as soon as the party whith appoints the official goes out of Power. A general slaughter of office- holders would be poor polities and Worse patriotism. The processes of time, as illustrated in the workings of disease and death, will empty offices as fast as a wise government wants to fill them. -- Something You Should Know. We want the people of Kingston ang vicinity to know that the most valu- able and delicious cod liver prepara- tion known to medicine is Vinol. inol contains all the medicinal ele ments of cod liver oil actually taken from fresh code' livers, but not drop of the uscless, greasy oil to up. set the stomach and retard its work, and to this is added Peptonate of ron (tonie iron.) For this reason Vinol is recognized throughout the "world as the greatest health restorer and strength creator known to medicine, and we do not believe there is a man, woman or child in Kingston but what Vinol will and children; nursing after a severe sickness. inol cures hacking coughs, chronic mothers, amd colds, bronchitis, and all throat and lung troubles. Fry Vinol on our offer to return money if it fails. Geo. W Mahood, Druggist. ---- Boys Playing Truant. Trustee W. H. Godwin is right in his assertion that a large number of boys are playing truant from school. There are too many youths on the street during school hours, and they do not all belong to families in whicl there is sickness. Mr. Godwin says that in Frontenac Park early yester- day afternoon, he saw boys enofigh to get up three games of baseball. Boys who make a habit of asking people on the street as to the time of day it is, may be looked upon as truonts, Mr. Godwin says. The lads had better 'keep at school, or theyll find themselves before the police may strate. The hoard of education is oo. ing after them: ------------ One Dollar. Puys a nobby hat at Campbell power at any time. It will make calculations' and estimates, but if these' are exceeded it cannot be called to account, The serious objection to the teach- ing of institute classes by the stu- long, 98c., . dents in training will be raised by the [and interesting review. Viscount Mil- The workingmen, he says, are so sus- parents. They are paving for expert hes "Reflections" on the colonial picio and will not believe that the tuition, and the failure of their chil. | Conference, contributed to the Na housing ition is being ' advance. . . tional Review. are renrinted alse. ith B ilanthropi ive Weir, dren' to score well in the examina- Quality high and prices low. That's od with pnilant ropic motives. .' | tions will be keenly felt. the double impression you will get Sometimes there is ground for this | when lacking through our assortmen' suspicion, There are some people who The new postal arrangement is reprivds from the Review, is in | of suits, Bros., Kingston's popular hat store. Try Bibby's for boys sweaters, The article by Prof. McComb, lately of Kingston, "on "The Modern Atti tude Toward Belief In o Future Life," which The Living Age for May 11th London Quarterly an extremely thoughtfu! The heart, reach a great by Lyd pound used to ments Ottawa, "Lydi OPERATIONS AVOID) Two "Grateful Letters from Women Who Avoide | Serious Operations.--Many Women Suffering from Like Conditions Will Be Interested, When a physician tells 8 woman, suf- fering from female trouble, that an oper Mica is necessary it, of course, frightens er. table and the knife strikes terror to her when told by her physician that she must undergo an operation she felt that her death knell had sounded. Our hospitals are full of women who are there for just such operations * It is quite true that these troubles may a stage where an operation is the only resource, but such cases are much rarer than is generally supposed, because operation must be performed. up to the point where the knife must be cine is certain to help. The strongest and most grateful state- women who, by taking Lydia E. Pink- [should try ham's Vegetable Compound, have esca- | Cot 1 ped serious operations. Mrs. Robert Glenn of 434 Marie St.| ¥ Dear Mrs. Pinkham :-- pound is so well and w oes not need my roc am pleaséd to add it to the have in its favor. 1 hg agonies from a serious nearly three yea pleased that I did so, for it rest perfect health, saving me the operation and the immense } the same. Pray accept my and best wishes." Miss Margaret Merkley of 2; Milwaukee, Wis., writes : Dear Mrs, Pinkham :-- "Loss of strength, extreme n severe shooting pains throu owgans, cramps, bearing-down irritable disposition compelle medical adv T an exami nm, said that I} female trouble and ulceration an operation a% my only. ho strongly objected--and 1 4 resort to try Lydia E. Pink} Compound. "To my surprise the uleerat all the bad symptoms disappes /m once more strong, vigorous and I cannot express my thanks it has done for me." Serious feminine troubles are stes the increase among women--g submitting to an operation eve Lydia E. Pink npound, and write Lynn, Mass, for advic very thought of the operating As one woman expressed it, many 'women have been cured ia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- after the .doctors had said an In fact, secure instant relief, this medi- possible to make from come or thirty years Ly Ont., writes : a E. Pinkham's Ve: and th, that I must undergo an op I was unwilling to do this I tried ) getable Compound, and I am only too | pound. Ask Mrs. Pinkham's Advice--A Woman Best Understands a Woman's [lis, S=e our Special $15.00 Black Cheviot Silk- Faced Overcoat. It's a real beauty, Other lines, $10, 12 and 13.50. English Raincoats, Good, rain or shine. See our Special $12.50 Coats, Semi-Ready Shower- Proof Garment, $15.00. Handsomely. tailored, . your Roney & C. Ou --suitable for both dress nd informal wear-- aff admirable choice to Berra oy styles. Materials and top gr. ability to "MINERVA" Silk and Lawn Waists conform strictly B48 latest, most correct | eling are abso: ade, combining individual style ely stand the maximum wear and tear. Ask about them, and look for the label, ERyT- Gallery Many "Rifle Shots" ha converted to Dominion tion by moting the freedom from miss fires a of fouling in 22 Cal. Ca Galleries. : A 'less the duty» consideration for those large amount of Cartridg: The trademark guarantees g DOMINION CARTRIDGE | "or MONTREAL. re ----------------t--; A E. HER ORDERED FOOT Now is the time th pairs are wanted. O squeak is used om a 286 PRINCESS THR HOUSE OF | | 1 Q! IN CONNECTION WI C. P. TRAINS LEAVE KIN 12.30 p.m. Exnress--For 0 real, Quchec, St. John, N. Boston, Toronto, Chicago, D frew, Sault Ste. Marre, Dulut Winnipeg, Vancouver, Seatt and San Francisco. 5.00 p.m.--Local for Sh connecting with C.P.R. East 7.45 a.m., Mixed--Fcr Rent teriwediute points 5 Passengers leaving Kingtu p.m. arrive in Ottawa at 5 | bore', 5.12 2.; Toronto, Montreal, 7 p.m. ; Boston, St. John, 11.55 a.m. Full particulars at K. & P R. Ticket offices, Ontario stre F. COM Gen. ) Bay of Quinte R New short line for eseronto c: feave Cit CONWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry., Commencing Ma 1907 A SPECIAL T With through sleeping and attached, Carrying the Eur Mail VIA Will leave Montreal, 19. May 10th, and succeeding Fr furthor notice For Nerth Sid Where a comfortalile ste transfer passengers bageage a outward bound EUROPEAN MAIL STE! ENTREE Military Tourn Montreal, Qu MAY 17TH AND Round trip tickets will be i day and Saturday, May 17tl : $6.15 kets will include one adh end will be valid for r before Monday, May 20th, 19 For tickets, Pullman or | accommodation or any other apply to J. P. HANLEY, Corper Johnson and Onta ALLAN "XA MONTREAL TO LIVER Ionian, Fri, May 8. May 31. Virginian, Fri.,, May 10. Jw Tunisian, Fri., May 17, June fctorian, Fri., May 24, June! RATES OF PASSA! First Cabin, Victorian and $80 aud upwards. Tunisian, ards. lonign, $65 and wpwa Second Cain, $42.50 $45 4 8rd., Class, $27.50 nd yas Victorian and Virgisian Screw steamers, of 12.000 pelied by Turbine engines, For sailings and rates o Line service to Glasg: don and Havre, (France), w to P ticulars, apply . * SLEEVE Clarence St, or SANLEY TIME TABLE STEAMER WOLFE 18 Leave Wolfe 1sla 3 7.80--9.15 a.m. 1.0 7.30---9.15 a.m. 1.0 VED. 7.80--9,15 a.m. 1.0¢ THURS, Breaky's Bay 6.30--930 a.m. 1.04 PRI, 7309.15 a.m. 1.04 \ 8.00--9.15 a.m. 1.04 + 9.00---10.00 a.m. 12.3( Sat.--Special trip id Spoor's dock, Time Table sablect potive.